Document 48075

Have a cup or cone of your fannish favorites, sample the latest flavors, or indulge in a hot fudge sundae of
multiverses. I scream, you scream, we all scream for -- well, you know...
MediaWest*Con 31 Progress Report 1 © 2011 by T'Kuhtian Press, except as otherwise
designated; published March 2011; edited by Gordon Carleton. Certain movie, TV, or other titles
may be trademarks of their respective studios or production companies; no infringement is intended.
MediaWest*Con is the definitive gathering of SF/Media fandom, held each Memorial
Day Weekend in Lansing Michigan. MediaWest*Con is sponsored by T'Kuhtian Press as a
celebration of the diversity of SF/Media fandom, run by fans, for fans, and is staffed entirely by
volunterrs. MediaWest*Con traditionally features the Art Show and Auction, Fanzine Reading
Room. Fannish Videos, Masquerade, Dealers' Room, SF/Media Fan Fund, Fan Quality Awards, a
Con Suite (AKA Hospitality Suite) and a Party Suite, and many, many panels on a wide variety of
topics representing many areas of interest. Programming is determined by member input and
participation. Programming is intended for an adult audience; we do not censor adult themes in
panel topics or in the Art Show. We have no official guests. The name MediaWest*Con is a
service mark of MediaWest*Con.
The Scoop
If you received this PR by mail (see membership number on label) or as an e-mail attachment in PDF, then you are a MW*C 31 member.
As you may notice, this PR is formatted as 8 ½‖ x 11‖ rather than the legal size we have used in the past. There are a number of technical
reasons for this change, as well as it being better suited to many of the forms included in this PR. It should also make it easier for those members
who print out the PRs from PDF.
We are trying to keep the Progress Reports to a manageable size, so please don‘t panic if something isn‘t in this one. PR2 should include
info on Art Show, Door Decorations, Membership list, etc..
We have added the MW*C blog ( to provide faster updates and information of interest to MW*C 31 members.
There is no requirement to sign up for any service to access the blog, though you can sign up to get the notices by e-mail. This replaces the Yahoo
group (aka Update List) used in previous years. The blog is really just another web page, but can be searched for specific topics (i.e programming,
Fan Qs, etc.). There is also a link to the blog on the MW*C 31 webpage. We hope members will subscribe to get the blog notices by e-mail, or at
least check it often for the latest scoop.
This year Carol Lynn, our CWB liaison, sent reservation confirmations and waiting list notices to those who participated in the early
reservation process. The hotel reservation process is going more smoothly this year. Everyone who registered by September 1, 2010 should have
received either a hotel confirmation number or notice that they are on the waiting list by January 1, 2011.
If you have any questions on the reservation process, please contact Carol at or call her 313-885-5304. If you have
questions on your room or your confirmed reservation, please contact Mallory Jones at the Causeway Bay Hotel at (517) 694-8123 or by e-mail at
In This Issue:
Panel Topics for Sign-up – Page 5
Party Suite Form – Page 17
Fan Fund Nomination Form – Page 18
Fan Q Nomination Form – Page 19
MW*C 31 Souvenir Order Form – Page 21
Panel Sign-up – March 15
Fan Fund Nominations – March 31
Program Book Ads – April 30
MW*C 31 Souvenir Orders – April 30
Party Suite Requests – May 1
Host Hotel
All MW*C 31 programming will be at the Causeway Bay Hotel/Convention Center, 6820 South Cedar Street, Lansing, Michigan 48911.
Programming will run from approximately noon Friday through noon Monday. There is NO SMOKING allowed except in designated areas. All
MW*C function areas are wheelchair-accessible. It is hotel policy that no food or drink (alcoholic or otherwise) from outside sources may be
consumed in public or function areas of the hotel (with some specific exceptions for Dealers in the Dealers' Room, etc.). If you bring something into
the hotel, please consume it in your room.
These are direct lines to the host hotel: 517/694-8123 or 800/333-8123 or FAX 517/699-3753. Please also be advised that the 1-800-3338123 listed for the Causeway Bay Hotel/Convention Center is a toll free number direct to the hotel.
Causeway Bay does still have shuttles, and will do shuttle service from the airport, so they will need to know flight times, etc. to schedule
those. The hotel is also reaching out to overflow hotels to see if those with shuttles are willing to set up shuttle service between hotels. CATA (the
local bus service) may be useful for some, although they won't be running on Monday (Memorial Day). Rental car info is also available online and
elsewhere in PR1. People with vehicles are encouraged to help shuttle those who don't.
If those that have heard they have a room reserved would like roommates, we will gratefully list that in the Miscellanea column in the PRs
and Updates. Please include how you want to be contacted (phone, e-mail etc.). And if anyone has a room reservation they don't need or can be taken
off the waiting list, PLEASE let us know.
CWB is still renovating, so we do not know at this time if all guest rooms will be available this year.
Overflow hotel info is below.
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 1
Overflow Hotels
Members are welcome to make their own arrangements at overflow hotels. Overflow hotels do not generally have special MW*C rates.
The map shows the hotels closest to CWB & indicates their locations relative to the host hotel (*). Map and hotel info are adapted from material
provided by the Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau. A map showing overflow hotel locations and other info is also available on the
MW*C website. Additional info is available at
Overflow Hotels
Distance to
Room Availability
Hotel Info
3.0 miles
Dad‟s Inn
(Formerly Day‘s Inn South)
517/393-1650, FAX 517/393-9633
America‟s Best Value Inn
(formerly Econolodge)
517/394-7200, FAX 517/394-0826
1.0 miles
Red Roof Inn
517/332-2575 or 800/843-7663
FAX 517/332-1459
5.0 miles
80 Rooms, Handicapper Rooms
Pets Free
Super 8 Motel
Phone/FAX 517/393-8008
0.4 miles
Pets $10/night, pet friendly
Handicapper Rooms
Residence Inn Lansing
922 Delta Commerce Dr
Phone/FAX 517/886-5030
3-4 min. drive
special $99 MW*C rate (+ tax) (normally 109.99)
smoke free, studio bedroom suites with kitchens,
Wi-Fi, hot breakfast buffet, $100 pet fee for length
of stay, laundry, pet friendly
Not on
143 Rooms, 1 Suite
Kitchenettes, handicapper rooms
No guarantee of microwaves/fridges
Pets $25/stay
100 Rooms, 12 Kitchenettes
Whirlpool Rooms/Handicapper Rooms
Pets $10/night
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 2
There is NO SMOKING allowed in any public area of the convention center (including hallways, elevators, and Hummingbird's).
Convention functions are for the use of MediaWest*Con 31 members only, and the convention reserves the right to refuse admittance to
any non-member, other than hotel staff.
No memberships will be available at the door. Memberships are not transferable.
Anyone found carrying an illegal substance or weapon, acting in an unruly or obnoxious manner, or otherwise causing a disturbance, may
have their membership revoked without refund, and be denied admittance for the duration of the convention and/or future conventions.
Simulated weaponry should be handled with discretion, and only inside the hotel. Edged weapons should remain sheathed (except as part of an
authorized display or demonstration).
Pets are not allowed in the Art Show, Dealers' Room (except those belonging to Dealers), and the hotel restaurant. Limited temporary
petsitting space will be available in the Board Room (behind MW*C registration). GoFers/Security posted at doors to function rooms will not hold
pets for members entering no-pet areas. Pets left in hotel rooms should be secured in crates, carriers, or other appropriate containers, both for their
own safety and to facilitate housekeeping. Pets should be on leashes or under similar restraint in convention areas. Pets who become upset or
unmanageable should be removed. Please keep pets toward the back, right-hand side of audience seating at all panels, etc. See the map on the back of
the Program Book for designated dog-walk areas. Please pick up after your dog with the tools provided in these areas. Emergency clean- up materials
will be available at MediaWest*Con registration, in case of accidents; also, hotel personnel will clean up accidents if you notify the front desk.
Anyone wishing to record MediaWest*Con panels or activities should indicate this intent at convention registration.
There will be no photography allowed in the Art Show or Auction.
Flyers: Flyers may only be distributed by MediaWest*Con members, or through MediaWest*Con staff (flyers from non-members may be
sent c/o the MW*C address). Once again, everyone is asked to refrain from posting signs or putting out flyers until Thursday afternoon.
Official MediaWest*Con 31 signs will be posted on the Atrium pillars indicating where various sorts of notices should be posted. As soon
as these signs are posted in the Atrium, flyers and signs may be placed in those designated areas.
Posting is limited to the designated areas in the Atrium; stacks may be placed in the Atrium and on flyer tables near MW*C registration or
other designated areas. Please remember that signs may only be posted on wood, glass or marble, and only with low tack masking tape. A limited
quantity of low-tack tape will be available at MediaWest*Con registration. Flyers attached with other tape, or in non-designated areas (such as
wallpaper), may be removed and disposed of. Also, due to the limited flyer space around the Atrium, everyone is asked to limit each of their flyers to
one stack only.
Subject matter of flyers must be of general fannish interest ('zines, party announcements, cons, etc.), not of a personal nature, and be
presented in a reasonably tasteful manner -- please remember that the general public can easily read flyers in public areas of the hotel. Please remove
outdated flyers and signs promptly.
Flyers not in keeping with these guidelines will be removed and disposed of. MediaWest*Con is not responsible for the specific content or
accuracy of any flyers.
Door decorations: Decorations must be on the doors only, not the areas surrounding the doors. You must use low-tack materials only (such
as low-tack masking tape or Post-It products), nothing permanent or damaging (such as duct tape, 2 sided foam tape, or anything on wallpaper), and
to remove your door decorations before you check out.
Please bring any violations of these rules to the immediate attention of MediaWest*Con security; there is very little we can do when we
don't hear about something until weeks (or months) later. Convention Co-Chairs Lori and Gordon are the final arbiters of these rules.
MediaWest*Con Staff & Contact Info
Website:, E-mail:, Phone/FAX: 517-372-0738
Mail: MediaWest*Con 31, 200 E. Thomas St, Lansing MI 48906-4047
Below are the folks in charge of the smooth operation of various MW*C departments. Please include a SASE with inquiries by mail. We
will update individual department info below as necessary. If you have trouble contacting any of them (or any other problems), please let us know.
Co-Chairs -- Lori Chapek-Carleton & Gordon Carleton, e-mail:
Membership/Registration (records, data entry, onsite), Transportation — Lori Chapek-Carleton, as above
Communications (e-mail, publications, website), Data Output (membership badges, lists), Graphics (logo, T'shirt design) — Gordon
Carleton, as above
Art Show -- Art Show Director: Gordon Carleton; Karen Klinck & staff will be running the Art Show under his supervision at the
convention itself, and Jesse McClain will be heading up the Auction, with a great deal of staff assistance.
Plays -- c/o Gordon Carleton, as above
GoFers -- Jeanne Sullivan, GoFer Captain, 2903 SW Cambridge St, Seattle WA 98126, Ph. (weekdays 7pm-9pm PST, no collect calls)
206/933-5972, e-mail: (new!)
Con Suite -- Jeanne Sullivan, as above
Programming -- Elyse Dickenson & Dawn McLevy, 2834 Redding Road, Fairfield, CT 06430, e-mail:
Flyers -- Elyse Dickenson & Dawn McLevy, as above
Party Suite -- Elyse Dickenson & Dawn McLevy, as above
Fan Quality Awards -- Jan Keeler, 22440 Dickenson Rd., New Boston MI 48164-9455, e-mail:
Fanzine Reading Room -- Jan Gosnell, 10637 Boundary Line, RR2, Kent Bridge, Ontario, Canada N0P 1V0; ph. 519/351-1428, e-mail:
SF/Media Fan Fund -- c/o MediaWest*Con. To donate auction items, please contact Jan Gosnell
Dealers -- Debra & Anna Barber, 233 DeBaar SE, Kentwood MI 49548, e-mail:; ph. 616/805-4403
Orphan „Zine Table -- Margaret Basta, Janice St. Clair, and Laura Basta-Sandler, SASE to MW*C 31 Orphan ‗Zine Table, PO Box 1944,
Dearborn, MI 48121-1944, e-mail: or (cc-ing
Video -- see Con Suite
Fannish Video Room -- Sheryl Adsit, 13200 Blodgett Avenue, Downey, CA 90242-5204, e-mail:
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 3
Masquerade — Andre Lieven, 63 Bellman Drive, Ottawa ON Canada K2H 8S4; ph. 613/596-4546, e-mail:
Security — Seth Cutts, 301 1/2 W. Grand River, Lansing MI 48906, ph. 517/482-8267
Blood Drive — Kim Dyer, 4656 Wilcox, Holt, MI 48842, ph. 517/694-2006, e-mail:
Lansing Liaison -- Carl Tielking, 1205 W. Hillsdale St., Lansing MI 48915, ph. 517/580-7834 or 517/515-3643, e-mail:
Door Decoration Competition -- Alem, e-mail:
Dawn McLevy & Elyse Dickenson, 2834 Redding Road, Fairfield, CT 06824, e-mail:
SIGN-UP for programming is now open! The topic suggestions are in this PR and now housed at under the Files section. If you're not a member of this group, simply e-mail us at and put "Request Sign-up Sheet" in the subject line, and we will mail it to you.
Deadline for this first sign-up phase is March 15th.
Dawn & Elyse
Twitter: check out for quick news!
Party Suite
-- Dawn McLevy & Elyse Dickenson, as above
MW*C provides space, at no cost to all its members, to host parties or other events in the Party Suite. Please note that sign-up deadline for
the Party Suite is May 1. The Party Suite form is included in this PR (or request a WORD document from Only hard
copy forms will be accepted, as your signature is required on the form. Please read all instructions on the form before submitting it.
Jeanne Sullivan, GoFer Captain, 2903 SW Cambridge St, Seattle WA 98126, Ph. (weekdays 7pm-9pm PST, no collect calls) 206/933-5972,
email: (new)
As always, we need GoFers! If you are planning to come to MW*C for the first time, sign up as a GoFer. It is a great way to meet people
and get to know the Con. Your membership will be at a discount, you get to qualify for prizes or give-aways (vary from year to year and many times
GoFers are the only ones to get it.) You get a Convention themed GoFer badge and membership packet. You get a daily brunch from 10:00 to
10:30am Saturday through Monday for free. You don‘t have to work the whole convention. You get to look through the program book before signing
up for your hours so we can try not to schedule you during things that you want to see. (Most people get to see what they want. Periodically though
you will have to give up something to do GoFer duty, but it is rare.) All GoFer hours are signed up on a first come first serve basis. GoFers who
have signed up before April 1st will get mailed or emailed to them an information sheet and a GoFer Pre-Registration Form that allows you to sign
up hours before getting to the Con. This is for those who know when and where they want to be during the Con. Those who want to see the schedule
first should wait until they get to the Con. Once hours are signed up you are committed to them unless arrangements are made (usually we can work
something out).
GoFer information and pre-registration for hours will come out about the middle of April.
If you have GoFer questions, write to me at the above address or email me at
Local Liaison
Carl Tielking, 1205 W Hillsdale St Lansing MI 48915; ph. 517/580-7834 or 517/515-3643; e-mail:
Let Carl know what sort of info you‘d like to see about the Lansing area. The hotel does not do scooter rentals, so let Carl know ASAP if
you need one.
SF/Media Fan Fund
c/o MediaWest*Con. To donate auction items, please contact Jan Gosnell
The SF/Media Fan Fund helps send a fan to a convention he/she would otherwise be unable to attend. 2011 Fan Fund nomination form is
included in this PR. Nomination deadline has been extended to March 31. Please enclose a minimum $2 donation with your nomination.
Support the Fan Fund!
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 4
MediaWest*Con 31 Programming Suggestions and Sign-up Sheet
Last Updated: February 23, 2011
Here is the first phase of suggestions. There WILL be a second phase to suggest panels, so don‘t worry-email your suggestions to if you think of something and we will collect and put out in our 2 nd phase. Meantime, peruse the list below
and follow instructions at bottom of this document in order to sign up as a panelist.
Sign-ups for first phase need to be into programming folk by March 15 th. Thanks!
Here are the categories:
A. Television
B. Movies
C. Actors
D. Literature (books, magazines, etc.)
E. Fandom (fan fiction, fandom) |
F. Internet (live journal, blogs, sites)
G. Games/Gaming (includes games of all kinds, board games, computer games such as World of Warcraft, etc.)
H. Creative Pursuits (hobbies, vidding, etc. but not fan fiction)
J. Workshops* (workshops can be on anything – how to write, bead, video, etc.)
* All workshops are 2 hours long, unless otherwise requested to be less. If you suggest a workshop, you are volunteering to
run it. This is the ONLY exception to making suggestions for panels.
A&E‟s Hoarders: Is this show about hoarding entertaining, or do you think you could be a candidate for the series?
Amazing Race: Revisiting seasons 17 and 18 (―Unfinished Business‖)
American Idol: General discussion about the tenth season – cast changes, format changes, how is the still faring?
Are the networks killing themselves? Half-year hiatuses, constant time-shifting. Is your show a victim of these
practices and does it kill your enthusiasm to even watch?
Being Human (SyFy Channel): Are Aidan & Bishop just another Nick Knight & Lacroix?
Being Human (SyFy Channel): Josh is adorable. Is he the most human of the trio?
Being Human: The SyFy vs. the BBC version.
Big Bang Theory: More pals for Penny; having introduced Sheldon to non-geek friendship, how‘s it going with Amy
Farrah Fowler?
Blue Bloods: Does this Tom Selleck series have the same appeal as Magnum PI?
Boardwalk Empire: General discussion (Steve Buscemi love god?)
Boardwalk Empire: Prohibition and corruption. A reflection of our own times?
Bones: Discuss the latest season.
Burn Notice: After four season, has it gone as far as it can go as a series… or does it have more life left in it?
Burn Notice: General discussion of the latest season.
Burn Notice: If Michael actually became a spy again, would it ruin the show?
Cape, The: Fun new comic-based series or mediocre entertainment? Your chance to discuss.
Cape, The: How many sources can we identify? Batman, sure, but then?
Caprica: Unnecessary addition to the Galactica canon, or a fascinating look at the days before Apollo, Starbuck and
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 5
Cartoon Network: What‘s good on this channel? Share your favorites?
Castle: General discussion of the latest season.
Castle: It‘s been long enough. Can‘t they get together and be like Nick and Nora?
Castle: Relationship progression - Are you satisfied with how the relationship between Beckett and Castle as
Chase, The Good Wife, Medium: Shows with women in the leads. What shows work and which ones don‘t.
Chicago Code: General discussion of this new Fox series.
Chuck: General discussion of the latest season.
Cooking shows: Cake Wars, etc. -- Which is your favorite reality show dealing with food?
Criminal Minds: Has the show survived the cast changes?
Criminal Minds: What the heck has happened to our show? Compare earlier seasons with the past two years
Criminal Minds: What would you like to see happen to or for Dr. Spencer Reid?
Criminal Minds -- Suspect Behavior: Is the new spinoff unique, or just more of the same?
CSI, the franchise: The series spawned a revolution on TV with procedural crime shows, but does it still have it?
Discussion/dissection of all three CSIs.
Defenders, The: General discussion of the latest season.
Dirty Jobs: Can't get enough of Mike Rowe? Come discuss the most recent new episodes and tell us about your
Doctor Who: A look back at the 11th Doctor‘s first season – what did you think of Matt Smith?
Donald Strachey Mysteries: A general discussion of the movie series (/)
Donald Strachey Mysteries: AU‘s, crossovers, and kinks, oh my! What would and wouldn‘t work for Donald and
Timothy? (/)
Donald Strachey Mysteries: How do the book and movie characters compare and contrast, and which are your
favorite? (/)
Donald Strachey Mysteries: What do you think Donald‘s and Timmy‘s childhoods were like? (/)
Donald Strachey Mysteries: Which movie is your favorite, and why? (/)
Donald Strachey Mysteries: Why do you think Timothy really left the seminary? (/)
Eagle, The: fiction potential
Emergency!: Johnny and Roy. Why is this series still entertaining after all these years?
Eureka: Is the alternate universe change working for you?
Event, The: How is the series progressing, and where the heck is it on NBC?
Face Off – best reality show on the air?
Fairly Legal: A light piece of fluff, or are you tuning in for just Richard Dean Anderson‘s guest spots?
Falling Skies: Discussion (with spoilers) of this new scifi series starring Noah Wyle
Fannish/Canon OCs .. Yes! They can be Awesome and No, they should not all be branded as Mary Sue or Gary
Firefly returns? This cult favorite returns to basic cable. Can it revive the fandom?
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 6
Flashpoint: Discuss the latest in this Canadian police drama (potential spoilers for Canadian-aired episodes).
Forget the show, I like the commercials! Sometimes the commercials are more fun than the show you‘re watching.
Share your favorites.
Fringe: Peter and Olivia, alternate universes, is a fan-dream come true?
Fringe: Sorry, I fell in love with your doppelganger…what can I do about it? The complicated relationships of this
paranormal thriller.
Game of Thrones: Did this HBO miniseries do justice to the George RR Martin‘s novels?
Ghost Hunter and its ilk. What‘s the appeal of this and other paranormal series?
Ghost Hunters: General discussion of this SyFy series.
Glee: Fellow Gleeks, celebrate the show!
God on TV: Is prime time setting a good example?
Gone too soon? Which shows were bad ideas, bad execution or bad casting?
Guilty Pleasures: What do you watch on TV because it‘s like watching a car wreck in slo-mo? Shares your likes J
Harry's Law: Quirky Kelley, or a little less? Not as much as Ally or Boston Legal, not as serious as The Practice.
Do we like it?
Haven: has it done justice to the original Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid?
Hawaii Five-O: A look back at the history of this venerable franchise, from exotic police procedural to hunky cops in
the tropics.
Hawaii Five-O: Book ‗em, Dann-O. What works in this new remake, what doesn‘t?
Hawaii Five-O: Should McGarrett and Dann-O just get a room, the way they argue? (/)
Hellcats: General discussion of this CW cheerleader series.
House and Cuddy? Has this relationship strengthened the show, or made it jump the shark?
Human Target: Has the addition of female characters helped or hindered development of this series?
Human Target: How did the cast additions work during the second season?
Human Target: Okay, Guerrero is on the good guys‘ side, but is his constant killing of people with bombs, etc. a bit
Infested!, Fatal Attractions & Monsters Inside Me: What‘s so fascinating about such icky topics on TV shows,
and which segments were your favorites?
Is your genre being rebooted on TV?
Justified: Discuss the first two seasons of this series starring Timothy Olyphant.
Laramie: Why is this show still gaining fans after all these years?
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit – Just about the survival of the L&O franchise. What makes it last?
Leverage: Discuss the latest season of this Timothy Hutton series.
Leverage: Great writing, great plots, great characters. Slick and smartly presented. Why is it the best ensemble cast
on telly (or not!).
Leverage: The Con is On! How did season three stack up to the first two? Where to now?
Leverage: Where do they go from here?
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 7
Magnificent Seven Crossovers
Magnificent Seven: What is it with the scruffy bunch that keeps us coming back for more?
Medium: Discuss the end of this series.
Medium: They killed Joe! The BASTARDS! How does this affect syndication, DVD sales and the universe?
Mentalist, The: Will Patrick ever catch his nemesis?
Mentalist: I love Patrick, but talk about a toddler who needs to be spanked! Discussion of Patrick's antics at the CBI
and with the unsuspecting public
Merlin. General discussion of this SyFy series.
Murdock Mysteries: Any fans of this Canadian show out there?
NCIS: A general discussion of the latest season.
NCIS: What do you think caused this show to become #1; did something change?
NCIS-Los Angeles: Does the spinoff work?
No Ordinary Family and The Cape: Superheroes done wrong -- How could these series have been fixed?
No, you can‟t reattach his head with a stapler. Medical accuracy in fanfic (looking for knowledgeable panelists
willing to answer questions from audience).
Professionals, The: An open discussion to talk about your favourite eps, your favourite fanfic, and the lads
Professionals, The: Fandom overview, general discussion, on fanfic, ‗zines, and more
Professionals, The: Filing off the Serial Numbers. What pro novels have you found that started out in this fandom?
What about the ones that might as well have? (/)
Professionals, The: Hurts So Good. What's your favorite hurt/comfort story? (/)
Professionals, The: When Bodie Met Doyle. Was it love at first sight or did sparks fly? How did the lads go from
strangers to the close-knit pair we first saw. (/)
Professionals: Secret Agents or Secret Police. Are Bodie and Doyle really the good guys?
Psych: How‘s the latest season doing?
Quirky characters or psychopaths and sociopaths? How far is too far? (Parker, Eliot, Dexter, etc.).
Reality Shows: ‗Real housewife‘ shows proliferate like weeds, Bridezillas, bachelors, etc. What‘s the best and worst
of this genre?
Remember WENN: General Discussion of the series
Rizzoli and Isles: True to the Books? Or does it matter? What do you think of this TNT series?
Royal Pains: General discussion of this series.
Sanctuary: Werewolves, vampires & Tesla; discuss the last season.
Science Fiction on TV: Is there any really good sci-fi left, or is Sharktopus the vision of the future?
Sentinel, The: Were they lovers during the series, or only after TS by BS? (/)
Sentinel, The: What was the first moment that screamed ―slash‖ to you? (/)
Sherlock (BBC series): Are they or aren‘t they? (/)
Sherlock (BBC series): General discussion.
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 8
Sherlock (BBC): Welcome to the 21st Century, Mr. Holmes. Was Sherlock made to live in the information age? (/)
Sherlock (BBC): What Would John Do? How far would John Watson go for Sherlock? (/)
Sherlock (BBC/PBS Mystery): It was like the miniseries was written just for us! What pushed your buttons about
the modern day reboot of the world's greatest detective?
Sherlock (BBC/PBS Mystery): The new Moriarty. Does he have a man-crush on Sherlock or was it all an act?
Sherlock Holmes: An enduring legend. From Conan Doyle through Rathbone and Brett to Downey and
Cumberbatch – why Sherlock Holmes still captivates us.
Sherlock: Autistic, sociopathic, or just rude?
Sherlock: Everything old is new again. Updating Sherlock Holmes for the 21 st century.
Sherlock: How faithful to the Conan Doyle books has the remount been; how faithful do we want it to be?
Sherlock: The capable Doctor Watson, or why Sherlock Holmes needs his blogger.
Smallville: Discuss the series finale. Did it do justice to the whole series?
Smallville: Ending after 10 seasons – did they bring it to satisfactory conclusion?
Sons of Anarchy: Was the last season a wild ride or total crap?
Spartacus-Gods of the Arena: Great historical romp, or do you just watch it for the not very-clad guys?
Stargate Atlantis: the paperback novels. Do they make up for the lack of the series, and what do you think of the six
part ―Legacy‖ series?
Stargate Atlantis: What are the cast up to nowadays? One word: SyFy!
Stargate Universe (SGU): Should we have supported it just to keep the Stargate franchise alive?
Stargate Universe: Did the last season leave you hanging? And did it live up to being a Stargate series?
Stargate: Is the franchise dead? Poor ratings killed Stargate Universe. Stargate Altantis and SG-1 films are in limbo.
Should fans rally to save the shows, or stick with fanfic?
Stargate: Where does the future of this franchise lie? Is there any hope for movies?
Starsky & Hutch and The Professionals: Cultural examination of the two countries and similarities and differences
on how they presented their crime fighters to the viewers.
Starsky & Hutch: A love story – what are the slashiest moments in the series? (/)
Starsky & Hutch: Fandom overview, general discussion, on fanfic, ‗zines, and more.
Starsky & Hutch: The first time – hearts and flowers – or hot and heavy? (/)
Supernatural: A positive discussion about season six.*
Supernatural: Who is your favorite character and why.
SyFy movies: Tacky, trashy but a guilty pleasure. Discuss the best and the worst you‘ve seen.
Television Remakes and Reboots: What worked and what didn‘t.
Terra Nova: Discuss Fox‘s upcoming series about a family sent back to the prehistoric days.
Things That Go Bump in the Night: Urban Fantasy from the Dresden Files to Supernatural. Come and talk about
your favorite shows and authors in this increasingly popular genre
Tin Man: General Discussion of the Sci-Fi Miniseries
Toddlers & Tiaras: A guilty viewing pleasure. Come talk about the spoiled kids and crazy parents
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 9
Top Gear UK: Do you watch for the cars or the hosts?
Top Gear: Comparing the U.S. version to the BBC version
Top Gear: General Discussion
Torchwood: Miracle Day (aka The New World). Rebooting the franchise or flogging a dead horse?
TV shows that no longer explore the future, or is exploration a dead horse?
V in the 2000s: What they got right and what they got, oh, so wrong.
V: Is the new V a great remake, or a pale imitation?
Vampire Diaries: Hunky vampires in a Twilight-type vein. Discuss the last season.
Walking Dead, The: Suspenseful and engaging thriller, or too intense for television? And how does it compare to the
graphic novels?
Walking Dead, The: The critically acclaimed, and well-received series about zombies taking over the world was fun,
but can it sustain another season?
Warehouse 13: Aaron Ashmore of Smallville joins the cast. Do they really need more agents or is SyFy seeking a
younger audience?
Warehouse 13: General discussion for this SyFy channel series
What do you look for in a TV series?
What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear: Admiring (and shopping!) the fashion of Glee
Where do you see your favorite show going, or how to do you react to ―who was that?‖
White Collar: Is there room for non-slash fans in the White Collar fan base? If so, where are the rest of you?
White Collar: Why is it so instantly addictive?
White Collar: Do you like the background (history) that the writers have created for Neal, Mozzie and the rest of the
gang: Kate and Alex?
White Collar: How has the relationship between Peter and Neal changed this season?
Women in Crime Shows: How could they write them more realistically?
Worst Series Finales of All Times: How much does it matter to your memories of the show?
X-Files: Once huge, now gone. Are there any new fans out there?
"Love Never Dies" -- Genius or Abomination? Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Phantom of the Opera" sequel.
3-D Movies: Are they are good or bad thing?
Bond is Back: MGM‘s bankruptcy woes are being fixed and the Bond franchise is back. Discussion the future of the
franchise, as well as who is your favorite Bond.
Comics into movies: Which films succeed, which fail miserably, and should Hollywood create NEW superheroes
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part I: Did breaking up the book into two films work?
Harry Potter: What are the odds we‘ll see anything on The Prince‘s Tale?
Hobbit Movies: What‘s happening?
Hobbit, The: All the latest gossip about the new PJ movies.
Lord of the Rings: Elijah Wood turned 30 in January; what are he and the other LOTR actors up to now?
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 10
Movie Guilty Pleasures. A panel about the lesser known movies out there. Little known Sci-Fi and Fantasy films,
new and old. May also include Foreign and Art House movies to look for. Also, gems from Netflix. Bring your
Movie Remakes and Reboots. What worked and what didn‘t.
Star Trek (2012): The latest news and production developments about the second film in the reboot series.
Star Trek: News on the upcoming JJ Abrams Star Trek projects.
Superheroes. Discuss the latest crop of films on Green Lantern, Batman, Spiderman and more.
Twilight: Aimed toward teenagers, do adults like to watch the franchise?
We‟re all doomed! Discuss your favorite end-of-the-world movies, from the old B&W days up to the latest.
Why I prefer one-dimensional characters, or, the incredible allure of the animated movie (How to Train Your
Dragon, MegaMind, etc.) over live-action films. Is it the animation, or just better writing?
Anthony Starke: general discussion
Benedict Cumberbatch: With a name like Cumberbatch, he has to be good!
Chris Potter: Kung Fu The Legend Continue is long over, but this actor keeps on working.
John Barrowman: The latest adventures of the remarkable Mr. Barrowman.
Justin Bieber: A panel for discussing (positively) this teen phenom.
Life with the Frys: A talk about Stephen and Mrs. Fry.
Mark Sheppard: Mr. Everywhere!
Martin Freeman: The brilliance of the everyman.
Michael Biehn: General discussion of this versatile performer.
Stargate - He was eaten by a giant snake!? What the actors of the franchise are doing now: Share news of what
the cast (all the shows) are now doing.
The Everyman Actor: Which actors do you think can do it all – and do it well? (aka Nathan Fillion, etc.) Your
chance to introduce other fans to hidden gems.
Andre Norton: Yup! Found a new site with downloadable old material.
Bernard Cornwell and The Sharpe series.
Black Stallion: There's a new book coming out. And the change in the series.
British Naval Fiction: Age of Sail, Patrick O‘Brian, C.S. Forester, Dudley Pope, Alexander Kent, etc.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 8 - Joss Whedon's official comic book follow-up season - What worked and
what didn't?
Cat Fiction: Meow!!! Discussion.
Favorite Childhood Books: What's out of print, what's been reissued, what should we all track down?
Harry Potter: What‘s the word on new lit from Ms. Rowling?
Horse Fiction: Discussion of the old and new.
Jim Butcher's THE DRESDEN FILES: How is the novel series doing after "killing off" its main character?
Leave that book alone! What literary treasure do you hope won‘t be made into a film?
Pern: A serious discussion about the series.
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 11
Pern: The latest book, DragonGirl.
Romance Novels: Favorite titles and authors
Sime~Gen universe by Jacqueline Lichtenberg & Jean Lorrah
The Castle Novels: Exploring the unique tie-in novels "written" by Richard Castle about Nikki Heat
Tie-In Novels: Collecting TV Tie-Ins, Past and Present
Zombies - the New Vampires: What's with the latest trend in literary horror, both serious and tongue-in-cheek?
A History of Fan Fiction: When was the first fanfic written anyway?
Canonically gay vs. slash: Which do you find more fulfilling and why? (/)
Crossing the Line: Can A Hero Break, Spindle, or Mutilate the Law to get a Criminal?
Crossovers: Discuss crossover combos and making them work logically and when the oddest combos work in
surprising ways
Fan Fiction to Go - What have you got loaded on your E-reader, and what's your preferred format?
Fan Stories: Share and compare stories from your favorite conventions over the years
Fandom and the Family. Fandom is fun, cons are fun, but how much do you let your family know about it?
Fandom: Has technology like the Internet (Facebook, LiveJournal, Twitter) and mobile devices (cell phones,
IPads, E-Book readers) had an adverse effect on fandom? Lower con attendance? Fewer fan publications and
Female Heroes and why we love them
Femmeslash: General discussion of the Genre. /
Is „canon‟ ship as much as fun as the ship that fans long for but doesn‟t yet exist?
Is printed matter on the way out? Do you prefer a real book or a Kindle?
It will only cost an arm and a leg: The rising cost of pro conventions. Is there any way to get to an actor con without
taking out a loan these days?
Kink panel: This was so much fun last year, let‘s do it again! General Discussion of kink in fanfic. *adult
Magnificent 7 – Canon led to fanon? – or where did they get THAT idea? What story started which fanon idea?
Magnificent 7 – Gen fic – Multiple AU‟s – Which AUs do the characters translate to well? Story recommendations
and share plot bunnies.
Magnificent 7 Fanfic: Gen, what‘s the appeal? Share favorite stories and sites, offer plot bunnies.
Magnificent 7 Slash fic – general discussion. Favorite pairings, story recs, site recs – bring your favorites list.
Online Fannish History Archives - Come hear about Fanlore and other attempts to chronicle fannish history
Open Writing: Bring a notebook and pen, or laptop, and write for a full hour
Over 40 and still into fandom: Why we‘re still in fandom and we have no plans of leaving.
Paranormal Investigations (I hunt ghosts! Ask me how!)
Professionals and Hurt/Comfort. What is it about the lads that just invites h/c, in both canon and fanon?
Pros: What Clinches It for Me. What moments in the show convinced you that Bodie and Doyle were truly
together? (/)
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 12
Remembering Stephen J. Cannell - 1941-2010: A look back at Cannell's 40+ television series and nearly 20 novels
- Hosted by Scott Clark, past editor of The Cannell Files
Secret Agents and Slash. Pros, UNCLE, I Spy, why do so many classic secret agent and espionage shows lend
themselves to slash? (/)
Sherlock (BBC/PBS Mystery): Can a 3-part miniseries from England inspire a strong fandom presence?
Sherlock Holmes BBC H/C Recs: sharing your favorite Sherlock H/C fanfics from the BBC series *
Sherlock vs. Sherlock. Movie Holmes or BBC Sherlock, which one moves you most? Or is there room in your
fannish heart for both?
Slash Authors: What role does feedback play in your writing? How important is it? (/)
Stargate Atlantis H/C Recs: Bring your list of favorite stories this year and share with others.
Stargate Atlantis: McShep – now that they‘re back on Earth, how will the relationship develop? (/)
Supernatural H/C Recs: sharing your favorite Supernatural H/C fanfics *
The Disappearance of Mankind‟s Desire to Explore has Vanished: From Star Trek exploring strange new worlds
to Tarzan set in Africa and Kung Fu exploring ourselves as well as Ancient China, has the human race become so
tranquilized by modern television writing that we don‘t want to go anywhere except our armchairs?
Threesomes=OT3s: Let‘s talk about our favorite OT3s and writing them! ( /)
Trauma in Fanfiction: How real do you want it to be?
TV Shows on DVD - Has your favorite series still not come out on DVD? Come discuss cult classics that haven't
been released commercially.
What is the difference between shows that you just like to watch and those that you also enjoy the fandom?
Why is hurt/comfort so important in your stories?
Writer‟s Block: Reasons why you stall out on a story, and the means to banish that block and finish your fic.
Writing Disabled Characters Without Failing
Writing Real Women
Your old fandom, another fan‟s treasures: You‘ve lost interest and now want to get rid of a fannish collection, but
not into the garbage. The best venues to sell/trade those former treasures.
Zine Collections: What favorites have you kept and what zines have you reluctantly discarded?
ComicCon: Both San Diego and NYC. Share your tips for surviving these incredibly huge events, plus share your
Facebook: Pros and cons. Do you use it for family, or your fannish friends, or both? And just how do you deny a
friend request without hurting feelings?
Live Journal Prompting and fic fest communities: These have gotten really popular in the last couple years. Let‘s
talk about our favorites and share some you frequent!
LiveJournal Kerfluffle - With all the frustrations with LiveJournal, are you still there? If not, where have you taken
your online presence?
OMG did you RT that? Or, do you use Twitter and what‘s good about it, what‘s just awful.
Roleplaying on Live Journal with Fannish OCs (or canon characters): Do you play? What games, characters do
you play? Let‘s discuss
Smartphones, boon or bane? So many choices. Which one is best suited for your fannish needs?
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 13
So you want to build a website: Where to put up a fannish site that doesn‘t go poof when the provider goes under or
raises fees.
There's an App for That: Talk up your favorite and/or fandom apps
Twitter and Fandom: Is 140 character interaction with cast/crew helping or hindering fandom, especially if
disagreements arise?
When is technology TOO much?
YouTube: Banned at work, a time waster, they say, but… share your favorite vids you‘ve watched with the rest of
Gaming 101: Share your knowledge of the latest games with your fellow gamers.
You spent your lunch money on a virtual tractor? The pitfalls and allure of playing Farmville on Facebook.
Archives of fanfic on-line: Comparisons, pros and cons, and where to find them
Audiobooks: The good and bad; discuss your favorites as well as the ones you wish you‘d never bought.
Basic Ebook Conversion for Fan-fiction: Tips and tricks on getting your fic ready to convert to eReader formats,
programs to use, archives and downloaders that may do it for you
Choosing an EReader - With so many readers out there let us help you choose the right one for you. Or at least
narrow down your choices
Collecting Motion Picture and TV Soundtrack Albums - come discuss your favorite soundtrack composers, listen
to sample tracks, and/or share some of your own (bring CDs or an iPod with stored files)
Fanfic on e-book readers: formatting, conversions, software.
Has the digital revolution hurt or helped your fandom? Did you start collecting your fandom on audio cassettes in
the 70‘s and discover VHS in the 80‘s, next came DVD and now Blu-Ray. With streaming becoming the main new
main stay will you be able to collect shows or movies? What about the choices the new technology gives us, like or
Vidding - Discussion of Last Night's [Friday] Vid Premieres (Saturday morning)
Vidding - The Creative Process: How do you go about the construction of a Fannish Music Video? A discussion of
the hardware, software and artistic elements
Vidding: Where Can I Find Fannish Music Videos Online?
Videotape overload! You‘ve only now just counted up your VHS collection. How do you transfer 1,000 tapes to
DVD or a hard drive? Knowledgeable panelists offer help.
Advanced Ebook Conversion and Management: A more indepth look at preparing and converting fanfiction for
ereaders, and the Calibre ebook management program. Open to PC, Mac, and Linux users (2 hours). (hosted by
Holy Mother Grammatica: A funny thing happened on my way to a sentence? What‘s the funniest thing you (or
someone else) never meant to write? (hosted by Susan)
Video workshop: How to put together videos, music or otherwise, on your computer (looking for someone to run it)
Whose Line is it Anyway - Live 2-hour Improv - Featuring audience participation and suggestions - Hosted by Scott
Clark and REW Clark (4:00 to 6:00 on Sunday)
World of Warcraft: Not Just for College Kids Out to Trash Their GPAs! How to Have Fun with WoW and Still Have a
Comic Books: What are you reading, what your favorite finds, both indie and mainstream.
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 14
Please read the following information before signing-up:
A primer on what a panelist does:
How many people are on a panel? - Panels are sat with a maximum of five individuals who have some knowledge of the
topic. If you only want to find out about the topic, you should enjoy yourself as audience member instead.
How long is a panel? – One hour. In consideration for other panels, panelists are requested to end their panels on or before
the designated end time so that the next panel can start on time.
What is a workshop? - A workshop is where one or more individuals will instruct the audience members on writing, art, etc.
Workshops normally last two hours and are run by the people who suggested them.
What is a moderator? - The moderator ensures that (a) the panel starts and ends on time, and (b) that all individuals - fellow
panelists and audience members - have a fair chance to speak and participate. A moderator does not control the panel, but
simply guides it along. A moderator cannot change the panel topic -- nor can they use it for their own personal venue. Abuse
of this moderator privilege can result in losing the opportunity to be a panelist at the next year's convention. Moderators are
not required for all panels, but may be assigned to panels with three or more panelists. Requesting to be a moderator does not
guarantee you will be a moderator.
What is provided in panels/workshops? - The room, a table, and chairs for all participants. That's it. Should you require
anything else, you must provide the material yourself. Panelists who require video equipment/TVs for a panel or workshop
must contact Gordon and Lori at to see if the convention can provide it. Otherwise, you must
make your own provisions.
Panel Designations: If a panel is listed as gen, it must remain that way. If a panel is listed as slash, it remains that way. No
changing the designation of the panel.
How Many Panels Can I Sign Up For? – As many as you wish, but please be aware that if you sign up for 20 panels, it‘s
unlikely we can sit you on all those panels.
I've Still Got Questions! – E-mail the programming folks at
Okay, I'm reading to sign up!
Please refer to the mailing list for the most recent information or email to .
List the panels you wish to be on in order of priority. Do not list them numerically or alphabetically. We assume the first
panel you list is the one you really, really want to be on. Due to the size and complexity of the schedule, it's not always
possible to get on all the panels you request, which is why we ask for an order of priority.
When listing your panels, please put in the panel # and name. People sometimes make typos and can be assigned to the
wrong panel if you do not add the panel name.
Remember to take in account your arrival and departure times when signing up for panels.
If, at the last minute you discover you cannot attend MWC*31 for whatever reason, please let us know at so we readjust the schedule if necessary.
We request that you e-mail your sign-up to the MWC Programming. We have time constraints to meet, and email is far
more legible than handwriting ;)
You can only use one name for signup. Your real name, or the nickname you put under Section 2a, will be used for all
Hours that panels will be scheduled are:
Friday: 1 p.m. to midnight (panel ends at midnight)
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. (panel ends at 1 a.m.)
Sunday: 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. (panel ends at 1 a.m.)
Monday: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (panel ends at 1 p.m.)
First, cut and paste everything between the red lines into an e-mail.
Second, fill out as appropriate. You can cut and paste panel topics from FORM 1.
Third, E-MAIL TO:; CC yourself for your records.
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 15
Please put “Signup” in the subject line.
Send as e-mail only – do not send back as a document or e-mail attachment.
Please do not add any graphics or backgrounds to your e-mail. The simpler the better.
1. Your MW*C Membership #: (if you know it)
2. Your Real Name:
2a. Nickname/Name you want used for programming (leave blank if not using one)
3. Your e-mail address:
4. Panels you wish to be on. List in ORDER of priority/importance. Copy panel number/name from TOPICS list above and paste in
this section. If you wish to be a moderator on the panel, please put an (M) after the number in brackets. (Please list each panel on a
separate line)
5.Maximum number of PANELS and HOURS you will serve EACH DAY. (i.e., Saturday, 6 panels, 9am-0pm – please note the
end time is when the panel actually ENDS)
6. If you are the only person who ends up on a panel, are you willing to run the panel yourself? (YES or NO)
7. I can serve on back-to-back panels. (YES or NO)
8. Please state if you do NOT wish to be a panel against ... (A) Art Auction, (B) Dead Dog Panel, (C) Fan Qs, (D) Masquerade, or
(E) Plays. If you leave this blank, we will assume you can be on a panel against these events.
9. Further Comments: (i.e., let us know if you have medical conditions that necessitate lunch breaks, mobility issues, etc.)
Program Book Ads
MW*C 31 Program Book member/fan ad rates are: $35/full page (6"x7 1/2"), $25/half page (5"x3 3/4" or 3"x7 1/2"), $20/quarter page
(3"x3 3/4"), plus $2 if ad is not camera ready or needs to be reduced to fit the above dimensions. Classified ads are $1 per line (72 characters per
line). Please get ads to us by April 30.
We are also always looking for filler art (especially horizontal, con themed) for the Program Book.
Rocky Roads
MediaWest*Con 31 is located in Lansing, in the middle of the open palm of Michigan's mitten (the planetary high-sign of the Midwest),
conveniently located near I-96 exit 104, 18 miles from Capital Region International Airport (LAN), six miles from the Lansing bus terminal, and
seven miles from the East Lansing RR station. Airport & airline info is available online at
Local and interstate bus service share a common termination point at the CATA Transportation Center (across the street from the old bus
terminal). Sorry, no molecular transporters yet. Rental cars can be arranged for through your travel agent, outlets at the Lansing airport, or through
area agencies. The closest car rental agency to the host hotel is Enterprise Rent A Car (517/394-5575); taxi companies, car rental agencies, and other
travel info and links are listed on the MW*C website. If you plan on renting a car, it would be best to make advance arrangements.
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 16
MediaWest*Con 31  Party Suite Reservation Request Form
To make the use of the Party Suite as fair as possible:
1. First priority for its use is given to attending members not staying at the host hotel.
2. Any individual or group is limited to one use of the Party Suite.
3. The Party Suite will be available in 2-hour increments in the times stated below. This includes set-up and clean-up times.
The Suite is available:
1. The Party Suite is MediaWest*Con 31 function space, and is provided exclusively for the use of MW*C 31 members.
2. There is NO smoking (including candles) allowed in the Suite.
3. While you may bring in your own food and beverages, there is NO cooking (hot plates, popcorn makers, etc.) allowed in the suite. No
4. Anyone wishing to use a VCR/DVR in the suite must make arrangements with the hotel for connecting and disconnecting it
within your allotted time.
The MW*C 31 member reserving the Party Suite is responsible for:
1. Any damages or charges incurred in the suite during their allotted time.
2. Making sure the suite is cleaned, any furniture moved is returned to its original position, and all trash is removed by the end of their
allotted time. Please be considerate of the next party and bring large trash bags with you (or request from hotel beforehand). Do NOT
leave trash inside or directly outside of the Party Suite.
3. Making sure all participants are attending MW*C 31 members.
Making sure all participants vacate the suite by the end of their allotted time.
Anyone not adhering to the above rules may be barred from future use of the MediaWest*Con Party Suite.
Return section under dotted line
Name (as listed):
Legal Name (if different from above):
E-mail Address:
I have read the above rules and agree to obey them:
Membership #:
(To notify you of receipt of form)
1) Are you staying at the CWB?
No *** If NO, where are you staying?
2) Name of Event:
3) Host/Group:
4) Fandom:
5) Date & Time You Want to Hold Your Party (list date as day of week and date, i.e., Friday, May 27)
1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
6) Do you want event to be listed in the Program Book?
7) Is your event open to all MW*C 31 members?
(private parties will be listed as PRIVATE on con material)
8) Will you be using a VCR/DVR?
(please note you must provide your own VCR/DVR)
Reservations must be made on this form and received before May 1, 2011. E-mail reservations will not be accepted. Mail completed form to:
MW*C 31 Party Suite ~ c/o D. McLevy ~ 2834 Redding Road ~ Fairfield, CT 06428
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 17
2011 SF/Media Fan Fund
The SF/Media Fan Fund is designed to assist a fan in attending a convention that s/he might otherwise not be able to attend. The
2011winner may choose any convention between May 2011 and May 2012, and the Fan Fund will assist in covering related expenses (membership,
plane fare, room cost, meals, etc.).
Nominations must be hard copy. Fan Fund cannot accept nominations made by electronic mail, on any on-line service, faxes, or by
All nominations should be mailed to SF/Media Fan Fund, MediaWest*Con 31, 200 East Thomas Street, Lansing MI 48906-4047.
Please include a minimum donation of $2 with your nomination; this donation will be put directly into the Fan Fund for distribution to the
winner. Checks must be made out to MediaWest*Con (the bank won't cash checks made out to "Fan Fund" or any version thereof); money orders
should be made payable to Lori Chapek-Carleton. If you wish confirmation that your nomination has been received, include a SASP (self-addressed
stamped postcard).
Nominations must be received by March 31, 2011.
2011 SF/Media Fan Fund Nomination
If you wish to nominate for the 2011 SF/Media Fan Fund, please write the nominee name below, include a short bio if you wish, and include an
address and phone number for your nominee, and include a $2 donation. Thanks for supporting Fan Fund.
I would like to nominate ___________________________________________________ for Fan Fund 2011.
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: __________________ E-mail Address: __________________________________
Bio: ______________________________________________________________________________________
2011 Fan Fund nominations must be received by March 31, 2011
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 18
2011 Fan Quality Awards Nominations
The Fan Quality-Awards were originated by Sharon Ferraro and Paula Smith, and were formalized by the editors of Halkan Council and
awarded in conjunction with SeKwester*Con Too in 1977. The categories that year were ―Best Author/Writer‖ and ―Best Artist‖‘ and were
awarded within Star Trek fandom only.
Since 1977, the Fan Q‘s have reflected fandom‘s changing trends. T‘Kuhtian Press has sponsored the Fan Q Awards through T‟Con
(1978) and 2‟Con (1979), and through MediaWest*Con since 1981. Through fan involvement nominations are tallied and a Fan Q ballot is created.
The ballot is tabulated and certificates are awarded each year at MediaWest*Con.
One nomination per form. Make as many copies of this blank form as needed. All nominations by mail must be on this blank form or an
unaltered reproduction of this blank form, or the printable form available on the MW*C website (
Nominations may be made by e-mail using the form on the MW*C website (you must either be a MediaWest*Con 31 member or have
sent the $1.00 fee to Jan Keeler and use a browser which support forms to use this method). Altered forms, including any additions or deletions of
wording, will not be accepted. If you distribute this form to others, please include all rules and instructions.
All information filled in on this form must be original, printed in ink or typed. Forms with items filled in and then photocopied or otherwise
reproduced in mass will not be accepted. Nominations received after the May 9, 2011 deadline will not be accepted.
Who Can Nominate
One does not have to be a member of MediaWest*Con 31 or any other convention to nominate; however, non MediaWest*Con 31
members are charged a one-time per year fee of $1 to participate in the nomination and/or voting process to help defray expenses. Those who have
lost convention privileges at MediaWest*Con or any other convention are ineligible for nomination, and may not nominate or vote.
What To Nominate
Any new fan-produced publication or items printed within a fanproduced publication or by itself, originally published between January
1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 may be nominated. Materials that have been reprinted from previous years do not qualify. Works directly
attributable to MediaWest*Con staff as author, artist, or editor (in the ‗zine category) are not eligible for nomination for those respective categories.
Works published by T‘Kuhtian Press (sponsor of MediaWest*Con) or Wizard Works are not eligible for nomination in ‗zine categories.
You may nominate as many separate items as you wish; however, you may nominate a specific item only once. In the Artist category, you
are nominating the artist and not a specific piece of work. Nominate an artist only once per fandom; you may nominate the same artist in different
Nominate anything you feel is deserving, including your own work. Don‘t be pressured into nominating something you personally don‘t
like, simply in the name of friendship, etc.. Use your own judgment and keep the Quality in The Fan Quality Awards.
The following information is required to validate a nomination.
1. MediaWest*Con members must include a membership number for MediaWest*Con 31.
2. Non-MediaWest*Con members must include your full legal name, a full street address, and a telephone number with area code or a
working e-mail address.
We will spot check nominations and ballots to verify this information.
Final Ballot
A minimum of three (3) nominations and at least two (2) different competitors in each Fandom Category are required to qualify an item for
the final ballot; however, only the top five (5) nominated items in each Fandom Category will appear on the Final Ballot (more in the case of a tie in
An effort will be made to notify all nominees who make it to the final ballot; however, nominees will not be disqualified if we are unable to
reach them.
For Information on MW*C 31
Send a SASE or IRC to:
MediaWest*Con 31
200 East Thomas Street
Lansing MI 48906-4047 USA
or e-mail to:
or visit the MediaWest*Con Web Site at
Please make all checks payable to:
Please make all money orders payable to:
Lori Chapek-Carleton
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 19
Fan Quality Nominations
FANDOM (check one)
_____Single Fandom — Name of Fandom__________________________________________________________________________________
_____Multi-Fandom (more than one fandom involved)
CONTENT (check one)
_____Gen (non-slash, whether adult or not)
_____Slash (same-sex physical relationships, not necessarily explicit)
CATEGORY (check one)
_____Artist (artist, not artwork)
_____Story (fiction, any piece, any length, published within a ‗zine
_____Non-fiction Story (articles, essays, etc.)
_____Non-fiction ‗Zine (letterzines, newsletters, adzines, indexes, calendars, etc.)
_____Stand-alone ‗Zine (any piece published by itself, including novels)
_____‘Zine (Fiction, any collection, in print, of stories, poems, artwork etc.)
ITEM (fill in completely)
Title: (title of poem, article, story, ‗zine, etc.)_________________________________________________________________________________
Publication: (name of publication Title or Artist appeared in) _____________________________________________________________________
Editor‘s name & address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Publisher‘s name & address: (if different from Editor)__________________________________________________________________________
E-mail address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Your Name: (print in ink or type)___________________________________________________________________________________________
Your Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone number: _________________________________ E-mail address:__________________________________________________________
_____ I am a MediaWest*Con 31 member and my membership number is: _________________
_____ I am not a MediaWest*Con 31 member and I have enclosed $1
_____ I have sent in my $1 fee with previous nominations
When this form is completely filled out, send it to:
Fan Q Nominations, c/o Jan Keeler, 22440 Dickinson Rd, New Boston MI 48164-9455
If you want to receive the ballot by mail, please enclose a SASE with your nomination. If you also want to receive the winner‘s list by mail
we need a SASE for that as well. If you plan to nominate, vote, and find out the final results by E-mail or the convention‘s progress reports, then no
SASE is required. Multiple SASE‘s are not required for additional nominations.
Nominations must be received by March 31, 2011
We cannot be responsible for lost or misdirected mail.
If you wish to send this information via e-mail:
In the subject line list Fandom, Content & Category (example: UNCLE, Gen, Story) – include ALL story nominations for that fandom and
Your name, address, phone etc., need only be listed once per e-mail. I would prefer you put this information at the beginning of your email.
All deadlines and other rules apply.
E-mail your nominations to Jan Keeler at:
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 20
Fannish Video
Sheryl Adsit, 13200 Blodgett Avenue, Downey, CA 90242-5204, e-mail:
Fannish Video entries have fallen off in the last couple of years, making too few for enough competition to qualify for awards. With so
many video producers going straight to online distribution of their work, and not knowing of or choosing not to participate in the MW*C
competition, I'm thinking of changing from being a competitive format to just showing videos.
I had imposed a 15-minute limit per producer at a time when we had an overflow of videos to show. Now we face the opposite problem.
Maybe it‘s time to eliminate the membership requirement, so people could bring friends' videos without the friends being members.
I would still need to ask for producers help in staffing the room.
We are asking for input from the membership. I really don't know what to do to make up for the decline in video entries, because I know
many people are making videos -- just not making them available to us.
Sad News: Many of the members of the group know or remember Bev Grant, especially those of us who take part in the musical
skits/plays that she writes and organizes at MW*C each year. I'm sorry to say that Bev has been very ill with breast cancer that had spread to the
brain. She has chosen not to continue with chemo therapy due to the toll it was taking on her -- she has decided that quality of life is more important
than quantity of life.
I talked to her -- she is in hospice care in Kalamazoo -- and she is doing fairly well. She's in no pain, has a lot of her own stuff with her -books, CDs and DVDs, saw the new Harry Potter at Christmas and is comfortable. However, unfortunately, she is no longer able to play her harp or
If anyone wishes to write to her or phone, she would be happy to hear from you. The address is Hospice Care of S.W. Michigan, Rose
Arbor Residence, 5473 Croyden Ave., Kalamazoo MI 49009. The phone number is 1-269-345-8910. (From Jan Gosnell)
MediaWest*Con 31 Souvenir Items
MW*C souvenir items are back (and soon on your back)!
MediaWest*Con 31 souvenir items will be imprinted with a variation of the MW*C 31 theme (expect the logo on page 1 in 2 colors on
white shirts/totes).
T'Shirts and sweats are unisex-sized. Totebags are heavy-duty 20" x 18.
See the order form for prices. We strongly encourage pre-orders. Please order by April 30 (we‘ve moved back the deadline to make sure
they can be done in time!). We cannot guarantee that extra items may be available at the con, and we will not do additional print-runs.
Some miscellaneous items are left from previous years. Please ask about availability of any specific items/sizes; if we have them we will
make sure we bring them to the con.
MediaWest*Con 31 Souvenir Order Form
Orders must be received by April 30, 2011
Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Membership #:______________
City:_____________________________________________________ State/Prov.:________________________________________
ZIP/Post. Code:_______________________ Country:______________________ Phone:(______)________________________
E-mail address: _____________________________________________
Small ____ x $12 @ = $______
Medium ____ x $12 @ = $______
Large ____ x $12 @ = $______
XL ____ x $12 @ = $______
XXL ____ x $16 @ = $______
XXXL ____ x $16 @ = $______
XXXXL ____ x $18 @ = $______
Subtotal $______
Small ____ x $22 @ = $______
Medium ____ x $22 @ = $______
Large ____ x $22 @ = $______
XL ____ x $22 @ = $______
XXL ____ x $26 @ = $______
XXXL ____ x $26 @ = $______
XXXXL ____ x $28 @ = $______
Subtotal $______
____ x $17 @ = $______
T‘Shirt Subtotal $______
Sweatshirt Subtotal $______
Total $______
Make checks payable to MediaWest*Con. Mail to: MediaWest*Con 31 Souvenirs, 200 E. Thomas St., Lansing MI 48906-4047
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 21
Progress Report 1
MediaWest*Con 31
200 East Thomas Street
Lansing MI 48906-4047 USA
Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy
Members: If your address label is wrong, please send correction ASAP.
MediaWest*Con 31 -- May 27-30, 2011 -- Page 22