DEN NORSKE AKTUARFORENING FAGKOMITÉ SKADE INVITERER TIL SEMINAR «ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT» MANDAG 2. MAI 2016 KL 09:00 – 16:15 STED: FELIX KONFERANSESENTER, BRYGGETORGET 3, OSLO NB: Seminaret vil bli holdt på engelsk! Deltakerne bes om å svare på spørsmålene i følgende surveymonkey link noen uker før seminaret: Resultatene presenteres og diskuteres under seminaret. Program: 09:00 – 09:15 Welcome and introduction v/ Astrid Seltmann, leder fagkomité skade 09:15 – 10:15 Enterprise Risk Management (1) General introduction to ERM v/ Stéphane Loisel 10:15 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:30 Pause Enterprise Risk Management (2) Endogenous risk, correlation crises and risk aggregation v/ Stéphane Loisel 11:30 – 12:30 12:30 - 14:15 Lunch Enterprise Risk Management (3) Monitoring P&C risks: optimal change-point detection strategies v/ Stéphane Loisel 14:15 - 14:30 Pause 14:30 - 16:00 Enterprise Risk Management (4) Attitudes w.r.t. risks and models; survey results; Q&A’s v/ Stéphane Loisel 16:00 - 16:15 Summing up v/ Astrid Seltmann DEN NORSKE AKTUARFORENING Priser Seminaret, inkludert lunsj, koster kr 2.500,- for DNA medlemmer, kr 500,- for aktuarstudenter, universitetsansatte og DNA pensjonister og kr 3.500,- for øvrige. Påmelding Bindende påmelding innen 15. april på , eller til Jens Christensen i sekretariatet til e-postadresse Ved påmelding, oppgi: navn, selskap, adresse, telefonnummer, e-postadresse og om du er medlem av DNA. Prinsippet ”førstemann til mølla” blir benyttet. Om foredragsholderen: Stéphane Loisel Stéphane Loisel holds a PhD in applied mathematics from University of Lyon, a MSc in actuarial science and finance, and is a fellow and former member of the board of the Institut des Actuaires. He is now full professor at ISFA, Université Lyon 1. He was visiting professor at ORIE, Cornell University in 2014 and has been lecturing for several years in Université Paris 6 and ENSAE. Associate Editor of IME, MCAP, BFA, Risks and co-editor of EAJ, Stéphane's main research interests include ruin theory with dependent risks, Solvency II, regulation and ERM, as well as longevity risk and customer behaviour in insurance. Stéphane is the coordinator of the ANR 4-year research project LoLitA (Longevity with Lifestyle Adjustments) and of the research chair Actuariat Durable. He received the SCOR PhD award in 2005, the Lloyd's Science of Risk runner-up prize (insurance and financial markets category) in 2011 and the Hachemeister prize in 2013. A board and audit committee member of insurance group April, Stéphane also serves on the CERA review panel and is the scientific director of the French CERA program. He is also a member of the board of insurance company Axéria Prévoyance and of the validation advisory committee of SCOR.
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