Responsorial Psalm: Let us pray for the Sick Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and give us your saving help. Alfredo Fecci, Michael Jones, Anne Jones, Jim Hughes, Margaret Carr, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen Jones,Joe Goggin,, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne Turner, Mary Rowe, Jenny Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe & Luisa Desena, Shelagh Fulham, Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and Leo McManus. Alleluia! We remember in our prayers I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Today : Collection for Flowers For the Altar DON'T MISS OUT on your piece of parish history. Get your jubilee celebration souvenirs before they all go...! (Ideal Christmas gift for former parishioners...??) Wonderful photographs of the original church and school. See your families and friends (maybe even yourself). Fascinating memories including an insight into our previous Parish Priests. Hear about how the parish bought bricks for our church. What did happen in the confessional? Was it a miracle?? Did the school children not attend class because the circus was in town?! DVD 1 'Pictures and music' DVD 2 'Talking memories' BOOK : 'A History of St.David's parish and school' by Margaret J oy - the enthralling story of our parish beginning in 1828. All 3 for a £10 donation to the Jubilee charities (or £5 each). A FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY NEXT WEEKEND 3rd/4th Dec. AT BOTH MASSES. (also available in the hall this Wednesday after the Advent Carol Service). Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI, St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH Email: Tele: 01352 752087 Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121 Website: 27th November 2016 Those whose anniversaries Occur this week The Funeral Mass of Mr.Thomas Halton will be celebrated here on 29th November this Tuesday at 10.15pm. His body will be received into the church on Monday at 7pm. This Sunday (27th) Advent Family Day: Come to celebrate Family, and begin Advent this Sunday at Our Lady of the Rosary, Buckley. Arrivals from 12.30pm (ends at 4pm). Bring a packed lunch; tea, coffee, and juice provided. Make an Advent Wreath – and activities for all the family. Family Advent service and blessing of the Advent Wreaths by Bishop Peter ends the event plus free hot dogs, mince pies. No charge for the day. See the notice at the back or contact via email Margaret Hinton at or tel: 07842596878. Year A LITURGY OF THE WEEK: Psalter Week I 26th November Saturday Mass 5.30pm (26th Nov) James Brannan, Wilfrid Toner; (27th Nov) Patrick Garretty, Anthony Walsh, Andrew Shanaghan, Ann Elizabeth Morgan, Gerald O’Leary, Simone Lazzaro, Vincenza Sciarillo, David Davies, Norman Jackson, Anthony Humphries, (28th Nov) Patrick Hynes, Mary Mitchell; (29th Nov) Elizabeth Morgan, Esther Beavan, (30th Nov) Ann Brannan, Helen Wilson, Rowland Jones, George Keidel, Ron Johnson, Thomas Halton RIP 1st Sunday of Advent For People of the Parish 27th November Sunday Mass 11am Jim Dunlea RIP (Teresa Dunlea & Family) Monday : 28th Nov 1st Week of Advent Mass 9.15am FM Thomas&Margaret Atherton RIP Tuesday: Thomas Halton RIP 29th Nov Requiem Mass 10.15am Wednesday: Feast: St. Andrew, Apostle 30th Nov Mass 9.15am Thomas Halton RIP (Jim&Rose Hamill) Thursday: Liturgy of the day 1st Dec Mass 9.15am John&Annie Towey RIP (Bea Towey) Friday: Liturgy of the day 2nd Dec Mass 9.15am D. Ellis RIP (Monica Standring) 3rd December Saturday Mass at 5.30pm Gay McCornick RIP (Kitty Malone) Eucharistic Adoration with Rosary and Benediction Every Friday following the morning Mass at 9.15am Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturdays 10.30am to 11.30am & Before the Vigil Mass 4th December Sunday (4.45-5.20pm) Mass 11am Sundays before the Mass For People of the Parish (10.30-10.50am) FAITH IN FOCUS: C THIS IS WHERE WE CAME IN inemas used to show films continuously. You went in at any time and began to watch wherever the film was up to. You stayed when it was over and then watched it again up to the point where you originally started to view. "This is where we came in" was a p h r a se often heard as people got up in the middle of a film and left. ates the presence of Christ. In other words, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Church's worship makes Christ present here and now and makes his demands and challenges something that we have to respond to by a conscious T here's a danger that we can do the same thing with the Church's calendar and liturgy. We can think of it as a series of historic events that we simply commemorate on a twelve-monthly cycle. And so once more we're back at the beginning, singing our Advent hymns and songs again. B ut liturgy is not about the past unless that past links us to the present and readies us for our future destiny. Liturgy actu- decision to follow him or not. Liturgy is not historygazing but history-making. And the history it makes is ours. A lthough Jesus's words were originally addressed to a first century audience, when they are proclaimed at today's Eucharist they are aimed at us. For in the liturgy God continues to speak through the words of scripture, and when Jesus warns us to stay awake and ready for the coming of the Son of Man, he means now. A dvent offers us the chance to join the cycle again, but as if we have only just come in. There is nothing to reenact, only commitment to undertake. Rather than watching the film once more, where we know what the ending is, we open ourselves to the newness of God's daily call and we ratify our commitment to seek him in whatever circumstances his challenge will come to us during Advent and the coming year. So celebrating Advent is not trawling through history. It's yearning for our saviour's coming among us so much that we want to be ready to greet him. Our prayers and music are just the outward expression of inner longing: Come, Lord Jesus, come! St. David’s Golden Jubilee 1966-2016 Advent Carol Service Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Church, Wednesday 30th November 7.00pm. Readings, reflections, music and song. ALL WELCOME If you could help with serving the refreshments (mince pies and mulled wine) in the Parish Hall after the service, please contact Sue Norris-Clamp (wife of Dave, oboeist) on 07885 378810. All help will be much appreciated. (NO BAKING OF MINCE PIES INVOLVED!) Thank you. Sue Norris-Clamp Mold Cytun: Advent & Christmas Advent at Parkfields There will be Advent Reflections at Parkfields Centre in the refurbished Quiet Room on all 4 Thursdays in December from 1 30 to 2 30 pm, followed by light refreshments.For more info see poster at the back of church. All are most welcome. Christingle Service There will be a Christingle Service at Parkfields on Tuesday 20th December at 3 15 pm. Singing Christmas Carols Come and join the English and Welsh Churches of Mold meeting in the Daniel Owen Square at 10.30 a.m. to sing Christmas Carols until 12 Noon on the 17th December, 2016. Poster in the porch. Mena Kerslake & Sue Cocker Mold’s annual Christmas lights switch-on event will take place on Tuesday 29th November 2016 at 6.30pm. There are various programmes from 3.45pm to 8pm. Please see the poster. Christmas Stamps First and second class Christmas stamps, both with a picture of Mary and child, are now on sale in Post Offices, but you must ask for them specifically, they are not usually offered. SVP Christmas Gift Initiative, 2016: All gifts / donations should have bee returned by this weekend and there are still about twenty outstanding. If you have forgotten, could you please contact me on 01352 759047 or by email at, as soon as possible, to arrange collection / delivery. Thank you. Judith Rowe, on behalf of the SVP. SVP Christmas Mass The SVP Christmas Mass and tea party at St. Richard Gwyn school will take place on Thursday December 8th from 5 till 7pm approx. SVP members are available to transport and accompany those who wish to go. Please ring 07745 113633 if you would like to attend. Brian Cullen. Mold Choral Society: Carol Concert Christmas is coming and Mold Choral Society will start you off with their Carol concert on Saturday 3rd December in St. Mary's church Mold 7.30p.m. Come and have a good sing and hear the best bits of "The Armed Man " by Karl Jenkins Tickets £8 children free at the door or from Jane Kay 01352 751 182. Jane Kay Money Matters : Offertory Collection last weekend £631.40 of which £323.78 was Gift Aided Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please consider filling out the Gift Aid form which is in the church porch to receive a box of weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then please use the Green envelopes. Please remember to write your name, address, and date the green envelope. Thank you for supporting our Parish.
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