A3 project PUBLICATIONS: journal papers and peer-‐reviewed conferences, books and book chapters 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 2009 van der Velden, Maja, Bratteteig, Tone and Finken, Sisse. Autonomy and Automation in an Information Society for All. IRIS 32, Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Molde, Norway, 9-‐12 August, 2009 2011 Finken, Sisse and Mörtberg, Christina. The Thinking House: configurings of an infrastructure of care. Third International Workshop on Infrastructures for Healthcare: Global Healthcare, June 2011 2011 Finken, Sisse. HomeWork. The smart house -‐ public care and care technology in private homes. Dilemmas in Human Services: 15th International Research Conference. September 2011 2011 Grisot, Miria; van der Velden, Maja; Vassilakopoulou, Polyxeni. Institutionalizing Practices as Boundary Work: The case of MyHealthRecord. Infrastructures for Healthcare: Global Healthcare, IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-‐24 June 2011 2011 Grisot, Miria; van der Velden, Maja & Vassilakopoulou, Polyxeni (2011). Socio-‐ Technical Challenges in Designing a Web-‐Based Communication Platform , In Anne Moen (Ed), User Centred Networked Health Care (pp. 68-‐72). IOS Press. 2011 Jansson, Maria; Mörtberg, Christina. A Cup of Coffee: Users’ Needs and Experiences of ICT in Homecare. I: Human-‐Centered Design of E-‐Health Technologies: Concepts, Methods and Applications. IGI Global 2011: 253-‐271 2011 Mörtberg, Christina M; van der Velden, Maja. ‘Modest interventions’ – a feminist methodological contribution to the entanglement of humans and nonhumans in work practices. The 15th Annual Dilemmas International Research Conference; 2011-‐09-‐01 2011 van der Velden, Maja. Personal autonomy in a post-‐privacy world: A feminist technoscience perspective. The 6th European Conference on Gender and ICT, University of Umeå, Sweden, 8-‐10 March, 2011 2011 Verne, Guri. Between the Citizens and the Web Pages is the Classification. I: Proceedings of IRIS 2011. Turku, Finland: TUCS 2011: 798-‐810 2012 Bratteteig, Tone and Verne, Guri. Conditions for Autonomy in the Information Society: Disentangling as a public service, SJIS 24(2), 51-‐70 2012 Bratteteig, Tone and Verne, Guri. Creating a space for change within sociomaterial entanglements, SJIS 24(2), 105-‐114 2012 Bratteteig, Tone and Verne, Guri. Disentangling for Autonomy. Understanding the socio-‐material practices of public services. In Nordic Contributions in IS Research, pp. 56-‐75 2012 Bratteteig, Tone and Wagner, Ina. Disentangling power and decision-‐making in participatory design, In Proceedings of Participatory Design Conference (PDC’12), pp. 41-‐50 2012 Finken, Sisse. Homework: Public care in private homes. In Chandler, J., Barry, J. and Berg, E. (eds) In Dilemmas for Human Services. Papers from the 15th Research Conference 2011. London: Royal Docks Business School University of East London, UK: 32-‐39 1 15) 2012 van der Velden, Maja. Teenage Patient Privacy: Self-‐presentation and self-‐ protection in social media. Amsterdam Privacy Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7-‐10 October. 16) 2012 van der Velden, Maja. In/visible bodies: On patients and privacy in a networked world. In Sudweek, Fay, Herbert Hrachovec and Charles Ess (eds.), Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication 2012, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, Aarhus, Denmark, 18-‐20 June 2012, pp. 199-‐211. 17) 2013 Verne, Guri. Two faces of autonomy. IRIS35: The 35th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia; 2012 36, August 2013 18) 2013 Bratteteig, Tone and Wagner, Ina. Moving healthcare to the home: the work to make homecare work, ECSCW, Cyprus, September 21-‐25 2013 19) 2013 Culén, Alma and Bratteteig, Tone. Touch-‐Screens and Elderly users: A Perfect Match? In Leslie Miller (ed.), ACHI 2013, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Computer-‐Human Interactions. IARIA, pp. 460 – 465 20) 2013 Culén, Alma Leora; Bratteteig, Tone; Pandey, Sumit; Srivastava, Swati. The Child-‐ to-‐Child (C2C) Method: Participatory Design for, with and by Children in a Children's Museum. IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet 2013 ; Volum 11.(2) s. 92-‐113 21) 2013 Culén, Alma, Finken, Sisse and Bratteteig, Tone. Design and Interaction in a Smart Gym: Cognitive and Bodily Mastering. In Holzinger, H. et al. (ed.), Human Factors in Computing and Informatics, Designing for Situated Elderliness, Springer-‐Verlag. pp. 609 – 616 22) 2013 Culén, Alma and Maja van der Velden. The digital life of vulnerable users: designing with children, patients, and elderly, In Margunn Aanestad and Tone Bratteteig (eds.), Nordic Contributions in IS Research : 4th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, SCIS 2013, Oslo, Norway, August 11-‐14, 2013. Proceedings. Springer: 53-‐71 23) 2013 van der Velden, Maja and Khaled El Emam. “Not all my friends need to know”: A qualitative study in teenage patients, privacy, and social media. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 20(1): 16-‐24. 24) 2013 Verne, Guri. Phone or Web? Conditions for self-‐service and autonomy when doing tax. IRIS 36, August 2013 25) 2013 Verne, Guri. What’s in a category? Telephone log as a record of citizens’ questions. 10th Scandinavian Workshop on E-‐government SWEG, February 2013 26) 2013 Woll, A. (2013 ) Aging in Place: Dealing with Breakdown of Welfare Technology, IRIS 36 27) 2014 Bratteteig, Tone and Wagner, Ina. Design decisions and the sharing of power in PD, In Proceedings of Participatory Design Conference II (PDC’14), pp. 29-‐32 28) 2014 Bratteteig, Tone and Wagner, Ina. Participation and Power in Participatory Design, Springer CSCW series (book) 29) 2014 Culén, Alma and Finken, Sisse. A Skirt for Well Aged Ladies with Cognitive Loss. I: Universal Access in Human-‐Computer Interaction. Design and Development Methods for Universal Access. Springer 2014 2 30) 2014 Culén, Alma and Karpova, Anna. Designing with Vulnerable Children: a researchers Perspective: In Human-‐Computer Interfaces and Interactivity, IGI Global: 118-‐136 31) 2014 Culén, Alma and Rosseland, Rune. Ecologies of Spaces for Enjoyable Interactions. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems 2014 ;Volum 3&4.(7) s. 361-‐373 32) 2014 Finken, Sisse; Culén, Alma Leora; Gasparini, Andrea. Nurturing Creativity: Assemblages in HCI Design Practices. I: Proceedings of DRS 2014: Design's big debates. Design Research Society Biennal international conference 16-‐19 June 2014. Design Research Society 2014: 1204-‐1217 33) 2014 Finken, Sisse & Mörtberg, Christina. Performing Elderliness: Intra-‐ actions with Digital Domestic Care Technologies. ICT and Society: 11th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC11 2014, Turku, Finland, July 30 – August 1, 2014. 307-‐319. 34) 2014 Finken, Sisse and Mörtberg, Christina. Embodiments. White papers and everyday practices -‐ modes of doing. Dilemmas for Human Services. September 2014 35) 2014 Joshi, Suhas Govind. Emerging ethical considerations from the perspectives of the elderly, In Ninth International Conference on Culture, Technology, and Communication 2014. Culture Technology Communication. Chapter 14: 186 – 203 36) 2014 Joshi, Suhas Govind & Woll, Anita. A collaborative change experiment: Diagnostic evaluation of usability problems of home telecare for elderly home dwellers. Digital Human Modeling and applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. 37) 2014 Joshi, Suhas Govind and Woll, Anita. A collaborative change experiment: telecare as a means for delivery of home care services , In Marcus Aaron (ed.), Third International Conference, DUXU 2014, in HCI International 2014, Springer: 141 – 151 38) 2014 Machniak, Margaret. In Pursuit of Cool and its implications for the Design process. In Ninth Int. Conf. on Culture, Technology and Communication CATAC’14: 66-‐82 39) 2014 Rosseland, Rune. (Dis)abling Effects of Technology Use and Socio-‐material Practices. IRIS Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia 2014 (5) s. 149-‐160 40) 2014 Rosseland, Rune, Berge, Snorre, Culén, Alma. Publicly Displayed Interactive Installations: Where Do They Work Best? ACHI 2014, The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-‐Human Interactions: 1–8 41) 2014 van der Velden, Maja and Margaret Machniak. Colourful Privacy: Designing Visible Privacy Settings with Teenage Hospital Patients. ACHI 2014, The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Human-‐Computer Interactions. ThinkMind, pp. 60-‐65 42) 2014 van der Velden, Maja and Christina Mörtberg. Participatory Design and Design for Values. In van den Hoven, Jeroen, Vermaas, Pieter E., van de Poel, Ibo (eds.), Handbook of Ehics, Values, and Technology Design, Springer (online first). 3 43) 2014 Verne, Guri. Citizens doing automated taxes. Computer Supported Cooperative Work meets e-‐government. 11th Scandinavian Workshop on E-‐government (SWEG 2014) 44) 2014 Verne, Guri and Braaten, Ida. Participation for the unengaged. I: Proceedings of the 13th Participatory Design Conference Volume 2. 45) 2015 Culen, Alma. Later Life: Living Alone, Social Connectedness and ICT. HCII (In press) 46) 2015 Culén, Alma and Rosseland, Rune. Ecologies of Spaces for Enjoyable Interactions. International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services 6 47) 2015 Iversen, Thomas René & Joshi, Suhas Govind (2015): Exploring Spatial Interaction in Assistive Technology through Prototyping. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference 2015, 48) 2015 Joshi, Suhas Govind. When Simple Technologies Makes Life Difficult. Eighth International Conference on Advances in Computer-‐Human Interactions (ACHI 2015) 49) 2015 Joshi, Suhas Govind. A phenomenological approach to design for aging and changing bodies, The Aarhus conference 2015 (under review) 50) 2015 Joshi, Suhas and Bratteteig, Tone. Assembling fragments into continuous design. On participatory design with old people, in SCIS 2015, Oulu August 2015 51) 2015 Joshi, Suhas Govind & Woll, Anita. A Collaborative Change Experiment: Post-‐ experiment evaluation of Home Telecare For Elderly Home Dwellers. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, USA. Elsevier, In press 52) 2015 Källström Mathias, Berdal, Sondre & Joshi, Suhas Govind (2015): Designing an Indoor Navigation System for Elderly People’s Capabilities. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, HCI International 2015 53) 2015 Machniak, Margaret and Maja van der Velden. Transition Cards: Designing a card sorting method with and for teenage patients. 9th Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 22-‐24 July. 54) 2015 van der Velden, Maja, Machniak, Margaret and Alma Culén. Patient-‐initiated Personalisation: Privacy, moods, and colours. MCCSIS 7th International Conference on e-‐Health, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 21-‐23 July, 2015 (under review) 55) 2015 Verne, Guri and Bratteteig, Tone. Do It Yourself services and work-‐like chores. On civic duties and digital public services. Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Special issue on “Human-‐Computer Interaction at the Boundary of Work and Life” (under review) 56) 2015 Verne, Guri. “The winners are those who have used the old paper form”. On citizens and automated public services. PhD dissertation, Ifi PRESENTATIONS: position papers, workshops, reports and talks (non peer-‐reviewed) 1) 2) 2009 Finken, Sisse. Design and Ethnography. The social relationships of things. Phd-‐ school UiO; December 2009 2010 Bratteteig, Tone. Autonomi og automatisering I “Eit informasjonssmfunn for alle”, 4 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) IT-‐Funk brukerforum 6. September 2010 2010 Bratteteig, Tone. Changing boundaries of design and use, invited keynote NordiCHI 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland 2010 Bratteteig, Tone, Finken, Sisse and van der Velden, Maja. Autonomy and Automation in an Information Society for All. Verdikt program conference 2010 Elovaara, Pirjo; Mörtberg, Christina M. Cartographic Mappings -‐ Participative Methods. PDC 2010 Particpatory Design Conference; 2010-‐11-‐2 2010 Finken, Sisse. The thinking house, the thinking plan-‐makers: the thinking politics of care. STS-‐network day August 2010 2010 van der Velden, Maja (2010). Forskningsetikk og informatikk (presentasjon). Oslo, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo 2010 van der Velden, Maja. Etikk og informatikk (presentasjon). Oslo, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo 2010 Verne, Guri. Skatteetaten mellom automatisering og autonomi. Seminar om kanalstrategi i Skatteetaten, August 2010 2010 Verne, Guri. Citizens doing automated tax. Seminar SINTEF, October 2010 2011 Bratteteig, Tone. Smarte hus for bedre helse og alderdom 200-‐års jubileet Universitetet i Oslo: Digitaliseringsfestivalen, September 2011 2011 Bratteteig, Tone. Kjønnsperspektiver i forskning, Dialogmøte NFR October 2011 2011 Bratteteig, Tone, Finken, Sisse and Mörtberg, Christina. Shifting relations and moving objects: women's work in smart homes, in Festschrift for Ina Wagner, TU Vienna, September 2011 2011 Finken, Sisse. Notions of home and care technology within the elder care sector. The research group IDEA (Interaction Design for Everyday Aging), The IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark. Fall 2011. 2011 van der Velden, Maja. Patients and social media: a systematic literature review (report). Oslo, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo 2011 van der Velden, Maja: Teenage patients, technology, and privacy. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada. (12 December 2011) 2011 van der Velden, Maja: Visualising Privacy. Nettjenester, brukertilpasning og personvern, R2D2 Networks Seminar, Sintef and Institutt for rettsinformatikk, Oslo, 26 May. 2012 Bratteteig, Tone. Kan smarte hus og IT gi bedre helse? Åpen dag ved Universitetet i Oslo, August 2012 2012 Bratteteig, Tone and Wagner, Ina. Beyond the smart home. Designing multimodal environments to support mastery design, 4S conference, Denmark, September 2012 2012 Culén, Alma and Bratteteig, Tone. Touch interfaces for elderly: some design challenges, position paper NordiCHI workshop How to Design Touch Interfaces for and with Older Adults: Identification of Challenges and Opportunities, Copenhagen 14-‐17 October 2012 2012 Elovaara, Pirjo; Finken, Sisse; Mörtberg, Christina M. From Mutual Learning to Agential Learning. Symposium "Diffraction Patterns"; 2012 Finken, Sisse. Autonomy and Automation in an IT society for All: When technologies move to the home. Department of Information Science and Media 5 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) Studies, University of Bergen, Norway. 2012 Finken, Sisse and Mörtberg, Christina. Smart homes: in-‐ and exclusions in design. Social Studies of Science and Technology. Design and Displacement. 2012 2012 Finken, Sisse and Mörtberg, Christina. Smart homes: Performing identity -‐ a reading of human technology intra-‐actions. CHI workshop 2012 van der Velden, Maja: Teenage patients’ privacy and privacy risks. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada. (24 November 2012) 2012 van der Velden, Maja: Constructing a Self on Facebook: Teenage patients, privacy and autonomy. Biennial Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-‐20 October. 2012 van der Velden, Maja: Making the Invisible Visible. Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, Aarhus, Denmark, 18-‐20 June. 2013 Bratteteig, Tone. Hvordan er brukervennligheten av offentlige digitale tjenester i dag? eForvaltningskonferansen, February 2013 2013 Bratteteig, Tone. Sociomaterial entanglements – what are they & how to address them. KTH Stockholm February 2013 2013 Bratteteig, Tone and Joshi, Suhas. Erfaringsseminar Omsorg+: Ifi-‐forskningen på Kampen Omsorg+ presentert 20.06.13. 2013 Culén, Alma; van der Velden, Maja; Karpova, Anna. Challenges in Designing Learning Apps for and with Vulnerable Children. Designing for and with Vulnerable People, Workshop at CHI 2013 2013 Elovaara, Pirjo, de Petis, Linus, Finken, Sisse, Mörtberg, Christina & Sefyrin, Johanna. Meaning Making as a becoming: Sociomaterial orientations towards meaning making in organizational settings. The First Nordic STS Conference, Trondheim Værnes, Norway, April 24-‐26 2013 Finken, Sisse. Foucault, Design Research, and the Care for work and technologies. School of Computer Science, Linnaeus University, Sweden, October 23 2013. 2013 Finken, Sisse. Ethnographic inquiries into digital artifacts and use as outcome of negotiations. Research Seminar on ‘Methodological Reflections Between the Social Sciences and Design Research’. AHO PhD School / Center for Design Research. The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), Oslo, Norway, April 26th 2013 Finken, Sisse, Mörtberg, Christina & Elovaara, Pirjo. Embodiments. The becoming of ethnographic data: when subjects and objects touch. The 4S meeting, San Diego, USA, October 9-‐13. 2013 Joshi, Suhas. Resultater fra brukbarhetstesting av nettbrett Statusmøte for samhandlingsprosjekt, 14.05.13 2013 Joshi, Suhas. Research at Kampen Care+ Gemini-‐seminar: 05.09.13 2013 van der Velden, Maja. hva deler pasienter på sosiale medier? Om selvbeskyttelse, selvdefinisjon, selvbestemmelse og synlighet (presentation), Norsk Kreftforening og Geekgrrrls, Oslo, 10.01.2013. 2013 van der Velden, Maja; Culén, Alma. Designing Privacy with Teenage Patients: Methodological Challenges. Methods of Working with Teenagers in Interaction Design -‐ Workshop at CHI 2013 6 40) 2013 Verne, Guri. Citizens doing automated tax. SINTEF October 2013 41) 2013 Verne, Guri. Research overview: Citizens doing automated tax. Doctoral Colloquium at European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, September 2013 42) 2013 Verne, Guri. Technology between agency and automation – into the mangle. Working paper, Ifi 43) 2013 Verne, Guri and Bratteteig, Tone. Doing taxes – between work and life, position paper ECSCW workshop CSCW at the boundary of work and life, Cyprus 21. September 2013 44) 2013 Woll, Anita. Presentasjon av brukerbehovene knyttet til velferdsteknologi i sykehjem. Dialog Conference Eid commune, NHO /KS, 07. mai, 2013 45) 2013 Woll, Anita. Use of GIGA-‐mapping in participatory design processes, RSD2, AHO. 29 august 2013 46) 2014 Bratteteig, Tone. Forskning på Velferdsteknbologi i praksis, presentasjon for statsministerens besøk på UiO 18. Mars 2014 47) 2014 Bratteteig, Tone and Joshi, Suhas. UiO på Kampen Omsorg+ – Praksis, erfaringer og resultater Avslutningskonferansen i eSenior-‐prosjektet, Gøteborg, 05.09.14 48) 2014 Finken, Sisse. Effects of Design on Use. Interactions in a smart house for elderly. Linnaeus University, Kalmar and Växjö, Sweden, April 7th. 49) 2014 Finken, Sisse. Hands at work -‐ Care and Technologies. Hands on Instruments Conference. July 2014 50) 2014 Joshi, Suhas. UiO på Kampen Omsorg+. UiO Helse-‐ og sosialkomiteen, October 2014 51) 2014 Joshi, Suhas. Om følgeforskningens rolle Difi, Workshop om innovative anskaffelser som tema for forskning, 21.03.14 52) 2014 Joshi, Suhas. Samhandling og forskning – Innovativ anskaffelse fra et forskningsperspektiv Næringslivets hus (NHO), 28.05.14 53) 2014 Joshi, Suhas. Smarte teknologier Populærvitenskapelig foredrag UiO: 12.08.14 54) 2014 Joshi, Suhas. Velferdsteknologi på Kampen Omsorg+ Seminar Kampen Omsorg+/Hjemmesykepleien, 13.02.14 55) 2014 Joshi, Suhas. Forskningsresultater fra Kampen Omsorg+ EST: Presentasjon for kinesisk delegasjon, 29.08.14 og 01.09.14 56) 2014 Joshi, Suhas. Følgeforskning på Kampen. Faglig Forum 02.12.14 og igjen 10.12.14 57) 2014 Joshi, Suhas. 2 år på Kampen Innovasjonskafé hos Byrådsavdelingen for eldre og sosiale tjenester, 05.12.14 58) 2014 Rosseland, Rune. Preventing Cognitive And Physical Decline Through Bodily Interaction With Music. I: NordiCHI 2014 Workshop : Human-‐Technology Choreographies : re-‐thinking body, movement and space in interaction design. : University of Jyväskylä: 13-‐16 59) 2014 van der Velden, Maja and Machniak, Margaret. KULU Forsknings-‐ and designprosjekt: Aktiviteter ved Akershus Universitetetssykehus (report) 60) 2014 Verne, Guri. Automatisk skatt og borgerne. NOKIOS October 2014 61) 2014 Verne, Guri. Citizens doing automated taxes -‐ "The winners are those who have used the old paper form". AFIN, February 2014 62) 2014 Verne, Guri. "The winners are those who have used the old paper form" Citizens 7 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 73) 74) doing automated tax -‐ foredrag for Skattedirektoratet. Fagmøte i Skattedirektoratet; March 2014 2014 Verne, Guri. «Vinnerne er de som har brukt den gamle selvangivelsen -‐ Automatisert skatt og borgerne». Seminar DIFI; May 2014 2014 Woll, Anita. Presentasjon av brukerbehovene knyttet til velferdsteknologi i sykehjem og omsorgsboliger. Dialog Conference Flekkefjord kommune, NHO/KS, 14. desember, 2014 2014 Woll, Anita. Participatory design of ICT -‐ supported elderly care trajectories for municipal health and care services. Thesis presentation -‐ Fagtreff Elektro Rambøll Norge, 11 November 2014 2014 Woll, Anita. Participatory design of ICT -‐ supported elderly care trajectories for municipal health and care services. Almas hus, 10 oktober 2014. 2015 Bratteteig, Tone. Brukervennlighet – en sikkerhetsrisiko. eForvaltnings-‐ konferansen, February 2015 2015 Bratteteig, Tone. Velferdsteknologi i praksis. UiO bispevisitas, April 2015 2015 Bratteteig, Tone. Velferdsteknologi i praksis. UiO Oslo byrådsledelse, March 2015 2015 Joshi, Suhas. 2 år på Kampen Innovasjonskafé hos Byrådsavdelingen for eldre og sosiale tjenester, 12.01.15 2015 Joshi, Suhas and Woll, Anita. Resultater fra langtidsstudie Presentasjon for Hjemmesykepleien Bydel Gamle Oslo: 24.03.15 2015 Mörtberg, Christina. Situated Elderliness -‐ design with, by and for, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, March 13 2015 Woll, Anita. eHealth Session at HCII Los Angeles 2015 2015 Bratteteig, Tone, Finken, Sisse, Joshi, Suhas, Rosseland, Rune and Woll, Anita. Velferdsteknologi i praksis. Evaluering fra studier på Kampen Omsorg+. Rapport, Ifi MEDIA ARTICLES 2012 Midthun, Sondre and van der Velden, Maja. Redigerer bort sykdom (interview), Klassekampen, 7.9.2012. 2012 van der Velden, Maja. "Ikke alle mine venner trenger å vite dette": Unge pasienter, personvern og sosiale medier. Fagseminar Ungdomsmedisin, Akershus University Hospital, 26.9.2012 2013 Ackerman, Kate and Maja van der Velden (2013). Teenagers, Social Media and Health Information Privacy (interview), in iHealthBeat, 20.01.2013. Available online at: http://www.ihealthbeat.org/insight/2013/teenagers-‐social-‐media-‐and-‐health-‐ information-‐privacy 2012 Torheim, N.K. and Maja van der Velden (2013). Syke vil være normale på Facebook, in Forskning, September 2013. Available online at http://forskning.no/barn-‐og-‐ungdom-‐ internett-‐data/2012/09/syke-‐vil-‐vaere-‐normale-‐pa-‐facebook 2013 van der Velden, Maja. Nettpasienter, i Tidsskriftet, 4.2.2013. Available online at http://blogg.tidsskriftet.no/2013/02/04/nettpasienter 2013 Woll, Anita. Teknisk ukeblad I: Eldre skal bestille mat via TV –en. Doktorgrad på eldrebølgen og nye ikt-‐løsninger. 2013 Woll, Anita. Teknisk ukeblad II: Vil ha mobile løsninger, 2013. 8 2013 Woll, Anita. Forskningsrådet: Forsker på fremtidens eldreomsorg. http://www.forskningsradet.no/prognett-‐ naeringsphd/Nyheter/Forsker_pa_fremtidens_eldreomsorg/1253989111008/p12539 52592804 2013 Woll, Anita. Forskerforum: Den ukjente doktorgraden, publisert 10.06.2013, http://www.forskerforum.no/wip4/den-‐ukjende-‐doktorgraden/d.epl?id=2135284 2014 van der Velden, Maja. Design med unge pasienter – for unge pasienter, in Paidos 32(2): 48-‐51 2014 Woll, Anita. Vi over 60: Generasjon HIGHTECH, publisert 1. juli 2014 2014 Woll, Anita. Agderavisen: Hun skreddersyr fremtidens data-‐hjelpemidler for eldre. http://www.avisenagder.no/index.php?page=vis_nyhet&NyhetID=29191&sok=1 MASTER THESIS PROJECTS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 2011 Milanovic, Ivica. Formidling av personvern: Overskuelig og forståelig personvern i nettjenester? Ifi 2011 Østbye, Guro. Design med og for eldre, Ifi 2012 Torpe, Åshild Aaen: Skatteetaten på mobil: Fornying ved hjelp av deltakande design. Ifi. 2013 Berge, Snorre and Rosseland, Rune. Unknown Pleasures: Designing for enjoyable user experiences, Ifi 2013 Jørmeland, Camilla. Displacements in Care technology design. Ifi 2013 Karpova, Anna. From a Group to an Individual: Influence of Heterogeneity of Disabilities among Children with Special Education Needs on Design Processes. Ifi 2013 Machniak, Margaret. Sprinklr: Designing a 'cool' health-‐oriented social networking site with and for teenagers. IFI 2013 Raaum, Nora. Hvor ser brukeren? En analyse av eye tracking-‐data fra bruk av Skatteetatens nettsider. Ifi 2014 Gustavsen, Jan. User’s security on social network platforms. Ifi 2014 Haug, Christina & Holthe Kvam, Fredrikke. Tablets and elderly users: desigining a guidebook. IFI 2014 Heggelund, Agnethe Stensrud & Holmøy, Julie Dalen. Trygghetsalarm I en omsorg+bolig: hvem tar ansvaret?. IFI 2014 Saxlund, Sylvia Beate Stang. Design av personvernsinnstillinger med og for unge brukere av sosiale medier. IFI 2014 Simonsen, Anja op ten Berg. Design av personvernserklæringer for unge brukere av sosiale medier. IFI 2014 Syversen, Tiril Margrethe Sommerfeldt. Selvstendighet, verdighet og livskvalitet; evaluering av teknologiske hjelpemidler for demensrammede. Ifi 2014 Aasen, Nora Svarverud. Transisjonsapp: Ansvar for egen helse. IFI 2015 Clements, Rebecca Louise. Design for Curiosity: Presenting patients rights on the web. IFI 2015 Bråten, Ida. Doing Participatory Design in a School Setting. Ifi 2015 Hrpka, Aleksandra. Transition Game. IFI 2015 Hyenes, Simon Lysne. Timelines: Visualising young patients' lives. IFI 9 20) 2015 Steinberg, Johan Sebergsen. Exploring Authentication with Young Patients. IFI 21) 2015 Vedal, Tina Renate: Bedre kommunikasjon mellom hjemmetjenesten og deres klienter. Et design eksperiment, Ifi 22) 2016 Eide, Ingvild. Betingelser for pårørendes deltakelse i omsorg. Ifi 23) 2016 Fjeldstad, Vilde. Tangible Interaction på Kampen 24) 2016 Iversen, Thomas. Tangible interaction: Exploring and experimenting with physical computing. Ifi 25) 2016 Klevstul, Silje. Teenagers and health apps. IFI 26) 2016 Choi, Jeongyun. Improving Usability of Smart Homes. IFI PhD THESIS PROJECTS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2015 Verne, Guri. “The winners are those who have used the old paper form”. On citizens and automated public services. IFI 2016 Joshi, Suhas. Old people using new technology: exploring welfare technology for, by and with the elderly. IFI 2016 Woll, Anita. Ageing in place. On IT support for elderly people living independently in their own homes. IFI 2017 Rosseland, Rune. Touching the intangible: exploring movement-‐based Rhythmical Interaction With seniors. IFI 2017 Machniak, Margaret. The applicability of health-‐oriented information and communication technology during the transition from pediatric to adult medicine in Norway: A qualitative and participatory design approach. IFI STUDENT PROJECTS 2011 inf57221: 6 projects (Support for doing taxes for foreign students in Norway and for young people, Memory support for elderly people, Living in a smart house, App for surveillance of electricity consumption.) 2012 inf5722: 6 projects (Support for doing taxes for young people and for students, Making tax fun, Support for elderly for eating well, Digital diary & message service for elderly, Electricity consumption in a smart house.); inf15102: 1 project (leading light). 2013 inf5722: 6 projects (Design for autonomy (tax), Support for doing taxes for young people and for foreign students, Technology support for living in a smart house.); inf22603: 4 projects (Home care expected, PiRadio, Wayfinding in children’s clinic, venteromsspill); inf1510: 3 projects (rullator, light floors, caring coat). 2014 inf5722: 2 projects (Design for elderly in daily life and for socializing, Design of remote control for elderly people.); inf2260: 4 projects (Indoor bluetooth navigation, Rehabilitering gjennom Kinect, venteromsinstallasjon, Kinect venteromsspill); inf1510: 2 projects (electronic glove as interaction mechanism, easy login). 2015 inf1510: 4 projects (Interaction without a screen interface for elderly people (light 1 INF 5722 Experimental design of IT (Master) INF 1510: Bruksorientert design (Bachelor) 3 INF 2260 Interaction Design (Bachelor) 2 10 control, medication, getting outside), Internet banking for elderly people). Sum 38 projects (inf5722: 20, inf2260: 8, inf1510: 10) PROTYPES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. PiRadio – studentprosjekt høsten 2013 HomeCareExpected – studentprosjekt høsten 2013 ArduGlove – studentprosjekt våren 2014 LeapYear – forskningsprosjekt sommeren 2014 SmartWalk – studentprosjekt høsten 2014 Motus – studentprosjekt høsten 2014 DigiFrame – studentprosjekt høsten 2014 Payless – forskningsprosjekt våren 2015 T-‐Radio – forskningsprosjekt våren 2015 LightUp – forskningsprosjekt våren 2015 Natural Charge – forskningsprosjekt våren 2015 FlexiFinger – forskningsprosjekt våren 2015 Tablet Anywhere – forskningsprosjekt våren 2015 Glass Inquiry – forskningsprosjekt våren 2015 TV Consultation (med Anita Woll) – forskningsprosjekt 2013-‐2015 ArduHealthStation (planlagt) – våren 2015 Sprinklr: sosialt nettsted for unge (Margaret Machniak) Rune Rosseland: The conductor: kontroll av tempo ved bevegelse Ivica Milanovic personvern på nett-‐prototype Ida Bråtens prototype: skatt for unge Åshild Aaen Torps: mobil skatte-‐app Nora Svarverud Aasen: transisjonsapp Christina Haug og Fredrikke Holthe Kvam: brukermanual for nettbrett for eldre Anja Simonsen prototype game for terms of use & privacy policy Sylvia Saxlund prototype personverninnstillinger Johan Steinberg prototype for autentisering Koolo: app med dagbok og støtte til transisjon for unge pasienter (pilot-‐system) 11
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