3/27/2016 CC Expanding Sealer – An Alternative to 1 and 2Part Expanding Foams BuildingGreen For firms TRY IT RISK-FREE » NEWS CONTINUING EDUCATION LEED CREDITS GREEN PRODUCTS For campuses CASE STUDIES Speakers bureau BLOG Membership WEBCASTS FAQ Contact Login DESIGNER PAGES Product Insights (/blogs/1805/Product Insights) CC Expanding Sealer – An Alternative to 1 and 2Part Expanding Foams (/blogs/ccexpandingsealeralternative1and2partexpandingfoams) Posted October 23, 2010 11:30 AM (/blogs/ccexpandingsealeralternative1and2partexpandingfoams) by Alex Wilson Related Categories: Product Insights (/blogs/1805/Product%20Insights) 32 Since I've been writing this weekly column on innovative green building products, the most interesting products have been brought to my attention. CC Expanding Sealer is the latest. Manufactured by 3C Production AB (http://www.3c.nu/en/) in Sweden, CC Expanding Sealer is a foam "tape" that expands in a few hours to 15 times it's packaged thickness. The expanding sealer is sold in vacuumsealed, 5meter (16.4 foot) rolls in various widths, the most common being 60 mm (2.36 in). (/hpba) Recent Comments Saving Wood from the Landfill, Without the Supply Issues (/blogs/savingwoodlandfill withoutsupplyissues) (http://www.buildinggreen.com/live/images//CC_Roll_partly_expanded.jpg) CC Expanding Sealer comes tightly compressed in 5meter rolls, and it expands 15fold once it is unrolled. Photo: CC Production AB, Sweden. Click on image to enlarge. Peelandstick adhesive on one side of the foam tape (which is also available without adhesive) allows easy attachment to a window or door opening, and the slow expansion allows the window to be set in place before the foam expands to its full thickness of 30 mm (1.2 in). The expansion rate depends on temperature: at 68°F, it should take about an hourand ahalf; at 14°F, 24 hours. The material is an opencell polyurethane foam that is impregnated with a lowoffgassing bitumen. Fully expanded to seal a cavity, the foam provides an excellent air seal. Swedish testing and ASTM (http://www2.buildinggreen.com/glossary/6#term2233) testing results are provided by the company for a wide range of performance properties. Alex Wilson says, "Meredith, I believe the Viridian decking we installed is 15/16" thick by 2 1/2" wide; I'm not seeing those dimensions on the Viridian website now,..." More... (/blogs/savingwoodlandfillwithout supplyissues#comment6901) Meredith Williams says, "Hi there! I've been sourcing reclaimed exterior deck material for a client, and am interested to know: The thickness of the material you used..." More... (/blogs/saving woodlandfillwithoutsupply If the nonadhesive product is used, it needs to be installed with pins rather than staples to allow for expansion. (Pin gunslike staple gunsare used in Sweden; I don't know if those are available here.) CC Expanding Sealer was developed by Swedish inventor Johan Strömberg. According to a brochure from the company, "After working 23 years as a carpenter and seeing many of his coworkers and friends get sick because of sealing agents with isocyanate...Strömberg decided to do something about it." CC Expanding Sealer is the outcome of his efforts, which is called "totally safe" by the manufacturer. (I haven't been able to find out what flame retardant, if any, is used in the material.) issues#comment6900) Beat the Bulb "Ban": LED Replacement Lamps in a New Light (/blogs/beatbulbbanled replacementlampsnewlight) Tristan Roberts says, "Erica, 3 way LED bulbs are sold in stores and online. Just do a search or ask at your local hardware store." More... (/blogs/beatbulbbanledreplacement lampsnewlight#comment6896) The expanded foam retains its flexibility and expands and contracts with movement of framing components seasonally, providing a consistent air seal for wood, vinyl, and metals windows and doors. Excellent soundcontrol properties make the product popular in Sweden for hospitals and recording studios, according to the company. (It is even used in cars in Sweden.) If windows or doors are later removed, they can slip out easily; even if product is Erica E. Tactical says, "Anyone know a way to replace incandescent 3way light bulbs with LEDs? My table lamps are all 3way and I like the ability to have ambient or..." More... (/blogs/beatbulbbanledreplacement lampsnewlight#comment6895) (http://www.buildinggreen.com/live/images//CC_HoldingRoll.jpg) Made in Sweden, CC Expanding Sealer has recently become available in North America. Photo: CC Production AB. Click on image to enlarge. http://www2.buildinggreen.com/blogs/ccexpandingsealeralternative1and2partexpandingfoams Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC): Will the U.S. Ever Lighten Up? (/blogs/autoclaved 1/4 3/27/2016 CC Expanding Sealer – An Alternative to 1 and 2Part Expanding Foams BuildingGreen used with adhesive on one side, the other side of the foam does not stick. It can be removed years later if windows are being replaced, according to the company, rolled up and resealed for later reuse. The adhesive does not seem to be extremely sticky, so I'm guessing even the adhesive version could be reused. 3C Production is represented in the U.S. by Doug Johnson of Bulldog Consulting, LLC in Colchester, Vermont. The distributor (wholesale) price of the 60 mmwide product is $10.80 per roll, according to Johnson, who takes orders and forwards them to the manufacturer in Sweden. I gather that Johnson can arrange both small and large orders. Popular for Passive House projects in Europe, CC Expanding Sealer has been used on at least two such projects in the U.S., Johnson told me, and he's trying to generate interest especially within that segment of the market. The company claims an insulating value of R5.2 per inch. In our GreenSpec directory (http://www.buildinggreen.com/menus/) , we list a similar product, illmod 600 (http://www.buildinggreen.com/auth/productDetail.cfm?productID=3655) , from Tremco (http://www.tremcosealants.com/commercial/default.asp) . The Tremco product is significantly fasterexpanding and more expensive. aeratedconcreteaacwillusever lighten) Simon Hatton says, "Merhis Projects are an Australian Developer and Construction company and have been using their patented Merhis Building System for the last 4 years...." More... (/blogs/autoclavedaerated concreteaacwillusever lighten#comment6853) Archives by Category AIA Convention (19) (/blogs/1798/AIA%20Convention) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1798/AIA%20Convention/full) ] Authors (7) (/blogs/2655/Authors) [RSS (/rss/blogs/2655/Authors/full) ] Awards (8) (/blogs/2664/Awards) [RSS (/rss/blogs/2664/Awards/full) CC Expanding Sealer is one of many advanced building materials from Europe that are beginning to find their way in the U.S. I'll continue to report on such products along with U.S.made products. For more information: 3C Production AB Falkenberg, Sweden +46 346 587 54 www.3c.nu/en/ (http://www.3c.nu/en/) Doug Johnson Bulldog Consulting, LLC Colchester, Vermont 8029994481 jdouglasj@msn.com (mailto:jdouglasj@msn.com) (or) djohnson@bulldogcsltg.com (mailto:djohnson@bulldogcsltg.com) ] Behind the Scenes (44) (/blogs/2622/Behind%20the%20Scenes) [RSS (/rss/blogs/2622/Behind%20the%20Scenes/full) ] Books & Media (69) (/blogs/1803/Books%20%2526%20Media) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1803/Books%20%2526%20Media/full) ] BuildingEnergy Conference (3) (/blogs/2662/BuildingEnergy%20Conference) [RSS (/rss/blogs/2662/BuildingEnergy%20Conference/full) ] BuildingGreen Talks LEED (53) (/blogs/1793/BuildingGreen%20Talks%20LEED) Alex Wilson is the executive editor of Environmental Building News (http://www.buildinggreen.com/news/index.cfm) and founder of BuildingGreen, LLC (http://www.buildinggreen.com/) . In addition to this productofthe week blog, he writes the weekly Energy Solutions blog (http://www.buildinggreen.com/live/index.cfm/Energy Solutions) . To keep up with his latest articles and musings, you can sign up for his Twitter feeds (http://twitter.com/atwilson) . Products covered in his productoftheweek column areor soon will belisted in BuildingGreen's GreenSpec Directory (http://www.buildinggreen.com/menus/) . 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Very cool product. We're going to try out on some window and door installs to see how it ] Greenbuild '07 (27) http://www2.buildinggreen.com/blogs/ccexpandingsealeralternative1and2partexpandingfoams (/rss/blogs/2657/Google%20Earth/Sketchup/full) 2/4 3/27/2016 CC Expanding Sealer – An Alternative to 1 and 2Part Expanding Foams BuildingGreen works. Should make an excellent backer rod also for calking in the windows & doors. Now if we can just get some of that double sided window seal tape like the Germans have, we'd be in great shape for tightening up and insulating our openings like the Europeans have been doing for years. (/blogs/2654/Greenbuild%20%2707) [RSS (/rss/blogs/2654/Greenbuild%20%2707/full) ] Greenbuild '08 (29) (/blogs/2661/Greenbuild%20%2708) [RSS Isn't this product essentiall 2 (/rss/blogs/2661/Greenbuild%20%2708/full) posted by Richard Keleher on 11/01/2010 at 06:36 pm ] Greenbuild '09 (14) Isn't this product essentially the same as Emseal and WillSeal, which have been around in the US for decades? I have used both of these products,and the issue is getting the right size foam for the exact, as built, joint you are trying to seal, especially with small (less than two inches) joints. Also, when you get to the end of the roll, you have a joint. IA good use for them is as outer seals (rainscreens) at expansion joints. They have an outer (silicone?) layer that protects them against UV (http://www2.buildinggreen.com/glossary/6#term2555) . They are then backedup by a true membrane air and water barrier. (/blogs/2666/Greenbuild%20%2709) [RSS (/rss/blogs/2666/Greenbuild%20%2709/full) ] Greenbuild '10 (6) (/blogs/1801/Greenbuild%20%2710) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1801/Greenbuild%20%2710/full) ] Greenbuild '11 (6) (/blogs/1815/Greenbuild%20%2711) Great looking productwell, 3 posted by Doug on 10/25/2010 at 06:26 am Great looking productwell, provided the ingredients check outthanks for the review! PS you wear your watch upside down on your right wrist...? [RSS (/rss/blogs/1815/Greenbuild%20%2711/full) ] LEED (51) (/blogs/1796/LEED) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1796/LEED/full) ] Living Future (6) (/blogs/2665/Living%20Future) [RSS (/rss/blogs/2665/Living%20Future/full) — Share This Posting! Recent Discussions Viridian decking performance in Vermont (/blogs/savingwoodlandfillwithoutsupplyissues#comment6901) RE: Saving Wood from the Landfill, Without the Supply Issues (/blogs/savingwoodlandfillwithoutsupply issues#6901) posted by atwilson on Feb 3, 2016 Meredith, I believe the Viridian decking we installed is 15/16" thick by 21/2" wide; I'm not seeing those dimensions on the Viridian... More » (/blogs/savingwoodlandfillwithoutsupplyissues#comment6901) Jakarta Blend Decking How is it holding up? (/blogs/savingwoodlandfillwithoutsupplyissues#comment6900) RE: Saving Wood from the Landfill, Without the Supply Issues (/blogs/savingwoodlandfillwithoutsupply issues#6900) posted by Meredith_1 on Feb 3, 2016 Hi there! I've been sourcing reclaimed exterior deck material for a client, and am interested to know: The thickness of the material you... More » (/blogs/savingwoodlandfillwithoutsupplyissues#comment6900) replacement bulbs (/blogs/beatbulbbanledreplacementlampsnewlight#comment6896) RE: Beat the Bulb "Ban": LED Replacement Lamps in a New Light (/blogs/beatbulbbanledreplacement lampsnewlight#6896) posted by tristan on Jan 29, 2016 ] Miscellania (41) (/blogs/1816/Miscellania) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1816/Miscellania/full) ] Nature & Nurture (70) (/blogs/1804/Nature%20%2526%20Nurture) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1804/Nature%20%2526%20Nurture/full) ] OpEd (69) (/blogs/1795/OpEd) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1795/OpEd/full) ] Passive Survivability (7) (/blogs/1802/Passive%20Survivability) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1802/Passive%20Survivability/full) ] Politics (32) (/blogs/2660/Politics) [RSS (/rss/blogs/2660/Politics/full) ] Product Insights (211) (/blogs/1805/Product%20Insights) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1805/Product%20Insights/full) ] Product Talk (102) (/blogs/1797/Product%20Talk) [RSS (/rss/blogs/1797/Product%20Talk/full) ] Q&A (9) (/blogs/2659/Q%2526A) [RSS Erica, 3way LED bulbs are sold in stores and online. Just do a search or ask at your local hardware store. 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