Transkulturell Psykiatri: Innvirkning av kulturell bakgrunn på psykiske lidelser Overlege, dr. med. Suraj Thapa Søndre Oslo DPS Oslo Universitetssykehus 10.03.2015 Stavanger Oversikt n n n n n n Introduksjon Kultur og sin innvirkning på psykisk helse Psykisk helse hos innvandrere i Norge Kasus Som kliniker Oppsummering Oversikt n n n n n n Introduksjon Kultur og sin innvirkning i psykisk helse Psykisk helse hos innvandrere i Norge Kasus Som kliniker Oppsummering Different terminologies n n n n n n Transcultural Cross-cultural Intercultural Ecological Ethocultural Cultural psychiatry n n Section of Transcultural Psychiatry studies at McGill University by Eric Wittkower in 1955 New cross cultural psychiatry as called by Kleinman in 1977 Emic vs Etic approach n Culture-specific n Culture-universal n Cultural relativism n Bio-psychological universalism How psychiatric disorders are different across culture? - by anthropologists n n How psychiatric disorders are similar across cultures? - by psychiatrists Klienman in his book - Rethinking psychiatry (1988) Dimensions of human existence Biological Psychological Sociocultural Spiritual Ponce DE (1998). Cultural epistemology and value orientations; clinical applications in transcultural psychiatry Oversikt n n n n n n Introduksjon Kultur og sin innvirkning i psykisk helse Psykisk helse hos innvandrere i Norge Kasus Som kliniker Oppsummering Definitions of culture n Williams (1983)- “One of the two or three most complicated words in English language” n Kroeber & Kluckhohn (1963)- “Comparable to gravity in physics, disease in medicine and evolution in biology n “The customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of particular group or country”, Oxford dictionary. n “A blueprint for living that is nongenetically transmitted from one generation to the next”, Samuel Okpaku (1998). Hva er norskkultur? Norskkultur n ”Norsk kultur er det komplekse hele som inkluderer norske tradisjoner for kunnskap, tro, kunst, lover, moral, skikker, ferdigheter og vaner som er utviklet gjennom vår historie og som vi har lært i egenskap av å være medlemmer av det norske samfunn.” Innvandrerkultur n Heterogent n Også heterogent innenfor eget nasjonalitet n Flerkulturell Norge Importance of culture in mental health n Normality vs. Abnormality n (Sykdom og helse i en kontekst) n Part of the etiology n Clinical presentation and distribution of mental illness n (Forskjellige utrykk og forståelse for følelser og opplevelser) n Recognition and treatment of mental illness n (e.g. culture bound syndromes) Cecil Helman (2001) in the book “Culture health and illness” Når to kulturer møter, Berry og Kim, 1988 (fra Storholt T, 2006) Psykiatri i Vest og Øst Møte mellom vest og øst Hvem behandler psykiske lidelser i Øst? n Familie, naboer, slektninger n Fengselslege/ helsepersonell n Alternative terapeuter: healer, prest, munk, imam, astrolog, shaman osv Psykosomatikk? Fastbundet Legestudents holdning til psykiske lidelser i Pakistan Oversikt n n n n n n Introduksjon Kultur og sin innvirkning i psykisk helse Psykisk helse hos innvandrere i Norge Kasus Som kliniker Oppsummering Distribution of immigrants according to the region of their origin Source: Statistics, Norway (2012 What we know and donot know about mental health problem of immigrants in Norway (Abebe D, Lien L, Hjelde KH 2012 • This review aims to map the available knowledge on immigrants' mental health status and its associated risk factors in Norway through databases, such as PUBMED, EMBASE, PsychINFO and MEDLINE. • About 41 peer-reviewed original articles published since 1990s were included. • Adult immigrants from low and middle income countries, have been found with a higher degree of mental health problems compared to Norwegians and the general population. • Increased risk for mental illness is primarily linked to a higher risk for acculturative stress, poor social support, deprived socioeconomic conditions, multiple negative life events, experiences of discrimination and traumatic pre-migration experiences. Premigration traumatic events and psychological distress among 5 immigrant groups n n n 3019 immigrants from Turkey, Iran, Pakisthan, Sri Lnaka and Vietnam living in Oslo Highest prevalence of psychological distress among Turkish immigrants and lowest among Sri Lankans Experience of torture, imprisonment and unemployment were associated wit distress. (Lien et al, 2010) Other studies from clinical set-ups n n 80 / 415 admitted in acute psychiatric ward were immigrants , whereby there were more men, younger age groups, more with psychosis diagnosis and with forced admission and less with substance abuse (Berg & Johansen, 2004). Use of forced medication /treatment was higher among immigrant patients admitted to acute psychiatric departments in Oslo (34.3% vs 12.0% in age groups 18-29 (Knutzen et al, 2007) Psykiskhelse hos innvandrere fra HUBRO studien Prevalence of distress (%) according to gender 30 25 20 Immigrants from high-income countries Immigrants from lowincome countries 15 10 5 0 Male Female Total Prevalence of distress (%) by job status 40 35 30 Immigrants from high-income countries Immigrants from lowincome countries 25 20 15 10 5 0 Employment No employment Prevalence of distress according to gender and regions 50 45 40 35 East Europe Africa Soth Asia South/East Asia South America Middle East 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Male Female Total Prevalence of distress (%) according to annual family incomes (x100 NOK) 40 35 30 25 Immigrants from high-income countries Immigrants from lowincome countries 20 15 10 5 0 <200 200300 300400 400500 >500 Rates of traumatic & negative life events (NLE) 70 60 50 Immigrants from high-income countries Immigrants from lowincome countries 40 30 20 10 0 War Impris Tort NLE OR of distress among immigrants from LI countries compared to HI countries 2.5 2 1.5 Odds of distress 1 0.5 0 Crude Model Model Model OR 1 2 3 Model 1: adjusted for sociodemograpfic chracteristics Model 2: model 1 + pre-migration experiences Model 3: model 2 + post-migration experiences Odds of distress (95% CI) from multivariate models (n=1265) ___________________________________________________________________ Immigrants Unadjusted Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 from OR OR OR OR ________________________________________________________________________ High-income countries (Reference) Low-income countries 2.79 (2.16-3.60) 2.59 (1.60-3.13) 1.99 (1.25-2.55) 1.33 (.88-1.93) p value .001 .002 .001 .176 __________________________________________________________________________________ Model 1: adjusted for gender, age, religion, marital status and education Model 2: adjusted for gender, age, religion, marital status, education, and pre-migration risk factors (traumatic experiences) Model 3: adjusted for gender, age, religion, marital status, education, pre-migration risk factors, and postmigration risk factors (negative life events, lack of job, annual family income Distress in different groups 30 25 20 15 Distress % 10 5 0 Norwegian born Imm LI Imm HI Imm LI: Immigrants form low-income countries Imm HI: Immigrrants from high-income countries Gender differences in factors associated with distress Risk factors for male immigrants n n n Lack of paid job Denial of job Negative life events Risk factors for female immigrants n n n n n n n Lack of paid job Higher age Negative life events Living alone Denial of housing Middle East background Visit by Norwegians as a protective factor (Thapa & Hauff, 2005) Factors that can affect mental health of migrants n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Age Pre-migration Gender Education Ethnicity Trauma Type of migration --------------------------------------------------------------------------Loss of family member Migration Mental Time for preparation for migration Availability of social supports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sosial supports Post-migration Economical problems Job Integration Sociocultural factors Negative life events Discrimination Self efficacy Acculturation health Oversikt n n n n n n Introduksjon Kultur og sin innvirkning i psykisk helse Psykisk helse hos innvandrere i Norge Kasus Som kliniker Oppsummering Kasus n En kvinne fra Thailand på 35 år, kom til Norge for 4 år siden, gift med en Nordmann på 60 år, har to barn, kan litt norsk, mor og søstere prostituerte i Thailand, HIV smittet, alkohliserte brødre n Henvist fra fastlege med mistanke om bipolar lidelse n Ble søkt innlagt på akuttpsykiatrisk avd. til tvungen observasjon Hva sier pasienten selv? n n n n Jeg er en frisk person og hadde det bra før jeg kom til Norge. Mine største problemer er søvnvansker, smerter og mistrivsel i Norge. Har nesten ingen nettverk her og savner mitt nettverk i Thailand 100% sikker på at jeg blir helt frisk når jeg flytter tilbake til Thailand. Oversikt n n n n n n Introduksjon Kultur og sin innvirkning i psykisk helse Psykisk helse hos innvandrere i Norge Kasus Som kliniker Oppsummering Hva kan vi gjøre som kliniker? n n n n Være nysgjerrig for pasientens kulturell bakgrunn som kan være forklaring til pasientens symptomer / lidelser Kulturformulering av pasientens psykiske vansker, ta hensyn til det før man stiller en diagnose eller planlegger behandling Spør pas om det finnes noen behandlings metoder i deres kultur for slike symptomer Bruk redskaper /veiledninger som finnes Retninslinjer/veiledninger Kulturformulering i DSM IV n n n n n n n Personens kulturelle identitet Kulturelle forklaring på sykdom Kulturelle faktorer relatert til psykososialt miljø og funksjonsnivå Kulturelle faktorer i relasjon mellom pasient og kliniker ------En generell kulturell vurdering med henblikk på diagnostisering og behandling Migrasjon ok akulturasjon Oppsummering n n n n n Viktig å huske på kulturforskjeller og likheter når det oppstår kontakt mellom to forskjellige kulturer. Innvandrere har som regel høyre prevalens av psykiske lidelser. Kultursensitive utredningsmetoder Bruk av tolk, kulturekspert osv. Bruk av redskaper som finnes ....... Thanks for your attention!
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