Litteraturliste Forskerkurs i Diakoni, verdier og profesjonell praksis, 5 stp1 Listen er felles for helse og sosialfag og kirke- og trossamfunn og det velges aktuell litteratur fra listen (minimum 300 sider) til arbeidskravet som følger kurset. I tillegg kan kandidatene benytte egen litteratur (minimum 200 sider). Benner P (2011). Formation in Professional education: An Examination of the Relationship between Theories of Meaning and Theories of the Self. Journal of Medicine and philosophy, 36 (4), 342 – 353 Bue Kessel, Terese (2014). Between God’s sharing Power and Men’s controlling Power: a Quest for Diaconal Empowerment and Transformation in Femmes Pour Christ in Cameroon. Stavanger: MHS. PhD-avhandling. Ikke tilgjengelig på biblioteket. Bäckström, Anders (red.) (2011). Welfare and values in Europe: transitions related to religion, minorities and gender: national overviews and case study reports (bd. 1 Northern Europe: Sweden, Norway, Finland, England). Uppsala: Uppsala Religion and Society Centre. Bäckström, Anders (red.) (2012). Welfare and values in Europe: transitions related to religion, minorities and gender: national overviews and case study reports (bd. 2 Continental Europe: Germany, France, Italy, Greece). Uppsala: Uppsala Religion and Society Centre Dahl, H. M., Eurich, J., Fahnøe, K., Hawker, C. et al. (2014). Promoting innovation in social services: an agenda for future research and development. Heidelberg: Innoserv. pdf Den finnes også på biblioteket. Dietrich S, Jørgensen K, Korslien KK and Nordstokke K (2014): Diakonia as christian social practice. An introduction. Oxford: Regnum studies in mission. Ikke på biblioteket Engel, Charlotte (2006). Svenska kyrkans sociala arbete – för vem och varför? En religionssociologisk studie av ett diakonalt dilemma. [Sköndal]: Ersta Sköndal högskola, Forskningsavdelningen. Elliott N (2010): Mutual Intacting’: A Grounded Theory Study of Clinical Judgement Practice Issues. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66 (12), 2711-2721 Edvardsson, D. & A. Innes (2010). Measuring Person-centered Care: A Critical Comparative Review of Published Tools. Gerontologist 50, pp. 834-46. Entwistle, Vikki A. & Ian S. Watt (2013). Treating Patients as Persons: A Capabilites Approach to Support Delivery of Person-centred Care. Amercian Journal of Bioethics 13 (8), 29-39. Evetts, Julia (2006). Short Note: The Sociology of Professional Groups: New Directions. Current Sociology, 54 (1), s. 133-143. Kan bestilles fra biblioteket. Grimen, Harald (2009). Debatten om evidensbasering – noen utfordringer. I: Harald Grimen og Lars Inge Terum (red.) 2009: Evidensbasert profesjonsutøvelse. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag 1 Litteraturen er også aktuell til forskerkurset i uke 13: Diakoni, verdier og profesjonell praksis, 10 stp. Grimen, Harald og Anders Molander (2008): Profesjon og skjønn. I: Molander og Terum (red) Profesjonsstudier. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Hasenfeld, Yeheskel (2010). Human Services as Complex Organizations. Los Angeles: Sage. Heggestad, A.K.T., P. Nortvedt and A. Slettebø (2013). Dignity and care for people with dementia living in nursing homes. Dementia (London, England). Heggestad, A.K.T., P. Nortvedt and A. Slettebø (2013). The importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in qualitative research. Nursing Ethics 20 (1), 30-40. Heggestad, A.K.T., P. Nortvedt and A. Slettebø (2013). Like a prison without bars': dementia and experiences of dignity. Nursing Ethics 20 (8), 881-892. Hellstrom, I., M. Nolan, L. Nordenfelt and U.U. Lundh (2007). Ethical and methodological issues in interviewing persons with dementia. Nursing Ethics 14 (5), 608-619. Hennum, Nicole (2011). Controlling children’s lives: covert messages in child protection service reports. Child and Family Social Work, 16, 336-344 Jaskyte, K. (2010). Innovation in human service organizations. I: Y. Hasenfeld (red.), Human services as complex organizations. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, kap. 22 s. 481-502. Kabeer, Naila. "The Meaning of Women’s Empowerment: New Concepts from Action." In Population Policies Reconsidered: Health, Empowerment, and Rights, eds. Gita Sen, Adrienne Germain and Lincoln C. Chen, 127-138. Boston, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994. Ikke tilgjengelig på biblioteket Kim, Sebastian C.H. (2011). Introduction: Theology and the Public Sphere. In: Theology in the Public Sphere. Public Theology as a Catalyst for Open Debate (London: SCM Press), 3-27. Available on Google books Küster, Volker (2014). Muslim Christian Relations Observed. Comparative Studies from Indonesia and the Netherlands (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt), utdrag. Bestilt til biblioteket Leis-Peters, Annette (2014). “Hidden by Civil Society and Religion? Diaconal Institutions as Welfare Providers in the Growing Swedish Welfare State.” Journal for Church and State, 56 (1), 105-127. McCance, Tanya, Brendan McCormack & Jan Dewing (2011). An Exploration of Person-Centredness in Practice. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 16 (2). Mik-Meyer, Nanna & Kaspar Villadsen (2007). Magtens former, kapittel 2: Foucault: Den bevægelige velfærdskritik (København, Hans Reitzels forlag) Molander A, Grimen H, Eriksen EO (2012). Professional Discretion and Accountability in the Welfare State. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 29 (3), 214-230. Denne artikkelen finnes ikke i fulltekst på nett. Nordstokke, Kjell. Liberating Diakonia. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag, 2011. Biblioteket Oduyoye, Mercy Amba. Beads and Strands: Reflections of an African Woman on Christianity in Africa, 57-77. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2004. Ikke på biblioteket her, men på MF og TF Rowlands, Jo. Questioning Empowerment: Working with Women in Honduras. Oxford: Oxfam, 1997. Tilgjengelig uten begrensninger på google books nt&hl=no&sa=X&ei=8SkhVNb6DYHnygOE84HYAg&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAA v=onepage&q=questioning%20empowerment&f=false Stålsett, Gry (2012) Existential and Religious Issues in Psychotherapy: Development and evaluation of a new integrative treatment model (VITA) for comorbid depressive disorders. Oslo: UiO. PhDavhandling. Tilgjengelig på UB/HumSam Solheim, Liv Johanne & Bjarne Øvrelid (2001). Samhandling i velferdsyrkene, kapittel 7 Makt og medverknad (Bergen, Fagbokforlaget), 131-155. Van den Breemer R, Casanova J and Wyller T (2013). Secular and sacred? The Scandinavian case of religion in human rights, law and public space. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Wyller, Trygve (2009). Heterotopic citizen. New research on religious work for the Disadvantaged. Göttingen: Vandenhoek und Ruprecht. *Artikler og bøker som ikke er tilgjengelig på biblioteket eller på nett, vil bli distribuert før kurset.
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