Arts & Entertainment HASTINGS TRIBUNE Friday, Aug. 22, 2014 NewsMakers PHOTOGRAPHER SUES BIEBER OVER ALTERCATION LOS ANGELES — A photographer sued Justin Bieber and one of his bodyguards Wednesday for assault and infliction of emotional distress over an altercation on Hawaiian beach late last year. The lawsuit by paparazzo Aja Oxman states Bieber ordered his bodyguard to take a memory card after the Bieber photographer snapped photos of the pop singer leaping from a cliff into the ocean at Shipwreck Beach on the island of Kauai. Bodyguard Dwayne Patterson placed Oxman in a chokehold and seriously injured him and damaged his camera during the November incident, the lawsuit states. The complaint seeks unspecified damages in excess of $25,000 for assault and battery, negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Patterson was arrested on suspicion of assault and later charged with second degree robbery. He pleaded no contest to criminal property damage and harassment and was ordered to pay Oxman $6,000 in restitution, court records show. Patterson’s conviction won’t remain on his record if he does not get into further trouble, records show. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC BANS MILEY CYRUS CONCERT SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — The Dominican Republic government commission that oversees public performances is banning a Sept. 13 concert by Miley Cyrus on morality grounds. The commission said in a statement Thursday that it took the action because Cyrus often “undertakes acts that go against morals and customs, which are punishable by Dominican law.” Tickets ranging from $27 to $370 for the concert in the capital have been on sale since July. Some critics have declared Cyrus’ onstage antics, including twerking and crotch-grabbing, as vulgar. A representative for Cyrus did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Concert organizers in the Dominican Republic did not comment on the ban. U.S. INSPECTOR FINDS BEYONCE, JAY-Z CUBA TRIP LEGAL HAVANA — The U.S. Treasury Department’s inspector general has determined Jay-Z and Beyonce’s fifth-anniversary trip to Cuba last year was legal under rules allowing educational travel to the island. The music superstars angered several Republican politicians in Florida with their four-day visit to Havana, which saw them eating in some of the city’s highend private restaurants and touring colonial Old Havana while Jay-Z puffed on a Cuban cigar. Washington’s 51-year embargo makes it illegal for U.S. citizens to visit Cuba for mere tourism, although tens of thousands of Americans travel to the island each year on academic, religious, journalistic or cultural exchange licenses. The inspector general’s office said in a report Wednesday that the couple visited an art school and a local theater group, helping make their trip a legal educational exchange. The Associated Press Library taking applications for teen board S ometimes you see yourself at a crossroads in life. Recently I was given the opportunity to become the new teen library assistant here at the library. Many know that I have my teaching degree, and have spent five years trying my best to get a job Erica teaching. Rogers Working with children is such a deep part of who I am I can’t imagine doing anything else. This is why I’ve decided to embrace this new opportunity and work with kids in a new aspect … through the library. Most of you also know by now that I am a self-proclaimed nerd. I feel that it’s important to let your true self be known, no matter who you are. I wear glasses, I love to read, I wear unusual outfits, and I embrace the powers of the Force. Working with teens, I feel it’s important to be open and honest about these things. I am always encouraging them to express themselves whether that’s on the football field, in a painting, a book or even on a Quiz Bowl team. I want the library to be a place that they can come and feel comfortable. One of the ways that we have been getting students involved over the last few years is through our Teen Advisory Board. This is a group of students who not only love the library, but like planning events and working with their peers on projects. In the past, our board has held events such as the chili cook-off, improv nights, poetry readings, game show recreations and more. OK, parents, if you’re wanting your teens to get involved, this is where they should start reading. TAB is about more than planning game nights. You get a say in what books or movies we might order, and provide some input on maybe giving a facelift to the teen area. For those with looming college applications in your future, it’s a great fun way to earn community service hours, as well. I want to think of some ways to get out into the community and help out in some way, but even working around the library gets you those coveted hours that colleges love to see. Also, we have a new website dedicated just for the teens. Check it out, When you join TAB, you can help add to the website by suggesting books, apps or other websites you think your peers might enjoy. This website is also where you can get your application to sign up for TAB. There is an online form, or a print form that you can return to the library. You can also pick up applications at the library or on the bookmobile. Applications are due Sept. 5 so that I can see who is interested and what days are available to work best with your schedules for meetings. The first meeting will be in September, and will be announced after all the applications are in. So make sure you put down current contact information. The most important thing about joining TAB is to have fun. I want this to be an experience you enjoy and want to participate in. We all know how awesome the library already is, but let’s work together to make it YOUR kind of awesome. Erica Rogers is the teen library assistant at the Hastings Public Library. Contact Rogers at 402461-2346 or email at A7 Watch your entries for trump handling S ue Gardner, a Canadian journalist and former executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, said, “It’s a funny habit to write encyclopedia entries. It’s not a mass taste.” When Encyclopedia Britannica was still publishing its annual Yearbook, I Phillip wrote the Alder bridge entry and did not consider it a funny habit — but each to her or his own taste. We could fill a chunk of an encyclopedia with deals in which players did not watch their entries carefully enough. In this layout, South is in four hearts. West leads the diamond ace. When East signals enthusiastically with his nine, West continues with the diamond king and another diamond. East wins the third trick with his queen and shifts to a spade. How should South continue? When South jumped to four hearts, he wondered if four spades might have been better, but had no sensible way to investigate. South must play his trump suit without loss. We all know the “eight ever” ditty that advises finessing as the percentage action. But should declarer cash a high heart first? If the suit is 3-2, South will North ´Q954 ™63 ©J72 ®AJ85 West East ´863 ´ 10 7 2 ™2 ™Q754 ©AK83 ©Q94 ® 10 9 7 4 2 ®Q63 South ´AKJ ™ A K J 10 9 8 © 10 6 5 ®K Dealer: South Vulnerable: East-West South West North East 1™ Pass 1 ´ Pass 4™ Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: © A get home if East has the queen and fail when West has her majesty. But if East started with four hearts, he is four times more likely to have the queen than West. (There are four low singletons that West can hold and there is only one singleton queen.) So declarer should take two heart finesses, which requires two dummy entries. South must overtake his spade jack with dummy’s queen and play a heart to his jack. Then he should overtake his club king with dummy’s ace, repeat the heart finesse, draw trumps and claim. Phillip Alder is a columnist for Newspaper Enterprise Association. Discover the Blessed Life FallSem ester Life G iving C lasses Sh o w in g :Au g .22-24 & 29-3 1 X -M en :Da ysofFu tu re Pa st(PG-13) Fri.-Sa 3D:7p Sa 2D:2p Su n in 2D:5p 3D:$6.50+ta x 2D:$4.50+ta x • G odonom ics - Learn G od’s plan for econom ics • FinancialPeace University - Becom e debt free!!! Larg e -Fo rm at Film s W e the Peop le 2D M ysteriesofthe Un seen W orld Flig htofthe Bu tterflies3D K en ya 3D La stReef3D • The Fam ily Project- U nderstand the role of the fam ily • Free Indeed - O vercom e the negative strongholds 3D Fam ily Pro g ram at th e M u se u m Them e:Poop ! (Y ou won ’tb elieve wha tyou ca n lea rn from it!) Sa t.,Sept.6,2-4p Ca llto d a y to register! 800-508-4629 H a stin g sM useum .o rg • Trim H ealthy M am a - G et healthy and Energize your life Classes begin S eptem ber7th Form ore inform ation: w w orcall402.834.0400 Children’s classes available during m ostclass tim es. Public Notices NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Re: 446.0135 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that the following-described property will be sold by Great Western Bank, a bank chartered under the laws of the State of South Dakota Successor Trustee, at public auction to the highest bidder at the main lobby of the Adams County Courthouse, in the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska on September 4, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.: Commencing at a Point 40 feet South of the NE Corner of the South Half of the East Half of Block Two, Alexander's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, according to the recorded plat thereof; running thence West parallel with the North line of said East Half to the West line of said East Half; thence South on said West line 62 feet; thence East parallel with the North line to the East line of said Block, thence North on said East Line 62 feet to the Place of Beginning commonly known as 725 North Hastings Avenue, Hastings, Nebraska. The highest bidder will deposit with the Trustee, at the time of the sale, a personal or cashier's check in the amount of $5,000.00, with the full purchase price, in certified funds, to be received by the Trustee by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the sale, except this requirement is waived when the highest bidder is the Beneficiary. The Purchaser shall be responsible for all prior liens, all applicable fees, and all taxes, including the documentary stamp tax. This property is sold “as is” and this sale is made without any warranties as to title or condition of the property. If this sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid, or the purchase price if paid by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Beneficiary, the Servicer for the Beneficiary, the Trustor, the Trustee, or the Beneficiary’s/Trustee’s/Servicer’s Attorney. Great Western Bank, a bank chartered under the laws of the State of South Dakota Successor Trustee. By: Camille R. Hawk (#20395) For Walentine, O’Toole, McQuillan & Gordon, L.L.P. 11240 Davenport Street P.O. Box 540125 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 (402) 330-6300 July 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, 2014 Notice of Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary and Improvement District No. 2 of Adams County, Nebraska, will be held at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, August 28, 2014, at the Hastings Head Start Parent's Room, 123 North Marian Road, Hastings, Nebraska 68901, which meeting will be open to the public. An agenda for such meeting, kept continuously current, is available at the residence of the Assistant to the Clerk, Gayle Hahn, 3322 Parklane Drive #101, Hastings, Nebraska 68901, and includes payment of any bills of the District. Gregg Hughes Clerk of the District August 22, 2014 SECTION 00 2113 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INVITATION 1.1 BID SUBMISSION A. Bids signed and under seal, executed, dated, and submitted for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment for the Central Community College - Grand Island Fitness Center Restroom Remodel prior to: 1. Date: September 30, 2014. 2. Time: 2:00 p.m. 3. Place: Central Community College - Administration Office Board Room, 3134 West Highway 34, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802. B. Offers will be opened publicly immediately after the time for receipt of bids. The Owner will consider the bids received for the furnishing of said labor, materials and equipment necessary for the proper construction of the aforesaid project. C. The General, Mechanical and Electrical, will be under one Bid. All subcontractor quotations shall be sent to the General Contractor. D. Bid Security is required to be submitted with bid proposal form. Make payable to Central Community College in the amount of 5% of the Lump Sum Bid Amount. Bid Security shall be of cashiers check, certified check, or Bid Bond issued by a Surety licensed to conduct business in the State of Nebraska. Form of Bid Bond is AIA Document A310. Any agent signing a bid bond on behalf of the Surety must attach a Power of Attorney effectively evidencing the agent's authority to bind the Surety to the performance of the Bid Bond. E. Performance Bond: The Contractor shall be required to furnish acceptable bonds to complete the work and pay for all labor and materials used, said bonds to be in the amount of 100% of total amount of the Contract. See Document A701, Instructions to Bidders. F. Taxes: The Contractor by virtue of his contract with Central Community College, becomes a purchasing agent for the college on their behalf and under Statute 77-2702 does not pay sales tax. G. Insurance: Prior to the start of the work, completed copies of the Certificate of Insurance, AIA Document G705 shall be submitted to the Owner and Architect. H. Pre-Bid Conference is mandatory for General Contractors. Meeting attendance is strongly recommended for major subcontractors. 1. Date: September 10, 2014. 2. Time: 11:00 a.m. 3. Place: Room 314, Grand Island Campus, 3134 West Highway 34, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802. 1.2 INTENT A. The intent of this Bid request it to obtain a complete offer to perform the Work on Project for a single Base Bid cost, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.3 WORK IDENTIFIED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Work of this proposed Contract comprises building construction, including general construction Work. B. All work shall be furnished in strict accordance with the Bid Documents dated, August 28, 2014 and prepared by Wilkins Hinrichs Stober Architects. Bids will be p y received only upon the printed forms furnished by the Architect. C. Work consists of 700 square feet of renovation. An existing storage room will be remodeled into two fitness restrooms (including tiled showers). New construction includes new metal stud/gypsum wall board walls and new ACP ceilings, finished with new floor and wall tile, with some paint. New plumbing fixtures (toilet, sink, shower, drains) and adjustment of existing mechanical systems and new ventilation. 1.4 CONTRACT TIME A. Perform the Work within the time stated under Work Sequence in Section 01 1000 Summary. B. The bidder, in submitting an offer, accepts the Contract Time period stated for performing the Work. The completion date in the Agreement shall be the Contract Time added to the commencement date. BID DOCUMENTS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2.1 DEFINITIONS A. Bid Documents: Contract Documents including Project Manual, Construction Drawings and all issued Addenda. 2.2 AVAILABILITY A. Bid Documents may be obtained from the following location: 1. A&D Technical Supply Company, 4320 South 89th, Omaha, Nebraska 68127 (402) 592-4950 extension 4 B. Bid Document information can be obtained online from the following location: 1. A&D Technical Supply Company Plan Room; The following information can be obtained and viewed: a. Instructions to Bidders b. Bid Form c. Specifications Table of Contents d. Section 01100 Summary of Work e. Addenda f. Construction Drawing Images IMAGES ARE NOT FOR BIDDING - FOR REFERENCE ONLY IN ORDERING C. A deposit in the amount of $100.00 (made payable to Wilkins Hinrichs Stober Architects) will be required for each set of bidding documents. If shipping is required there is a non refundable amount determined and made payable to A&D Technical Supply Company. These checks are to be sent to A&D Technical Supply prior to receipt of documents. The deposit will be returned in full only if a qualified bid is submitted and the Bid Documents are returned within fifteen (15) days of the bid determination, or if the Contractor decides not to submit a Proposal and the Bid Documents are returned with seven (7) days prior to the bid opening. D. ALL BID DOCUMENTS SHALL BE RETURNED to the office of Wilkins Hinrichs Stober Architects, 2908 West 39th Street, Suite A, Kearney, Nebraska 68845. 2.3 EXAMINATION A. Bid Documents may be examined at: Wilkins Hinrichs Stober Architects, 2908 West 39th Street, Suite A, Kearney, Nebraska 68845. Lincoln Builders Bureau, 5910 South 58th, Suite #C, Lincoln, Nebraska 68516. , McGraw Hill/Dodge c/o Beeline and Blue, 2507 Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312 Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce, 753 33rd Avenue, Columbus, Nebraska 68602-0515. Hastings Builders Bureau, 301 South Burlington, Hastings, Nebraska 68902. Central Nebraska Plan Service, 111 West 6th Street, North Platte, Nebraska 69101. Builders Plan Service, 309 West 2nd, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 Reed Construction Data, 30 Technology Drive South, Suite 500, Norcross, Georgia 30092 Kearney Plan Service, 1007 2nd Avenue, Kearney, Nebraska 68847. B. Upon receipt of Bid Documents verify that documents are complete. Notify Architect should the documents be incomplete. C. Immediately notify Architect upon finding discrepancies or omissions in the Bid Documents. 2.4 PRODUCT/ASSEMBLY/SYSTEM SUBSTITUTIONS A. No technical questions will be answered by the Architect's /Engineer's office(s) during the twenty-four (24) hours immediately preceding the bid opening time and date. B. All products and manufacturers shall be as specified in the bid documents. Any requested changes in products or manufacturers shall be submitted to the Architect seven days prior to the bid date. Requested changes that have been approved will be included in an addendum. Any requested changes not included in an addendum are to be considered as not approved. The Owner reserves the right to negotiate any proposed Voluntary Alternates only with the apparent low bidder with selection based on the Base Bid and selected Alternate(s). C. The Architect does not intend to issue any addenda to the bidding documents within three (3) working days of the bid opening time and date. SITE ASSESSMENT 3.1 SITE EXAMINATION A. All Bidders are required to make a careful, close examination of the entire building areas before submitting a bid. See 01 1000 Summary for the schedule. OFFER ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION 4.1 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER A. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers and to pass upon the regularity or waive any irregularities of any bid. The Owner intends, but shall not be required, to interview the two (2) lowest responsible bidders to determine the lowest responsible bidder. Any award of contract shall be made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration the best interests of the Owner, the quality performance of the Contractor, and his ability to perform the work. The decision to award the contract shall be in the sole discretion of the Owner. B. After acceptance by Owner, Architect on behalf of Owner, will issue to the successful bidder, a written Notice to Proceed. August 22, 26, 28, September 3, 5, 9, 2014 CLASSIFIED ADS SELL!
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