CRACKER CRUMBS Unlocking the past Towards the future Volume 32:1 Fall 2009 Manasota Genealogical Society 2009-2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Vice President: Treasurer: Membership: Secretary: Obituary Comm.: Resources: Editor: Computer SIG: Immediate Past Pres: Jim McHugh Jean Morris Melvin Ely Nancy Ely Linda Leber Ruby Young Phyllis Doucette Dorinne Campbell Currie Colket Anne Young In this Issue Newspaper Research in Genealogy………………………2 New Genealogy Books……………………………….....10 Jots from Jean…………………………………………...14 Free People Search Sites……………………………......18 Notices and Meetings…………………………………...19 Meeting Schedule for 2009-2010……………………….20 Don’t forget that the MGS Board meets the last Wednesday of the month at 10:00 at the Manatee History Records Library in Bradenton (OctoberMay). All members are invited to attend. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE We have begun our 2008/2009 meeting season, and we look forward to you attending these monthly meetings. As in past years, Jean Morris, our VP for Programs, has organized an impressive slate of speakers for this season. Later in this newsletter, you can find a meeting schedule with topics and speakers, or you can check out our MGS website. Our Computer SIG, which follows immediately after the principal speaker, will provide you with some useful tips and ideas on how to use your computer for genealogical research. Documenting and preserving your research work in a computer database is extremely important. Our RootsMagic software group (SIG) meets monthly and answers key questions on using this software package. All are invited. Also, in February 2010 we will be sponsoring a RootsMagic all day seminar; the founder of RootsMagic, Bruce Buzbee, will lead this event. Don’t miss this event; details will be in a future newsletter, and distributed to our MGS e-mail list. If you have not paid your 2009/2010 dues, do so as soon as possible to maintain your MGS Membership, and remain on our email list. Best wishes and happy "gen researching". Jim McHugh, President MGS Manasota Genealogical Society 1 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS Tribunes & Gazettes: ewspaper Research in Genealogy by Jean S. Morris © October 2009 174 Osprey Circle, Ellenton, FL 34222, ote: I specialize in Pennsylvania Research, and am always ready to help researchers with their ancestral work in Pennsylvania by advising by Email where to go, and advise you what is available. I am also selling my large research library and will send you via email only, my 20 page listing of books and maps for sale. Allbaugh, Gaylord P. History and Annotated Bibliography of American Religious Periodicals & ewspapers Established from 1730 through 1830. 2 volumes, 1994. Worcester MA: American Antiquarian Society. Albaugh, Gordon. “American Presbyterian Periodicals & ewspapers, 1752-1830, with Library Locations." Four articles in the Journal of Presbyterian History, vol. XLI-XLII (Sept. 1963-June 1964). American Periodicals, 1741-1900: An Index to the Microfilm Collection. University Microfilms Intl., 1979. Lists thousands of newspapers and magazines microfilmed by UMI before 1979. Check with your librarian for titles microfilmed since that date. Ames, Charlotte. Directory of Roman Catholic ewspapers on Microfilm-United States. 1982 Notre Dame IN, Memorial Library, University of Notre Dame. Arndt, Karl J.R. and Mary E. Olson. The German Language Press of the Americas. 3rd ed. revised., 1976-1980 Munich, Germany: K.G. Sauer. 3 volumes. Ayer Directory of ,ewspapers and Periodicals. Philadelphia: N.W. Ayer & Sons, Inc. (annual) Balch Institute, Philadelphia. Collects and preserves and publishes materials for all immigrant groups. Balys, Jonas. Lithuanian Periodicals in American Libraries: a Union List. 1982, Wash. DC: Library of Congress. Balzekas Museum of LITHUANIAN Culture in Chicago, Illinois. Barnes, Robert. Marriages and Deaths from Baltimore Maryland ,ewspapers 1796-1816. GPCo. 1978. Barnes, Timothy M. "Loyalist Newspapers of the American Revolution 1763-1783: A Bibliography." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 83:)1973):217-283. Barth, Margaret The Freeport [Armstrong County Pa.] Journal 1876-1886, 1997 Closson Press. Batsel, John & Lyda K. Batsel. Union List of Methodist Serials 1739-1973. 1974 Evanston, IL. Prepared in cooperation with the Commission on Archives & History of the United Methodist Church, United Methodist Librarians' Fellowship, and Garrett Theological Seminary. Bell, Carol Wilsey Abstracts of Columbiana County Ohio ,ewspapers. 2 vols. Heritage Books: 1988-89. Bockstruck, Lloyd. Denizations and ,aturalizaations in the British Colonies in America, 1607-1775. GPCo. Baltimore MD 2005. Bowker. R.R. ,ational Directory of Weekly ,ewspapers Brigham, Clarence S. History and Bibliography of American ewspapers, 1690-1820. 2 Volumes Worchester MA: American Antiquarian Society, 1947. Lists by state, there under by city, for pre-1821 newspapers available in libraries across the U.S. If the rest of the 19th and 20th centuries were covered as well as Brigham covered the pre-1820 period, newspaper research would be easy. The Readex Corporation has embarked on a long-term project to reproduce on microfilm all the newspapers listed by Brigham. Most often found in major university libraries. Brown, Michael has compiled Indexes to Central NJ Newspapers, The Political Intelligencer & ,ew Jersey Advertiser 1783-1786; Times & ,ew Jersey Union 1859-1876; ,ew Brunswick Daily Times 18721876. . Caver, Larry E. Jr. Genealogical Abstracts from Marengo County, Alabama ,ewspapers 1840-1910, c2008, Pioneer Publishing Co., Box 408, Carrollton, MS 38917. ______ Death and Marriage ,otices from Jefferson County, Alabama ,ewspapers, Volume 2 (1882-1906) Heritage Books Clark, Avis G. An Alphabetical Index to the Titles in American ,ewspapers. . . Oxford MA 1958. Dated but a good beginning point. Clegg, Michael. Trumbull County Ohio ,ewspaper Obituary Abstracts 1812-1870, 1982. Self.Published., no date. Colletta, John Philip, Ph.D. Finding Italian Roots, 2nd Ed. GPCo. Baltimore, 2003 Crawford Co. Pa. Historical Society. The Tribune Republican May 12, 1888, reprint n.d. Cummings, Charles, decd. For more than 20 years, he indexed The ,ewark ,J Star Ledger. Danky, James P. ed. ative American Periodicals and ewspapers, 1828-1982. 1984,CT, Greenwood Press. Manasota Genealogical Society 2 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS Dornbush, Charles E. Stars & Stripes: Check List of the Several Editions. 1948. New York, New York Public Library. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the ,ew York Public Library, July 1948. Supplement 1949 reprinted from same, July 1949. Edelman, Hendrik. The Dutch Language Press in America. 1986. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers. Ethnic Serials at Selected University of California Libraries: A Union List.1977. Los Angeles CA: University of California. A useful source for Asian-American, Hispanic & Black publications. Flake, Chad S. A Mormon Bibliography, 1830-1930. 1978 Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press. Ten Year Supplement, 1989. Indexes to A Mormon Bibliography and Ten Year Supplement 1992. Frederic, Harold The Antebellum ,ewspaper, 1786-1856: A Historical Summary of Armstrong County [Pa] ,ewspapers, 1810-1856 and a Reconstructive History of Three Historic ,ewspapers at Pittsburgh [Pa], Greensburg [Pa], and Kittanning [Pa], 1786-1810. 1992 NC: The Print Shop. ______ A Synoptic Summary of ,ewspaper History in Armstrong County Pa. 1810-1892, with Especial Emphasis on the Civil War ,ewspaper, 1861-1865, 1992. Havelock NC: The Print Shop. Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media, 1880. Detroit, Gale Research Company. An excellent source for identifying newspapers issued at various times. Arranged by State and City. It may miss short lived newspapers or offbeat papers. Gibbs, Whitfield. 100 Years of the Sussex, ew Jersey Register 1813-1913. 1992 GPAI= Genealogical Periodical Annual Index published yearly by Heritage Books, Bowie MD of articles published in a number of periodicals which are donated to them for this purpose. See PERSI. Green, Karen. The Kentucky Gazette 1787-1800 & 1801-1820:Genealogical and Historical Abstracts. 1984-85. Frontier Press: Galveston TX. ______ Maryland Gazette 1727-1761:Genealogical and Historical Abstracts, 1990. Frontier Press, TX. Gregory, Winifred. American ,ewspapers, 1821-1936: A Union List of Files Available in the U.S. & Canada. 1937 repr 1967 by Kraus. Locates newspapers in over 3600 repositories. Hansen, James L. “Research in Newspapers.” Chapter 12 pp. 413-438 in The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy. Salt Lake City: Ancestry Inc. 1997 revised edition. Contains a partial state-by-state bibliography of resources for locating and using newspapers & religious periodicals. Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion. American Jewish Periodical Center. Jewish ,ewspapers and Periodicals on Microfilm, available at the American Jewish Periodical Center. Cincinnati OH, 1984. Henritze, Barbara K. Bibliographic Checklist of African American ewspapers. 1995. Baltimore, GPCo. Herbert, Jeffrey G. Index of Death & Marriage ,otices in the Cincinnati Daily Gazette 1827-1881, 1992. Hoerder, Dirk. The Immigrant Labor Press in orth America 1840s-1970s: an Annotated Bibliography. 1987. NY: Greenwood Press. Vol. 1 – Migrants from Northern Europe. Volume 2 – Migrants from Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Vol. 3 – Migrants from Southern and Western Europe. Hoglund, A. William. Union List of Finnish ewspapers Published by Finns in the United States and Canada 1876-1985. 1985. Minneapolis MN: Finnish-American Microfilm Project. Holcomb, Brent H. Marriages and Death ,otices from Baptist ,ewspapers of South Carolina 1835-1865. 1981 Spartansburg NC: Reprint Co. Hovde, Oivind M. and Martha E. Henzler. orwegian American ewspapers in Luther College Library. 1975. Decorah IA: Luther College Press. Illinois. ,ewspapers in the Illinois Historical Library, Springfield IL, Illinois Hist.Library, 1964-1998. Index to Obituaries in the Toledo [Ohio] Blade, 1837 to present. Manuscript card index maintained in the Toledo Public Library. Ingram, John VanNess. A Checklist of American Eighteenth Century ,ewspapers in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1812. Johnston, Suzanne M. "Deaths and Marriages from The Pittsburgh Catholic: March 1844 through Dec. 1852," WPGSQ 33:2[2006]:3-32. ______ "Death Notices from The Presbyterian Banner, Jan.-June 1871," WPGSQ 35:2[2008]:19-44. ______ "Marriages from The Presbyterian Banner April-July 1871," WPGSQ 35:4[2009]:29-42. ______ "Marriages and Deaths from The Token publication of the IOOF of Braddock, Braddocks Field & McFarland, Allegheny County Pa. " WPGSQ 33:3[2007]:37-58. Kestercanek, Nada. Croatian ewspapers and Calendars in the United States. 1952. Scranton PA: Marywood College. Reprint 1971 by R. & E. Research Assoc., San Francisco. Labor [,ews] Papers on Microfilm: A Combined List. 1965, Madison WI: State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Manasota Genealogical Society 3 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS Lanthem, Edward Connery. Chronological Tables of American ,ewspapers, 1690-1820: being a Tabular Guide to Holdings of ,ewspapers Published in America through the year 1820. Worchester, Mass: American Antiquarian Society, 1972. Legaza, Louise Passmore. “Effective Newspaper Research,” Heritage Quest Magazine Jan.Feb. 1992: 14-17. Library of Congress, ,ewspapers in Microform, United States, 1948-1983. 2 volumes, Washington, DC, Library of Congress, 1984. Maehrlein, Lauren, "Searching the Early American Newspapers Database," The ,ew York Researcher, Winter 2006 pp. 7-8. Maher, James P. Index to Marriages and Deaths from the ew York Herald 1835-1855, 1987 Malmut, Bonnie. Abstracts of the Washington [Pa] Reporter 1808-1816, 1990-1993. Closson Press. Marzolf, Marion. The Danish Language Press in America. 1979. New York: Arno Press. Matteer, Connie Early Deaths & Marriages in Armstrong County Pa from Kittanning Area ,ewspapers. 1997, Closson Press, Apollo Pa. Microfilm Catalog of Baptist Historical Materials. 1984 Nashville, Historical Commission, Southern Baptist Convention. Supplement published in 1989. Milnor, Anita Cheek. ,ewspaper Indexes: a Location and Subject Guide for Researchers. 3 volumes. Metuchen NJ, 1987-1992 Mitchell, Caryl A. Extracts from the Bedford Gazette, Bedford County Pa. 1832-1836, 1998. Morris, Jean S. Various articles in the Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine published in Pittsburgh PA 1974 to current. Abbreviated to WPGSQ. "Pittsburgh Newspaper Items 1814 & 1825," WPGSQ 7:2 [Nov. 1980]: 71 ______ "Fayette County Pa. Vital Statistics 1805-1852 from Genius of Liberty Newspapers. WPGSQ 8:2[Nov.1981] 55-58. ______ "Pittsburgh Press News Items 1815 & 1817," WPGSQ 10:2[Nov. 1983]:140. ______ "Some Early Western Pennsylvania News Items from Armstrong and Fayette County Newspapers," WPGSQ 10:4[May 1984]:268 ______ "Venango County Pa. Obituaries 1916," WPGSQ 13:1[Summer 1986]: 25-26. ______ "Early Deaths in Beaver County PA 1817-1835 from Imperfect Newspaper Files," WPGSQ 14:1[Summer] ;42. ______ "Bicentennial Celebration of Fort Pitt 27 September 1908; The Oldest Living Native Pittsburghers; with photographs and biographies of each; Names of Pittsburghers in their 80's;In Their 70's' " WPGSQ 15:1 Summer 1988]:pp. 20-36.b ______ "Vital Records from Allegheny Magazine/Repository of Usefull Knowledge July 1816-Nov. 1817 published at Meadville, Crawford County Pa." WPGSQ 16:1[Summer 1989]:22-26. ______ "Abstracts from some Bedford County Pa. Newspapers 1827-1829," WPGSQ 16:3[Winter 1990]: 19-12. ______ "Vital Statistics from some Beaver County Pa. Newspapers 1838-1841," WPGSQ 16:3[Winter 1990]:23-24 ______ "Western Pa News Items from the Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette Jan. 31 - Feb 28, 1889," WPGSQ 16:3 [Winter 1990]:28-31. ______ "Washington County Pa Deaths and Marriages May 9, 1888 from the Washington Reporter, Wed May 9, 1888," WPGSQ 17:2[Fall 1990]:48. ______ "Western Pa Indentures in Philadelphia Pa. 1771," WPGSQ 19:1[Summer 1992]:36-40 ______ "1815-1852 Vital Records, Fayette County Pa.," WPGSQ 19:2[Fall 1992]:27-32. ______ "Abstracts of Marriage and Death from The Pittsburgh Pa. Presbyterian and Missionary Reporter for the years 1831 through 1838," WPGSQ 19:4[Spring 1003]:4-21. ______ "Some Venango County Pa. Deaths 1814-1876 from the Erie Dispatch." WPGSQ 18:1[Summer 1991]32 ______ "Abstracts from the Pittsburgh Advertiser/Statesman 1818-1836," WPGSQ 18:2[Fall 1991]:5-10. ______ "Pittsburgh Evening Chronicle 12 Dec 1871 Vital Records," WPGSQ 18:4[Spring 1992]:32.48-51. ______ "Pittsburgh Gazette Times Miscellaneous Items 1908," WPGSQ 20:2[Fall 1992]:45. ______ "Bedford County Newspaper Abstracts 1803-1809," WPGSQ 24:1[Summer 1997]: 20-25. ______ "Bibliography of the German Newspapers in Pittsburgh Area," WPGSQ 25:1[Summer 1998]: ______ " Western Pa News from The Franklin Repository 1830-31, 34 & 1852 published in Chambersburg, Franklin County Pa." WPGSSQ 27:1[Summer 2000]:26. ______ "Indian Depredation in Butler County Pa. 1 July 1843," WPGSQ 27:1[Summer 2000]:32 ______ "1905-1907 Casualties on Unprotected Railroad Grade Crossings in Homestead, Allegheny County Pa. taken from Homestead Daily Messenger." WPGSQ 27:2[Fall 2000]:43-45 with Map. Manasota Genealogical Society 4 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS ______ "A Potpouri of Western Pa Marriages and One Death from Various Newspapers 1801-1856," WPGSQ 28:1[Summer 2001]:28-30. ______ "Vital Record Abstracts from Bedford County Pa. Newspapers, 1814-1815," WPGSQ 28:1{Summer 2001]:43-45. ______ "Pennsylvania Newspapers: A Bibliography of those held in the Pennsylvania Department of Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh/Oakland, by Chronological Date," WPGSQ 29:4[Spring 2003]:7-53. ______ "The Swiss in Elk County Pa; and a Bibliography of Elk County Newspapers," WPGSQ 30:1[Summer 2003]:30-34. ______ "Vital Records from the Pittsburgh Gazette: 22 Sept 1829-11 Sept. 1832," WPGSQ 30:3[Spring 2004] pp. 24-37. ______ "Vital Records from the Pittsburgh Gazette: 1835," WPGSQ 31:1[Summer 2004]:12-18. ,ational Directory of Weekly ,ewspapers. New York: American Newspaper Representatives. (annual) National Genealogical Society members can access online abstracts of The ,ational Intelligencer [Washington DC] at UCMC=,ational Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections. You can find old newspapers in manuscript collections. Check under State, County, City, Newspapers. This is a MAJOR site to locate them. ,ew York Times Index 1851-date. NY: ew York Times 1913-date. General index to all issues of NYT published annually since 1913. ,ew York Times Obituaries Index 1858-1968. NY:NYTimes, 1970. Lists over 400,000 names alpha order with year of death and reference to NYT obituary. They are NOT yet abstracted. Norton, Wesley. Religious ,ewspapers in the Old ,orthwest to 1861: A History, Bibliography, & Record of Opinion. 1977. Athens OH: Ohio University Press. Ohio Historical Society published a Bibliography of their Newspaper collection some years ago, and Carol Wilsey Bell compiled an index, by county and town locations to make this volume more useful. OHS has an exceptional collection of Ohio newspapers on microfilm. Oregon Spectator Index 1846-1854. 2 vols. Portland: Historical Records Commission, 1901. W.P.A. Newspaper Index Project. Pennsylvania ,ewspapers and Selected Out-of-State ,ewspapers, 1984 Division of Library Sciences, State Library of Pennsylvania, Department of Education, Box 1601, Harrisburg PA 17105. If you write this department, they will search computer data-base for newspaper you wish send you the printout and location of same. If the State Library holds the film, you can borrow it on inter-library loan to your local library for use 2-3 weeks at a time. BUT you must know what paper you want from sources above. The People and Times of Western Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Gazette Abstracts 1786-1820, ed. Clara Duer, published by Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society 1985-95. 5 volumes. On-going. The only newspaper published in W.PA from 1788-1805, very broad coverage. Every name abstracts of every item about western Pennsylvanians, no national coverage. Has been republished. PERSI = Periodical Source Index being a yearly publication by the Fort Wayne Public Library of every article published in thousands of periodicals published in the U.S. & Canada which the Fort Wayne Public Library receives. VALUABLE for locating Any Subject. (See search Form herewith) Persi is available online with a Heritage Quest membership, through your local library. Rossell, Glenora E. Pennsylvania ewspapers: A Bibliography and Union List. 2d edition, 1978 A comprehensive list of Pennsylvania newspapers. Rudeen, Marlys. The Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Papers: A Guide. 1991. Chicago IL: Center for Research Libraries. Salisbury, Ruth ed. Pennsylvania ,ewspapers: A Bibliography and Union List. 1969 superceded by Rossell above. 1969. Scott, Carol A. Marriage and Death ,otices of Wheeling,Western Virginia and the Tri-State Area 18181857, 1858-1865, 1866-1870, 1987-88. 3 volumes. Closson Press, Apollo PA. Scott, Franklin William, ,ewspapers and Periodicals of Illinois 1814-1879. Springfield IL, Illinois State Historical Library 1910. Scott, Kenneth. Genealogical Data from Colonial ew York ,ewspapers. 1977 GPCo. 1977. Mr. Scott has published other such works for New York and Pennsylvania. Szuchs, Loretto D. They Became Americans: Finding ,aturalization Records and Ethnic Origins. Ancestry, 1998. Manasota Genealogical Society 5 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS Setterdahl, Lilly. Swedish American ,ewspapers: A Guide to the Microfilms Held by the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center, Augustana College, Rock Island Illinois. 1981 Rock Island IL, Augustana College Library. Skulnick, Mark "Newspapers Online," Internet Genealogy April-May 2006 pp. 49-52 Spencer, Claude E. Periodicals of the Disciples of Christ and Related Religious Groups. 1943 Canton MO, Disciples of Christ Historical Society. Stroupe, Henry S. The Religious Press of the South Atlantic States, 1802-1865. 1956, Durham NC, Duke University Press. Tomichek, Agnes. Abstracts of ,ewspapers of Westmoreland County Pa. 1799-1850 from the Collection of the Historical Society of Westmoreland County Pa. 1989. Union List of Serials in Libraries of the United States and Canada. 3rd ed. 5 volumes. New York, 1965. Although it excludes general newspapers, it does include listings for many religious and special-interest publications which appeared in newspaper format and contained obituaries and other items of interest to genealogists. U.S. Library of Congress. Chronological Index of ,ewspapers for the Period 1801-1967 in the Collection of the Library of Congress. 11 volumes. Paul E. Swigart compiler. Wash.DC, 1968. Lists newspapers by state, there under by city. Ask librarian for recent acquisitions. ______ ,ewspapers on Microform: United States 1948-1983. 3 volumes, Library of Congress, 1984. Lists newspapers, including many in foreign languages that were microfilmed and reported to the Library of Congress between 1948 & 1983. United States ,ewspaper Program: ,ational Union List. 4th ed. Microfiche. Dublin OH, OCLC, 1993. A source of newspaper information destined to become even more important in the future. It is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the project is intended to provide bibliographic description and location information for all existing American newspapers. There will likely be published bibliographies, but will also be available through the major bibliographic databases, OCLC and RLIN. University of Minnesota. Immigration History Research Center. The ,ewspaper and Serial Holdings of the Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota. 1984- .St. Paul MN: The Center. Part 1 – Ukranian American Periodicals. Part 2 = Italian-American Periodicals. Part 3 = Finnish-American Periodicals, Baltic-American Periodicals, West Slavic-American Periodicals, East Slavic-American Periodicals. Wearmouth, Roberta J. Abstracts from the Port Tobacco Times and the Charles County Advertiser [both of Maryland] 1990 & 1993. Welchley, Mark H. Beaver County Pa. Argus Genealogical Gleanings 1830-1858. Closson Press. Wepsiec, Jan. Polish American Serial Publications, 1842-1966: An Annotated Bibliography. 1968. Chicago IL Willging, Eugene P.and Herta Hatzfield. Catholic Serials of the 19th Century in the United States: A Descriptive Bibliography and Union List. 1959-1968. Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press. 1st series in 2 volumes. 2nd series in 15 volumes. The first series which covered those states with a smaller publication history, first appeared in the Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia Sept. 1954-Dec. 1963. Wiltshire, Betty Couch. Marriages and Deaths from Mississippi ,ewspapers. 4 vols. Bowie MD:Heritage Books Inc. 1984-87. Pre-Civil War newspaper abstracts. Wright, F. Edward. Western Maryland ,ewspaper Abstracts: Items taken from the Hagerstown and Frederick ,ewspapers. 1985. Family Line. Wynar, Lubomyr R. and Anna T. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Ethnic ewspapers and Periodicals in the U.S. 2d edition, Littleton CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1976. Lists over 900 foreign language newspapers still in-print today. Zeps, Valdis J. Lettica in Microform: a Subject Guide. 1982. Madison WI: Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Manasota Genealogical Society 6 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS General Internet Resource Sites • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ABYZ News Links - Index - Newspapers, News Media, and News Sources. Accessible Archives Full-Text Database. Pay for use online searchable transcriptions of primary source material from 18th & 19th century periodicals. American Antiquarian Society: is our nation's chiefrepository for early American newspapers published in the 18th and 19th centuries in the U.S., Canadian and English speaking West Indies. They are presently in a partnership with NewsBank/Readex. Many are available at see also National digital newspaper program (NDNP) - Historical Newspaper Collection. Searchable indexes; database results and some digitizedimages available with fee-based subscription. - Message Boards - Newspaper Research - Footnote is an online repository for original historical documents, combined with the abilityfor users to make comments, annotations, and upload their own documents. Some areas of Footnote are freeto use, while others can be freely searched and then viewed with a paid subscription. contains WisconsinRichland County news papers. - 110+ million articles, obituaries, marriage notices, birth announcements and otheritems published in more than 500,000 issues over 2400 historical U.S. newspaper. New content addedmonthly. Before you subscribe, make sure there are newspapers indexed for your state and city of interest. http://googleblog/ This new site sponsored by Google lists itself as the only decent newspaper blog presently in force. The firstnewspaper they are digitizing is the oldest newspaper in North America The QuebecChronicle Telegraphwhich has been published since 1764. Keep an eye on this site. Ireland Newspaper Abstracts: has many 19th century Irish newspapers. According to John Konvalinka, this site is not directly searchable by surname but individual abstractshave been posted to the newsgroup soc.genealogy.ireland by members of TIARA (The Irish AncestralResearch Assn at and are searchable through the TIARA website at and through newsgroup archives. Pennsylvania Newspaper Project: Kentucky Newspaper Project: Google News Archive: includes many newspapers. Illinois Newspaper Project: The New England Historic Genealogical Society have published a CD-ROM"The Search for Missing Friends" - Irish immigrant advertisements placed in The Boston Pilot which had anationwide circulation 1831-1900 (this is also available online with a NEHGS membership. NEH U.S. Newspaper program: includes info on ethnic papers. Library of Congress newspapers & early foreign newspapers: NewsBank: A subscription site for libraries, the largest and fastest growing newspaper resource in existence has among others: Chicago Tribune Morgue clippings file 1920s + Front Pages = early 1900s through 1984 Newsplan Project for Ireland: provides a listing for all extant files ofIrish newspapers held in the National Library of Ireland, The British Library, and others. by location/state/city etc. then Newspaper Abstracts. Definitive directory to genealogical (newspaper) sources on the Internet. for Special Purpose newspapers. Genealogy from Historic Newspapers On-Line. This online site is made up of scanned articles from old U.S.Newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Includes news, obituaries,marriage and birth notices, advertisements, and an index of names. (Again check their free list of papers indexed to make sure those you are interested in are included. This site has a bunch of allied sites: Manasota Genealogical Society 7 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Old recipes from old Newspapers. Births and Genealogical Records. Obituaries & Funeral Notices. Index of Names in Historic Newspaper Articles. History Books. War News., Marriage announcements. Old Legal Notices: Estates, Probate, Guardianship, etc. Old News from England Old Mississippi River & Steamboat News The Geography of Slavery in Virginia. Digital collection of advertisements for runaway slaves, captured slaves & servants in 18th & 19th century VA newspapers. Over 4000 advertisements for runaway slaves and indentured servants from papers in VA & MD from 1736-1803. It has a keyword searchable database. 11. Historic Newspaper Archives. Actual historic papers to give as gifts, from 1880s to present 12. Library of Congress Newspapers & Current Periodical Reading Room Newspapers & Periodicals - 17th & 18th Century Foreign Newspapers - Lists of Newspapers & Periodical Resources on the Internet - MyVirtualNewspaper list of newspaper links by country and by state - Newspapers Worldwide - NewspaperAbstracts - Finding Our Ancestors in the News! Includes U.S., Canada, Ireland papers prior to 1923. - Thousands of newspapers from 1874 to current in FULL text. - - PaperofRecord - fee-based service of online archived newspaper images for U.S., Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland,France,Spain,Mexico. Various dates 1700s-2000. - ProGenealogists,Inc. German newspapers 1780-1914, lists indexing projects. - US NewspaperLinks - US Newspaper List - List of newspapers online by state, then city with a link to the paper. - - Newspapers An inexpensive, growing set of pay-for-use databases including vital records, court records, military records................. • ProQuestLLC is based in Ann Arbor, MI, one of the largest providers of digitized newspaper products. Black Newspaper Collection = New York Amsterdam News; Pittsburgh Courier; Los Angeles Sentinel; Atlanta Daily World, and more. Large Civil War Era newspaper collection • America's GenealogyBank is a product of NewsBank,Inc. of Naples FL. 97 million newspaper articles spanning years 1690-1977 (few for Pennsylvania) + Historical Books collection with 11,700 digitized and indexed books published between 1801-1900. + Historical Documents Collection contains data from 1790-1980 including military records and casualty lists, pension requests, the American State Papers 1789-1838. • Google News Archives is also digitizing newspapers (via subscription). Internet Sites for ewspaper Research Cyndi' This site should be your first choice to find ANYTHING you want to locate on the internet. The first page is entitled EWSPAPERS: It lists newspapers and sites from A thru Z in the event that you know the name of the newspaper but do not know where it is/was published, just to name a few, i.e. - The Adirondack Explorer - New York (Adirondack Park region) - African-American Newspapers in Kansas. - American & Italia Review - Arkansas History Com. & State Archives - newspapers about 3000 papers from 1819+ - The Augusta Chronicle - the South's oldest newspaper serving GA & SC. Manasota Genealogical Society 8 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS - Colorado's Historic Newspaper Collection 1959-1923. Free public access. - The Belfast Newsletter Index 1737-1800, Northern Ireland 20,000 transcribed pages. - Borders Today - The Southern Reporter - Scotland - The British Library Newspaper Library - from 1620 10 sites to choose from - Catholic Newspapers in Microform: A Directory of Works held at Notre Dame, Indiana. - Clips & Snips: Genealogical Information from the Acadian Recorder, publ from 1800s. - Connecticut Newspaper Project. - Danish Pioneer - oldest Danish Newspaper in the US - Illinois - ~ Austria - Dumfries & Galloway Council - local newspaper index ~ Scotland - The Finnish Historical Newspaper Library 1771-1890, University of Hensinki. - Hawaiian Language Newspapers. - Historical Newspaper Index - FCPL. This site provides an index to 8 different Fairfax Co. & Northern Virginia newspapers from 1785-1973. - An Index to Deadwood Newspapers - South Dakota, from 1876+ - Index to Indian Territory Newspaper Abstracts = Oklahoma, Arizona, North Carolina. - Logberg-Heimskringla, The Icelandic Weekly. - Luxemburger Gazette was published in Dubuque, IA from 1871-1918, in addition to news of Luxembourg it featured news of Luxembourgers and Luxembourg communities throughout the U.S. - Maryland State Archives Guide to Maryland Newspapers. - Mennonite Brethren Herald, see their online editions and current obituaries section. - The Morning Journal - Columbiana County, Ohio - North Carolina Newspaper Project. - Newspapers on Microfilm at the ADAH ~ Alabama - New York State Newspaper Project. - The Scotsman Digital Archive - Scotland, pay for use searchable online database from this newspaper 1817-1950. - Slovack Weekly Newspapers. - The Stars and Stripes - The American Soldiers' Newspaper of World War I, 1918-1919. - Svenska Dagbladet - Nyheter = Sweden - Titanic Newspaper Articles Archive - articles from more than 15,000 historical papers. - Weiner Zeitung - Daily information in English & News Archive - Austria. - U.S. Newspaper Program: You can go to this site and click on state abbreviations to access information about this project in states you are interested in researching. Genealogy Columns & Columnists International Society of Family History Writers and Editors, Inc. (ISFHWE) formerly known as the Council of Genealogy Columnists. Louisiana Ancestors. Genealogy column on affiliated with the Times-Picayune Newspaper. Mic Barnette's Columns, Genealogy & History from the Houston [TX] Chronological. "Our Loose Ends: Genealogy Column by Lynna Kay Shuffield published in the Taylor Daily Newspaper, Williamson County TX. Ruby M. Cusack - Genealogy & Queries. Genealogical & Queries Columns in the Good Life edition of the Saint John Times Globe, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada Tri-City Herald Genealogy On-Line. Dozens of helpful columns written by Terry Day and Donna Potter Phillips. Times Leader - Tom Mooney. Genealogy column appearing in NE Pennsylvania newspapers. Winn Parish Newspaper Column - Family History by Annette Womack - Louisiana. ____________________________________ Manasota Genealogical Society 9 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS EW GEEALOGY BOOKS I MAATEE COUTY LIBRARY Gen 929.342 Ell A General Introduction to the Domesday Book, vols.1 and 2 by Sir Henry Ellis Originally Published 1833 Reprinted for Clearfield by GPC GEN 929.3771 Bri Original Land Entries of Seneca County, Ohio by Ruth Brill, Ralph Sackett and Carol Ann Holscher Published by Seneca County Genealogical Society Tiffin, Ohio, 1991 GEN 929.3794 San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists, Volume 1 by Louis J. Rasmussen Baltimore: GPC, 1978 GEN 929.3771 Sei Marriages of Seneca County, Ohio, 1841 - 1899 by Jean Seigley Published by Seneca County Genealogical Society Tiffin, Ohio, 1994 GEN 929.1 Mor "How to do Everything" Series -Genealogy (2nd edition) by George G. Morgan McGraw Hill Pubishiers, 2009 GEN 976.8 Pew Back Home in Williamson County (Tennessee) by Lyn Sullivan Pewitt Bicentennial Edition 1996 Franklin, Tennessee: Hillsboro Press Originally Published 1986 GEN 929.2 Til The Tillinghasts in America: The first four generations by Wayne G. Tillinghast Special Publication #9 Rhode Island Historical Society, 2006 GEN 929.3771 Hag Seneca County, Ohio, Birth Records (2 Volumes) compiled by Nancy Bostic Hagenmaier From the Seneca County Probate Court Records Vol. 1 includes the original "Volumes 1-3, 1867 - 1888" Volume 2 includes "Volumes 4 - 5, 1888 - 1908" Published by Seneca County Genealogical Society, Tiffin, Ohio, 2006. -- in chart for, includes columns for: Family name, child's name, birth date, sex, father's name, mothers name and maiden name, notes, township, county and state, volume and page#. GEN929.3771 Sen Seneca County Ohio 1870 Census: An Everyname Index Compiled and published by the Seneca County Genealogical Society Tiffin Ohio 1999 Manasota Genealogical Society GEN929.3771 Kil INDEX to Marriages of Seneca County, Ohio January 1899 - April 1992 Compiled by Gaylen Kline Published by Seneca County Genealogical Society Tiffin, Ohio, 2004 GEN 929.3771 Sen Seneca County, Ohio, Bible Records (2 Volumes) Compiled by the Seneca County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society 1983 and 1991 GEN 929.3771 Dor Index to Wills and Estates, 1851 thru 1900 Seneca County, Ohio, Probate Court by Raymond Doran Published by Seneca County Genealogical Society, Tiffin, Ohio, 1989 GEN 929.3771 Sei Seneca County, Ohio, Chancery Records Court Index 1825 - 1860 Compiled by Jean Seigley Published by Seneca County Genealogical Society Tiffin, Ohio, 19091 GEN 929.2 Kay Portraits From the Past: The Descendants of Robert Kay by the Kay Family Association Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, 1994 GEN 929.2 Des The Descendants of Robert Kay of South Carolina (2nd Edition) Compiled by James E. Kay et al Published by the Kay Family Association Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, 1998 10 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS GEN929.373 Ste The Vital Records Compendium Comprising a Directory of Vital Records and Where they May Be Located (1979 edition) Compiled by John D. and E. Diane Stemmons Salt Lake City, Utah, 1979 GEN 929.3754 Hor Abstracts from The South Branch Intelligencer (Hampshire County, Mineral County, Hardy County) June 1837 - December 1839 By Vicki Bidinger Horton Green Spring, West Virginia, 1992 GEN 929.3754 Mic Hampshire County, Virginia (Now West Virginia) 1782 - 1850 Heads of Families and Index to the United States Census Compiled by Major Glen E. Michael Winchester, Virginia, 1976 GEN 929.3754 Sag Early Records Hampshire County Virginia (Now West Virginia) by Clara McC. Sage and Laura S. Jones Originally published Delavan, Wisconsis in 1939 Genealogical Publishing Company Baltimore, Md, 1969, 1976 and 1990 reprints GEN 929.3754 Ker Historical Records of Old Frederick and Hampshire Counties, Virginia (Revised) By Wilmer L. Kerns Heritage Books, Inc Bowie, Maryland, 1992 GEN 929.3754 Hor Hampshire County Marriages of the 1800's compiled by Vicki Bidinger Horton originally published Green Spring, West Virginia 1994 reprinted for Clearfield Company, Inc by GPC, 2000 GEN 929.3755 Vog Marriqage Records in the Virginia State Library: A Researcher's Guide (2nd edition) by John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr. Iberian Publishing Company Athens, Georgia, 1988 GEN 975.5 Ker Frederick County, Virginia: Settlement and some first families of Black Creek Valley 1730 - 1830 by Wilmer L. Kerns Published for the author by Gateway Press, Baltimore, MD 1995 GEN 929.3756 Hol Bladen County, North Carolina: Abstracts of Early Deeds, 1738 1804 by Brent L. Holcomb Southern Historical Press Easley, South Carolina, 1979 GEN 929.3757 Cot Local and Family History in South Carolina: A bibliography by richard N. Cote Southern Historical Press Easley, South Carolina, 1981 GEN 929.3755 Chi List of Voters for Elections of Burgesses 1764 - 1769, Halifax County, Virginia by Marian Dodson Chiarito The Clarkton Press Nathalie,Virginia, 1986 GEN 929.3751 Vir Colonial Delaware Wills and Estates to 1880: An Index by Donald O. Virdin Heritage Books, Inc Bowie,, Maryland, 1994 GEN 929.3754 Hor Hampshire County Records 1816-1923 Virginia / West Virginia compiled by Vicki Bidinger Horton originally published Green Spring, West Virginia 1994 reprinted for Clearfield Company, Inc by GPC, 2000 Manasota Genealogical Society 11 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS GEN 975.2 Kla History of Charles County, Maryland: Tercentenary year 1958. by Margaret Brown Klapthor and Paul Dennis Brown Published by Charel county Tercentenary, Inc. La Plata, Maryland, 1958 GEN 929.3752 New Charles County Gentry by Harry Wright Newman Baltimore: G.P.C., 1971 GEN 929.3752 Wri Inhabitants of Baltimore County, 1692-1763 Compiled by F. Edward Wright Published by Family Line Publications, Westminister, Maryland: 1987,1993 GEN 929.3746 Mac The Stone and the Spirit: A Walking tour tot he Ancient Burying Ground in the Wethersfield Village Cemetery By Gladys G. Macdonough Published by the Wethersfield Historical Society Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1987 GEN 929.3415 Ell Emigrants from Ireland, 1847-1852: State Aided Emigration Schemes fromCrown Estates in Ireland By Ellish Ellis Published by GPC, 1977 GEN 929.3752 Sch Maryland Genealogical Research by George K. Schweitzer Published by Author, (no place) 1991. GEN 929.2 Rey Genealogical and Family History of Southern New York (3 vols) by Cuyler Reynolds Originally published by Lewis Historical Publishing Company in 1913 Reprinted by Higginson Book Company of Massachussetts, n.d. index in volume 3 GEN929.3748 Bjjo Quaker Marriage Certificates 1704- 1799 Compiled by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman Published by Heritage Books, Inc. Bowie, Maryland, 1990 Gen 929.3742 Chi Gazetter of Cheshire County, New Hampshire, 1736 - 1885 compiled and published by Hamilton Child, Syracuse New York, 1885. Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, 2008. GEN 929.3748 Bea Births Deaths and Marriages of the Nottingham Quakers, 1680 - 1889 by Alice L. Beard Published by Family Line Publications, Westminister, Maryland, 1989 GEN 974.275 History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire by D. Hamilton Hurd Originally published by J.W. Lewis and Co. of Philadelphia, 1886 Reprinted by Higginson Book Company, n.d. GEN 929.3743 Cro Soldiers of the Revolutionary War buried in Vermont by Walter H. Crockett Excerpted from the "Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society" 1903 - 1904 and 1905 - 1906 Reprinted in 1973 by GPC Reprinted for Clearfield Publishing Company by GPC, 1991 GEN 929.3743 Fir Manual of the Congregational Church, Waterbury, Vermont, 1893 Facsimile Reprint by Aceto Bookmen, Sarasota, Florida, 1995 GEN 929.3743 Bra Historical Address at the Centennial Celebration of the Town of Fayston, Vermont, including short biographies by Mrs. Anna Bixby Bragg, 1898 Facsimile Reprint, (no publisher, no date) Manasota Genealogical Society GEN 929.3747 Edd Our Ancestors of Albany County, New York (2 volumes) by Sherida K. Eddlemon Heritage Books, 2004 GEN 929.373 Bun The New Loyalist Index (3 volumes) by Paul J. Bunnell Heritage Books, 2007 GEN 929.3752 Jac Graveyars and gravestones of Wicomico by John E. Jacob No title page so no publishing information. GEN 929.3744 Phi Monumental Inscriptions in The Old Cemetery at Rutland, Worcester County, Mass. Edited by David Everett Phillips Published by The Old Northwest Genealogical Society 12 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS GEN 929.373 Pas The 2010 supplement to the large beige-colored set of Passenger and Immigration Lists Index. GEN 929.373 Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals: A select catolog of national Archives microfilm publications. National Archives Trust Fund Board, 1991 revision of the 1983 booklet. "Donated in memory of Murry King Wheeler" GEN 929.2 Bro The Cabells and their Kin: A memorial volue of history, biography and genealogy. by Alexander Brown Garrett and Massie, Inc, of Richmond, VA 1939 "Donated in memory of Murry King Wheeler" GEN 973.7468 Gro Mountain Rebels: East Tennessee Confederates and the Civil War 1860 - 1870 by W. Todd Groce University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, 1999 "Donated in memory of Murry King Wheeler" GEN 973.336 Cox Battle of Kings Mountain Participants, October 7, 1780 by William E. Cox Reprinted by Permission to Historical Society of Washington County, Virginia in Abindgon, Virginia, 1972 --Title page put in backwards -- see page just before back cover ! -- GEN 369.12 Nat The History and Genealogy of the Florida Society Colonial Dames Seventeenth Century 1933-2009. Published by the Florida History Book Committee, Florida Society, Colonial Dames Seventeenth Century c. 2009 -- Gift of the William Bassett Chapter of Bradenton / Sarasota. It has histories of each Local Chapter, a list of closed chapters, and the genealogy of member's ancestors (Although I couldn't find William Bassett!) There is an index (Although I still couldn't find William Bassett!) *************************** We have also received some smaller booklets: Gen 976.8 Spo The Early Years on Bays Mountain in Sullivan County, Tennessee by Murial Millar Clark Spoden c. 1975, reminiscenses of local oldtimers with photos of the area Gen 974.4 Old The Old Burial Ground, Rutland, Mass. Its Inscriptions and Bits of History. Edited by Edward H. Duane Published by the Rutland Historical Society, 1980. Gen 929.3769 Mcc Mc Cracken County Kentucky Marriages, 1824-1850 Another Researchers Publication of Indianapolis, Indiana, no date of publication. Gen 929.3771 Sen Seneca County, Ohio, Ancestor Charts Volume II by Seneca County Genealogy Socielty, Tiffin, Ohio, 1996. BEGIIG I OCTOBER, THE CETRAL LIBRARY WILL O LOGER BE OPE O SUDAY AFTEROOS. The Manatee Central Library, in downtown Bradenton, holds Manatee County’s genealogy reference department, and maintains the Eaton Room for Florida History. For access to the complete catalog of the library online go to: http// Manatee County Public Library System 1301 Barcarrota Blvd. West Bradenton, FL 34205-7522 Phone: (041) 748-5555 Fax (941) 749-7191 Manasota Genealogical Society 13 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS "JOTS FROM JEAN" Femine covert in calibase. The writer found this entry in an on-line edition of the 1839 Wheeling, [West] Virginia City Directory for a person she believes to be her great grandmother. The entry read: Lindsey, Nancy, femine covert in calibace, 25, 2nd story, Water Street, South Wheeling. She had never seen a term like this in any city directory. Some on-line searches were made. Black's Law Dictionary told her that "feme covert" was a married woman, and "calibacy" = no sex, no marriage. So, was this a married woman who was estranged from her husband. Why would this term be used in a city directory? The writer sent emails to several researchers with more experience than she So far, the best explanation she received is from Amy Kastigar, Head of Adult Services for the Ohio County [WV] Public Library. Follows is her insightful answer: "My interpretation of this phrase is that Ms. Lindsay was a married female who lived apart from her husband. Femine covert means married, and thus not a legal entity apart from her husband. She was unable to enter into contracts, etc., as she was no longer considered a person in the legal sense because she was married. In calibace means that she was living a single life without marital relations. So I believe that the city directory listed her as such as a sort of warning to anyone who might look her up during the preliminaries of a business arrangement. She was, for all intent and purpose living the life of a single woman...her own residence, etc. But she was in actuality a married woman (contrary to appearances), and she was not able to legally sign a contract or enter into any sort of legal agreement. I am guessing this was the 19th century method of making sure a woman did not claim basic human rights as she was not entitled to because she was married." This is quite a comment on a married woman's status in the 1830s. The writer would be interested to hear if anyone else has encountered this term. The city directory was accessed through the USGenWeb site for Ohio County, West Virginia [which in 1839 was in Virginia]. /S/ Sue Sanders at [From the Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society Newsletter Jots From The Point, Vol. 35 No. 6, June/July 2009, page 67] _________________________ Michigan Death Certificates The Library of Michigan has launched a free Web site which contains over one million death certificates for the years 1897 to 1920. They are on-line at which is a one-stop source for Michigan historical records. This site is a partnership between the Library of Michigan and the Archives of Michigan. Orange County, Florida 1885 State Census. Is being abstracted and published by the Central Florida Genealogical Society in their newsletter Buried Treasurers in Vol. 41 No. 1 Jan.Mar. 2009. Take a look at this newsletter in the files at our library when you visit. I note in the column "birthplace of self, father, mother" such up-north places as GA. VA, PA, IA, SC, KY, AL, NC, ME, NY, CT, IL, IN. Take a look, they might be your relatives! ______________________ (Continued on page 15) Manasota Genealogical Society 14 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS (Continued from page 14) The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor. The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor in Vails Gate, New York at This on-site database will include up to two pages of additional information about the Purple Heart recipient, along with photographs which cannot be returned. The entry will include only one photograph and only basic information about the recipient. This is certainly a wonderful way to pay homage to all those who gave their lives in defense of our country. [Treasure Chest News of the Central FL Genealogical Society, Vol. 30 No. 5 June/July 2009 page 57]. ___________________________________ Episcopal Church Archives has purchased a block in downtown Austin, Texas where it plans to build a facility to house its national archives and provide space4 for meetings, exhibits, research and other purposes. Purchase price was $9.5 million. The entire project is projected to cost over $40 million. The new church archives building will allow the church to consolidate it's historical archives and documents into one location serving congregations across the United States. There are 2.2 million Episcopalians in the U.S. See _____________________ Kentucky Free Websites: KY Historical Society = then click on research/genealogy This site also contains the library's 90,000 books & microfilm collections, as well as manuscripts. KY Digital Library; KY Cemetery Records Database; and Historical Marker Database are also available there. ________________________ Social Networking for Genealogists is a new work compiled by friend Drew Smith of Tampa, a frequent speaker at MGS. 2009 publ. by Genealogical Publishing Company of Baltimore MD. whose website is The book contains 129pp. ISBN 978-0-8063-1795 $18.95 + P&H. paperback. The Internet is in the process of changing from a collection of corporate, organizational, and personal websites to a social network of dynamic services full of user-contributed content (think Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, etc). The benefits of participating in this universe of expanded and shared information are incalculable and will lead, potentially, to the greatest exchange of information in history. Genealogists in particular will thrive in this new environment of sharing, interacting and sharing. This book describes the wide array that are now available online and highlights how genealogists can use them i.e. Wikis to Blogs to Facebook & Second Life, and incorporate them into your own family history research. There are chapters on Blogs; Collaborative editing; Genealogyspecific social networks; General social networking (Facebook); Message boards and Mailing lists; Photos and video sharing; Podcasts; RSS feeds; Sharing personal libraries; Tags; Virtual worlds; and Wikis. [I think we need to invite Drew back to tell us more about this very interesting new subject in our research]. Limerick, Ireland Burial Records now Online Ireland's leading genealogical periodical has praised the Limerick City Council's decision to become the first local authority to put its burial records online; and Ireland's Genealogical Gazette believes it will bring more tourists to their city. The monthly newsletter of the Genealogical Society of Ireland says, "Limerick City Council has most certainly thrown down the gauntlet to all other local authorities by its decision to utilise its archival and heritage resources as a means to promote awareness, appreciation and knowledge of the social history of its city." Burial records for the city's largest cemetery, Mount Saint Lawrence date back to 1855. The internet site is free. You can read more at [from Dick Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter, see at] ________________________ (Continued on page 16) Manasota Genealogical Society 15 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS (Continued from page 15) 100 Genealogy Resources to Discover Your Ancestry Suzane Smith has written an article entitled "100 Genealogy Resources to Discover Your Ancestry." Dick Eastman writes "I think a list like this should be given to every genealogy novice." See the list at [from Dick Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter. see at] _____________________________ Cumberland County PA Archives On-Line This county was formed in 1750 from Lancaster county, and at this time encompassed all of southwestern Pennsylvania to the later Ohio territory. More than 259 years of documented history is now available to researchers on-line at Barbara Bartos, county archivist, said nearly 13,000 historical documents dating from the county's founding have been placed on the website. Entries include slave returns, basstardy bonds, debtor petitions, pension applications for Revolutionary War service, prison calendars, bolter and baker brand marks. The help file on the site states that active and non-active permanent and non-permanent records from 1750 to present in volumes or loose paper format still maintained by the various row offices are not available. [Dick Eastman's] _________________________ Allegheny County PA Carnegie Free Library of the Borough of Carnegie has posted biographical info on its website for Civil War veterans who belonged to Captain Thomas Espy Post, and who lived in the Chartiers and Mansfield areas which are now in the borough of Carnegie. Look under the Civil War tab at the Espy Post collection at _______________________ The Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, Ohio has cut 28% of their staff, and have reduced library hours. They will be open only on Thurs. Fri. & Sat. until further notice. National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis opens Civilian Personnel Records to the public. NARA St. Louis June 2009 opened more than 6 million individual personnel files of former civilian employees from mid-1800s through 1951. Among these are files of prominent people such as Walt Disney, Ansel Adams (artist), Eliot Ness, Calvin Coolidge, J.Edgar Hoover, Gifford Pinchot (roads, etc.), Walker Evans & Albert Einstein. Ronald L. Hindman, Director of NPRC characterized these records "as a veritable treasure-trove of data for researchers; being records from more than 100 government agencies. They showcase careers of government employees who investigated bootleggers; taught at Indian schools; worked in Japanese-American interment caps; in prisons; on anti-prostitution boards; and created and implemented initiatives in Roosevelt's New Deal agencies. Bureau of Indian affairs; Dept. of Justice; etc. The opening of this collection adds to the existing collections of more than 9 million military personnel files which are already available to search. In late 2010 these records will be moved to a state-of-art repository in Dunn Road in suburban St. Louis. [Dick Eastman's] American Heritage Magazine Summer 2009, Vol. 59 No. 2. Genealogists tend to overlook publications other than genealogical periodicals, but there are a lot of good ones out there that we should check out either by subscription or at our local research library. The above issue has a number of thought provoking, helpful articles, i.e. "The Emancipation Question" by Tom Huntington discusses 'the eve of the civil war, newspapers and (Continued on page 17) Manasota Genealogical Society 16 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS (Continued from page 16) magazines were full of arguments about the economic viability of slavery.' Visit Civil War Trails: Hear the personal accounts of freemen who risked everything to join the Union Army, and you begin to understand the fight for the common good. For the guys out there, "Discovering Colorado's Louis L'Amour Country." L'Amour has written over 107 books, many are still in print, he rode the San Juan and La Plata Mountains, the Greenhorns and Spanish Peaks, rivers with such names as Purgatoire, Dolores and Rio Grande. His works portray a time in the Old West when the American character was forged by hardship and opportunity when cattlemen fought ranchers, miners sought treasures out of hard rock, and lawmen struggled to control a land overrun by Civil War renegades. The library in our Condo Assn. has about 100 of these little volumes, I always thought they were for the men, but after reading two recently "The Californios" and "Guns of the Timberlands" I have changed my mind. L'Amour lived in Durango, Colorado and I heard about him on a trip to the Mesa Verde Country and rode the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad one summer. Fascinating country with so much history. Another fascinating article "Wilderness Ordeal: 250 Years Ago, Major Robert Rogers and his rangers launched a daring wilderness raid against an enemy village, but paid a steep price" by John F. Ross from his new book about the French & Indian War 1754-1763 in Crown Point, Canada with several excellent maps is well worth reading. And another article "Shipwrecked History" is about a Spanish attempted settlement in the Pensacola Bay 450 years ago this year [Aug. 15, 1759] which is being celebrated this year in Pensacola. Divers have been discovering many pieces of the ships and utensils, archaeology is a fascinating subject. And if L'Amour doesn't strike your fancy fellows, they the article "Play Ball" by Harry Katz contains a story about the New England towns where baseball originated in the 18th century, and fans flouted nuisance ordinances to play the game. There is also a "Guide to the Historic Sites in Florida" the top five aviation and space history sites, forts and battlefields, family friendly sites, and more. Enjoy! ______________________ Did you know that the Buffalo Soldiers from the Civil War were the first National Park Rangers in California. Saw this on PBS the other night while watching a 2-3 hour program on our National Parks. National Parks: The Magazine of the National Parks Conservation Association Summer issue, 2009 contains more interesting reading. "Touching the Four Courners: Exploring our Earliest Civilization." Where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah converge, ancient structures tell the story of our nation's earliest inhabitants. Pay a visit to Canyon de Chelly, Mesa Verde, Hovenweep and Chaco Culture. A few years back when we visited Mesa Verde, we planned a one day trip which extended into a week of hiking through this great park, I will never forget it. These cities of stone are architectural marvels. "The Standoff: A Territorial dispute on Washington's San Juan Island revealed two countries' desperate need to keep the peace." Great Britain and America. Read it. (Continued on page 18) Manasota Genealogical Society 17 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS (Continued from page 17) Then there is History: The History Channel Magazine July-August 2009 with "Walk on the Wild Side: America's Greatest Adventure." The path to the moon covered a lot more than merely 238,000 miles by JaAnn Greco. "The Lincoln Highway" by Cathy Madison, which was called "the road to nowhere in 1912." The Lincoln Highway Association was founded incorporated July 1, 1913 with Henry Joy, president of the Packard Motor Company and Frank Sieberling, president of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company was corporate sponsors. The highway eventually stretched west from Times Square in New York City, across the Hudson River (construction on the Holland Tunnell did not begin until 1920), through New Jersey, Pa., WV, OH, IN, IL, IA, NE, WY, UT, NV and CA by ferry across the bay from Oakland Ca to Lincoln Park in San Francisco. Sites include Donner Pass, Stokes Castle, Shoe Tree, Eureka, Wamsutter, Medicine Bow WY, Tree Rock, WY, Hammer Motel NE, Great Platte River Road Archway, Boys Town, Boone, Marshaltown IA, the Abe Lincoln Motel, Notre Dame Univ., Fort Wayne, Canton OH, Chester WV, Pittsburgh, the Westinghouse Bridge, Gettysburg, the Coffee Pot Motel in Bedford PA, Philadelphia, on to Times Square in NYC. The Lincoln Highway Museum is located in Franklin Grove, Illinois. ********************************************* FREE PEOPLE SEARCH SITES as of August 2009 (Prof.people) www.inteliusfreepeoplesearch. www.peoplefindernow/com = bigfoot (background) phone directory = Social Security # = Birth parents/adoptees = cell phone directory = military connections = Public Records = " " " " Email = Free reverse Email Lookup = Email addresses = " Manasota Genealogical Society 18 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS OTICES & MEETIGS Elmer's Genealogy Library in Madison, Florida, established by Elmer C. Spear will be merging with the Huxford Genealogy Library in Homerville, Georgia in 2010.? The merged Library will be housed in Homerville, Georgia. This merger has already been approved by the Board of Directors of both libraries, and the transfer of over 25,000 books, nearly 4,000 rolls of microfilm, and over 10,000 sheets of mirofiche?will start taking place as soon as the City of Homerville completes the renovation of the building that will house both libraries.?? The City of Homerville provides utilities as well as housing for the Huxford Genealogy Library and will continue to do so.?? Since Elmer's Genealogy Library is a 501 (c) (3) corporation, the library building on Range Avenue in Madison will also be donated to the Huxford Genealogy Library. This decision to merge Elmer's Library with the Huxford Library was made to ensure the survival of Elmer's Genealogy Library into the future.? If you are a genealogist, you will really enjoy this new combination library. There are two Bed and Breakfast establishments in Homerville and this small Georgia town, located between Waycross and Valdosta, welcomes genealogists with open arms.? Genealogy draws a lot of out-of-town visitors to this small town which really appreciates it.? Homerville is easily reached from both I-10 and I-75.? See Map. Elmer's Genealogy Library members will be extended?an invitation to transfer their membership to this new and larger library. The new library will be named the Judge Folks Huxford and Elmer C. Spear Genealogy Library.? This new library will be managed by the Huxford Genealogical Society. Press Release:? August 9, 2009: Submitted by Barb Schulz **************************** Genealogical Society of Sarasota (GSS) meets third Saturday of the month at 9:30 AM (mingling), 10:00 AM (program) from Oct. thru May (second Saturday in Dec. 2009) at Selby Library, 1331 1st St., Sarasota. Occasional workshops, led by Jan Young, are held at Venice Library, 300 S. Nokomis Ave., Venice. President is Armin Gumerman ( Website: Germanic SIG: Karen Dwyer ( at 9:30 AM at LDS History Center, 7001 Beneva Rd., Sarasota. Scotland/Northern Ireland SIG: Jean Wallace ( meets in Jan., Feb, Mar. Dates, times, and places are not available yet. Ireland SIG: Bernadette Duncan ( meets second Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM at 2645 Wilkinson Rd., Sarasota. Italian SIG (sponsored by GSS & Sarasota Italian Cultural Events): Franz Schneider ( meets on selected Thursdays at 2:00 PM at Gulf Gate Library, 7112 Curtiss Ave., Sarasota. Computer SIG: Joe Graham ( meets third Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM from Oct. thru May at Selby Library, 1331 1st St., Sarasota. Submitted by Ed Gaulin *********************** Jewish Genaealogical Society The mission of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Tampa Bay is to assist interested individuals in learning about Jewish genealogy and learning how to research, document and preserve their own family histories. The Society does this by facilitating the exchange of research information, encouraging and facilitating research activities, educating members to help themselves and (Continued on page 20) Manasota Genealogical Society 19 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS others, making available research resources and materials, and presenting monthly programs of interest to Jewish genealogical researchers. The Society’s library and research resources include both printed materials and Internet access as well as guided assistance from experienced researchers. Special emphasis is given to helping beginners. Anyone interested in learning how to do Jewish genealogical research is invited to attend. Beginners as well as experienced researchers are welcome. For information on the organization or directions to the meeting call Sally Israel at 727-343-1652. -Sally U. Israel 2015 Dolphin Blvd. S. St. Petersburg, FL 33707 Phone: 727-343-1652 ************************************* MEETING TOPICS FOR 2009 - 2010 Tue - ov. 3, 2009: 9:30am - 12 noon "The Mysteries and Jewels of City Directories" , by Jim McHugh, President of the MGS Computer Special Interest Group (starting about 11:15am) Tue - Dec. 1, 2009: 9:30 - 12 noon "Child of No One: The Law and Your Illegitimate Ancestor", by Sharon Tate Moody, C.G., Computer Special Interest Group (starting about 11:15am) "Bytes of Christmas Cookies", bring a small plate of cookies to meeting to share. Tue - Jan. 5, 2010: 9:30am - 12 noon "Putting Your Family Tree On-Line." by Donna Moughty. Computer Special Interest Group (starting about 11:15am) Tue - Feb. 2, 2010: 9:30am - 12 noon "Coloring Your Ancestor Alive", by Karen Krugman, P.G.; Karen is an Ellenton, FL native, but now resides in Michigan. Computer Special Interest Group (starting about 11:15am) Saturday - Feb. 13, 2010: SEMIAR (cost, time & location to be published later) "RootsMagic Seminar" , by Bruce Buzbee, software developer and founder of RootsMagic. Tue - Mar. 2, 2010: 9:30am - 12 noon Title to be Announced, speaker is Thomas J. Kemp,M.L.S., Director of Genealogy Products at; Also, Chair of the Genealogy Committee of the American Library Association, and a resident of Connecticut. Computer Special Interest Group (starting about 11:15am). Tue - Apr 6, 2010: 9:30am - 12 noon "Researching Military Records: the French & Indian War 1754-1763 through World War II ", by Bryan Mulcahy. Bryan is the Reference Librarian, Fort Myers-Lee County Library. Computer Special Interest Group (starting about 11:15am) Tue - May 4, 2010: 9:30am - 12 noon Topic & Presenter to be announced at a later date. Computer Special Interest Group (starting about 11:15am) COMPUTER SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (CSIG): WHAT IS IT? A meeting of genealogists interested in using their personal computers to enhance their research. WHE? Monthly -- On the first Tuesday of the month (October through May) following main topic speaker. TIME: About 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM, following the meeting break period after the main MGS speaker. PLACE: The Central Library Auditorium, Bradenton, FL (same location as our MGS monthly meeting) (Continued on page 21) Manasota Genealogical Society 20 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009 CRACKER CRUMBS WHO: Open to all those interested in using their personal computers to enhance their genealogical research. PROGRAM: Each month we will discuss and view what's new in genealogy on the Internet. We'll have demonstrations of software and hardware that will facilitate our research. Tips and techniques will be shared by and among those attending each meeting. Genealogically related computer, Internet, digital photography and research questions will be fielded during the sessions. We'll look at the newest technology but will keep the discussions as low tech as possible. ROOTSMAGIC SPECIAL ITEREST GROUP (RMSIG): The MGS RootsMagic SIG meets the second Monday of the month at 2 PM at the Westminster Courtyard (222 Old Main Street, Bradenton) main meeting room . This SIG deals with the use of the RootsMagic genealogical software. Phyllis Doucette and Anne Young lead this group. More specific details can be obtained at our general MGS monthly Meeting, or directly from Phyllis or Anne. BEGIIG GEEALOGY CLASS The classes will run 1 ½ hours and will be held in the Westminster Courtyard main meeting room at 222 Old Main St. Free parking is available at the library, 2 hour street parking is available on 3rd Ave., or on Old Main St., and metered parking in the city lot across the street. Laptop computers are welcome. Phyllis Doucette will be the instructor, and the cost for the class series is $15.00. The next class will be announced at a later date. CLASS SCHEDULE (Dates to be announced for the Fall 2009 Class): Session #1 - 1:00pm - Where and how to start; forms; sources Session #2 - 1:00pm - Computer programs; what’s important and how to use Session #3 - 1:00pm - Documentation – why, important, & how-to; library use; online sources Session #4 - 1:00pm - Local resources; preparation for a genealogy trip; wrap-up Of interest to those of you who have an iPhone. There are several genealogy apps available. Reunion is on my MAC and now on my iPhone. o need to take a laptop to the library, you can add info to your iPhone at the library. WANTED People to share their genealogical experiences. Did you solve a brick wall? Do you have a very interesting ancestor? Was the ancestor a king or horse thief? A queen or a lady of the evening? Cracker Crumbs would love to have you share your story. Write it up, send it in, and it will be printed in Cracker Crumbs. PUBLICATION NOTICE:Every effort is made to publish accurate information. However, the Society assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for the accuracy of any published materials. Established errors will be corrected in the next issue. Editor Contact Information: Dorinne Campbell: Manasota Genealogical Society 21 Vol. 32:1 Fall 2009
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