How to Produce Nata De Coco NATADECOCO Nata is the local term applied to the gelatinous growth that floats on the sufixe of an acidic liquid containing sugar. It is produced by the microorganism, Acetohcter aceti subsp. xylinum as a nsult of its action on the sugar present in the medium. Nata can be served as a dessert in the sweetened foxm. It is also a popular ingredient in ice cream, halo-halo, and other fruit preparations such as cocktails and salads. Nata offers a stiff competition against similar c o d t i e s like sago, kaong, munggo beans and nangka. Nevertheless, nata tends to be prepared over these products mainly because it is cheaper. Nata is considered a holiday food. Therefore, the local demand for the products is seasonal. Producers experience low sales during the months of July to October and more sales from November to June. Increase demand for Nata made the industry one of the fastest gaining industries of the Philippines lately. Majority of the nata produced is exported to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and other countries. The number of producers who ventured in the industry had tremendously increase and keep on increasing as present producers could not cope up with the demand. 8 The demand for processed nata in the export market during the past years is relatively stable, since it is not consided a seasonal food. Lately, however, there is a craze for processed nata going on especially in Japan and so,there is also a craze of the producers here in the Philippines. NATADECOCO Ingredients: COCONUT...................................................................... WHlTE SUGAR ........................................................... GLACIAL ACETIC ACID ............................................ 1 kgJ2 kg. water 2 Kg. 500-600 ml. WATER ........................................................................... 6L 26 L MOTHER LIQUOR ....................................................... Materials: cheese cloth wooden ladle rubber band containers plastic pail plastic pitcher weighing scale Procedure: RAW NATA Grate 2-3 coconut heads. Add 1 L of water and squeeze the coconut meat. Filter to rcmve the residue. Add 1 L of water to the coconut meat and extract the milk again. Combine the first and the second extracts and add to 26 L of water 6. Add the sugar, acetic acid and the mother liquor. 7. M i x well to dissolve the sugar and other ingredients. Fill into containers of about 2-3 cm.. thick. 8. 9. Cover with paper and tighten with the rubber band. 10. Place in a room where tempcram is 28-32 C. 11. Leave the mixture undisturbed for 8-10 days. 12. Harvest nata when it is about 1-1.5 cm thick. The yield of one formulation is 20-25 kilos raw nata. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Preservation: . 1. 2. 3. Remove the film of the nata at the bottom. Cut into 1.2 to 1.5 cm cubes. Remove the acid taste by inserting a hose at the bottom of the container. 4. Heat the nata to boiling for about 10 min. 5. Drain and add 3/4 kg. sugar for every 1 kilo of raw nata. Allow to soak overnight. 6. Add pandan leaves and cook over a slow fire for about 15-20 minutes. 7. Fill into sterilized containers and add hot syrup. 8. m e s s in boiling water for 30 minutes to 1 hour. 9. coolinair. 10. Wipe dry and store. For sweetened nata in plastic packages, fill the cooked nata immediately in polyethylene packages and seal. Cool in running water and store in the refrigerator. Nata processed in bottles or cans would last for 6 months to 2 years. For plastic packages, it would normally last for a month at normal refrigeration temperature, and longer if placed in the fretzer. NATA STARTER: Revive the starter every 4 days to make the organism active and frte from contamination. To prepare the nata starter or mother liquor, set aside 6 liters of newly prepared mixture from 1 to 9 and incubate for 4 days. Dispense the mixtures of processes 1-9 in the preparation of raw nata, in wide mouth glass container and incubate at the same temperature (28-32 C) for 4 days. The starter made could be used in the mass production of raw nata dc coco. A good growth of the film can be seen after 2-3 days for actively growing culture. Equipment and Other Material Requirement: Particulars: w* Unit P (PI Molding containers Drums, plastic, 200-liter cap Pail, plastic, 24-liter cap Strainer, plastic Grater, stainless Squeezer, stainless cutter, stainless Pitcher, stainless Laddle,wden Aspirator, plastic Weighing scale 50 kg. cap Filter cloth Thermometer Working table, stainless Total P (PI 2,500 pcs. 21.00 52,500.00 15 pcs. 600.00 9,000.00 pcs. 40.00 pcs. 20.00 Pc. 5,000.00 8,000.00 7,500.00 25.00 50.00 35.00 1,600.00 100.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 7,500.00 100.00 100.00 35.00 2 pcs. 1,200.00 8.00 85.00 1,200.00 160.00 85.00 2 pcs. 1,500.00 3,000.00 40 5 1 1 1 4 pc. Pc* pcs. 2 pcs. 1 pc* 1 Pc* 20 pcs. Total: 86,880.00 Coconut Crack open -water Meat Grate Extract the milk 2x Filter Add water, sugar, acid and starter Mix Incubate for 4 days Incubate for 8-10 days Starter Nata de Coco Figure 1. Traditional Method of Nata de Coco Manufacture COST ANALYSIS BASIS: 2 tons / h e s t Dirtct Mamials: Qty. Coconut Sugar,white Acetic Acid Starter Dircct Labor 95 Kg. 190 Kg. 57 L 54OL 120 man hrs. Unit P Total Cost P 12.00/Kg. 15.00/Kg. 25.00/L 2.w L P1,140.00 2,850.00 1,425.00 1.134.00 14.75/ hr 1,888.00 Manufacturing Overhead Electricity Water Miscellancous Depreciation 1,o00.00 700.00 500.00 10.00 Total Cost Of Production S M T W 2 3 4 10 11 8 15 16 A 22 P10,647.W 0 23 A 30 24 No. of production days = 8 No. of harvesting = 6 0 = Production A = Harvest Fig. Production Work Schedule Th F 6 7 14 12 19 S 20 A 26 27 28 HOW TO PRODUCE NATA DECOCO BY FE DE CASTRO JOY SUMAGUE DORY DE VILLA TECHNOLOGY and LIVELIHOOD RESOURCE CENTER Business Technology and Livelihood Training Department Ground Floor Urban I1 Bldg., Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati,Metro Manila Tel. NOS.88-49-92 88-15-72 88-17-61 87-35-13 87-25-12 PROCEDURE FOR PROCESSORS/EXPORTERS IN GETTING CERTIFICATE OF PRODUCT QUALITY FOR PHILIPPINE NATA DE COCO Testing, Inspection and Accreditation Committee (TIAC) of the Department of Trade and Industry Inter-agency Nata de Coco Task Force Processor should mark all production units with the production date or the equivalent production code. The production unit may be the carton box but preferably the code mark should be on the individual units of product i.e., bottles, cans or bags. 2. Processor/exporter will get duplicate units of product for testing from e h r y production batch. These units of product will be termed sample units. 3. Segregation of duplicate samples will be done for every production batch expected to form 3 shipment. 4 Every sample unitc should be marked with the production date or equivalent production code. 5. The sample units shodd be sent to the Participating Laboratory (PL).for testing. 6. Processor/exporter shall fillup the product information sheet (Annex 1) at the PL. 7 Processorlexporter pays the required fee 0 Processor/exporter returns to get Reports of Analysis and leftover samples after the following number of days: For r a Nata de Coco For cooked acidified Nata de Coco For cooked low acid Nata de Coco 9. 5 days 5 days 15 days PL issues Certificate of Product Quality (CPQ) if Reports of Analysis indicate that all quality requirements are met. tf results of analysis shows a failure, processor/exporter cannot resubmit the same production codes far testing, 9s a comDosite to another P t . Sample units can only be re-analyzed in any PL from individual production codes. 1 1 10 Processorlexportw m y see the Testing, Inspection and Accreditation Committee (TIAC) at Bureau ot Expoit and Trade Promotion (BETP), Food Developrnent Center (FDC) of Natbnal Food Authority (NFA) Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), Bureau of Foods crnd 01uys (UFAD), or Industrial Technology Developfllent Institute (ITDI) to reqaest assistance/consultancy in meeting requirements if product fails analyses. 11. Exporterlprocessor brings the CPQ to the Bureau of Customs Export Division for issuance of the authority to load. 12 A TlAC inspector will visit processing plants to verify proper sampling on production batch basis. When there is obvious violation of the sampling procedure, PL's wili be advised not to accept samples for testing. Processors will be able to get a CPQ only for samples obtained by a TlAC inspector. 2 Annex Control Number 1001 PHILIPIYNE NATA OE COCO INFORMATION SHEET Testing, inspection and Accreditation Committee (TIAC) of the Department of Trade and Industry Inter-Agency Nata de Coco Task .Force Dateltime sample submittec! Name of company or exporter Address Type of Product Raw Nata de Coco ! Cooked Acidified Nata de Coco Cooked Low-Acid Nata de Coco a c_ BRAND NAME NUMBER OF SAMPLE UNITS AND PACK TYPE (canjbottle /bag) NET WEIGHT PRODUCTION DATWCODE APPROXIMATE VOLUME IN NET KGS. Name of Company' or Exporter Representative Stgnature Job Order Number Participating Laboratory - Name of Receiving Staff Signature 3 Nata dc Coco 1992 Philippine Exporters' Directory Company Code 01191 Company Narnc, AFC hgribusiiioss Corporulioti Mr. Edwnrd I3. Puno Export Manager Second Floor Pioneer House, 108 P. De h x a s cor. Legaspi St., Legaspi Village, Makati, Metro Manila Contact Person Posit ion Address Tel. No. Facs. No. ripe of Business Legal Status Y a r Established Product Lines 8126955 81773535 8105426 (632-8160498 8127293) 8188866 Manufacturer, trader, exporter, buying agent Corporation 1985 Source Pineapplelpassion fruitlpapaydmango puree, dried papaya/ mangdpineapple BETP trade Directory Company Code Company Name Contact Person Posit ion Add ress 01219 CP Multi Commodities Corporation Mr.Philip C. Young President Clemcntc St., Brgy San Aystin, Novaliches, Quezon City, Tel. No. Facs. No. Q p e of Business Legal Status Yecrr Established Product Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position Address Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. Cable Qpe of Business Legal Status Year Established 1117 903643 902293 2027649 (632-90528 486637) 2029412 Manufacturer, exporter Corporation 1985 Dried Nemipterid/Hening, Slipmouth, stripped mackerel, tiger prawns, red grouper, catfish, milkfish, black pompre, sauWsalted shrimp fry, yam, chinese vermicelli, sugar cane vinegar, palm,vinegar, tapioca, flour sticks BETP trade Directory 0375 ERMA Industries, Inc. Mr.Sergio Ortiz Luis Jr,, Vice President 115 North Bay Blvd., Navotas, Metro Manila 1403 236111 222757 233040 (632-222264) 23313 NED AA PH ErmarinManila Exporter, trader Corporation 1971 Export Srarted I’rociucf Lines Source 1976 Frozcn . (slirinips, prawns), othcr froacn inuiiie products, dricdsmokcd fish. frozcn fruits and vegchblcs, bottled/ canned preserve, other ethnic food products Accomplished Survcy Form Company Code Company Nanae Contact Person Addmss 03687 Tel. No. 6 18934 Facs. No. (632-618934) n p e of Business Product Lines Source Manufacturer, exporter Processed h i t s and vegetables, assorted sweet preserves PRSO Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position 00127 Address Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. ripe of Business Legal Status Year Established Product Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position Address Tel. No. Facs. No. n p e of Business Legal Status Product Lines Source AL WAKAT International Trading Ms. Catherine Chua Go 15 Uqu St., North Araneta Subd., Quezon City, Metro Manila 1112 Del Monte Philippines, Inc. Mr. Antonio P. Casino Sr. Manager, Corporate Supply Bum, Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental 9000 8 107901 (632-8129579 8174714) 45189 DMPHIL PN/48416 DMPBUGO PM Manufacturer, exporkr Corporation 1926 Canned pineapple, tropical fruit products, concctratcs, tomato products, fresh pineaaples, pine essence, reconstituted orange juice, banana catsup, beans-based products, vinegar Accomplished Survey Form 01621 F C Q Eximtraders, Inc. Mr. Alfred0 A. Derecho Vice President FCQ Bldg., Sancingko St. Cebu City, Cebu 6000 73751-58 211591 (6332-53260 Exporter Corporation Fashion Accessories, Costume Jewelry Regioflrovince Ofice Conipany Code Conrpany Nanw Cori &act Person Position Addfess 03807 Flcxo’Manufacturing Corporation Mr. Pcdro U. Madarang Sales Manager 275 A. Mabini St., Caloocan City, Metro Manila Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. Cable Q p e of Buiness Legal status Year Established Export Started Product Lines Source 23 1501 (632-221355) 40298 Flexo PM Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position 0020 1 Guzent Incorporated Address Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. Qpe of Business Legal status Year Established Exported Started Product Lines SOUrCe Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position Address Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. Ope of Business Legal status Year Established Yeared Started Product Lines Source Flexo Manila Manufacturer, exporter Corporation 1955 1970 Flexible plastic wrappers foil laminates Accomplished Survey Form Mr. Larry S. De Guzman Vice President 1237 E. Delos Santos Ave., Quczon City, Metro Manila 1103 34754 1 4 9 (632-352881) 27676 Wholesaler, exporter Corporation 1980 1970 Prawns, frozen fish, dry fish, h i t preserves, frozen vegetables, dry fruits, dry noodles, eggroll wrapper, native vinegar and sauces Accomplished Survey Form 03806 Fitrite Inc., Mr. Leon B. Solidom Ofice Manager 145 Gen. Evangelista Ext., Caloocan City Metro Manila 1400 3614472 3617338 342425 (632-36 17338) 65000 Pino PN 40298 Flexo PN Manufacturer, exporter, Trader Corporation 1974 1982 Processed fruits and vegetables, ethnic food Accomplished Survey Form Code Company Name Conlact Person 03808 Florcncc Food Coq)orat.ior> Posilion President 1051 North Ucly Dlvd., Nuvohs, Mcho Muirilu 1403 Canipany Addniss Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. m p e of Business k g a l Staius Year Established Export Started Product Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person Address Tel. No. Facs. No. n p e of Business Legal Status Product Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position Address Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. Type of Business h g a l Status Year Established Product Lines Source Mr. HCIISOIII,iii11xl 231651 0 231147 (22 120 1) 66751 FFO PN Manufacturer, exporter, wholesaler, subcontractor, trader Corporation 1982 1989 Dried fish, noodles, processed fruits & vegetables, assorted sweet preserves, patis, soy sauce, catsup, and bagoong products Accomplished Survey Form 03854 J M L Manufacturing Corporation Mr.Peter Lopez 2 Silver Rd., Industrial Subd., Gen. Luis St., Bo. kaybiga, Caloocan City, Metro Manila 1400 906076 907194 (632-907194) Manufacturer, exporter Corporation Processed fruits and vegetables, coconut milk (in can, kozed, lumpia wrapper, spring roll skin, noodles PRGO 01298 Jo-na's International Philippines, Inc. 1 Mr. Philip C. Young ! PresidentlGeneral Manager Clemente St., Brgy San Agustin, Novaliches, Quezon City, 1117 903643 902293 2027649 202941i (632-90528 486637) 42714 JONAS PW40385 INISKY PM Manufacturer, exporter Corporation 1981 Sugar palm fruit (red), white beans, coconut milkhpread, young coconut meat in syrup, mango nectar, macapuno balls, niixcd fruits and beans, fruit cocktail, banana blossom, greedsweet jackfruit, sweet chick peas, sweet pineapple, banana chips BETP Trade Directory Contpany Code Company Nanac Contact Person Posit ion Address Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. Q p e of Business Legal Status Product Lines 00266 Lorenza tia I n tcr 11 8 tional, Inc. Mr. Gdrogc U. 1,orcnzana ' Prosidont 2326 LICA Bldg., Pasong Tamo Ext., Makati, Metro Manila 1200 8131331 8125148 8164278 (632-8133732) 66549 LINC PN/Ci3354 M'PI MIt PN Source Manufacturer, trader, exporter Corporation Fish saucx, vinegar, sauteed shrimp fry, scad sauce, mixed fruit preserve, rice sticks, palm nut, macapuno strings rab paste in cans, coconut milk in can Accomplished survey form Company Code 00328 Company Ncune Newton Food Products Manufacturing, Co. Ms.Teresita A. Ang Export Manager 84 Rarnon Delfin St., Marulas, Valenzuela, Metro Manila Contact Person Position Address Tel. No. Telex No. Qpe of Business Le&?& status Year Established Export Stwted Praluct Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person 1405 3612982 3612985 42702 Newton PM 3612025 3613942 Wholesaler, trader, manufacturer, exporter Partnership 1957 1967 Frozen fish, fruit preserves, macapuno, langka, frozen vegetables, snack chips, assorted sauces (patis, vinogar, bagoong, etc.) Accomplished survery form 03885 Address Lorenzana Food Corporation Ms. Melinda Ortega 551 N. Naval St., Navotas, Metro Manila Tel. No. Facs. No. 221889 230761 61 (632-221889) Source Exporter Corporation Fruits (fresh, processed), fish-based patis and bagoong, sea foods (frozen,dried, smoked), sauces and seasoning PRSG Dpe of Business Legal status Product Lines - 1403 Company CO& 00287 Company Name Cotitact Person Posit ion Marigold Commodities Corporation Ms. Lily C. Roblcs Export Manager 131 F.'Manalo St., San Juan, Metro Manila 1500 Address Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. Type of Business Legal Status Yecrr Established Export Started Product Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person Address Tel. No. Fcrcs. No. f i p e of Business &gal Status Prvduct Lines 709435 709417 (632-780369) 64505 EPPSG I" Manufacture, exporter Corporation 1980 1983 Food seasoning (Annatto powder, Tamarind mix, Sweet and sour mix, Marinating mix, Savory sauce mix, spicy 1auce mix, shrimp gravy mix, stew base mix, barbecue marinade mix, oyster sauce, sauce for roasts Accomplished survey form : 03929 : , Offspring Industries International Inc. Mr. Roderick Rosas Ground Floor Unit 1025, EDSA, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1111 703601 796327 (632-7226306) Manufacture, exporter Corporation Sweet preserved (Macapuno, Halo-halo, langka, nata de coco, kaong, beans) Source PRSG Company Code Company Name Contact Person Positwn Address Tel. No. Ope of Business Legal Status Year Established Exported Started Product Lines 04227 Source , PKC Enterprises Mr. Johnson Martinez Manager 643 Oriente St., Binondo, Metro Manila 1006 473308 Exporter Single proprietorship 1988 1988 Shrimp fry, baby milkfish, boneless milkfish, flat headed goby, golden caesto, achovies, round s a d , short bodied mackerel, jumping goby, baby shrimps Accomplished survey form Company Code Company Nanw Contact l’crsoll Posilwn Address 00424 San Pablo Choice Foods, Inc. MY. Claudcttc A. Cordon Marketing Manager Suit0 607, Exocutivo Centor IWg., Scn. G. I’uytit Avc’., Cor. Makati Ave., Mokati, Metro Manila 1200 Tel. No. Facs. No. m p e of Business Legal Srcrtw Yeczr Established Export Started Product Lines 886879 (632-8153359) Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position Address 009 11 Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. e p e of Business Legal status Year Established Export Started Product Lines 708917 781247 782226 (632-782226) 42416 SLINGS PN Company Code Company Name Contact Person 03944 A*SS Wholesaler, manufacturer, exporter Corporation 1985 1989 Cdconut spread, coconut caramel, coco gel, coco string, coco toffee, papaya relish, tamarind candy Accomplished survey form Siblings Sales Corporation Mr. Vic. P. Caelas, Jr. General Manager G/F GLMC Bldg., 259-269 EDSA, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila 1501 Trader, exporter Corporation 1983 1983 Shrimp fry, dried and frozen fish, coconut sport, palm h i t , ube, chili pepper, papaya, chich peas, jackfmit, white beans, coco jam, rice sticks, bagoong, misua, noodles (MikkUCantoon/Luglug) Accomplished survey form Pamana Food Industries, Inc. Mr. Joselito Moldogo A3 Golden RD., Ca. Industrial Subd., Gen. Luis St., Bor. Kaybiga, Caloocan City, Metro Manila 1400 Tel. No. Facs. No. ripe of Business Legal Status Product Lines 907194 906076 (632-907 194) Manufacturor, exporter Source PRSG Corporation Fish (Smoked, dried), Assorted fruit preserves, lumpia wrap per, spring roll skin and egg noodles, rice sticks Company Code Company Name Contact Person Posit ion Address Tel. No. Facs. No. 1kpc u/ Business Legal status Yew Established Export Started Product Lines SOUrCe Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position Address Tel. No. Facs. No. Telex No. Ope of Business Legal status Year Established &port Started Product Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person Address 00432 Seatradc Intcnriitional, Inc. Ms. Pcly Is. hyug Executivo Vice l’rcsidcnt 6 Stall 6294330 Bld VI, Sirloin Rd., FIX Complex, l‘aguig, Mctro Mnnila 1604 8393674 8150423 (632-8178495) Matiufircturcr, cxporbr, trador Corporation 1977 I978 Fruit preserves, frozen fruitdvegetables, fish paste (ba. goong), rice sticks (bihon), noodles (canton), vinegar Accomplished Survey form 00455 Stanfood Corporation Mr. Raymond C. Yan Assistant General Manager 2360 Gamban St., Balut, Tondo, Manila 1012 210136 277321 (632-216329) 63323 Sfood PN Manufacturer, trader, exporter Corporation 1981 1981 Sweetened condensed filled milk, bottled food preserves, cannod coconut milWcoconut crcani, processed nata dc coco Accomplished Survey Form Tel. No. Facs. No. Dpe of Business Legal Status Product Lines source 01405 Universal Food Corporation Mr. Fernando Malvar 39 Eulogio Drive, Balintawak, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1115 3616355 3616333 (632-3616333) Manufacturer, exporter Corporation Assorted fruit preserves, catsup (banana, tomato) Other Government Agencies Company Code Company Name Contact Person 02331 Asian Food Corporatior Ms. Cynthia Bunap: Address General Manager Our Otlicc Bldg., Estcban St., Legaspi Village, Makati, Metro Manila 1200 Tel. No. 855126 Company Code 0044 1 Company Name Contact Person Posit ion Shimmen Food Industries, Inc. Mr. Alfred L. Gotauco General Manager Km. 20 436 National Rd., Bo. Talon, Las Pifias, Metro Manila 1701 Posit ion A h s s Tel. No. Facs. No. lype of Business Legal Status Year Established Export Started Product Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position Address Tel. No. Facs. No. mpe of Business Legal Status Year Established Export Started Product Lines Source Company Code Company Name Contact Person Position Address Tel. No. Telex No. Cable Qpe of Business 854549 856146 8013427 8055977 (632-8020575 Manufacturer, exporter Corporation 1986 1987 Canned tropical fruit juicdnectardblends, frozen tropical fruits, fresh fiuits, canned nata de corn, caed coconut juice Accomplished survey form 04160 Lubag Foods Corporation Mr. Hug0 T. Lubag President New Fanners Garden, Araneta St., Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1111 9224350 (632-9229674) Manufacturer, exporter Corporation 1976 1988 Tropical fruit cocktail, tomato sauce, sugar palm nut (kaong), macapuno, sweet beans, Nata de coco, ube halaya (jam) Rcgion/13rovince Oflice 00455 Stanfood Corporation Mr. Raymond C. Yan Assistant General Manager 2350 Ganban St., Balut, Tondo, Manila 1012 210156 277324 633323 Sfood PN Stanfood, Manila Manufacturer, trader, exporter Legal Status Year Establislted Export Started Product Lines Source Corpoi-ation 1981 1981 . Sweetened condensed filled niil k, bottled food preserves, canned coconut niilk/coconut croam, processed nata de coco Accom plishcd SUI’VCY form
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