Dražbeni katalog Auction Catalogue Managerski ples 2016 Gala Ball 2016 1 Spoštovani gostje, Po letu premora se je managerski parket vrnil naš najbolj eleganten dogodek leta. V desetih letih je Managerski ples postal preplet več energij, plesa, druženja, kulture spoštovanja in darovanja. Z dobrodelno dražbo plesa smo do danes podprli že devet generacij mladih obetavnih kadrov, in sicer 10 varovancev ustanove Gallus, mladih nadarjenih glasbenikov, in 19 štipendistov sklada za štipendiranje Sekcije mladih managerjev pri Združenju Manager petnajstih različnih držav. Hvala, ker tudi letos verjamemo v talente, ambicije in mladostno energijo. Zaplešimo, ker želimo dobro. 2 Dear guests, Now, after a whole year, our most elegant event of the year has returned to our dance floor. Over the past ten years the Manager Gala Dance has become a tapestry of energies, dance, socializing and a celebration of respect and generosity. With this charity auction we have already supported nine generations of promising young people, namely ten young talented musicians, member protégés of the Gallus Institution, together with 19 scholarship recipients from 15 countries, granted by the Scholarship Fund of the Young Managers Section of the Managers‘ Association. Thank you, yet again this year, for believing in talent, ambition and youthful energy. Let‘s dance, because we care. Why an auction? Zakaj dražba? Dobrodelna dražba Managerskega plesa je namenjena pridobivanju sredstev za Sklad za štipendiranje sekcije mladih managerjev pri Združenju Manager. Z njim sekcija in Združenje Manager podpirata podiplomski študij tujih mladih managerjev in tako posredno ustvarjata priložnosti za kasnejše mednarodno mreženje slovenskega gospodarstva. Del sredstev dobrodelne dražbe namenjamo kulturi, in sicer za študij in profesionalni razvoj mladih nadarjenih glasbenikov, varovancev Ustanove Gallus, katere ustanovitelj je tudi Združenje Manager. The purpose of the charity auction of the Manager Gala Dance is to raise money for the Scholarship Fund of the Young Managers Section of the Managers‘ Association. Both the Section and the Association sponsor postgraduate studies for young foreign managers and in so doing indirectly create opportunities for future international networking of Slovenian businesses. Part of the funds raised at the auction will be allocated to culture, namely for financing the studies and professional development of young talented musicians who are member protégés of the Gallus Musical Institution, which was co-founded by the Managers‘ Association. 3 Dražba v preddverju Unionske dvorane Vsi dražbeni predmeti bodo na ogled na dan plesa, 13. maja 2016, v preddverju dvorane Grand hotela Union od 19.30 do 24.00 ure. Zgodbe, ki spremljajo posamezne dražbene predmete ali doživetja, vas bodo očarale in navdušile, da se boste zavrteli v ritmu dražiteljskih korakov na priloženih dražbenih listih z izklicno ceno in višino dražbenega koraka. Dražba se bo zaključila ob polnoči. Izjemoma lahko komisija podaljša dražbo za tiste predmete, za katere ugotovi, da obstaja interes več dražiteljev, in izvede dražbo z osebnim licitiranjem ob predmetu. Končni kupec bo zadnji vpisani dražitelj. Dražba v dvorani Mize v dvorani bodo prav tako krasili dražbeni predmeti. Letos smo poskrbeli, da vas bo zamikal Sladki zaklad – torta iz Žita, na pladnju Steklarne Hrastnik. Te predmete dražite tako, da na priloženih dražbenih listih z navedeno izklicno ceno in dražbenim korakom vpisujete vaše ponudbe. In še presenečenje: po zaključku dražbe bomo izmed vseh kupljenih Skritih zakladov izžrebali prejemnico ali prejemnika Kraljevega nakita Catbriyurs. 4 Auction in the lobby of the Union Hall All items put up for auction will be on display on the day of the Gala Dance, 13 May 2016, in the lobby of the hall at Grand Hotel Union, from 7.30 p.m. to midnight. You will be drawn in by the stories and experiences behind the auctioned items and soon be immersed in the rhythm of the event, where you will also receive the auction bills with opening bids and bid increments. The auction will end at midnight. The auction committee may exceptionally extend the auction for those items that have aroused the interest of several bidders, and continue accepting personal bids for specific items. The final buyer will be the last registered bidder. Auction in the hall The auctioned items will also be displayed on the tables in the hall. This year you will be tempted with Sweet Treasure – a cake made by the bakers from Žito and served on a tray from the Steklarna Hrastnik glassworks. To bid on these items you simply specify your amount on the auction bill where the opening bid and bid increments are stated. And our surprise: After the conclusion of the auction we will draw lots from among all purchased Hidden Treasures, with the winner receiving a piece of Catbriyur Royal Jewellery as a gift. Zaključek dražbe Dražba v dvorani in pred njo se bo zaključila ob polnoči. Izjema bodo le predmeti, za katere se bo komisija odločila, da izvede osebno licitiranje. Vse ponudbe bodo pregledane. Kupljene predmete bodo kupci lahko prevzeli na informacijskem pultu v preddverju Unionske dvorane, od 0:30 dalje. Račun bo kupcu izstavljen naknadno. Na dražbi lahko sodelujejo osebe starejše ob 18 let. Dražitelji se obvezujejo, da ne bodo dražili, če predmeta ne nameravajo kupiti. Vrednost kupljenega dražbenega predmeta že vsebuje 22% DDV. Conclusion of the auction The auction in both the hall and in the lobby will end at midnight. We will make a special exception for items for which the committee decides to conduct a personal bidding procedure. All bids will be reviewed. The lucky buyers will be able to pick up their purchased items at the information desk in the lobby of the Union Hall from 00.30 onwards. Invoices will be sent to buyers after the event. Only persons 18 and over are eligible to participate in the auction. The bidders agree not to make a bid unless they intend to buy the item. The value of the item already includes 22% VAT. 5 Donation option Možnost donacij Udeleženci plesa lahko finančna sredstva donirajo tudi brez nakupa dražbenih predmetov. Donirajo lahko fizične ali pravne osebe. Višina donacij navzgor ni omejena, minimalna donacija znaša 50 evrov. Organizator bo donatorju izdal ustrezno potrdilo. Zahvaljujemo se vsem podjetjem in posameznikom, ki ste podarili predmete za dobrodelno dražbo. Prav tako se zahvaljujemo letošnjim podpornikom Sklada za štipendiranje. 6 Participants at the Gala Dance can make a donation without the obligation to buy any of the auctioned items. Donations may be made by natural persons or legal entities. There is no maximum donation, and the minimum is 50 euros. The organiser will issue a certificate to the donor. We are grateful to all companies and individuals who donated items for the auction. We are also grateful to NLB and Zavarovalnica Triglav, this year‘s sponsors of our Scholarship Fund. Kazalo Table of contents Dražbeni predmet Podarja Auctioned item Donated by Prvo zlato BTC 8 First gold BTC 8 The Sky is not the limit Zavarovalnica Triglav 9 The Sky is not the limit Zavarovalnica Triglav 9 Podpisano z Michelinovimi zvezdicami Gorenje 10 Signed with Michelin stars Gorenje 10 Audi Sportscar Experience Porsche Slovenija 11 Audi Sportscar Experience Porsche Slovenia 11 Med realnim in imaginarnim Sharmila Mohandas 12 Between the real and the imaginary Sharmila Mohandas 12 Beseda Maria Anselmi 13 Word Maria Anselmi 13 Tiha spremljevalka Studio Drevo 14 Silent lady companion Studio Drevo 14 Medeni parfum Perger 1757 15 Honey perfume Perger 1757 15 Odtis svobode Boris Beja 16 Imprint of freedom Boris Beja 16 Postreženo s poljubom Nora de Saint Picman 17 Served with a kiss Nora de Saint Picman 17 Trilogija mehkobe KATIKEI 18 A trilogy of softness KATIKEI 18 Dražbeni predmeti na mizah Skupina Žito in Steklarna Hrastnik 19 Auctioned items on the tables Žito Group and Steklarna Hrastnik 19 Sodelujte v žrebu za edinstveni Kraljevi nakit Catbriyurs 20 Take part in the draw for unique Catbriyur Royal Jewellery Catbriyurs 20 7 dražbeni predmet št. 1 PODARJA BTC telovadni dres Saša Bertonclja z Evropskih iger 2015 Izklicna cena: 160 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 10 EUR Opening bid: EUR 160 Bid increment: EUR 10 Prvo zlato First gold »Najžlahtnejše priznanje prineseta vztrajnost in disciplina.« BTC Prvo in edino zlato medaljo za Slovenijo v zgodovini tekmovanja Evropske igre, je slovenski telovadec Sašo Bertoncelj, osvojil v Bakuju leta 2015. Najžlahtnejše priznanje si je prislužil tudi z vztrajnimi treningi športne gimnastike, s katerimi je pričel že pri zgodnjih sedmih letih. Med svoje največje uspehe šteje 2 medalji z evropskih prvenstev (2010, 2014) in 24 uvrstitev na stopničke svetovnega pokala, od tega 8 zmag. Dres, v katerem je blestel na konju z ročaji, poklanja družba BTC, ki v okviru svojih družbeno odgovornih prizadevanj že skoraj dve desetletji podpira vrhunske telovadke in telovadce ter Gimnastično zvezo Slovenije. S sodelovanjem na dražbi želi spodbuditi podjetja in managerje k podpori slovenskemu športu, saj je to naložba v perspektivne posameznike in športno disciplino, ki predstavlja priložnost za krepitev slovenske športne kulture. 8 Auctioned item no. 1 DONATED BY BTC Sašo Bertoncelj’s track suit from the 2015 European Games „The noblest award is the result of perseverance and discipline.“ BTC The first and the only gold medal for Slovenia in the history of the European Games was won by the Slovenian athlete Sašo Bertoncelj in Baku in 2015. Sašo won this medal as the result of persistent gymnastic training, which he began at the young age of seven. His greatest achievements include two European Championships medals (2010 and 2014) and 24 places on the winner’s podium, eight of which were victories. The shirt he wore while performing on the pommel horse was donated by the BTC company, which for nearly two decades has been supporting top athletes, and the Gymnastic Association of Slovenia, as part of its corporate social responsibility activities. With participation in the auction we aim to encourage companies and managers to support Slovenian sports, to invest in promising athletes and sport, so as to promote sports culture in Slovenia. dražbeni predmet št. 2 PODARJA ZAVAROVALNICA TRIGLAV dres s podpisom slovenskih skakalcev in športna kapa s podpisom Petra Prevca Izklicna cena: 250 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 25 EUR The Sky is not the limit »Skakalna evforija, kot je na sončni strani Alp še ni bilo. Podžgal jo je Peter Prevc, ki je ustvaril najdominantnejšo sezono v zgodovini smučarskih skokov.« Zavarovalnica Triglav Štartno številko, ki jo je na prvi od štirih tekem finala svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih v Planici nosil Jurij Tepeš, so s podpisi ozaljšali slovenski orli. Da nebo ni meja, ne ovira je prav na tej tekmi dokazal skakalni as Peter Prevc Prevc, šampion iz Dolenje vasi. Rekorder v številu zmag in po številu doseženih točk v eni sezoni je svoj pečat pustil tudi na športni kapi, ki jo poleg štartne številke podarja Zavarovalnica Triglav. Vodilna slovenska klasična zavarovalnica, s 115-letno tradicijo, kjer so predani strokovnosti, varnosti, enostavnosti in družbeni odgovornosti, s športom kot tradicionalnim in močnim področjem. Zavarovalnica Triglav je obvladujoča družba Skupine Triglav, ene vodilnih zavarovalnofinančnih skupin v JV Evropi, ki posluje v šestih evropskih državah in na sedmih trgih. Auctioned item no. 2 DONATED BY ZAVAROVALNICA TRIGLAV starting bib bearing the signatures of the Slovenian ski jumping team and sports cap signed by Peter Prevc Opening bid: EUR 250 Bid increment: EUR 25 The Sky is not the limit „A ski jumping euphoria of a kind never before seen on the sunny side of the Alps. It was ignited by Peter Prevc, who created the most powerful season in ski jumping history.“ Zavarovalnica Triglav The starting bib that was worn by Jurij Tepeš during the first of the four rounds of the ski jumping world championship finals in Planica, and signed by all of the Slovenian ‚eagles‘. At this race Peter Prevc, the Slovenian ski jumping champion from Dolenja vas, proved yet again that the sky was certainly not the limit. Prevc, who holds the record for number of victories and total points in a single season, put his signature on the sports cap, which is presented as a gift by Zavarovalnica Triglav. Zavarovalnica Triglav is the leading Slovenian classical insurance company with a 115-year tradition dedicated to professionalism, safety and simplicity, as well as social responsibility, where sport is at the forefront of their many efforts. It is the parent company of the Triglav Group, one of the leading insurance & financial groups in SE Europe, which operates in six European countries and on seven market. 9 dražbeni predmet št. 3 PODARJA GORENJE slow food za dve osebi s šefom Kuharjem Izklicna cena: 140 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 10 EUR Podpisano z Michelinovimi zvezdicami „Zdrava prehrana ni samo trend bodočnosti v sodobni kulinariki, temveč izziv za vsakega, ki se profesionalno ukvarja z najlepšim poklicem na tem svetu.“ Andrej Kuhar, edini slovenski chef z Michelinovo zvezdico Vila Herberstein je zagotovo ena izmed najlepše ohranjenih primestnih vil iz 19. stoletja, danes pa sodi med najelitnejše slovenske restavracije. Hiša vrhunske kulinarike z dolgoletno tradicijo, kjer za edinstvena kulinarična doživetja poskrbi chef Andrej Kuhar, dobitnik šestih Michelinovih zvezdic in eden najboljših kuharskih mojstrov v svetovnem merilu. V svetu, kjer lahko kupite prav vse, razen zdravega toplega obroka in urice miru, vam nudijo prav to. Pri pripravi kulinaričnih mojstrovin prisegajo na zdrav način priprave hrane iz lokalno pridelanih sestavin, ki jim ohranjajo pristen okus. Poslovnim in drugim gostom ponujajo izvirne jedi iz bogate zakladnice receptov chefa, samozavestno ustvarjajo ravnotežje med preprostostjo in mojstrovino, doživetje pa vedno oplemenitijo z najboljšimi slovenskimi vini in prijetnim brezčasnim ambientom. 10 Auctioned item no. 3 DONATED BY GORENJE slow food for two with chef Kuhar Opening bid: EUR 140 Bid increment: EUR 10 Signed with Michelin stars „Healthy food is not only a trend in future contemporary cuisine, but also a challenge for all professionals in this most beautiful calling in the world.“ Andrej Kuhar, the only Slovenian chef holding a Michelin star Vila Herberstein is absolutely one of the most beautifully preserved suburban 19th century villas, and today hosts one of the best restaurants in Slovenia. The restaurant serves up superb cuisine, under the leadership of chef Andrej Kuhar, recipient of six Michelin stars and one of the best chefs in the world, offering unique culinary delicacies backed up by years of tradition. In a world where you can buy just about anything but a healthy warm meal and an hour of tranquillity, this is a place where you can really savour the two. Their culinary masterpieces are based on healthy food preparation principles and are prepared from locally produced ingredients, which is why they preserve their good, wholesome and authentic taste. Business and other guests can pamper their palates with original dishes from the chef‘s treasury of recipes. The restaurant strikes a bold balance between simplicity and artistry, and always rounds up the experience with the best Slovenian wines and pleasant, timeless atmosphere. dražbeni predmet št. 4 PODARJA PORSCHE SLOVENIJA doživetje s športnimi avtomobili Izklicna cena: 300 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 30 EUR Audi Sportscar Experience »Dinamičnost. Strast. Fascinacija.« Porsche Slovenija Dirkalne steze, izredno zmogljivi športni avtomobili, izkušeni inštruktorji v motošportu – idealni pogoji za doživetje ene najbolj dinamičnih oblik vožnje v Audi Sportscar programu. Športen, vznemirljiv in dinamičen program dirkalnih voženj izjemnih super športnih vozil znamke Audi so le del doživetja, na katerem boste zares občutili veličastno športnost in moč novega Audi R8 V10 plus, Audi RS6 Performance in Audi RS7 Performance. Občutek vožnje super športnih Audijev se vam bo za vse življenje vtisnil v spomin, saj jih prav vse po vrsti poganjajo motorji s preko 600 konjskih moči. Hitrost, drznost in strast boste začutili na dogodku Audi Sportscar Experience, v četrtek, 15. 9. 2016, na dirkališču Red Bull Ring v Spielbergu, na avstrijskem Štajerskem. Auctioned item no. 4 DONATED BY PORSCHE SLOVENIA Sportscar experience Opening bid: EUR 300 Bid increment: EUR 30 Audi Sportscar Experience „Dynamism. Passion. Fascination.“ Porsche Slovenia Racetracks, extremely durable sports cars, and experienced motorsport instructors – these provide the ideal conditions for one of the most dynamic drives in the Audi Sportscar programme. A sporty, exciting and dynamic racing programme involving extraordinary Audi super sports cars is only part of the adventure, where you can feel all the magnificence and power of the new Audi R8 V10 plus, the Audi RS6 Performance and the Audi RS7 Performance. The experience of racing with an Audi super sports car will be carved indelibly in your memory, as all of these cars are powered by engines producing more than 600 horsepower. Speed, boldness and passion will run through your veins during the Audi Sportscar Experience event on Thursday, 15 September 2016, at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg, Austria. 11 dražbeni predmet št. 5 PODARJA SHARMILA MOHANDAS umetniško delo indijske slikarke Auctioned item no. 5 DONATED BY SHARMILA MOHANDAS work of art by an Indian painter Izklicna cena: 1700 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 150 EUR Opening bid: EUR 1,700 Bid increment: EUR 150 Med realnim in imaginarnim Between the real and the imaginary »Ljudje so enaki povsod po svetu, če le imaš priložnost, da jih spoznaš. Različni smo si le glede na jezik, ki ga govorimo.« Sharmila Mohandas Akril na platnu, velikosti 80 x 130 centimetrov, pripoveduje osebno zgodbo indijske modernistične slikarke Sharmile Mohandas. Rojena v zdravniško družino v mestu Čenaj, s svojim ustvarjanjem vzpostavlja družbeno kritični dialog, s katerim odgovarja na krivice, ki so se dogajale njej in okoli nje. Umetniško delo Želim biti sama, ustvarjeno med bivanjem v Sloveniji, predstavlja odmik od njenih siceršnjih stvaritev – zaradi izkušnje z večinoma deževnimi dnevi je nastalo v pretežno hladnejših, modrih odtenkih. Z naslovom avtorica ne sporoča, da si želi osamljenosti in izoliranosti, ampak poudarja, da želi pri razmišljanju, početju in ustvarjanju slediti sebi in svojim občutkom. S samosvojo ikonografijo ženskih figur, omejenostjo na najnujnejše in premišljenim koloritom njena dela bogatijo številne zasebne zbirke in razstave tako v Indiju kot po svetu. 12 „People are the same all over the world, if only you get the chance to meet them. The difference is only in the language we speak.“ Sharmila Mohandas Želim biti sama I want to be alone This acrylic on canvas, 80 x 130 cm, tells us the personal story of the Indian modernist painter Sharmila Mohandas. Born into a family of doctors in Chennai, Sharmila creates a socially critical dialogue in her works of art as a response to the injustices that she and other around her have endured. The work of art I want to be alone, created during her stay in Slovenia, is a step away from her other works. As she experienced a period of rainy days the work is permeated with cold, blue nuances. Despite the title, the author does not want to say that she yearns for solitude and isolation, but instead emphasises that she wants to follow herself and her feelings when thinking, acting and creating. The use of a unique iconography of female figures, only essential elements and a wellthought colour scheme have helped paved the way for her pieces into a number of private collections and exhibitions in India and around the world. dražbeni predmet št. 6 PODARJA MARIA ANSELMI elegantna ogrlica Izklicna cena: 250 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 25 EUR Beseda „Glas posameznika je le del celote, vendar izjemnega pomena, če se le zaveda tega.« Aleksandra Atanasovski Ogrlica Beseda, je odtis kože, jamice med ključnima kostema, od koder prihaja glas. Ekskluzivna ogrlica iz srebra in 18-karatnega zlata, ki jo krasi dragoceni rubin je unikatno delo akademske slikarke Aleksandre Atanasovski, ki je svoj študij zaključila na svetovno priznani Milanski akademiji Brera. Beseda je le košček mozaika iz pred leti ustvarjene serije umetniškega nakita Dragoceno človeško. S to izvirno kolekcijo avtorica, ki človeško telo spreminja v nakit tako, da odtis človekove kože prenese v dragoceno kovino, nagovarja vse pozorne opazovalce sveta. Plemenite kovine se namreč kupujejo kot naložbe, kot dota, izraz naklonjenosti ali služijo kot statusni simbol. Vendar pa vsega tega nebi bilo, če ne bi bilo nas, ki med seboj ustvarjamo bližino, tako fizično kot duhovno. In ker to zelo radi pozabljamo, služi njen nakit kot prijetno povabilo k razmisleku. Auctioned item no. 6 DONATED BY MARIA ANSELMI elegant necklace Opening bid: EUR 250 Bid increment: EUR 25 Word „The voice of a person is only part of the whole, but it is extremely important that they are aware of it.“ Aleksandra Atanasovs The necklace Word is an imprint of the skin in the pit between the collar bones, where the voice emerges. The exclusive silver and 18-carat gold necklace, embellished with a ruby, is a unique work of art by the painter Aleksandra Atanasovski, who completed her studies at the world renowned Brera Academy in Milan. Word is an item from the artistic jewellery collection Precious human. With this original collection the author, by imprinting human skin on precious metal and thus transforming the human body into jewellery, speaks to all attentive observers of the world. Precious metals are bought as investments, as a dowry, as a token of affection or as a status symbol. But this would not be possible if it were not for the people who create the feeling of closeness between them, both physical and spiritual. As we tend to forget this, her jewellery is a tender invitation to think about it. 13 dražbeni predmet št. 7 PODARJA STUDIO DREVO lesena skulptura Izklicna cena: 150 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 10 EUR Auctioned item no. 7 DONATED BY STUDIO DREVO wooden sculpture Opening bid: EUR 150 Bid increment: EUR 10 Silent lady companion Tiha spremljevalka »Verjamemo v potenciale prostora in človeka. In v povezovanje generacij v arhitekturnem in umetniškem ustvarjanju.« Nadja Pfeifer Lesena skulptura Ženska, nastala iz veje istrskega hrasta, je tiha spremljevalka, na katero se lahko zanesete, ki ji lahko zaupate. Veja je za mnoge le veja, tistemu, ki prepozna potencial in ga zna uporabiti, veja pomeni veliko več. Avtor Ferdinand Pfeifer je ustvaril 58 cm tistega več, z željo da Ženska postane vaša tiha spremljevalka v večnem ustvarjanju boljšega. Studio DREVO z arhitekturnimi in umetniškimi deli pooseblja krožen cikel narave in hkrati rast, ki temelji na povezovanju vseh generacij in prenosu znanja. Odličnost v ustvarjanju arhitekturnih presežkov, tako v slovenskem,kot mednarodnem prostoru, dosežejo s prepletanjem ljubezni, uma in srca. 14 „We believe in the potentials of space and man. And in the co-operation of generations in architectural and artistic creation.“ Nadja Pfeifer The wooden sculpture Lady, fashioned from a branch of an Istrian oak tree is a silent companion you can rely on and confide in. To many people, a branch is just a branch; but for those who can see in it a potential and use it, a branch means something more. The author Ferdinand Pfeifer sculpted 58 cm of this ‚something more‘, hoping that the Lady will become your silent companion in the eternal creation of something better. With its architectural and artistic works, Studio DREVO recreates the cycles of nature, as well as the growth that is fostered by the cooperation of all generations and the transfer of knowledge. Excellence in the creation of architectural superlatives in both Slovenian and international arenas is achieved by intertwining love, mind and heart. dražbeni predmet št. 8 PODARJA PERGER 1757 energetska sveča Izklicna cena: 250 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 25 EUR Auctioned item no. 8 DONATED BY PERGER 1757 energy candle Opening bid: EUR 250 Bid increment: EUR 25 Honey perfume Medeni parfum »Odkrijte medeni raj, sanje naših prednikov, ki so preživele stoletja.« Lucian Perger Za 1 liter medenega parfuma, iz katerega nastane energetska sveča, je treba uporabiti kar 800 kg prvovrstnega slovenskega medu. Vonj harmonije. Najgloblje družinske skrivnosti Pergerjevih, ki se iz roda v rod prenašajo že devet generacij. Oblikovanje Oskarja Kogoja. Edina vrsta sveče na svetu, ki svoj namen doseže že s postavitvijo v prostor – zaradi edinstvene oblike neprižgana ves čas vibrira, čisti prostor in blagodejno vpliva na počutje. S pozitivno energijo med drugim polni prostore njegove svetosti Dalajlame, ruskega predsednika in svetovno znanega opernega pevca Lucianna Pavarottija. Energetska sveča Neskončnost, približne dimenzije 10 x 37 centimetrov, je ročno izdelana v delavnicah edinega evropskega svečarja s tradicijo iz leta 1757. Inovacija družinskega podjetja Perger, prepoznanega po žlahtnem mojstrstvu v vsem, kar je moč narediti iz medu in satja. „Discover the honey paradise, the dreams of our ancestors that have survived throughout the centuries.“ Lucian Perger To make just one litre of the honey perfume that is used to make one energy candle a full 800 kg of top quality Slovenian honey is required. Fragrance of harmony. It unveils the deepest secrets of the Perger family, which have been passed on through a full nine generations. Designed by Oskar Kogoj. The only candle of its kind in the world, which already makes its intentions known when placed in a room. Owing to its unique shape the candle vibrates, even when unlit, and cleanses the space and encourages well-being. Its positive energy vibrates through the homes of the Dalai Lama, the Russian President and the world famous opera singer Lucianno Pavarotti. The energy candle Infinity, approx. 10 x 37 cm, is made by hand in the workshop of the only chandler in Europe with a tradition dating back to 1757. An innovation of the family-run Perger company, renowned for its rare mastery of anything that can be created from honey and honeycomb. 15 dražbeni predmet št. 9 PODARJA BORIS BEJA umetniško delo mladega talenta Izklicna cena: 200 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 20 EUR Opening bid: EUR 200 Bid increment: EUR 20 Odtis svobode Imprint of freedom »Največji draž grafike je, ko namazano matrico odtisneš na list papirja in spregledaš, uvidiš tisto, kar si pravzaprav pred tehničnim postopkom ustvarjal na matrici.« Boris Beja „The greatest charm of graphics is to press the painted matrix against a sheet of paper and look at what you have created – just before the technical procedure starts.“ Boris Beja Tihožitje, grafični list dimenzije 100 x 70 centimetrov, je prvo delo, ki ga je avtor Boris Beja ustvaril v grafičnem ateljeju Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani. Omejena naklada spada v serijo osebnih odtisov akademskega kiparja, ki vizualne vtise vsakdanjosti spreminja v umetnost grafičnih rešitev in prostorskih instalacij. Hkratnost ponovljivosti in novih spoznanj mu ob vsakem odtisu, ki se v grafični umetnosti lahko razlikuje od drugega, prinaša edinstveno priložnost začutiti svobodo likovnega ustvarjanja. Pohvali se lahko z bogatim naborom samostojnih razstav v Sloveniji in skupinskih v Evropi in svetu. Med drugim je prejemnik Študentske Prešernove nagrade za kiparstvo in nagrade za izjemen prispevek k trajnostnemu razvoju družbe na gospodarskem, družbenem ali okoljevarstvenem področju v Republiki Sloveniji. 16 Auctioned item no. 9 DONATED BY BORIS BEJA work of art of a young talent Still life, graphic, 100 x 70 cm, is the first work of art created by Boris Beja in the graphic atelier of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. The limited edition belongs to a series of personal imprints of this academic sculptor, who transforms visual impressions of the mundane into artistic graphic solutions and spatial installations. In the co-existence of repeatability and new findings he looks for opportunities to feel the freedom of artistic creation, which is manifested in his imprints which in graphic arts can take various shapes. Boris Beja boasts a plethora of independent exhibitions in Slovenia as well as group exhibitions in Europe and around the world. He has also received the Prešeren Award for students of sculpture, and several awards for his exceptional contribution to the sustainable development of business, society or the environment in the Republic of Slovenia. dražbeni predmet št. 10 PODARJA NORA DE SAINT PICMAN umetniško delo - unikaten krožnik iz porcelana Izklicna cena: 300 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 30 EUR Postreženo s poljubom “Onstran dobrega in zla, v spoju bleščečih solz in radostnega diha, klije stvarstvo oživljenih sanj,…« Nora De Saint Picman Keramični krožnik Rjavo sonce, turkizni pogled, beli poljub… intermedijske umetnice Nore De Saint Picman, nadaljuje serijo motiva obraz - sonce - krog, ki jo avtorica razvija že vrsto let. Ustvarjen v letu 2016, 37 centimetrski radij združuje rjavo sonce trojnega mat žganja, sijočo glazuro turkiznega pogleda in bel poljub platine. Posebne mat reliefne glazure so delo hrvaškega keramika in akademika IAC, Hanibala Salvara. Auctioned item no. 10 DONATED BY NORA DE SAINT PICMAN work of art – unique porcelain plate Opening bid: EUR 300 Bid increment: EUR 30 Served with a kiss „Beyond good and evil, in the fusion of glittering tears and joyful breath, emerges the universe of revived dreams…“ Nora De Saint Picman The ceramic plate Brown sun, turquoise gaze, white kiss… created by the intermedia artist Nora De Saint Picman, continues the series of the face–sun–circle motif that the author has been developing for a number of years. Created in 2016, this 37 cm plate combines a brown, triple-burnt matte sun, a shiny glaze finish in the turquoise gaze, and white platinum in the kiss. The special matte relief finish is the work of the Croatian ceramic master and IAC academician Hanibal Salvaro. Motiv antropomorfne podobe Noro spremlja že od zgodnjega otroštva. Takrat ji je mama sobo opremila z reprodukcijo Picassovega krožnika, smejočega se obraza v naravni velikosti. The motive of anthropomorphic images accompanies Nora from her early childhood. Back then her mother decorated her room with a reproduction of a plate by Picasso featuring a life-sized smiling face. Akademska slikarka, ki jo je študijska pot kot štipendistko francoske vlade peljala od pariške Akademije lepih umetnosti do francoskega državljanstva, svet bogati z ustvarjalnimi prehodi med različnimi mediji, tehnikami, pristopi in materiali. The painter, who received a scholarship from the French government for her studies at the Paris Academy of Fine Arts, and obtained French citizenship as well, brings us joy with her creative blends of different media, techniques, approaches and materials. 17 dražbeni predmet št. 11 PODARJA KATIKEI dodatek za dom - ročno izdelane blazine Izklicna cena: 110 EUR Dražiteljski korak: 10 EUR Auctioned item no. 11 DONATED BY KATIKEI home accessories – handmade pillows Opening bid: EUR 110 Bid increment: EUR 10 A trilogy of softness Trilogija mehkobe „Zdrav in lep dom je bistvenega pomena za srečo.“ Katarina Müller Katikei blazine The Softies, dimenzij 40 x 40 cm in 50 x 70 cm, brez besed izražajo dobrodošlico, domačnost, udobje, mir in mehkobo. V dom, pogostokrat edini kraj počitka v času divjega urbanega življenja, vnašajo prijetno, toplo in sproščeno energijo. Premični potiskani rekviziti iz kvalitetnih materialov polepšajo vsak prostor in z mehkobnim dotikom ustvarjajo intimno vez med njim in človekom. Katikei je tekstilna znamka Katarine Müller, nastala v letu 2015. Pod prsti diplomantke Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, nastajajo funkcijsko in estetsko skladni kosi. Avtorica, ki se je študijsko izpopolnjevala in razstavljala tudi v tujini, pravkar zaključuje podiplomski študij na Naravoslovno-tehniški fakulteti. V navdihu ustvarjalnosti zna uresničiti tudi bolj osebne želje, še najraje trajnostne – v obliki mehkih življenjskih spremljevalcev, oblačil in modnih dodatkov. 18 „A healthy and beautiful home is essential for happiness.“ Katarina Müller Handmade Katikei pillows The Softies, 40 x 40 cm and 50 x 70 cm, bid visitors welcome, create a feeling of hominess, comfort, tranquillity and softness without saying a word. They bring to our home, the only place where we can truly rest in this frantic urban life, a pleasant, warm and relaxed energy. The movable, printed items made from high-quality materials embellish every room, and with their soft touch create an intimate bond between space and man. Katikei is a brand of textiles by Katarina Müller, founded in 2015. From the talented touch of this graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design emerge functionally and aesthetically harmonious pieces. Katarina, who also studied and exhibited her creations abroad, is now completing her post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. Her creative impulses also cater to some very personalised wishes, most of them enduring for a long time – such as soft companions through life, clothes and fashionable accessories. dražbeni predmeti na mizah Sladki zaklad je slastna torta, ki so jo za vas spekli peki iz Skupine Žito, mi pa vam jo ponujamo na pladnjih mojstrov Steklarne Hrastnik. Ti združujejo sodoben dizajn, vrhunsko ročno izdelavo in najboljše steklo. Steklo je čudež, umetnost rojena iz peska in ognja, pravijo v Steklarni Hrastnik, kjer že več kot 155 let skrbno negujejo znanje izdelave stekla. Koliko plemenitosti je v vašem Sladkem zakladu, bo znano v žrebu ob polnoči. Katja Jurgec Bricman in Jure Bricman, bosta namreč enega izmed dražiteljev slastne torte obdarila z unikatnimi ročno izdelanimi ogrlico, uhani in prstanom Porcelain Catbriyurs. Auctioned items on the tables Sweet Treasure is a delicious cake from the bakers at the Žito Group and served on plates fashioned by the masters at the Steklarna Hrastnik glassworks. They combine modern design, quality craftsmanship and the finest glass. „Glass is a miracle, an art born from sand and fire,“ is the spirit of Steklarna Hrastnik, where the art of master glassmaking has been unfolding for more than 155 years. How much nobility there is in your Sweet Treasure will be revealed at the midnight draw. Katja Jurgec Bricman and Jure Bricman will present the unique, handmade Porcelain Catbriyur necklace, earrings and ring as a gift to one of the bidders for the cake. 19 Sodelujte v žrebu za Kraljevi nakit »Obleka, čeveljci, sedaj gre zares, le nakit si nadenem, sem pripravljena za ples.« Katja Jurgec Bricman Tukaj je. Za Vas. Lahko jo nosite samostojno, ali v kompletu s prstanom. Tudi z uhani, če želite nasmehu do ušes, ob pohvali, kako čudoviti ste, dodati prav poseben poudarek. Unikatno ročno delo, nakit iz porcelana, je zaradi žlahtnosti materiala in zahtevne tehnologije izdelave na svetovnem tržišču prava redkost. Rade si ga nadenejo moderne Parižanke, nekatere znane osebnosti in tudi kraljeve glave, v svoji zbirki ga imajo princ Katarja in drugi. Svoje zgodbe dobiva v majhnem družinskem podjetju dveh oblikovalcev in umetnikov, Katje Jurgec Bricman in Jureta Bricmana. Porcelain Catrbriyur, prepoznan po unikatnih servisih za čaj in kavo – en izmed njih plemeniti čajanke angleške kraljice, se je z nakitom Porcelain Catbriyur že predstavil na razstavah in prireditvah doma in po svetu, kot del oblačila med drugim tudi na izboru za Miss Sveta. 20 Join us in the draw for the Royal Jewellery! „My dress, my shoes, now is my chance, l shall put on my jewellery and I am ready for the dance.“ Katja Jurgec Bricman Here it is. For you. You can wear it alone or together with the ring. And with the earrings, if you want to add that special something to your radiant smile when someone complements you on your stunning beauty. This unique, handmade porcelain jewellery is a rare commodity on the world market, owing to the precious nature of the material and the demanding technology involved. Stylish Parisian women, some celebrities, even members of royalty families love wearing it. The Prince of Qatar and other members of the aristocracy have added it to their collections. The stories revealed and imparted by the jewellery are created in a small familyowned company led by two artists, Katja Jurgec Bricman and Jure Bricman. Porcelain Catbriyur, famous for unique tea and coffee cup collections – one of them features at the tea parties of Queen of England – has presented its jewellery collections at exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad. It was also part of the dress accessories at the Miss World contest.
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