FEBRUARY 15 TO 16 2 0 1 6 IN AALBORG THE FOURTH ANNUAL NIELS BOHR LECTURE I N C U LT U R A L P S Y C H O L O G Y T H E R OA D T O AC T UA L I S E D D E M O C R AC Y: A P S Y C H O L O G I C A L E X P L O R AT I O N KEYNOTE SPEAKER: FATHALI MOGHADDAM The Niels Bohr Professorship Lectures in Cultural Psychology series aims to highlight and develop new ideas in cultural psychology. Each year early to mid career cultural psychologists, who have demonstrated originality and productivity, are selected to give the lecture. Other cultural psychologists from around the world are also invited to attend and comment on it. This year we are proud to present Fathali Moghaddam as our keynote speaker for our fourth annual Niels Bohr Lecture. His talk is titled The Road to Actualised Democracy: A Psychological Exploration. The paper can be downloaded on the webpage. The keynote will be followed by a number of talks on democracy, dictatorship, media and social movements, approached through the framework of cultural psychology. Convenor: Brady Wagoner PROGRAMME AN D REGISTRATION AT WWW.CCP.AAU.D K The lectures are an integral part of the activities of the new Centre for Cultural Psychology at Aalborg University, which has been established in 2013 by the Danmarks Grundforskningsfond (Danish National Research Foundation). The goal of the Centre is to take on the international leadership role in programmatic research in cultural psychology and its uses in all appropriate domains in our global society.
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