Parshas Bo ( )בּׂאand the Mitzvos of Conversion By Christopher Fredrickson Email: Phone: (828)391-3725 Websites: Related words to the Torah Portion בֺּא בֺּאMeans "to enter" בָּאMeans "come or arrive" בּברית ִ בָּאEnter into covenant, or make an agreement ֺ בָּא בִּדבָרים עִמּוNegotiate or enter into words with בָּרוּך ַהבָּאWelcome! (Blessed is the one who comes) שּׁנָה ַה ָבּאָה ָ ַלNext year (in the coming year) בָּא לָעוֹלָםTo be born (come to my the world) הָעוֹלָם ַהבָּאThe world to come שׁב ְושֺכִיר לאׁ יֺאכַל בּוֹ ָ ֺתו A resident (alien) or an (circumcised non-Jew) hired worker may not eat of it. Exodus 12:45 (The Gutnick Chumash) The word שׁב ָ ֺ תוmeans "foreigner" "aliens" or "non-native". זָכָר וְאָז-הִמּוֹל לוֹ כָל--שׂה ֶפסַח לַיהוָה ָ ְו ָע,י ָגוּר ִאתְּ ָך גֵּר-ְוכִי .י ֹאכַל בּוֹ- ֹלא,ע ֵָרל-ָאָרץ; ְוכָל ֶ ְו ָהי ָה ְכּ ֶאז ְַרח ה,י ִ ְק ַרב ַלעֲשׂ ֹתוֹ When a convert joins you, he should make a Pesach sacrifice to G-d. In order for him to offer it, all of his family members should be circumcised. Then he will be like a native of the land bringing the sacrifice in it's prescribed time. Exodus 12:48 (the Gutnick Chumash) ( י ָגוּרYa’gor) contains a vav In verse 48: we also have “ גֵּרger” without the וsymbolizing a death to self considering the וrepresents 6 which is the number of man, so death of self (the Noahide laws) the death of the physical lusts of the world are what bring us on the path of the גֵּר which is a path to live for Hashem. !"#$ %& )( ܐ%* ܕܗ%& ܘܗ./012 (3 () 45 ܐ%&)( ܐ 678& ܒ6: ܗܘ ܕܐ)<; ܘ%&ܐ )( ܐ65!ܗ ܕܐ$@?>ܬܐ ܗܘ ܕ:6$ ; ܀08B) And I have been crucified together with M'shikha {The Anointed One}, and now, I'm not alive, but rather, I live in M'shikha {The Anointed One}, and now, this which I live in the flesh, I'm living by The Faith of The Son of Alaha {God}, He who loved me and gave His Soul for me. Galatians 2:20 (The Aramaic Scriptures) ( ܀0C>Dܐ ܕEF0G!$ H<)E2 ܕ%I:EJ ܗܘ%K&!#5 ܐ But if not; that you cease from your former behavior; the old son of Man who is corrupted by the lusts of deception, >ܢ ܀M0CN2 ܕ.)!ܘ$ ܬܘܢN)ܘܬܬ and be renewed in The Rukha {The Spirit} of your minds, >ܬܐ0"/3>ܬܐ ܘI:ܕO$ !ܝ$ܐ ܐܬ65Q$ܬܐ ܗܘ ܕN) %K&!#5 >ܢ7#5ܘܬ ܐ ܀E*>Rܕ and be clothed with The New Son of Man, He who, that in Alaha {God}, is created in Righteousness, and in Purity of The Truth. Ephesians 4:22-24 (The Aramaic Scriptures) ܐ65S5 ܘܢE& ܐ.0)ܐ ܘE0T/U ܘܢE&ܐ ܐE0V>ܢ ܕMK8& >$>7) ܘܢE& ܐܦ ܐ%?Xܗ ܀./012 >ܥ7: @!ܢ$ Thus, you also reckon your souls, that you are dead to sin, and you are alive unto Alaha {God}, in Maran Eshu M'shikha {Our Lord Yeshua The Anointed One}. Romans 6:11 (The Aramaic Scriptures) The word ger, means “to sojourn” “to travel (in a spiritual sense)” and is also a word used for a person who is converting because they are on a path to come close to Hashem. ַהגָּר בְּתוֹ ְככֶם, ְו ַלגֵּר, י ִ ְהי ֶה ָל ֶאז ְָרח,תּוֹרה אַחַת ָ The native born Jew and the convert who joins you share the same law for all the mitvos of the Torah as well. Exodus 12:49 (The Gutnick Chumash) אַחַתin this verse is the female version of echad so “torah achat” is very interesting phrasing and it relates to how the Torah is received at the home where the wife essentially teaches the Torah. This verse contains the word “hagar” for stranger, which also contains the word “ger” though hagar is a feminine Hebrew word. We also know in Sefer HaBereishis there was the woman Hagar who bore children for Avraham, Hagar was “grafted into” the seed of Avraham. In verse 49 we see both the feminine and masculine with ve’la’ger and hagar right after each other. So the ger (sojourner) toshav (foreigner) who wants to be “grafted in” starts with Bnei Noach (which can mean the house of Noah or the House of Comfort). The reason it is the “House of Comfort” is because a conversion to Judaism is a long process and a major lifestyle choice, it is almost like being in rehab, a person must be encouraged they have to be comforted, kid gloves need to be worn.
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