Curriculum Vitae Ann-Helén Bay Professor, Dr. polit. Director, Institute for Social Research Munthes gt. 31, NO-0260 Oslo, Norway Tel +47 911 16 896 E-mail: Born 3 June 1958 Education Year Degree Institution 1998 University of Oslo 1981 Dr. polit. (PhD) Political science, 2nd degree level Public law, foundation level 1980 Spanish, foundation level University of Oslo PhD thesis: Bay, Ann-Helén (1998). Opinionen og eldrepolitikken [Public opinion and policies for the elderly]. NOVA-Rapport 24/98. 322 pages. 2nd degree level thesis: Bay, Ann-Helén (1985). Boligstatus og stemmegivning. Eller; boligpolitikkens betydning for høyrebølgen. [Residential status and voting. Or: The impact of housing policy on the rise of the political right]. Thesis at the 2nd degree level, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. 130 pages. 1985 University of Oslo University of Oslo Career record Year Position 2007 Director, Institute for Social Research 2006 – 2007 Professor, Oslo University College, Department of Economics, Municipal and Social Studies and researcher (part-time) at NOVA 2005 Researcher I, NOVA 2005 Research sabbatical, BI Norwegian Business School - Public Governance Institute 2004 – 2005 Permanent Deputy Director, NOVA 1999 – 2005 Research Director, NOVA 1987 – 1999 Researcher, INAS/NOVA 1985 – 1987 Higher Executive Officer/Executive Officer, Ministry of Social Affairs, Department of Planning and Studies Visiting fellowships and scholarships Year Institution 1991 – 1992 Visiting scholar Center for European Studies, Stanford University, California, USA 1994 Visiting scholar Center for European Studies, Stanford University, California, USA (2 months) 1999 Visiting scholar Scancor, Stanford University, California, USA (2 months) Other courses 2001 Training course for intermediate-level managers, Statskonsult. 4 modules. Elected offices Year Board memberships 2010-2013 From 2010 Board Chair of the foundation “Sosial Trygd” Board Member, Aalborg University Member of the WG in the network of directors of social science research institutions and Deputy Board Member of FFA Head of the Norwegian section of EISS (European Institute of Social Security) 2009-2014 2006-2012 Year 2014 2010 2006-2014 From 2006 2002-2004 Professional offices Member of the Research Council of Norway’s management group for “PraksisVel”. Member of the reference group for the merger of Oslo and Akershus University Colleges Member of the Research Council of Norway’s management group for evaluation of the NAV reform. Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for European Social Survey in the European Science Foundation (appointed by the General Assembly of ESS (up to 2013 appointed by Research Council of Norway) Head of the programme committee and member of the congress committee for Rehabilitation International’s world congress 2004 2003-2004 1999-2000 2001-2010 From 2003 Member of the programme description group for Norwegian political science (appointed by the Research Council of Norway) Member of a government-appointed committee of inquiry for investigation of various models for coordination of the labour, social insurance and social security services (The Rattsø Commission) Member of a commission appointed by the Ministry of Labour and Administration for assessment of the framework of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (The Grøholt Commission) Member of the Academic Council, Nordic Association of Gerontology Member of the consultative group for interview surveys, Norwegian Social Science Data Services Academic assessment committees and peer-review work Assessment committees for scientific positions: • • • • • • • • University of Oslo Norwegian University of Science and Technology BI Norwegian Business School Trøndelag University College Lillehammer University College Oslo University College (Department of Social Work) Oslo University College (Centre for Professional Studies) NOVA/INAS Committees for assessment of PhD theses and research competence • • • • • Member of a PhD commission at the University of Oslo, Department of Sociology, 2001 Member of a PhD commission at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, 2006 Member of a commission for assessment of competence as Researcher 1 for a researcher at the Rokkan Centre, 2006-2007 Member of a commission for assessment of competence for a professorship at Hedmark University College, 2012 Member of a commission for assessment of competence for a professorship at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2012 Peer review of articles in academic journals • • • • • • • • Political Studies International Journal of Comparative Sociology Acta Sociologica Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning Scandinavian Journal of Public Health • • • • • International Journal of Social Welfare Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies The Sociological Quarterly Journal of Urban Affairs International Journal of comparative Sociology Peer review of international and Norwegian project applications • • • • Referee for an application for research funding announced by the Open Research Area (ORA partners: Research councils in the Netherlands, France, Germany, UK), 2012 Referee for a project application for research funding announced by the University of Leuven, 2011 Member of a committee appointed by Oslo University College to assess applications to the Research Council of Norway for OUC’s strategic projects, 2007 Referee for a book project for Palgrave publishing, 2013 Project management (major research projects) and editorships Project management • • • Project director for “Trygd i kontekst. Rettferdighet, Effektivitet, Fordeling (TREfF)” [Social insurance in context. Fairness, Efficiency, Distribution], 20102016. Collaboration partners: NOVA and OUC (SPS). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. Project director for “The politics of welfare policy, 2005-2009.” Funded by the Research Council of Norway Academic and administrative director of the grant from the Ministry of Social Affairs for research on social insurance at NOVA, 1999-2005 Editorial work • • • • Editor of the anthology “Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship in Scandinavia”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2010). Co-editors: Bo Bengtsson and Per Strømblad. Editor of the book “Når velferd blir politikk” [When welfare becomes political], Abstrakt Forlag 2009. Co-editors: Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie. Editor-in-Chief of the textbook “De norske trygdene. Framvekst, forvaltning og fordeling.” [The Norwegian social insurance system. Emergence, administration and distribution] Co-editors: Aksel Hatland, Charlotte Koren, Tale Hellevik. Gyldendal Akademisk 2005. Responsible for revision of the textbook in 2010, with Tale Hellevik. Editor of the anthology “Virker Velferdsstaten?” [Does the welfare state work?] Høyskoleforlaget 2001. Co-editors: Bjørn Hvinden and Charlotte Koren Publications Articles in peer-reviewed journals • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bay, Ann-Helén Axel West Pedersen, Henning Finseraas (forthcoming). When the going gets tough: The differential impact of national unemployment on the perceived threats of immigration”, Political Studies (forthcoming) Bay, Ann-Helén, Henning, Finseraas and Axel West Pedersen (2014). Comfort in numbers? Social Integration and Political Participation among Disability benefit Recipients in Norway, European Journal of Social Security, 16 (4). Bay, Ann-Helén (2014). Comment on “Farvel Norge. Velferdsstatens framtidige kollaps” [Farewell Norway: The Future Collaps of the Welfare State] by Jon Hustad. Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning 7 (1). Allern, Elin, Ann-Helén Bay, Jo Saglie (2013). The New Politics of the Welfare State? A Case Study of Extra-parliamentary Party Politics in Norway. European Journal of Social Security. European Journal of Social Security, 15 (3). Bay, Ann-Helén, Henning Finseraas and Axel West Pedersen (2013). Welfare Dualism in Two Scandinavian Welfare States: Public Opinion and Party Politics. West European Politics. Vol 36 (No1) Bay, Ann-Helén (2012). Book review of Vladimir Rys: Reinventing Social Security Worldwide. Back to Essentials. Bristol: Policy Press, 2010. European Journal of Social Security 14 (1). Bay, Ann-Helén, Ottar Hellevik, Tale Hellevik (2007). Svekker innvandring oppslutning om velferdsstaten? [Does immigration weaken public support for the welfare state?] Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning. Vol3-2007: 377- 408. Bay, Ann-Helén og Axel West Pedersen (2004). The limits of social solidarity: Basic income, immigration and the legitimacy of the universal welfare state. Acta Sociologica nr 49/4 2006. Bay, Ann-Helén og Axel West Pedersen (2004). National pension systems and mass opinion: a case study of confidence, satisfaction and political attitudes in Norway. International Journal of Social Welfare, volume 13, No.2 2004: 112-123. Sørensen, Rune og Ann-Helén Bay (2002). Competitive Tendering in the Welfare State: Perceptions and Preferences among Local Politicians. Scandinavian Political Studies vol. 25 No. 4 2002: 357-384. Bay, Ann-Helén og Morten Blekesaune (2002). Youth, unemployment and political marginalisation. International Journal of Social Welfare, volume 11, No.2-2002: 132-139. Bay, Ann-Helén (2000). Political Persuasibility: Dynamics of Attitudes towards Taxation of Old Age Pensioners. Scandinavian Political Studies vol. 23, No. 22000:139-155. Bay, Ann-Helén (2000). Teoretiske tilnærminger til studiet av den politiske opinion. [Theoretical approaches to the study of public opinion]. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift. Nr. 2. 2000:134-150. Bay, Ann-Helén og Ola Listhaug (1999). Trygd og finansiering: Interessekonflikt mellom ytere og nytere? [Social insurance and funding: The conflict of interest between contributors and beneficiaries]. Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning. Vol. 2. Nr. 3 1999:135-148. Bay, Ann-Helén (1996). Book review of Svallfors, Stefan (ed.): In the eye of the beholder. Acta Sociologica. • Bay, Ann-Helén (1989): Penger eller tjenester som sosialpolitisk virkemiddel? En teoretisk skisse. [Money or services as social-policy instruments? A theoretical outline]. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 1989/4: 327-343. Book chapters • • • • • • • • • Bay, Ann-Helén (2013). Valgfrihet og ansvarliggjøring. Finnes det en liberal stemme i debatten om trygdepolitiske reformer? [Freedom of choice and accountability. Is there a liberal voice in the debate about social security reforms?] In: Gauden-Kolbeinstveit, Lars og Torstein Ulserød (eds). Ansvar. 15 Essays. Civita, s. 91-105. Bay, Ann-Helén, Henning Finseraas, Anniken Hagelund (2010): Civil society and political integration of immigrants in Norway. In Bo Bengtsson, Per Strömblad and Ann-Helén Bay (eds.), “Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship in Scandinavia”. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2010:295-343. Bay, Ann-Helén, Per Strömblad, Bo Bengtsson (2010) An introduction to Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship in Scandinavia. In Bo Bengtsson, Per Strömblad and Ann-Helén Bay (eds.), “Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship in Scandinavia”. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2010:1-18. Bay, Ann-Helén, Aksel Hatland and Axel West Pedersen (2010). Trygd og velferd. [Social insurance and welfare]. In Ann-Helén Bay, Aksel Hatland, Tale Hellevik (eds.), “De norske trygdene. Framvekst, forvaltning og fordeling”. [The Norwegian social insurance system. Emergence, administration and distribution]. Gyldendal Akademisk 2010: 15-31. Bay, Ann-Helén, Tale Hellevik, Charlotte Koren, Axel West Pedersen (2010). Demografi og økonomi. [Demography and economics]. In Ann-Helén Bay, Aksel Hatland, Tale Hellevik (eds.), “De norske trygdene. Framvekst, forvaltning og fordeling” [The Norwegian social insurance system. Emergence, administration and distribution] Gyldendal Akademisk 2010: 55-73. Bay, Ann-Helén and Henning Finseraas (2010). Legitimitet og velgerholdninger. [Legitimacy and electoral opinion]. In Ann-Helén Bay, Aksel Hatland, Tale Hellevik (eds.), “De norske trygdene. Framvekst, forvaltning og fordeling” [The Norwegian social insurance system. Emergence, administration and distribution]. Gyldendal Akademisk 2010: 91-104. Bay, Ann-Helén and Tale Hellevik (2010). Politisk styring. [Political governance]. In Ann-Helén Bay, Aksel Hatland, Tale Hellevik (eds.), “De norske trygdene. Framvekst, forvaltning og fordeling” [The Norwegian social insurance system. Emergence, administration and distribution]. Gyldendal Akademisk 2010: 109125. Hatland, Aksel and Ann-Helén Bay (2009). Forskningens rolle i velferdspolitikken: Instrumentell eller strategisk? [The role of research in welfare policy: Instrumental or strategic?] In Bent Sofus Tranøy, Bjørn Richard Nuland and Johan Christensen (eds.). “Hjernen er alene. Institusjonalisering, kvalitet og relevans i norsk velferdsforskning” [The brain is alone. Institutionalization, quality and relevance in Norwegian welfare research]. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget: 217-228. Bay, Ann-Helén, Axel West Pedersen, Jo Saglie (2009). Politikk og velferd [Politics and welfare]. In Ann-Helén Bay, Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie (eds.), “Når velferd blir politikk. Partier, organisasjoner og opinion” [When welfare becomes political. Parties, organizations and public opinion]. Oslo: Abstrakt 2009:9-30. • • • • • • • • • • Bay, Ann-Helén, Elin Haugsgjerd Allern and Jo Saglie (2009). Velferdspolitisk konsensus og elitesamarbeid? Partiprogrammer og politikkutforming på 2000tallet. [Welfare policy consensus or elite cooperation? Party programmes and policy design in the 2000s]. In Ann-Helén Bay, Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie (eds.), “Når velferd blir politikk. Partier, organisasjoner og opinion”. [When welfare turns into politics. Parties, organizations and public opinion] Oslo: Abstrakt 2009:31−64, 2009. Bay, Ann-Helén and Edda Stang (2009). Politisk svikt eller individuelt ansvar? Pressens portrettering av fattigdom. [Political failure or individual responsibility? The press’s portrayal of poverty]. In Ann-Helén Bay, Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie (eds.), “Når velferd blir politikk. Partier, organisasjoner og opinion”. [When welfare becomes political. Parties, organizations and public opinion] Oslo: Abstrakt 2009:159-201. Bay, Ann-Helén, Helena Blomberg-Kroll, Christian Kroll and Axel West Pedersen (2009). En nordisk opinion? Syn på fattige i Norge og i Finland. [A Nordic opinion? Perceptions of the poor in Norway and Finland]. In Ann-Helén Bay, Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie (eds.), “Når velferd blir politikk. Partier, organisasjoner og opinion” [When welfare becomes political. Parties, organizations and public opinion]. Oslo: Abstrakt 2009: 202-217. Bay, Ann-Helén, Axel West Pedersen, Jo Saglie (2009). Den nye velferdsstaten – partipolitikkens abdikasjon? [The new welfare state – abdication of party politics?] In Ann-Helén Bay, Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie (eds.), “Når velferd blir politikk. Partier, organisasjoner og opinion” [When welfare becomes political. Parties, organizations and public opinion]. Oslo: Abstrakt 2009:248-263. Bay, Ann-Helén (2008). Står eldrepolitikken på trygg grunn? [A firm footing for seniors’ policy?] In Svein Olav Daatland (ed.) “Halve livet. Artikler om aldring og livsløp” [Half of life] Articles on ageing and life courses]. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget: 270-275. Bay, Ann-Helén and Jo Saglie (2005). Markedsreformer og medborgerrolle. [Market reforms and citizenship roles]. In Jo Saglie and Tor Bjørklund (eds.) “Lokalvalg og lokalt selvstyre” [Local elections and local self-government]. Gyldendal Akademisk 2005:270-286. Bay, Ann-Helén and Jo Saglie (2009). Välfärdsrapportering i Landet Annorlunda. Den norska pressens bevakning av välferdsstaten 1969-99. [Welfare reporting in the country that’s different. The Norwegian press’s monitoring of the welfare state 1969-99]. In Helena Blomberg, Christian Kroll and Tommy Lundström (eds.) “Sociala problem och socialpolitik i massmedier” [Social problems and social policy in the mass media]. Studentlitteratur. 2004: 323-353. Bay, Ann-Helén (2001). Tillit - et sentralt aspekt ved den velferdspolitiske opinion? [Trust - a key aspect of welfare-policy opinion?] In Ann-Helén Bay, Bjørn Hvinden and Charlotte Koren (eds.). Virker Velferdsstaten? [Does the welfare state work?] Høyskoleforlaget. 2001:118-130. Bay, Ann-Helén (1994). Pensjon eller pleie? Om å ta fra velstående pensjonister for å gi til pleietrengende eldre [Pension or care? About taking from wealthy retirees to give to elderly people who need care]. In Dag Bruusgaard, Aksel Hatland and Aslak Syse (eds.). “Et nødvendig gode. Folketrygdens plass i Velferds-Norge” [A necessary good. The position of national insurance in welfarestate Norway]. Ad Notam- Gyldendal, 1994:147-162. Bay, Ann-Helén (1991). Oppfatninger om eldres økonomi. [Perception of the financial position of the elderly]. In Aksel Hatland (ed.): “Trygd som fortjent? En antologi om trygd og velferdsstat” [Social benefits as deserved? An anthology on social insurance and the welfare state]. Ad Notam forlag. 1991: 75-89. Research reports • • • • • • • • • • Bay, Ann-Helén (2005). Er den norske opinionen en bremsekloss mot velferdspolitiske reformer? [Is Norwegian opinion an impediment to welfare-policy reform?] NOVA Skrift 1/05. 26 pages. Bay, Ann-Helén and Jo Saglie (2003). I verdens rikeste land. Pressens dekning av velferdsstaten 1969-99 [In the world’s richest country. Press coverage of the welfare state 1969-99]. NOVA Rapport 25/03. 68 pages. Bay, Ann-Helén andTale Hellevik (2002). Kompetanse- og utdanningsbehov innenfor trygde- og arbeidsmarkedsetaten [Competence and training needs in the social and labour market services]. NOVA-Rapport 11/02. 93 pages. Bay, Ann-Helén (2000). Opinionens forventninger til velferdsstaten. [Public opinion’s expectations of the welfare state] Skriftserie 1/00. NOVA. 26 pages. Bay, Ann-Helén, Kåre Hagen, Christian Riis and Rune Sørensen (1999). Konkurranseutsetting av velferdsstaten? Konsekvenser av anbudskonkurranser og fritt forbrukervalg. [Competitive tendering of the welfare state? Consequences of tendering and free consumer choice]. BI-Rapport Nr. 7/99. BI Norwegian Business School. 133 pages. Bay, Ann-Helén and Einar Øverbye (1993). Vil velgerne ha en ny velferdspolitikk? I Kampen om Virkeligheten. [Does the electorate want a new welfare policy? The struggle to define reality]. INAS-Rapport 93:9. Conference report from INAS' 25th anniversary, pp. 22-39. Bay, Ann-Helén (1993). Pensjon eller omsorg? Et eldrepolitisk dilemma. [Pension or care? A dilemma for seniors’ policy]. INAS-Rapport 93:2. 171 pages. Bay, Ann-Helén (1989). Større interessemotsetninger i familiepolitikken? En holdningsundersøkelse om familiepolitiske prioriteringer. [Growing conflicts of interest in family policy? A survey of public opinion regarding family-policy priorities]. INAS-notat 1991:1. 30 pages. Bay, Ann-Helén (1989). Penger eller barnehageplass. Offentlige overføringer til småbarnsforeldre [Money or a place in day-care? Public transfers to parents of small children]. In “Velferdsstatens barn. En konferanserapport” [The children of the welfare state. A conference report]. ISF-rapport 89:4: pp. 81-89. Bay, Ann-Helén (1989). Penger eller barnehageplass. Offentlige overføringer til småbarnsfamilier [Money or a place in day-care? Public transfers to families with small children]. INAS-Rapport 1988:7. 98 pages. Unpublished papers (for review) • Bay, Ann-Helén, Axel West Pedersen, Mari Teigen (2014). En kvinnevennlig pensjonsreform? Likestillingsperspektiver i den norske pensjonsreformdebatten [A female friendly pension reform? Gender equality perspectives in the Norwegian pension reform debate]. Op-eds (from 2007 to the present) • • • • • • • Bay, Ann-Helén (2013). Hva er samfunnsforskning? [What is Social Science? Oped in Forskerforum. Bay, Ann-Helén and Eivind Smith (2012). Institutter mot undergangen? [Institutes towards downfall?] Op-ed in Forskerforum. Bay, Ann-Helén and Axel West Pedersen (2012). Fattigdomsdilemmaet [The Poverty Dilemma]. Op-ed in Dagens Næringsliv. Pedersen, Axel West, Ann-Helén Bay and Aksel Hatland (2010). Trygdereform: Noe å lære av David Cameron? [Social-insurance reform: What can we learn from David Cameron?] Op-ed in Dagens Næringsliv. Bay, Ann-Helén, Anniken Hagelund and Axel West Pedersen (2010). Ingen enkle løsninger [No simple solutions]. Op-ed in Aftenposten. Bay, Ann-Helén, Rune Karlsen, Axel West Pedersen, Jo Saglie (2009). Valgkamptema uten velgerappell [Election campaign topic with no appeal to the electorate]. Op-ed in Dagsavisen. Bay, Ann-Helén, Tale Hellevik and Ottar Hellevik (2007). Trussel mot velferden? Innvandringens følger. [A threat to welfare? The consequences of immigration]. Op-ed in Aftenposten.
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