Towards an understanding of the hydrological factors, constraints and opportunities for irrigation in northern Australia: A review Cuan Petheram and Keith L. Bristow CRC for Irrigation Futures Technical Report No. 06/08 CSIRO Land and Water Science Report No. 13/08 February 2008 Copyright and Disclaimer © 2008 CSIRO, LWA, NPSI, CRC IF, Australian Government, Queensland Government, northern Territory Government and Government of Western Australia. This work is copyright. Photographs, cover artwork and logos are not to be reproduced, copied or stored by any process without the written permission of the copyright holders or owners. All commercial rights are reserved and no part of this publication covered by copyright may be reproduced, copied or stored in any form or by any means for the purpose of acquiring profit or generating monies through commercially exploiting (including but not limited to sales) any part of or the whole of this publication except with the written permission of the copyright holders. However, the copyright holders permit any person to reproduce or copy the text and other graphics in this publication or any part of it for the purposes or research, scientific advancement, academic discussion, record-keeping, free distribution, educational use or for any other public use or benefit provided that any such reproduction or copy (in part or in whole) acknowledges the permission of the copyright holders and its source (the name and authors of this publication is clearly acknowledged. Important Disclaimer: CSIRO Land and Water advises that the information contained in this publication comprises general statements based on scientific research. The reader is advised and needs to be aware that such information may be incomplete or unable to be used in any specific situation. No reliance or actions must therefore be made on that information without seeking prior expert professional, scientific and technical advice. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO Land and Water (including its employees and consultants) excludes all liability to any person for any consequences, including but not limited to all losses, damages, costs, expenses and any other compensation, arising directly or indirectly from using this publication (in part or in whole) and any information or material contained in it. The contents of this publication do not purport to represent the position of the Project Partners1 in any way and are presented for the purpose of informing and stimulating discussion for improved decision making regarding irrigation in northern Australia. ISSN: 1834-6618 1 The Project Partners are: CSIRO, Land and Water Australia, National Program for Sustainable Irrigation, CRC for Irrigation Futures, and the Governments of Australia, Queensland, northern Territory and Western Australia. Towards an understanding of the hydrological factors, constraints and opportunities for irrigation in northern Australia: A review Cuan Petheram1 and Keith L. Bristow1,2 1 CSIRO Land and Water, PMB Aitkenvale, Townsville QLD 4814 2 CRC for Irrigation Futures, PMB Aitkenvale, Townsville QLD 4814 CRC for Irrigation Futures Technical Report No. 06/08 CSIRO Land and Water Science Report No. 13/08 February 2008 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions provided by Peter Jolly, Steven Tickell (NT DNREA), Dr Anthony Smith (CSIRO Land and Water) and Bruce Pearce (Qld NRMW) in the original discussions of the scope of this report. The authors would also like to thank Malcolm Hodgen (CSIRO Land and Water) for GIS advice and Daryl Chin (NT Government), Simon Rogers and Rosemary Lerch (WA Department of Water), and Edward Stephens (Qld NRMW) for supplying data. This report would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the CSIRO librarians and their colleagues around Australia, thank you. The streamflow section (Section 4.3) of this report draws heavily on a paper Dr Cuan Petheram wrote in conjunction with Professor Emeritus Thomas McMahon and Dr Murray Peel (University of Melbourne). The guidance and assistance they provided with data analysis and interpretation for the above mentioned manuscript is greatly appreciated. Dr Jim Wallace, Mr Jeff Camkin, Dr Richard Cresswell, Dr Anthony Smith and Dr Peter Hairsine (CSIRO Land and Water) are thanked for their comments on various drafts of this report. Dr Jim Wallace provided valuable assistance with the section on evaporation. The authors would also like to thank Professor Robert Henderson (James Cook University) for his comments and discussion on geology and Dr Neil McKenzie and Dr Mike Webb (CSIRO Land and Water) for discussion and comments on soils. This work has been carried out as part of a suite of activities being undertaken by the Northern Australia Irrigation Futures (NAIF) project. The NAIF project is funded by a number of private and public investors including the National Program for Sustainable Irrigation, the Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures, the Australian Government and the Governments of the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia, and their support is gratefully acknowledged. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 4-of-111 Executive Summary The last few years has seen renewed enthusiasm for northern Australia to strive for higher agricultural performance from its ‘abundant’ water resources. This has been partly fuelled by increased competition for water within the southern states, and by a perception that there are large amounts of water and suitable land in the North. However, many Australians believe that northern Australia holds iconic ecological and heritage status that should be carefully managed. Visions of vast untouched landscapes, untamed rivers and a rich cultural heritage are held close to heart. To indigenous north Australians the surface and groundwater systems of the North also have very strong cultural significance. Reconciling these contrasting visions is particularly challenging given the chequered history of cultivated agriculture, and particularly irrigation, in the North and South of Australia. Numerous studies and reports have examined reasons for European development either failing or never starting in the north of Australia. understand the northern environment. A much cited factor is a failure to In this report we seek to lay foundations for understanding the hydrology of northern Australia, by providing a broad overview of the surface and groundwater resources with respect to irrigation development. In doing so we aim to: 1) provide a review of key literature on climate and hydrology in northern Australia, relevant to irrigation; and 2) highlight key bio-physical issues, opportunities and constraints for irrigation in northern Australia. Northern Australia (or the North) is defined here as that area north of the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5o S), encompassing approximately forty percent of Australia’s land mass. Northern Australia has been classified into three broad climatic zones: wet-dry tropics (Köppen Aw), semi-arid zone (Köppen BSh) and arid zone (Köppen BWh). A small area of Köppen Af and Am exists along the north-east Queensland coast where the orographic uplift of moist easterly winds creates a distinct wet tropical zone. Because of its position and the orientation of the Australian continent within the global circulatory system, northern Australia is characterised by high year-round temperatures, a distinct seasonal rainfall pattern, some of the greatest rainfall intensities in the world, large inter-annual variability in rainfall and large evaporation rates. The lack of rainfall during the dry (winter) months in northern Australia means that irrigation is essential for cultivated agriculture or perennial horticulture during this period. The strong seasonal component to rainfall and the high evaporation rates in northern Australia mean that a greater volume of water is required to irrigate a given area of perennial pasture in the North than in the South. For example, a perennial pasture grown in the three major northern Australian drainage divisions (North-East Coast, Timor Sea and Gulf of Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 5-of-111 Carpentaria) would require between 20 and 80% more water than the same pasture grown in the Murray Darling Basin. Twelve major drainage basins characterise the Australian continent. Half are partly or entirely located within northern Australia, and approximately 60% of Australia’s runoff is generated north of the Tropic of Capricorn. The majority of surface runoff occurs in the three externally draining Divisions located predominantly in Köppen zone Aw where the majority of rivers are ephemeral. In Köppen Aw, BSh and BWh, where rivers are well connected to groundwater within carbonate karstic systems (e.g. Daly, Roper and Gregory Rivers) or coarse, unconsolidated sedimentary deposits (e.g. Jardine and Wenlock Rivers), perennial flow may occur. While these perennial river systems are of strong interest to irrigators because of their large dry season flows, they also hold particular ecological and cultural importance. A key feature of streamflow in northern Australia is that it is strongly seasonal and has a large inter-annual variability when compared with rivers of similar climate elsewhere in the world. This highly seasonal streamflow means that permanent settlements and irrigation during the dry season requires surface water storage structures, unless suitable groundwater resources are available. Large variation in flow from season to season and from year to year requires that sizeable storage structures be built to accommodate volume fluctuations and meet demand. In this report we also describe some simple calculations that were used to estimate a theoretical upper limit of the amount of water that could be used for human purposes (ie the total potentially exploitable water) and, if this volume of water were all used for irrigation, the maximum amount of land that could theoretically be irrigated in northern and southern Australia. These calculations were based on historical estimates of rainfall, evaporation and runoff only, and ignored other values and potential user of this water (e.g. urban, industry, environment, tourism) as well as other factors that may constrain implementation of sustainable irrigation such as the availability of suitable land and soil, economics, crop type, etc. These calculations show that some 40% of Australia’s total potentially exploitable water is located in northern Australia. If all of this potentially exploitable water was used for irrigation, 20 to 25% of Australia’s irrigation by area could theoretically be located in northern Australia. In reality, however, the maximum area under irrigation will be significantly less than this when environmental, social, cultural and other values are considered in the water allocation planning process. While these estimates suggest that from a purely water volume point of view there is potential for additional irrigation in northern Australia, efforts towards achieving and maintaining sustainable irrigation in southern Australia will continue to be central to Australia’s long term irrigation future. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 6-of-111 There are few documented studies on groundwater recharge, discharge or lateral groundwater flow in northern Australia. Hence this review provides limited discussion of the potential to use groundwater for irrigation in the North. In summary, considerable groundwater resources occur in some Quaternary unconsolidated sediments (e.g. the Lower Burdekin) and large sedimentary basins in the North. Artesian Basin, is already considered fully committed. The largest of these, the Great Because extensive geological exploration has taken place in northern Australia over the last 40 years, it is unlikely that any large sedimentary basins with significant groundwater resources remain undiscovered. Sustainable irrigation with groundwater in semi-arid (Köppen BSh) and arid (Köppen BWh) zones will require a recharge area that is several orders of magnitude greater than the irrigated area. If groundwater is developed in these arid zones, it may be very challenging to maintain existing ecological values. Policies designed to retain unique aspects of tropical environments and allow for development will present major new challenges to sustainable irrigation in the North. Aspects of irrigation planning and design that need particular attention include: • Drainage management in regions of large seasonal watertable fluctuations and large quantities of surface runoff • Social, economic and biophysical costs and benefits of irrigation mosaics • Aquifer Enhanced Recharge within an irrigation context in a highly seasonal tropical environment. • Management of irrigation tail waters in highly ephemeral systems • Water harvesting in the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia. The range of concerns about irrigated agriculture in northern Australia highlights the need for irrigation design to be carried out as part of a much broader development planning process, which considers the physical and economic aspects of resources and society, as well as the cultural, social and ethical values held by the people. The relatively small number of players in northern Australia (compared to the situation in the South), however, provides a unique opportunity for collaboration, and to plan proactively and not be reactive to problems and failures. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 7-of-111 Acronyms BFI Base Flow Index BHWSS Burdekin Haughton Water Supply Scheme BoM Bureau of Meteorology ENSO El Nino Southern Oscillation ET Evapotranspiration FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation (United Nations) FDC Flow Duration Curve GAB Great Artesian Basin GBR Great Barrier Reef GCM Global Circulation Model GDE Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem GL Gigalitres ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone KDDA Katherine Douglas Daly Area LB Lower Burdekin NAIF North Australian Irrigation Futures ORIA Ord River Irrigation Area RoW Rest of the World SOI Southern Oscillation Index SSP Sea Surface Pressure SST Sea Surface Temperature Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 8-of-111 Table of Contents Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................... 4 Executive Summary............................................................................................................... 5 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................... 8 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 10 1.1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 Major surface water drainage divisions ................................................................................. 13 Distribution of major groundwater basins .............................................................................. 16 Coastal plains of northern Australia ...................................................................................... 23 Soil resources of northern Australia ...................................................................................... 25 Flora and fauna of northern Australia.................................................................................... 29 Climate of northern Australia ...................................................................................... 31 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 Report outline ........................................................................................................................ 11 North Australian landscape......................................................................................... 12 Rainfall................................................................................................................................... 32 Evaporation ........................................................................................................................... 43 The interaction between the amount, timing and intensity of rainfall and evaporation ......... 48 Representative irrigation demand for each of the major drainage divisions ......................... 49 Hydrology of northern Australia ................................................................................. 53 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Excess water (the non-evaporated component of rainfall).................................................... 54 Potential recharge ................................................................................................................. 56 Streamflow and runoff ........................................................................................................... 67 Quantity of exploitable surface water by drainage division ................................................... 81 5 Concluding remarks..................................................................................................... 87 6 References .................................................................................................................... 91 Appendix 1 ......................................................................................................................... 104 Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 9-of-111 1 Introduction There is growing interest in developing the water resources of northern Australia for irrigation. This trend is partly fuelled by widespread perceptions of abundant water resources in northern Australia, perceptions of declining rainfall trends across most of Australia, and recognition that some water resources in the southern states are over allocated and over used. Recent statements like ’rivers in northern Australia ”contain” 70% of Australia’s water resources‘ (Anon. 2004a; Gehrke et al. 2004; Anon 2005; Gehrke 2005) serve to re-enforce these perceptions without acknowledging the more seasonal nature of streamflow and large evaporation in northern Australia. Among the main proponents for developing the water resources of northern Australia are large and small irrigators. However, there is recognition that mistakes have been made in the past with respect to irrigation development and water allocation practices, which have compromised ecological and cultural values and future industries (Woinarski and Dawson 1997). In addition to its ecological and bio-physical attributes, northern Australia’s rivers hold iconic status among many contemporary Australians. To indigenous Australians, the surface and groundwater systems of the North also have a strong cultural significance (Jackson 2004). With rapidly changing attitudes to development and sustainability, irrigation developers face unprecedented scrutiny of their proposals from local communities, tourism and other businesses, conservation interest groups, governments and the broader Australian community. Attitudinal changes are being reflected in recent policy initiatives that require new proposals for development, including irrigation, to have a sound economic basis and be justifiable in terms of impact on social, cultural and environmental values. The key purpose of this report is to review the literature on the hydrology of northern Australia and to highlight key issues, constraints and opportunities for irrigation in the North. Particular emphasis has been placed on illustrating the differences between water systems in northern Australia and temperate southern Australia—the latter being more familiar to most Australians. This report has been written for a wide range of readers using general scientific language, and seeks to provide a sufficient base level of knowledge that will assist all stakeholders engage in an informed debate on the future of irrigation in northern Australia. Time and financial constraints often mean that policy makers are placed in positions where they are required to make decisions and develop policy based upon information that is readily at hand. It is intended that this report will provide policy makers with a document that contains a broad base of information and references on issues related to hydrology and irrigation across northern Australia. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 10-of-111 Although the focus of this report is on bio-physical factors and more specifically hydrology, the authors are cognisant of economic, environmental, social and cultural factors that may individually or collectively form boundaries and guide or influence decisions regarding the water resources of northern Australia. 1.1 Report outline Section 2 provides an outline of the north Australian landscape, including the major drainage divisions of Australia and the spatial distribution of the major groundwater basins in northern Australia. Key features of the coastal plains, soils and natural environment of northern Australia also are discussed to provide a broader context for the other material outlined in this report. Section 3 examines precipitation and evaporation in the north of Australia and the irrigation demands in each major drainage division are evaluated. recharge, surface runoff and streamflow are examined in Section 4. Groundwater Finally concluding remarks discuss the key implications for irrigation in the North and key knowledge gaps and challenges are identified. Appendix 1 summarises the key messages contained in this report. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 11-of-111 2 North Australian landscape The North Australian Irrigation Futures (NAIF) project has defined northern Australia as that area of Australia north of the tropic of Capricorn. Adopting this definition, this hydrological review covers much of Queensland, almost the entire Northern Territory and the northern portion of Western Australia (Figure 1). This area encompasses about three million square kilometres, or 40% of Australia’s landmass. This section outlines some of the general features of the north Australian landscape. Figure 1 States and territories of Australia. Not shown is the Australian Capital Territory which lies in New South Wales. Large towns are shown by pink circles. Black dashed horizontal line indicates Tropic of Capricorn. White lines indicate boundaries of major drainage divisions. Numbers indicate major irrigation regions in the North (left to right): 1Carnarvon; 2- Ord River Irrigation Area; 3- Katherine Douglas Daly Area; 4-Darwin rural; 5Ti-tree; 6-Atherton; 7- Lower Burdekin; 8-Mackay/Withsundays; 9-Emerald. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 12-of-111 2.1 Major surface water drainage divisions Perhaps the most strikingly visible characteristics of northern Australia and Australia in general are the extensive plateaus and flatness of the landscape (Figure 2). This has been largely attributed to the age of the landscape relative to that of other continents. Australia has no high mountain ranges, active volcanoes or glaciers. Instead it is characterised by extensive low plateaus situated behind narrow coastal plains. The plateaus are often sharply truncated by scarp retreat and by the incision of narrow gorges, and slope gently inwards to collectively create a vast depressed arid interior of extensive inward and often uncoordinated drainage systems, which rarely flow (see Section 4.3). The stability of the continent through geological time has been attributed to its central location within a tectonic plate that includes Papua New Guinea, which is located along a convergent boundary (Johnson 2004). Tectonic activity tends to occur at plate boundaries (Marshak 2005) and as a result there has been minimal mountain building activity in Australia. Australia’s largest mountain range, the Great Dividing Range, attains a maximum height of 2228 m in the South and 1622 m in the North (Mt Bartle Frere), which is very low by world standards. In contrast, Papua New Guinea is mountainous with many peaks over 4000 m in elevation. Despite its relatively low elevation the Great Dividing Range is a key geomorphologic feature stretching almost along the entire length of the east coast of Australia and forms the boundary of the Interior Lowlands and the Eastern Uplands. North of the Tropic of Capricorn other regions of relatively high elevation are (from west to east in Figure 2): Hamersley Ranges (Number 1), Kimberley Plateau (2), MacDonnell Ranges (3), Arnhem Land (4) and the Barkley Tablelands (5). Of these topographic high points, only the Great Dividing Range poses an obstruction to large atmospheric circulatory systems (see Section 3). The relative lack of recent tectonic activity has meant that more recent depositional processes are thought to have been much more effective in regional differentiation than in other continents, where structure may have greater importance (Jennings and Mabbutt 1986). Twelve major drainage divisions characterise the Australian continent (Figure 2). Half of these are partly or entirely located within northern Australia. Narrow zones of co-ordinated external drainage occur in the north, west and east. In northern Australia, water resources in the externally draining Timor Sea (VIII), Gulf of Carpentaria (IX) and the North East (I) drainage divisions are attracting considerable interest. The interior of the continent is drained by two major co-ordinated drainage systems. Of these, only the Murray Darling Basin (MDB) (within southern Australia in this report) has sufficient flow to maintain a mouth to the sea. The other internally draining system is the Lake Eyre division, which intermittently discharges to Lake Eyre (see McMahon et al. 2005). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review Elsewhere in northern Australia, 13-of-111 drainage is either un-coordinated (e.g., the Western Plateau, which is also known as the riverless region) or non-existent except during rare periods of heavy rainfall. Figure 2 Topographic map of Australia (brown – high; blue – low; AUSLIG 9” digital elevation model). Major drainage divisions of Australia shown by solid black lines. Two transects across northern Australia show topography (black), annual precipitation (blue) and pan evaporation (red). Transect A-A’ corresponds with Broome to Ingham and; B-B’ corresponds with Darwin to Mallacoota. Tropic of Capricorn is shown by black dashed line. Numbers correspond with major topographic features of northern Australia: 1- Hamersley Ranges; 2-Kimberley Plateau; 3-MacDonnell Ranges; 4-Arnhem land; 5-Barkley Tablelands; 6-Great Dividing Range. Roman Numerals correspond with major drainage divisions: INorth-East Coast; II-South-East Coast; III-Tasmania; IV-Murray Darling Basin; V-South Australian Gulf; VI- South-West Coast; VII-Indian Ocean; VIII-Timor Sea; IX-Gulf of Carpentaria; X-Lake Eyre; XI-Bulloo-Bancannia; XII-Western Plateau. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 14-of-111 Box 2.1 Geological age descriptions Geological timescale and major events in Australia’s geologic history. Boundaries represent a major change in sedimentation patterns. Age is in millions of years. Adapted from Anon. (1990), Twidale and Campbell (1995) and discussion with Professor Robert Henderson (JCU). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 15-of-111 2.2 Distribution of major groundwater basins At the continental scale, the Australian landmass can be conceptualised as being comprised of a series of igneous blocks (rises in the Craton2) and sedimentary basins (zones of subsistence within the Cratons hosting younger sedimentary material) over which lies a surface veneer of unconsolidated regolith and alluvial sediment formed in younger time (e.g. Quaternary) (Figure 3). With respect to groundwater, sedimentary basins are of considerably more interest than continental blocks because they usually make the best groundwater reservoirs in terms of extraction and storage (see Box 2.2), particularly where the sedimentary material is coarse (i.e. sand or gravel) and where diagenetic processes have not had a major influence. Figure 3 Sedimentary and igneous rock provinces. These roughly correspond with major continental scale blocks and basins. Hatched polygons are predominantly regions of igneous rock/blocks. Numbers correspond with selected major sedimentary basins and blocks: 1-Carnarvon Basin; 2-Perth Basin; 3-Yilgarn Block; 4-Canning Basin; 5-Eucla Basin; 6-Amadeus Basin; 7-Wiso Basin; 8-Daly Basin; 9-Money Shoals; 10–Arafura Basin; 11Georgina Basin; 12-Great Artesian Basin; 13-Carpentaria Basin; 14-Laura Basin; 15-Murray Basin. Source: NLWRA 2000. At the continental scale, rocks and sedimentary material have been categorised here into four broad groups based upon their permeability characteristics: 1) crystalline rocks and Palaeozoic and older sedimentary basins; 2) Early to Middle Palaeozoic carbonate rocks; 3) Cainozoic to Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and geological basins; and 4) surficialunconsolidated, non-lithified and predominantly Quaternary sediments. These groups are briefly discussed in turn and examples for northern Australia provided. Sedimentary basins illustrated in Figure 4 are underlined in the following discussion. 2 Ancient crustal material comprising ancient volcanogenic, clastic and chemical sediments, which are intruded by igneous rock and upon which basins of variously deformed and metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks are superimposed Allen (1997). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 16-of-111 Box 2.2 Rock types There are two main rock types: 1) sedimentary rocks; and 2) crystalline rocks. Also included in this discussion are unconsolidated sediments. Particular emphasis is made to their hydrologic properties because these broad groupings also form the main types of groundwater flow systems. Unconsolidated Sediments Unconsolidated sediments are ‘loose’ grains or aggregates derived from weathering of igneous or sedimentary rocks, which have been transported and then deposited once the transportation medium no longer has sufficient energy to entrain the particles. Typically unconsolidated sediments have high porosity. However, porosity decreases with tighter packing (e.g. due to increasing pressure with depth of burial) and in poorly sorted material. The ability of fluid to flow through porous media is partly a function of the size and the interconnectedness of the pores, referred to as its permeability. The permeability of unconsolidated sediments increases with sorting and grain size. As a result aquifers comprised of unconsolidated sands and gravels are often very productive from a groundwater extraction point of view. Very fine materials (e.g., clay) often have large porosity; however, the pores are very small and not always interconnected, which reduces the permeability. Water in these materials does not easily flow. Schematic illustrating how porosity changes with grain size, sorting, compression and cementation in sedimentary material and an illustration of the porosity in crystalline rock. Shapes are not to scale. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 17-of-111 Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks can be considered clastic or non-clastic. Siliclastic rocks are formed from unconsolidated sediments that have been compacted and lithified due to increased heat and pressure (usually due to depth of burial) and chemical changes. Ultimately this results in a consolidated rock, which has reduced porosity due to a more tightly packed fabric and also to mineral cements that precipitate in the pore spaces (either a silicate mineral like quartz or a non-silicate mineral like calcite). The collective term for the processes that result in changes to the porosity, mineralogy and chemical composition of unconsolidated sediments upon deposition is digenesis. Typically this occurs at temperatures and pressures higher than ambient surface conditions but lower than 300 degrees. Temperatures higher than 300 degrees usually result in metamorphism. Non-clastic rocks are formed mainly by the precipitation of minerals from water through various chemical and biochemical processes. They include evaporates, chert and phosphorites. However, by far the most abundant non-clastic rocks are the carbonate rocks, which are particularly prevalent in parts of northern Australia. Carbonate rocks are formed by the precipitation of calcium carbonate minerals to form limestones and dolomite (typically through biological agencies). They may also have a clastic component if they are comprised of rock that is the product of the re-working of past carbonate deposits. Like clastic rocks, carbonate rocks are also subject to diagenetic processes but are more susceptible to dissolution, recyrstallization and replacement processes. Changes to the porosity of carbonate rocks is complex but porosity is generally reduced by compaction and cementation and enhanced by dissolution. Generally, carbonate rocks have negligible primary permeability but may have considerable secondary permeability due to dissolution along fracture or bedding planes. Crystalline Rocks Crystalline rocks are comprised of igneous and metamorphoic rocks. Igneous rocks are those that have crystallised from a silicate melt. They may be extrusive (i.e. crystallise on the earths surface - basalts) or intrusive (i.e. the silicate melt intrudes into and cools within the rocks that form the earths crust – granite plutons). Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have undergone secondary change by intense heat and pressure (typically greater than that required to undergo digenetic change) and chemically active fluids. They are extensively recrystallised. These two rock types usually have a very low primary porosity (< 2%) and the pores are very small and not inter-connected. Where there is an absence of weathering or fracturing they are considered essentially impermeable. However, where there is fracturing, these rocks may exhibit secondary permeability and the quantity of water preferentially flowing along the lines of weakness may be orders of magnitude greater than that which flows through the rock matrix. Sedimentary rocks (typically very old) may also exhibit secondary permeability due to fracturing. Fractured rock systems rarely yield large quantities of water but they are often an invaluable potable water resource for remote communities in northern Australia. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 18-of-111 16 Figure 4 Hydrogeological map of Australia based upon broad scale geology. Numbers correspond with major sedimentary basins and blocks: 1-Carnarvon Basin; 2-Perth Basin; 3Yilgarn Block; 4-Canning Basin; 5-Eucla Basin; 6-Amadeus Basin; 7-Wiso Basin; 8-Daly Basin; 9-Money Shoals; 10–Arafura Basin; 11-Georgina Basin; 12-Great Artesian Basin; 13Carpentaria Basin; 14-Laura Basin; 15-Murray Basin; 16-Lower Burdekin Group 1 – Palaeozoic and older sedimentary basins and groundwater systems In most pre-Mesozoic siliclastic sedimentary rocks permeability has been strongly influenced by diagenetic overprint, to the extent that the primary porosity of these rocks is often minimal. For this reason, sedimentary basins older than Palaeozoic have been grouped with crystalline rocks (see Box 2.2). Aquifers may form in these rocks where joints and fractures are present (secondary porosity), although specific yields are usually small and water quality may be variable. The Atherton Tablelands is an example of fractured igneous rock in northern Australia (Cook et al. 2001) and the Bowen Basin is an example of a large preMesozoic sedimentary basin with negligible primary porosity. Most major ore bodies are situated in very old igneous and metamorphic rocks where hot fluids from great depths transport and then precipitate minerals (Figure 5). This is facilitated by reworking of the crust by folding and mountain building activity; the older the rock the greater the chance it has been exposed to these activities. The crust of Australia has not Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 19-of-111 experienced significant reworking since the Permian (Taylor 1958), which is why most mineral deposits of economic importance occur in rocks older than Permian. Though mining is a relatively small user of water (2% Australia wide; Anon. 2004b), it can impose critical stresses on local groundwater resources because the sustainable yield of rock aquifers is often small. Figure 5 Mine locations in Australia. Shaded regions are igneous and metamorphic blocks (Source: NLWRA 2000). Unshaded regions are basins. Group 2 - Early to Middle Palaeozoic carbonate rocks It is thought that following the extensive Precambrian ice age, large areas of warm shallow water were rapidly produced with the waning of glaciers (Johnstone 2004) and a seaway across the Northern Territory was formed (Anon. 1990). Warm water favours carbonate precipitation because increasing temperature causes a decrease in the solubility of carbon dioxide, thus raising the pH (Boggs 2001). This led to the formation of the Early to Middle Palaeozoic carbonate rocks, which are of primary interest to irrigation investors and developers in the Territory due to their favourable water storage and baseflow characteristics. Unlike the extensive limestone formations in the Eucla Basin (Parkinson 1988)—deposited in Aragonite rich seas during the Tertiary (Boggs 2001)—the carbonates of the Northern Territory were deposited under conditions favourable to the formation of dolomitic limestones. These rocks are characterised by dissolution cavities near the water- Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 20-of-111 table and primary porosity due to dolomitic recrystalisation3 (Anon. 1987). Dissolution features can act as preferential flow paths and, if intercepted by an extraction well, can yield large quantities of water, in excess of one-hundred litres per second. Early to Middle Palaeozoic carbonate rocks of northern Australia include the Oolloo Dolostone and Tindal Limestone, which are separated by the dolomitic siltstone and mudstone of the Jinduckin Formation). These sediments were deposited in shallow water environments within the Daly Basin (Tickell 2002) and there are extensive deposits in the Wiso and Georgina Basins. Groundwater extraction in the Darwin rural region, which contains the Northern Territory’s largest irrigation area, is predominantly from dolomitic limestone aquifers (e.g., Palmerston dolomite). Group 3 - Cainozoic to Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and geological basins The Mesozoic was a significant Era in the formation of a number of important sedimentary basins that contain contemporary groundwater systems (Taylor 1958); for example, deposition commenced in the Great Artesian Basin (GAB). By the start of the Cretaceous the continent was already quite flat and shallow seas covered large parts of the Australian landmass during the Cretaceous eustatic transgression (Ollier 1986). Due to Australia’s high latitude at that time, the water temperature was cool and there was very little carbonate deposition. In the GAB, the typically ‘muddy’ Cretaceous sediments are thought to be of terreginous4 rather than marine origin and act as a thick confining layer above the more porous sandstone aquifer. The Jurassic sandstone formations outcrop in higher regions in the north east (NRM 2005) where there was further uplift and erosion of overlying layers. Underlying the western part of Cape York is the Carpentaria Basin, one of three interconnected sedimentary sub-basins that comprise the GAB. The Carpentaria Basin and the inter-connected Laura Basin contain consolidated Mesozoic sediments, including the Dalrymple Sandstone, Gilbert River Formation and Helby Beds (Horn et al. 1995). Recharge in the sourthern and northern sub-basins occurs along the elevated eastern divide. Groundwater in the Carpentaria Basin is relatively undeveloped because the fluoride concentration is too high for domestic use (Anon. 1987) and good quality groundwater can be readily obtained from the shallower and younger Karumba Basin aquifers (Horn et al. 1995a). The Karumba Basin was largely filled with sediment of fluvial origin between the late Cretaceous and Pliocene (Horn et al. 1995). The aquifers of the Karumba Basin, principally the Bulimba Formation, are considered to be the most significant groundwater resource in Cape York, although the aquifer is heterogeneous and siting successful production bores is 3 Dolomitic rocks are calcium carbonate rocks where 50% of the cation sites are filled by Magnesium and 50% by Calcium (Boggs 2001). Upon calcite recrystallising (changing form but not chemical composition) to dolorite there is an increase in porosity of 13% (assuming no subsequent compaction or cementation) (Tucker 2001). 4 Originally of volcanogenic material from the Whitsunday Volcanic Province (Bryan et al. 2000; Johnstone 2004). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 21-of-111 difficult (Horn et al. 1995). Knowledge of the groundwater flow and recharge characteristics of the region is relatively poor (Horn 2000). During the Cretaceous eustatic transgression, seawater also encroached over the northern part of the Northern Territory, albeit relatively briefly (< 5 my, Anon. 1990) forming poorly consolidated Cretaceous sandstones (Money Shoal Basin) in Arnhem Land and on Bathurst and Melville Islands. Some groundwater from these formations discharges to perennial streams (Jolly and Chin 1991). Box 2.3 Groundwater timelags Studies in dryland systems in southern Australia have indicated that the time it takes for a local scale groundwater system (≈ 10’s km in length) to respond to change in recharge or discharge (i.e. acquire a new hydrologic equilibrium) may be in the order of 10s of years, an intermediate system (many 10’s to a couple of 100 km in length) many decades to over a hundred years, and regional scale systems (many 100’s and even 1000’s km in length) may take many hundreds of years (Coram et al. 2000; Dawes et al. 2001). Groundwater age in the GAB has been measured to an age of up to 2 million years (Airey et al. 1983). The figure to the right illustrates generic time response of Local, Intermediate and Regional groundwater systems. Reproduced with permission from Dawes et al. (2001). 1.0 Response to Change The time lags associated with lateral groundwater flow and the paucity of data on groundwater recharge and flow present numerous challenges to the sustainable management of groundwater resources and associated ecosystems. Two high profile examples of the challenges in managing the time lags associated with groundwater processes are surface water - groundwater interactions and secondary salinity. Local 0.8 Intermediate 0.6 0.4 0.2 Regional 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 Time (Years) Group 4 – Surficial-unconsolidated, non-lithified and predominantly Quaternary sediments Unconsolidated Quaternary sedimentary deposits occur in association with current and prior drainage systems and coastal sand dunes. Aquifers in these deposits have a variety of yield and storage properties and contain groundwater of variable quality. Because of the relatively small sizes of these features they may have local importance but are difficult to map at the continental scale. A notable region of Quaternary deposition in the north of Australia is the area east of the Great Dividing Range along the north Queensland coast, where most of northern Australia’s cultivated agriculture and population are situated. For example, the Lower Burdekin is one of Australia’s most intensive groundwater use areas. It contains more than 2000 extraction bores (Arunakumaren et al. 2001) and the sustainable groundwater yield is estimated to be 350000 million litres per year (NLWRA 2000). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 22-of-111 2.3 Coastal plains of northern Australia The coastal plains of north Queensland support the largest areas of dryland and irrigated agriculture in northern Australia but they are atypical of many of the coastal plains west of the tip of Cape York. Box 2.4 Evolution of coastal plains Over the past 1.8 million years sea level has risen and fallen at least seventeen times (Fink and Kukla 1977); the last peak in sea level rise in northern Australia was between 7 and 9000 years ago (Wolanski and Chappell 1996). Since then, sea level has fallen slightly but has been stable for about the last 6000 years, defining the contemporary shoreline and familiar shape of the continent. Higher sea level caused the sea to encroach inland, drowning existing river valleys along the periphery of the continent and creating inlets and estuaries5 (Warner 1988). These newly created estuaries then started to slowly infill with sediment delivered by their rivers. Provided there is a continuous supply of sediment and sea level remains stable, all estuaries will eventually evolve into deltas (Heap et al 2004). With each subsequent fall in sea level, the river systems ‘rejuvenate’ as the coastline regresses (Twidale and Campbell 1995) and some or all of the sedimentary deposits that accumulated during the previous sea level rise are eroded—though new deposition may occur in some places. In many cases, the type of coastal plain sediments and their lithology are largely reflective of the present depositional environment (Harris and Heap 2003) because sea level has remained largely unchanged for thousands of years, although relict sediments from previous sea level high stands may sometimes be present. A number of researchers (e.g. Galloway 1975; Dalrymple et al. 1992; Harris and Heap 2003) have shown that fluvial, tidal and wave energy processes largely control estuarine evolution. Along sections of coast without a river outlet, the siliclastic coastal depositional environment depends on the ratio of mean wave power to mean tidal power (Harris et al. 2002). In north and north-western Australia, tidal processes tend to dominate estuary5 evolution (Harris et al. 2002) and fine texture sedimentary deposits (i.e. silt and clay, often referred to as marine muds) are typically deposited adjacent to the main channel during high tide events (Coleman and Wright 1978) (Figure 6 illustrates wave height and tidal range around Australia). Because the tidal length of these channels can be very large, the resulting subcoastal plains can be relatively extensive. For example, the tidal length of the Daly River is greater than one hundred kilometres (Chappell 1993; van Diemen Gulf, Woodroffe 1993). In a study of the sub-coastal plains of the Adelaide River (NT), CSIRO survey teams concluded that the heavy estuarine clays were unsuited for mechanical cultivation (Chapman and Basinski 1985). In addition to the trafficability difficulties that the estuarine clays presented, strong tidal activity in the adjacent river and seasonal and prolonged flooding from rainfall were additional hazards to mechanised farming. Along the North Queensland coast, wave energy is slightly greater than elsewhere in northern Australia (Harris et al. 2002) but small relative to southern Australia due to the 5 Geologically an estuary is defined as “the seaward portion of a drowned valley system which receives sediment from both fluvial (i.e. river) and marine sources and which contains facies influenced by tide, wave and fluvial processes” (Dalrymple et al. 1992). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 23-of-111 presence of tropical reefs (Jennings and Bird 1967). Tidal ranges in northern Australia are also larger (Figure 6). The most distinctive aspect of north Queensland is large surface water discharges off the precipitous coastal escarpments (Transect A-A’ Figure 2), which ensure appropriate hydraulic conditions for the delivery of fine and coarse sediment to the coastal flood plain. As rivers enter the flat coastal areas there is a marked reduction in fluvial energy and sedimentation results. The large discharge volumes and sediment transport capacity of rivers like the Burdekin, Herbert (Jennings and Bird 1967) and Fitzroy, combined with the narrow coastal margin, has resulted in prograding alluvial deltas of relatively coarse sedimentary material. Coarse sedimentary deposits result in highly permeable groundwater systems and sediments in the Lower Burdekin contain one of Australia’s most transmissive and intensively used aquifer systems (Anon. 1976). In an analysis of 280 rivers discharging to the ocean, Milliman and Syvitski (1992) report that sediment loads are a log-linear function of basin area and maximum elevation. Their model provides an explanation for why prograding alluvial deltas are less prevalent along the southeastern margin of the Great Dividing Range. Easterly draining catchments in the southeast have a smaller sediment supplies because they are smaller and have lower rainfall erosivity. Figure 6 Tidal range and wave height map of Australia. Numbers signify mean tidal range. Horizontal dashed line indicates Tropic of Capricorn. Adapted from Davies (1986). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 24-of-111 2.4 Soil resources of northern Australia Box 2.5 Soil formation What is soil? “Soils are independent natural bodies consisting of weathered mineral and organic matter often occurring in genetically related horizons formed in response to subarial processes” Hubble et al. 1983. Key soil formation processes Soils do not occur within a landscape by chance, but rather form complex patterns as a result of the inter-play of five key factors: parent material, climate, organisms, topography and time (Fitzpatrick 1986). Soil type is only weakly correlated with rock type, where the same rock can give rise to many different soil types. Correlation is strongest between rock type and soil texture e.g. sandstones which are high in quartz give rise to sandy soils. Where soils are mature (i.e. have been in place for long period of time – factor number five) it is found that climate, especially temperature and rainfall, have perhaps the most marked effect on soil formation. These parameters effect soil formation directly and indirectly (e.g. climate is a key factor in determining vegetation type which in turn can influence soil formation processes). The main effect of temperature on soils is to increase the speed of soil formation, where the speed of chemical reactions increase by a factor of two to three for every 10oC rise in temperature (Fitzpatrick 1986). Rainfall controls the amount of moisture in the soil, which is the primary mechanism by which ions and small particles are transported within a soil matrix. Attributing the characteristics of a soil to a particular climate is challenging because often a soil is the integrated result of many past climates, as is the case in many parts of Australia. Organisms include plants, vertebrates, microorganisms and mesofauna (e.g. earthworms, termites, ants). These organisms influence soil formation in many ways, but of particular note plants contribute organic material to the soil surface, while microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi, algae) perform services like decomposing the organic matter and fix atmospheric nitrogen, which can then be used by plants. Mesofauna assist with the decomposition of organic matter and transportation of material. Topography acts as a control on erosion and deposition (i.e. soil thickness) as well as the spatial distribution of moisture in the landscape. Soils typically take thousands even millions of years to form. Of these five factors only time can be considered independent of the others. Generally accepted standards for describing soil profile morphology in Australia are given in a number of publications e.g. Isbell 1996; McKenzie et al. 2004. Australia’s northerly latitude during the Pleistocene ensured that only a very small portion of the main continent was affected by glaciations during this Epoch (Anon. 1990). As a result many Australian soils are relatively old, some having been associated with landscapes that have been weathered for millions of years (McKenzie et al. 2004). Old, deeply weathered soils tend to be depleted of nutrients, a much cited characteristic of Australian soils. While soil nutrient deficiencies are not unique to the Australian situation, Australia does have an extraordinary large area of relatively poor soil and a relatively small area of good quality soil (Leeper 1970). These good quality soils are generally geologically ‘young’ being derived either from fairly ‘recent’ volcanic activity (e.g. Cainozoic basalts) associated with the uplift of the Great Dividing Range (during the Tertiary) or from unconsolidated sediments on alluvial floodplains. However, there are exceptions, for example Vertosols, which have a very high clay content, are able to retain essential nutrients despite prolonged periods of weathering Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 25-of-111 and leaching, while some young soils like Holocene sand dunes, which have a low content of organic matter and a high proportion of weather resistant quartz have very low fertility. Until superphosphate fertilizer was developed in 1890s, the use of high yielding pastures and crops in Australia was very limited (Anon. 1982). The application of large amounts of superphosphate, subterranean clover (for nitrogen), trace elements and more recently large inputs of nitrogen and potassium in southern Australia during the twentieth and twenty-first century allowed many of the nutrient deficiencies in southern soils to be partly overcome. Because there is no substitute for phosphorous in agriculture (USGS 2007) and phosphorous is fundamental to plant growth, any future global shortages of phosphorous6 has the potential to constrain some agricultural activities (Abelson 1999). Despite the distinct climatic difference between northern and southern Australia, making north-south regional scale distinctions in soil type is a difficult task (Figure 7). This is because many of Australia’s soils have been exposed to a variety of climates over Geologic time due to climatic fluctuations and the gradual northward drift of the Australian continent since the Tertiary. Perhaps the main difference between the soils of northern and southern Australia is that the physical structure and chemical composition of southern soils have been extensively modified through cultivation and the application of fertilisers (Leeper 1970). A strong regional scale distinction in northern Australia’s soils lies east and west of the Great Dividing Range. Along the Great Dividing Range soils derived from the Cainozoic basalts generally provide fertile soils. East of the Divide, fluctuating sea levels (i.e. alternating baselevels) during the Pleistocene caused the short, steep streams to rejuvenate, stripping old soils and depositing ‘fresh’ sediments, from which new soils formed. West of the Great Dividing Range there are extensive areas of deeply weathered mantle that have been preserved since the Tertiary period. Many of these deeply weathered profiles have almost been completely leached of essential plant nutrients. In many regions of northern Australia the deficiency of key nutrients in the soil means that intensive cultivated agriculture will require fertiliser additives. There is little information on the soil resources of northern Australia relative to southern Australia. Few regions have been mapped at a scale of 1:50 000 or finer (Figure 8) and limited soil related literature explicitly discusses the soil resources of the region, soil function and response. 6 Phosphorous forms on geological timescales, either by guano deposits, or sedimentary processes thought to be associated with ocean up-welling along specific continental margins (Boggs 2001). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 26-of-111 Australian Soil Classification -15° Order Calcarosols Chromosols Dermosols -25° Ferrosols Hydrosols Kandosols Kurosols Organosols Podosols -35° Rudosols Sodosols Tenosols Vertosols Lakes 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 160° Figure 7 Generalised distribution of soil orders belonging to the Australian Soil Classification, modified from Isbell et al. (1997). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 27-of-111 Completed and published 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 Completed, not published No data To be surveyed Survey in progress Broad scale 1:100 000 to 1:250 000 Figure 8 Soil map availability (not to scale). Soil/landform 1:100 000 Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 28-of-111 Detailed mapping < 1:50 000 2.5 Flora and fauna of northern Australia During the late Cretaceous, sea floor spreading saw Australia separate from Antarctica and start to drift north (Anon. 1990). This separation led to Australia’s fauna and flora evolving in relative isolation (Ollier 1986). As a result many plant and animal species are endemic to Australia. The Australian flora is considered to have developed a range of adaptations to the low nutrient status of the Australian soils (and poor water storage capacities) and low and variable rainfall e.g. cluster roots, mycorrizas, sclerophylly, tubers and lignotubes (Eamus et al. 2006). In the wet-dry tropical regions of northern Australia, deep rooted vegetation is predominantly evergreen, which is different to the deep rooted vegetation found in other wetdry tropical regions of the world (predominantly deciduous). Bowman and Prior (2005) attribute this phenomenon to the variability in climate, soil infertility and deeply weathered regolith, from which evergreens can exploit water during seasonal drought. Many ecosystems across northern Australia range from being episodically dependent to fully dependent upon groundwater. These ecosystems are referred to as Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE). In northern Australia, GDE include riparian and other deep rooted vegetation dependent upon the presence of groundwater in the subsurface during the dry season (e.g. see O’Grady 1999; Hutley et al. 2001); invertebrate groundwater ‘animals’ (collectively known as stygofauna; Figure 9) usually found in course alluvial or carbonate deposits (Humphreys 2006) and; terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, which depend upon the surface water expression of groundwater (e.g. mound springs7 or groundwater baseflow). The potential impact of future agricultural development on the latter of these GDE is attracting considerable attention in the Daly River system, Northern Territory (e.g. Anon. 2003; Erskine et al. 2003; Blanch et al. 2005). Freshwater flows from rivers also have a profound influence on coastal ecosystems (Gillanders and Kingsford 2002), affecting circulation patterns and vertical stability of marine waters, mixing and nutrient exchange processes, and the delivery of particulate organic and inorganic compounds, which form part of the marine food chain (Drinkwater and Frank 1994). In large river systems the effect of freshwater has been observed to extend many hundreds of kilometres into the ocean beyond the river mouth (e.g. Moore et al. 1988). Ecologically, freshwater flow has been strongly linked to the health and production of certain estuarine and marine fish and shellfish (Robins et al. 2005) with most studies showing a positive relationship between fish abundance and river discharge (Drinkwater and Frank 1994). The commercial fisheries in the estuaries and near-shore waters of tropical Australia have a combined value of approximately A$220 million (Robins et al. 2005). Other important commercial species include penaeid prawns, finfish, sharks and crabs. Barramundi, mud 7 Mound springs are groundwater discharge sites. Classically they form conical shaped mounds of carbonate and clastic material and salts. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 29-of-111 crabs and many other species have cultural importance to indigenous communities (Robbins et al. 2005). The quality of water in mean and extreme flow events also has ecological importance (Gillanders and Kingsford 2002). Along the north east coast of Queensland, there is concern about the quality of terrestrial runoff and its impacts to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and inshore reef systems (Brodie and Mitchell 2005). Sediments, nutrients and pollutants entrained or dissolved in terrestrial runoff have been shown in many independent field studies around the world to degrade coral reefs at local scales though relationships at the regional scale are more difficult to establish because of confounding issues (Fabricius et al. 2005). The reef systems of the GBR have been valued at over $6 billion per year to the national economy (Access Economics 2005). Figure 9 Nirripirti arachnoides (Dytiscidae) one of more than 100 species of blind diving beetles known from calcrete aquifers of the Yilgarn region, WA, and Ngalia Basin, NT. Photo: Chris Watts, South Australian Museum. Photography provided by William Humphrey, Western Australian Museum. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 30-of-111 3 Climate of northern Australia This section examines the climate of northern Australia, specifically precipitation and evaporation. It does not explicitly examine or discuss the optimum climatic zone for crop production with regards to parameters like temperature, frost or humidity. Key factors controlling Australia’s climate The primary characteristics of Australia’s climate are generally considered to be a consequence of four major inter-related factors: 1. Its location within the subtropical pressure zone. Australia’s landmass is centrally located within the dry descending air of the Hadley cell circulation. This results in much of the continent being affected by large eastward travelling anti-cyclones. These high pressure systems, which may extend up to 4 000 kilometres along their west-east axes are responsible for the high temperatures and dryness that characterise much of the continent. Systems generating moisture occur either between individual anti-cyclones or to the north or south of them (Warner 1986). 2. The size, shape and latitudinal range of the Australian continent. This has resulted in a broad range of climates. 3. The subdued relief of the continent provides little obstruction to major atmospheric circulatory systems. The exception is the Great Dividing Range along the east coast of Australia. 4. Australia’s position with vast expanses of ocean to the east, west and south and the long coastlines ensures that most of the continent is subject to oceanic influences The net affect of these four factors is a large semi-arid/arid zone (Figure 10), moderate seasonal variation and high inter-annual variability (Hobbs 1998) for which Australia is well renowned. To the south of the arid centre (Köppen class B) the climate is Mediterranean (Köppen class Cs); to the north the climate is tropical (Köppen class A) and is characterised by highly seasonal, summer dominated rainfall and year round high temperatures and evaporation rates. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 31-of-111 Figure 10 Mean annual rainfall and months with no precipitation (Adapted from Warner 1986). 3.1 Rainfall Rainfall generating mechanisms Between the months of December and April a broad area of low atmospheric pressure known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), monsoon trough or thermal equator moves south of the equator and intermittently crosses the northern shores of Australia. When the trough comes close to or crosses over land it brings humid conditions with showers and thunderstorms to northern Australia. The shallow and unstable air associated with the north-westerly monsoonal flow does not penetrate deep inland and generally favours the development of thunderstorms. This results in heavily localised rainfall and an inwardly declining rainfall gradient (Figure 10). Throughout the course of a wet season the location of the monsoon trough varies, and those periods where it temporarily retreats north of the Australian coastline are referred to ‘inactive’ periods. Following a prolonged ‘build-up’ period, typically a northern wet season is comprised of two or thee active/inactive cycles, each full Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 32-of-111 cycle lasting between four to eight weeks (Anon. 1998), with inactive periods usually being of longer duration than active periods. The position of the trough is highly variable from one wet season to another (Bonell et al. 1983), and in those years where the monsoonal trough does not extend over northern Australia, ‘well organised rainfall’ (i.e. widespread, as opposed to localised and spatially variable convective rainfall) does not occur. The monsoonal rains associated with the ITCZ are also supplemented by heavy often widespread rainfall from tropical cyclones originating from the seas to the north-west and north-east of the continent. On average tropical cyclones produce 30% of the rain during January - March period and up to 50% in drier regions like Port Headland and Broome. On the north-west coast of Australia tropical cyclones have an average frequency of occurrence of 2 per year, the Gulf of Carpentaria 1 per year and the north-east coast 1 to 2 (Anon. 1986). While many tropical lows along the north-east coast and in the Gulf of Carpentaria do not fully develop into tropical cyclones they nevertheless can be significant rain producing systems. During June-September the ITCZ moves north of the equator and the high pressure cells move northward (Figure 11). Cold fronts between subtropical high cells frequently move across central Australia and may bring rain to these parts of the country. North of 30 degrees and south of 14 degrees (i.e. where the Great Dividing range lies adjacent to the Queensland coast), orographic uplift of the south-east trade winds results in year round rainfall and high rainfall totals along the Queensland coast (illustrated in Figure 11 and Figure 12), particularly between Cardwell and Cooktown where the ranges are very steep and fringe the coast (Sumner and Bonell 1986). On the western side of the escarpment there is a very steep declining rainfall gradient. Having lost most of their moisture the trade winds then sweep across the rest of the continent resulting in mainly mild, dry south-easterlies over northern Australia (Figure 11). Other elevated areas in northern Australia e.g. Pilbara Range on the west coast, or the inland McDonald Ranges, have a less dramatic effect on rainfall because the prevailing air has a very low moisture content. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 33-of-111 Figure 11 Winter median rainfall (June – August). Source: Adapted from Anon. 1998 and Warner 1986. Figure 12 Summer median rainfall (December – February). Red dashed line illustrates ITCZ. Source: Adapted from Anon. 1998 and Warner 1986. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 34-of-111 Seasonality and intensity Rainfall across northern Australia is highly season, although the magnitude of the seasonality varies spatially. Darwin and Weipa, situated at the most northern parts of northern Australia, are regularly affected by the monsoonal trough (Figure 13). During the dry season little to no rainfall occurs because the predominantly south-easterly winds are dry having lost most of their moisture along the north-east Queensland coast. Inland regions like Mount Elizabeth, Katherine and Tennant Creek exhibit similar seasonal rainfall distributions but of lower magnitude, a function of their distance inland and their latitude. Cairns is less affected by the monsoonal trough than more northerly centres like Weipa, but orographic uplift off the northeast Queensland coast results in high wet season rainfall totals (Figure 12). Orographic uplift of moist south-east trade winds during the dry season results in rainfall throughout the year (Figure 11). Gove (centre top - Figure 13) appears to be in a slight rain shadow when the prevailing winds are from the west. This may explain why summer rainfall totals are lower than centres of equivalent latitude e.g. Darwin and Weipa. However, small dry season rainfalls are observed, probably due to the dry south-easterly winds picking up moisture as they move over the Gulf of Carpentaria. Rockhampton and Port Headland, situated just above the Tropic of Capricorn, are not directly affected by the monsoon trough. Rockhampton receives year round rainfall from moist south-easterly trade winds and localised convection during summer and the occasional cyclonic depression. Port Headland receives little rainfall, with most rainfall the result of cyclonic lows. A unique characteristic of rainfall in northern Australia is its intensity at the daily time scale. Bonell et al. (1983) provide an extreme example where at Bellenden Kerr on the North Queensland coast, 1330 mm was recorded in a 30 hour period. Not only is northern Australia observed to have considerably higher daily rainfall intensities than southern Australia (Figure 14), but its intensities are considered very high globally. For example, Jackson (1986) found that for the whole of northern Australia, except the north-east coast, rainfall is more concentrated with fewer rain days and higher mean daily intensities than one would predict from its monthly totals when compared to other tropical regions around the world. This is thought to be due to the importance of tropical cyclones to monthly rainfall for much of northern Australia. While northern Australia may have some of the highest daily rainfall intensities it does not necessarily imply that it also has the highest sub-daily intensities (e.g. hourly). In other tropical regions of the world where other rain producing mechanisms may be more prevalent they may produce high sub-daily rainfall intensities (e.g. due to localised convective thunderstorms). The very high daily rainfall intensities observed across much of northern Australia has numerous implications for the hydrology of the North (discussed in Section 4), as well as soil erosion (Figure 15), agriculture, mining and engineering works. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 35-of-111 Figure 13 Mean annual rainfall map of Australia accompanied by charts of median monthly rainfall (bar chart – each bar represents 50 mm) and pan evaporation (black dashed line) for selected centres. Major Drainage Division boundaries and numbers are illustrated by thin black line and Roman Numerals respectively. Source: Climate charts were generated from SILO data, rainfall map was sourced from NLWRA 2000 data library. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 36-of-111 Figure 14 Rainfall intensity. Mean rainfall per wet day. Adapted from Prescott in Leeper (1970). Figure 15 Hillslope erosion map of Australia. Modelled values. Erosion values are shown in tonnes/ha/yr. Black dashed line indicates Tropic of Capricorn. Thin dark lines illustrate major drainage divisions. Source: NLWRA 2000 data library. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 37-of-111 Variability and long term trends in rainfall Australia’s rainfall variability is one of the defining traits of the Australian climate and has been the source of discussion in academic writings (Leeper 1970; McBride and Nicholls 1983, Peel et al. 2002a) and popular literature (e.g. Banjo Patterson). The spatial variability of annual rainfall is shown in Figure 16. Here the measure of variation used is the difference between the 90th and 10th percentiles divided by the median rainfall. Box 3.2 The variability or dispersion of data is a very important characteristic of data. The simplest measure of variability is the Range. Perhaps the most commonly used measure is the Coefficient of Variation (Cv), the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. In northern Australia it has been observed that for a given mean annual rainfall total, the inter-annual variability of rainfall is higher than that observed at stations from the Rest of the World (RoW) for the same climate type (Petheram et al. 2008). Rainfall stations along eastern and northern Australia have been observed to have a strong correlation (0.5 – 0.6) with the Southern Oscillation Index8 (SOI) during spring (McBride and Nicholls 1983), where rainfall stations with a consistent relationship with El Nino – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) have a higher inter-annual variability of rainfall than those with a poor relationship. (Nicholls 1988; Peel et al. 2002b). ENSO is a phenomenon that is Box 3.1 Climate variability, trends and climate change The three terms: climate variability, trends and climate change are inter-related but subtly different. Climate variability is a natural phenomenon that occurs at a variety of timescales, ranging from daily (e.g. diurnal variation) through to intra-annual (e.g. seasonal variation), and to many millennia (e.g. Milankovitch cycles caused by variations in the earths orbit). A climatic trend is a long-term shift or change in climate after variability mechanisms operating at shorter time scales have been accounted. They may be due to processes (that have always been present) that operate over very long time scales or because of a ‘changing’ climate. Climate change is complicated because the different mechanisms and processes that induce climatic variability, trends and change are not independent of one another. Thus their net effect is not simply the sum of their individual contributions. Rather they exhibit nonlinear behaviour, where variation induced by one process may simultaneously cause and be a consequence of variation induced by another process. Geological studies indicate that the earth’s climate is in a constant state of change. Whether or not the earth’s climate is changing depends upon the scale of interest. Concern over climate change stems around concern that the medium scale climatic processes controlling long-term (i.e. 100 year) trends have changed in character or are changing. Whether these changes are due to non-linearities inherent in the climatic system or due to external forcing (e.g. human activities) is still under debate, though the latter is now accepted as exacerbating the former (IPCC 2007). considered to be the primarily source of global climate variability over the 2-7 year timescale. It is caused by a complex and unstable interaction between the ocean and atmosphere over the tropical Pacific (Box 3.3). While ESNO has now been recognised as affecting global climate conditions, it has its largest influence on weather patterns and climate variability over the tropical pacific and the 8 The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) provides a measure of the state of the ENSO cycle. It is calculated from the monthly or seasonal fluctuations in air pressure difference between Tahiti and Darwin. Sustained negative (positive) values of the SOI often indicate El Nino (La Nina) episodes. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 38-of-111 continental landmasses on either side, i.e. coastal regions of South American, South East Asia and north and eastern Australia. Figure 16 Variation in rainfall and rainfall charts for key centres from 1900-2005. Source: Bureau of Meteorology9. Measure of variation used was the difference between the 90th and 10th percentiles divided by the median rainfall. On the charts of rainfall, each horizontal bar is indicative of 500 mm/yr and each vertical bar is representative of the rainfall in 1 year. 9 Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 39-of-111 Box 3.3 El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) The El Nino – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is now considered to be the primarily source of global climate variability over the 2-7 year timescale and is caused by a complex and unstable interaction between the ocean and atmosphere over the tropical Pacific (IPCC 2001). ENSO influences climatic variation by irregularly oscillating between two modes, La Nina (Spanish for little girl) and El Nino (Spanish for little boy) – a term that has come to be synonymous for drought, in the western Pacific and eastern and northern Australia. A description of the underlying processes is provided below. In ‘neutral’ years, an up-welling of cold, nutrient rich water off the Peruvian coast flows west along the equator, increasing in temperature with distance and exposure to the tropical sun (see diagram below) This results in a Sea Surface Temperature (SST) gradient across the Pacific with a temperature difference (3 and 8 degrees) between the eastern and western Pacific Ocean. Strongly coupled to these ocean circulatory features is the Walker circulation, an asymmetric atmospheric circulation centred over the tropical Pacific which is driven to a large extent by differences in SST. The Walker circulation strengthens the easterly tropical surface winds of the symmetrical Hadley circulation (which are largely driven by solar radiation and the rotation of the earth). These westward wind stresses simultaneously reinforce the SST difference across the Pacific by pushing warm surface waters west, varying the sea level (Neelin et al 1998) and depth of the thermocline (see diagram below) resulting in cold water being exposed near the surface in the east. Along the equator, the easterly induced ocean surface currents drift to the north and south (referred to as Ekman drift) due to the rotation of the earth (i.e. Coriolis effect), which in the eastern and central Pacific further drives the narrow band of cold water up-welling, referred to as the ‘equatorial cold tongue’. Diagram of ESNO. Red and blue indicate warm and cold sea temperatures respectively. The atmospheric convective loop is part of the Walker circulation. Clouds form by convective processes over those parts of the Pacific with the warmest sea surface temperatures. Right - Diagram of the El Nino effect. Red and blue indicate warm and cold sea surface temperatures respectively. Positive temperature anomalies in the eastern Pacific cause the Walker circulation to be displaced to the east. Source: Pacific ENSO Applications Centre During El Nino (La Nina) episodes (defined as when SST anomalies of +0.5C (-0.5C) occur across the central tropical Pacific Ocean for a period of greater than 5 months) the usually large SST difference across the tropical Pacific is reduced (increased) by the occurrence of positive (negative) temperature anomalies in the eastern equatorial Pacific. This causes and is a consequence of weaker (stronger) easterly trade winds, which result in a fall (rise) and rise (fall) in sea level in the western and eastern Pacific respectively. Weakened (strengthened) easterly currents along the equator result in a deeper (shallower) thermocline in the eastern Pacific, further strengthening the positive (negative) temperature anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific. As a result of these anomalous ocean-atmosphere dynamics the Walker circulation is displaced to the east (west), resulting in precipitation (no rain) in usually dry regions of the Pacific and dry (wet) conditions prevailing over eastern and northern Australia and South East Asia. It is because of these simultaneous anomalies in ocean temperature and Sea Surface Pressure (SSP) that the ENSO phenomenon gets its name (i.e. where El Nino refers to the warming of the eastern Pacific and Southern Oscillation is reference to the state of the Walker circulation). While major strides forward have been made in understanding the general dynamics of ENSO, there is still considerable uncertainty surrounding the precise generation of an El Nino episode (Tsonis et al. 2003). Discussions have centred upon the relative roles of the above mentioned factors (i.e. wind, SST, up-welling currents), their connections and the mechanisms by which the warm anomaly in the eastern Pacific is propagated and sustained. This is currently an active area of research. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 40-of-111 Trends Long term trends in rainfall may be due to climatic processes that have always been present but operating over much longer time scales than our current observational record, may be due to anthropogenic forcing, or a combination of both. Figure 17 illustrates the change in rainfall between 1900 and 2006 and 1950 and 2006 and rainfall trends for the last 100 years for selected centres (expressed as the cumulative sum of the difference from the mean). Most notable is the decline in rainfall in the major population centres along the east coast of Australia and south-western Western Australia and in Australia’s ‘food bowl’, the MDB. In contrast, in the north west of Western Australia apparently large increases in annual rainfall have been observed, although this region has few rainfall stations with long-term climate data. At a number of centres across northern Australia (e.g. Fitzroy Crossing, Darwin, Weipa, Tennant Creek in Figure 17), annual rainfall totals over the last couple of decades have been considerably higher than the long term average. Figure 17 illustrates that the magnitude and pattern of the change in rainfall is sensitive to the chosen time period. Because of the complexity and non-linearity of the processes controlling the earth’s climate, it is not possible to simply extrapolate current rainfall trends into the future. For example, using an ensemble of climate models, Milly et al. (2005) qualitatively reproduced observed trends in global runoff. However, initial observed increases in runoff in the twentieth century in eastern equatorial South America, southern Africa and the western central plains of North America were projected to reverse and decrease in the twenty first century. Understanding the significance of current rainfall trends and predicting future medium to long term rainfall patterns requires an understanding of the longer time scale processes and how they might change with external forcing (e.g. global warming). This is done using two types of approach, 1) analysis of historical observations (measurements as well as proximal indicators10 of past climates) - using past climates as analogues of present and future climates; and 2) using numerical modelling techniques to simulate the earths climate systems under current conditions and external forcing (e.g. global warming). Climate change and its potential impacts is a very active area research. The interested reader is directed to IPCC (2007) and CSIRO (2007) for more detailed and specific information. 10 In the absence of longer unambiguous instrumental records, workers have made use of what is referred to as proximal indicators also referred to as proximal evidence. These are in effect surrogates for the parameter of interest. Proximal indicators have been extensively used to reconstruct large scale temperature changes (e.g. Jones et al. 2001) and hence investigate mean global climate change. However, there are no proximal parameters that relate directly to climate variability (Jones et al. 2001) and instead they are often related to another parameter/s that can be related to climate variability e.g. inorganic laminae deposits (Rodbel et al 1999), coral oxygen isotopes (Cole et al. 1993, Tudhope et al. 2001). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 41-of-111 Figure 17 Change in rainfall from 1900 – 2006 and 1950 – 2006 (mm/10 years). Charts are the mass residual curve of rainfall between 1900 and 2004 (normalised for mean annual rainfall). Source: Adapted from Bureau of Meteorology11 and SILO dataset. 11 Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 42-of-111 3.2 Evaporation Box 3.4 Evaporation and transpiration Evaporation is “the rate of liquid water transformation to vapour from open water, bare soil, or vegetation with soil beneath” Shuttleworth (1993) Transpiration is “that part of the total evaporation which enters the atmosphere from the soil through the plants” Shuttleworth (1993) There are two major ways in which evaporation (Ea) affects a regions potential for irrigation. The first is via the catchment wide losses of evaporation that determine runoff (R) and drainage (D) or the ‘excess water’ (R + D), which forms the basis of the potentially exploitable resource. (1) R + D = P – Ea The second way in which evaporation affects irrigation potential is via its influence on the crop water requirement (ET), where ET = Kc Erc (2) Kc is a crop specific coefficient that varies during the season and Erc is the ‘reference crop evapotranspiration’. The crop water requirement, ET, is often referred to as evapotranspiration, the latter term being widely used to explicitly indicate the inclusion of evaporation from the soil surface and transpiration through the plant leaves. Reference crop evapotranspiration, Erc is a measure of the evaporative demand of the atmosphere and following FAO guidelines (Allen et al. 1998), it is calculated using formulae that are based on the Penman-Monteith equation (Allen et al. 1998). The primary factors that determine Erc in this equation are radiation, air humidity and wind speed. To obtain the actual water requirement of a fully irrigated crop, Erc is multiplied by a crop specific factor, Kc, which may vary during the growing season. Tabulated values of Kc for most common crops are given by Allen et al. 1998 and an example for sugar cane is shown below (Figure 18). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 43-of-111 1.4 1.2 Crop factor 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Day of season Figure 18 An example of how the crop factor for sugar cane varies with different stages of growth (Allen et al. 1998). Figure 18 and equation (2) show that the total seasonal water requirement for sugar cane is primarily determined by the evaporative demand of the atmosphere (via Erc) and so a given crop grown in a location with a high evaporative demand will require more water than if it is grown in a location with a lower evaporative demand. Table 1 illustrates water requirements for sugarcane grown at the Lower Burdekin (LB), North Queensland. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 44-of-111 Table 1 Water-use by sugarcane grown in the Lower Burdekin. Assuming a June planting (dry season) and April-May harvest (post wet season). Crop factor were derived from Figure 18. Where the crop factor varies over the course of a month an average value was used (i.e. number in brackets) to calculate water use. Climate data for Ayr was sourced from the Silo Point Patched Dataset12 and Erc was calculated using the Penman-Monteith equation as recommended by FAO56 (Allen et al. 1998). Month Day of season June July August September October November December January February March April Total 0-30 31-62 63-94 95-125 126-157 158-188 189-220 221-252 253-281 282-313 314-344 Crop factor 0.4 0.4-0.8 (0.6) 0.8-1.25 (1) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1-1.25 (1.1) 0.8-1 (0.9) 0.75 Lower Burdekin (Ayr) Erc (mm) 85 95 110 130 160 165 165 155 130 135 115 Crop water use (ML/ha) 0.34 0.57 1.10 1.63 2.00 2.06 2.06 1.94 1.43 1.22 0.86 15.21 In Australia, catchment wide (or areal) evaporation (Ea) is usually calculated using Morton’s (1983) ‘complementary’ evaporation formulae and this forms the basis of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) maps of both potential and actual evaporation across the Australian continent. Potential evaporation (PE) is determined by atmospheric conditions and actual evaporation (Ea) is equal to or less than this according to the availability of moisture in the soil (or ground water). Morton (1983) assumed that two forms of potential evaporation existed; that which applied at a point (PEp) and that which applied to a large area (PEa). He then calculated actual (areal) evaporation (Ea) as Ea = 2 PEa - PEp (3) The BoM and the University of Melbourne used Morton’s complementary method to generate the evaporation maps that appear on the BoM’s website13. There are complex theoretical differences between Morton’s (1983) estimates of Ea and those used in the calculation of crop water requirements (e.g. Erc) that are beyond the scope of this report. However, Morton’s ‘point potential’ (PEp) estimate is closest to the ‘potential’ evapotranspiration recommended by FAO (Allen et al. 1998), so this is used in the reminder of this section to indicate how potential evaporation varies across the Australian continent. Potential evaporation (PEp) is generally high over the Australian continent, significantly exceeding rainfall in all but the wettest areas (Figure 19). It exceeds 2500 mm/year across 12 13 Morton’s complementary method was used to estimate evaporation because of a paucity of historical wind speed data across Australia. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 45-of-111 most of the tropical north and is extreme (approaching 10mm/day) during the wet season (i.e. southern summer). Potential evaporation decreases with decreasing solar radiation as occurs with increasing southern latitude and the onset of winter. It also decreases with proximity to coasts, because of increasing cloudiness, rain and humidity (i.e. relative humidity is lower). Figure 19 Morton’s point potential evapotranspiration. Source: Bureau of Meteorology14. Across most of Australia actual evapotranspiration (Ea) is the largest component of the terrestrial water balance. Australia wide, approximately 88% of rainfall is evaporated or transpired (NLWRA 2000). Across northern Australia approximately 80% of rainfall is lost as evapotranspiration compared with approximately 95% in southern Australia. At the regional and continental scale, long term annual Ea has been shown to be largely dependent upon the long term annual rainfall (e.g. Schreiber 1904, Budyko 1974). In northern Australia, Williams et al. (1996) showed that tree height and density were also directly related to the long term annual rainfall. Observations such as these can be used to explain why the periphery of the relatively ‘well watered’ north, south and east of the continent have high annual actual evapotranspiration totals relative to other parts of the continent of similar latitude (Figure 20) and the central arid region of northern Australia has the lowest actual evapotranspiration despite having a very high potential evaporation (Figure 20 and Figure 19). 14 Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 46-of-111 Figure 20 Annual actual evapotranspiration maps. Source: Bureau of Meteorology15. In the most northerly parts of Australia (e.g. Darwin and Cape York regions) annual potential evapotranspiration is around twice the annual actual evaporation near the coast, but the difference increases rapidly with distance inland. Figure 19 illustrates that as you move inland potential evaporation (PEp) increases due to a decrease in the relative humidity and an increase in radiation increases, yet actual evapotranspiration (Figure 20) decreases because less moisture is available and the vegetation becomes sparser. In the arid zones of northern Australia where long term rainfall totals are very low the ratio of actual evapotranspiration to potential evaporation is only about 0.1. Seasonal variation Northern Australia has a high seasonality of actual evapotranspiration, although unlike southern Australia PEp remains relatively high throughout the year. The seasonality in actual evapotranspiration is mainly associated with variations in the leaf area index of the understorey in native vegetation. For example, during the wet season, Hutley et al. (2001) found ‘stand’ evapotranspiration rates to be 2-18 times higher than during the dry season and most of this difference (i.e. 80%) was attributed to transpiration from the annual grasses and herbaceous plants in the understorey. If Hutley et al’s results are typical of other native vegetation types then most of the actual evapotranspiration observed in northern Australia can be attributed to transpiration by the understorey during the wet season. 15 Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 47-of-111 3.3 The interaction between the amount, timing and intensity of rainfall and evaporation Mean annual rainfall minus potential evaporation is referred to as the mean annual rainfall deficit (Figure 21), a general measure of moisture availability. This metric is sometimes used as a first cut assessment of the mean annual irrigation demand. To refine this estimate the waterbalance needs to be calculated at shorter time intervals so that the intra-annual variability in precipitation and evaporation can be accounted. In the following section (Section 3.4) this was done on a monthly time step to attain a ‘representative’ irrigation demand for each of the major drainage divisions. Figure 21 Rainfall deficit i.e. mean annual rainfall minus mean annual potential evaporation. Source: derived from data supplied by the NLWRA 2000. Climate characterisation The amount and temporal distribution of precipitation and evaporation does much to characterise climates, particularly in northern Australia where temperatures are uniformly high. To characterise the climates of northern Australia, here we adopt the commonly used Köppen-Geiger classification (Köppen, 1936). This classification divides the world into 30 climate types, based on the version used here (Peel et al. 2007), of which 7 are represented in northern Australia. These are illustrated spatially in Figure 22. The three dominant climate types are tropical Aw (‘wet-dry tropics’), semi-arid BSh and arid BWh, which stretch across northern Australia in latitudinal bands from north to south. These latitudinal bands broadly mirror the latitudinal rainfall deficit bands seen in Figure 21. Small regions of tropical Af and Am are found along the north-east Queensland coast (‘Wet Tropics’) and patches of temperate Cwa are found on the Atherton Tablelands and Mackay Highlands. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review South of 48-of-111 Mackay the seasonal distribution of precipitation becomes more uniform, with Cwa giving away to Cfa climate type. In the Northern Territory and north-western Australia, the semi-arid (Köppen BSh) landscapes may occur in areas with annual rainfalls totals of up to 800 mm. In southern Australia, where potential evaporation rates are lower, the boundary between the semi-arid and temperate zones coincides more closely with the 400 mm rainfall isohyets, while at subtropical latitudes (i.e. south-east Queensland) the semi-arid zone occurs up to annual rainfalls of about 600 mm. Hence, mean annual rainfall values should be examined within the context of the evaporative demand. Figure 22 Köppen climate zones of northern Australia (Peel et al. 2007). Three major zones are Aw (wet-dry tropics), BSh (semi-arid zone) and BWh (arid zone). Diagram sourced from Petheram et al. 2008. Stream gauging stations from Petheram et al. (2008) shown by pink circles. 3.4 Representative irrigation demand for each of the major drainage divisions Here we estimated the annual irrigation demand for each major drainage division using a monthly timestep. The irrigation demand of a drainage division was calculated by the weighted sum irrigation demand of one or more ‘representative’ centres (Figure 23a) so that each of the components were taken to sum to 1. Representative centres were selected using expert knowledge, based upon: 1) where irrigation is currently located within that division (Figure 23b); 2) where the largest quantities of surface runoff occur (Figure 23c); and 3) in a location that is representative of the mean annual rainfall deficit in that division (Figure 23d). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 49-of-111 Figure 23 A) Location of representative centres; B) Irrigation water use; C) mean annual runoff; D) mean annual rainfall deficit. Original datasets sourced from the NLWRA (2000). Irrigation demand is equal to the crop water requirement (Equation 2) minus the effective rainfall (PE). PE is equal to that rainfall that is not ‘lost’ to runoff (R) or deep drainage. Because 1) there is no information on recharge at the drainage division scale; and 2) recharge is usually a minor component of the water balance; this term has been neglected and PE was simply calculated by multiplying the rainfall by the complement of the runoff coefficient (RC) for the drainage division as shown in Equation 4: PE = P × (1 − RC ) (4) PE was evaluated for each major drainage division on a monthly basis. Monthly runoff coefficients were calculated using monthly rainfall and runoff grids of Australia (sourced from the National Land and Water Resources Audit data library16). Crop water requirement (ET) data were sourced from the Silo Point Patched Dataset17, which calculated Reference Evapotranspiration (ETrc) using the Penman-Monteith equation as recommended by FAO56 (Allen et al. 1998) and a uniform crop factor (KC) of 0.8 was used for each month (Equation 2). A crop factor of 0.8 is considered representative of a perennial pasture grown in the MDB. Allen et al. 1998 recommend using a value of between 0.75-0.85 for grazing pasture and turf grass. 16 17 Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 50-of-111 Where rainfall exceeded the crop water requirement in a particular month, the irrigation demand was assigned a value of zero and it was assumed that no moisture is carried over to the following month. The representative irrigation demand for each major Drainage Division is summarised in Table 2. Table 2 Rainfall equivalent depth of water required by 1 ha of crop for each drainage division. Northern Drainage Divisions are shown in bold. Drainage division No. Drainage division Annual runoff coefficient1 Representative centre Weighting I NE Coast 0.2 II SE Coast 0.18 III Tasmania 0.5 IV Murray Darling Basin South Australian Gulf SW Coast Indian Ocean 0.05 Ayr Laura Emerald Taree Bairnsdale Hamilton Burnie Oatlands Echuca Narrabri Wallaroo 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.5 0.5 0.66 0.33 1.0 V VI VII 0.03 Irrigation demand by drainage division (mm/year) 696 282 356 614 752 0.05 0.03 Collie 1.0 579 Carnarvon 0.75 1206 Pardoo 0.25 VIII Timor Sea 0.16 Kununurra 0.5 1002 Katherine 0.5 IX Gulf of 0.2 Richmond 0.5 1055 Carpentaria Highbury Station 0.5 X Lake Eyre 0.03 Longreach 1.0 1130 XI Bulloo-Bancannia 0.02 Tibooburra 1.0 1183 XII Western Plateau 0.00 Minnipa Ag. Centre 0.5 989 Ernebella 0.5 1. Annual runoff coefficients are presented here. However, monthly values of RC were used to calculate PE on a monthly time step. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 51-of-111 Summary Australia’s climate is the principal factor that influenced the evolution of Australian dryland farming systems (Hook and Williams 1998), together with changing markets and prices. In southern Australia relatively low rainfall totals and high inter-annual variability mean that successful production of many higher value crops is dependent upon irrigation. In northern Australia high evaporation rates, highly seasonal and variable rainfall severely limits the range of dryland cropping. Even where there is sufficient moisture during the wet season to overcome evaporative demands, the high rainfall intensities can severely constrain agricultural operations, particularly where heavy machinery can cause direct erosion to the seed bed (Delane 1987) or soil structure. In many parts of northern Australia, these factors necessitate the need for irrigation for the production of crops, pastures and/or horticulture. However, based upon the calculations in Table 2 irrigation demand for a perennial pasture (a function of the quantity and timing of rainfall and evaporation) is higher in the northern drainage divisions (e.g. Divisions I, VIII and IX) than the southern drainage divisions. For example, 1 ha of perennial pasture grown in northern Australia (i.e. Divisions I, VIII and IX) will require between 20 and 80% more supplementary water than 1 ha of perennial pasture grown in the MDB. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 52-of-111 4 Hydrology of northern Australia This section discusses the terrestrial water balance of northern Australia with particular reference to those processes and components that are relevant to irrigation at the regional scale (Box 4.1). Box 4.1 - Regional scale water balance A water balance follows the mass balance concept, where over a certain time period the sum of the inputs, minus the outputs must be equivalent to the change in storage. What input and output components are assessed depends upon the spatial and temporal scale of investigation and objectives of the study. For example, in a crop water balance study at the paddock scale input parameters may include rainfall and irrigation. Output parameters may include: evapotranspiration, tail water drainage and deep drainage. The residual is equivalent to the change in water held in the unsaturated zone. Over the course of a week the change in soil moisture may be a significant term and hence should be measured. However, over the course of a year, the change in soil water storage is often negligible compared with the input and output parameters. This study is concerned with hydrology at the scale of northern Australia. Consequently we examine those components of the water balance that have relevance at the catchment scale. Catchment scale forms a useful integrator of many processes operating within the catchment. At the catchment scale, under ‘natural’ conditions the input parameter is precipitation (in some cases where groundwater divides do not align with catchment divides groundwater may also flow into the catchment). Output parameters are streamflow, evapotranspiration and lateral groundwater flow. The storage parameters are water stored in the groundwater and the unsaturated zone. Over the course of a year the latter parameter is considered negligible. In situations where the subsurface material has a very low permeability lateral groundwater flow is sometimes considered to be negligible. The two other terms shown below are recharge and surface runoff. If only a surface water balance were being calculated recharge may form an additional output parameter. However, caution should be exercised before ignoring the groundwater component of a waterbalance. Schematic representation of catchment scale water balance Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 53-of-111 The excess water component of rainfall (i.e. the non-evaporative component) is discussed and data from northern Australia are examined. Next recharge, usually the smaller of the two excess water components of rainfall, is examined. Because runoff (the larger of the two excess water terms) dominates streamflow in many northern Australian catchments, it is discussed within the context of streamflow, which follows a discussion on surface water – groundwater interactions. 4.1 Excess water (the non-evaporated component of rainfall) The non-evaporated component of the terrestrial water balance, often referred to as the excess water component, is that water that is discharged from the catchment as streamflow or groundwater (over a long time period). In many circumstances lateral groundwater discharge from a catchment is small relative to that flux of water that leaves the catchment as streamflow. Because of difficulties in estimating lateral groundwater discharge it is often ignored, unless the underlying groundwater system is highly transmissive. Proportioning of evaporated and excess water in northern Australian catchments Changes in transpiration in the form of clearing (Bosch and Hewlett 1982), grazing (Hanson et al. 1970) or burning (Townsend and Douglas 2000) may alter water yield and/or quality. A number of workers (e.g. Budyko (1974), Holmes and Sinclair (1986); Zhang et al. (2001)) have developed relationships between long term actual annual evapotranspiration, broad vegetation type and long term annual rainfall. These simple water balance models can be used to describe the effect of vegetation change on mean annual evapotranspiration. Here we utilise the complement to the relationship developed by Zhang et al. (2001) to place excess water observations from northern Australia into a broader context (see Box 4.2). In Figure 24 we plot the long term annual average streamflow (assumed to be a function of the long term runoff and recharge) against the long term annual catchment average rainfall for the 99 catchments in northern Australia used by Petheram et al. (2008) and shown by their streamflow gauging stations in Figure 22. These catchments were predominantly uncleared. The actual evapotranspiration curves developed by Zhang et al. (2001) did not include any study locations from northern Australia. Furthermore only about 1/5th of the studies were from regions between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer, and 1/3rd of these were from Yemen, largely a semi-arid environment (Zhang et al. 1999). The significance of this is that the savanna regions of northern Australia are not represented by the ‘fitted’ relationships. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 54-of-111 Box 4.2 – Rational function approach to evapotranspiration (Zhang et al. 2001) Rational function approach to evapotranspiration (Reproduced with permission from Zhang et al. 2001). Based upon the regional scale dependencies of evapotraspiration on rainfall and vegetation, Zhang et al. (1999; 2001) developed a simple two-parameter water balance model that related the mean annual evapotranspiration to rainfall, potential evapotranspiration and plant available water capacity. The two parameters used in the above model are the plant available water coefficient (w) and the potential evapotranspiration (E0). The plant available water coefficient represents the ability of plants to store water in the root zone for transpiration. Fitting the model to 240 catchments world wide, the best fit for forested catchments yielded E0 of 1410mm for a w value of 2, and for herbaceous plants E0 was 1100mm for a w value of 0.5. This simple water balance model has since been applied used in southern Australia to describe the effect of regional scale vegetation change on mean annual evapotranspiration and hence determine catchment yield. The underlying premise of this relationships is that at low mean annual rainfalls, actual evapotranspiration is moisture limited and there is little difference between the long term water use between trees and grass (i.e. nearly all water is used by both trees and grasses). The difference in actual evapotranspiration between trees and grasses increases with increasing mean annual rainfall as trees with their greater rooting depth are able to utilise a greater proportion of the moisture. However, at long term annual rainfall totals greater than about 1500 mm, the difference in actual evapotranspiration between forest and grass expressed as a percentage of the mean annual rainfall starts to decline (Peel et al. 2001) as radiation becomes increasingly limiting. For the north Australian data, below an annual rainfall of 800 mm the data appear to broadly follow the excess water curve for trees, although they exhibit a large degree of scatter above and below the line. Above 2000 mm rainfall, however, the data lie along the excess water curve for grasses, with the catchment with the largest annual rainfall (Russell River) almost lying on the one-to-one relationship. Reasons for this are not fully understood but may be Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 55-of-111 related to under estimates of the catchment average, long term annual rainfall (catchment average rainfall data were sourced from the SILO dataset). All of the catchments with a mean annual rainfall greater than 2000 mm are located in the wet tropics (Köppen Af and Am) region of North Queensland. It is likely that rainfall stations in this region do not account for cloud interception18; and methods for interpolating data between rainfall stations do not properly account for the high orographic induced precipitation on the steep coastal escarpments. Figure 24 Excess water curves for trees and grass (derived from Zhang et al. (1999)) and long term average streamflow and rainfall data for 99 northern Australian catchments (predominantly uncleared). 4.2 Potential recharge Recharge can be defined as being water that actually replenishes the underlying groundwater system (Zhang and Walker 1998). Water that infiltrates the soil and passes below the root zone of the vegetation is commonly referred to as potential recharge or deep drainage (Bond 1998) and may or may not be equivalent to recharge. When a soil is wetted, water flows downwards under the influence of gravity. However, after field capacity19 has been attained water may flow laterally (Eamus et al. 2006) or upwards (i.e. capillary rise) in response to moisture gradients induced by evapotranspiration (i.e. evaporation and or use of soil moisture by plants) or increased drainage may be induced. 18 With respect to their study site on Mount Bellenden Ker (North Queensland), McJannet et al. (2007) comment that “failure to account for the process of cloud interception would lead to an underestimate of water inputs of up to 66% on a monthly basis and 30% over the longer term”. 19 The maximum amount of water that a soil can hold before it drains downward due to gravity. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 56-of-111 Very few studies have inferred deep drainage or recharge in northern Australia. However, studies by Cook et al. (1998) and Wilson et al. (2006) suggest that in the wet and wet-dry tropics of northern Australia recharge rates may be high, even under native vegetation (i.e. up to 200 mm/yr). In these regions recharge is highly seasonal due to high year round evaporation rates and the high seasonality of rainfall (as observed by Jolly and Chin 1991, Cook et al. 1998 and many others). The large magnitude and high seasonality of recharge can result in large intra-annual groundwater table fluctuations (see for example Figure 25) , with watertables declining over the subsequent dry winter months due to evapotranspiration (i.e. direct evaporation and water use by phreatic20 vegetation) and lateral groundwater flow into surface water bodies (i.e. creeks, wetlands and the ocean). In the Howard River catchment in the Northern Territory (mean annual rainfall of 1585 mm), Cook et al. (1998) observed annual groundwater level variations of approximately 7 m, while Jolly and Chin (1991) have observed groundwater levels to rise by as much as 10 m seasonally elsewhere in the wet-dry tropics of the Northern Territory. Fluctuations of this magnitude in localised surficial aquifers may result in groundwater levels approaching the ground surface, as observed by Cook et al. (1998). In a region of central Kansas (USA) with relatively shallow watertables (i.e. < 5 m), Sophocleous (1992) found watertable depth in the Spring months to be one of the most influential variables affecting recharge. Figure 25 Groundwater level measurements (blue dots) and inferred groundwater level (black dotted line) in the Tindal Limestone Aquifer in the Daly geologic basin (RN029429). The ground surface is shown by the horizontal green line. The red line indicates rainfall mass residual curve (Katherine Council). Data provided by Steven Tickell (NT Government). 20 Vegetation that sources some or all of its water from groundwater Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 57-of-111 Recharge mechanisms and controlling factors The highly seasonal input of rainfall and recharge in the wet and wet-dry tropics of northern Australia may result in a preference for different recharge mechanisms to those that may occur in temperate climates. For example, preferential flow processes may occur during episodes of saturation excess where water may by-pass the soil matrix through macro-pores. By-pass flow is thought to only operate under conditions where the matrix is saturated (Eamus et al. 2006). In an uncleared portion of the Daly catchment (Northern Territory) Wilson et al. (2006) inferred that 70% of recharge to the underlying Oolloo Dolostone aquifer occurred via preferential/bypass flow, mostly likely through small depressions rather than ‘sink holes’, which can be common in some carbonate settings (carbonate rocks, including limestone, with extensive dissolution features are commonly referred to as karstic). However, the authors reasoned that because: 1) recharge was inferred (through measurement and numerical modelling) to increase by a factor of two to four times under cleared land (i.e. from 50-200 mm to 300-540 mm); and 2) that the quantity of preferential/bypass flow should remain the same under both vegetation types, the portion of recharge occurring via bypass flow and matrix flow may be reversed in areas of cleared land. Nevertheless this study and similar observations in the Tindal Limestone by Tickell (2002) indicates that bypass flow may be a major recharge mechanism at least in some carbonate Karstic regions in northern Australia and because of this the change in recharge may be less for different vegetation types than that in southern Australia (as highlighted by Petheram et al. 2002 – see Figure 26). The results of Wilson et al. (2006) are consistent with those of Williams et al. (1997), who, using the soil water balance model PERFECT (Littleboy et al. 1989), inferred an increase in deep drainage of between 2-3 times when woodlands were replaced with pasture in the Burdekin Catchment (i.e. wet-dry tropics). No other studies have inferred deep drainage/recharge through measurement under different vegetation types in northern Australia. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 58-of-111 300 Annuals - Long-term Perennials - Long-term Grassland Trees - Long-term 250 Annuals - Single year Recharge (mm/year) Trees - Single year Excess water curve 200 Trees 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Rainfall (mm/year) Figure 26 Potential annual recharge under annual, perennial and native vegetation for southern Australia (reproduced from Petheram et al. 2002). Dotted lines indicate excess water curves of Zhang et al. (2001) which form hypothetical long term upper bounds to recharge. Circles indicate measurements of preferential flow as observed/stated by the original author. Potential recharge in semi-arid/arid environments In semi-arid and arid zones of northern Australia (i.e. < 800 mm/yr in Northern Territory), which encompass nearly all of the internally draining drainage divisions, long term average recharge rates are typically low, i.e. < 1mm/year (e.g. Harrington et al. 2002). Recharge rates appear to be greatest along (ephemeral) river channels and landscape depressions, where runoff is sufficiently concentrated that it can overcome evaporative demands (Jolly and Chin 1991; Harrington et al. 2002). These irregular/intermittent recharge events may result in a rise in groundwater levels of between 0.01 to 1 m (Jolly and Chin 1991). Recharge zones may also be strongly correlated with large scale topography. This is in part because of the correlation between rainfall amount and topography and that topography driven zones of saturation enable surface runoff to be concentrated in quantities sufficient to overcome evaporative demands and soil deficits, and may then recharge through ephemeral stream channels (Harington et al. 2002). A well documented example is the Liverpool Plains region of northern NSW, where surface runoff from the hills neighbouring the plains, recharges the underlying aquifer system through alluvial fans at the foot of the ranges Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 59-of-111 (Stauffacher et al. 1997). In the intermediate and regional scale Mesozoic-Tertiary Carpentaria and Laura Basins of Cape York (Horn et al. 1995) and the more southerly Jurassic-Cretaceous Great Artesian Basins (Anon. 1987) of central northern Australia, recharge zones occur on the upper slopes of the GDR where the water bearing aquifers outcrop and are ‘exposed’. During geological Periods of wetter climates and/or in basins where there was subsequent deposition and diagenesis of sediments of very low permeability, recharge is thought to have occurred in places in northern and central Australia where recharge is negligible today. This can result in isolated volumes of ancient groundwater, commonly referred to as ‘fossil’ water. Sustainable yield of groundwater Sustainable yield remains an enigma to many in its definition and concept as well as in its application. At the turn of the twentieth century a concept analogous to ‘sustainable yield’ was that of ‘safe yield’. Lee (1915) defined ‘safe yield’ as “the limit to the quantity of water which can be withdrawn regularly and permanently without dangerous depletion of the storage reserve”. Meinzer (1920) defined ‘safe yield’ as “…the practicable rate of withdrawing water from it (the aquifer) primarily for human use”. Over the last hundred years the term, definition and concept of sustainable yield has changed considerably, as documented by Kalf and Woolley (2005) and summarised here. Later concepts of the term attempted to factor in economics (e.g. Meinzer 1923), water quality (e.g. Stuart 1945), legality (Anon. 1961) and various permutations of these. Others tried to make the definition more concise (Todd 1959), while others focused on trying to remove some of the ambiguity that plagues the concept and the language used to describe it (e.g. ASCE 1961). The term sustainable yield came into use in the 1980s (Kalf and Woolley 2005). Bredehoeft et al. (1982) and Bredehoeft (1997) proposed that sustainable groundwater extraction should be based upon groundwater discharge and not natural groundwater recharge. This remains an important point today. However, many water agencies around the world (and in Australia) are still struggling to evaluate environmental groundwater requirements. Many define sustainable yield in terms of the average recharge rate of an aquifer in order to balance longterm groundwater withdrawal and recharge for human use. However, these definitions fail to account for the environmental goods and services provided by naturally occurring groundwater discharge. With increasing awareness of environmental water requirements and changing community values, ultimately the concept of ‘sustainable yield’ is moving towards capturing the essence of sustainability i.e. “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland Report 1987). This Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 60-of-111 requires a holistic approach, which includes an evaluation of bio-physical parameters (e.g. groundwater discharge, induced recharge and groundwater storage) as well as environmental water requirements where water can only be extracted to meet ones needs if it does not compromise the needs of future generations. Nevertheless the term remains contentious and steeped in ambiguity. An example of a large sedimentary basin with a low ‘sustainable yield’ relative to its surface area is the GAB. The GAB is one of the worlds largest aquifer systems storing approximately 8 700 000 GL (NLWRA 2000). It predominantly recharges in the north east where the primary aquifer, the Jurassic sandstones, outcrops. Approximately 600 GL/yr of groundwater is extracted from the GAB, yet the system is considered to be fully developed (NLWRA 2000). Distributed across the entire basin the ‘sustainable yield’ volume (see Figure 27) equates to less than 0.1 mm/yr (Warner 1986). This highlights that the stored volume of water in an aquifer is relatively meaningless quantity, within the context of sustainable development. Figure 27 illustrates the sustainable yield of the major groundwater provinces in GL / year. It should be noted that different definitions of sustainable yield have been used by the States and in some cases environmental provisions have yet to be properly incorporated into these volumes (NLWRA 200021). In the North East Queensland province large volumes of groundwater are found in local/intermediate scale unconsolidated systems. Figure 27 21 22 ‘Sustainable’ yield of groundwater provinces. Source: (NLWRA 200022).®ion_code=AUS&info=availability Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 61-of-111 Connectivity of surface water – groundwater systems It is increasingly recognised that groundwater and surface water systems are interconnected (Figure 28) and interchangeable where development of either resource affects the quantity and quality of the other (e.g. Winter et al. 1998; Alley et al. 1999; Fullagar 2004). Figure 28 Gaining, loosing streams. Source: Adapted from Alley et al. (1999). Double accounting of water invariably results in economic losses to downstream users and reduces the flows available to in-stream and estuarine ecological systems at some future time. The concept of connectivity between surface and groundwater systems is not new and has been discussed in the academic literature for many decades (e.g. Glover and Balmer 1954; Jenkins 1968) and prominent water resource publications. For example, the Anon. (1976) review of Australia’s water resources states “In the past, groundwater and surface water Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 62-of-111 have tended to be viewed as separate resources, as a result, no doubt, of inherent differences in their modes of occurrence, assessment and development. Yet they are often hydraulically connected, and in any event, are complementary components of a single large system, the hydrologic cycle. Thus in assessing the water resources of a region, independent measurements of groundwater and surface water yield are not necessarily additive”. In some parts of Australia, warnings of the connectivity of surface and groundwater systems (e.g. Anon.1976) have gone unheeded for many decades and as a result in the more populous regions the same portion of water has in effect been allocated twice, once as groundwater and again as surface water. This is commonly referred to as double accounting or double allocation of water. In most states of Australia, groundwater and surface water allocations had been made independently of one another, often by different departments or agencies (Fullagar 2004). As a result, in some parts of Australia where surface water allocation have been capped, landholders could still obtain a groundwater licence in the same surface water catchment (Evans 2005). It has taken increased competition and scarcity of water in the southern States to highlight the importance of understanding the temporal and spatial connectivity between surface and groundwater systems to water managers, policy makers and water allocation planners. Unfortunately because of the time lags associated with lateral groundwater flow trying to retrospectively address these problems in a fair and equitable manner is both technically and socially challenging. In doing so not only do catchment managers need to consider current surface and groundwater use, they also need be mindful of impacts of the activation of groundwater ‘sleeper’ licences (Fullagar 2004). Due to variations in watertable elevation and hydrogeological heterogeneity, the connectivity of particular reaches of a river to the underlying groundwater system may vary from being well connected through to being poorly connected (e.g. Figure 29). Largely because of the uncertainties associated with groundwater recharge, discharge and flow there is a growing cautionary consensus that in the first instance and at the catchment scale it should be assumed that 1 megalitre of groundwater should equal 1 megalitre of surface water, unless proven otherwise (e.g. Fullagar 2004). However, there may be mitigating factors. For example where vegetation usage of groundwater is high (e.g. in some parts of the arid and tropical zones) this may considerably reduce the impact of groundwater pumping on stream flow (Evans 2005), causing adverse impacts on any GDE. The connectivity of surface and groundwater systems is not just confined to water quantity issues but also quality/chemistry. Groundwater chemistry and surface water chemistry cannot be dealt with separately (e.g. see Winter et al. 1998). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review The issue of cross- 63-of-111 contamination of surface and groundwater bodies is particularly prevalent to the irrigation industry. Figure 29 Connectivity of surface and groundwater systems at the reach and catchment scale. In the extreme situation in Figure 30 the impacts on downstream users would be very similar to that if water were extracted directly from the river. However, where production bores are situated further from the river, particularly in large intermediate and regional groundwater systems, the effects may go un-noticed for many decades because of the time lags associated with groundwater flow. Even once the issue of double allocation has been addressed, the impact may continue for many decades until the groundwater system has been sufficiently replenished. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 64-of-111 Figure 30 Installing a groundwater production bore adjacent to a river (Photograph provided by Dr Rick Evans, SKM). It should be noted that sometimes this practice is also motivated by water quality issues, where the sediments in the streambank act as a natural filter. The time lag between groundwater pumping and having an effect on a nearby surface water body may vary from days to decades depending upon the nature of the groundwater flow system and the distance of pumping from the river (Figure 31). For example, in a homogenous, unconfined aquifer, where groundwater flow occurs through the aquifer matrix, the time delay is proportion to the square of the flow length (Evans 2005). In groundwater systems where preferential flow occurs (e.g. paleochannels, jointing) the time lag may be less. What is particularly important to note is that regardless of the distance of the bore from the stream, for a given extraction the eventual impact on the quantity of water in the stream is always the same. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 65-of-111 Figure 31 Diagram illustrating time lags associated with groundwater extraction and lateral groundwater flow. With many of northern Australia’s water resources largely unallocated for human use (NLWRA 2000), the ‘North’ has a unique opportunity to learn from the successes and mistakes made in the south of Australia and overseas. One clear lesson is that proper management of the water resources of northern Australia requires a good understanding of the spatial and temporal links between surface and groundwater systems. In northern Australia these linkages can be difficult to estimate owing to a combination of low topographic relief (i.e. groundwater gradients may not necessarily be reflective of the current topographic surface), complex hydrogeology, potentially strong transpiration component and the scale of the North. Where groundwater discharge does occur it can be a very important source of water to local communities (e.g. Ngukurr community, NT; Jolly et. al. 2004) and ecosystems (e.g. O’Grady et al. 2006) during the winter dry season. However, mapping subsurface hydrogeological features controlling zones of localised discharge is extremely difficult. Not only are these connections difficult to identify, but they are also difficult to quantify. Consequently information on the spatial, temporal and degree of connectivity of these surface water expressions to the underlying groundwater systems is very sparse. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 66-of-111 4.3 Streamflow and runoff Stream flow is comprised of surface runoff and groundwater discharge into the stream. Because streamflow in many north Australian rivers is dominated by surface runoff, rather than discuss the runoff term separately it is discussed here within the context of streamflow. Relatively few studies have documented the streamflow and runoff characteristics of catchments in northern Australia. Most studies have focused primarily on fluvial sedimentation and erosion (e.g. Prosser et al. 2002; Fielding et al. 2004), particularly with respect to the geomorphologic regimes of northern estuaries (e.g. Coleman and Wright 1978; Chappell 1993; Wolanski and Chappell 1996), sediment and nutrient delivery to the GBR (e.g. Moss et al. 1992; Neil et al. 2002; Brodie and Mitchell 2005; McKergow et al. 2005) or ecological assessment (e.g. Pusey and Arthington 1996; Erskine et al. 2003). The applicability of results from continental scale analysis of Australian and global streamflow datasets to northern Australia is limited by a lack of flow data for this region (e.g. McMahon 1982; McMahon et al. 1987, Haines et al. 1988; Finlayson and McMahon, 1992; McMahon et al. 1992; Dettinger and Diaz 2000; Peel et al. 2001, 2002a, 2004a). For this reason Petheram et al. (2008) assembled a database of 99 rivers from across northern Australia to assess their general flow characteristics with respect to development. The discussion presented here draws heavily on the findings of their work. To put their results into a broader context Petheram et al. (2008) compared their data with data from the RoW23 for the same Köppen classes and data from southern Australia (i.e. represented by Köppen classes Csa, Csb, Cfb, Cfc, BSh and BSk). To provide an appropriate basis for comparison and wider interpretation of the results of their analyses, they stratified the results by Köppen climate type. The 7 Köppen classes of northern Australia are shown along with the 99 catchments of Petheram et al. (2008) in Figure 22 (the catchments are shown by their stream gauging stations). This section discusses key flow characteristics of rivers in northern Australia: duration of flow; seasonality, runoff coefficients, inter-annual variability of flow, annual flow series, and flow characteristics of relevance to water harvesting. Duration of flow Few rivers across northern Australia exhibit perennial behaviour (Figure 32). Notable exceptions are the rivers in the wet tropics region (Figure 32) of Drainage Division I, where some rivers flow all year round (e.g. North and South Johnston, Herbert). In the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia (Drainage Divisions VII, VIII, IX), many winter months without rainfall result in most water courses being ephemeral in nature (Figure 32). In the database assembled by Petheram et al. (2008), of the 99 rivers examined as part of their study, 80% 23 In this report, RoW incorporates rivers from all continents excluding those located in Australia. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 67-of-111 were ephemeral (or intermittent) in nature on the monthly time step; with more than 50% having no flow for greater than 35% of the time. Petheram et al. (2008) also found that the proportion of months with no flow (PMF=0) for northern Australia (median value of 35%) was greater than the PMF=0 for southern Australia (median value of 0%) and for the three major Köppen classes represented in northern Australia (Aw, BSh, BWh) from the RoW dataset (median value of 0%). In the wet-dry tropics, for rivers to exhibit perennial behaviour, groundwater inflow must be greater than evaporative demand to sustain year round flow. In northern Australia, west of the Gulf of Carpentaria this primarily occurs in those rivers in carbonate karstic environments, namely the Katherine-Daly River (NT) and the Gregory and Lawn Hill Rivers (Qld), although small base flows also occur in drainage lines in Cretaceous sandstones e.g. Arnhem Land (Jolly and Chin 1991). Along the western side of Cape York the Pascoe, Wenlock and Jardine Rivers, which are located within siliclastic sedimentary systems, are the only rivers to exceed 1 ML/day during the dry season (Horn 1995). The Jardine, which drains extensive Quaternary sand deposits, is of particular significance as it has the highest baseflows of any river in Queensland (Horn 1995). Smaller perennial rivers include the Archer, Holroyd and the upper reaches of the Palmer River. While there are numerous estuaries along the coastal margins of northern Australia with permanent water, these are largely brackish (following the ecological definition of an estuary) and in most parts of northern Australia subject to large tidal inundation (see Section 2.3). A number of streams and rivers in the north of Australia have reaches with permanent pools of water or seeps during the dry season. These pools are usually disconnected and the reaches do not flow. In most cases the existence of these waterholes appears to be due to surface flows from the previous wet season, with little evidence of groundwater contribution (Bunn et al. 2006). In the Lake Eyre Basin, Costelloe et al. (2007) found the persistence of waterholes in to be primarily dependent upon the depth when flow ceased. In the arid zone, streams and rivers are generally classified as being intermittent, that is they may only flow every few years, largely a function of the high inter-annual variability in rainfall. Nearly all rivers in the arid zone are losing, regardless of time of year. For example, in a study of the Lake Eyre basin, Costelloe et al. (2006) found average transmission losses of approximately 80% in mid-catchment reaches of the Cooper Creek and Diamantina River during low to medium sized floods. However, it should be noted that infiltration of river water through the banks and beds of surface waterbodies in arid and semi-arid zones (i.e. initial losses) can be a very important form of recharge to underlying groundwater systems (Jolly and Chin 1991). These localised zones of recharge are the few locations where water is able to concentrate sufficiently to over-come evaporative demands. Hence the harvesting of river water in these regions may have implications to underlying groundwater systems. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 68-of-111 Figure 32 Perennial (blue) and ephemeral (yellow) streamflow around Australia. Major drainage division are illustrated by thin black line. Source: Geosciences Australia. Inset: flow duration curves for 5 rivers representative of the major Köppen climate zones across northern Australia; 1 – Köppen Am/Af; 2 – Köppen Aw in carbonate karstic setting; 3 – Köppen Aw non-carbonate karstic setting; 4 – Köppen BSh; 5 – Köppen BWh. Seasonality When the rivers of northern Australia do flow, most of their flow occurs during a relatively short period of time (Figure 33). In more than 90% of the stations examined by Petheram et al. (2008) the mean flow during the peak 3 month period was greater than 59% of the mean annual flow and in half of the stations examined the mean flow during the peak 3 month period was greater than 80% of the mean annual flow. The three major Köppen classes represented across northern Australia demonstrated little difference in the percentage of mean annual flow that occurred during the peak 3 month period (Peak3m). The median Peak3m for northern Australia (median value of 81%) was observed to be greater than the median Peak3m for southern Australia (median value of 46%) and for the RoW (median value of 59%) for the same Köppen class (Petheram et al. 2008). The Am and Af Köppen zones of northern Australia (the Wet Tropics), that exist because of orographic induced precipitation during the dry season, have a weaker seasonal streamflow signal (median Peak3m of 55%, n = 3) than the three major Köppen classes represented across the North. However, it should be noted that their seasonal streamflow signal is Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 69-of-111 slightly stronger than that from Am and Af Köppen zones from RoW (median Peak3m of 42%; n = 88). Seventy-five percent of those gauging stations north of the Tropic of Capricorn (84) recorded their highest flows during the January to March period. Anomalies are likely to be due to sampling variability. The only region of consistent spatial difference was the Wet Tropics region along the North Queensland coast, which appears to have highest flow during the February to April period. These observations agree with Haines et al. (1988) who identified 14 annual flow regimes around the globe, two of which, the ‘extreme late Summer and ‘early Autumn’ were identified as occurring in northern Australia. The latter of these two regimes was confined to the ‘Wet Tropics’ region along the North Queensland coast. Unlike the MDB, which with its large latitudinal extent encompasses a number of broad climatic zones, the externally draining coastal divisions of northern Australia have relatively short flow lengths with most rivers falling in a single climatic zone. These divisions are largely located within a zone of tropical convergence, which typically have large seasonal streamflow gradients (Dettinger and Diaz, 2000). The size, shape, longitudinal range of Australia and the position of the GDR (i.e. along the eastern seaboard), are likely to be secondary factors influencing the seasonality of streamflow across most of the North and may explain why seasonal streamflow in the three major Köppen classes of northern Australia are higher than similar Köppen classes from the RoW (many stations of which are also located in zones of tropical convergence). During the dry season, anti-cyclonic circulation centred over central Australia ensures that most of the North is subject to dry, stable air. These anti-clockwise winds are readily heated as they move across the large expanse of the hot, dry, flat continental interior, and play an important role in evaporation and the removal of excess water (Gentilli 1986). The proximity of the GDR to the north-east coast of Australia ensures that precipitation from tropical easterlies is limited to the coastal escarpments and that easterly moving air is much drier on the inland side of the GDR. As a consequence of these factors there is an absence of large permanent water bodies and other long term natural storage (e.g. snow, glaciers) within the northern interior of the continent, further compounding the strong seasonal climatic signal. The lack of natural storage capacity within the northern Australian landscape results in minimal lag between the peak precipitation month and the peak streamflow month (Peak1m). Dettinger and Diaz (2000), observed a lag of less than 1 month for northern Australia (the minimum threshold reported). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 70-of-111 Figure 33 Monthly specific discharge (monthly volume / catchment area) for selected rivers in northern Australia (left-right Jan-Dec). Pink arrows indicate approximate gauge location. Background colour indicates surface elevation (high – brown; low – blue). White line indicates southern limit of summer dominant flow regions proposed by Haines et al. (1988). Dashed black line indicates Tropic of Capricorn. Black lines indicate major Drainage Division boundaries. White dotted line indicates the Wet tropics region. Streamflow gauges 8140010 and 912105 are located within carbonate rock formations. Data averaged over a minimum of 10 years Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 71-of-111 The highly seasonal nature of streamflow in northern Australia means that permanent settlements and/or irrigation during the dry season will require storage structures if suitable groundwater resources are absent. Where adaptive water management practices are employed and water allocations are based upon recent and predicted rainfall and streamflow trends, the highly seasonal nature of streamflow in northern Australia may enable post wet season water allocations to be granted with a relatively high degree of certainty. Runoff coefficients Australia is the world’s driest inhabited continent with the lowest annual runoff volumes, on average 11% of rainfall (Table 3; Figure 34). The greatest annual volumes of runoff per square kilometre occur along the narrow and relatively small humid zone of the wet tropics region, North Queensland, where orographic uplift due to steep coastal escarpments generates high rainfall totals and along the west coast of Tasmania (Division III). The internally draining, Drainage Division X and the zone of un-co-ordinated drainage, Drainage Division XII, experience little to no runoff, except in those rare years where cyclonic depressions extend considerable distances inland. Figure 34 Mean annual runoff map of Australia (Source: NLWRA 200024) and the average runoff coefficient (runoff / precipitation) for each drainage division (Roman numerals). Runoff coefficients derived from the NLWRA 2000 rainfall and runoff data. 24®ion_code=AUS&info=availability Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 72-of-111 Runoff coefficients (i.e. the ratio of runoff to rainfall) across northern Australia vary from almost 0% during the dry season over much of the arid and semi-arid in-land regions to over 80% in northern humid regions. In the tropics of North Queensland where the soil maintains near saturated conditions during December to mid-June, Bonell et al. (1983) observed that surface runoff occurs almost instantaneously during this period. The 99 streamflow gauging stations used by Petheram et al. (2008) had a long term median runoff coefficient of 0.13. Runoff events in the wet-dry tropics and arid regions of northern Australia appear to be highly dependent upon the timing and intensity of rainfall. For example in the Station Creek 2 catchment, (size 148 km ; Köppen Aw) approximately 30 km inland and west of Townsville, on two consecutive (rain) years runoff coefficients were 0.4% and 19.5% for annual rainfalls of 333 mm/year and 363 mm/year respectively (Post et al. 2006). Inter-annual variability Inter-annual variability of runoff in Australia has been a subject of great interest to scientists and engineers as it has considerable ecological importance (e.g. Pusey and Arthington 1996) and great significance to design of water storage (e.g. McMahon 1975) and conveyance structures and the location of urban centres. Petheram et al. (2008) observed the variability in runoff from rivers in northern Australia to be between 2 and 3 times that of rivers located in similar Köppen climates from the rest of the world and between 10 and 30% greater than southern Australia for the same mean annual runoff (Figure 35). This finding is similar to the results from a series of studies over the last 30 years (e.g. McMahon 1978, McMahon 1982, Finlayson and McMahon 1988, McMahon et al. 1987, McMahon and Finlayson 1988, McMahon et al. 1992) that found there to be significant differences between the variability in runoff between southern Australia and southern Africa and the Rest of the World. More recent work by Peel et al. (2001, 2004) using databases of global precipitation and runoff found that the variability of runoff in temperate Australia to be significantly higher than for other continents in the Köppen climatic zones Csb, Cfa, Cfb. Peel et al. (2001) suggested that not all of the observed variability in runoff in (southern) Australia and Southern Africa (ASF) could be attributed to variability in precipitation. They proposed that another key factor in the variability of runoff in ASF may be the prevalence of evergreen vegetation in temperate zones of the southern hemisphere and deciduous vegetation in temperate zones of the northern hemisphere. Mechanisms for why the variability in runoff may be greater under evergreen than deciduous vegetation are unclear, but lysimetery (Penman 1967) and catchment water balance studies (Bosch and Hewlett 1982) suggest that actual evapotranspiration is greater from evergreen vegetation than deciduous vegetation. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 73-of-111 10 North Australia RoW Southern Australia -0.319 y = 3.40x Annual Cv -0.224 y = 2.68x Mean annual runoff (mm) 1 0.1 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 -0.140 y = 0.718x 0.1 0 Figure 35 Coefficient of variation of annual streamflows versus mean annual runoff comparing North Australian rivers (red symbol and line) with those for equivalent climate zones from the Rest of the World (blue symbol and line) and with southern Australian river (brown symbol and line) (without climate class differentiation) (The equations in the figure are not weighted for record length.). Reproduced from Petheram et al. (2008). Evergreen vegetation is also prevalent in northern Australia, which is apparently anomalous to other wet-dry tropical regions of the world (Bowman and Prior 2005). The prevalence of evergreen vegetation in northern Australia has been attributed to a lack of key nutrients (namely phosphorous) in ‘ancient’ Australian soils and the high seasonality of rainfall, resulting in vegetation that does not re-grow leaves annually (Bowman and Prior 2005). The difference in Cv between northern Australia (e.g. Wet Tropics) and southern Australia (e.g. Tasmania) at higher runoff is most likely due to different Köppen climates (i.e. different rainfall patterns and evaporative demand). In regions with a high evaporative demand (e.g. northern Australia) runoff generation is more dependent upon the timing and intensity of rainfall than in regions with a low evaporative demand. Another factor that may potentially contribute to the higher Cv in runoff in northern Australia than southern Australia in high rainfall zones may be the prevalence of Aboriginal and natural burning in the North (Williams 1991): Annual grasses and herbaceous vegetation in the understorey of tropical savanna ecosystems cover approximately two million km2 across northern Australia (Beringer et al. 2003). The understorey of these savanna ecosystems, which have been measured to contribute approximately 80% of wet season vapour flux (Hutley et. al. 2001) are particularly prone to fire, it has been estimated that between 1990 and 1999 on average approximately Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 74-of-111 300 000 km2 of northern savannas were burnt each year (Russell-Smith et al. 2003). A reduction in transpiration from tropical savannas immediately following fire has been observed in northern Australia (Beringer et al. 2003) and based upon observations of increased water yield due to a reduction in transpiration elsewhere (Brown et al. 2005) it seems reasonable that in northern Australia this too may result in an increase in water yield. However, studies to date are inconclusive. For example, in a ‘paired’ catchment study spanning 3 years in Kakadu National Park, Townsend and Douglas (2000) could not identify a discernable difference in water yield between an early burnt (area 18 km2), late burnt (area 6.7 km2) and unburnt catchment (area 6.6 km2). Implications of high inter-annual variability for irrigation in the North High inter-annual variability of streamflow is of great significance to the design of water storage structures. If the discharge of rivers was constant or varied only within narrow limits, there would be no need to construct large dams to regulate flow over the season or years. Water storages may still be required to provide for variations in demand but would not have to be as large as they would where variation in flow is high. The greater the variation in flow from season to season and from year to year, the greater the amount of storage required to reduce the fluctuations and to assure that the demand can be met at most times. For all other factors held equal, the required storage capacity is approximately proportional to the square of the variability in runoff (McMahon 1975). Annual sequences of flow, persistence and drought ‘Lag-1 serial autocorrelation coefficient’ (ρ) is a measure of how consecutive flows are correlated and is in effect a measure of persistence. In a positive autocorrelation series, positive departures from the mean tend to be followed by positive departures from the mean and negative departures from the mean tend to be followed by negative departures from the mean. A negative autocorrelation series tends to have positive departures from the mean followed by negative departures from the mean and vice versa. Series with a zero autocorrelation exhibit no correlation between consecutive values. Positive autocorrelation series are also referred to as persistence and in hydrology is indicative of carry-over storage in the landscape (e.g. snow melt). In hydrology there is no physical explanation for series with a negative correlation between values and it may reflect short record lengths. In a global study of 1221 rivers McMahon et al. (2007b) observed an inverse relationship between lag 1 serial auto correlation and streamflow record length. In their study of 99 rivers across northern Australia, Petheram et al. (2008) calculated that 72% of rivers exhibited a negative autocorrelation coefficient, most likely a consequence of the short length of streamflow records. Of the 99 rivers, only 8 had ρ values that were statistically different from zero at the 5% level (the expected value would be 5). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 75-of-111 Petheram et al. (2008) also examined three metrics of drought in northern Australia: drought length (number of consecutive years of streamflow below the median), drought magnitude (the largest negative deviation from the median in each ‘run’ of dry years) and drought severity (the product of the drought length and the drought magnitude). The details of their findings are presented elsewhere (Petheram et al. 2008). In summary, drought length for northern Australia was found to be consistent with that of a first order linear autoregressive model ((AR(1)) and hence they concluded that drought length in northern Australia was not unusual compared with other similar parts of the world in any way. Drought magnitude, was found to be greater than other parts of the world for the same climate types. Petheram et al. (2008) observed that drought magnitude in northern Australia was related to the coefficient of variability of runoff, a result consistent with Peel et al. (2005) in their global analysis of runs of years of annual precipitation and runoff equal to or below the median (i.e. drought). Because northern Australia has a considerably higher coefficient of variability of runoff than other parts of the world for the same climate type, one may infer that drought magnitude would also be greater. Streamflow drought severity was found to be greater in northern Australia than similar climatic regions of the world due to the high drought magnitude (see Peel et al. 2005 for comparison by Köppen class) and ‘normal’25 drought length. The implications of these findings are that agricultural enterprises seeking to source water from rivers in northern Australia should especially establish contingency measures for the relatively likely event of severe drought. Potential for water harvesting There is growing interest in the concept of irrigation mosaics for northern Australia i.e. patches of irrigation distributed across the landscape (Paydar et al. 2007; Cook et al. 2007). Where there is no suitable groundwater, water for this form of irrigation development would most likely be ‘harvested’ from rivers during suitable flow events and stored in on-farm storages. Petheram et al. (2008) used Base Flow Index (BFI), Flow Duration Curves (FDC) and Spells Analysis to gain insight into low flow characteristics of north Australian rivers so as to assess the potential to harvest water for on-farm storage. FDC have already been briefly discussed therefore this section provides an outline of BFI and Spells Analysis only. Continuous daily stream flow data were used and aspects of these analyses are discussed below. 25 Consistent with that of a first order linear autoregressive model (AR(1) Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 76-of-111 Base Flow Index BFI is a dimensionless index, defined as the volume of slow flow divided by the volume of total flow (Nathan and McMahon 1992). It can be used to provide a measure of shape of the hydrograph and the opportunity to harvest river flow. The task of separating baseflow (sub-surface flow) from river discharge data has many practical difficulties (Appleby 1970; Kirchner 2003) and a variety of methods exist (Nathan and McMahon 1990; Chapman 1999; Eckhardt 2005). This study utilised the Lyne and Hollick digital filter (Grayson et al. 1996). While the quick and slow flow responses resulting from the application of this method have little physical reality (slow flow may be comprised of both interflow and baseflow), the filter has been widely applied and there is a considerable body of data available for comparative purposes (e.g. Lacey 1996). An example of quick and slow flow separation is illustrated in Figure 36 for a river in the wetdry tropics draining carbonate rocks (A) and a river in the Arid zone (B). Chart A is indicative of a river with a high natural storage and Chart B is indicative of a river with limited natural storage. Figure 36 Quick (blue line) and slow (pink line) flow response using the Lyne and Hollick digital filter for a river in the wet-dry tropics (A) and a river in the arid zone (B) over a 3 month period. Petheram et al. (2008) separated quick and slow flow using the Lyne and Hollick digital filter (Grayson et al. 1996) at 99 gauging stations across the north of Australia, the results are illustrated in Figure 37. Based upon the data in this figure it can be seen that most rivers Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 77-of-111 across northern Australia have a low BFI (i.e. < 0.4), which is indicative of short duration, high intensity rainfall events, a lack of topographical relief (Lacey 1996) and rivers with limited natural storage (e.g. wetlands) and a poor connection to the underlying groundwater system26 (e.g. Chart B in Figure 36). Here stream flow is largely a function of surface runoff and hence exhibits seasonal characteristics similar to that of the climate. Also plotted on this figure are 330 catchments from southern Australia (data provided by Dr Francis Chiew, CSIRO Land and Water). 1.00 SA (Koppen Cfa Cfb Cfc Csa Csb) Koppen Af & Am 0.80 Koppen Aw Koppen BWh Koppen BSh 0.60 BFI Koppen Cwa Koppen Cfa 0.40 0.20 0.00 1 10 100 Mean annual discharge (10^6m^3) 1000 10000 Figure 37 Baseflow Index plotted against mean annual discharge and stratified by Köppen class. BFI data for southern Australia (SA) were provided by Dr Francis Chiew (pers. comm. using data from Peel et al. 2000). This figure was reproduced from Petheram et al. (2008). Spells Analysis Spells Analysis (Nathan and McMahon 1990) is used to characterise the nature of periods of flow above and/or below a certain threshold (i.e. ‘a spell’) and Spells Analysis indicators are commonly used to describe the environmental flow regimes/requirement of rivers and to compare natural and regulated flow regimes (e.g. SKM 2005). Common indices include: mean Spell Number (average number of low/high flow spells), mean Spells Duration (mean length of low/high flow spell); and Spells Interval (measure of time between high and low flow spells). In the absence of consensus on appropriate ecological flow indicators (Arthington et al. 2006) and a paucity of information on meaningful ecological threshold values for northern Australia, Petheram et al. (2008) chose a threshold value of zero and adopted the intent of 26 It should be noted that many rivers across northern Australia have wetlands in their lower reaches. However, gauging stations are often located above these to avoid the affects of tides, which are large across much of the North. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 78-of-111 current Northern Territory approach that at least 80% of the flow in any part of a river should be allocated to the environment. An additional restriction on water extraction was adopted in that water can only be extracted from the falling limb of a hydrograph and hence ‘a Spell’ is registered after each peak in the hydrograph and lasts until the next increase in flow or until flow ceases. Variations to this restriction have been recommended by studies on environmental flow requirements in northern Australia (e.g. Erskine et al. 2003) and elsewhere. Petheram et al. (2008) found that Mean Spell duration varies little between Köppen classes. However, mean Spell frequency and mean annual extraction decreases with increasing aridity. Median mean annual extraction (Em) under the previously mentioned restrictions for the Aw, BSh and BWh Köppen classes were found to be 28, 4 and 1 mm/year depth equivalent respectively. Based upon these values and the following assumptions; • irrigation water requirements (Irrreq) of 10 (Aw), 15 (BSh) and 20 ML / ha (BWh) per year; • an average dam depth (Dd) of 4 m; • net evaporative loss (Evapdepth) of 0.7 (Aw), 1.3 (BSh) and 1.8 m / yr (BWh) and ignoring conveyance losses; Equations 5 and 6 can be used to approximate the catchment area (CA) (ha) required to generate sufficient runoff to irrigate 1 ha of land using on-farm dams. CA = Irrreq × 1 + Evapvol (5) E m × K1 where K1 is a unit conversion factor, which in this case is equal to 10 000 (to convert units to ha) and Evapvol (ML) is the volume of water lost to evaporation and is equal to; Evapvol = Irrreq × 1 Dd − Evap depth × Evap depth (6) Contributing areas of approximately 45, 560 and 3640 ha are required to generate sufficient runoff to irrigate 1 ha of land in Köppen zones Aw, BSh and BWh respectively. Based upon the above assumptions the required storage areas (Sarea) (ha) are equivalent to 30% (Aw), 56% (BSh) and 91% (BWh) of the irrigated area (Equation 7). S area = Irrreq + Evapvol Dd × K 2 (7) Where K2 is a unit conversion factor, which in this case is equal to 10 (to convert units to ha). The quantity of water that can be extracted from the falling limb of a hydrograph expressed as a proportion of the volume under the hydrograph (Vr) has a strong linear relationship with the logarithm of BFI and this is illustrated in Figure 38. Restricting water extraction to the falling limb of a hydrograph has greatest implications to those catchments with a small BFI, Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 79-of-111 where events of short duration and short, steep recession ‘limbs’ present little opportunity to harvest flow. With many catchments across northern Australia having low BFI values, hypothetical regulated yields would be seriously constrained in many regions under rules that restricted water extraction to the falling limb of a hydrograph. 1 0.8 Vr 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 BFI Figure 38 Proportion of the total volume that can be extracted from the falling limb of a hydrograph (Vr) plotted against BFI for north Australian data. This figure was reproduced from Petheram et al. (2008). Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 80-of-111 4.4 Quantity of exploitable surface water by drainage division Approximately 60% of Australia’s runoff is generated in northern Australia, the vast majority in Drainage Divisions I, VIII and IX (Figure 39). It is not possible to use all of this water. With the exception of the steeply draining catchments east of the Great Dividing Range (Drainage Division I), northern Australia has subdued relief with relatively few opportunities for large carry over storages27. Where it is possible to site large storages the proportion of streamflow that can be allocated with a high degree of certainty for human uses is constrained by the high inter-annual variability of runoff (see Section 4.3). Figure 39 Mean annual runoff map of Australia (Source: NLWRA 200028) and the percentage of Australia’s runoff that occurs in that particular drainage division (Roman numerals). Data were sourced from the NLWRA 2000. Here we employ simple water balance techniques to provide first cut estimates of the area of land that could theoretically be irrigated in different parts of Australia (APot), based solely on the 3 major components of the water balance, rainfall, evaporation and surface runoff. To evaluate APot estimates of: 1) the irrigation demand (IrrD); and 2) the potential yield (YPot) are required as shown in Equation 8: 27 Carry-over storages are storages that are sufficiently large to carry over water from one year to the next and hence help mitigate the effects of drought. 28®ion_code=AUS&info=availability Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 81-of-111 APot = YPot IrrD (8) Estimates of irrigation demand for each major drainage division were sourced from Section 3.2 and these were used to estimate the amount of land that could potentially be irrigated based solely upon the quantity of exploitable water (Note that this estimate does not account for the actual availability of soil/land). These calculations of APot are summarised in Table 3 and illustrated in Figure 40. Although physically possible, these theoretical ‘potential’ areas of irrigated land would not be sustainable, because they do not account for environmental, cultural, or other human water requirements, nor do they consider other factors upon which sustainable irrigation is dependent (e.g. suitable soil, economics, crop physiology). While these estimates of YPot and APot can be considered as providing an absolute upper bound to the amount of water and land that could be irrigated, discussion centred on the relative values between regions is likely to be more useful than discussion centred on the absolute values. Spatial and temporal scale of analysis In this report waterbalance calculations were undertaken for each of the 12 major drainage divisions of Australia on a monthly basis. These spatial and temporal scales were selected because of the availability of consistent datasets, convenience of reporting (i.e. it facilitates north versus south comparisons), and because these scales were deemed commensurate with the potential errors in the input data and the simplistic nature of the calculations. Exploitable yield In the absence of more recent data for all of Australia, the percentage of water that could potentially be exploited (E%) from each of the major drainage divisions was made by using estimates from a review of Australia’s water resources in 1975 by the Australian Water Resources Council (Anon. 1976). In this report values of E% are provided for each major drainage division. Australian and State government water authorities made these estimates of E% at the point of lowest practical downstream development, for each river basin in Australia and these were aggregated up to the major drainage division scale. These estimates attempted to take into account factors including: average annual flow, variability of flow, water quality and the availability of suitable sites for storage. They did not take into account economic, social, cultural or environmental considerations. From the authors review of the literature these are the most readily available and recent estimates of E% available for all of Australia. The potential yield was calculated as per Equation 9: YPot = R × E % (9) Remarkably, in all drainage divisions except the Gulf of Carpentaria, the estimates of surface runoff made by the 1975 review of Australia’s water resources (Anon. 1976), were within Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 82-of-111 ±10% or ± 1000 GL of those made by the 2000 National Land and Water Resources Audit (NLWRA 2000). Hence it was deemed appropriate to use the E% made by the 1976 review in-conjunction with the more recent NLWRA runoff estimates (although in reality it would have made little difference which runoff values were used). In the case of the Gulf of Carpentaria drainage division, the NLWRA (2000) estimates of surface runoff are approximately twice that of the 1976 review. As a result, for this drainage division two estimates of YPot and APot have been made. For the first estimate it is assumed that the small E% is primarily due to unfavourable flow characteristics and high evaporation (i.e. storage is not the limiting factor). Hence E% is simply applied to the larger NLWRA surface runoff value for this division. For the second case it was assumed that the small E% is primarily because of limited storage capacity in the Gulf of Carpentaria drainage division. In this case, despite the upwardly revised estimate of surface runoff for this division by the NLWRA, the YPot is equivalent to the Anon. (1976) surface runoff estimate (i.e. half that of the NLWRA). These two estimates effectively form an upper and lower bound to the actual YPot value for the division, although in all likelihood the actual YPot value will lie somewhere between these two estimates. Results and discussion Although actual volumes of water and potential areas of irrigation are provided in Table 3, the relative values between the divisions and northern and southern Australia are a more useful discussion point. This is because the actual volumes and areas in Table 3 act as an upper bound and are highly unlikely to be attainable. For example, in Table 3 the theoretical potential area of irrigation in the MDB is 80% larger than the existing area (18 000 km2; Bryan and Marvaneck 2004), yet many parts of the MDB are widely recognised as being over allocated (under stress). Similarly, while Table 3 suggests that the water resources of the Timor Sea drainage division could support an irrigated area of about 18 500 km2, these calculations ignore transmission losses, assume optimal irrigation practice and do not consider the water requirements of other users (e.g. urban, industry, mining, the environment etc) or other factors that may constrain sustainable irrigation (e.g. suitable land and soil, economics, etc). In the following discussion where comparisons are made between northern and southern Australia these are based upon northern Australia being comprised of a proportion of the following divisions: Northern Australia = 4/5 * D1 + 2/3 * D7 + D8 + D9 + 2/3 * D10 + 1/4 * D12 where D1, D7, D8, D9, D10 and D12 correspond with drainage divisions I, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII respectively. Incidentally the results are very similar if northern drainage divisions I, VIII and IX are compared to the southern drainage divisions II, II, IV and VI. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 83-of-111 Approximately 60% of Australia’s runoff is generated in northern Australia. However, only about 20-24% of this runoff can be feasibly exploited for human use. As a result 40% of Australia’s total YPot is located in northern Australia. Expressing this volume of potentially exploitable water as an area under irrigation, between 22 and 25% of Australia’s APot could be located in northern Australia. The implicit assumption here is that it is economically viable to transfer water from Tasmania to Victoria. If the Tasmanian drainage division is ignored on the basis that there is insufficient land area (Column 11 in Table 3) and it is not viable to transfer water across Bass Strait to Victoria, the APot in northern Australia is approximately 35% of Australia’s APot. An alternative to in-river carry-over storages is on-farm dams, where one or several dams may service one or more patches of irrigation. Large on-farm dams may require the use of ‘active’ or ‘passive’ water harvesting techniques29. In areas of northern Australia with low relief, or for large irrigation developments, ‘active’ water harvesting (which involves extraction of river water during high flow events and storing it for use during the dry ’winter’ months) may be necessary. This is done either by pumping water using large capacity low head pumping plants, or (where topography is favourable) using gravity diversions to divert flow from the river into the storage. The suitability of the rivers in northern Australia for water harvesting is broadly discussed in Section 4.3. However, no data are currently available at the continental scale to evaluate the potential of this method in each drainage division. 29 Water harvesting is “the process of collecting natural precipitation from watersheds for beneficial use” (Courrier 1973) Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 84-of-111 Table 3 Potential exploitable surface water yield. Northern drainage divisions are shown in bold text. Drainage Division No. Drainage Division Name Drainage Mean annual 2 (‘000 km ) Potential Annual Runoff average yield (E%) as (P) (R) runoff a % of total (GL) (GL) coefficient surface rainfall Area Mean annual (Rc) 2 Source of data 3 4 Anon. 1976 NLWRA 2000 1 3 yield 6 NLWRA 2000 Columns 5/4 # irrigation Potential Potential irrigated area demand (YPot) (APot) (IrrD) (mm/year) 7 8 9 10 Anon. 1976 Column 5 * Section 3.4 4 APot expressed irrigated area as a ratio of (% drainage APot of MDB 5 division area) 2 (km ) runoff 5 Representative (GL) (%) Column No. Potential 2 7 # Column 8/9 11 # Column 10/3 12 # Colum 10/10 # I North East Coast 451 367 454 73 411 0.2 34 25 000 700 35 900 7.8 1.11 II South East Coast 274 238 035 42 390 0.18 43 18 500 280 64 700 24 2.01 III Tasmania 68 91 156 45 582 0.5 71 32 500 360 91 000 134 2.82 IV Murray-Darling 1 063 510 801 23 850 0.05 83 20 000 610 32 300 3.0 1.00 V South Australian 82 27 658 952 0.03 31 500 750 400 0.5 0.01 Gulf VI South West Coast 314 137 960 6 785 0.05 37 2 500 580 4300 1.4 0.13 VII Indian Ocean 519 152 025 4 609 0.03 13 500 1210 500 0.1 0.02 VIII Timor Sea 547 505 233 83 320 0.16 22 18 500 1000 18 300 3.3 0.57 IX Gulf of Carpentaria 638 489 787 95 615 0.2 21 20 000 1060 19 000 3.0 0.59 (9500) (1.5) (0.295) (10 000) X Lake Eyre 1 170 264 250 8 638 0.03 4 500 1130 300 0.03 0.01 XI Bulloo-Bancannia 101 26 671 546 0.02 0 0 1180 0 0 0.00 XII Western Plateau 2 455 660 258 1 486 0.00 0 0 990 0 0 0.00 Total 7 680 3 471 289 390 000 0.11 35 138 000 N/a 266 700 3.5 8.27 (257 500) (3.4) (128 000) Footnotes overleaf Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 85-of-111 # Footnotes to Table 3 1. Calculated using mean annual rainfall data from the NLWRA 2000 data library. 2. E% were obtained from a review of Australia’s water resources in 1975 (Anon. 1976). These estimates take into account average annual flow, variability of flow, water quality and the availability of suitable sites for storage, but do not take into account economic social, cultural or environmental considerations. 3. YPot was calculated using the NLWRA 2000 mean annual runoff estimates and the E% given in Column 7. This was deemed acceptable because in all Drainage Divisions, except Division IX (Gulf of Carpentaria) the NLWRA 2000 runoff estimates were within 10% or 1000 GL of Anon. (1976) runoff estimates. In Division IX estimates of mean annual runoff increased by 64% between 1975 and 2001. For this Drainage Division two values have been given. The first is the YPot using the NLWRA (2000) runoff data and the E% from Anon. (1976) exploitable yield percentage. The second value (in brackets) is the Anon. (1976) YPot estimate for this Division made in 1976 based on 1976 estimates of runoff (assumes this Division is storage limited). These two values effectively provide a lower and upper bound. 4. APot does not factor in land availability or soil suitability, environmental, social or cultural flow considerations. 5. An anomaly occurs in the Tasmanian drainage division where the area that could potentially be irrigated (as calculated and summarised in Table 3) is in excess of the total land area of the drainage division. # Figures have been rounded for clarity of presentation. Figure 40 Rainfall, runoff and useable yield volumes for each major drainage division and area that could potentially be irrigated based upon water resources, climate and carry-over storage only. Data sourced from Table 3. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 86-of-111 5 Concluding remarks In a review of past developments in northern Australia, Woinarski and Dawson (1997) commented that there was “a pattern of general disregard for information and scant concern for environmental consequences of success (or failure)” and that there was a perception that the environment in the north of Australia was “so extensive and of so little value that little safeguard needs to be built into development proposals”. Changing community values and recent policy initiatives (e.g. COAG 1994; NWI 2004; NPWS 2007) have now shifted community and government focus to water efficiency, full cost recovery, water trading, separating water rights from land title, integrated water resource management and acknowledgement of the environment as a legitimate user of water. Consequently there is now a need for information to support the introduction of these policy reforms and enable decisions regarding irrigation in northern Australia to be made with the best available information. Climate In northern Australia high evaporation rates and high seasonality and intensity of rainfall limit the range of dryland cropping more so than in the South. The almost total absence of rainfall during the dry (winter) months in northern Australia means that irrigation is essential for cultivated agriculture or perennial horticulture during this period. Even where there is sufficient moisture during the wet season to overcome evaporative demands, high rainfall intensities can severely constrain agricultural operations through erosion, and heavy machinery can cause direct damage to the seed bed or soil structure. At many centres across northern Australia (e.g. Fitzroy Crossing, Darwin, Weipa, Katherine and Tennant Creek) rainfall during the past few decades was considerably greater than the long term average. Decisions about irrigation development in northern Australia that are based on the recent rainfall record may lead to an overestimate of the long-term water resource. It is estimated that perennial pastures will require between 20 – 80% more irrigation water in the drainage Divisions in northern Australia than in the MDB (ignoring conveyance and seepage losses). Surface water Approximately 60% of Australia’s runoff is discharged from northern Australia. However, most rivers in northern Australia have little to no flow during the dry season, which means that storage of surface water (or the use of groundwater) is essential for irrigation. Even before economic, environmental and cultural values are considered, the available data suggest that only about 20-25% of the water discharging from rivers in northern Australia can potentially be exploited because of the flow characteristics of rivers in the region and the Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 87-of-111 limited carry-over storage opportunities. This volume of ‘exploitable’ water represents approximately 40% of Australia’s total potential exploitable volume. Higher evaporative demands in northern Australia ensure that for a given crop (i.e. similar crop factor), crop water use and irrigation demand is greater than in southern Australia. Ignoring other factors that act as constraints to sustainable irrigation (e.g. availability of suitable land and soils, market factors, and climatic variables that control crop physiology and human comfort), if the volume of ‘exploitable’ water in the North is expressed as an irrigated area and taking into account the higher irrigation demands in northern Australia, then approximately 20 and 25% of Australia’s total potential irrigation could be located in northern Australia. From a water resources perspective, there is potential for further irrigation development in the north of Australia, but these results suggest that efforts towards achieving and maintaining sustainable irrigation practices in the South are central to assuring Australia’s long term irrigation future. Groundwater Considerable groundwater resources occur in some Quaternary unconsolidated sediments and large sedimentary basins in the North. The largest of these is the GAB, which is already fully committed (NLWRA 2000). Some of the best prospects for development of groundwater resources in the North lie in the Dolomitic carbonates of the Daly and Georgina Basins. However, these groundwater systems have strong connectivity with surface drainage features to which they provide year round baseflow (e.g. Daly and Roper Rivers). While these few perennial rivers may be of particular interest to irrigation investors and developers, these rivers support ecological communities that are dependent upon the quantity, quality and timing of these groundwater flows. Because most rivers in northern Australia are ephemeral, these perennial rivers have high ecological significance. Any extraction of groundwater from these systems will most likely result in a reduction in streamflow at some point in time. The impacts of these reductions and whether those impacts are acceptable is a key management question. The management of local and some intermediate groundwater systems in the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia appears to have several advantages over their management in temperate Australia. Firstly, the timing of the onset of the wet season in the North is relatively predictable. Secondly, once the northern wet season has ended, groundwater levels are known and there is little likelihood of further recharge until the following wet season. In local and some intermediate groundwater systems this would enable groundwater allocation decisions for the dry season to be made with relative certainty (assuming the discharge characteristics of the groundwater system are known). In unconfined surficial groundwater systems where storage capacity is consistently exceeded each wet season (i.e. too much recharge), groundwater allocation decisions may vary little Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 88-of-111 between years, providing water users (environment and/or human) with a relatively high degree of long-term certainty from one year to the next. In the semi-arid and arid zones of northern Australia catchment average recharge rates are very low (Section 4.1). ‘Sustainable’ irrigation in these areas would require recharge areas several orders of magnitude greater than the irrigated area. This means that the large, often topographically driven, recharge areas required to support aquifers that can supply commercial quantities of water, are often of intermediate or regional scale and have very long flow paths (i.e. recharge and discharge zones may be many hundreds or thousands of kilometres apart). Long time lags exacerbate the difficulties in ‘sustainably’ managing aquifers receiving little recharge. Difficulties associated with geological heterogeneities and subdued relief means that often there is a poor understanding of the connection between recharge and discharge zones. Where groundwater systems discharge in semi-arid zones they often provide an essential source of water to surrounding flora and flora. In these arid zones it may be very difficult to maintain existing ecological values if groundwater resources are developed. Key knowledge gaps and challenges The design of irrigation for tropical systems needs targeted research if irrigation is to be developed and practiced in a sustainable manner in northern Australia. Important design topics include: • Water harvesting. The feasibility of water harvesting operations has not been assessed at the regional scale across the North. How environmental flow requirements and the highly seasonal and variable flows in northern Australia may limit water harvesting operations should be investigated. • Irrigation mosaics. Mosaic designs have received little attention in the literature. If surface water is to be stored in northern Australia without large storages, on-farm dams will be required. It is likely that multiple small storages will result in a greater preference for mosaic style developments rather than water storage in large carry over schemes. However, there is currently little information on the hydrological, environmental, social, economic or cultural benefits and costs of irrigation mosaics. • Drainage management in regions with large water table fluctuations. Experience in northern irrigation schemes, e.g. the Ord (Smith et al. 2006) and Lower Burdekin (Petheram et al. 2006), illustrate that failure to manage deep drainage accessions will result in irrigation-induced salinity. Future irrigation development in the North should require sub-surface drainage management (Petheram et al. 2008b). In the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia groundwater levels may seasonally fluctuate by as much as 10 m (Jolly and Chin 1991; Cook et al. 1998). These seasonal fluctuations are considerably greater than those experienced in irrigation districts in southern Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 89-of-111 Australia. For sustainable irrigation in these systems, suitable subsurface drainage technology/design will need to be developed and used. Other hydrology related knowledge gaps include: • Paucity of data on streamflow and rainfall data (Figure 41) • Groundwater – surface water connectivity • Assessment of the hydrological needs of the environment • The impacts of climate and land use change (including burning) on tropical water balances • Information on groundwater recharge and flow • Detailed water resource assessment. • Understanding soil /landscape properties, function and response across northern Australia. This information is fundamental to helping governments and communities decide if, where and what type of irrigation they may want in northern Australia. The relatively small number of players in northern Australia (compared to the situation in the South) provides a unique opportunity for collaboration and to plan proactively and not be reactive to problems and failures. Figure 41 - Rainfall (red) and stream gauging (blue) stations. Rainfall stations illustrated here have more than 50 years data that is greater than 80% complete (Source BoM). Stream gauging stations were sourced from the NLWRA 2000. Note many gauging stations shown here (particularly in northern Australia) are no longer currently operational, do not have an established rating curve and/or have only a couple of years of continuous record. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 90-of-111 6 References Abelson PH (1999) A potential phosphate crisis. Science 26 March 1999: Vol. 283. no. 5410, p. 2015. Access Economics (2005) Measuring the economic and financial value of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Access Economics Pty Ltd. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Research Publication No. 84. Retrieved 20 July, 2007, from Airey PL, Bentley H, Calf GE, Davis SN, Elmore D, Gove H, Habermehl MA, Phillips F, Smith J, Torgersen T (1983) Isotope hydrology of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. 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Key hydrological factors, constraints and opportunities for irrigation in northern Australia are highlighted and it is anticipated that this report will provide a broad knowledge base that will enable all stakeholders the opportunity to partake in debate over the future of irrigation in northern Australia. Particular emphasis has been placed on illustrating the differences between water systems in northern Australia and those found in temperate southern Australia; to which most Australians are familiar. This report has been written for readers with a general scientific background. The key points from the report are summarised below. Geology and geomorphology • In this report, northern Australia is defined as that area north of the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5o S) encompassing approximately forty percent of Australia’s land mass. • Because Australia has experienced recent glaciations or volcanism, many of the landscapes are very old and, with age, have become flat. The antiquity of the landscapes is often cited as the reason for the relative infertility of many of Australia’s soils. • Twelve major drainage basins characterise the Australian continent. Half are partly or entirely located within northern Australia. The major rivers of the three major drainage divisions of northern Australia (Timor Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria and North East) are externally draining and have short flow lengths relative to rivers in the internally draining divisions and the Murray Darling Basin. The three major drainage divisions of northern Australia are largely located in the wet-dry tropic climate zone. • The Great Dividing Range which runs along the east coast of Australia imparts an east-west distinction on Australia’s soil and water resources. Soils • Australia has a highly complex soil pattern. • Despite the contemporary climatic difference between northern and southern Australia, identifying north-south, regional-scale soil distinctions is difficult because many of Australia’s soils have been exposed to a variety of climates over geologic time. One of the main differences between the soils of northern Australia and Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 104-of-111 southern Australia is the modified physical structure and chemical composition of southern soils caused by cultivation and the application of fertilisers. • A strong regional -scale distinction in northern Australia’s soils occurs east and west of the Great Dividing Range. basalts are generally fertile. Along the Divide soils derived from the Cainozoic Fluctuating sea level and marine transgression and regression during the Pleistocene caused the short, steep streams east of the Divide to rejuvenate, stripping the old soils and depositing ‘fresh’ sediments from which new soils formed. West of the Great Dividing Range there are extensive areas of deeply weathered mantle that have been preserved for millions of years. Many of these deeply weathered profiles have been almost completely leached of essential plant nutrients. • As in southern Australia, many regions of northern Australia are deficient in key nutrients in the soil and intensive cultivated agriculture will require fertilizer additives. • In north and north-western Australia, tidal processes dominate estuary evolution and fine textured sediments (i.e. silt and clay, often referred to as marine muds or estuarine clays) are typically deposited adjacent to the main channel during high tide events. The estuarine clay soils of these sub-coastal plains, which are reportedly superficially similar to soils in the (labour-intensive) rice growing regions of south-east Asia (Woodroffe 1993), were found to be unsuited for mechanical cultivation in the Adelaide River region. In addition to the trafficability difficulties that the estuarine clays present, strong tidal activity in the adjacent river channel and seasonal and prolonged flooding from rainfall present additional hazards to mechanised farming. Flora and Fauna • Australia separated from Antarctica during the early Tertiary (approximately 100 million years ago). As a consequence of its isolation, Australia has unique flora and fauna with a very high degree of endemism30 and intrinsic value. The deep-rooted vegetation in northern Australia is predominantly evergreen and differs in this respect from other wet-dry tropical regions of the world. Australian vegetation has also developed a number of other unique adaptations. Climate • Rainfall across the north of Australia is considerably more seasonal than that of southern Australia. This is primarily due to the position and orientation of the Australian continent within the global circulatory system. • Evaporation is very high in northern Australia exceeding 3000 mm per year in many places. 30 Endemism is the ecological state of being unique to a place. Endemic species are not naturally found elsewhere (Wikipedia 2007) Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 105-of-111 • Northern Australia can be considered to have three broad climatic zones: wet-dry tropics (Köppen Aw), semi-arid zone (Köppen BSh) and arid zone (Köppen BWh). Along the north-east Queensland coast, orographic uplift of moist easterly winds creates a distinct wet tropical zone (Köppen Af and Am). • The semi-arid zone in the Northern Territory extends into regions with average annual rainfall of up to 800 mm. In southern Australia, the semi arid zone corresponds with areas that receive less than 400 mm per year, largely because evaporation rates are less. • Stand evapotranspiration rates in northern Australia are 2-18 times greater during the Wet season than during the Dry season. Most of this seasonal difference is caused by transpiration from annual grasses and herbaceous plants in the understorey. • In the wet-dry tropics most rain falls from December to March, with some northern centres recording over 90% of their annual rainfall during this period. • On average, tropical cyclones produce 30% of the rain during January to March in most centres in northern Australia, and up to 50% in more arid locations like Port Headland and Broome. • Northern Australia’s predominantly convective rainfall-generating weather systems do not penetrate far inland. As a result, rainfall is greatest near the coast and decreases rapidly with distance inland. • Northern Australia has some of the largest daily rainfall intensities in the world. Large rainfall intensities can severely constrain agricultural operations, particularly where the disturbance of soil vegetative cover by heavy machinery disrupts the seed bed or soil structure. • The importance of cyclonic depressions as rain-generating weather systems and the influence of the El Nino – Southern Oscillation across the east and north of Australia is reflected by large inter-annual variability in rainfall. • At many centres across northern Australia (e.g. Fitzroy Crossing, Darwin, Weipa, Katherine and Tennant Creek) rainfall during the past few decades was considerably greater than the long term average. Decisions about irrigation development in northern Australia that are based on the recent rainfall record may lead to an overestimate of the long-term water resource. • The irrigation water demand for a perennial pasture is larger in northern Australia than in southern Australia. For example, a perennial pasture grown in the three major northern Australian drainage divisions (North-East Coast, Timor Sea and Gulf of Carpentaria) would require between 20 and 80% more water than the same pasture grown in the Murray Darling Basin. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 106-of-111 Groundwater systems of northern Australia • In the wet and wet-dry tropics of northern Australia, large potential evaporation and seasonal rainfall result in distinctly seasonal aquifer recharge. Seasonal groundwater levels may vary by as much as 10 m. Large seasonal deep drainage and large seasonal fluctuations of groundwater tables are likely to have considerable implications for the design of irrigation sub-surface drainage. • The management of local and some intermediate groundwater systems in the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia appears to have several advantages over their management in temperate Australia. Firstly, the onset of the wet season in the north can usually be predicted several months in advance with relative certainty. Secondly, once the northern wet season has ended, groundwater levels are known and there is little likelihood of further recharge until the following wet season. • Few recharge studies have been conducted in northern Australia. Initial studies suggest that the relative difference in recharge under different vegetation types may be less than that in southern Australia. More work is required. • In semi-arid and arid zones, topography is likely to be an important control on groundwater recharge. Topographically driven zones of saturation may occur where surface runoff is concentrated in quantities that exceed evaporative demands and soil deficits. The ‘harvesting’ of water for irrigation in these arid areas may have important implications to the sustainable use of groundwater • Relatively large volumes of recharge may occur along river channels and landscape depressions during large flow and inundation events. However, in semi-arid and arid zones, if these volumes are averaged over the entire groundwater catchment area and time, then the recharge estimates are typically very low (< 1 mm/year). • Sustainable irrigation with groundwater in semi-arid and arid regions will require a recharge area that is several orders of magnitude greater than the irrigated area. • Where groundwater systems discharge to the surface environment in the seasonal climates of northern Australia, it often provides an essential source of water to surrounding flora and fauna. Because the discharge is normally reduced by new groundwater abstraction a sustainable yield policy for groundwater systems would need to consider ecological water requirements that may critically limit other uses. In semi-arid and arid environments it may not be realistically possible to develop a sustainable yield policy for groundwater systems if ecological constraints are applied. • The use of groundwater for irrigation in northern Australia may present management challenges because of the uncertainties associated with estimating recharge, discharge and lateral flow, and the associated time lags. Detailed information has been collected in only a few areas within northern Australia. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 107-of-111 • Although mining is a relatively small user of water in Australia (2%) it can impose severe stresses on local water resources. Many mines are located in areas with igneous and metamorphic rocks that typically have very small specific yields. Water volumes extracted from fractures in these rocks may be large relative to the stored volume of groundwater, and may require long time periods to be replenished. • Groundwater-fed perennial river systems in northern Australia support unique natural ecosystems that are dependent upon the quantity and quality of flow in the Dry season. Surface hydrology of northern Australia • Approximately 60% of Australia’s runoff is generated north of the Tropic of Capricorn. • Only a few rivers in northern Australia have perennial flow, with the exception of the wet tropics zone where most of the major rivers are perennial. The few perennial rivers in the wet-dry tropics have a strong connection to their underlying groundwater systems, which maintain baseflow in the Dry season, and are usually set in sedimentary environments. • In the semi-arid zone, many large rivers are ephemeral and large transmission losses may occur when they flow due to the infiltration of river water through the river bank and bed. • Flow durations are typically short and the rivers of northern Australia are considerably more seasonal than rivers in other regions of the world with the same climate type, and more seasonal than the rivers of southern Australia. • In the wet-dry tropics the largest flows occur during January to March. In the wet tropics the highest flows occur approximately one month later during February to April. • Large flow events have important ecological implications for in-stream, estuarine and near-shore marine environments. • The highly seasonal streamflow in northern Australia means that permanent settlements and irrigation during the Dry season require surface water storage structures in the absence of suitable groundwater resources. • If adaptive water management practices are employed and water allocations are based upon recent and predicted rainfall and streamflow trends, then the highly seasonal character of streamflow in northern Australia might enable post wet season water allocations to be granted with relative certainty. • Australia is the world’s driest continent with the smallest annual runoff volume (11% of rainfall). 31 Runoff coefficients31 across northern Australia vary from almost zero Ratio of runoff to rainfall Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 108-of-111 during the dry season over much of the arid and semi-arid in-land regions to greater than 0.8 in northern wet-dry tropical regions and the humid wet tropics. • The variation in annual flows has been observed to be considerably greater in rivers in northern Australia than in rivers from the rest of the world of the same climate type and slightly greater than the variation in annual flows in rivers in southern Australia (Petheram et al. 2008). Inter-annual variability of streamflow is of great significance to the design of water storage structures. Large variation in flow from season to season and from year to year requires a large storage structure to accommodate volume fluctuations and meet the required demand. • The northern Australian landscape has a low natural storage capacity and small lag times between the peak precipitation month and peak streamflow month. There is negligible carry-over of moisture in most catchments from one year to the next. • Streamflow drought severity is greater in northern Australia than in similar climatic regions of the world due to a high drought magnitude and normal drought length. Agricultural enterprises seeking to source water from rivers in northern Australia may need special contingency measures to deal with the high likelihood of severe droughts. • The rivers of northern Australia have very small slow flow components and their water levels rise and fall very quickly. This limits the opportunity to ‘harvest’ surface water for irrigation and other uses. • While 60% of Australia’s runoff is generated in northern Australia, the seasonality and inter-annual variability of flow and the lack of suitable locations for large dams means that only about 20-25% of this runoff can potentially be exploited. This equates to about 40% of Australia’s total ‘exploitable’ water. These figures do not account for economic, social, cultural or environmental needs. • If this volume of water were expressed as an area that could be irrigated, only 20 to 25% of Australia’s total potential irrigated area, 35% if Tasmania is excluded from the analysis because of insufficient land area, could be irrigated in northern Australia because of the higher irrigation demand in the North. These calculations ignore other factors that constrain irrigation, such as the availability of suitable land and soil, economics, crop type, etc. Key knowledge gaps and challenges • Protecting unique aspects of tropical environments will present new challenges to sustainable irrigation in the North. Aspects of irrigation design that need particular attention include: o Drainage management in regions of large seasonal watertable fluctuations o Social, economic and biophysical costs and benefits of irrigation mosaics Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 109-of-111 o Aquifer Enhanced Recharge within an irrigation context in a highly seasonal tropical environment. o Management of irrigation tail waters in highly ephemeral systems o Water harvesting in the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia. Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 110-of-111 END OF REPORT Hydrology of northern Australia: A review 111-of-111
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