How to cope in a changing world? Enviroment, Culture and Health in transition The NaCuHeal Academy In cooperation with NaKuHel Norway and Nature- Culture -Health International and NaKuHel Asker Invites to Conference in Sigdal and at Sem Gjestegaard in Asker, Norway 11. - 14. October 2008 Purpose of the conference: 1. 2. 3. 4. To analyze major changes and challenges in our world today Show strategies and practical cases on how to meet this future Learning by doing Several walks into the nature, dialogue and silence Fotograf: Tordis Ødbehr Saturday 11. Oktober We are landing in Sigdal 1800 – 1830 Reception at The Folk Music Centre (Folkemusikksenteret) 1830 – 1930 Welcome by Runolv Stegane, Deputy Mayor of Sigdal Municipality A taste of fairytales: Eventyrsmak; the local food producer 1930 – 2030 An introduction to the Nature Culture Health concept by Gunnar Tellnes (founder), Professor PhD MD at University of Oslo, Hedmark University College, President of NaCuHeal International. Mini folk concert and an outdoor walk at The Sigdal Museum Sunday 12. Oktober Nature – Culture – Health in Sigdal 0800 – 0830 Qi Gong, Dino Karabeg, University of Oslo and NaCuHeal International 0830 – 0930 Breakfast and preparing of packed-lunches 0930 – 1100 1100 – 1200 Walk from Flya, from the border of the protected forest and mountain area Trillemarka, to the home of the Norwegian artist Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914). Panoramaview over Sigdal and ”The Kingdom of Kittelsen.” Knut Harald Grøterud , the local landowner, tells local stories.. ”Picnic in the open.” 1200 – 1300 Guided tour in Theodor Kittelsen’s home Lauvlia 1300 – 1400 The vision of establishing A NaCuHeal Academy in Sigdal Municipality by Mayor Kari Ask The foundation stone – The President of the Norwegian Parliament, Torbjørn Jagland 1400 – 1430 Cultural event; A performance of Innana’s Descent - Nicola Samad, Harald Skullerud 1430 – 1550 • • • • • Local projects/representatives introduce their dreams..... Tone R. Rolfstad and Per Lyder Frøvoll, landowner of Trillemarka, Master of forrestry, teacher of Lien School of Agriculture – sustainable use of wilderness forest area /forest protection area Gørill and Henrik Mørch; Visions of the future for a family with small children in Sigdal Per Arne Lislien, Head of Board, Innovation Norway (not confirmed) Eli Reistad; The cultural landscape Anders Næss and Evju farm; ”Organic farming, selfgrowth and preformance art” 1550 – 1600 Closing remarks, Øyvind Sørbrøden, Head of the NaCuHeal Academy 1600 – 1645 A light meal 1700 Departure to Sem in Asker Surprise on the way! IMPORTANT: Bring warm, comfortable clothes and hiking-shoes! 1900 – 1945 Reception in the NaCuHeal Greenhouse 2000 Dinner at Sem Gjestegaard Monday 13. Oktober Trends and challenges in Today’s world Chairman: Øyvind Sørbrøden, leader of the NaCuHeal Academy Cultural; Merete Markussen trio 0900 - 0930 0930 - 1000 1000 - 1015 Opening of the Conference by Erik Solheim, Minister of Environment ( not confirmed) Tea, coffee, fruit 1015 - 1130 The extended view of health and ecology, Walter Koffler, President of the International Academy of Sciences 1130 - 1245 Walk and dialogue around the lake “Semsvannet”. We reflect on the Morning lectures, 2 - 3 persons together. Short stop half way at “Bryggerhuset”, Tveiter farm for a cup of hot “solbærtoddy” 1245 - 1345 Lunch 1445 - 1400 Meditation, Anne Solgaard, NaCuHeal International 1400 - 1530 1530 - 1650 Permaculture: a tool for sustainable design of human activities, Mugove Walter Nyika (Malawi),coordinator of IPC9 International Permaculture Conference Tea, coffee, fruit 1550 - 1615 Joyful singing! Merete Markussen, conductor Sem Vokalis ( NaCuHeal - choir) 1615 - 1730 Women, Forestry and Climate in Transition. Speech and Kick off for the World Wide Woman Tree Planting Action for Saving the Climate, Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Price Winner and Green Belt Movement ( not confirmed) 1730 - 1815 Linda Jolly, UMB; Living Schools - what kind of education do we need? 1815-1830 1900 - 1945 2000 Theatre activities for children and youth in Asker, Annelene Sett Gjessing . “We want to have a future!” Reception in the NaCuHeal, Greenhouse Comments on the Nature Culture Health concept by Gunnar Tellnes Banquet with social gathering afterwards Tuesday 14. Oktober This is how we do it; practical presentations Chairman: Anne Solgaard 0800 - 0815 Presence and stretching. the importance of a good start of the day Qi Gong, Dino Karabeg, University of Oslo, NaCuheal International 0815 - 0915 Breakfast 0915 - 1015 Lucky Næroset: performance by HC Medlien Parallell workshops 1015 - 1100 20 minutes presentations. 25 minutes dialogue. WS1: Ecosocieties (Ecovillages) - sustainable human settlements. Simen Torp, Stiftelsen Norske Økosamfunn WS2: NaCuHeal in Asker, Kristin Bredal Berge, Head of the centre WS3: NaCuHeal in Sigdal. Mayor Kari Ask and Ulla Elisabeth Schaller, NaKuHel Project, Sigdal WS4: Sustainability in human relations; Jannicke Heyerdal Larsen, Oslo College (Nonviolent Communication is presented as a method for connecting with your own and others`needs) WS5: Forests - human wellbeeing and health, Merethe Furuberg, President of NaKuHel Norge and Merethe Larsmoen, The Norwegian Forest association WS6: The kommunewiki project, Tor Næss, Dino Karabeg and Øyvind Sørbrøden; The NaCuHeal Academy WS7: The youth and children prosject in Bergen, Nina Morlandstø 1100 - 1130 WS8: WS9: Farming for future - for health, environment and quality of life, by Farmers and Smallholders Worldwide (Contact person President Merete Furuberg Norwegian Farmers and Smallholders Union, County of Hedmark NaKuHel Norway. Merete Furuberg WS10: NaKuHel in Sigdal. Kari Ask and Ulla Elisabeth Schaller WS 3 continued WS11: Forests – human wellbeing and health, Merete Furuberg, Merete Larsmoen WS 5 continued WS12: . WS13: The kommunewiki project, Tor Næss, Dino Karabeg, Øyvind Sørbrøden WS 6 continued WS14: Farming for future - for health, environment and quality of life, by Farmers and Smallholders Worldwide. President Merete Furuberg, Norwegian Farmers and Smallholders Union, County of Hedmark. WS 8 continued The youth and children project in Bergen, Nina Morlandstø WS 7 Continued 1130 - 1145 Tea, coffee, fruit 1200 - 1230 Plenary. Summing up. Rapporteur Closing remarks, Øyvind Sørbrøden, Head of The NaCuHeal Academy 1230 - 1300 Lunch Registration; Registration to be completed within Friday 26. September 2008 til Øyvind Sørbrøden, Åsliveien 14B, 1392 Vettre, Norge –– mobil 47-90918666. Or preferably mail to; If you register before August 29th, you will pay less, see the amount in brackets! I choose the following package (mark with x): ____ 1. Conference fee, all meals and hotel (11.. – 14.11.) kr. 4.400 (kr. 3.900) ____ 2. Conference fee, Sigdal part (11.-12.)with room kr. 1400 (kr. 1200) ____ 3. Conference fee, Sigdal part (11.-12.)without room kr. 1100 (kr. 900) ____ 4. Conference fee, all meals, nights – Sunday– Tuesday, kr. 3.600 (kr. 3300) ____ 5. Conference fee, all meals and night Monday – Tuesday kr. 2.100 (kr. 1900) ____ 6. Conference fee, lunch etc.- Monday kr. 900 (kr. 800) ____ 7. Conference fee, lunch etc.- Tuesday kr. 900 (kr. 800) Name:__________________________________________________________ Adress:_________________________________________________________ Special needs;_____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Payment (please mark clearly name and package above) to account no. 1503.02.44491 IBAN: NO15030244491 BIC/SWIFT: DNBANOKK : Final date of registration: Friday 26. September. Your registration is accepted when fee is paid. The conference has a capacity for 90 participants. Questions about the conference should be adressed to; • Øyvind Sørbrøden, 90918666 ( Fotografier NaKuH el Asker; Kristin Bredal Berge Fotografier Sigdal; utlånt av Næringshagen i Kunstnerdalen Partners: Asker kommune; Fet kommune; Kvinnherad kommune; Porsgrunn kommune; Sigdal kommune; Akershus fylkeskommune; Buskerud fylkeskommune; Hedmark fylkeskommune; Fylkesmannen i Buskerud, Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus; Universitetet i Oslo, International Academy of Sciences – Health and Ecology; Høgskolen i Akershus; Høgskolen i Hedmark; Høgskolen i Lillehammer; Høgskolen i Telemark, Stiftelsen Flux (med Flux forlag) og Norsk forening for Folkehelse; Norsk Bonde- og småbrukerlag, Norges Bondelag, Hedmark Bonde- og småbrukerlag, Skogselskapet i Hedmark, Næringshagen i Kunstnerdalen, Gaia arkitektene og Fylkeslegen i Buskerud Konferanseansvarlige: Ingunn Leeber, Anne Solgaard, Ulla Elisabeth Schaller og Øyvind Sørbrøden
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