April 2012 District 1 Notes from the Director

April 2012 District 1 Notes from the Director
I am pleased to announce that the NATA office and more importantly the NATA Staff and
their families are all safe and sound with no loss of life or property, despite some of the worst
tornedo cluster in history !!! Lets hope that the rest of April is calm and quite as we head into
late spring.
Paul A. Ullucci, Jr.
District Director
NATA District 1
The following District 1 members have been recognized by the
NATA for their service to the profession. Please take a moment to
thank them for their service and their dedication and take the
time in St. Louis to see their award ceremony.
Hall of Fame
– Jeff Stone, Marjorie King
Most Distinguished AT – Kathy Pirog
President’s Challenge
– Doug Casa
District Update
District 1 Committee Chair Openings
New District 1 Committee Chairs announced
Open Committee Chair positions
Change in Select Committee Chair P&P
District 1 Remembers Peter Krasnor, ATC
Community Project : St. Louis are you interested in giving back ?
Skype the Director
News from the NATA BOD
2012Daniel L. Campbell Legislative Award Contest
Jeffrey Smith, MS, ATC – Receives certificate of Leadership
Name change to be investigated
Rectal Temperature Form
NATA’s efforts to promote the profession
Quality Health Care and Safeguards to Athletes of All Ages and Levels of Participation
Setting specific examples of the NATA promoting the profession of Athletic Training
High School Athletic Trainers
Collegiate Athletic Trainers
BOD meeting Schedule
Boston University Society for Athletic Training Students Promotes AT Month
District Committee News
State Association News
Daniel R. Sedory District 1 Scholarship – Awarded to Evan S. Thompson
EATA Update
EATA Student Delegates chosen
Massachusetts - Ariel Zaleski
New Hampshire - Stephanie Paynter
Vermont - Matt McNamaee
Upcoming Events
Canadian Athletic Trainers Association – Ontario
2012 CATA Symposium (Tuesday, May 22, 2012)
Cooperstown Shoulder and Elbow Meeting
Concussion Education Study Needs your Help !
OA Center for Orthopedics in Maine Continuing Education Programs
Boston Sports Medicine & Performance Group
CT Brain Injury Association Annual Conference
Polar Bear Conference
Big East Clearwater Symposium
Sports Medicine for the Pediatric Primary Care Provider
Body work Education Project – manual therapy CE opportunities
Barefoot Running/Training vs Orthotic Intervention: Room for Both?
District Update
District 1 Committee Chair Openings
The Following District 1 Committee Chair Positions are open and need to be filled by June of
2012. If you are interested in volunteering to take on the responsibilities associated with these
very important committees please contact me as soon as possible at paul@risportsmed.com
– Public Affairs To top
New Committee Chair Appointments
I am very pleased to announce that we have found members who are willing to take on the
responsibilities of District 1 Committee chair for the following District Committees
– CUATC – John Rock
– GAC – Vickey Graham
– Secondary School – Lori Johannessen
– Clinical and Emerging Practices – Audrey Mckenzie
– Ethnic Diversity – Grant Wilson III
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Change to Committee Chair Policy and Procedures
At the EATA meeting the District 1 Executive Committee voted to require District Committee
Chairs from the Committees listed below to attend the District 1 Business Meeting at the
EATA in order to present a committee report as well as answer questions from the
membership. To this end the Executive Committee has voted to reimburse the chairs below
for one nights lodging to the EATA annual meeting in order to ensure that each Committee
Chair can attend the meeting and present important information to the District.
– College and University
– Secondary School
– Clinical and Emerging Practices
– Government Affairs
– Young Professionals
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Skype the Director – The next Skype the Director will be March 8, 2012 @ 11am
to noon. My username is Paul A. Ullucci, Jr. All District 1 members are invited to contact me
via SKYPE should they have any questions. If you are unavailable at that time please feel free
to email me question at paul@risportsmed.com and I will respond.
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District 1 Remembers Peter Krasnor, ATC
I am sorry to report that Peter Krasnor, ATC a longtime member of ATOM and District 1
passed away, his obituary can be found:
Giving back in St. Louis @ NATA !
Are you interested in giving back to the community while attending the NATA annual
meeting in St. Louis ??
Jennifer Semle, EATA Secretary, is looking or individuals or groups who are interested in
doing a habitat for humanity type project the day before the annual meeting starts. Last year
Jenn planted trees in New Orleans and is looking to put together a group to work on a
community project prior to the conference.
She is trying to get 10-12 people to either 1. Work on construction site or 2. Work in Habitat
store stocking shelves etc. on Tuesday June 26. If we have too many volunteers, we may
actually have a choice for 1 or 2.
Preliminary plan is to fly down on Monday June 25 - have dinner together and start Tuesday
morning by 8am. Waiting to hear back from St Louis Habitat supervisor. Those interested
should contact Jenn directly at jsemle@yahoo.com
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NEWS from the NATA Board of Directors:
Name Change
The NATA BOD voted to create a NATA BOD directed workgroup to fully investigate the
factors associated with changing the name of our profession. We DID NOT vote to change the
name, rather to investigate whether a name change is appropriate based on the positives and
negatives associated with such a change as well as identify the most appropriate name to
change it to if such a changes is recommended.
The workgroup will be chaired by Russ Richardson, District 10 Director. Director Richardson
and President-elect Thornton will be appointing members to the taskforce shortly. Members
will come from each district and represent each facet of athletic training.
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Rectal Temperature Form
The NATA and the NATABOD has recognized that in all settings it may not be permissible to
obtain a rectal temperature when assessing an athlete for heat stroke, despite the fact that there
is significant scientific evidence of the importance of obtaining this critical measure.
The current “Preventing Sudden Death in Sports” position statement recommends that ALL
athletic trainers discuss whether or not their employer/setting will allow them to obtain a
rectal temperature in their particular setting. The NATA and the NATA BOD have recognized
that Athletic Trainers may want to document whether or not their employer will allow them to
assess rectal temperature and has produced a document to aide in this process. This document
is designed to assist and protect the athletic trainer when discussing the importance of this
medical procedure and whether or not their employer will allow them to perform it. To ensure
its validity it was vetted by the NATA’s attorneys.
It can be found at
http://www.eatad1.org/index.html and click on News and Information / Heat Illness Form
Please keep in mind that various NATA position statements have been recommending
assessing rectal temperatures in cases of suspected heat stroke since at least 2003 and
assessing rectal temperature has been included in the last set of Competencies that all ATEP
programs use when creating their curriculums. In fact, all students attending a ATEP program
are being taught how to obtain a rectal temperature as part of their educational experience.
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NATA BOD Conference call Schedule
The NATA BOD is scheduled to meet on May 9-11, 2012 in Dallas prior to our Annual
Meeting in St. Louis in June. If you have any comments or concerns you would like me to
present to the NATA Board of Directors or the Staff of the NATA please feel free to email,
SKYPE or call me at your convenience.
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2012 Daniel L. Campbell Legislative Awards
We are pleased to announce the 2012Daniel L. Campbell Legislative Award Contest. As
usual, entries will be accepted for two types of effort, each important in achieving success in
the legislative and regulatory arenas.
Class I
 Activity must be current (2011)
 Nominate a state association with an outstanding effort toward legislation. (The
legislation may create new law or update existing law.)
 The nomination must include a history of events, give examples of obstacles overcome
or innovative techniques, and state the results of the effort. (Passage of legislation is
not necessary for nomination.)
 List all individuals involved.
Class II
 Activity must be current (2011)
 Nominate a state association who has undertaken activities aimed at keeping athletic
training “on the radar screen” of legislators.
 The nomination must be in writing; pictures of events are encouraged.
 Describe activities (how it was organized, who participated, number attending, etc.)
 Describe the relevance of these activities to your overall legislative goals.
 Give examples (if applicable) of how events benefited legislative effort.
 List all individuals involved.
All entries must be in writing, and must be received at the NATA Government Affairs Office
by May 1, 2012. You may e-mail nominations to judyp@nata.org, or mail to the address
below. Winners will be chosen by members of the Government Affairs Council and honored
at the National Convention on June 25 (during the State Leadership Forum meeting).
Daniel L. Campbell was an active and influential member of the National Athletic Trainers’
Association for 34 years. Dan served in several capacities in his service to the NATA and the
profession, but is most known for his work in governmental affairs and reimbursement. He
was instrumental in creating the Reimbursement Advisory Group, the precursor to the
Committee on Revenue, and co-authored a booked titled “Reimbursement for Athletic
Trainers” about the history of the reimbursement effort. NATA named Dan a Most
Distinguished Athletic Trainer in 1996.
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Jeffrey Smith, MS, ATC
March 26, 2012
Jeffrey Smith, MS, ATC
36 Country Ln
Sunderland, MA 01375-9600
Dear Jeff:
It is with great pleasure that we enclose your Certificate of Leadership, in recognition of
completion of the NATA’s leadership development program, StarTRACKS.
We are proud of the StarTRACKS program and its rigorous curriculum. Because it is a selfstudy, it is especially laudable that you completed it with such thoughtful evaluations.
The Association is committed to assuring that members are prepared to lead both the
profession and the Association. We look forward to your continued participation in the
NATA and its component organizations.
The staff liaison for the StarTRACKS program is Judy Pulice. Please call on us or on Judy if
at any time we can be of assistance. Congratulations on your achievement.
Marje Albohm, ATC
Eve Becker-Doyle, CAE
Executive Director
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Boston University Society for Athletic Training Students
To Paul Ullucci,
Hello, my name is Edgar Urbina, and I am a member of the executive board for the Boston
University Society for Athletic Training Students (BUSATS). I am writing in hopes of
communicating some of the big things that our organization is doing to promote Athletic
Training month and give back to our community here in Boston.
This semester BUSATS organized a fundraiser that raised over $2000 to provide the Boston
Public School system with Athletic Training services. Currently there is only one full time
athletic trainer for over 18,000 kids, and as 75% of these kids do not have access to insurance,
this individual is one of their only means of health care access. This fundraiser took place on
February 29th, and had over 200 attendees, a number we are definitely proud of. The
fundraiser consisted of a raffle, games, a bake sale, and entertainment! One of the coaches
from Boston English came to speak along with an athlete, and it became clear at that point
that we were raising more than money.
BUSATS also designed wristbands, similar in fashion to the “Livestrong” bands, which we
are selling during the month of March in celebration of National Athletic Training Month. The
bands say “Every BODY Sargent College,” and “Band Together” on the inside. Six different
Sargent clubs are helping us sell these bands. Our intention was to create unity among the
different health majors in Sargent College by advertising the importance of the “banding
together” as all the students in Sargent College are interested in working with the “body.” So
far we have sold over 200 wristbands among ourselves and other participating clubs, and will
continue selling them until the end of the semester.
Thank you very much for taking to time to read about what BUSATS has been doing in and
around Boston University’s campus to further strengthen the Athletic Training profession. If
you have any questions, feel free to contact me, as I would be happy to provide you with any
additional information.
Edgar Urbina
Boston University Society of Athletic Training Students – Sergeant at Arms
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NATA Promotes the Profession!
The NATA, its’ staff and its public relations company have made it a priority to promote our
profession. Media coverage highlighting Athletic Trainers promoting athletic safety in the high
school and collegiate setting have been featured in ESPN, CBS Evening News, Today Show, CNN,
USA Today, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and many more media outlets ! To top
NATA Official Statement on Providing Quality Health Care
and Safeguards to Athletes of All Ages and Levels of
As performance expectations continue to rise for athletes of all ages and levels of participation, a
parallel need arises for high quality and specialized health care that provides preventative programs,
immediate and emergency care, rehabilitation, and return to function programs designed to ensure
that athletes lead full and productive lives during and long after their athletic careers. The National
Athletic Trainers’ Association is devoted to the health and safety of athletes and other active
In an effort to safeguard athletes in organized sports and minimize injuries at both practices and
competitions, the NATA recognizes that athletes of all ages and levels of participation should have
equitable access to the health care services delivered by a highly qualified, licensed or otherwise
regulated, academically qualified professional athletic trainer. NATA believes that the minimum
standard of health care for athletes should include employing an athletic trainer who is directed by a
physician, having emergency action plans, and establishing safety and medical protocols and
procedures at every public and private sports venue and for every sporting event.
Secondary School
Secondary School Employment Strategies Workshops - SSATC has put these on at numerous district
meetings and every year at the NATA annual meeting for the past 5 years or so. The workshop
addresses how to get a job and how to improve your existing job. The presentations are also online at
Position Proposal Guide and Position Improvement Guide – The committee is currently updating
both of these documents.
Secondary School Value Model Presentation – a modifiable presentation that members can use to
demonstrate their value in presentations to administrators, school boards, etc.
Secondary School State Grants – Available in previous years to state athletic training associations to
help with local projects related to secondary school job development and improvement. In July, the
group voted to modify the grant to encourage state associations to gather market penetration
statistics in each state.
Back to School Letter – Letter goes out annually to state activities associations. This year we will
include superintendents, risk managers, etc. reminding them of the importance of having an athletic
Exhibition and speaking engagements – NIAAA/NFHS Athletic Directors Conference, National School
Board Association Conference
Secondary School Benchmark Study (N4SB) – Important market research for our strategic planning in
secondary school job creation.
Secondary School Job Satisfaction Survey – Will also collect important data from this survey to all
secondary school members, including hours, teaching responsibilities, employment models, etc.
To top
Online AMCIA – The Appropriate Medical Coverage for Intercollegiate Athletics now has an online
worksheet, making it easier than ever before to demonstrate the need for additional staff/improved
working conditions. All things Appropriate Medical Coverage Intercollegiate Athletics (AMCIA)
available here
Health Model Article – Charlie Thompson and NATA Staff put together a great article in the March
’11 NATA News on the healthcare model of employment for collegiate athletic trainers and its
positive impact on working conditions and athlete care. I’ve attached it here in a pdf.
College/University Job Satisfaction Survey – College University Athletic Trainers Committee (CUATC)
has already completed a survey similar to the secondary school survey mentioned above.
College/University Value Model – CUATC and Committee on Reimbursement (COR) and members
are working jointly to produce a presentation that will illustrate the value of a college/university
athletic trainer.
2011- 12 PR push for College/University Setting – NATA Staff is going to sit in our next CUATC
conference call once football schedules calm down. We will then complete a formal plan for a public
relations campaign for the C/U setting for the upcoming year.
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State Association News
Daniel R. Sedory District 1 Scholarship
The Daniel R. Sedory New Hampshire District 1 Scholarship will be presented to Evan S.
Thompson this year. Evan is a junior from Keene State College and a permanent resident of
Keene, NH.
His NATA membership number is 51350.
Because our student symposium is this weekend, we will be presenting a certificate only on
Sunday. Joe, the check will need to be mailed to him. I will ask him on Sunday if he would
rather the check go to his home or his school address and I will send you the relevant
information then.
We had a miserable lack of applicants for our scholarships this year. We contemplated
extending the deadline but the program directors all concurred that it should not be extended
to potentially reward students who did not stay on top of things.
Liesl M. Lindley, ATC, NH L.A.T.
President, NHATA
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Upcoming Events:
Phil Hossler Concussion Study
Attention Secondary School Athletic Trainers:
Attention to concussion is at an all-time high. Those of us working in the
secondary school setting have often been charged by legislation to educate our
athletes, parents and coaches. I am seeking methods from around the country
that are being utilized to inform, talk with, and educate your staff and/or
Send any and all to me please (none to common or to complex) for possible
inclusion in an article I am developing. If included, you will of course be given
credit for your method. Be certain to respond with name, work place, town and
state. Thank you
Phil Hossler, ATC
NATA Hall of Fame
East Brunswick HS, East Brunswick, NJ
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OA Centers for Orthopaedics (Maine) is pleased to
announce the following continuing education seminars for
Functional Movement Screen
3-day Level 1 and Level 2 Combo with Brett Jones
May 4-6, 2012
Selective Functional Movement Assessment
Level 2 Advanced Integration Workshop with Dr Phil Plisky
July 28-29, 2012
Building the Ultimate Back
From Rehabilitation to Ultimate Performance w. Dr Stuart McGill
September 8-9, 2012
All Courses arc held at the OA Performance Center in Saco, Maine
For more information please visit
Peter Clark, ATC, CSCS, RKC
OA Centers for Orthopaedics
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Boston Sports Medicine & Performance Group
January 2012 Newsletter Save the Dates and Register for Upcoming Conferences!
BSMPG has two exciting events to share with our friends and family. Are you ready?!
1) Registration is still open for the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) Course “A” on March 30-April 1,
2012 in Boston, MA!
This 3 day hands-on course is designed to introduce DNS principles as it relates to exercise and performance
training. Only a few spots remain so register now!
Course Details: available on the website.
** NOTE: This course is limited to 30 people total. No walk-ins will be allowed.
2) Our 2011 Summer Seminar, “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants” was a great success! Many said after leaving
the conference that we’d never be able to match that level of popularity again.
Well, looks like lightening does strike twice! BSMPG is excited to announce the speaker set for the 2012 Summer
Be sure to save the date for May 19-20, 2012 for the 2012 Summer Seminar, offering a multi-disciplinary approach
to health and human performance. Keynote speakers this year include researchers, therapists, and strength coaches,
including Dr. Craig Liebenson and Chris Powers, who have revolutionized our industry and the way we now
approach patient care and performance programming. Check out the website for more details!
We hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful holiday season and we look forward to seeing you next year!
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2012 Polar Bear Conference
“Optimizing Athletic Performance”
Sunday May 20th, 2012
9am – 4pm
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME 04011
$60: BOC Approved Provider, 6 CEUs
To top
May 14-15, 2012 – Clearwater, Florida
Sheraton Sand Key Resort
Clearwater, Florida
National Sports Medicine and Sports Law
To top
Sports Medicine for the Pediatric Primary Care Provider
May 8, 8-5, Bedford, NH.
Registration is now open for this full day (7.5 hours Category 1 CME)
meeting that will cover a wide range of diverse subjects. Topics will
include both medical and orthopedic concerns. Among the highlights: a
look at the ECG screening controversy with Norm Berman, MD section
chief for pediatric cardiology at Dartmouth Hitchcock in Lebanon and a
lecture on recognizing and managing elbow and shoulder injuries and the
young throwing athlete by Donald Bae, MD from Children's Hospital
Boston. The meeting will take place Tuesday, May 8 in Bedford, New
Hampshire. The full schedule is available on our webpage at:
This meeting is a collaborative effort of NHMI and the New Hampshire
Pediatric Society. To register, contact Catrina Watson at NHPS: 603224-1909.
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Body work education project
April 15th - Advanced Craniosacral Techniques: the Sinuses - New!
April 29th - Introduction to Myofascial Release Work
May 20th - Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy - Part 1: Back & Neck
June 6th - Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy - Part 2: Cranium
Please go to www.thebodyworkeducationproject.com for more information
and to register.
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Canadian Athletic Trainers Association
The 20110 Canadian meeting is in Québec City this year , May 23 – 26.
The CATA meeting excels in academics; BOC CEUs apply here. Ron O’Neil / Andover is a
keynote speaker this year as well.
Bob O’Malley and I plan on attending the Ontario Athletic Therapy Assoc.
<OATA> meeting in Toronto end of March to promote EATA 2013 / Buffalo. There will
also so be a brief presentation at the CATA Annual General Meeting regarding EATA
2013 meeting.
This is a great meeting for NATA/BOC Certified members to attend who can’t manage the
NATA /St. L meeting this year.
In the ongoing spirit of supporting our Canadian colleagues, and since EATA and D2 web
sites has this link on their site, can we add this to D1 site as well all the state sites in D1 ?
The link:
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Cooperstown Shoulder and Elbow Meeting
May 19, 2012
The Otesaga Resort Hotel
Cooperstown, New York
Home of the National Baseball Hall of Fame
Guest Presenter
Tommy John, MLB Pitcher
Program Chair: Jocelyn Wittstein, MD
Assistant Chair: Tally Lassiter Jr., MD, MHA
Return Registration Form and Payment to:
Kelly Stone C-TAGME
Bassett Medical Center
One Atwell Road
Cooperstown, NY 13326
ph: 607-547-3202
fx: 607-547-6553
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Barefoot Running/Training vs Orthotics
Saco Bay Physical Therapy and the University of New England will be hosting a seminar
titled: Barefoot Running/Training vs Orthotic Intervention: Room for Both?
We are very excited to have world recognized barefoot running guru, Irene Davis from
Harvard University, present her most recent research. In addition, Art Horne from
Northeastern University and author of "Barefoot in Boston" will be presenting his latest
techniques in barefoot training. This event will also feature a presentation on chronic lateral
ankle pain by Dr. Greg Taggart of Southern Maine Medical Center Primecare
Orthopedics. Finally, Kurt Jepson of Saco Bay Physical Therapy, with over 20 years of
clinical experience will be presenting on Root Biomechanics. This event will conclude with a
round table discussion/debate format. The course outline and registration form were attached
previously. In addition, people can register via our website, www.sacobaypt.com, and pay via
PayPal account. Any questions or concerns can be directed to:
Ricky Sirois MS, LATC, CSCS
Saco Bay Physical Therapy
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