20 places around Tel Aviv, Part II - Judea and Samaria Compiled by: Konstantin Hoshanah latest revision: 04/11/2015 My the first review of attractions around Tel AvivIt avoids most places east of the city. I hesitated a long time, which objects to include in a list of recommendations. In the end, I decided to make an additional office and to acquaint readers with little-known foreign tourists Highlands. Independent travelers rarely get into this region. The catch lies in the fact that East TA begins the Palestinian Authority - Judea and Samaria. Despite the fact that Samaria is only 14 kilometers (the distance to the security fence) from the outskirts of Tel Aviv, few tourists realize this closeness. The uniqueness of the West Bank is that this is one of the last patches of land on the planet who do not formally belong to any state. In the world there are only two such places: Israeli territory and Antarctica. This region has preserved original biblical landscapes that on the territory of Israel have long been a rarity. In recent years, the region is gaining popularity among European pilgrims, but remains little known Russian tourists. For lovers of travel, Israel, with its disputed territories is a single geopolitical space, and the situation is unlikely to change in the coming years. At the end of this post you can find a small overview of the security issues, history, infrastructure and other features of the region. I have included a list of what, in my opinion, is the most vivid and interesting to visit. Recommendations are designed for lovers of ecotourism and ethnography. As in the first post, I mentioned all attractions are within an hour's drive from Tel Aviv. In the description of each of the objects it will be indicated as the place is available to the public. List described attractions and title: 1) The capital of the ancient kingdom of Israel - Sebastia (Samaria) 2) Mount Gerizim 3) Byzantine monasteries and Deyr Deyr Saman Kala 4) The tomb of Deir al-Derb 5) Rock solid and ruins of Khirbet Benat Bar 6) Christian Taibe - biblical Ofra 7) The ruling of the village - Dzhamain and Deir Istiya 8) The picturesque ruins of the Second Temple - Khirbet Shahda 9) Joshua's altar at Mount curse Eyval 10) Nablus - Palestinian Naples eleven) Ancient necropolis and quarries - Khirbet Karkusha 12) Christian Aboud 13) The ruling of the village - Dayr Hasan 14) Ecotourism - Path of Abraham and the Sufi path 15) House of God on Mount Ephraim - Beit Illu 16) The ruling of the village - Abveyn 17) Christian Birzeit 18) Biblical Gofna - Dzhifna 19) Fortress Ras Karkar 20) Sheikh Zeitun and Um El-Sheikh (Mother of all sheikhs) 21) Emmaus El Kubeybe What you need to know before you visit to the West Bank? Tourist features Samaria. A brief introduction to Samaria. 1) The capital of the ancient kingdom of Israel - Sebastia (Samaria) (map) For nearly two centuries, Samaria was the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. During the period of the First Temple (950 -.. 586 BC) the city was similar to what is now Israel in Tel Aviv. The rich fertile land and sources of Samaria was the economic capital of the region. The Northern Kingdom was richer and more developed relative to its southern neighbor - the Jews. The area of the ancient acropolis Sebastia equal to 320 dunams. For comparison, the Jerusalem of that period took only 160 dunamov. Sebastia went into decline after the confrontation of Assyria in the 8th century BC A huge number of refugees from the northern kingdom of Judah to move to the next. In the I century BC the city was renamed by Herod the Great in Sebastia. The new name was given in honor of the Greek title of emperor Octavian - Sebaste (August), which translates from Greek as honorable. The ruins are the archaeological park of Sebastia. Israel is the only National Park, passed under the control of the Palestinian Authority. An important part of the historical heritage of Sebastia is located in the eponymous village. In recent years, the village is actively developing. In Sebastia have been restored and are open to the feudal manor of the Ottoman period. Today, they are used to tourists as hosteley. Around the park paved scenic trails. The most popular routes - a "Lemon Way" andAbraham's Path. The visit is recommended to start at Sebastia in the eponymous village. In the old part of the village have been excavated Roman sarcophagi (bottom photo). Also, the village is the traditional burial place of John the Baptist's decapitated body. Grave Baptist is revered by Muslims. In the Qur'an, John appears as the prophet Nebi Ihiya. Place of worship (maqam) Nebi Ihiya located in the village mosque - once the former Crusader church. To visit the museum of Sebastia and feudal estates, should beContact hostel. Archaeological Park is located a few minutes walk from the village center. Who wishes to visit Sebastia can do it by car or by taxi, coming from Nablus. Sometimes in national parks come to Israel organized tours, but they are limited and do not visit the excavations derevnyu.Zhiteli Sebastia very sociable and hospitable, andLocal hostels are considered the best in PA. The village has several Russian-speaking Arabs. Among them is the chairman of the village council Haed, who studied in Dnepropetrovsk. Example routes: 1. 2. 3 2) Mount Gerizim (map) The Samaritans are a kind of Jewish Old Believers. Biblical tradition calls them "Kutim River" - in honor of the people who had been moved to Samaria during the Assyrian conquest. The Bible tells us that the foreigners were asked to convert to Judaism in order not to offend the local gods. Sami Samaritans consider themselves descendants of the kingdom of Israel. Historical evidence related to the Samaritans can be found in Josephus. In his book "Antiquities of the Jews" it is mentioned that after the Jews returned from Babylonian exile in the Persian satrap of Samaria rules Sanballat (4th century BC). Persian mentor treated warily to the revival of the former greatness of Jerusalem. Sanballat had made an alliance with the Jewish high priest Manasseh, by giving him his daughter. Marriage to inoverkoy did not like the speakers for the purity of the nation Ezra and Nehemiah. Menashe was expelled from Jerusalem and settled in Samaria. Sanballat built for him on Mount Gerizim the temple, which was a full copy of Jerusalem. Samaritan temple lasted two centuries, but ultimately was destroyed by John Hyrcanus. Hasmoneans sought to impose a forced conversion to Judaism. Religious persecution affected all nations find themselves in the territory of the Jewish kingdom. Violent giyur caught in edomityan and in Ituri, but was rejected by the Samaritans. Grounds Samaritan temple were discovered by archaeologists during excavations at Mount Gerizim. Despite the split, the people of Samaria continued to observe Jewish traditions. Even then, their Judaism was very different from that adopted in the West. The Samaritans continued to use the ancient Hebrew alphabet, while the inhabitants of Judah went to the Aramaic writing. Among historians, there are suggestions that the Jews have changed the alphabet to distinguish themselves from the Samaritans. The Samaritans accept only the Torah and considered sacred Mount Gerizim, not Jerusalem. On this day every year on Mount Gerizim sacrificed animals, as was customary in the time of the Second Temple. Most convenient to visit Mount Gerizim in the Friday afternoon before the closure of the entrance to the mountain. In the evening you can watch as the Samaritans are preparing for the Saturday meeting. Photograph of believers with the onset of the Sabbath, is a violation of religious traditions. It is necessary to remember this during a visit to Mount Gerizim. The temple on Mount Gerizim is a national park. Unfortunately, it is closed on Saturdays and on Mount Gerizim voskreseniyam.Takzhe there is a museum. The local priestHusni Cohenguided tours for anyone interested in the Samaritans. A year ago, his tour of the museum was worth max 120 with the group. On top of the mountain there are several scenic lookouts. One of them is located in the national park. If the reserve is closed, it is possible to circumvent the fence on the north and enjoy the views from the neighboring hill. Another observation deck with great views of Nablus -Mitzpe Joseph - A 10-minute walk from the center of Kiryat Luza. Next to the playground Mitzpe Joseph preserved ruins of a Greek temple and a mosaic floor of a Byzantine church Tel E-Ras. In the past, this temple led the 300-meter monumental staircase from the foot of Mount Gerizim. Steps are preserved only at the top of the hill. To get to the Samaritans can be by car or by taxi from Nablus. Place is popular with foreign and Israeli tourists. In the presence of a conductor can walk on the beautiful pedestrian route from Kiryat Luza upcliffs Iraq Burin. Example routes: 1 3) Byzantine monasteries and Deyr Deyr Saman Kala(map 1. map 2) Byzantine monasteries and Deyr Deyr Saman Kala located near the Jewish settlement Peduel. Apparently, it was a fortified farm, on the border of the land monasteries controlled by the Samaritans. After the fortress was an important trade route to Nablus. Residents of Christian monasteries involved in winemaking. It is the largest winery of the detected in Samaria. The wine from the Holy Land was valued throughout Europe. According to the New Testament, Jesus breaks the bread and calls it his Body and the wine in the cup - his blood. Christians see special symbolism in the Mass, accompanied by wine from the Byzantine period Palestiny.V Palestine, wine and olive oil brought frenzied profit. All were engaged in winemaking. Even former nomadic Nabateans gradually gained access to the wine business. Samaria wines famous for their quality. It is believed that from the vicinity of Deyr Saman supplied wine in the Jewish Temple. Biblical supplier of wines Beit Alfa Leyain was somewhere in the neighborhood. ancient winemaking tradition was lost with the advent of Islam. Visit Deyr Saman DeyrKala and does not require special precautions. Both monasteries are located right on the edge of the Jewish settlements. Between monasteries paved scenic trail, the route by which takes about an hour. By DeyrKala can be reached through the settlement Peduel. The key to the gate in the security fence is a security guard at the gate to the settlement. It is important to bear in mind that Peduel a religious settlement, and it is tightly closed throughout the Sabbath. Over the weekend, the car can be left on the outside -. Near gate Peduelya * Next to Peduel is still two monasteriesDeyr Mir and Krirbet Deer Dakla. Example routes: 1. 2 4) The tomb of Deir units Derby (map) The tomb of Deir units Derby is located on the edge of the Arab village Karaua Bani Hassan. The name of the tomb translates as "Roadside monastery." The burial dates from 1 century AD Judging by the rock-cut masonry tomb was Jewish. Masonry was to remind the walls of the Second Temple. Some archaeologists believe that the neighboring village of Bani Hassan Karaua not nothing like the biblical cool. Jewish Town, which comes from a particularly high-quality wines in the Second Temple. The first grave was described in the late 19th century. At that time in Deir units Derby had two columns. Later, the Arabs cut down one of the pillars and installed in the village mosque. In the vicinity of U-Deit Derby are a couple of interesting ruins. One of themKetser Mantsurov(The lower picture) - a beautiful watchtower in the north-eastern outskirts of Bani Karaua Hasan.Takzhe recommend visiting the old center Karaua Bani Hassan. The village hassmall historical part. Most of the old houses in Bani Hassan Karaua today abandoned. Locals happy to show their rare visitors. Until 2000, the village passed through the trail on Ariel, but now the Jewish visitors to the village is very rare. Those who wish to visit the village, I would recommend to take a local guide. To visit it is desirable to use the GPS coordinates of the objects described by me. Example routes: 1 5) The rock massif and ruins of Khirbet Benat Bar (map) Benat Bar Fortress once stood on the edge of a picturesque cliff. Archaeological exploration of the ruins of the dates of the First Temple period. Historians believe that in the 10th century BC this place was the biblical city Tsarda. The city is mentioned in the Bible as the birthplace of the rebellious king Jeroboam I. According to the Bible, after the death of King Solomon was raised a rebellion. Ten tribes of Israel under the leadership of Jeroboam established the Northern Kingdom. Khirbet Benat Bar is located on the edge of a cliff at the top of a rocky ridge. From the ancient fortress that few survived. Only the numerous tanks, carved into the rock stage are reminiscent of old times. With the rock magnificent views of the coastal plain and Parsat Shiloh - beautiful bed bend in the shape of a horseshoe. located next to the cliffCave, which runs through the ridge. Khirbet Benat Bar is a 40-minute walk from the entrance to the settlement Peduel. There is also a fortress can reach the scenic trail from the village of Kafr a-Dik. In outlying cliff Benat Bar may be installed beautiful routes. One option - it comes down to the Byzantine ruins, which are located in the center of Parsat Shiloh (the lower picture), and then return to Peduel throughrock Matsok Hashinaim. This route takes about 5-7 hours of walking. Example routes: 1. 2 6) Christian Taibe - biblical Ofra (map) On the territory of the Holy Land, there are many cities named Taibe. In this guide we will focus on the Christian city, which is located near the settlement of Ofra. Rather, it is the biblical Ofra, renamed by Muslims in Taibe. The Arabs had not liked the sound of the Hebrew "Ofra". The name is too reminiscent of the Arab "Ifrit" - Jean. For this reason, they renamed the city in Taipei - "nice." The same thing happened even with a dozen places in the Middle East. Only one Israel there are at least three Taibe. Meanwhile, the biblical Ofra, indeed, an incredibly nice place. Locals say the village a good place for nice people. It is said that even in times of wars of conquest villagers had never left their homes - good people have nothing to fear. Apparently, so perfectly preserved village. Taibe The streets are very similar to Greece - the same white color, and the ladder to smear mud fence. Even in the most difficult times Taibe attracted many tourists. This year the festival attracts beer drinkers. In Taibe beThe first brewery in PA. The beer is brewed according to the recipe, which was invented in the Middle Ages by monks and has since inherited. The owner of the brewery Nadim Khoury returned to the PA after the signing of a peace treaty. Having bought the most advanced equipment on the same day, he built a small factory on the outskirts of Taipei. Main ingredients Khoury brings from the Czech Republic and Bavaria. The Brewers are proud that their product is not used in conventional industry preservatives and stabilizers. Khoury family lives opposite the brewery. They are always happy to show his small factory and at the same time treat a cold beer. In recent years the business has expanded. Khoury family home opened winery and maslodavilnyu. All these products can be bought in their shop at the factory. One of the main attractions of Taibe is the Byzantine church of Saint George. The temple was erected in the 5th century BC and later rebuilt by the Crusaders. On the ruins of the church of St. Gerogiya still sacrifice animals. Local tradition unique to Palestine. Usually the animals are sacrificed in honor of the wedding, the birth of first child or a seriously ill person to devote. Sacrificial meat made to distribute to needy villagers. Taipei is accessible by car, and the taxi coming from Ramallah. In addition both the beer festival, Hebrewspeaking Israelis in the city are rare. Example routes: 1. 2 7) The ruling of the village - Dzhamain and Deir Istiya (map 1. map 2) The ruling of the village (Throne villages or qura al-karasi) are the most striking architectural legacy of the Ottoman era in Palestine. The settlements were administrative centers to collect taxes and control over neighboring lands. In each village the rules of the local mullah (small feudal lord) and his clan. It is thought that Judea and Samaria were divided between 24 villages ruling. In the center of each village was a family estate of the feudal lord. The ruling clans sought to expand their holdings. Some of them managed to subdue large areas. One of these was a charismatic rulersDagir al-Umar- Rebellious Effendi, whose huge possessions stretched from the Galilee to the north of Samaria. Dagir tried twice to conquer all of Samaria, and besieged Nablus. Both attempts were unsuccessful. Palestinian lords themselves divided into rival factions of southerners and northerners - Qays and Yaman. Fractions were at enmity between themselves. For this reason, most of the estates of the Palestinian Effendi resemble small fortresses. Village lords sought to imitate the citizens. The style of life radically different from Falah (peasants). Efendi valued education. Many have sent their children to study abroad. feudal homesteads create a unique contrast against the background of shacks ordinary people. After the founding of the Palestinian Authority is making great efforts for the restoration of the ruling villages. The PA was createdorganization called Rivak(Arcade), which is responsible for the restoration and preservation of architectural objects. Onlinewww.riwaq.orgYou can find the coordinates and information on the majority of the historical centers and buildings patronized by the organization. Thirteen of the extant ruling villages have been nominated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Information on them can be found on the website of the organization -unesco.org Dzhamain and Deir Istiya located near the route №5 on Ariel. Local Arabs believe that Istiya the Arabic name of the prophet Isaiah (Yeshayahu). The village name translates as "monastery of Isaiah." Traditionally, this area was the center of things olive Palestine. Residents of villages belong to hundreds of acres of olive groves on the slopes of Wadi Qana and its vicinity. Both villages were perfectly preserved and partially restored. In Deir Istiya even preserved gates and walls surrounding the village. To date, the feudal manor used for municipal needs, the key to them are at the city hall employees. Fans of the biblical traditions are included in the tripThe tomb of Jesus of NunWhich is located near the village of Deir Istiya. To visit the villages is advisable to take a local guide. Example routes: 1. 2 8) The picturesque ruins of the Second Temple - Khirbet Shahda (map) Khirbet Shahda - it ruins the agricultural settlement of the Second Temple. Archaeologists have dated the village of the 3rd century BC Residents Shahdy grown olives and grapes. On the territory of the excavations are scattered numerous millstones. These round stones were used to crush the fruit of the olive. The resulting slurry was placed under a press and squeezed oil. Most of the houses in the village were built of rough stone, but across home richer with carefully hewn blocks. Residents of Khirbet Shahda professed Judaism. This is evidenced by water tanks for washing - mikvah. In Khirbet Shahda easily accessed from the settlement Nofim. Place is frequented by residents of the neighboring Jewish settlements and does not require a guide. Walking route can be extended and visit the tomb of Deir units Derby (N4). Example routes: 1 9) Joshua's altar at Mount curse Eyval (map) Curses Mountain is located on the northern slope of the valley Shhemskoy. From the south, the valley is framed by a mountain of blessings - Gerizim, the north is Mount curses - Eyval. In the eighties, during excavations at Mount Eyval altar was found. The dimensions correspond to the biblical descriptions of the altar altar built by Joshua. This altar was to be used in the Temple of Jerusalem. Apparently, the altar was covered with earth during one of the religious reforms or because the transfer of the altar at Shiloh. This allowed the altar relatively well sohranitsya.Nahodka was dated to the 13th century BC - According to the Bible, this period of the conquest of Canaan. During excavations, archaeologists found the print in the form of scarabs dating from the period of Ramses II. Also near the altar numerous kosher animal bones were found. The absence of pig bones is the only hint of worship belonging to the Jewish tradition. In the earlier period, the inhabitants of Canaan grown pigs par with cattle. Historians believe that the changes have taken place under the influence of the Philistines. The Jews sought to oppose the invading Canaan sea peoples whose meat diet consisted mainly of pork. The second cause of "kosher" were especially nomadic life. Pigs are not designed for long crossings. The find has been controversial archaeologists. This is largely due to the controversial reputation Adam Zertal dig this place. Zertal famous for his revolutionary theories, which do not fit into the conventional concept. Altar Joshua goes against the centuries-old traditions. The main problem of the altar - it is something that can not be seen with him a mountain of blessings - Gerizim. Zertal suggested that modern Mount Gerizim - this latter tradition. Initially, the Bible is telling us about Mount Kabir, which is located east of the altar. However, religious Jews believe that the location of the altar is not in contradiction to the Torah. According to them, the ancient tradition prescribed send curses towards the grief Eyval and blessings toward Gerizim. Adam Zertal went even further and suggested that the altar was part of the cult of "Alia Leregel" - literally climb to the foot or a pilgrimage. Along the Jordan Valley, a lot of archaeological sites have been found, is shaped like a foot. The altar on Mount Eyval also refers to one of these places. Moreover, there is an assumption that Jerusalem also originally had the shape of a foot, and was part of the pilgrimage "Alia Leregel" cult. The easiest way to get to the altar from Nablus through the village El Asira Shamalya. To this end, it is desirable to hire a local guide. The old center of the village - one of the most beautiful in the region (lower images). Rural road comes very close to the ruins of the altar. You can also climb the mountain Eyval's scenic trails, leading to rural pastures and terraces. Jewish tours to the mountain - a rarity and are conducted with the permission of the army and its immediate presence. Example routes: 1 10) Nablus - Palestinian Naples (map) Nablus Nablus or (as it is called in Hebrew) is worthy of a separate guide. This is one of the oldest cities in the Holy Land there are at least 4 goals. The first written mention of Nablus have been found on potsherds, the Egyptian king Sesostris III (19th century BC). City repeatedly mentioned in the Bible. In the sacred to the Jews of Moses Pentateuch (Torah) Nablus appears 15 times. In contrast, Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Torah never. Shechem was the first city who visited Abraham on the way to the Promised Land. Near Nablus he was buried patriarch Joseph. In the city there was one of the first bloody conflict between the sons of Jacob and the forefather of the inhabitants of Nablus - the rape of Dinah. Some Bible scholars see in this legend svyazuyuschee link between the history of the patriarchs and the later period of the colonization of Canaan. After the division of Israel into northern and southern kingdom Shechem was the capital of the North. The ruins of the ancient Shechem (Mound Tel Balata) and Joseph's tomb You can see a little east of the modern city center. Its current name "Flavia Neapolis," the city has received in honor of the Emperor Vespasian, who ruled Rome in the First Jewish War. «Nea Polis» is translated from Greek as "New Town". The ancient name was heavily distorted by the Arabs. Today it is difficult to guess at the name "Nablus" and "Napoli" cognates. Nablus is in line with the Wadi el-Farah, one of the most convenient ways of Jordan in Palestine. The city was an important commercial hub. The Ottoman Empire sought to consolidate his power over the city. To do this in the region were resettled tens of wealthy families from Syria. The Turks gave the Syrians vast land around the city. Until now, many residents of Nablus speak Syriac dialect. The loyalty of the Ottoman Empire was a feature of the inhabitants of the city. It Nablus headed the uprising against the rebellious governor of Egypt Muhammad Ali. A few decades later, the troops came from Nablus to meet the French army led by Napoleon. Residents of Nablus neighborhoods for centuries engaged in the cultivation of olives. The city is considered the capital of soap-boiler. Olive soap from Nablus, once famous throughout the Levant. The city is also famous oriental sweets. Kanafeh from Nablus is considered the best in Palestine. The city has always had a rather large stratum of wealthy population, which has made a unique contribution to the architectural face of the city. In Nablus, dozens of luxurious mansions survived the Ottoman Empire. After the formation of Israel in Nablus poured thousands of refugees. Former camp grew and have a strong impact on the socioeconomic situation in the region. The once wealthy city in the last 70 years fell into disrepair. Particularly strong impact on the city of Al-Aqsa Intifada. For several years, part of the business was paralyzed. Today, Nablus is gradually recovering from the turmoil caused by the war. Old town again full of eastern abundance. Tourists are rare in the city, so the whole business is designed for local residents. The market in Nablus, the most colorful of those that can be seen today in the Holy Land. Nablus is easy to visit by car or by public transport. The most convenient way to get into the city - is to use the fixed-route taxis fromentrance to Ariel or with Tapuah junction. Those who decide to visit the city by car, should bear in mind that the entire town center parking fee. In Nablus, has closed parking. The most spacious multi-storey car park isNablus City Mall. The shopping center is located next to the old town. From the upper parking floors offer great city views. Nablus and its surroundings are rich in attractions. The city is best to visit during the Muslim workweek. On Fridays Nablus dying. Visit Nablus should start from the old town - Kasbah. The network can be foundinteresting routes through the old town. The city has several old soap-boiler (on the top picturesoap factories ToucanBeside her an older business - Albadir (www.albadir.ps). Another important attraction of Nablus areold Turkish baths. The history of these baths has more than 400 years. Hamam Ash-Shifa functions as a sauna and a guest lounge where you can smoke narghile and drink sweet tea. Baths are open throughout the week from 08:00 am to 24:00 pm. Wednesdays and Sundays, from 08:00 to 17:00, are women's days. This hall is always an open to the public. Nablus is famous for its oriental sweets. In 2009, the city set a record in the Guinness kanafeh largest in the world. kanafeh ismain gastronomic attractioncities. In the evening, Sweet Nablus flocking crowds from miles around. The most promoted is kanafehAbu Salhi in City Mall. Residents of the city prefer the old traditional bakery and Al-Aqsa, located in the market of the old city. In recent years, Nablus, is gaining popularity among European backpackers. Due to low prices in the hostels, come here wishing to learn some conversational Arabic.Hostels in Nabluscost from $ 10 per night, which is cheap, even at Palestinian merkam.Nevozmozhno in this guide to list all the attractions of the ancient city. To visit the most khans and Ottoman-era mansions require a local guide. The trip should includeWell Jacob's Church(On the bottom right photo), located on the outskirts of the Balata refugee camp. You can also visitRafidia Christian area. forefather Joseph's tomb and famous sources Beydali. In the vicinity of Nablus, it is one of the most beautiful villages of the ruling,Beit vase. Example routes: 1. 2. 3 11) The ancient quarries and necropolis - Khirbet Karkusha (map) Khirbet Karkusha is beautiful in Samaria funerary complex of the Second Temple. Archaeologists still do not know the name of the ancient settlement, which belonged to such a rich necropolis. The form of burial caves characteristic of the Jewish burials beginning of a new era. The Herodian era has spread the tradition of burying the dead in the Ossuary - ossuaries (glyuskemax). First, the dead were placed on a stone bed in the family crypt. There the body was about a year. Sinful flesh dries up and the corpse were only bones. At the end of the year the deceased bones collected in a personalized stone casket - glyuskemu and left in the cave rooms. Since then, the box can be used for the following deceased. Historians associate the Jewish burial tradition of the Second Temple had a widespread doctrine of the "end times." The Jews believed in the resurrection of the dead. Bones of glyuskemy were to rise with the arrival of the messiah. IT'S uchenie vpitalos deeply in later Christian ideology. Curiously, the burial ossuary abruptly ceased after the destruction of the Second Temple. It is possible that a significant role in the disappearance of this tradition played a rival doctrine hristian.Dlya order to build such a gorgeous necropolis, required thousands of hours of manual work stonecutters. old quarry was used to create a funerary complex. Apparently, afford the family vault could only wealthy segments of the population. Ordinary people betrayed their dead earth. Such burials are short-lived. For this reason, historians know little about the traditions of ordinary Jews. In Khirbet Karkusha easily accessible from the industrial zone of Barkan. The route can be extended and visit the nearby Byzantine necropolisHurbat Hemed. Also nearby are the picturesque ruins of the Ottoman period -Khirbet Matvey. The region is considered to be quite quiet and does not require a conductor. Example routes: 1 12) Christian Aboud (map) Aboud village is only half an hour from Tel Aviv. It is unique in its historical heritage village is named after the prophet Obadiah (Obadiah). In Aboud is home to one of the oldest Christian communities in the world. The villagers believe that their ancestors took their faith from Jesus himself. According to villagers, Christ visited Aboud on its way from Gofny Antipatris. The Bible is not preserved evidence of such a visit. Samaria appears in the New Testament only in connection with the miracle of healing in Burkin and history tells of Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman near Jacob's well in Nablus. It is known that during the time of the Second Temple, the Jews avoided the shortest path in Galileyu- through Samaria. This path was dangerous because of conflicts with the Samaritans. It is believed that Jesus used to his visits to Jerusalem, the road along the Jordan River. Beside Aboud was international road - Via Maris, on which also could get to Galilee. Local tradition attributes the construction of the first monastery at Aboud Empress Helen (4th century BC). The monastery was dedicated to Saint. Simeon. The mosaic floors of the Byzantine monastery are inGreek Catholic Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. No less interesting is the tradition of worshiping St. Barbara. According to legend, Barbara lived in Aboud and was the daughter of a Roman landowner Dioscorus. She fell in love with a gentile and adopted Christianity. Father brutally cracked down on verootstupnitsey. Barbara was imprisoned in the prison and later killed. The ruins of the ByzantineChurch of St. BarbariansLocated on a hill near the village (bottom left photo). Location is the center of Christian pilgrimage. Every year on December 17th festival of St. Barbara. Palestinian Christians gather on the hill in order to honor the memory of the holy Martyr. In total there are 9 churches Aboud. Three of them are to this day. On the edge of the village is beautiful necropolis Muqatah Aboud. Ancient tombs date back to the Second Temple. According to archaeologists, the Jewish burial. In the crypt are preserved the unique traces of ancient painting (bottom right photo). Unfortunately, the ancient necropolis is not protected, and today is in a deplorable condition. In Aboud is easily accessible by car or taxi from the Arab PPC Nilin. To visit the village is advisable to take a local guide. Lovers of the Christian heritage may be included in the next tripEin Arik village. This rich source of the village once lived Syrian Jacobite Orthodox community. The village is still operating two churches and the Melkite Catholic. Example routes: 1. 2. 3 13) The ruling of the village - Dayr Hasan (map) There are many hypotheses concerning the origin of the name of Deir Ghassan. Some researchers have linked the Arab village with the name of the royal dynasty Ghassanids that ruled beyond the Jordan up to the 7th century AD In Arabic Ghassaneh means "youth and beauty." During the reign of the Mamluk Deir Ghassan is becoming an important administrative center. Warriors Mamluks were slaves bought in infancy, which for years were taught the art of warfare. After studying the young man they embraced Islam and became military elite. In the 13th century BC Mamluks seized power in Egypt and founded the Sultanate. Mamluk Empire feared his retired soldiers and generals. After the service the former soldiers received plots of land away from the capital. Land given for temporary use and is not inherited. For this reason, wealthy Mamluks invested their fortune in grandiose buildings and religious institutions. This investment was a convenient loophole in the law. Sultanate heirs allowed the Mamluks to attach superiors based their institutions. Many land inheritances around Deir Gasana were declared the Sultanate as a Waqf (Waqf) and transferred to the religious needs. With the money from these plots contained the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the tomb praottsev in Hebron. Despite the numerous earthquakes that befell Palestine from the time of the Sultanate, Deir Ghassan perfectly preserved. Mamluk buildings had increased seismic resistance. Alternating red and white stone, except for aesthetic effect, there has been an important engineering significance. Softer red stone structure attached elasticity. Mamluk estate in Deir Ghassan is perfectly preserved and have been partially restored. Historians believe that these palaces were built during the ninth Mamluk Sultan Muhammad I alNasir (14th century AD). In the Ottoman period Dayr Hasan received the status of the ruling of the village and ran ten surrounding villages. Dayr Hasan served as the family nest clan Barghouti. Prominent members of the family still takes an important part in the political life of the Palestinian Authority. The leader of the militarized wing of Fatah, Marwan Barghouti is one of the most eminent representatives of this family. In the 19th century, Deir Hasan became a key center of Sufism in the region. Followers of Sufism say that those who managed to get closer to the divine truth in life, can be guides and after their physical death. The more respected and enlightened was the sheikh, the richer and appeal his grave. Around Deir Ghassan were buried prominent Sufis. Burial in Deir Ghassan is an important pilgrimage center for Sufi in Palestine. Especially popular are the believersSheikh el-Madzhdub and Sheyh El HavasLocated on the outskirts of the village. A Sufi graves Scenic Trail -Sufi Trail. In Deir Ghassan is easily accessible by car via the Jewish settlement Halamish or by Peduel through Kafr alDik. By public transport, it is necessary to take a taxi from the entrance to Ariel or PPC Nilin. To visit the village, it is desirable to hire a local guide. Example routes: 1. 2. 3 14) Eco - Path of Abraham and the Sufi path Ecotourism is gaining momentum around the world. Countries that offer the tourist complex heaped infrastructure emphasizes svoey identity and prirodnyx landshaftax. Judea and Samaria can offer a lot of fans of an active lifestyle. Many tourists go to Samaria for biblical landscapes. Primitive agriculture Palestinian Authority, may not be the most profitable, but much more colorful than the industrial use of land inside the Green Line. Carefully cultivated olive trees create a unique atmosphere. Local people of Samaria rarely uses artificial watering. Traditional farming Palestinians is not much different from what is practiced by farmers in Jesus' time. In conjunction with the national colors, the Palestinian landscapes are indescribable magnetism. In recent years, numerous attempts have been made to build hiking trails, which are interconnected by beautiful natural regions in Samaria. Force enthusiasts were laid themed routes for hiking. The most popular of them are the Abraham Path and Sufi path. Abraham Path (abrahampath.org) Was conceived as a pilgrimage route for the road forefathers. Biblical legend tells of a way that did Abraham from Mesopotamia to the Promised Land. Route biblical prophet was held on the territory of present-day Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Today, more than 1,000 kilometers of marked out this way. The trail gets into Israel through the checkpoint Sheyx Hussein on the border with Jordan. Then there is the route for the West Bank, while not leading to the tomb of Abraham in Abraham Hevrone.Put trying to repeat the success of the road of St. James, so popular in Europe today. The route is divided into ten day-long sections of 10 to 20 kilometers. At the end of each segment of traveler can find cheaper accommodation, refill water and provisions. In 2014 Abraham Way was recognized as the most promising route on foot in the worldNational Geographic magazine Another interesting hiking route has been developed by Swiss enthusiasts. The trail is called a Sufi sufitrails.ps. The scenic route passes through Samaria highlands path mysteries. The trail is divided into 3 short length, a length of 5 - 8 kilometers each. The Sufi path is laid on one of the most beautiful regions in Samaria. During this way does not necessarily follow the marked route. It is recommended to occasionally go to the main road to visit the rock and sources that are close to the road. Guests who wish to Samaria trails is recommended to take a local guide. Example routes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 15) the House of God on Mount Ephraim - Beit Illu (map) Beit Illu or Beit El is translated from Hebrew as "The House of God." El, IL, Ila was the supreme deity in the ancient Hanaane. In ancient times, it is often identified with the bull. Researchers believe the Bible that in the Holy Land two cities once existed with the name "Beit El". One of them is mentioned in the Book of Judges. The prophetess Deborah administer their justice between Beit Elem on Mount Ephraim and elevation (Rama). Bible Students believed that Rama - is revered by Arabs hill opposite the Beit Illu. Hirbe A-Shuna - Near the hill the ruins of a large settlement were found. Today you can learn from afar thanks to Beit Illu lonely house with arches. This structure - a kind vizitnaya kartochka village. BeytIllu neighborhood is full of attractions. Just outside the village is revered by local Muslims place -Nebi Ayat(Bottom right photo). Ancient maqam is easily distinguishable due to the wooded hill. Apparently, the Arabic structure built on the ruins of a Byzantine church. Before coming here, to ask the gods for rain. On the hill Nabi verse was made to take an oath before God and to sacrifice. Beit Illu is located near the famous bed of Wadi Natuf. Near the village was found archaeological traces of the first agricultural civilization in the history of mankind, which date back 13 - 10 centuries BC In honor of Wadi Natuf culture it was named the Natufian. Surroundings Beit Illu - one of those places where the preserved traditional Palestinian agriculture to this day. Water numerous sources near the village irrigate gardens and orchards in rural areas. The most beautiful terraces divided into tributaries Natuf in bedWadi Zarqa and Wadi Tavahin. It is also recommended to visit the ruins of the village of Deyr Ammar(Bottom left photo). The village is a few kilometers from Beit Illu. To visit Beit Illu advisable to hire a local guide. To get to the village is easiest through the checkpoint Nilin, near Modi'in Elit. Example routes: 1. 2 16) The ruling of the village - Abveyn (map) Abveyn - this is one of the best preserved villages of the ruling in Samaria. From 2006www.riwaq.orgworking on the restoration of historic buildings in the village. Currently 9 restored buildings. Historians believe that Abveyn is the place where in the 13th century BC "It seemed Bubil" was a settlement of the Crusaders. In recent years, thanks to the base of the village mention of the first hundred years of Arab city in Samaria - Rawabi. The town is built in the immediate vicinity of Abveyn. The village is situated in a picturesque area in line with the Wadi Shiloh. The old part of Abveyn hiding among the slopes of the gorge. The pearl of the village isPalace Clan Suhveil. Ancient manor was abandoned two decades ago. Some rooms still retain traces of their former inhabitants. Most of the old houses have been preserved in the form in which they were built. Sometimes it seems that time has stopped here in the early 20th century. In the middle of each house is a small granary. The ground floor is adapted to livestock. In one of the caves preservedold olive press. Newer maslodavilnya was located in one of the village buildings. From Abveyn can cross the hill and walk to a nearby village Adzhul. On the outskirts of the same name is Adzhulsurrounded by terraces source. The village itself is almost restored. The most surreal place in Adzhul - itabandoned olive press. To visit Abveyn and Adzhul advisable to hire a local guide. The village is easily accessible by car from the 60th route to Jerusalem or taxi from Salfit and Ramallah. Example routes: 1 17) Christian Birzeit (map) The Christian community of Bir Zeyt employs about 2,000 people. Most believers Greek Catholics. Also in town there are several Orthodox and Lutheran families. In Bir Zeyte three active churches. The largest of them, the Catholic (in the lower right picture), was founded on money Mexican Christian community in 1959. The construction lasted 15 years. Now the church operates a Christian school. Catholic parish in Bir Zeyt there are more than 150 years. Once forgotten village began to develop rapidly after the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War (1853 - 1856). In order to repay the Allies, the Ottoman Empire had to make significant concessions. The main conditions of the surrender was the return of the Latin Patriarchate in Palestine. Christians messianic activity was authorized, and the construction of new churches. In the interest of superpower wave to Palestine it was founded dozens of Christian institutions. The European powers saw in the Christian minority representatives of their interests in the Holy Land. Hundreds of schools and health centers were opened to strengthen ties. Within a short period we laid the Catholic missions in Ramallah and neighboring Dzhifne. Local Christians was difficult to walk in Dzhifnu. Already in 1858, own parish school was established in the village, and the Roman Catholic church was opened in 1865. In spite of the war and destruction which befell Bir Zeyt during the First World War, the Christian community continued to grow. In 1924, in the village of one of the first schools in Palestine it was established. Already in 1930 the school received the status of the college, and in 1961, the higher education institution status. After Judea and Samaria came under Israeli jurisdiction, many students have been unable to continue their studies abroad. In 1972 it was decided to convert the college to university. Today's Birzeit University is highly regarded in the Arab world. The relatively high level of education in the Palestinian Authority allows graduates to qualify for positions in the rich oil principalities. Tens of thousands of Palestinians are working today in Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. Ironically, formed the Palestinian diaspora in the Arab world is some semblance of Jewish communities in Europe and America. Old center of Bir Zeyt was one of the first restoration project organization riwaq.org. Birzeit University is directly involved in this restoration. In Bir Zeyt were restored dozens of old buildings and bridges. The old town is locatedRozana Association office. The association is engaged in the national heritage of Palestine. Under their auspices are many tours and festivals. Onpage Rozana Association You can find announcements of events. To visit Bir Zeyt advisable to hire a local guide. The city is easy to get to the 60th track on Jerusalem or by shuttle bus going from the crossroads of Tapuah in Ramallah. In addition to the old city center you can visit the ruins of a Byzantine church onKhirbet Bir Zeyt(Bottom right photo). In the summer of 2015 in Bir Zeyt opened a second brewery in the territory of the PA -Shepherdsbeer. Example routes: 1. 2 18) The Bible Gofna - Dzhifna (map) Dzhifna Arabic name comes from the Hebrew root "Gefen" or "Gofna", which translates as "the vine." According to the Roman historian Eusebius of Caesarea, Dzhifna a place where spies Moses cut a giant vine. The one bunch of grapes, which today is a symbol of tourism in the Holy Land and the emblem of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. Gofny Landmarks mentioned in the books of the Maccabees as the main stronghold of the rebels. From Judah Maccabee warriors made their sortie against the Seleucids. Near Gofnoy there was a historical battle between the Maccabees and the Greek army under the command of Apollo. The paucity of the rebels managed to catch the Seleucid surprise and overwhelming force to break protivnika.V Dzhifna Middle Ages was transformed into an important stronghold of the Crusaders. Fortress Dzhifne covered the approaches to Jerusalem. Franks rebuilt Byzantine churches and founded a joint venture with local settlement Christians. To this day, many buildings in the village are on the foundations of older buildings Crusader times. Traces of the fortress walls, the franc remained in a rural fortress Burj Dzhifna. Most residents Dzhifny Greek Catholics. The indigenous inhabitants of the village believe that some of the families in Dzhifne have European roots. In the village are preserved three active churches. Also, the Christian community has its own school, one of the first that was based in Palestine (1856). This school is famous for the fact that it had once attended the second Prime Minister of Israel, Moshe Sharett. Charette Family (Chertok) immigrated from the Ukraine in 1906. Upon arrival, Moshe's father tooka huge mansion in the nearby village of Ein Sinia. It Chertok family lived for two years. Father Moses was unable to take your business, and the family was forced to move to Jaffa. The farmstead is located a few kilometers from Dzhifny. The house in which lived a family of eminent, is abandoned today. To visit Dzhifny advisable to hire a local guide. The city is easy to get to the 60th track on Jerusalem or Ramallah by taxi. In the village you can visit the existing church and fortress. If these attractions are closed, it is necessary to ask for the key in the local municipality. Also in the village there are several well-preserved maslodavilen Ottoman period (lower picture) and the ruins of a Byzantine church. Example routes: 1. 2 19) Fortress of Ras Karkar (map) Ras Karkar - one of the most interesting castles of the Ottoman period in the territory of Samaria. Fortress was founded Samhan family in the early 19th century. Clan Samhan controlled the collection of taxes on the territory from the mountains to the Jerusalem Beit El Highlands. Fortress more than once at the center of the bloody strife. The main reason for hostility were ideological differences between the supporters of Qays and Yaman. Residents of Ras Karkar belonged to Kayes fraction. Clan Samhan transformed his estate in a well-protected fortress. But it did not help to strengthen the powerful family. After a long enmity with the people of Abu Ghosh clan head Samhan was killed. Nevertheless Samhan family retained its possessions. It is believed that most of the villagers are descendants of this ancient family. Fortress Ras Karkar was restored by experts from the University of Birzeit. Today the castle transferred to the needs of the local municipality. celebrations and music festivals are held periodically in the building. Ras Karkar is easily accessible by car or taxi from the Arab PPC Nilin that near Modi'in Elit. To visit the village is advisable to take a local guide. Trip to Ras Karkar can be combined with a visit to the neighboringKhawaja fortress in Nilin or stop in Deir Abu Mash'al. Example routes: 1. 2. 3 20) Sheikh Zeitun and Um El-Sheikh (Mother of all sheikhs) (map) Sheikh Zeitun and Um El-Sheikh is one of the most rarely visited places in Judea and Samaria. During the construction of the separation wall in the upper portion of a huge bed of Nahal Moddiin was cut off from civilization. In geographic atlases, these hills are called Katef Beituniya. On the one hand protects the territory of the security fence on the other - supporting wall along the 443rd line. In this area there are only a few inputs, and they are not always open. Over the past 10 years in a closed area bred sea gazelles and wild boars. The place has become a haven for the existence of the reserved area zhivotnyh.Svoim obliged to so-called "Otef Irushalaim". In recent years, Israel is struggling to attach to Jerusalem as many lands, thus bypassing the Arab settlement. Otef Irushalaim is a buffer zone between Jerusalem and Arab villages. On the territory of Katef Beituniya set of ruins the time of the Second Temple, Byzantine and Arab periods later. In recent years, excavations are carried out periodically on the hills. Archaeologists have found traces of Jewish settlements times WH It was excavated accommodations, wineries and maslodavilni.S Ridge Katef Beituniya offers one of the best views on the coast of Israel. In good weather, the mountain can be seen from the Mediterranean to Ashkelon, Hadera. There are two ways to visit the Sheikh Zeitun and Um El-Sheikh. The easiest option is to leave the car atParking Bustan Hashmonahat the entrance to Beit Horon. From the parking you need to walk about 500 meters along the fence in the direction of Jerusalem. The fence hasgateWhich is always open in recent years. The second way - is to ask for the key to the gate at Beit Horon. He should ask for the settlement of security by phone 057-8135534. Official visit Katef Beituniya may require coordination with the army on the phone 02-5305042. Visit the Sheikh Zeitun and Um El-Sheikh does not require special safety measures. In the area Katef Beituniya convenient stand overnight with a tent. The camp is most convenient to break near the Sheikh Zeitun or nearsource Ein Ganim. Example routes: 1. 2 21) Emmaus El Kubeybe (map) Emmaus Greek name comes from the Hebrew or Aramaic Hamot Hamata, which translates as "hot". The Greeks did not say the sound "x" and often it opuskali. Apparently, the name was given in honor of the Roman hot springs or bathhouses. Traditionally Emmause was the most revered Christian Resurrection appearances of Jesus after his resurrection. Biblical tradition describes the meeting between Jesus and Cleopas and another unnamed disciple on the road to Jerusalem. The plot is described in detail only in the Gospel of Luke. Many Christian theologians believed that the second disciple was Luke himself. For many centuries, the dispute does not stop exactly where the meeting took place. In the biblical sources, there are two versions of the distance to Emmausa. Historians have discovered about 3,000 ancient manuscripts, which featured the figure of 60 stages, and 20, which indicate the 160 steps. The Bible tells us that Christ's disciples visited Emmaus, and returned to Jerusalem. Distance 160 steps approximately 30 kilometers. Walk 30 kilometers a day is very difficult. For this prichine many theologians questioned the Byzantine identification of Emmaus. Byzantine tradition has placed Emmaus in 160 stages from Jerusalem. Jewish Emmaus (Nicopolis) was destroyed long before the crucifixion of Christ, and was unlikely to appear in the New Testament. Over the centuries, there have been attempts to identify Emmaus Abu Goshe, Arthas and Kubeybe. The Catholic Church has canonized relatively late tradition that has arisen during the period of Crusader rule. Franks claimed to have discovered in the home and grave Kubeybe Cleopas. Emmaus El Kubeybe is described in the Gospel in the distance of 65 stadia from Jerusalem, but it has no sources. For years, Muslims were not allowed to attend Kubeybe Christians. Only in 1861 the French Marquis de Nicolai Pauline bought the ruins of the Crusaders. The territory was handed over to the Franciscan Order. Marques also achieved recognition of the grave and the house of Cleopas Vatican. Already in 1873 Kubeybe was built a monastery and a hotel for pilgrims. For years, Emmaus El Kubeybe was a popular place of pilgrimage for Catholics around the world CO. The situation changed dramatically after the outbreak of the intifada and the construction of the highway to Jerusalem. Pilgrims has become much easier and safer to get to the Byzantine Emmaus Nicopolis than Kubeybe. With the construction of the separation wall around the West Bank tourist flow in Kubeybe virtually stopped. In recent years, Catholics occasionally visit Kubeybe through a checkpoint near Givat Zeeva. This checkpoint is only open to residents of the Palestinian Nevi Samuel and requires prior approval from the tourists. The remaining entrances for buses problematic and time consuming. Now the monastery at Emmaus El Kubeybe constantly live one or two monks. It is the only Catholic monastery, which today are delighted tourists. Monks love to entertain tea and a chat with a few travelers in this region. The easiest way to get to Emmaus El Kubeybe by PPC Nilin. This road is a little bit confusing, but it is much faster than the way through Ramallah. To visit Kubeybe public transport should go by taxi from Ramallah. The trip can be combined with a visitmound of Emmaus El Kubeybe. With magnificent views of the church and the surrounding hills. Also near the village are picturesque ruinsbiblical Givon- El Jib. This city is repeatedly mentioned in the Bible. According predaniyu in Givon was the tabernacle before David was moved to Ierusalim.Dlya visit Emmaus El Kubeybe advisable to hire a local guide. Example routes: 1. 2 What you should know before visiting West Bank Anyone who today own visited the Palestinian Authority should be at least somewhat familiar with the geopolitical situation in the region. Let's start with the fact that Israel's laws do not apply in the West Bank. Since 1967, Judea and Samaria are formally under the control of the military administration - the Israeli Ministry of Defense. In fact, the situation is even more complicated. West Bank has two control systems the Jewish towns and villages live under Israeli law, the Arab villages are controlled by the Palestinian Authority. I'm not in this post go into the tangled politics will try to mention only what may be useful for visiting tourists. Let's start with the issue of security. It's no secret that the West Bank is notorious. The region is located in the state of low-intensity conflict. This confrontation has its peaks and lulls. The last few years can be considered a relatively quiet period. The Arab-Israeli conflict is the least concerns of tourists visiting the West Coast. According to statistics, 2/3 of the tourists coming to Israel, visited the Palestinian Authority. Most of these fall into the mass of Bethlehem, Jericho, Bethany, and a couple of less promoted tourist attractions. The Palestinian Authority today copes with tourists safety. Visiting Palestinian attractions are not more dangerous than walking on Israel which is under the full control of the Eastern Ierusalimu.Chego should also be wary of the independent traveler? In the first place - a place where often there are skirmishes between Arabs and Jews. If you visit these places, you are kindly requested to make clear to others the purpose of your visit. In the villages, where tourists are extremely rare, desirable local guide. Equally important is a basic familiarity with the Arab mentality and the limits of decency. Arabs are jealous of the traditions associated with the status of women. not accepted in Palestinian villages, when an unknown man speaks with a girl Ask her or without photographs. Breaking the limits of decency, you can run into serious trouble. For this reason, it is always preferable to the company with which you are driving, there was at least one woman. Such an alignment greatly simplifies the communication with the local population. If you ischet information about tourism in Judea and Samaria, it is usually pointless to seek the advice of Russian-speaking Israelis. It is much more practical to look at the network of European reports turistov.Dlya most Israeli citizens visiting the Palestinian territories is very problematic. In Israel there is no law prohibiting such visits, but there are army regulations requiring Jews not to visit areas under full Palestinian Authority control. Restrictions do not apply to Israeli Muslims and Christians. So if you are an Israelite and you prideretsya army or the police, it is better to pretend to be a Christian ... Palestinian police did not prevent the Israelis visiting Bethlehem and Jericho in recent years. However, the Hebrew-speaking tourists in these cities are rare. In other major cities of the Jews at risk of being detained by the police and transferred to the Israeli authorities. The Palestinian side motivates these detentions, responses to the restrictions imposed on the movement of Palestinians. If the traveler does not carry a bale and communicates demonstratively in Hebrew, there is little that makes it stand out from the mass of European travelers. Palestinian police rarely checks the documents of travelers. To Russian-speaking Israelis expelled from the PA, it is necessary to try very hard. In addition, the Palestinian police usually turn a blind eye to Israel, accompanying foreign tourists. Visit the West Bank does not require extra insurance life. The issue of transport security at least unequivocal. Israeli companies car rental can not stop visiting the area. Such a ban is virtually impossible the main transport arteries on the way to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea pass through Judea and Samaria. On most tracks are no restrictions on check-in Palestinian towns and villages - roads used by both Jewish and Arab transport. For this reason, insurance companies are required to cover accidents involving Palestinian cars. In case of theft car insurance company may find fault with the arrival in the Palestinian enclave. Therefore, it is recommended as far as possible to use paid parking and make insurance with full coverage. Often, much easier to use Palestinian public transport (minibuses) or a taxi than to wander through the maze of roads. Especially since today there is no navigation software to work correctly within the Palestinian Authority. Another important piece of advice to tourists, to call in the territory of the PA is to use PPC, prednaznachennye Jewish transport. In Israel there is a segregation of checkpoints - most are strictly for the Jewish transport. The Palestinians have the right to go through a limited number of checkpoints. Many of these items have a bad reputation. Pass through these machines are subjected to closer inspection. For this reason, it is desirable to avoid such a check point as Qalqilya, Kalandia or CAT 300. The easiest way to get to Samaria from Tel Aviv to the 5th road leading to Ariel. You can also usePPC Rantisi. Ball Elyahu or PPC Nilin near Modi'in Illit. there's a lot of horror stories about the Palestinian Authority among the Russian-speaking Israelis. One of the most common - is neminuemye administrative measures if at the border know that you have been or are going to the PA. These intimidation greatly exaggerated. Israel has no reason to tinker obstacles coming to tour the country. If you do not want to get into the Middle East policy, it is unlikely that anyone can find a reason to find fault with you. Nevertheless, I would not recommend taking a plane Palestinian national symbols. Such items in the luggage may provoke unnecessary questioning and searches. Tourist features Samaria Who wishes to visit Samaria must understand that this region is extremely meager tourist infrastructure. More than 90% of tourists visiting the PA, make it a part of organized tours. Those who travel by Samaria savage, as a rule, is an avid backpacker and European volunteers, repeatedly happened in the Arab countries. Not spoiled by mass tourism, Palestinian society has many advantages. Chief among them is the genuine hospitality of local residents. Be prepared that your person will be interested, to start talking on the street and invited to tea. Begging is quite rare in the PA. In places where tourists are rare, beg for money, and cheat the price has not been made. To get there from Tel Aviv to Samaria by public transport, it is easiest to use Buses to Ariel or at intersection Tzomet Tapuah. A roundabout at the entrance to Ariel passes a stream of Arab minibuses in Salfit and Nablus. They can be used for further movement. You can also get in through Samaria Modi'in Illit. From the entrance to the city to Checkpoint Nilin couple of minutes walk. Next, we should take a taxi or bus, going in the right direction for you. In order to find an English-speaking guide for PA, you can contact Abraham Path or in Rozana Association. These organizations are conducting courses for lovers of ecotourism. The courses are also taught how to resolve a conflict with the local population. Prices start at conductor 60 $ per day. Usually conductors are familiar with a limited number of sites and routes. Their main task - to help in communicating with the local population and the organization of logistics. For most tourists conductors only part. Prices for the services of these people may be dependent on daily wages in their main job and driving prices to the beginning of the route. A small list of English-speaking guides, popular among European tourists: 1) Amr Sheikh - Nablus2) Mohammed Atari - Dzhenin3) Nedal Sawalmeh - Tubas4) Anwar Dawabsha - I think Nablus5) Naser Kaabneh - Ierihon6) Usama Nicola - Bethlehem 7) Alaa Hamoz - Nablus8) Hani Sulaiman - Hevron9) Simon Jaser - Ramalla10) Zaid Alazhari - Sebastia, Nablus11) Khader Nijim - East Ierusalim12) Ahmad kayed - Sebastia Helpful community: 1)Walking Palestine 2) Hike Palestine 3) Visit Sabastia 4) Wadi Climbing 5) Palestine Riders 6) Siraj, Center for Holy Land Studies 7) Walking Palestine 8) Palestine Free Hiking Group Find Russian-speaking guide is much more difficult and expensive. Of those with which I am familiar, I can recommendFaheda Maharmehaof Hevrona.Diplomirovanny guide PA can cost $ 250 - $ 400 per day. Typically Russian-speaking tour guides - a wife of the Palestinians living in the Authority. Most of them specialize in Christian pilgrims. In recent years, the Palestinian Authority is a tough competition to the Israeli hotel industry. Israel is famous for its sky-high prices for accommodation. Especially costly hotels in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. In order to save many pilgrims prefer to stay overnight in the Palestinian hostelah and hotels. For comparison, in Nablus, you can find a room in a hostel starting at $ 10 per night (in Hostel Ramsees). In Tel Aviv it is such a pleasure will cost at least 4 times more expensive. A small list of hotels and hostels in Samaria: http://greenview.co.il/addons/SamariaRegionAccommodation.pdf Many Europeans come to the PA, to learn some conversational Arabic. Month intensive course is the PA 300 to $ 400 per mesyats.Kursy Arab in Birzeit: https://www.facebook.com/PASatBZU Well, the last important for tourist information about catering. Almost all the food in the PA is designed for the domestic market. It is best to have a bite in places where tolchetsya many local buyers. In such a large turnover snack bars, and thus more fresh products. Poisoning Arab eatery - great redkost.Tsena on fast food in PA in 2 - 3 times lower than the average in Israel. Serving vegetarian falafelya today is starting with 2.5 (0.6 $) max per serving. Pita with shawarma is starting with 12 ($ 3) for a portion of the Shah. A brief introduction to Samaria Once we have dealt with the issue of infrastructure and security, it is time to tell you about the historical and cultural features of the region. To better understand this region, it should be a little dip in the history. For centuries the population lived in the Levant depending on the empires of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Levant was a kind of bridge between the empires. Residents of this rolling from hand to hand, the border region draped on global policy and arid climate. Prolonged drought can for many years to depopulate entire towns and villages. Archaeological studies have revealed an amazing ability of local people to adapt to changing conditions. Residents of the Levant easy to change your lifestyle and become nomads. Drought, war or oppressive taxes could force farmers to leave their land and for many years to become a beduinov.Na over several millennia, the population of the Levant to build the city, and then to leave them out again and became nomads. This iterative process is partially stopped in the 10th century BC, when the global empire is firmly established in the region. Nevertheless, until the early 20th century, can be found many descriptions of abandoned and revived again dereven.Izmenchivy life deeply affected the biblical legends. Stories about Moses and the conquest of Canaan in many ways reflect the realities of the nomadic period. Samaria is a mountainous terrain of the northern Jerusalem and stretching along the coast, to the Israeli valley. The boundaries of this region date back to the 10th century BC Historic boundary between Judah and Israel kingdom lay just north of the current route 443 to Jerusalem, the so-called "two lines Auja." Most described in this guide is exactly in the places of Samaria, in the territory of the former Kingdom of Israel. The first written allusions to the formation of the northern kingdom to be found in an Egyptian pharaoh Shoshenq I (10th century BC). Shoshenq first rulers mentioning military action in Samaria highlands. The ancient temples of Karnak preserved bas-reliefs with a description of the captured cities in the areas adjacent to the Beit El and Mount Gilboa. Historians see in these references to parallels with the period of the reign of Israel's first king, Saul. Samaria name was given in honor of the ancient capital of the northern kingdom. In Assyrian written sources of the kingdom of Israel appears ka "Beth Omri", after the founder of the first dynasty of the northerners. In the 8th century BC The Kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria. According to the Bible, the northern kingdom, the population was relocated or fled to neighboring Judah. According to many historians and archaeologists, Assyria has protected Judah from the north. Loyal to the peoples of the empire were settled on the borders of the breakaway province. Historians and archaeologists have found evidence of Assyrian transfer. Researchers believe that many of the biblical legends reflect the attitude of the Jews to the displaced. One of the most striking examples of such legends can be considered the story of the inhabitants of Gibeon, using deceit entered into an alliance with Joshua. Archaeological studies estimate the population of the northern kingdom in the region of 300,000 inhabitants. According to the Assyrian written sources, it was moved no more than 10% of the Jewish population. The remaining inhabitants of Samaria continued to observe Jewish customs. Similar traditions were the reason for the competition and the age-old enmity between Jews and Samaritans. This hostility can be traced to the biblical texts, including the New Testament. Jews who fled from the northern kingdom, was postponed a huge imprint on biblical texts. Books of the Old Testament mythology absorbed northerners. Israeli sources in the biblical texts adopted identified with reference to the god El. Southerners that period worshiped Yahweh. The aim of the authors of the Bible were, including putting a theological basis for the superiority of the Jews over the northerners - to justify the hegemony of Beit dynasty of David Beth Omri. The fall of the kingdom of Israel has given a huge boost to neighboring Iudei.V Second Temple period Samaria became part of the province of Judea. Nevertheless, the Jewish presence in the region continued to be very limited. After a series of bloody rebellions BC 5-6 century Samaritans became a minority, giving the palm Christians. With the arrival of the Arab conquerors, the inhabitants of Samaria began to convert to Islam. This process lasted for many centuries. Among Muslims around Nablus are still common Samaritan family. In the early 20th century in the world there were no more than 150 Samaritans. The community had to allow men to marry inoverok. Now the descendants of the Samaritans number more than 700 people. Genetic studies conducted among residents of Samaria revealed that about 90% of the Arabs in the region are similar to those of the Jews and the Samaritans genes. An important period of the formation of the cultural heritage of Samaria was the Mameluke rule in Palestine (1260 - 1517 AD). Fearing the invasion of the Crusaders, Mamluks evicted population of the coastal strip of the Mediterranean Sea. Coastal cities and fortresses were destroyed, their inhabitants were moved to the nearby highlands. Up until the early 20th century, Samaria was inhabited much denser than the Mediterranean coast. For this reason, the concentration of well-preserved historical sites in Samaria, is much higher than anywhere else in Israel. Since the beginning of the 16th century in the Ottoman Empire rule in Samaria. Turks cared little infrastructure and the security of its own citizens. Personal security provided to residents belonging to a clan (Hamul). Primarily interested in the Sultanate taxes. Samaria was divided into several tens of areas (in Arabic nahiyah), which ran the rich Effendi. Fearing exorbitant taxes and military service, local people avoided burn the land. Most of the land was registered for Efendi. Wealthy landowners of these clans lived like lords. Their huge estates can be found everywhere on the territory of Samaria. In the early 20th century Arab Effendi played an important role in the Jewish colonization of Palestine. Corrupt and greedy for money landowners willing to sell portions of the Jewish organizations. Often, these lands were transferred together with the peasants who lived on them. Available for all purchases were unsuitable for farming land on the coast. Densely populated by Samaria was less attractive to Jews. Until 1967, the Jewish presence was only in northern Samaria - in the Mount Carmel area. During the Arab-Israeli war in 1948 Samaria of no strategic interest to Israel. Ben Gurion understood that capture the densely populated mountainous Samaria will be much harder than the coast. Nevertheless Samaria had to take on hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees. To this day, they are one of the main destabilizing factors in regione.S 1948 to 1967, Judea and Samaria were under the jurisdiction of Jordan. Pro-European Hashemite kingdom has sought to centralize power. In the 20 years of Jordanian rule were laid down many of the administrative and educational structures, which Palestinians use to this day. Judea and Samaria today The Six Day War of 1967 again redraw the map and allowed Israel to expand the country's borders. Samaria was under the control of the Jewish state. Crushing victory allowed Israel to occupy strategically important line of defense and the form convenient for the country's borders. The flip side of this war became a million (in 1967) of citizens who threaten the demographic balance between Jews and Arabs. To this day, the Palestinians are hostages of the security of Israel. Israel is wary of annexing the West Bank and even more so afraid of the consequences of full independence of the PA. The situation around fifty years ago, is unlikely to change in the coming years. Geographical proximity to the center of Israel stimulates the development of the Jewish presence in the region. Over the years elapsed since the formation of the Palestinian Authority (1994), the number of Jews in Samaria has tripled. Today, Jews make up about 15% of the population. Total West Bank is home to 400,000 Jews and 2.3 million Arabs. Judea and Samaria are divided into areas of strategic interest. Israel is interested to control the Jewish settlements and the surrounding area. Also, Israeli security forces control of the road on which move the settlers, and the territory adjacent to the security fence. In total, under full Israeli control is about 60% of the territory of Samaria (18% of Zone A and Zone B 22%). The division into areas of responsibility has been fixed time of the Oslo Accords in 1993. Initially it was assumed that the terms of the contract will be revised after the adoption of Palestinian independence. But this did not happen. At the moment, Israel's control over the Arab population in the so-called "Area C" is limited to the sphere of security and control over construction. All the social sphere controls the Palestinian Authority.
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