Historic Preservation Commission Prince George’s County, Maryland County Administration Building • 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772 pgplanning.org/HPC.htm • 301-952-3680 D I R E C T O R Y of PR E S E R V A T I O N C O N T R A C T O R S Revised November 18, 2014 Although there are many qualified architects, contractors, and building trade craftsmen in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, it can be difficult to identify those with experience in the care of older buildings. This directory is not intended to be all-inclusive or to be viewed as an endorsement by the Historic Preservation Commission or M-NCPPC of the professionals included in it. Since the Commission cannot vouch for the quality of their work, we urge you to visit completed projects and to talk with the property owners about their experience with a particular firm or individual. We also urge you to ask for certification of appropriate licenses and bonding. Some firms specialize in large, commercial projects, others in small and/or residential projects. A given contractor’s website will usually indicated the scope of projects undertaken. If you are a contractor or artist with experience and/or specialization in historic properties and wish to be included in this list please email us at historicpreservation@ppd.mncppc.org. PG Denotes a firm located in Prince George’s County Archaeologists Architectural Models Architectural Services Artifacts/Salvage Art Glass Restoration Chimney Repair and Restoration Contractors (General) Electricians Engineers Hardware/Markers HVAC House Movers Land Surveyors Landscape Masonry Paint Analysis Painting Contractors Photography Plaster Research and Documentation Roofers Windows Woodworkers More information on sources for restoration products and services can be obtained from: The Old House Journal Magazine and Restoration Directory www.oldhousejournal.com Clem Labine's Traditional Building Magazine www.traditional-building.com American Institute of Architects, Potomac Valley Chapter www.aiapv.org ARCHAEOLOGISTS Applied Archaeology & History Associates, Inc. www.appliedarchaeology.com Archeological Testing and Consulting 301-502-5194 | phillhillatc@msn.com Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. (CRA) http://crai-ky.com Edward Otter, Inc. http://edwardotterinc.com/ Elizabeth Anderson Comer/Archaeology http://www.eacarchaeology.com/ The Ottery Group, Inc www.otterygroup.com Straughan Environmental, Inc. www.straughanenvironmental.com ARTIFACTS/SALVAGE The Brass Knob www.thebrassknob.com The Atlantic Company of America, Inc. www.atlanticcompany.com Azola & Associates www.azolacompanies.com Bell Architects www.bellarchitects.com Blackburn Architects P.C. www.blackburnarch.com Bucher/Borges Group PLLC www.bucherborges.com Cho, Benn, Holback & Architects www.cbhassociates.com Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. (CRA) http://crai-ky.com D. A. Booth Architect, AIA 443-254-1537 | bootharch@earthlink.net David H. Gleason Assoc. Inc. www.gleasonarchitects.com PG Frazier Associates www.frazierassociates.com The Loading Dock www.loadingdock.org Gant Brunnett Architects www.gba-architects.com Community Forklift http://www.communityforklift.com/ Second Chance, Inc. www.secondchanceinc.org ARCHITECTURAL MODELS Frens & Frens, LLC www.frensandfrens.com PG HD Squared Architects, LLC www.HDSquared.net PG John Milner Associates, Inc. www.johnmilnerassociates.com D. A. Booth Architect, AIA 443-254-1537 | bootharch@earthlink.net Michael Belisle Design AIA www.mbelisledesign.com Arnold & Arnold http://www.arnoldandarnold.net ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES PG Ahmann LLC www.ahmannllc.com PGHPC Directory of Contractors Kann Partners www.kannpartners.comm Miche Booz, Architect www.michebooz.com Quinn Evans Architects www.quinnevans.com SMG Architects www.smgarch.com Rev. November 18, 2014 Charles Szoradi, AIA 202-488-1557 | szoradi@erols.com TJT Architects, Thomas J. Taltavull www.tjtarchitects.com Trostel & Pearre www.trostel-pearre.com ART GLASS RESTORATION AGW Old Style Window Glass www.agwglass.com Shenandoah Studios of Stained Glass www.stainedglassbyshenandoah.com PG Washington Art Glass Studio www.washingtonartglass.com CHIMNEY REPAIR (SEE ALSO MASONRY) Roof Top Chimney Sweeps www.rooftopchimneysweeps.com CONTRACTORS (GENERAL) AV Smoot, LLC www.avsmoot.com Kadcon www.kadcon.com Dell Corporation www.dellcorp.com PG Doman Custom Carpentry, LLC www.domancustomcarpentry.com Oak Grove Restoration Company www.oakgroverestoration.com PG Petro Design/Build www.petrodesignbuild.com Smiley Renovations www.smileyrenovations.com PG Standard Restoration & Waterproofing Co. www.standardrestorationco.com The Tower Co. http://towercompanyannapolis.com Windsor Restoration http://winrestoration.windphoto.com/ CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. (CRA) http://crai-ky.com John Milner Associates, Inc. www.johnmilnerassociates.com Joseph Hopkins Associates, Inc. 410-444-7819 | jhopkins@towson.edu Kerns CRM Consultants, LLC http://www.kernscrmconsultants.com/ Louis Berger & Associates, Inc. www.louisberger.com The Ottery Group, Inc www.otterygroup.com Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. www.parsons.com Heritage Building and Renovation, Inc. (Takoma Park) www.heritagebr.com R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates, Inc. www.rcgoodwin.com The John Greenwalt Lee Company www.johngreenwaltlee.com URS Corporation www.urscorp.com Historic Structures www.historicstructuresdc.com Mozer Works Inc. (Takoma Park) http://www.mozerworks.com/ PGHPC Directory of Contractors PG Stantec www.stantec.com Worcester Eisenbrandt Inc. www.weirestoration.com Rev. November 18, 2014 ELECTRICAL WORK Stephen Palmer Electric www.sp-elec.com ENGINEERS Kibart Inc. www.kibart.com McMullan & Associates, Inc. www.mcmse.com Robert Silman Associates www.rsapc.com PG Stantec www.stantec.com David Wallace, P.E. 410-544-1225 | wefly4u@comcast.net FENCES (WROUGHT IRON) G. Krug and Son, Inc. http://www.gkrugandson.com/ HARDWARE/MARKERS Ball and Ball www.ballandball-us.com Lake Shore Industries, Inc. www.lsisigns.com The Southwell Co. www.southwellco.com Virginia Metalcrafters http://www.virginiametalcrafters.com/ Windy Hill Forge www.windyhillforge.net HVAC A.M. Gable, LLC www.amgableheatingandcooling.com R&B Inc. www.rbincorporated.com PGHPC Directory of Contractors HOUSE MOVERS EHM www.experthousemovers.com LAND SURVEYORS PG W.L. Meekins, Inc. http://www.meekins.net/ LANDSCAPING Cheryl Corson Design www.cherylcorson.com PG Petro Design/Build www.petrodesignbuild.com LUMBER PG People's Supply www.peoplessupply.com Smoot Lumber Company, Inc. http://www.smootlumber.com/ MASONRY The Atlantic Company www.atlanticcompany.com C. A. Lindman, Inc. www.calindman.com Cathedral Stone Company, Inc. www.cathedralstonecompany.com Federal Masonry Restoration, LLC 716 Wagner Farm Road Millersville, MD 21108 443-867-6126 Keystone Waterproofing Company, Inc. www.keystonewaterproofing.com M & P Home Improvement, LLC 13704 Flint Rock Road Rockville, MD 20853 Contact: Edwin Moya 301-312-4426 Rev. November 18, 2014 PG Standard Restoration & Waterproofing Co. www.standardrestorationco.com PLASTER Worcester Eisenbrandt Inc. www.weirestoration.com RESEARCH & DOCUMENTATION Vaughan Restoration Masonry http://www.vaughanrestoration.com/ PAINT ANALYSIS Catherine Adams Masek www.camasek.com Matthew J. Mosca www.matthewjmosca.com Welsh Color & conservation, Inc. www.welshcolor.com PAINTING CONTRACTORS Boynton Paint & Design 410-980-3948 | hittman7@gmail.com Chesapeake Painting Services http://www.chesapeakepainting.net Worcester Eisenbrandt Inc. www.weirestoration.com PHOTOGRAPHY William Lebovich www.billlebovich.com Walter Smalling, Jr., Photography www.deerisleartists.com/waltersmalling PLASTER REPAIR McNeive’s Plastering http://mcneivesplastering.net/ D. L. Boyd, Inc. http://www.dlboyd.net/ Richard T. Winkler, Inc http://www.richwinklerpainting.com/ PGHPC Directory of Contractors (ORNAMENTAL) Hayles & Howe, Inc. www.haylesandhowe.com EHT Traceries, Inc. www.traceries.com Heritage Consulting Group www.heritage-consulting.com William Lebovich www.billlebovich.com Massey Maxwell Associates 540-465-4566 |masmax@shentel.net Robinson & Associates www.robinson-inc.com Straughan Environmental, Inc. www.straughanenvironmental.com Charles Szoradi, AIA 202-488-1557 | szoradi@erols.com ROOFERS PG Corley Roofing (standing seam; cedar) http://www.corleyroofing.com/home The Durable Slate Co. www.durableslate.com Historic Roofing Company, Inc. http://www.historicroofingcompany.com Kraftwerks Sheet Metal & Slate www.kraftwerks-inc.com Ruff Roofers http://www.ruffroofers.com PG Wagner Roofing www.wagnerroofing.com Rev. November 18, 2014 WINDOWS AGW Old Style Window Glass www.agwglass.com Allied Window, Inc. (Custom Storm Windows) www.alliedwindow.com AV Smoot, LLC www.avsmoot.com Kronenberger & Sons Restoration, Inc. http://www.kronenbergersons.com Mozer Works, Inc. (Takoma Park) http://www.mozerworks.com/windowrestoration.htm Seekircher Steel Window Repair www.seekirchersteelwindow.com Window Master http://www.windowmasternh.com/ Worcester Eisenbrandt Inc. www.weirestoration.com WOODWORKERS AV Smoot, LLC www.avsmoot.com Beech River Mill Corp. www.beechrivermill.com Kestrel Shutters & Doors www.diyshutters.com Mountain Lumber Company www.mountainlumber.com Oak Grove Restoration Co. www.oakgroverestoration.com PG Sterling Millworks, Inc. www.sterlingmillworksinc.com Timberlane Woodcrafters www.timberlaneshutters.com Worcester Eisenbrandt Inc. www.weirestoration.com PGHPC Directory of Contractors Rev. November 18, 2014
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