“Your Radio Heartland of Music!”
Digital Radio for Europe and the World!
Global Radio on the Internet and Available Broadcasting
We offer:
*Spot Advertising
*Paid Broadcasts,
*Web(Banner) Advertising.
Please check out our Rate Cards!
Northern Star Media Services AS adheres to the "Rights and duties of the
Northern Star Media Services AS reserves the right to change programs and programming
at any time without further notice.
”Advertising” in the following includes sponsorship announcements, spot advertising
(commercials), paid broadcasts as well as web(banner)advertising as far as this is
compatible with this text.
All advertising must be pre-paid. Payment in full is required by Bank Transaction or via
PayPal to Northern Star Media Services AS before any on air advertising campaign begins.
All rates are exclusive of Norwegian VAT.
All advertising is subject to the approval of Northern Star Media Services AS which reserves
the right to reject advertising material for any reason whatsoever including incompatibility
with station editorial policy and format.
The station may cancel or suspend any advertising, provided the advertiser is
subsequently advised of such a cancellation or suspension; and will either replace the
order in the program schedule or offer a proportionate refund,.
The station may terminate or suspend a contract, where the advertiser is in breach of this
or any other contract between the station and advertiser, or the advertiser's agent, or upon
bankruptcy or insolvency of the advertiser, or is in administration, receivership or a
liquidator is appointed in respect of the advertiser.
An advertising order may be cancelled by the Advertiser if, and only if Northern Star Media
Services AS receives notification in writing of the cancellation at least 60 days before the
advertising is scheduled to commence.
The advertiser accepts full responsibility for the content of all advertising to be broadcast
and agrees to indemnify Northern Star Media Services AS against all legal penalties and
against all liability whatsoever including, liability for negligence of Northern Star Media
Services AS or any employee or agent of Northern Star Media Services AS arising from any
broadcast of the advertising.
A discount of 25% will apply to advertisements making complete use of the Norwegian or
Norwegian Nynorsk language.
Northern Star Media Services AS forholder seg til Redaktørplakaten
Northern Star Media Services AS forbeholder seg retten til å endre programmer og
programoversikt når som helst og uten ytterligere varsel.
"Reklamesending" i følgende inkluderer sponsing, vanlige
reklameinnslag(reklamespots)betalte sendinger, også web(banner)reklame så langt dette
passer denne teksten.
All annonsering må forhåndsbetales. Full betaling via bank eller via PayPal til Northern Star
Media Services AS må skje før noen reklamesending begynner på lufta. Alle priser er
All reklamesending må godkjennes av Northern Star Media Services AS som forbeholder
seg retten til å avvise reklame, uansett grunn, inkludert inkompatibilitet med stasjonens
redaksjonelle linje og format.
Stasjonen kan avbryte eller innstille reklamesending, forutsatt at kunden er informert om
dette, og vil da enten sende reklamen i samråd med kunden senere eller tilby refusjon.
Stasjonen kan avslutte eller sette en kontrakt på vent, når kunden forholder seg i strid med
denne eller annen kontrakt mellom stasjonen og kunden, eller kundens agent, eller om
manglende betalingsevne og konkurs oppstår hos kunden.
Reklamesending kan bli avbestilt av annonsøren hvis, og bare hvis Northern Star Media
Services AS mottar skriftlig melding om avbestillingen minst 60 dager før
reklamesendingen er planlagt å starte.
Annonsøren aksepterer fullt ansvar for innholdet på all reklamesending, og godtar å holde
Northern Star Media Services AS skadesløs mot rettsforfølgelse, og all form for ansvar som
oppstår fra reklamesendinger og kjøp og salg av disse.
En rabatt på 25% vil gjelde for reklame som gjør bruk av norsk eller nynorsk språk.