BASWARE IP Contract Matching Basware Monitor AGENDA Contract Matching Pause Monitor BASWARE CONTRACT MATCHING IN A NUTSHELL BasWare Contract Matching (CM) is an addon to BasWare Invoice Processing Automates recurring invoice handling, removes or minimizes routine tasks related to recurring invoice handling Automatically matches recurring invoices to the payment schedule or contract budget, copies the coding and approval to the invoice Includes contract document scanning, contract approval and archive TYPICAL ISSUES RELATED TO RECURRING INVOICES Reduce costs Process efficiency Contract creation, review and approval Contract maintenance, renewal and changes Ensuring the invoicing reflects the agreed terms of the contract First find the contract Then find the terms within the contract Different people involved Do phones bills go to managers? Do leasing invoices go to finance? Which contract related invoices go to the AP Department? Accurate coding First identify responsible person/department Connect cost center code, personnel #, account #, etc. Auditing Who did what, when and where? How is this information maintained? Supplier Management and negotiation Accurate information about supplier specific spend data Taking advantage of early payment discount Legislative requirements? IFRS? EuroSOX? TYPES OF ORDERLESS INVOICES SCHEDULE VS. BUDGET-BASED Orderless invoices generally are: Periodic; arriving quarterly, monthly, bi-monthly, weekly, etc. Typically with the same supplier, sum (approximately), approver, coding, etc. Examples of these invoices can include: Rent Leasing Cleaning Electricity Maintenance Security Telecommunications All of the above could be Schedule-based TYPES OF ORDERLESS INVOICES CONT. SCHEDULE VS. BUDGET-BASED Budget-based Invoices Budget-based invoices relate to a contract or agreement in which a total sum or ’budget’ is specified All invoicing is done against this total Invoices will be automatically matched until the budget is reached or exceeded If the budget is exceeded by an invoice, that invoice is automatically routed to the correct person for handling This type of invoice is typically for service and/or project related agreements such as: Fixed or variable term consulting projects Construction projects Various types of project based contracting Maintenance and service agreements Contract related invoices typically account for around 12% of all invoices. RECURRING INVOICE AUTOMATION Contract creation Contract approval Transfer for payment Invoice arrival Invoices match with approved payment schedule or budget (contract) i Invoice approval a i = information work flow a = automation Matching Invoices do not match with contract (exceptions) IP MONITOR • Basware Invoice Processing Monitor brukes for analyse og rapportering. • Foruten en rekke forhåndsdefinerte rapporter, kan flere spørringer benyttes til å hente alle fakturarelaterte data i systemet LISENSER OG BRUKER RETTIGHETER • For å kunne bruke Monitor-programmet, må du ha de nødvendige Monitor lisens. I tillegg må du ha brukerrettighetene for rapportering, dette styres av hvilke grupper selskaper du har tilgang til. BASWARE IP MONITOR • To hovedvinduer for søking etter fakturaer: - Fakturasøk • - Kontosammendrag • • Søk bare på faktura hode nivå - Selskap, leverandør, dato, beløp, fakturanummer, bilagsnummer, fakturastatus Søk også basert på konterings/kostnadsinformasjon - Konto, avdeling, kostnadssted Tre tilleggsvinduer - Likviditetsstyring • - Spørringer • - Hva ligger til forfall pr valuta for hver dag framover Egendefinerte SQL-rapporter Hurtigrapporter MONITOR - FAKTURASØK KONTOSAMMENDRAG LIKVIDITETSSTYRING LIKVIDITETSSTYRING • • • Du kan søke for faktura etter hvilken status de har, forfallsdato eller kontantforfallsdato. Resultatet vises I en liste. Dersom kontantforfallsdato benyttes I din løsning, har du følgende optioner for stauts; Ubetalte faktura Betalte faktura Alle faktura Dersom kontantforfallsdato ikke benyttes i din løsning har du følgende valg for status: Ikke overførte faktura Overførte faktura Alle faktura SPØRRINGER Under denne meny kan du velge tilpassete rapporter. Kunde tilpassete rapporter er opprettet og lagret I Admin . Avhengig av hvordan rapport er laget kan du velge søke kriteria når du skal kjøre den aktuelle rappporten SPØRRINGER HURTIGRAPPORTER– TOPP 10 LEVERANDØRER HURTIGRAPPORTER– TOPP 10 LEVERANDØRER • Topp 10 Leverandør rapporten inkluder faktura for leverandører som har sent høyest antall faktura eller som som har sent faktura som representerer høyest faktura sum. Kanselerte faktura er ikke inkludert I rapporten. HURTIGRAPPORT– FAKTURA MATCHING QUICK REPORTS – INVOICE ORIGIN THANK YOU ELISABET LOFTHUS
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