Travel App Help at your fingertips, fast. Access to assistance and advice, from anywhere at any time. AIG’s Travel App– is a complete support network for traveling employees. In addition to emergency travel, medical and security assistance, it now includes a range of web-based services which can be used at any time – not just when making a claim. If you are insured under your employer’s AIG policy, you now have access to the following resources and services. Business travel assistance website The AIG Business Travel Assistance App Our assistance website will help you prepare for a trip and assist you while traveling. Accessible via a desktop or handheld device, it provides a range of services that will keep you safe and informed while traveling. Our new mobile App puts a world of valuable information and assistance in the palm of your hand, 24/7. As an alternative to assistance cards, it features a quick-call Help button that connects you to emergency travel, medical and security assistance. Security Awareness Training An award-winning eLearning programme delivering travel security and situation awareness training. Country Reports A global database of reports giving guidance about safety, health and travel issues throughout the world. Security Travel Alerts An email alert service that will keep you ahead of changing situations that could cause disruption to your trip. To access these services and download the App visit: You will need your employer’s AIG policy number. ® * This service is provided by a third party company. All the emergency and assistance services described are subject to the policy cover. Please be aware that our mobile app, assistance website and associated services may be provided in English language only, or there may be occurrences with both local language and English language in the same page instance. Local language cannot be guaranteed. AIG Europe Limited | Rosenkrantz´ gate 22 | P.O BOX 1588 Vika | NO-0118 Oslo | Telephone: + 47 22 00 20 20 | Telefax: + 47 22 00 20 21 | Org. nr. 998 754 194. This insurance is underwritten by AIG Europe Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Company number: 01486260. The AIG Building, 58 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4AB, United Kingdom. Reise App – Business Travel Reisekort på mobil! Tilgang til assistanse og råd, raskt og enkelt Når du er forsikret via din arbeidsgiver hos AIG har du mulighet til å benytte de ulike tjenestene appen tilbyr. I tillegg til medisinsk assistanse og sikkerhetsassistanse tilbyr appen nå et større spekter av tjenester. Business Travel - nettside The AIG Business Travel Assistance App Vår nettside vil hjelpe deg med både forberedelser før og under selve reisen. Tilgang til nettsiden kan man få via PC eller nettbrett. Den tilbyr en rekke muligheter for å holde deg informert og trygg på reisen. Sikkerhetstrening Vår nye App inneholder nyttig informasjon, samt ditt reisekort og alle nødvendige telefonnummer du trenger for å få assistanse. Et nettbasert program som omhandler sikkerhet og trening i situasjonsbevissthet. Sikkerhetsrapporter En database med rapporter som gir veiledning om sikkerhet, helse og generelle reiseråd til din(e) destinasjon(er). Sikkerhetsvarsler En varslingstjeneste hvor du selv velger hvilke land du ønsker oppdateringer fra vedrørende kritiske endringer, som kan påvirke din reise. Varslingen blir sendt via e-post. For å få tilgang til appen og nettsiden besøk: Du vil trenge din arbeidsgivers polisenummer. ® AIG Europe Limited | Rosenkrantz´ gate 22 | Postboks 1588 Vika | NO-0118 Oslo | Telefon: + 47 22 00 20 20 | Telefax: + 47 22 00 20 21 | Org. nr. 998 754 194. Norsk filial av forsikringsselskapet AIG Europe Limited. Registrert i England og Wales under organisasjonsnummer 01486260. The AIG Building, 58 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4AB, United Kingdom
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