2013 TRIM Notices scheduled to be mailed August 19 th

2013 TRIM Notices scheduled to be mailed August 19th
It’s that time of year again!
By now those of you who subscribe to my Furst Facts e-newsletter have checked
out the 2013 property values published on our website in mid-July. If you’re not
already receiving these “breaking news” updates subscribe now on our website,
Over the past four years, making new property values available prior to the TRIM
mailing enables property owners and the Property Appraiser’s office to resolve
many concerns and questions well ahead of the 25 day window for filing formal
challenges with the Value Adjustment Board (VAB).
As you can see from the mock-up of this year’s TRIM Notice, the format and
information provided hasn’t changed. The only modification is the look of the
property identification numbers: No more hyphens. Our new database software
doesn’t allow hyphens in its number format. For example, what used to be
Property ID 0001-02-0003 is now Account Number 0001020003.
Do you have questions about value or exemptions?
The State of Florida provides three ways in which a property owner can challenge
the values reported by the Property Appraiser or the disapproval of an
exemption. You can use one, two or all three of these options.
 As I mentioned earlier, property owners may always meet with one of
our appraisers or exemption specialists. The sharing of information goes
a long way to resolving most issues. Call 941.861.8200 or visit either of
our offices. Directions and contact information are available on our
website at www.SC-PA.com.
 From the date theTRIM Notices are mailed there is a 25 day window in
which a property owner may file a formal petition with the VAB to
contest the Property Appraiser’s value or exemption decision. The filing
deadline is printed at the bottom right corner of the TRIM Notice. The
Clerk of the Circuit Court oversees the petition process. Information on
how to file (in person or online), and applicable fees, is available on the
Clerk’s website, www.sarasotaclerk.com.
 A third option to challenge values or exemption eligibility is to file suit in
Circuit Court within 60 days after the Tax Roll is certified for the
collection of taxes. If you choose to file a petition with the VAB and you
do not agree with the VAB decision you may file suit in Circuit Court
within 60 days after the VAB renders a decision in your case. If you
choose this route you may wish to consult with a legal professional.
Preliminary Taxable Values for
Sarasota County and Municipalities
Reported to the Florida Department
of Revenue on July 1, 2013. (2012
values are final values)
2012 Sarasota County: $39.07 billion
2013 Sarasota County: $40.79 billion
2012 City of Sarasota: $6.85 billion
2013 City of Sarasota: $7.20 billion
2012 City of Venice: $2.69 billion
2013 City of Venice: $2.80 billion
2012 Longboat Key: $3.30 billion
2013 Longboat Key: $3.40 billion
2012 North Port: $2.26 billion
2013 North Port: $2.41 billion
Save Our Homes Assessed Value
Increase for 2013
Every year, as provided by §193.155,
Florida Statues, the assessed value of
homestead property increases no
more than 3% or the increase in the
Consumer Price Index (CPI), whichever
is lower.
For 2013 the CPI is 1.7%
As an example, for 2013 a $100,000
assessed value in 2012 will increase to
For more information please contact
the Property appraiser’s office at
PA@SC-PA.com or 941.861.8200.