Klaus Mohn

Curriculum Vitae 1 Klaus Mohn
Klaus Mohn
Professor of petroleum economics,
University of Stavanger Business School
Adjunct professor (II)
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Phone: + 47 - 91 53 48 14
e-mail: klaus.mohn@uis.no
Twitter: @Mohnitor
Personal homepage: http://www.uis.no/Mohn
Last update: April 2015
2013 –
: Professor, University of Stavanger Business School
2009 – 2013: Chief economist, Statoil
2008 – 2009: Special adviser, Strategy and portfolio development, E&P Norway, Statoil.
2003 – 2005: Special adviser and Head of CEO’s office, Statoil
2000 – 2002: Adviser, CEO's office, Statoil
1999 – 2000: Investor Relations Manager, Statoil
1997 – 1999: Senior Economist, Statoil (Investment Management)
1994 – 1996: Senior Economist, DnB Markets
1991 – 1994: Senior Executive Officer, Research Department, Statistics Norway
1990 – 1991: Research fellow, Norwegian School for Economics and Business Adm. (NHH)
2005 – 2008: PhD studies at the University of Stavanger
Thesis: “Investment behaviour in the international oil and gas industry”
1992: PhD courses at the University of Oslo
Macroeconomics and productivity analysis
1991: Cand. Oecon., Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH)
International Economics, International Finance, Development Economics
Thesis: “Financial sector and economic development”
1989: Ruhrgas scholar at the University of Mannheim
Statistics and Econometrics
1988: Cand. Mag., University of Bergen
Economics, History, and English
Macroeconomics and economic policy design; Development economics of resource-rich
countries; Economics of petroleum exploration and production; Investment behaviour in the
oil and gas industry; Valuation of international oil and gas companies; History and philosophy
of science (economics); Regional modelling and analysis; Exchange rate and interest rate
formation; Econometrics
Curriculum Vitae 2 Klaus Mohn
Mohn, K. 2014. Resource wealth and Ricardian equivalence. Working Paper. January.
University of Stavanger Business School.
Misund, B. and K. Mohn. 2014. Exploration risk in oil and gas shareholder returns. Working
Paper (June). University of Stavanger Business School.
Hunnes, A., Kvaløy, O. og K. Mohn. 2012. An empirical study of performance appraisal and
career opportunities. International Journal of Business and Management 7 (1), 22-35.
Mohn, K. and B. Misund. 2011. Shifting sentiments in oil and gas investments: an application
to the oil industry. Applied Financial Economics 21 (7), 469-479.
Mohn, K. and P. Osmundsen. 2011. Asymmetry and uncertainty in capital formation: an
application to oil investment. Applied Economics 43 (28), 4387-4401.
Aune, F. R, Mohn, K., Osmundsen, P. and K. E. Rosendahl. 2010. Financial market
pressure, tacit collusion and oil price formation. Energy Economics 32 (2), 389-398.
Mohn, K. 2010. Elastic petroleum: A primer on the economics of exploration and production.
Forthcoming in Bjørndal E. and Bjørndal, M. Energy, Natural Resource and
Environmental Economics. London: Springer.
Mohn, K. and B. Misund 2009. Investment and uncertainty in the international oil and gas
industry. Energy Economics 31 (2), 240-248.
Mohn, K. 2010. Autism in economics: a second opinion. Forum for Social Economics 39 (2),
Mohn, K. 2008. Efforts and Efficiency in Oil Exploration: A Vector Error-Correction
Approach. The Energy Journal 30 (4), 53-78.
Mohn, K. and P. Osmundsen. 2008. Exploration economics in a regulated petroleum
Province. Energy Economics 30 (2), 303-320.
Osmundsen, P., Mohn, K., Misund, B., and F. Asche. 2007. Is oil supply choked by financial
markets? Energy Policy 35, 467-474.
Osmundsen, P., Misund. B., Asche, F., and K. Mohn. 2006. Valuation of oil companies.
Energy Journal 27 (3): 49-64.
Osmundsen, P., Mohn K., Emhjellen. M., and F. Helgeland. 2005. Size and profitability in
the international oil and gas industry. Jerome Davis (ed.) The Changing World of
Oil. An Analysis of Corporate Change and Adaptation, London: Ashgate Publishing.
Osmundsen, P., Asche, F., Misund B., and K. Mohn. 2004. Valuation of oil companies – the
RoACE era”. IAEE Newsletter. 3rd Quarter 2004, 14-18, International Association for
Energy Economics (IAEE).
Mohn, K. 2015. Ressursrikdom og rikardiansk ekvivalens (Resource wealth and Ricardian
equivalence). Samfunnsøkonomen 1/2015, 57-66.
Mohn, K. 2014. Kva skjer med oljeinvesteringane? Samfunnsøkonomen 2/2014, 10-14.
Mohn, K. 2008. Takk for innsatsen! En case-studie av prestasjoner, belønning og
anerkjennelse (Performance appraisal: a case study). Søkelys på Arbeidslivet
3/08, 203-213.
Mohn, K. 2008. Leting etter olje og naturgass: Tallenes tale. (Oil and gas exploration:
a confession by Norwegian time series data). BETA 1/2008.
Mohn, K. 2008. Oljepris, petroleumsvirksomhet og norsk økonomi. (Oil price, petroleum
activity and the Norwegian economy). Samfunnsøkonomen 1/2008, 29-39.
Curriculum Vitae 3 Klaus Mohn
Mohn, K. 2007. Hva er det med oljeinvesteringene? (What is it about oil investment?)
MAGMA 6/2007, 83-95.
Mohn, K. 2007. Stoltheit og Fordom: Økonomane sitt samfunn – og samfunnet sin økonomi
(Pride and prejudice – on the social awareness of economics). Tidsskrift for
Samfunnsforskning 3/2007, 439-452.
Mohn, K. 2006. Statoil, staten og samunnet (Statoil, the state and the society). Økonomisk
Forum 7/06, oktober.
Mohn, K. og P. Osmundsen. 2006. Letevirksomhet og ressursutvikling på norsk sokkel
(Exploration and resource accumulation on the NCS). Økonomisk Forum 7/06, 27-35.
Mohn, Klaus. 2006. Hva er det med økonomene? (What is it about economists? Reflections
on the development of economics as a science), Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 3/2006,
Osmundsen, P., Asche, F., og K. Mohn. 2004. Ny kunnskap om verdsetting av oljeselskaper
(New insights on valuation of oil companies), Revisjon & Regnskap 5, 27-32.
Osmundsen, P., Mohn, K og M. Emhjellen. 2002. Fusjoner og oppkjøp i olje- og
gassindustrien – størrelse og lønnsomhet (M&A activity in the oil and gas industry,
on size and profitability”), in Norwegian, MAGMA 5/6 2002, 43-56.
Osmundsen, P., Mohn, K., Espedal, H. og K. Løvås. 2002. Verdsetting av internasjonale
olje- og gasselskaper. (Valuation of international oil and gas companies).
in Norwegian, Revisjon og regnskap 5/2002, 28-36.
Mohn, K. 1997. Amerikanske, tyske og norske obligasjonsrenter: Henger de sammen?
(US, German and Norwegian bond yields: are they connected?), Sosialøkonomen
1, 20-30.
Mohn, K. 1996. ECU-indeks, renter, dollarkurs og oljepris – hva er sammenhengen?
(Exchange rate, interest rates and oil price: how are they connected?), DnB Markets'
Quarterly, November, 21-29.
Mohn, K. og T. C. Tollefsen. 1996. Den norske avkastningskurven – En analyse av helning
og krumning fra 1993 til 1996 (The Norwegian yield curve – slope and curvature 1993
- 1996) in Norwegian, DnB Markets' Quarterly, March, pp 25-30.
Mohn, K. 1995. En økonometrisk modell for kortsiktige bevegelser i det norske
obligasjonsmarkedet (Modelling short-term fluctuations in the Norwegian bond
market), in Norwegian, DnB Markets' Quarterly, November, 27-32.
Mohn, K. Stambøl, L. S. og K. Ø. Sørensen. 1994b. Regionale arbeidsmarkeder mot år
2000 (Regional labour market developments towards 2000), in Norwegian. Economic
Survey 4/94, 12-19. Statistics Norway, Oslo.
Mohn, K. Stambøl, L. S. og K. Ø. Sørensen. 1994a. REGARD – et regionalt modellsystem
for arbeidsmarked og demografi (REGARD – a regional model for labour markets
and demographic developments), in Norwegian, SØS 88, Statistics Norway, Oslo.
Mohn, Klaus. 1994. Den regionale sysselsettingen i 1990-årene (Forecasting regional
employment trends in the 1990s). Plan & Arbeid 5-6/94, 58-61.
Johansen, S., Mohn , K., Mønnesland, J. og K. Ø. Sørensen. 1993. Regionalisering av
beregningsgrunnlaget for Regjeringens Langtidsprogram (A regional breakdown of
the Government's Long-Term Program). Institute for Regional Research/Statistics
Norway, Oslo.
Mohn, K., Stambøl, L. S. and K. Ø. Sørensen. 1993a. REGARDs formelle struktur.
(REGARD - the complete set of equations). Working Paper Series 93/3,
Statistics Norway, Oslo.
Mohn, K. 1993. Industrisysselsetting og produksjonsteknologi i norske regioner (The
regional dimension of employment and production technology in Norway). Reports
93/22. Statistics Norway, Oslo.
Mohn, K. 1992b. Industrien i REGARD: Regionale aspekter ved produktivitet og
sysselsetting (Manufacturing industries in REGARD: Regional aspects of
employment and productivity), Economic Survey 8/92. Statistics Norway, Oslo.
Curriculum Vitae 4 Klaus Mohn
Mohn, Klaus. 1992a. Finanssektor og økonomisk utvikling (Financial Sector and
Development Economics), Report 28/92, SNF, Bergen.
Aune, F. R, Mohn, K., Osmundsen, P. and K. E. Rosendahl. 2007. Industry restructuring,
OPEC response – and oil price formation. Discussion Paper 511. Statistics Norway.
Osmundsen, P., Asche, F., Misund, B. and K. Mohn. 2005. Valuation of international oil
companies: The RoACE era. CESIFO Working Paper 1412.
Osmundsen, P., Mohn, K. Emhjellen, M. and F. Helgeland. 2002. Størrelse og lønnsomhet
i den internasjonale olje- og gassindustrien (Size and profitability in the international
oil and gas industry). Arbeidsnotat nr. 34/02. Senter for samfunns- og
Mohn, Klaus. 1994c. On equity and public pricing in development countries. Discussion
Paper no 123. Statistics Norway, Oslo.
Mohn, Klaus. 1994b. Modelling regional producer behaviour – a survey. Social and
Economic Studies 86. Statistics Norway, Oslo.
Mohn, Klaus. 1994a. Monetarism and structural adjustment – the case of Mozambique.
Reports 94/11. Statistics Norway, Oslo.
Rognes, Knut and Mohn, Klaus. 1981. Pseudovespula omissa (Bischoff, 1931) recorded
from Norway (Hym., Vespidae). Fauna norvegica 28, 118.
Editor, Samfunnsøkonomen. 2013-
Mohn, K. 2015. Global energy outlook: Smooth sailing or “Sturm und drang”?
E.On Stipendienfonds, Interdisciplinary Conference, Stavanger, 16 April 2015
Mohn, K. 2015. Status and outlook for the NCS. Invited plenary speech, Norwegian Academy
of Technological Sciences, Anniversary Conference. Stavanger, 4 March, 2015.
Mohn, K. 2015. Resource wealth and Ricardian equivalence. Paper presented at
the 37th Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists, University
of Bergen, 5-6 January 2015.
Misund, B. and K. Mohn. Exploration risk in oil and gas shareholder returns. Paper presented
At the 20th International Conference of the Society for Computational Economics,
Oslo, 24 June, 2014.
Misund, B. and K. Mohn. Exploration risk in oil and gas shareholder returns. Paper presented
The 36th Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists, 6 - 7 January
2014 at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo.
Mohn, K. Global Energy Outlook: Smooth sailing or sea change? Invited plenary speech.
Annual commodity market conference, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
Oslo, 1 November 2013.
Mohn, K. Prospects for PhDs in business and industry. Invited plenary speech.
National Research School in Economics and Business Adm. Annual meeting.
Stavanger 23 August 2013.
Mohn, K. Occupational health and work climate. Paper presented at the 31th national
conference for economic research. University of Oslo, 5-6 January 2009.
Curriculum Vitae 5 Klaus Mohn
Mohn, K. The economics of oil and gas exploration. Invited speech. Workshop in Energy,
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, The Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration (NHH), Bergen, 15-16 May 2008.
Aune, F. R., Mohn, K., Osmundsen, P and K. E. Rosendahl. 2008. Financial market
pressure, tacit collusion and oil price formation. Paper presented at the 30th national
conference for economic research. University of Oslo, 7-8 January 2008.
Mohn, K. and Misund, B. 2008. Shifting sentiments in firm investment: an application to the
oil industry. FIBE Conference. Norwegian School of Economics and Business
Administration (NHH). Bergen, 3-4 January.
Mohn, K. 2007. Hvorfor skal vi bry oss med oljeinvesteringene? (Why care about oil
investments?). Åpen Fagdag. University of Stavanger, 28 November 2007.
Mohn, K. 2007. Investment and uncertainty in the international oil and gas industry: a
microeconometric approach. Paper presented at the 9th IAEE Conference. Florence
(Italy), 10-13 June 2007.
Mohn, K. 2007. Investment and uncertainty in the international oil and gas industry: a
microeconometric approach. Paper presented at the 29th annual meeting for
economic research. Tromsø, 4-5 January 2007.
Mohn, K. 2006. Oil and gas exploration success: an econometric assessment. Paper
presented at the 29th International IAEE Conference. Potsdam, 7-10 June 2006.
Mohn, K. and P. Osmundsen. 2005. Exploration economics in a regulated and mature
petroleum province. Paper presented at the national research conference in
economics. Bergen (Norway), 4 January 2006.
Osmundsen, P., Misund. B., Asche, F. and K. Mohn. 2005. Valuation of oil companies.
Paper presented at the 7th IAEE European Energy Conference. Bergen (Norway),
29 August 2005.
Recovery, reversal, and risk: Macro and oil industry outlook
Lunch seminar, SKAGEN Fondene, Stavanger, 8 April 2015.
The oil price and the Norwegian economy: Correction or crisis?
Breakfast seminar, Norwegian Polytechnical Society, Oslo, 25 February.
Economics and politics of climate change
Rogaland Labour Party, Stavanger, 24 November 2014.
The boom is behind us, but no bust in sight
Norwegian Petroleum Society, Stavanger, 18 November 2014.
Olja i Stavanger: Oppgang eller undergang?
Open University, Stavanger, 28 September 2014.
Four decades of development: History, status, and outlook for Norwegian oil and gas
Guest lecture at the Norwegian School of Economics. Bergen, 23 June 2014
Fossil fuel shares in the GPF-G: a tale of two discussions
Expert group meeting on investments in coal and petroleum companies. Oslo, 18 June 2014
Kompetanse og konkurranse, omstilling og vekst
Norway Summit (Norway Chess 2014), Stavanger, 2 June 2014
Norwegian oil and gas: Boom or bust?
Presentation for Petoro AS. Stavanger, 19 May 2014.
Oil and gas market and industry outlook
Sandnes Sparebank Capital Markets Day, 23 April 2014
Norwegian petroleum: Prosper or perish?
Guest lecture at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 27 March 2014
Curriculum Vitae 6 Klaus Mohn
Oil and gas market and industry outlook
NPF conference presentation, 1 April 2014
Status og utsikter for norsk sokkel: Marknadskreftene rår (Outlook for the NCS)
Stavanger Chamber, 20 March 2014
Microeconomics: Why bother? Loose thoughts on a tight tool
Guest lecture, Norwegian School of Economics, 22 January 2014
Norwegian oil and gas activity: Market forces matter
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), 21 February 2014
Energy, oil, gas: Market and industry outlook.
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. 28 November 2013.
Global energy outlook: The impact on markets and industry.
Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. 27 November 2013.
Energy, industry, and the economy.
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), 11 November 2013.
Scarcity or abundance: On the potential market impact of light tight oil.
Ministry of Finance. Spring seminar. Son, 27 May 2013
Demand vs depletion: Long-term oil market fundamentals.
Norges Bank seminar: Modelling and forecasting oil prices. Oslo, 22 March 2012.
Aktiviteten på norsk sokkel (Industrial activity on the NCS – macroeconomic implications).
Breakfast seminar. Norwegian Economic Assocation. Oslo, 13 September 2012.
En liten, åpen oljeøkonomi (A small, open petro economy)
Seminar presentation. Norwegian Ministry of Finance. Oslo, 18 October 2012.
En liten, åpen oljeøkonomi (A small, open petro economy)
Seminar presentation. Norwegian Ministry of Industry and Trade. Oslo, 20 November 2012.
Explaining E&P Activity: Insights From Recent Research.
Solstrand Seminar in Petroleum Economics, Solstrand 21 September 2008.
Oil and Gas Investments: Why Bother?
seminar presentation, StatoilHydro (CFO management group), 1 April 2008.
Performance appraisal and career opportunities: A case study,
seminar presentation, Statoil Hydro (Corporate HR Department), Stavanger, 11 March 2008.
Performance appraisal and career opportunities: A case study,
seminar presentation, University of Stavanger, 21 February 2008.
Den akselererte endringens tidsalder. Public debate meeting on the age of accelerated
change. Kverulantkatedralen, Stavanger, 4 February 2015 (panellist)
Vestlandet mot 2020. Public debate meeting. UiS Business School, Stavanger, 10 December
2014 (Conference chair).
Nasjonalbudsjettet 2015: Ny retning? Public debate meeting on the Norwegian National
Budget 2015. The Norwegian Polytechnic Society and The Norwegian Economics
Association, Oslo, 3 November 2014 (Conference chair).
Once upon a time there was an oil nation. Public debate meeting. Bergen Student Society.
23 October 2014 (Panelist).
Curriculum Vitae 7 Klaus Mohn
Oil dependence and climate crisis. Public debate meeting at constitution anniversary. Tou
Scene, Stavanger, Stavanger, 14 October 2014 (Panelist).
NHH Forum 2014. Annual business/academia conference at the Norwegian School of
Economics. Bergen, 3 September 2014 (Conference chair).
NHHs Vårkonferanse 2014 (Spring conference at the Norwegian School of Economics).
Bergen, 27 May 2014 (Conference chair).
Climate concerns, petroleum policies, and financial investments. Bergen Economics of
Energy and Environment Research Conference, 12 May 2014 (Panelist).
Frå oppsving til omstilling, SYSLA.no, kommentar, 13. februar 2015.
Nye kutt i kjømda frå Statoil, Dagens Næringsliv, 7. januar 2015.
Klimaet og kapitalen. Dagens Næringsliv, 21. desember 2014.
Prisgitt oljeprisen, SYSLA.no, kommentar, 8. desember 2014.
Arven etter Helge Lund, SYSLA.no, kommentar, 16. oktober 2014.
Vendepunkt for Vestlandet, SYSLA.no. kommentar, 4. september 2014.
Milliardær utan musklar, SYSLA.no. kommentar, 24. august 2014.
Bånn gass i Barentshavet, SYSLA.no. kommentar, 15. juli 2014.
Klimaendring i kapitalforvaltninga, SYSLA.no. kommentar, 18. mai 2014.
Formueforvaltning og fossil energi. NRK Ytring. Kronikk. 19. mars 2014.
Tid for oljeskift. SYSLA.no. kommentar. 8. mars 2014.
Stor fallhøgd, spesielt for Vestlandet. Stavanger Aftenblad. Kronikk. 12. november 2013.
Strategi etter innfallsmetoden, Dagens Næringsliv, 7. november 2013.
Uro bremsar oljeboomen, Verdens Gang. Kronikk. 6. november 2013.
Det er oljeprisen, dummen. Dagens Næringsliv, 20. juni 2013.
Norsk naturgass: Kjøpers marked. Verdens Gang. Kronikk. 4. juni 2013.
Usikkert om fornybar energi. Dagens Næringsliv, 29. juni 2012.
For enkelt om olje. Dagens Næringsliv, 12. april 2012.
Mulig optimisme. Dagens Næringsliv (m/Kyrre M. Knudsen), 10. februar 2012.
Statoil tror på fornybar energi. Bergens Tidende (m/Eirik Wærness), 13. oktober 2011.
Hva om euroen ryker?. Dagens Næringsliv (m/Kyrre M. Knudsen), 26. september 2011.
Oljen i økonomien (m/Eirik Wærness), artikkel i Norsk oljemuseums årbok 2010.
Prisøkning til besvær, Aftenposten, kronikk, 22. mars 2011.
Den kinesiske drømmen, Stavanger Aftenblad, kronikk, 9. februar 2011.
Oljen i økonomien (med Finn E. Krogh), Stavanger Aftenblad, kronikk, 9. juni 2010.
Olje-Norges fremtid, Aftenposten, økonomidebatt, 6. april 2010.
Hvor blir det av krisen? Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 26. juni 2009.
Stormkast og bølger i norsk økonomi, Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 26. mai 2009.
Tidens tegn, tallenes tale, Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 28. april 2009.
Klima, økonomi og politikk, Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 24. mars 2009.
Overmodig oljeby, Stavanger Aftenblad, kronikk, 25. februar 2009.
Insentiver under lupen (m/Ola Kvaløy), Dagens Næringsliv, debattinnlegg, 3. februar 2009.
Petroleum i perspektiv, Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 27. januar 2009.
Haren, skilpadden og oljeprisen. Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 19. desember 2008.
Formuer for fall, Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 24. oktober 2008.
Energi i finanskrisen, Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 29. september 2008.
Korreksjon eller krise?, Aftenbladet.no/energi, kommentar, 4. september 2008.
Har pengar – søkjer olje. Stavanger Aftenblad, kronikk, 18. april 2008.
Tåler vi rikdommen? Aftenposten, økonomidebatt, 12. februar 2008.
Makten, æren – og oljen. Stavanger Aftenblad, kommentar, 6. februar 2008.
Kven skal arve Terra? Stavanger Aftenblad, kommentar, 4. desember 2007
Forstår vi hva oljen gjør med oss?, Aftenposten, økonomidebatt, 23. oktober 2007.
Curriculum Vitae 8 Klaus Mohn
Kva om oljeprisen fell?, Bergens Tidende, kronikk, 16. oktober 2007.
Noreg køyrer på autopilot. Dag og Tid, debattinnlegg, 12. oktober 2007.
Skurrande dollar-komplott. Morgenbladet, debattinnlegg, 21. september 2007.
Økonomi er ei samfunnssak. Dagbladet, kronikk, 19. september 2007.
Er økonomane einspora?, Stavanger Aftenblad, kommentar, 6. september 2007.
Hald auge med oljeinvesteringane. Stavanger Aftenblad, kommentar, 23. Mai 2007.
Me og dei andre. Sandnesposten, kronikk, 22. mai 2007.
La oss åpne øynene. Stavanger Aftenblad, debattinnlegg, 24. april 2007.
Industripolitisk kinder-egg. Stavanger Aftenblad, kronikk, 16. februar 2007.
Platt om Sandmos historiebok. Morgenbladet, debattinnlegg, 22. desember 2006.
Veksten i oljeformuen. Aftenposten, økonomidebatt, 12. desember 2006.
Økonomane sin politikk. Morgenbladet, kronikk, 8. desember 2006
Når storebror blir lillebror. Stavanger Aftenblad, debattinnlegg, 6. desember 2006.
Quo vadis, homo economicus? Bergens Tidende, kronikk, 26. november 2006.
For lite leting etter olje og gass. (med Petter Osmundsen) Stavanger Aftenblad, kronikk,
3. november 2006.
Den vanskelege næringspolitikken. Stavanger Aftenblad, kommentar, 3. oktober 2006.
Financial economics
University of Stavanger Business School (2013 and 2014); Master level
Management accounting
University of Stavanger (2006 and 2007); Bachelor’s level
Teaching assistant at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH; 1989-1990; Master level
Guest lecturer at the University of Stavanger (2008, 2009, and 2010); Master level
Guest at the Norwegian School of Economics (2014); Master level
Teaching assistant at the Norwegian School of Economics (1989, 1990); Master level
Guest lecturer the University of Stavanger (2008, 2009, 2010); Master level
Investment analysis
Guest lecturer at the University of Stavanger (2008, 2009, 2010; Master level
Guest lecturer at the Norwegian School of Economics (2014): Master level
Energy/petroleum economics
University of Stavanger Business School (2015); Master level
Guest lecturer at the Norwegian School of Economics (2014); Master level
Curriculum Vitae 9 Klaus Mohn
PhD theses
Halonen, Anne-Britt. Macroeconomics of resource wealth. (2014-)
Master’s theses
Geffroy, Patrice. Verdsettelse av Bionor Pharma ASA: Kontantstrømsanalyse
og realopsjonsteori (Valuation of Bionor Pharma Inc.: Cash-flow analysis and real
option theory). Norwegian School of Economics (Bergen). Spring 2014.
Gjerde, Snorre. Developing an optimal transfer-pricing system. Norwegian School of
Economics (Bergen). Spring 2014.
Ingdal, Sølve and Christian Hauan. Cost overruns and subsequent performance of field
development projects on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Norwegian School of
Economics (Bergen). Spring 2014.
Guevara, Susana. What can be done to increase the value of Statoil? Analysis of the
discrepancy between theoretical value and stock price. University of Stavanger
Business School. Spring 2014.
Jørgensen, Andreas. Will leveraging IT solutions contribute to wind farm profitability?
University of Stavanger Business School. Spring 2014.
Nord-Varhaug. Gunnar. Finnes der en optimal størrelse på norsk petroleumsøkonomi?
(Identifying the the optimal size of the Norwegian petroleum sector). University of
Stavanger Business School. Spring 2014.
Hagen, Rolv Martin. Valuation of Golar LNG. University of Stavanger Business School.
Spring 2013
Cheng, HuiHui. The Chinese growth miracle: what can make it continue, what can make it go
over? University of Stavanger Business School. Spring 2013.
Haugstad, Anne. Oljen i norsk økonomi: Muligheter og utfordringer for økonomisk politikk (Oil
in the Norwegian economy: opportunities and challenges for economic policies).
University of Stavanger Business School. Spring 2013.
Larsen, Henriette, and Katrine Saua Mathiesen. Johan Sverdrup – en realopsjonstilnærming
(Valuation of offshore oil field Johan Sverdrup: a real options approach). University of
Stavanger Business School. Spring 2012.
Corneliussen, Jan R. og Anette Frækaland. Verdivurering og strategisk analyse av STREAM
AS (Valuation and strategic assessment of STREAM AS). University of Stavanger
Business School. Spring 2012.
Skjørestad, Thomas. Verdsetting av oljeselskaper: En case-studie av Rocksource (Valuation
of oil companies: a case study of Rocksource). University of Stavanger Business
School. Spring 2011.
Urstad, Marius. Oljepris og aksjemarked: En økonometrisk analyse (Oil price and equity
market: An econometric assessment). University of Stavanger Business School.
Spring 2011.
Langeland, S. Investeringer som konjunkturfaktor (The role of investments in the business
cycle). University of Stavanger Business School. Spring 2010.
Horneland, J. T. and P. A. Pham. Finanskrisen – virkninger for norsk økonomi (The financial
crisis and the Norwegian economy). University of Stavanger Business School.
Spring 2010.
Eidesvik, M. Alternative energikilder på norske offshore-skip (Alternative fuels for Norwegian
offshore supply ships: An investment analysis). University of Stavanger Business
School. Spring 2010.
Matre, M. Vindkraft offshore – utvikling og investering (Offshore windpower: Development
and investment). University of Stavanger Business School. Spring 2010.