Per-Arild Konradsen Hvordan utvikle morgendagens talenter innen teknologiutvikling FIRST Scandinavia – mission ” Our purpose is to stimulate children’s interest in scientific and technical /mathematical subjects through engaging projects, in which the child itself is the driving force “ FIRST Scandinavia c c The Newton-concept is a part of the national strategy for science: Strategiplan: Tiltaksplan: FIRST LEGO League Alle mellom 10-16 år! SKOLE - KLASSE - FRITIDSKLUBB - VENNEGJENG Prosjektets inndeling Forskning Teknologi Markedsføring & Samarbeid Turneringsdagen Presentasjon av forskningsoppgaven for dommerne Turneringsdagen Konkurrere med sine roboter på robotbaner Turneringsdagen Teknologi presentasjon for dommerne Turneringsdagen Markedsføring og samarbeid presenteres i egen ”stand”. FIRST LEGO League i Skandinavia 2000. Pilot i Bodø - 13 lag 2001. 8 byer - 152 lag 2002. 16 byer - 253 lag 2003. 16 byer - 320 lag 2004. 21 byer - 385 lag 2005. 26 byer - 400 lag 2006. 31 byer - 550 lag 2007. 34 byer - 669 lag 2008. 35 byer - 671 lag 2009. 39 byer - 620 lag 2010. 38 byer - 694 lag 2011. 40 byer - 715 lag 2012. 44 byer - 750 lag 2013. 45 byer - 845 lag 2014. 46 byer - 852 lag 2015. 52 byer - 1000 lag?? Key success factor: FLL project managers in Scandinavia Distributionmodel FIRST LEGO League Pupils FIRST LEGO League tournaments Project managers – financed locally FIRST Scandinavia Supported by private and public sponsorships Årets oppdrag Skandinavisk finale Laget som vinner FLL Championsprisen i hver turneringsby er kvalifisert til å delta. Skandivavisk finale er 3 uker etter de regionale turneringene. Jr. FLL Enkelte turneringer har også med Jr. FLL lag Disse deltakerne er mellom 6 og 9år og har jobbet med samme tema som FLL lagene The Newton concept - A practical approach to STEM teaching With Newton®-rooms the schools in one district can share stateof-the art educational equipment and the best science teachers Situation today in many Norwegian schools? Newton-modules Preparations in the classroom Activities in the Newton-room Post-work in the classroom Newton-modules examples Energy • Energy consumption in the past and today • Electrical energy from renewable and non-renewable energysources • Fossile fuels/non-renewable energy. Origin and application brensel. • Newton ENGIA • Production of electrical energy • Motion from renewable energy sources • Energyuse in the future • Solar energy • Electricity with digital tools • Heat pump Aquaculture and fisheries • Salmo salar • Aquaculture • Ready for the ocean (smolt) • Plants and animals in the beach zone • Which fish am I? (kindergarden) Geology, technology ++ • Robotics LEGO Education WeDo (5-7 years) – the Zoo • Robotics LEGO Education WeDo (5-7 years) – the inventor • Mechanical toys • Geology and caves • Build a windmill • Science in fire prevention Space • Space – the human journey in space • Satellites 1 • Satellites 2 • Aurora borealis/ northern lights Mathematics • Linear functions and investigative mathematics – pracice and theory • Fractions (10-13 years) • Mathematics Christmas workshop • Studenteconomy • Robotics and mathematics Equipment in the Newton-rooms Newton Aquaculture Example Newton room layout Narvik Spatial planning Bodø Example Newton room layout Gildeskål Newton Aquaculture Workstations in the Newton-rooms Stavanger Laboratorium Stavanger Distributionmodel Newton in Norway Newton-rooms in Norway 34 Newton-rooms are under establishment, testing and in operation. An additional 12 communities are working on the establishment of Newton-rooms at present 20 rooms in operation 7 rooms in test phase 7 rooms under establishment The Newton network The Newton conference 2014 Newton Flight Academy. Newton Aviation Camp sponsored by Boeing Preflight Ready ! Students flew their own missions togehter with a F16 pilot Newton Flight Academy – Flight simulator Virtual Fly ONTOP +DUO M20J side-by-side • X Plane Software (FAA approved) • Vendor: Virtual Fly (Spain) • Purpose: Flight training fixed wing aircraft Thank you very much for your attention ! + Facebook Bodø 20.10.2015, Per-Arild Konradsen,, +47 40 60 50 00
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