Curriculum vitae 16.10.2015 Torunn Gauteplass Hønsi Ph.D., researcher environmental impacts/industrial ecology WRNI, Western Norway Research Institute Pb 163, N-6851 Sogndal Mobile phone: + 47 99 64 74 65 E-mail: Web site: Date of birth: 07.02.1971 Marital status: Married, 4 children. E DUCAT I O N University of Stavanger May 2015 Course in Risk management Sogn og Fjordane University Colle ge August 2002 – June 2004 Practical educational seminar, part time study. University of Oslo December 1995 – May 2001 Ph.D. in toxicology, dep. of Molecular cell biology, Institute of Biology. Norwegian University of Science and Te c h n o l o g y i n T r o n d h e i m June 1995 – December 1995 Industrial toxicology, environmental toxicology. Norwegian University of Science and Te c h n o l o g y i n T r o n d h e i m August 1990 – June 1995 Bachelor in cell biology and chemistry, Masters of Science in Biotechnology, major in molecular biology at the Institute of Botany, UNIGEN Center for Molecular Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Sogndal high school August 1987 – June 1990 Examination matriculation in science (biology, chemistry) WORKING EXPERIENCE C o u n t y G ov e r n o r o f S o g n o g F j o r d a n e Senior engineer at the Department of Environmental Protection 2008 - 2015 Working as an auditor inspector of the pollution prevention work of companies and corporations, an inspector regulator of emissions from polluting industry, and advisor for the municipalities on their responsibilities and authority in pollution prevention control activity. Torunn Gauteplass Hønsi S I M A S - S o g n i n t e r m u n i c i p a l i t y w a s t e c o m p a ny Operation manager 2007 - 2008 Responsibility for operation of waste stations, composting plant and landfill, personnel responsibilities, pollution control of landfill leachate and emissions, facilitator of how to manage the landfill ban in 2009. C o u n t y G ov e r n o r o f S o g n o g F j o r d a n e Executive at the Department of Environmental Protection (temporary post) 2006 - 2007 Working as an inspector of pollution prevention, and a inspector regulator of emissions from polluting industry. Sogn og Fjordane University Colle ge Associate professor (half time position), spring semester 2003 - 2004 A teacher in the subject cell biology, physiology and genetics. Luster high school Lecturer, (temporary post) in 50-70 % position 2003 - 2004 A teacher in science. National Institute of Public Health Researcher 2000 - 2001 Division of environmental medicine, department of environmental immunology and department of product toxicology. Worked with risk assessment of chemicals. P O S I T I O N S O N B OA R D S / E L E C T E D POSITIONS IN POLITICS Presidency in Luster municipality, 2011-2013 Plan and Management Board in Luster municipality, 2007-2011 Council in Luster municipality, 2005-2013 Deputy in Luster Labour party, 2011-2013 Emitted member of the county meeting of KS, 2011-2013 Member of the board, Digital Etikett AS, 2011-2013 Member of the board, The Norwegian Toxicological Union, 1996-1998 Side 2 Torunn Gauteplass Hønsi PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES Hønsi, Torunn G.; Stubberud, Hege E.; Andersen, Sjur & Stenersen, Jørgen (2003). Lysosomal Fragility in Earthworms (Eisenia Veneta) Exposed to Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils from Two Abandoned Pyrite Ore Mines in Southern Norway. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. ISSN 0049-6979. 142(1-4), s 27- 37 Stubberud, Hege E.; Hønsi, Torunn G. & Stenersen, Jørgen (2000). Purification and partial characterisation of tentatively classified acid phosphatase from the earthworm Eisenia veneta. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. ISSN 1096-4959. 126, s 487494 Hønsi, Torunn G. & Stenersen, Jørgen (2000). Activity and localisation of the lysosomal marker enzymes acid phosphatase, Nacetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, and beta-galactosidase in the earthworms Eisenia fetida and E-veneta. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. ISSN 1096-4959. 125, s 429- 437 Hønsi, T. G.; Hoel, L. & Stenersen, Jørgen (1999). Non-inducibility of antioxidant enzymes in the earthworms Eisenia veneta and Efetida after exposure to heavy metals and paraquat. Pedobiologia. ISSN 0031-4056. 43, s 652- 657 Visvalingam, Seetha; Hønsi, Torunn G. & Bones, Atle M. (1998): Sulphate and micronutrients can modulate the expression levels of myrosinases in Sinapis alba plants, Volume 104, Issue 1, s 30–37. THESIS AND REPORTS Alvik, Dagny Karin U.; Fjermedal, Anne Brit; Hønsi, Torunn G.; Schouw, Solveig, Upsal, Bjørn Vidar (2014): “Revisjon som verktøy for risikostyring i virksomheter”, semester thesis in Risk Management, University of Stavanger. Borgund, Anne Eva; Holen, Frode, Hønsi, Torunn G.; Moxnes, Leda P. (2004): «“Fra fjernt til nært” Hva kan økt fokus på anskueliggjøring av lærestoffet bety for elevenes motivasjon for realfag i videregående skole?» Educational Development, Practical educational seminar, department of Education, University College of Sogn og Fjordane. Hønsi, Torunn G. (2001): Lysosomal fragility in earthworms: development of acid phosphatase as a possible new biomarker of Side 3 Torunn Gauteplass Hønsi heavy metal toxicity, Ph.D. thesis, University of Oslo. Hønsi, Torunn G. (1999): “Bruk av meitemark som bioindikator for forurensninger i det terrestriske miljø”, overview article for the Research Council of Norway. Gauteplass, Torunn (1995): “Ekspresjon av myrosinase som følge av mekanisk skade, soppinfeksjoner og varierende tilførsel av sulfat og mikro-elementer”, master thesis in Biotechnology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. CHRONICLES (IN SELECTION) Hønsi, Torunn (2013): «Ynskjeliste frå ein julenisse på tunn is», Hønsi, Torunn (2011): «Tomaste dritdunk – eller avfall rett på dunken?» A reply to the post written by Jens Brekke, ”Tomaste dritdunk” in «Sognablikk» 15.01.2011. Side 4
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