Hazleton Area Board of Education Regular Monthly Board Meeting Hazleton Area School District Administration Building 6:15 P.M., Monday, November 24, 2014 A - Call to Order by Board President B - Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence C - Attendance Roll Call D - Announcement of Executive Sessions held as follows: November 18, 2014 - Personnel and Litigation November 24, 2014 - Personnel E - Public Announcements and Recognition F - Public Comment Directed to the Board on Agenda Items Only G - Approve Board Meeting Minutes: Regular Board Meeting, October 23, 2014 H - Treasurer Report for October, 2014 Curriculum and Instruction Approve Items 1-2 With One Motion 1. Recommend Board approve the following college students to do observations: Tracy Letcher Justin Ustonofski Chris DeSpirito Ashley Zehner Reina Alberto Kayla Brown Gina Coticchio Carrie Kupsho Kerry Boehret Sarah Hornberger Erika Prize Briana Van Buskirk Nikita Loreman Bloomsburg LCCC Kutztown Wilkes LCCC Bloomsburg Misericordia Grand Canyon U Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Bloomsburg 6 Hours 50 Hours 4 Hours 10 Hours 6 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 20 Hours 10 Hours 20 Hours 20 Hours 20 Hours 2. Recommend Board approve Lindsey Shemansky to complete a research study for her master’s program at King’s College from January 2015 to end of school year at the HAHS. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 1 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Approve Items 3-8 With One Motion 3. Recommend Board approve the following schools to attend a Math Counts Competition at a place, date and time to be determined in February:Drums Elementary/Middle School, Freeland Elementary/Middle School, Hazleton Elementary/Middle School, Heights-Terrace Elementary/Middle School, McAdooKelayres Elementary/Middle School, Valley Elementary/Middle School and West Hazleton Elementary/Middle School at a cost of between $75.00-$240.00 depending on the number of students from each school. 4. Recommend Board approve Deana Patson, a doctoral student at Wilkes University in the field of Educational Technology Leadership, to conduct a doctoral study on hybrid/blended learning with a specific emphasis on teacher perceptions of hybrid/blended learning. 5. Recommend Board approve a request for 5-10 students from the Hazleton Career Center HOSA Chapter to attend a HOSA State Leadership Conference in Lancaster on March 11, 12, and 13, 2015. The cost of the hotel and meals will be approximately $250-$300 per student and $400-$450 per advisor. The advisor would like to drive a school district van, if the number of students is less than 6. In addition, they have added a new HAAS Chapter, several of these students would also like to attend the conference which may increase the number of attendees. Also, due to time constraints, they are also requesting permission for the students to attend the National Conference to be held in Anaheim, CA in June. If the students place at the state conference, they will get the amounts needed as soon as possible, but would like advance approval by the School Board so they may proceed with plans quickly. Mary Makuta HACC Advisor to attend conference. 6. Recommend Board approve three teams of high school teachers to attend the Reading Apprenticeship Training on February 11, March 9, and April 17, 2015 hosted and sponsored by IU18 and NEIU19. Reading Apprenticeship is a model designed to integrate effective literacy strategies in the classroom. It is aligned with the Danielson Teaching Framework. The single cost to the district will be the instructional text which will not exceed $30.00 per teacher. 7. Recommend Board approve an internship at Drums Elementary/Middle School for Mr. Thomas Whitley, teacher at HEMS, to complete his Principal Certification Program. The internship will be conducted between 12/1/2014 and 11/30/15. 8. Recommend Board approve the creation of After School Study Club for Valley Elementary/Middle School and Drums Elementary/Middle School. Teachers will be paid at the contracted rate of $31/hour up to 40 hours for the 2014-2015 school year. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 2 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Approve Items 9-17 With One Motion 9. Recommend Board approve the revision to the Enrollment of Students Policy #200. 10. Recommend Board approve the contract agreement with School Broadcast Program (NFHS Network) in conjunction with our Broadcast Communications class in the Hazleton Area Career Center. 11. Recommend Board approve allowing students at Hazleton Elementary/Middle School to participate in PTA Spirit Day Fundraising incentive on Dec. 15, 2014. Each student will be asked to pay $1.00 to wear Blue and White T-Shirt to celebrate school spirit on that day. 12. Recommend Board approve the ESL Survey, which was created by West Ed, for all teachers to complete. 13. Recommend Board approve Freeland Elementary 5th grade classes to take part in the Operation Duffle Bag donation drive for Brandon’s Forever Home. Asking that new or gently used book bags, tote bags, suitcases, etc. are donated to children in foster care so that they have something to transport their personal belongings other than using garbage bags. 14. Recommend Board approve a “Project Recycle” at the Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences. The students will research and design a recycling program for the school. 15. Recommend Board approve West Hazleton Elementary/Middle School students and faculty to wear blue shirts (“kNOw Bullying” shirts) to school the first Friday of every month. 16. Recommend Board approve the request from Valley Elementary/Middle School PBIS Committee for students to be able to dress down in spirit made shirts for a charity dodge ball tournament on November 26, 2014 as a reward for positive behavior during the month of November. 17. Recommend Board approve the reallocation of Title I-A funds in the amount of $100,000.00 for the Pennsylvania Hybrid Learning Institute Program to be implemented within a Title I School Wide Program building, HTELC. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 3 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Approve Items 18-25 With One Motion 18. Recommend Board create position and develop a job description for a Registrar’s Office by hiring a part-time secretary at the H.A.H.S. with responsibilities to fill requests for transcripts from higher education. 19. Recommend Board approve L.E.A.D. (Leading Educators Advocating Diversity) agreement with Bloomsburg University and HASD to offer scholarship money to historically underrepresented students majoring in education. 20. Recommend Board approve Health PA Youth Survey to be distributed in high school Health classes. 21. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Area Career Center Practical Nursing Program Agreement with Luzerne County Head Start effective December 1, 2014December 1, 2015 pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 22. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Area Career Center Practical Nursing Program Agreement with The Manor at St Luke Village effective from December 2014 to December 2015 pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 23. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Area Career Center Practical Nursing Program Agreement with Gunderson Rehabilitation Center of Lehigh Valley Health Network Hazleton effective from December 2014-December 2015 pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 24. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Area Career Center Practical Nursing Program Agreement with Lehigh Valley Health Network - Hazleton Home Care effective from December 2014-December 2015 pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 25. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Area Career Center Practical Nursing Program Agreement with Lehigh Valley Health Network-Hazleton effective from December 1, 2014-December 1, 2015 pending approval by Attorney Slusser. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 4 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Special Education, ESL, Alternative Education Approve Items 26-29 With One Motion 26. Recommend Board approve contract for music therapy with Back Mountain Music Therapy at a cost of $70.00 per session for School Age and Early Intervention. Pending Attorney Slusser’s approval. 27. Recommend Board approve the Appeal between the Hazleton Area School District and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Law Firm to be determined by Board at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00. (ACCESS Funding) 28. Recommend Board approve 8th grade gifted students to attend Box of Light Film Animation Workshop in Bloomsburg on December 3, 2014. 29. Recommend Board approve 7th grade gifted students to attend 7th grade hydroponics study at Green Solutions in Berwick on December 9, 2014. Security Approve Items 30-31 With One Motion 30. Recommend Board approve the posting and advertising of an additional full-time S.P.O. (School Police Officer) for the Hazleton Area High School Campus. 31. Recommend Board approve the posting of part time S.P.O.’s (School Police Officers). Nutrition Approve Items 32-37 With One Motion 32. Recommend Board approve the date and time of Senior Citizen Breakfast December 7, 2014 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at Maple Manor Elementary Middle School. 33. Recommend Board accept the retirement letter of Donna Fisher a cafeteria employee at Freeland Elementary/Middle School, effective January 19, 2015. 34. Recommend Board accept the resignation of John Edwards a cafeteria employee at Arthur Street Elementary School effective December 5, 2014. 35. Recommend Board abolish a 3.75 hour open cafeteria position at Freeland Elementary/Middle School. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 5 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 36. Recommend Board approve the cafeteria transfers-new hires as listed below. These are all open positions and rate is based on the HAESPA contract. A - Joyce Gombeda B - Stacy Gadola C - Christina Cusatis MMEMS HAAS HTEMS 5.5 hours 5 hours 4.5 hours 37. Recommend Board increase the hours of the cafeteria employees listed below at Freeland Elementary/Middle School: A - Janice Moyer B - Donna Fisher C - Theresa Sturm D - Denise Hauze E - Catherine Maso F - Open G - Open 6.5 hours 6.5 hours 5.5 hours 4.5 hours 4 hours 4.5 hours 4.5 hours +15 minutes +15 minutes +45 minutes +45 minutes +15 minutes +45 minutes +45 minutes Transportation Approve Items 38-40 With One Motion 38. Recommend Board approve school bus route changes. 39. Recommend Board approve the Bus Contract Renewals for the following District Contractors for a 5 year period July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2020: A - Ralph Bley B - David Bott C - Michael Bott D - Evancho Bus Co., Inc. E - Knelly School Busing Inc. F - Lex Transportation G - Martini School Busing Inc. H - Clyde Spiece Busing 40. Recommend Board approve the following Contracted School Bus Driver: (All driver information is on file and available in the Routing Dept. Office) Martini School Busing Inc. Penny Fabre-Felix Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 6 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Technology Approve Items 41-44 With One Motion 41. Recommend Board approve the Letter of Agency for Year 18 e-rate services as provided for by Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit. 42. Recommend Board approve the payment of $4,900.00 to Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit for e-rate services to be provided for the 2015/2016 school year. 43. Recommend Board approve the Hybrid Learning Proposal for Services as presented. Approval would be contingent upon receiving grant funding specific to this project. All costs outlined in the proposal would be funded by the grant monies. 44. Recommend Board approve HASD to request $200,000 in reallocated Title I-A funds for use in funding the Pennsylvania Hybrid Learning Institute (PA HLI) Hybrid Learning Program to be implemented within two Title I Schoolwide Program buildings. Student Activities, Athletics and Extra Curricular Approve Items 45-48 With One Motion 45. Recommend Board accept the resignation of Robert Mumie as Assistant Coach Boys Basketball Valley Middle School. 46. Recommend Board appoint the following individuals as athletic coaches: A - Jason Turri Assistant Coach, Varsity Softball Salary $3,682 B - Justine Maggio Head Coach, Jr. High Softball Salary $2,586 C - Jason Smolinsky Head Coach, Jr. High Track and Field Salary $2,586 D - James Ringleben Assistant Coach Boys/Girls Swimming Salary $1,841 (split salary with Adrienne Rebarchak) E - Kyle Karmonick Assistant Boys Basketball Coach - Heights-Terrace Middle School Salary $1,498 F - Michelle Vowler Assistant Girls Basketball Coach - West Hazleton Middle School Salary $1,498 G - Damion Fritz Assistant Boys Basketball Coach - Valley Middle School Salary $1,498 H -Charles Jurewicz Volunteer Assistant, Softball I - Daniel Rebarchak Volunteer Assistant, Softball J - Nate Eachus Volunteer Assistant, Wrestling K - Michael Fuchick Volunteer Assistant, Wrestling L - Michael Weston Volunteer Assistant, Wrestling 47. Recommend Board accept the agreement for use of the Valley Country Club facility by the Hazleton Area Boys Tennis Team for the 2015 Spring Season. Cost of rental is $3,500. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 7 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 48. Recommend Board accept the request of Marian Catholic High School to permit student Katie Kurzinsky to practice/compete during the 2014-2015 Swimming season at Hazleton Area High School pending submission of insurance. She will practice and compete simultaneous but independent of the HAHS team. Facilities & Capital Projects 49. Recommend Board approve quote from Spec Restoration Company, Inc. at the cost of $7,686.00 for pool project at Hazleton Area High School. Barry Isett and Associates sent out RFQ and it was due Friday, November 21, 2014 at 3:00 P.M. 50. Recommend Board approve the following change orders for Maple Manor El./Middle School: Lobar, Inc. GC 46 Completion date December 1, 2014 $ GC 50 Sidewalks, Additional requested $8,552.69 GC 51 Additional Paving due to sidewalk Contractor damaging asphalt $1,630.60 0 Master Mechanical, Inc. HC 06 Completion date December 1, 2014 $ 0 J.R. Reynolds PC 08 Completion date December 1, 2014 $ 0 Joyce Electric EC 14 Completion date December 1, 2014 $ 0 EC 15 Exterior Locker Room Card Access $9,980.00 EC 16 Locker Room Security interior card Readers, keypads and motion detectors $8,754.00 Miscellaneous owner requested lighting $5,605.00 EC 17 51. Recommend Board approve Greater Hazleton Joint Sewer Authority to construct a temporary access drive behind Hazleton Area High School. FYI We only received 5 letters from various companies to be placed on the list to quote jobs. We are in the process of calling companies to be placed on the list. Recognize Mountaintop Paving for donation of asphalt at Valley Elementary / Middle School for outdoor classroom. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 8 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Finance Approve Items 52-64 With One Motion 52. Recommend Board approve the Property Tax Refunds. 53. Recommend Board approve the November surplus list. 54. Recommend Board approve the attached Resolution prepared by Attorney Jens Damgaard, Bond Counsel regarding the Municipal Continuing Disclosure Corporation Initiative (The “MCDC Initiative”) for issuers who “self-report” to the SEC. 55. Recommend Board approve the agreement between HASD and Berkheimer for real estate tax collection in the City of Hazleton and Jeddo. (Second year of a four year agreement) 56. Recommend Board approve the following commission checks and grants: HASD – from Pel Industries, Inc. - $129.87 (commission check) HASD – from Ohiopyle Prints, Inc. - $87.86 (commission check) HASD – from PA Dept. of Transportation Safe Route To Schools - $48,872.59 (grant) HASD – from PA Dept. of Transportation Safe Route To Schools - $64,648.97 (grant) HASD – from Partners In Education - (5) Mini Grants - Totaling $3,000.00 57. Recommend Board approve the following Schuylkill County Tax Claim Bureau tax sale: (Revised Amount) Parcel No. 19-13-0528.000 - North Union Township Owner: John & Rachel Dorsey - Bidder: Maria & Joseph Handle - $300.00 58. Recommend Board approve the purchase of 840 cases of copy paper for a grand total of $19,908.00 for the 2014-2015 school year from Unisource Worldwide, Inc. as per the Keystone Purchasing Network bid. 59. Recommend Board approve the agreement with Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. for the Electricity Supply Agreement to the Hazleton Area School District for the period (7/1/2015 - 6/30/2017) in the amount of $0.05186 / kWh (NO GRT). This pricing was obtained through a competitive bid process done by Provident Energy Consulting, LLC (who HASD has an agreement with as our energy consultants). Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 9 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 60. Recommend Board approve the following bids / contracts: (See Bid Tally). Contracted Student Transportation Route (Bid) 61. Recommend Board approve the following budget transfer in the amount of $24,886.00 for Boiler Repair Projects (Various Schools) from the 10.4300.330.000.30.850.000 account to the following: 10.4600.450. = $4,279.50 10.4600.450. = $1,426.50 10.4600.450. = $3,626.25 10.4600.450. = $1,208.75 10.4600.450. = $3,728.35 10.4600.450. = $7,962.49 10.4600.450. = $2,654.16 62. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive the rental fee for the Hazleton City Fire Department to use the track on Saturday, November 15, 2014 for Civil Service Testing. (Retroactive) 63. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive all fees for the Hazleton Area Little Cougars Wrestling to hold wrestling matches at the Hazleton Area High School Gymnasium on 11/23/2014 and 12/21/2014. * 64. Recommend Board approve offering a minimal essential coverage health care plan, which will be made available to eligible District employees as defined by the Affordable Care Act. 65. Bills A - Andrews & Beard - Attorney Carl Beard - Legal Services - Invoice No. 328613 – $659.93 - Invoice No. 328614 - $3,365.00 - Invoice No. 328615 - $45.00 - Invoice No. 328616 - $60.00 B - Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. - Maple Manor Project - GOB 2014 - 9/1/2014 to 9/30/2014 - Invoice No. 0094306 - $166.25 – HASD - HACC Classroom Fit-Out - GOB 2014 - 9/1/2014 to 9/30/2014 - Invoice No. 0094802 - $1,045.00 C - Accuscript, Inc. - Court Reporter – Hearing Transcript 10/01/2014 – Invoice No. 32980 - $402.30 D - Lobar, Inc. – General Construction - Maple Manor El./Middle School – GOB 2014 – Payment Application No. 16 - $139,914.44 E - Jay R. Reynolds, Inc. – Maple Manor El./Middle School – GOB 2014 - Payment Application No. 14 - $22,637.17 F - Joyce Electrical, Inc. – Maple Manor El./Middle School – GOB 2014 - Payment Application No. 11 - $33,130.08 Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 10 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 G - Master Mechanical - Maple Manor El./Middle School – GOB 2014 - Payment Application No. 15 - $51,366.50 H - Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates Architects – Maple Manor El./Middle School – 9/1/14 to 9/30/14 – GOB 2014 - Invoice No. 38 - $9,114.85 I - Quality Assurance Plus - Maple Manor El./Middle School – GOB 2014 – 9/1/14 to 9/30/14 - Invoice No. 11 - $5,165.71 J - Wright Specialty Insurance - Claim No. CND-PA-2014-5836-7447 – Deductible - Invoice No. 47352 – $1,254.00 K - Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP – Legal Services – Invoice No. 91515 - $684.50 – Invoice No. 91516 - $351.50 – Invoice No. 91517 - $314.50 - Preparation of Auditors Response - File No. 999.0011 - $225.00 L - The Sign Spot – Maple Manor El./Middle School - Gym Floor – Invoice No. 4081 – GOB 2014 - $130.00 M - School Specialty Furniture & Equipment - Maple Manor El./Middle School – GOB 2014 – Invoice No. 608100016157 - $284,681.39 N - Edward P. McNelis - Legal Services - Invoice No. 12015 - $2,000.50 O - Alfred Benesch Engineers – HAHS Water Leakage Improvements Project – General Fund – Phase IV – 9/29/2014 to 10/26/2014 - Invoice No. 76759 - $336.00 – HASD Boiler Repair Project - Invoice No. 76760 - $2,804.00 P - Alfred Benesch Engineers - Heights-Terrace El./Middle School – General Fund – Reimbursed By Safe Route To Schools Grant - 11/25/2013 to 12/22/2013 - Invoice No. 68221 - $12,603.29 – 1/24/2014 to 9/28/2014 - Invoice No. 75978 - $3,301.21 Q - C.M. Eichenlaub Company - Maple Manor El./Middle School – Furnish and Install Telescoping Bleachers - GOB 2014 Invoice No. 1310132 - $94,266.00 - Furnish and Install Athletic Equipment by PSS - Invoice No. 1310133 $81,121.00 – Furnish Only FOB Jobsite – Invoice No. 1407497 - $12,148.85 * R - Halliwell Engineering Associates, Inc. – Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences – GOB 2014 – Roof Investigation - Invoice No. 13-328-2 - $826.50 - Invoice No. 13-3280-3 - $8,294.00 – Invoice No. 13-224-4 - $15,459.50 - Invoice No. 13-224-5 - $10,276.50 * S - Follett Library Resources - HASD Library Trust Fund - $281.32 * T - General Fund - Monthly - $436,490.27 - Weekly - $2,544,181.25 - Activities - $23,978.58 Athletics - $35,947.24 - Cafeteria - $359,933.02 - Tax Refunds - $54,604.35 FYI Treasurer Report Investment Report Student Activities Budget Report Rental Requests FYI on June 30, 2014 AFR Treasurer’s Report 2013-2014 Summary of Expenditures by Function Management Comments Summary of Revenue Summary of Expenditures by Object Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 11 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Superintendent’s Agenda Approve Items 66-79 With One Motion 66. Recommend Board approve the attached conference request. 67. Recommend Board approve the attach list of substitutes. 68. Recommend Board approve the attached school functions list. 69. Recommend Board approve an expulsion with contract for student #15–3. 70. Recommend Board approve the expulsion for student #15–4. 71. Recommend Board approve the expulsion for student #15–5. 72. Recommend Board approve Jefferey Haraschak for a Physical Education/Health teaching position at the Hazleton Area Alternative Opportunities paid at the contracted rate of $31.00 per hour. 73. Recommend Board approve Devin Hassey for the position of ESL teacher at the Hazleton Area Alternative Opportunities at the contracted rate of $31.00 per hour. 74. Recommend Board approve Andrew Bannister for a substitute teaching position at the Hazleton Area Alternative Opportunities at the contractual rate of $31.00 per hour. 75. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for STR002, Cafeteria, HACC, effective approximately 10/27/2014. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days. 76. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for TEM001, Paraprofessional, VEMS, effective October 30, 2014. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days through November 13, 2014, followed by an unpaid leave of absence. 77. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for JUD002, Teacher, HAHS, effective approximately 1/14/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days. 78. Recommend Board approve a medical leave of absence for PET011, Teacher, HTEMS effective approximately 1/05/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 79. Recommend Board approve Thomas Smith, 4.5 hour Paraprofessional, HEMS, at a salary of $11.55 per hour as per the HAESPA contract. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 12 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Approve Items 80-90 With One Motion 80. Recommend Board accept the resignation of Rachael Baxter, 6.5 hour Special Education paraprofessional at FEMS, effective October 23, 2014. 81. Recommend Board rescind the Board motion of September 25, 2014 appointing Haydee Melo, 6.5 hour Bilingual Paraprofessional at WHEMS. 82. Recommend Board approve Jacqueline Green, 4.5 hour Intervention Aide, HTELC, effective December 2, 2014 at a salary of $10.55 per hour as per the HAESPA contract. 83. Recommend Board approve Karen Johnson, 4.5 hour Intervention Aide, HTEMS, effective December 2, 2014 at a salary of $10.55 per hour as per the HAESPA contract. 84. Recommend Board rescind the Board motion of October 23, 2014 appointing Alba Diaz, 6.5 hour Bilingual Paraprofessional. 85. Recommend Board approve Lani Drobnock, Community Relations Director, (NonClassifed position) effective January 5, 2015 at a base salary of $45,000 + 4% Commission. 86. Recommend Board revise the motion of October 23, 2014 approving a medical leave of absence for STE023, to reflect Security, WHEMS, effective 9/19/2014, in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act . 87. Recommend Board revise the motion of September 16, 2014 appointing Melissa Keeler, Elementary Teacher, HTELC, to reflect a salary of $41,338.00, in accordance with the HAEA contract, effective immediately. 88. Recommend Board approve Megan Lower, 6.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, FEMS, at a salary of $11.31 per hour as per the HAESPA contract. 89. Recommend Board approve revised agreement with GNC Training in the amount of $2,000.00 to provide staff training tutorials. 90. Recommend Board approve to deny HAEA Grievance No. 14-15-01. Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 13 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014 Approve Items 91-93 With One Motion 91. Recommend Board approve the following tenure list: Name Certification Location Gregory Cechak Elementary K-6 Charles DeAngelo Art K-6 Reese Bethel Mathematics 7-12 Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School Heights-Terrace Elementary/Middle School Hazleton Area Career Center 92. Recommend Board appoint Renee Makowiec to the position of Elementary Teacher, effective December 2, 2014 at a salary of $40,724.00. 93. Recommend Board approve a medical sabbatical for the second semester of the 20142015 school year for MOR003, Teacher HEMS. 94. Personnel action on local agency hearings. * *Not on Previous Agenda Regular Board Meeting November 24, 2014 Page 14 of 14 REVISED 11-24-2014
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