Fortellerteori MEVIT 2700 Medietekster: teori og analyse Sklovskij og Tomasjevskij (1925): Fabel og sujett Benveniste (1966): Histoire og discours (story og discourse) Todorov (1966): Histoire og discours (story og discourse) Genette (1972): Histoire og narratif (story og narrative) Chatman (1978): Story og discourse Bordwell, Staiger and Thompson (1979): Story og plot utgangspunkt: lingvistikk 1. Fortellingens språk 2. Funksjoner 3. Handlinger 4. Fortellehandlingen 5. Fortellingens system Roland Barthes 1915-1980 Fortellehandling Abstrakte handlinger Funksjoner Roland Barthes 1915-1980 Barthes writes in a tradition where he first launches a term, and then divides it into smaller terms. Functions Indices what happens, the chains of events descriptions of the storyworld distributive, they fill the story out in time integrative, they make the story coherent Cardinal functions Catalysers Indices proper Informants the events with "Filler" events that information about informantion important do not have characters locating the story in consequenses for consequences for the story. Causal later actions. time and place First he says that everything in a narrative are functions (p. 89 in the 1977 Heath edition). Later, he states that "distributional" functions "correspond to what Propp […] take as functions […]. The term 'functions' will be reserved for these units […]" (92). These functions are what happens, the elements of the action, which he divides into "cardinal functions" (a.ka. "nuclei") and "catalysts". Functions are distributive. They are chains of causes or actions happening over time. They "distribute" the actions over time. Indices are integrative, as they describe what does not change over time, such as characters, place, or epoch ("middle age", "Oslo, 1990ies", "Mines of Moria"). functions. Functions and indices are the first level of description. Th second level of descriptions are the abstract actions. They Kildehenvisning her Diskurs Funksjon Indeks Kjernefunksjon Katalyse Informasjon Egentlig indeks Fortellehandling Abstrakte handlinger Funksjoner Roland Barthes 1915-1980 “ “ the opening situation of equilibrium; the degradation of the situation through the kidnapping of the boy; the state of disequilibrium observed by the little girl; the search for and recovery of the boy; the reestablishment of the initial equilibrium—the return home. Tzvetan Todorov 1939– The Two Principles of Narrative". 1971. In Genres In Discourse. Overs. Catherine Porter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. s.29. (Kommunikasjonsaksen) Giver Objekt Mottaker (Prosjektaksen) Hjelper Subjekt Motstander (Konfliktaksen) Algirdas Julien Greimas. Sémantique Structurale. 1966 Kildehenvisning her Barthes writes in a tradition where he first launches a term, and then divides it into smaller terms. Fortellehandling Abstrakte handlinger Funksjoner Roland Barthes 1915-1980 Roland Barthes: S/Z Hermeneutisk kode (spennng) Referentiell kode (realisme) Semantisk kode (konnotasjoner) Proairetisk kode (handlinger) Symbolsk kode (underliggende mytisk materiale) Barthes, Roland. S/Z. 1970. Trans. Richard Miller. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993. First he says that everything in a narrative are functions (p. 89 in the 1977 Heath edition). Later, he states that "distributional" functions "correspond to what Propp […]
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