Members Mark Mclntire, Chair Bret Maddox, S.E.. Vice Chair Edward Echtle Ken House JonahJensen Megan Luce Ha Pham Pamela Sundell Duke York Agenda Landmarks Preservation Commission Community & Economic Development Department Marshall McClintock. North Slope Ex-Ofiicio Staff Reuben McKnight, Historic Presewatlon OfRcer Tonie Cook. Landmarks Coordinator .- -..*v '- 1- 1 A ' , , I-: Date: November 9,201 1 Location: 747 Market St, Tacoma Municipal Building. Room 248 Time: 500 p.m. LPC78111 2' I. r . Please note assigned times are approximate. The Chair reserves the right to alter the order of the agenda. 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT AGENDA A. Excusal of Absences 3. PUBLIC HEARING- NOMINATION A. 901 S 1omStreet (Swedish Mission Tabernacle) Caroline Swope, Kingstree Studios 4. CHAIR COMMENTS 5. BOARD BUSINESSIPRESERVATIONPLANNING A. Design Guidelines Review B. Bylaws and Inventory Review C. OfFicer Nominations Reuben McKnight Historic Preservation Officer Next Regular Meeting: December 14, 201 1, 747 Market Street, Tacoma Municipal Bldg., Rm. 248 5:00 p.m. This agenda is for public notice purposes only Complete applications are included in the Landmarks Preservation Commission records available to the . . public BY APPOINTMENT at 747 Market Street, Room 1036, or onlrne at /?&&:/hacam cuu tl.All meetings of the Landmarks Preservation Commission are open to the public. Oral andlor written comments are welcome. The City of Tacoma does not discriminate on the basis of disability in any of its programs, activities, or services. To request this information in an alternative format or to request a reasonable accommodation, please call the Community and Economic Development Department at 591 -5200(voice). TTY or speech to speech users please dial 71 1 to connect to Washington Relay Services, or email 747 Market Street, Room 1036 . Tacoma, WA -98402. Phone (253)591-5200, Fax (253)591-2002 www.tacomaculture.ora Landmarks Preservation Commission Community & Economic Development Department STAFF REPORT LPC 104/11 November 9, 2011 PUBLIC HEARING - NOMINATION NOTES ON GENERAL ORDER The Landmarks Preservation Commission will hear public comments today regarding a nomination to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places. Tacoma Register listing follows procedures defined in 13.07.050, and consists of a minimum of two separate Commission meetings. The initial meeting determines whether the property meets the threshold criteria in the ordinance for age and integrity. If the Commission finds that the age and integrity standards are met, then the Commission may move to have the nomination scheduled for a public hearing and comment period, at which the public may enter comments into the record for consideration. Following the comment period, the Commission may deliberate on the nomination for up to 45 days before recommending to City Council listing on the register, or denying the nomination. The Tacoma Municipal Code lists six criteria for designation in Chapter 13.07.040. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comments regarding the nominated property, and to determine if the property meets one or more of the nomination criteria in the City Ordinance. The Commission may elect to leave the record open until the next regular meeting, or, if no additional comment is warranted, take action on the nomination following public testimony. AGENDA ITEM 3A: 901 South 10th, Swedish Mission Tabernacle Caroline Swope, Kingstree Studios BACKGROUND Constructed in 1909, the nomination states, “…the structure is a superb example of a Beaux-Arts Neo-Classical building, a form uncommon in Tacoma’s churches…”. A 1954 major remodel included the addition of mid-century stained glass windows, two east entrances’ poured concrete steps, and new oak pews; during the remodel, a one story with full basement was added to the west of the original sanctuary; in addition, written documentation noted the original skylit dome has since been covered. STANDARDS The property is nominated under the following Tacoma Register Criteria: A. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; “The building is associated with the original Scandinavian, ethnic immigrants that helped form the hilltop neighborhood”, B. Is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; the nomination states: “…it [the building] is associated with the well-known Tacoma architectural firm of Heath & Twitchell” C. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; as described in the nomination, “...the structure is a superb example of a Beaux Arts Neo-Classical building, a form uncommon in Tacoma’s churches” 747 Market Street, Room 1036 a Tacoma, Washington 98402 a Phone (253) 591-5200 a Fax (253) 591-2002 Page 2 of 2 F. Owing to its unique location or singular physical characteristics, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood or City. The nomination states, “…the structure due to its size and physical characteristics is an established and familiar feature of the hilltop neighborhood” This is a nomination for the exterior of the existing buildings, including the 1954 addition. The Commission voted to forward this property for public comment and additional consideration on October 12, 2011, finding that it appears to meet the Landmarks designation criteria in 13.07.040. RECOMMENDATION If no additional comments are received, Staff recommends that the nomination be forwarded with recommendation for listing to the City Council. Staff also recommends that the LPC decision specify that the 1954 addition be included in the designation. Sample Motion to Recommend Designation: “I move that the Landmarks Preservation Commission recommend to City Council that Swedish Mission Tabernacle, be included on the Tacoma Register of Historic Places, including the exterior of the existing buildings at 901 South 10th Street, finding that it meets Criteria Cite Criteria of TMC 13.07.040.” Sample Motion to Deny Designation: “I move that the Landmarks Preservation Commission deny the nomination for Swedish Mission Tabernacle, finding that it does not appear to meet the criteria for designation at TMC 13.07.040.” Sample Motion to Defer: “I move that the Landmarks Preservation defer a decision on the nomination of Swedish Mission Tabernacle and that the comment period be extended to the next regular LPC meeting (or state another reason).” BOARD BUSINESS AGENDA ITEM: Bylaws and Inventory; Officer Nominations A. Bylaws and Inventory The Landmarks Preservation Commission Bylaws may be amended annually by vote at the first meeting of December. The bylaws will be reviewed at this meeting. In addition, the Commission is encouraged to provide additional proposals to the Bylaws at this meeting in November, 2011. B. Officer Nominations According to LPC Bylaws, Officers shall be nominated at the first meeting in December of each year. Elections shall be held at the following meeting. New officers will assume duties at the meeting following their election. For your reference, the section on Nominations and Elections is attached at the end of the Staff Report. In December 2010, the Commission re-scheduled the nominations and elections for the meeting in January. PENDING AGENDA ITEMS November 16, 2011: Tacoma Municipal Building Field Trip: review mockups for repair/cleaning treatment on exterior (This is a special meeting tentatively scheduled for 4:00 pm, location TBA). December 14, 2011: Historic Tacoma Annual Presentation (to be confirmed) Bylaws Amendment Approval Officer Nominations Code Amendment *** Landmarks Preservation Commission Tacoma Community and Economic Development Department 747 Market Street Room 1036 Tacoma WA 98402-3793 253.591.5220 TACOMA REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES NOMINATION FORM This form is required to nominate properties to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places per Tacoma Municipal Code 13.07.050. Type all entries and complete all applicable sections. Contact the Historic Preservation Officer with any questions at 253-591-5220. PART 1: PROPERTY INFORMATION (for ‘HELP’ press the F1 key) Property Name Swedish Mission Tabernacle Historic Sure House Open Church Common Location Street Address 901 South 10th Street Parcel No(s). 20099180073 Zip 98405 Legal Description and Plat or Addition: Section 05 Township 20 Range 03 Quarter 13 : NEW TACOMA SW OF NE 5-20-03E L 10 THRU 12 B 918 INC PART ALLEY VAC & PART ST VAC AFN 2190655 APPROX 10,650 SQ FT COMB TO RESTORE PARCEL SEG'D FOR TAX PURPOSES ONLY COMB 007-1 & 007-2 SEG N-0469 JU 1/23/02JU Nominated Elements Please indicate below significant elements of the property that are included in the nomination by checking the appropriate box(es) below. These elements should be described specifically in the narrative section of this form. X Principal Structure Site X Historic Additions Historic Landscaping, Fencing, Walkways, etc. Ancillary Buildings/Outbuildings Interior Spaces/Other (inventory in narrative) Owner of Property Name Sure House Open Church Address 901 South 10th Street Tacoma City Is the owner the sponsor of this nomination? Yes X State WA Zip 98405 Zip 98407 No Form Preparer Name/Title Caroline T. Swope, MSHP, PhD Company/Organization For Historic Tacoma Address Kingstree Studios, 2902 N. Cedar St City Tacoma Phone 253-370-6984 Email WA State Nomination Checklist—Attachments X $100 Filing Fee (payable to City Treasurer) WAIVED X X Site Map (REQUIRED) Historical Plans X Photographs (REQUIRED): please label or caption photographs and include a photography index) Other (please indicate): X Last Deed of Title (REQUIRED): this document can usually be obtained for little or no cost from a titling company Continuation Sheets FOR OFFICE USE Date Received _____________ Fee Paid _____________ 11/2008 Nominations to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places are processed according to the procedures and standards described in TMC 1.42 and 13.07. Submittal of a nomination form does not obligate the City to place a property on the Register or to extend financial incentives to a property owner. Documents submitted become public record. Additional requirements may be imposed by other City, state or federal regulations. Landmarks Preservation Commission Nomination to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places Page __ of __ Narrative (continued) PART 2: PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Extent of Changes Please summarize the changes to plan, original cladding, windows, interior and other significant elements by selecting the choices below. If the property has been previously documented, these may be indicated on the Washington State Historic Property Inventory Form. These changes should be described specifically in the narrative section of this form. Original Materials Intact Original Materials Intact Plan (i.e.: no additions to footprint , relocation of walls, or roof plan) Yes No X Interior (woodwork, finishes, flooring, fixtures) Yes X No Original cladding Yes X No Other elements Yes No Windows (no replacement windows or replacement sashes) Yes No X Physical Description Narrative Describe in detail the present and original (if known) physical appearance, condition and architectural characteristics (use continuation sheets if necessary). Located at 901 South 10th Street, this church faces east. This roughly rectangular shaped building has two stories with a flat roof. The building occupies the full site of a corner lot. This Beaux-Arts Neo-Classical building, constructed in 1909, has a poured concrete foundation. Cladding is tapestry brick laid in a running bond. The main entrance is accessed from double doors on the south end of the east façade and the east end of the south façade. The entrance is reached via a raised concrete platform. The wood paneled doors (which do not appear to be original) are slightly inset into a keystoned brick arch. A stained glass lunette rests above the doors. This corner entrance is further highlighted by an entablature which protrudes above brick pilasters. The center portion of the east façade protrudes slightly from the main wall and has an ornamental gable end with full entablature. Large stained glass window fills most of the area. On the first floor the window is rectangular, while on the second its form is a lunette. Each window has three large blue crosses with a yellow background. A secondary entry door is on the north end of the east façade. A one-story brick addition from 1954 is located on the west façade of the structure. The main auditorium on the ground floor is circular in shape and according to period newspapers has a seating capacity of 940 plus additional space in the balcony. A basement fellowship hall seats 300. Detailing is minimal and classical in design. Egg and dart molding surrounds the dome and ornaments the recessed triumphal arch. Slender Doric pilasters accent the triumphal arch, while cast iron Doric columns help support the balcony. On the second floor, in addition to the balcony was an apartment provided for the church’s caretaker. A pastor’s study and a room for Sunday school were originally located on this level. The church underwent a major remodel in 1954. The new oak pews were added at that time and it is likely that this is when the textured plaster wall covering was added. The mid-century stained glass windows were added at this time as well and the new poured concrete steps at both east entrances. Vintage newspaper reports from the building’s construction mention the interior dome as skylit, but the dome has since been covered. The largest portion of the 1954 remodel was a one story (with a full basement) addition to the west of the original sanctuary which held additional classroom space and a custodian apartment on the ground floor and additional classrooms and fellowship amenities, including a fireside room at the basement level. Landmarks Preservation Commission Nomination to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places Page 3 of 5 PART 3: HISTORICAL OR CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE Criteria for Designation Tacoma Municipal Code recognizes six criteria of eligibility for inclusion on the Tacoma Register of Historic Places. Please select any that apply to this property, for which there is documentary evidence included in this nomination form. X A X B X C D E X F Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or Is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or Has yielded or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history; or Is part of, adjacent to, or related to an existing or proposed historic district, square, park, or other distinctive area which should be redeveloped or preserved according to a plan based on a historic, cultural, or architectural motif; or Owing to its unique location or singular physical characteristics, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood or City. Historical Data (if known) Date(s) of 1909 Construction Architect Heath & Twitchell (s) Other Date(s) of Significance Builder Reyier & Wick (1954 addition) 1954 (addition) Engineer Statement of Significance Describe in detail the chronological history of the property and how it meets the criteria for the Register of Historic Places. Please provide a summary in the first paragraph (use continuation sheets if necessary). If using a Multiple Property Nomination that is already on record, or another historical context narrative, please reference it by name and source. A landmark in the hilltop community, the Swedish Mission Tabernacle meets criteria A, B, C, and F for listing on the Tacoma Register of Historic Places. The building is associated with the original Scandinavian, ethnic immigrants that helped form the hilltop neighborhood(Criterion A), it is associated with the well-known Tacoma architectural firm of Heath & Twitchell (Criterion B), the structure is a superb example of a Beaux Arts Neo-Classical building, a form uncommon in Tacoma’s churches (Criterion C) and finally the structure due to its size and physical characteristics is an established and familiar feature of the hilltop neighborhood (Criteria F). Criterion A (Community History): Designed by the architectural firm of Heath & Twitchell, the Swedish Mission Tabernacle building served its original congregation from 1909 until 1967. The congregation changed its name in 1934 to First Covenant. Swedish language services were phased out, and ended completely in 1936. Before the construction of this sanctuary, the Swedish Mission Tabernacle met in a small church at South 18th and J Streets. First Covenant moved to 3501 South Orchard Street in 1967 and Faith Temple acquired the building at that time. Sure House Open Bible Church purchased the building in 1996. Landmarks Preservation Commission Nomination to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places Page __ of __ Narrative Continuation This page may be edited or copied as needed. Continued from page _3____. In 1908 Tacoma had 120 houses of worship, with more than 20,000 members.1 While many of Tacoma’s original ethnic congregations have merged over the years, their buildings are used by a new generation of congregations in the Hill Top neighborhood. Ethnic and racial movements are also mirrored in church transfers. Many of the historic churches in the downtown area, Swedish Mission Tabernacle for example, had ethnic roots. Holy Rosary Catholic (German), St. Rita’s Catholic (Italian), St. Joseph’s Catholic (Slovok), St. Paul Lutheran (German), First Lutheran (Swedish) are other local examples of congregations that were ethnic in origin. As ethnic groups assimilated, churches first began to drop services in foreign languages. Post World War II many urban churches were purchased by African-American congregations representing changing demographics. First Norwegian Lutheran Church (currently Shiloh Baptist Church) and Central Baptist (currently New Jerusalem Church of God in Christ), both located in the Hill Top neighborhood are two additional examples of this trend. By 1912 city newspapers proudly gave tremendous photo coverage to the city’s new churches, including St. Patrick’s, First Congregational, and Sure House (Swedish Mission).2 Each one of these buildings represented a substantial sharing of resources, both material and spiritual in the city’s neighborhoods. The buildings offered not only places for spiritual solstice but, a place for childcare, community meals, space for fairs and outreach organizations, concerts, and social events. Criterion B (Heath & Twichell): Frederick Heath was responsible for a number of significant buildings in Tacoma at the start of the 20th century, completing more than 600 projects. His design work was far reaching and varied from private residences, commercial buildings, and fraternal lodges, to churches, hospitals and school buildings. Heath designed in a number of different styles ranging from Gothic Revival to Neo-Classical to simpler structures with few defining architectural details. Frederick Henry Heath was born April 15, 1861, in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. As a child his family moved to Caledonia, Minnesota. After high school Heath moved to Minneapolis and worked for a newspaper. Unhappy with his choice of professions, Heath decided to work in the construction industry instead. He eventually secured a position with Warren H. Hayes, a local architect. Heath spent twelve years in Hayes’ employment, ten of which he served as chief draftsman. Heath moved to Tacoma in the late 1800s, searching for a climate more suitable for his wife’s health. By 1896 he opened his own architectural office and in 1901 he became principal in the firm of Spaulding, Russell & Heath. After the departure of Spaulding in 1901, the firm became Russell & Heath, but by 1903 Heath had decided to work on his own again. During this time Heath was appointed as architect for the Tacoma School District. While Heath worked individually for most of his later career, he did form the short-lived firm of Heath & Twichell from 1908 to 1910. Lither Twichell was a former colleague who had worked with Heath under Warren Hayes in Minneapolis. Heath formed partnerships with George Gove from 1902 until the 1920s. Heath & Gove hired Tacoma native Herbert Bell to work with them, creating the firm of Heath, Gove & Bell in the mid-1920s. Heath continued to work until the time of his death in 1953, at the age of 91 years. 1 2 n.a., n.t. Tacoma Daily Tribune, October 16, 1908, n.p. n.a. “Tacoma A City of Substantial Churches.” Tacoma Daily Ledger, January 9, 1912, pg 4. Landmarks Preservation Commission Tacoma Community and Economic Development Department 747 Market Street Room 1036 Tacoma WA 98402-3793 253.591.5220 Criterion C (Beaux Arts Neo-Classicism): The most typical historical revival in Tacoma is Gothic Revival, thus the NeoClassical/Beaux Arts form of the Swedish Tabernacle is unusual, and the fine detailing indicates the presence of an architect. The Beaux Arts style originated in the École des Beaux Arts in Paris. American architects that studied at this school brought the aesthetic principles of classical design to the United States. Beaux Arts is an eclectic form of Neo-Classicism that combines classical architecture from ancient Greece and Rome with Renaissance ideas. Beaux Arts is generally characterized by order, symmetry, formal design, grandiosity, and elaborate ornamentation. The style is most common in public buildings. The popularity of the Beaux Arts style waned in the 1920s. Sure House is the only example of a Beaux-Arts church in Tacoma. It is notable for its large ornate entablature and pediment, exaggerated upper entablature, ornate moldings and round arched window and door openings complete with accented keystone. The circular sanctuary is an unusual feature, only one other church in Tacoma has this type of sanctuary layout, First Church of Christ, Scientist, and it was designed by Heath two years later, after his partnership with Twichell had ended. Bibliography: “Church Addition.” Tacoma News Tribune. 14 March 1954, E16. “Handsome New Swedish Tabernacle To Be Dedicated This Afternoon.” Tacoma Daily Ledger. 19 December 1909, 39. “New Furniture to be Dedicated.” Tacoma News Tribune. 22 March 1952, 6. “New Honor Captured By Heath & Twitchell.” Tacoma Daily Ledger. 28 February 1909, 36. “Swedish Mission Tabernacle.” Tacoma Daily Ledger. 18 July 1909, 34. “Swedish Mission Tabernacle.” Tacoma Daily Ledger, Supply. 9 January 1912, 3. “Tacoma’s New Swedish Mission Tabernacle.” Tacoma Daily Ledger. 31 October 1909, 39. “To Dedicate New Church For Christmas.” Tacoma Daily News. 27 November 1909, 19. Nominations to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places are processed according to the procedures and standards described in TMC 1.42 and 13.07. Submittal of a nomination form does not obligate the City to place a property on the Register or to extend financial incentives to a property owner. Documents submitted become public record. Additional requirements may be imposed by other City, state or federal regulations. Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 1 of 22 #1 #2 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #3 Page 2 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #4 Page 3 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #5 Page 4 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #6 Page 5 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #7 Page 6 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #8 Page 7 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #9 Page 8 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #10 Page 9 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 10 of 22 #11 #12 Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 11 of 22 #13 #14 Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 12 of 22 # 15 #16 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #17 Page 13 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #18 Page 14 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #19 Page 15 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #20 Page 16 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle #21 Page 17 of 22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 18 of 22 #22 Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 19 of 22 #23 Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 20 of 22 #24 Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 21 of 22 #25 #26 Swedish Mission Tabernacle Page 22 of 22 # 27 # 28 Landmarks Preservation Commission Community and Economic Development Department RULES AND REGULATIONS The following Rules and Regulations of the Tacoma Landmarks Preservation Commission were adopted by the Commission at its January 24, 2007 meeting. These rules and regulations conform to the statutory authority of the Tacoma Municipal Code (Title 1, Chapter 1.42 Landmarks Preservation Commission, and Title 13, Chapter 13.07 – Landmarks and Historic Districts). Amendments to these Bylaws may be made annually. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: Administrative Procedures I. Election and Terms of Office 2 II. Duties of Officers 2 III. Establishment of Advisory Committees and Architectural Review Committees 2 IV. Historic Preservation Officer 3 V. Meetings Procedures 3 VI. Regular Commission Business 6 VII. Adoption of Annual Calendar 7 VIII. Records 7 IX. Annual Report to City Council 7 X. Community Outreach 7 XI. Miscellaneous 8 XII. Amendments to the Rules and Regulations 8 SECTION 2: Review Procedures I. Policies for Administrative Review 9 II. Special Tax Valuation Procedures and Policy 10 SECTION 3: Historic District Rules and Policies I. Design Interpretations, Special Policies and Resolutions 13 SECTION 4: Enforcement Guidelines I. II. III. IV. Overview Enforcement Priorities General Procedures for Enforcement of High Priority Violations General Procedures for Enforcement of Normal Priority Violations 15 15 16 16 SECTION 5: Appendices A B C D Landmarks Preservation Commission Master Calendar Union Depot Historic District Inventory Old City Hall Historic District Inventory North Slope Historic District Inventory Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 1 of 61 18 19 34 52 adopted by the Commission and Commission correspondence shall be signed in his/her name as Chair of the Commission. SECTION 1: Administrative Procedures I. Election and Terms of Office B. Vice-Chair – In the event of the absence of the Chair or his/her inability to act, the Vice-Chair shall take his/her place and perform his/her duties. In the event of the absences or inability to act of both the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the remaining members of the Commission shall appoint one of their members to temporarily act as Chair. A. The Commission shall elect its own Chair, Vice-Chair, and such other officers as from time to time it may determine it requires, all of whom shall be members of the Commission. 1. Nominations and Elections – Officers shall be nominated at the first meeting in December of each year. Elections shall be held at the following meeting. New officers will assume duties at the meeting following their election. 2. Officer Qualification Considerations – The Officers should: a) be interested in holding the position(s); b) be able to devote sufficient time to Commission business; c) be committed to attending as many regular and special Commission meetings as possible; d) be prepared to make presentations to the City Council, citizens, committees, neighborhood groups, and service clubs regarding Commission responsibilities, projects, plans and policies; and e) have sufficient experience on the Commission to understand its role and functions and to have a basic understanding of the City's Comprehensive Plan policies and development regulations. B. The term of office shall be for one (1) year or until the next scheduled election. In case of any vacancy in office, the vacancy shall be filled by an election at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. II. Duties of Officers A. Chair – The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Commission. All resolutions Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 2 of 61 III. Establishment of Advisory Committees and Architectural Review Committee A. Advisory Committees – The Commission may establish advisory committees as it deems appropriate by a vote of the commission. Advisory Committees may be established from time to time to examine and make recommendations to the full Commission regarding certain preservation issues in the community. Advisory Committees are informal and shall not take action on any pending board business nor deliberate on specific applications before the board. Interested members of the community who are not appointed Commission members may join advisory committees. B. Architectural Review Committee – The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is established for the purpose of advising applicants regarding the design and appropriateness of proposed projects pending Commission review. The Commissioners appointed as Architects shall serve on the ARC, in addition to any other interested Commissioners. The ARC shall meet on a regular time and day established by the Commission, on an as needed basis. The Commission may request the ARC to review pending projects and solicit recommendations on those projects, and applicants may request feedback from the ARC regarding an application to the Commission. The Commission may also delegate final approval of a project to administrative review via Commission motion and vote at a regular public meeting, pending ARC review and recommendation. IV. indicated in writing to the Community and Economic Development Department an interest in the subject(s) of the hearing, and to other interested parties as deemed appropriate by the Commission. An additional notice shall be required for matters continued for further hearing and continued to a time, date, and place certain.2 Historic Preservation Officer The Historic Preservation Officer shall organize and supervise clerical details of the Commission's business and shall be responsible to the Commission for the proper preparation and maintenance of records of meetings, hearings, official actions and all public records, per TMC 1.42.100. The Historic Preservation Officer shall serve as the primary professional liaison for Commission business, and may make recommendations or generate opinions for the Commission as an ex officio member. V. C. Special Meetings – Special meetings of the Commission that are set for a time different than ordinarily scheduled, or scheduled to solicit public commentary on a particular item of board business, shall be held at such times as the Commission may determine, or may be called by the Chair for any time upon the written request of three members of the Commission. Special meetings shall be open to the public. Notices of special meetings shall be distributed to the same recipients of notices for regular public meetings, to the recipients on the special press mailing list on file with the City Clerk’s Office, and to other interested parties as deemed appropriate by the Commission. Such notice shall indicate the date, time, place and business to be transacted. Meetings Procedures A. Public Meetings – Regular public meetings of the Commission shall be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in Room 16 of the Tacoma Municipal Building North, or in another location in a location designated by the Commission and indicated on the agenda and other public documents announcing the meeting. If the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, the Chair of the Commission shall fix another day therefore and give notice of said meeting as hereinafter providing for “special meetings.” The notice for any regular public meeting shall indicate the date, time, place and business to be transacted, and be distributed prior to the meeting to those individuals and organizations listed on the mailing list that shall be maintained by the Historic Preservation Officer and may be subject to the Commission’s approval.1 D. Quorum – A quorum for the transaction of official business shall consist of a majority of the members of the Commission per TMC 1.42. E. Adjournment – The Chair may, at his or her discretion, call for a motion to end the meeting, or may declare the meeting ended without a formal motion. B. Public Hearings – Public hearings conducted by the Commission shall be held in the City Room 16 of the Tacoma Municipal Building North or another a location designated by the Commission and indicated in the notice of hearing. The date and time of the hearing shall be determined by the Commission and indicated on the notice of hearing. Notices for public hearings shall be distributed in accordance with the Tacoma Municipal Code Section 13.02.057. Notices shall also be mailed, prior to the hearing, to those on the mailing list as hereinabove provided, to those individuals or organizations which have 1 Amended 12/14/2011 Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 3 of 61 F. Absences – Commissioners unable to attend a meeting may request excusal from the meeting in advance of the meeting by notifying Staff, who shall present the request to the Chair, or may request excusal in person at the next regular meeting following the absence. The Commission shall then approve or deny the request. Upon a member's missing three (3) unexcused consecutive regular meetings, the Commission shall formally afford such member consideration to determine 2 Amended 12/14/2011 whether the absences are to be excused. If the Commission determines not to excuse such absences, then the Commission shall determine the question of whether the Commission shall recommend to the City Council that such member should be deemed to have forfeited his/her office and a new member be appointed to fill the unexpired term. 6) Actions: Motion to forward nomination to City Council, to not forward to Council, or to leave the comment period open to a certain date. G. Every official act taken by the Commission shall be by resolution or by motion by an affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum. In the event that a member disqualifies themselves or passes, this is to be registered as "abstained". Notwithstanding Robert's Rules of Order, the Chair shall vote on all resolutions or motions. e) Applications for Design Review i. Staff Report ii. Comments by the Applicant or owner iii. Board questions and discussion iv. Action: Approve, Approve with Conditions, Deny or defer for specific additional information H. Conduct of Meetings. f) 1. Order of business: a) Roll Call. Board Briefings i. Staff introduction ii. Presentation iii. Questions and discussion iv. Action if appropriate b) Consent Agenda i. Excusal of Absences ii. Approval of minutes not previously approved. g) Comments by the Chair c) General public comments regarding regular agenda items i) Board Business/Preservation Planning d) Review of Nominations to the Register i. Preliminary Meeting on Nomination 1) Staff reports 2) Comments by the Applicant 3) Comments by the Property Owner 4) Board discussion and questions 5) Actions: forward nomination or not forward nomination, or to defer if more information is required j) The preceding order of business may be modified for any meeting by a suspension of the rules, concurred in by a majority of the voting members present, except that consideration of matters set for public hearing must occur at or following the time indicated on the hearing notice. ii. Special Meeting on Nominations to the Tacoma Register 1) Staff Report 2) Presentation by Applicant 3) Comments by Property Owner 4) Public Testimony 5) Close of testimony Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 4 of 61 h) Comments by the Historic Preservation Officer 2. Conduct of public meetings: a) The Chair of the Commission shall preside over all public meetings of the Commission except as provided for in Section II of these rules. b) The Chair introduces the agenda items. c) The Historic Preservation Officer or his/her representative, if appropriate, summarizes the staff report or other information prepared or received by the staff on the agenda item. g) The Chair either closes the hearing or special meeting and announces the date upon which the record of the hearing will remain open to receive additional written comments, or continues the hearing to a later date if there is a finding by the Chair that all interested parties have not been afforded an adequate opportunity to testify before the Commission or if new information is to be considered on which the Commission feels additional public testimony to be appropriate. d) The Chair shall allow for comments or presentations by representatives of the applicant. e) For normal agenda items that do not require public testimony or public hearings as defined in TMC 13.07, comments by the public may be permitted, but only at the discretion of the Chair. f) The Commission considers the request and may ask questions of the staff or others in attendance at the direction of the Chair. h) If, in the judgment of the Commission, action is appropriate based upon public testimony and comment received, the Commission may elect to take action on the item immediately following the close of the public hearing or special meeting. g) The Commission takes appropriate action, if an action is required. 3. Conduct of public hearings and special public meetings: i) a) The Chair of the Commission shall preside over all public hearings and special meetings conducted by the Commission except as provided for in Section II of these rules. b) The Chair calls the public hearing or special meeting to order and announces the procedure for the public hearing or hearing as established by the Commission. I. c) The Historic Preservation Officer or his/her representative, if appropriate, summarizes the staff report or other information prepared or received by the staff on the hearing item. d) Communications, not contained in the Commission's report, received concerning the hearing item are presented to the Commission. e) The Chair asks for reports from advisory committees if appropriate. f) The Commission hears those persons wishing to give testimony. Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 5 of 61 At a meeting(s) subsequent to the public hearing or special meeting, the Commission considers all oral and written testimony concerning the hearing item and acts to approve, disapprove, modify, or defer the decision-making until the completion of additional analyses. Open Public Meetings Act and E-mail Exchanges. E-mail exchanges between members of the Commission can constitute a violation of the Washington State Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA), Chapter 42.30 RCW. Generally, if a majority of the members participate in an e-mail discussion of Commission business, the members are conducting a meeting in violation of the OPMA requirement that meetings must be “open to the public with prior notice.” It is suggested that Commission members observe the following guidelines to avoid OPMA problems with e-mail exchanges: additional comment at the discretion of the Manager of the Planning Division. 1. When possible, limit e-mail exchanges on issues related to Commission business to less than a majority of Commission members. Sending copies of an e-mail to less than a majority may not suffice if subsequent exchanges relay the content of the original exchange to a majority of members. C. Name Changes – Upon request of the Mayor, thePer City Council Resolution 38091, the Commission may take public testimony and make recommendations regarding name changes pursuant to the City Council Policy on Place Names and Name Changes.3 2. Never decide at an open meeting that a majority of the Commission will continue or complete discussion of an agenda item by e-mail. D. Design Review – pursuant to TMC 13.05 and 13.07, the Landmarks Preservation Commission shall review and approve or deny applications for alterations to City Landmarks.4 3. One-sided (no response anticipated) informational e-mails to a majority or more of Commission members are probably consistent with the OPMA. In open meetings, the Commission members should verbally announce that they have sent this type of e-mail if it relates to the discussion at hand. Commission members are free to engage in e-mail exchanges with staff on onesided e-mails, but not with each other. E. Section 106 Review – From time to time the Historic Preservation Officer or lead agency conducting review under Section 106 may solicit comments from the Landmarks Preservation Commission. This includes federally-owned properties listed on the Tacoma Register of Historic Places not subject to typical City permitting processes. 4. E-mail exchanges on issues that the Commission will not address are consistent with the OPMA. However, if any reasonable chance exists that an issue relates to a vote that may or will come before the Commission, a majority of the Commission should not subject the issue to e-mail discussion. VI. F. Applications for Special Tax Valuation – The Commission shall approve applications for Special Tax Valuation pursuant to TMC 13.07 and RCW 80.26. G. Special Business – From time to time Commissioners may propose and vote on special items, including Commission resolutions and official Commission policy recommendations. These items shall be proposed in advance of the meeting at which the Commission shall vote, and appear on the agenda under Board Business. Regular Commission Business A. Nominations to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places – the Commission shall consider and recommend, pursuant to TMC 13.07, additions of individual properties and historic districts to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places. B. Nominations to the Washington State Heritage Register and National Register of Historic Places – the Commission shall respond to requests by the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for review and comments regarding pending nominations to the Washington State Heritage Register and National Register of Historic Places. Such requests may then be forwarded to the Mayor’s Office for any H. Communication Items – From time to time, Commissioners may propose communications between the Commission and other organizations regarding preservation issues. These items are not required to be on the agenda, but shall be subject to a vote of the Commission under Board Business. I. 3 4 Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 6 of 61 Requests for opinion or other advisory actions – From time to time, City Amended 12/14/2011 Amended 12/14/2011 4. Facts concerning the matter. departments and other organizations may request review of preservation related items not generally under the Commission’s jurisdiction. These items generally shall appear under Board Briefings on the agenda, and any vote taken to be an advisory vote. VII. 5. Records of all actions taken by the Commission in the matter (resolutions, motions, setting of dates for hearings, etc.). Adoption of Annual Calendar5 6. Record of actions taken by the City Council in the matter (ordinances, resolutions, results of hearings, etc.). A. The Commission should develop and adopt a calendar of normal business at its first meeting in January of each year. B. The contents of the calendar will consist of basic normal agenda items, activities and filing deadlines, for the purposes of increasing the efficiency of commission operations and to provide guidance to applicants and interested parties. C. Recorded transcripts or summary minutes of all official Commission proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk and shall be opened to public inspection. IX. The Commission shall annually report to the City Council regarding accomplishments and the status of planning efforts undertaken in the previous year, and if applicable, the outlook of planning issues for the coming year. Typically, this report will be given during Preservation Month (May). C. Any calendar adopted by the Commission shall be made available to the public in electronic and printed formats. VIII. Records A. The Commission's adopted summary minutes of the public meetings shall be the official records. The actual recording of each hearing item shall be the official record for such item. B. Supplemental records pertaining to matters of public meetings and public hearings shall be kept on file in the Community and Economic Development Department as required by law. These supplemental records may include but not be limited to the following: 1. Description of agenda items, including all submitted information therewith. 2. Report of the Community and Economic Development Department, Advisory Committees and Standing Committees on the matter as presented to the Commission at a meeting thereof, including such material submitted in writing and in map form. 3. Written communications concerning the matter. 5 Amended 12/10/2008 Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 7 of 61 Annual Report to the City Council Said report should, at the discretion of the Chair, take the form of a letter, a memorandum, a summary report or a copy of relevant minutes of the Commission’s meetings, and may be posted on the City’s website as well as delivered in person to the City Council. X. Community Outreach A. Preservation Awards - The Commission should, on an annual basis, nominate and vote on individuals, organizations, or projects to be recognized officially by the City for Outstanding Achievement in Historic Preservation. The Commission should establish categories for awards, and forward the awards to the Mayor for a proclamation and recognition. The Commission, at its discretion, may solicit nominations from members of the public. B. The Commission may from time to time recommend and implement special programs, including educational sessions, tours and presentations, consistent with the purposes of TMC 1.42 and subject to the available departmental resources. The Historic Preservation Officer may advise the Commission regarding City resources and staff available for such projects, and convey requests by the Commission to the Community and Economic Development Department for such programs if special funding is required. XI. Miscellaneous A. Code of Ethics – Members of the Commission shall comply with the City of Tacoma’s Code of Ethics pursuant to the Tacoma Municipal Code Chapter 1.46 while conducting Commission business. B. Contact Information – The contact information of members of the Commission should be considered public information and made available for public access upon request. The Historic Preservation Officer shall be the contact for items related to official Commission business. C. Conferences – Members of the Commission may attend, at their own expense, conferences, meetings and training courses related to Commission business. XII. Amending the Rules and Regulations6 A. General Changes –The rules and regulations may be amended by the Commission by a majority of vote on an annual basis, generally at its first regular meeting in December. B. Design Guidelines – Per TMC 13.07.120, the Commission shall adopt and maintain Design Guidelines for historic special review districts and conservation districts. 1. Design Guidelines shall not be amended more than once annually, concurrent with the amendment of these Bylaws. 2. The Commission shall conduct a public hearing consistent with the procedures set forth in TMC 13.07.120 prior to adopting any changes to Design Guidelines. 6 Amended 12/14/2011 Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 8 of 61 SECTION 2: Review Procedures I. Policies for Administrative Review A. The Commission may grant administrative review to part or all of any application before the Commission pursuant to TMC 1.42 by a quorum vote at the meeting in which said application is before the Commission. Typically, this would include conditions imposed upon the approval, for which the Historic Preservation Officer is delegated to ensure satisfaction of those conditions. B. The Commission may determine certain items or typical applications to be appropriate for ongoing Administrative Review, as these represent minor changes that do not warrant full Commission review. The types of Administrative Review are Type I and Type II. Type I Administrative Review results in minor visible changes to Contributing buildings or individual City Landmarks. Type II Review is appropriate for changes that are not visible or do not affect contributing historic buildings. 1. Procedures for Type I Administrative Review a) When a project that is appropriate for administrative review, based upon the criteria set forth in these bylaws, is proposed to the Historic Preservation Officer, he or she will notify the Commission via email of a pending administrative review. b) Any Commissioner may request, within 24 hours7, that an application is submitted for regular agenda review. c) If no such request is received, the Historic Preservation Officer may approve at his or her discretion the project. d) The applicant may request formal commission review without prejudice, in the case that the Historic Preservation Officer does not approve or imposes conditions upon the project that are in dispute. 2. Typical items appropriate for Type I Administrative Review. a) Signs – Changes in content or configuration that does not involve any change in sign location, dimensions, lighting or any additional sign area. b) Windows – Staff may approve window repairs and upgrades that do not require any changes to window configuration, patterning, or new piercings or involve the removal of any historic material. The following types of upgrades are suitable for administrative approval: i. Non historic aluminum windows to vinyl ii. Non historic vinyl windows to vinyl, metal or fiberglass clad wood windows iii. Non historic clad windows to wood windows c) Rooftop HVAC, mechanical or communications equipment that is not visible from the primary rights of way and results in no modifications to the visible facades of the building. d) Louvers and venting in which the vents or louvers are placed in an existing opening, such as a transom window, in which there is no change in the configuration of the fenestration and the only modification to the building is the removal of glazing panels. e) Changes in color to awning fabric f) Changes to a single door or window g) Exterior remodeling of buildings that are under 50 years of age in Conservation Districts. h) Temporary banners resulting in no new sign attachment points 7 Amended 12/09/09 Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 9 of 61 i) Privacy fences on residential lots that are subject to building code requirements due to heights in excess of 6’ where the fence does not block views of the historic structure or require structural attachment to any historic structure.8 Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, as applicable. The Commission shall use findings regarding such a conflict as the basis of its decision to request a waiver of any zoning standards, and shall transmit these in writing to the Land Use Administrator. 10 4. Per 13.06.070B, projects involving City Landmarks within the Downtown zone undergoing Landmarks Preservation Commission review may request a waiver from the basic design standards for downtown where the standards conflict with the application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation or district design guidelines. The Commission shall use findings regarding such a conflict as the basis of its decision to request a waiver of any zoning standards, and shall transmit these in writing to the Land Use Administrator.11 3. Procedures for Type II Administrative Review – The Historic Preservation Officer may at his or her discretion sign permits or otherwise approve projects in this category with no advance notice to the Commission. 4. Typical Items appropriate for Type II Administrative Review a) In kind repair and replacement that does not require structural modifications b) Changes to noncontributing buildings in districts that do not involve new construction or demolition, as provided by TMC 13.05 and/or 13.079 B. Banners: The Commission delegates authority to review and approve the content of temporary banners mounted to existing brackets on light standards, that are located in downtown historic districts, to the Tacoma Arts Commission12 c) Applications for signs involving structures under 50 years of age in Conservation Districts. d) Exterior work that is not visible from any public right of way II. Other Review Policies III. A. Variances 1. The Commission shall not formally review or approve any project for which a variance is required and has not yet been granted. 2. Applications requiring a variance may be presented to the Commission for feedback in a briefing context. 3. Per 13.06.118F05.046, historic preservation projects within the HMRSRD that are subject to the Residential Zoning Code zone , that which require a variance, may petition the Commission for a waiver of the zoning development standards, where the standards conflict with the North Slope Historic Distric Design Guidelines or the Secretary of the A. Definition of Qualified Expenditures – Costs that are generally eligible for Special Tax Valuation must meet the definitions for “actual cost of rehabilitation” specified in WAC 254-20030 and the IRS definition for “Qualified Rehabilitation Expenditure.” 1. For the purposes of Special Tax Valuation, “Qualified Rehabilitation Expenditures” generally include: a. Direct construction costs; b. Certain soft costs, including: 10 8 Amended 12/10/2008 9 Amended 12/14/2011 Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 10 of 61 Special Tax Valuation Procedures and Policy Amended 12/10/200812/14/2011 Amended 12/10/2008 12 Standing Motion 1/9/2002 11 • • • • • • Architectural and engineering fees; Construction permit fees; Development management fees; Construction loan interest and fee; Utilities, taxes, and insurance for the construction period; and State sales tax. 2. Qualified Rehabilitation Expenditures generally do not include: a) Any costs related to acquisition of the property; b) Any expenditure attributable to enlargement of the building; except to make the building fully usable (i.e. add a bathroom if one is not existing, add a kitchen if a kitchen is not existing) c) Any costs of valuation and permanent financing of the property; and d) Overhead costs or other "costs of doing business." B. Examples of Expenses that Do and Do Not Qualify – In addition to the above list, the table to the right provides a limited overview of certain categories of items often purchased during renovations that have been determined by the Tacoma Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) to generally meet or not meet the definition of Qualified Rehabilitation Expense, based upon the Washington State and IRS guidelines. This list is not exhaustive and does not supersede the authority of the Commission to consider applications on a case-by-case basis. It is intended to provide guidance to applicants for the preparation of applications. 1. Generally qualifying expenditures: a) Appliances including water heaters, furnaces and other mechanical: HVAC, A/C units, ventilation, blowers, etc. b) Furnishings including built-ins, cabinetry, shelves, and window seats/nooks c) Plumbing and electrical including supplies and materials, fxtures, faucets, sinks, light fixtures, Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 11 of 61 required exterior or site work (sewer lines, etc), fire suppression systems and other code-related requirements d) Landscaping, including sitework necessary for rehabilitation (including clearing, disposal, stabilization restoration), sitework for utilities and foundation work, and landscape stabilization 2. Expenditures generally not qualified: a) Appliances such as portable counter top appliances (toaster ovens), washers and dryers, commercial kitchen appliances, home electronics (stereo, TV, CCTV etc) other kitchen Appliances b) Furnishings such as Moveable furniture, including chairs, sofas, beds, tables, islands (if not permanently affixed to floor) c) Plumbing and electrical such as Security and alarm systems (i.e. CCTV) and table or floor lamps d) Landscaping, such as plants, soil amendments, etc., landscape design work, accent lighting, sprinkler systems C. Application requirements – The applicant shall provide the following information accompanying the application filed with the County Assessor-Treasurer: 1. Application indicating the final cost of the project and assessed improvement value at the start of the project 2. Verification that the property is listed on the Tacoma Register of Historic Places 3. Affidavits certifying the expenditures on the project are consistent with State law and the Commission’s policies regarding Special Tax Valuation qualified expenditures 4. Photographs before and after the project 5. Additional information may be requested by the Commission if required to render an informed decision D. Criteria for approval – The Commission shall approve the application if the following criteria are met: 1. The Assessor has certified the project is substantial under the definitions for the program in State law and has been completed within the preceding 24 month period 2. The property is listed on the Tacoma Register of Historic Places at the time of application 3. The project appears to be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for rehabilitation Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 12 of 61 SECTION 3: Historic District Rules and Policies I. Design Interpretations, Special Policies and Resolutions A. The following are interpretations intended to clarify the guidelines and standards included in Chapter 13.07 of the Tacoma Municipal Code. B. The Landmarks Preservation Commission reviews applications on a case-by-case basis, considering the merits of each individual proposal, and reserves the right to make interpretations as each case warrants and within the confines of the authority granted by city ordinance. C. Union Depot-Warehouse District design guidelines interpretations 1. Height: New buildings in the Union Depot Warehouse Historic District that overlap DCC zoning may exceed the 85’ height limit recommended by the design guidelines in TMC 13.07 13 2. Exterior Materials: Contemporary building materials for new construction, such as glass, steel, concrete and masonry have been determined to be acceptable for the district 14 D. North Slope Historic District and Wedge Neighborhood design guidelines interpretations15 1. Exterior Materials: changes to the cladding of contributing buildings within the district or additions to historic buildings shall in general utilize materials from the same palette as those originally present on the building. For example, horizontal wood or wood shingle siding shall be used in patterns consistent with the original building. Modern materials, including hardiplank, hardishake, and other comparable products are appropriate only for new construction and accessory structures, and only where 13 Resolved by the Commission 2/23/2000 Resolved by the Commission 2/23/2000 15 Amended 12/14/2011 14 Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 13 of 61 efforts are made to maintain historic reveal patterns, banding, and configurations. Vinyl siding, aluminum siding, and T-111 or similar panel siding are generally not acceptable for new construction or historic buildings within the district. 2. Garages: in general garages shall be placed at the rear of the lot and be detached from the main structure. Garages historically were simple functional structures and should be designed as such. Garages should be complementary to the main building, utilizing similar roof forms and details, but they do not have to be stylistic reproductions. Style elements, such as changes in cladding patterns and panels on garage doors, can be used to create visual interest. 3. Windows: Double and single hung wood sash windows are the principal historic window type in the district. Casement and awning wood windows are also prevalent. In all cases, original functional wood windows should be retained where possible, especially leaded panes. Original windows being retrofitted should be replaced with in-kind windows. The following is the order of decreasing acceptability for window restoration: 1) original window restoration, 2) restoration with new thermal or laminated glass retrofitted into original sashes, 3) retrofit wood sashes into original window frames with replica lead striping and mullions, 4) total window replacement with restoration quality wood windows, 5) clad wood windows in original size and configuration. Vinyl windows are not acceptable for use in the Historic District, except under special circumstances, such as for new construction and in cases where the original windows are missing and were replaced with inappropriate windows, such as aluminum sliding windows or picture windows. Trim, detail and profile are the most important aspects of replacement windows—generally vinyl windows appear flat and lacking relief. This can be remedied with the use of trim and careful product selection. Windows that are not consistent with historical patterns, such as slider configurations, are not acceptable except in cases where required for new construction, such as with egress. In these cases, such windows shall be placed on non-primary facades. Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 14 of 61 7. Building Inspectors exercise judgement and discretion in taking enforcement action. Inspectors may issue verbal direction, notice of violation, notice of infraction, or stop work as appropriate to the situation. SECTION 4: Enforcement Guidelines16 I. Overview The City of Tacoma Historic Preservation Program administers the activities of the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). Property inspections and code enforcement procedures concerning City Landmarks are administered by the City of Tacoma Buildings and Land Use Services Division (BLUS). To coordinate the activities of the LPC and BLUS Staff, this set of guidelines is established. Enforcement actions and inspections specific to City Landmarks and historic districs are based on the following policies and principles: 1. Fair and equitable enforcement is essential to achieve the intended purposes of the historic preservation ordinance. 2. Violations of the historic preservation ordinance may threaten public safety, destroy or damage irreplaceable cultural artifacts, diminish property values, result in costly repairs and property damage, and diminish the quality of life for Tacoma residents. 3. These guidelines are specific to violations of the historic preservation ordinance. However violations of the historic preservation ordinance may also violate applicable City of Tacoma building and land use codes, and may be enforced in concert with other City codes. 4. The goal of enforcement is to obtain compliance with the historic preservation ordinance. Fines and other mechanisms are a necessary means to achieve compliance and are not intended to be punitive or to collect revenue. 5. The highest enforcement priorities for the historic preservation ordinance are to stop situations and correct situations that threaten public safety or destroy or irreversibly alter historic properties. 6. City Staff, including the Historic Preservation Officer and BLUS Inspection and Code Enforcement staff consider program priorities and resources when responding to enforcement requests. Not every minor violation of the historic preservation ordinance warrants enforcement action. 16 Amended 12/09/09 Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 15 of 61 II. Enforcement Priorities HIGH PRIORITY 1. Demolition, in whole or in substantial part, of a historic property. 2. Non-reversible alterations of original features or finishes to a historic property, such as sandblasting or removal of original masonry. 3. Substantial alteration or removal of important architectural and character defining elements of a property, such as porches, stairs, windows, wholesale siding removal, chimney demolition, and removal of other distinctive detailing. 4. Structural alterations, such as removal or relocation of walls and additions, and the addition of exterior structural elements such as decks. 5. Inspections requested by the Historic Preservation Officer. 6. Any building code violation determined to be a high priority by the Building Inspector. NORMAL PRIORITY 1. Work that is completed at the time of complaint receipt. 2. Work underway that involves “in kind” replacement or repair of decorative elements, such as spot replacement of existing siding, repairs to trim, sills, flashing, that will not affect exterior appearance at the conclusion of the project. 3. Minor alterations on secondary building elevations (not prominently visible from a public right of way) that do not compromise the structural or historical integrity of the property (excluding window and door replacement that is underway). 4. Fences and other sitework not prominently visible from the public right of way, or not physically affecting the primary structure on the site. 5. Minor reversible decorative alterations. 6. Non-structural alterations to garages. 7. Changes in content to existing signs, or installation of freestanding signs that are not mounted on a permanent structure. III. General Procedures for Enforcement of High Priority Violations 1. Requests for inspections that involve items in the high priority category should receive a site visit by the Building Inspector as soon following the receipt of complaint as possible. 2. Following inspection, if it is determined that the project appears to meet one or more of the project descriptions in the High Priority category, the Building Inspector, using his or her discretion, shall take the appropriate corrective action. 3. If the project is determined to fall into the Normal Priority category, the Inspector, at his or her discretion, may refer the matter to the Historic Preservation Officer for further action, may provide verbal direction to the property owner to contact the historic preservation officer, or may elect to take other corrective action (including a Stop Work Order) as determined appropriate. IV. General Procedures for Normal Priority Violations 1. Complaints and reports received by BLUS that appear to fall into the Normal Priority category may be referred by BLUS directly to the Historic Preservation Officer for further action. 2. The Historic Preservation Officer will typically contact the property owner via Certified and First Class Mail, or if appropriate and possible, contact the owner in person, on the phone or via email. If appropriate, Historic Preservation Staff may conduct a site inspection. 3. If the Historic Preservation Officer, upon investigating the complaint, believes a Stop Work Order is appropriate, he or she may refer the complaint back to BLUS and request inspection. 4. If appropriate, the Historic Preservation Officer will work with the property owner to gain proper approvals from the Landmarks Preservation Commission, via the procedures outlined in TMC 13.07. If approved, the Historic Preservation Officer shall refer the matter to BLUS for the issuance of required City permits. 5. If attempts to contact the owner of the property are not successful, after allowing a reasonable duration of time, the Historic Preservation Officer may elect to refer the matter to Code Enforcement. Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 16 of 61 SECTION 5: Appendices A B C D Landmarks Preservation Commission Master Calendar Union Depot Historic District Inventory Old City Hall Historic District Inventory North Slope Historic District Inventory Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 17 of 61 18 19 34 50 FIRST MEETING January BOARD BUSINESS • Officer Elections: Elections • Establish Preservation Month activities committee • Begin Awards Nomination Process FIRST MEETING July SECOND MEETING NOMINATIONS 19 • Public Hearing: Summer Qtr Nominations SECOND MEETING FIRST MEETING NOMINATIONS 17 • Public Hearing: Winter Qtr Nominations FIRST MEETING February August FIRST MEETING SECOND MEETING NOMINATIONS • Nominations due for Fall Qtr Public Hearing BOARD BUSINESS • Awards Nomination Update • Preservation Month Activities Update FIRST MEETING SECOND MEETING September NOMINATIONS 18 • Nominations due for Spring Qtr Public Hearing March FIRST MEETING SPECIAL TAX VALUATIONS • Application Review • Bylaws and Inventory Review BOARD BUSINESS • Discussion of Annual Report to Council FIRST MEETING NOMINATIONS • Last preliminary review date for Fall Qtr Public Hearing BOARD BUSINESS • Commissioner Terms Update SECOND MEETING NOMINATIONS • Last preliminary review date for Spring Qtr Public Hearing April SECOND MEETING October 20 SECOND MEETING NOMINATIONS • Public Hearing: Fall Qtr Nominations BOARD BUSINESS • Selection of Achievement Awardees • Preservation Month Activities Update/Final Review • Consideration of Draft Annual Report to Council SPECIAL TAX VALUATIONS • Application Review FIRST MEETING SECOND MEETING NOMINATIONS • Nominations due for Winter Qtr Public Hearing NOMINATIONS • Public Hearing: Spring Qtr Nominations FIRST MEETING November SPECIAL TAX VALUATIONS • Application Review BOARD BUSINESS • Public Hearing: Bylaws and Inventory Review (as needed) May SECOND MEETING NO SECOND MEETING FIRST MEETING FIRST MEETING NOMINATIONS • Last preliminary review date for Winter Qtr Public Hearing NOMINATIONS • Nominations due for Summer Qtr Public Hearing June SECOND MEETING December BOARD BUSINESS • Bylaws and Inventory Approval • Officer Elections: Nominations NOMINATIONS • Last preliminary review date for Summer Qtr Public Hearing 17 18 NO SECOND MEETING 19 Deadline for quarterly hearings is a minimum 2 meetings, or 4 weeks, ahead of date of hearing. Filing deadline is a minimum of 2 weeks ahead of preliminary review date. Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Regulations Page 18 of 61 20 Deadline for nominations intending to apply for Special Tax Valuation in same year October 1: STV Filing deadline North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 301 301 302 305 306 308 308 309 311 312 312 313 313 314 314 315 315 316-318 318 319-23 319 320 320 321 321 323 324 Street Name North I Street North J Street North J Street North K Street North J Street North I Street North J Street North I Street North K Street North I Street North J Street North I Street North K Street North I Street North J Street North J Street North K Street North J Street North I Street North I Street North K Street North I Street North J Street North J Street North K Street North J Street North I Street Status Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Parcel 2033170040 2033190070 2033200080 2033210070 2033200070 2033180060 2033200060 2033170030 2033210060 2033180050 2033200050 2096004055 2033210050 2033180040 2033200040 2033190030 2033210040 2033200030 2033180030 2033170010 2033210030 2033180020 2033200020 2033190020 2033210020 2033190010 2033180010 401 401 401 401 402 402 402 402 404 406 406 406 407 407 407 407 408 408 409 409 409 410 410 411 411 411 411 411 412 413 414 North Cushman North J Street North K Street North M Street North I Street North J Street North K Street North Sheridan North I Street North Cushman Avenue North K Street North L Street North I Street North J Street North K Street North L Street North K Street North M Street North K Street North L Street North Sheridan Avenue North I Street North L Street North I Street North J Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North K Street North K Street North J Street Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing 2034290030 2034190070 2034210100 2034250050 2034180040 2034200040 2034220070 2034280040 2034180030 2034300030 2034220060 2034340070 2034170040 2034190060 2034210090 2034230060 2034220050 2034260071 2034210080 2034230051 2034270040 2034180020 2034240060 2034170030 2034190050 2034210070 2034230040 2034250040 2034220030 2034210061 2034200030 414 414 415 415 415 415 415 416 416 North L Street North Sheridan North I Street North J Street North K Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North L Street North M Street Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing 2034240050 2034280030 2034170011 2034190040 2034210052 2034250030 2034270030 2034240050 2034260040 Alt Parcels 2033170020 2033190040, 2033190050, 2033190060, 2099004450 2034250052 2000719612 2034230052 Built 1889 1889 1891 1965 1892 1905 1905 1904 1887 1905 1905 1889/1935 1890 1946 1908 1980 1901 1908 1890 1925 1949 1890 1923 1890 1946 1985 1907 1913 1888 1903 1931 1890 1891 1901 1889 1919 1891 1890 1909 1913 1890 1890 1906 1968 1891 1891 1901 1961 1891 1909 1908 1891 1891 1901 1977 1907 1890 1905 1901 1972 1924 1900 1890 1900 1904 1974 Property Notes Albert Sutton Home Paul Hedrick Home Frank B. Woodruff Home Debonair Apartment Phillip V. Anderson Home Meyer Jacob Home Robert Arkle Home Albert F. Cizek Home Theodore Kindall Home Berman Heyman Home George T Reid Home Fitch B Stacy Tacoma Academy Dr. Samuel L & Susan Blair Mrs. C. Schluss Alexander L. Bird Mrs. C. Schluss James and Nelson Dewey Annobee Apts. Adair Court Apartments John P Vincent Donald F. Haskell Judge Calkins I Am Sanctuary/I Am Church apartments relocated 1999--First Norwegian Lutheran Church parsonage (originally 1209 S I Street) Ralph J. Thompson Benjamin Fisher August Cultum apartment Hugh C. Wallace Edward S. Hall Frederick H. Murray John Thomas Claude hicks Rev. Samuel Moore Paul Worth Dakin/Robert G Walker A. J. Wolff S. C. Knowles Sherman Schroder James F. Osborne Dr. Francis Atwell apartment Daniel I. Cornell M. Willis Lawrence Mrs. C Newton Regency Apartments Robert S. McBride O.B. Dewey Dr. Jos. F. Griggs Charles E. Claypool Charles C. Darling James E. Clifton Shenandoah Apartments Mars. M.H. Bakes/ W. Courtney Bakes Frederick W. low 2 houses at this address - small house to rear of 414 N L St Burton A. Moore Windsor Apartments Otto C. Duevel Anthony P. Prichard Jos K. Dorr Ellis Lewis Garreston J.E. Manley/Thomas H Manley Michelle Apartments 51 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number Street Name Status Parcel Alt Parcels Built 417 417 417 418 North L (417 1/2) North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North J Street Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2034230030 2034250020 2034270020 2034200020 1913 1906 1904 1908 418 418 418 419 420 420 422 422 423 424 425 501 501 502 502 502 502 505 505 506 506 506 507 507 508 509 509 510 510 510 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 512 512 512 512 514 514 514 514 515 515 515 515 515 515 515 516 516 516 516 North K Street North L Street North M Street North J Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North I Street North L Street North J Street North M Street North Sheridan North J Street North M Street North I Street North J Street North L Street North M Street North L Street North M Street North Ainsworth North L Street North M Street North I Street North Sheridan Avenue North K Street North Ainsworth Avenue North M Street North I Street North J Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North J Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Cushman Avenue North K Street North L Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North I Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North J Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North J Street North K Street Noncontributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2034220020 2034240031 2034260050 2034190030 2034260060 2034280020 2034180010 2034240011 2034190020 2034260010 2034270011 2035190050 2035250070 2035180030 2035200070 2035240060 2035260060 2035230040 2035250060 2035320050 2035240050 2035260050 2035170040 2035270050 2035220070 2035310050 2035250050 2035180022 2035200051 2035280060 2035310040 2035290050 2035190040 2035210030 2035230030 2035250040 2035270040 2035300050 2035220050 2035240040 2035260040 2035320040 2035180021 2035260030 2035280050 2035310030 2035290040 2035170030 2035190030 2035230020 2035250030 2035370030 2035320030 2035300040 2035300040 2035220040 1980 1968 1974 1888 1974 1902 1961 1968 1924 1892 1895 1976 1892 1904 1908 1900 1901 1922 1892 1893 1900 1963 1892 1915 1924 1905 1889 1997 1985 1904 1905 1912 1903 1954 1925 1890 1915 1911 1946 1900 1908 1903 1889 1900 1902 1907 1924 1909 1902 1922 1892 1892 1903 1915 1901 1933 516 516 516 517 517 517 517 517 518 North K Street North L Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North I Street North J Street North M Street North Sheridan North J Street Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2035220040 2035240030 2035260020 2035310020 2035170020 2035190020 2035250020 2035270020 2035200030 2035170050 2094000205 1906/1933? 1900 1912 1906/1927 1200055341 1924 1889 1892 1892 1904 Property Notes Elliot Hall Apartments - adjacent structure on southern parcel noncontributing William A. Stewart Edwin R. Ray J. B. Ternes see 412 N K St. SHENADOAH APARTMENTS (1889 home demolished?) Mandarin Apts Michelle Apartments Wm. Burton Allen Michelle Apartments Dorthea A. Claussen apartments Apartments Howard Sorge Anna H. Heath Wm. C. Davie apartments Harry Lombard Frank M. Lamborn Kellogg Apartments George K Plummer Charles Drury D. W. Higgins Clarence H. LaBoyteaux John H. Wyandt Home David Anderson apartments Josiah R McIntyre A. Hoppe Elite Beauty Shop Elliot K Reynolds George Reynolds Charles W. Lindstrom Howard C. Lucas/ Shem C. Yoder Mrs. D. W. McRae James Bruce apartments Lester B MacDonald Henry Resleff George Levenbagen James Jackson T.A. Rehak Frank Snyder Mrs. J. Dewitt Clarence E. Griffin Henry W. Dewey Charles G. Morse Louis B. Stewart Abel P. Henriot J. Hurlow, Jr. Ella and Edward L. Hollingum George Sunter Robert Nerland Louis C. Houser E.L. Sawyer Edward J. Rose A. Cookingham Carl D. Osten Bert R Lewis Chapman & Chapman Bakery/Bert R. Lewis James E. Bonnell John Gallucci Earl F. Moore E. Anderson Thomas F. Smith Avery G. Sickels Peter Voorhees Robert Arkley 52 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 518 519 519 520 520 520 520 520 521 521 521 522 522 522 522 523 523 523 524 524 601 601 601 601 601 602 Street Name North K Street North Cushman Avenue North J Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North J Street North L Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North K Street North I Street North J Street North L Street North Sheridan Avenue North I Street North J Street North Sheridan North Cushman Avenue North K Street North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North J Street North K Street North Ainsworth Avenue Status Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Parcel 2035220030 2035290030 2035190020 2035320010 2035300030 2035200020 2035240020 2035280040 2035310010 2035290010 2035210020 2035180010 2035200010 2035240010 2035280010 2035170010 2035190010 2035300010 2035300010 2035220010 2036290080 2036330040 2036170050 2036190060 2036210071 2036320050 Alt Parcels Built 1949 1915 1902 1899/1907 1907 1904 1898 1922 1906 1921 1950 1971 1906 1899 1905 1891 1895 1928 1907 c1894 1903 1963 1889 1950 1905 1893 602 602 602 602 603 603 605 605 605 607 607 607 607 607 608 608 608 608 608 609 609 610 610 610 610 611 611 611 611 611 612 612 North I Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North M Street North Grant Avenue North K Street North L Street North Cushman North K Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North I Street North J Street North L Street North Sheridan Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North Cushman Avenue North J Street North K Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North J Street North K Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North I Street North K Street Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2036180060 2036220070 2036240060 2036260050 2036310060 2036250070 2036330030 2036210060 2036230060 2036290060 2036210050 2036230050 2036250060 2036270060 2036320040 2036180050 2036200050 2036240050 2036280060 2036290050 2036170040 2036300050 2036200040 2036220060 2036260040 2036310050 2036190040 2036210040 2036250050 2036270050 2036180040 2036220050 1888 1902/1933 1899 1931 1904 1900 1905 1889 1890 1907 1889 1889 1939 1906 1901 1889 1906 1949 1905 1921 1907 1923 1922 1925 1940 1926 1969 1949 1932 1920 1889 1890 612 613 613 614-616 614 614 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 616 North L Street North I Street North K Street North I Street North J Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North J Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2036240040 2036170030 2036210030 2036180030 2036200030 2036280040 2036310040 2036290040 2036170020 2036190030 2036230040 2036250040 2036270040 2036320030 1901 1888 1901 1889 1901 1908 1901 1910 1906 1938 1962 1948 1938 1904 Property Notes Albert R. Robinson M. Marsh C. C. Smith (inc. ADU on alley) Charles Drury/Capt. F. G. Purington Dix H. Rowland J. Murray MacLean Carl August & Sophia Darmer S. T. Larson Forbes P. Haskell, Jr. Mrs. Minnie E. Billings Cook's Court Apartments Cambridge Apartments Charles Miller James J. Anderson Bert F. Southwell Charles King George & Anna H. Bullard John Bush S. L. Blair Drew & Grocers - highly altered by 1912 Eugene Oliver apartments A. Crawford Anderson Home Vernon D. & Eva I. Patterson J.E. Bonds store & residence Fannie A. Bailey A. Crawford Anderson Home - "double house" William Clarke Drug Store Charles W. Mentzer Joseph Gallucci James E. Bonnell James McCormack Edward J. Bryan Richard F. Wells Emily Niehoff W. J. Love Samuel B Elder Harry T. Denham R. G. Webb George H. Cummings Charles A. Sayre Lyman U. Loomis Dr. Edward A. Trommald Charles & Margaret Reberger George H. Cummings A. S. Busselle Dr. F.W. Southworth William R. Strachan C. J. Dahlquist John Gallucci Charles E. Kidd apartment Paul A. Williams Jennie M. Ritchie Victor J. Hedberg John C. Watrous William R. Edwards Mrs. Sophia Pritchard/Sample J. Pritchard Abraham H. Lemon Overton G. Ellis J. B. McMillen George M. Hellar J. Carlson Henry S. Royce B.E. Lemley James T. Moore Robert R. Weller apartments Laurence I. & Florence C. Carnine Albert Madesn Frank Kilpatrick 53 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 616 616 616 616 617 617 618 618 618 619 619 619 619 620 620 620 620 620 620 621 622 622 623 623 623 624 624 624 624 624 625 627 632 633 636 639 647 648 649 650 651 654 655 659 663 701 701 701 701 701 702 702 702 702 702 702 703 703 704 704 705 705 707 707 707 708 708 708 708 Street Name North Cushman Avenue North K Street North L Street North M Street North Cushman Avenue North Sheridan Avenue North Cushman Avenue North K Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North I Street North J Street North K Street North Ainsworth North I Street North J Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Cushman Avenue North K Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North J Street North Ainsworth Avenue North I Street North J Street North L Street North M Street North M Street North I Street North Sprague Street North Sprague Street North Sprague Street North Sprague Street North State Street North Sprague Street North State Street North Sprague Street North State Street North Sprague Street North State Street North State Street North State Street North Grant Avenue North J Street North K Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North I Street North J Street North K Street North L Street North Sheridan Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North Cushman Avenue North Sprague Street North J Street North M Street North I Street North K Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth North I Street North J Street North K Street Status Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing vacant Contributing vacant Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Parcel 2036300040 2036220040 2036240030 2036260030 2036290030 2036270030 2036300030 2036220030 2036280030 2036310030 2036170010 2036190020 2036210020 2036320020 2036180020 2036200020 2036220023 2036240020 2036260020 2036270010 2036300010 2036220010 2036310020 2036290020 2036190010 2036320010 2036180010 2004822430 2036240010 2036260010 2036250021 2037170060 320061001 2036330020 320061000 2036330010 3525000010 320061008 3525000020 320061052 3525000030 320061036 3525000040 3525000050 3525000060 320061051 2037190060 2037210080 2037250090 2037270050 2037320080 2037180071 2037200050 2037220070 2037240080 2037280090 2037330050 2037170050 2037300070 320061015 2037190050 2037250100 2037170031 2037210070 2037270040 2037320060 2037180060 2037200040 2037220060 Alt Parcels Built 1939 1913 1901 1932 1922 c1895 1912 1890 1911 1924 1909 1938 1901 1905 1951 1905 1904 1953 1924 1926 1909 1904 1906 1926 1904 1902 1908 1902 1902/1903 c. 1900 1939 1909 Property Notes Dr. A.E. Nordi Mrs. L.H. Wing J. Wilson Kennedy "1932 Model Dwelling" E. Stenberg Mrs. Monica Meyer Mrs. Wilber Lee Hart Otmer F. Haniger Tacoma Home Construction Co. Dix Rowland D.S. Johnston Rosco Haworth Col. William S. Shank T. Edward Coyle Home Apartments Dr. John W. Bean Francis O. Mason apartments/triplex H. J. Jackson Conrad M. Peterson Patrick J. Sweeney Bertrand E. Buckmaster Alonzo M. Ripley G.A. Carlson Everett R. York Frederick Bonell William B. & Sarah P. Anderson Richard D. McDonald Rev. Arthur L. Hutchinson Dewitt C. Jackson Wesley F. Crawford Rinaldo F. Keasal 1926 Ned Tuell 1909 1907 1924 1909 1922 1918 1919 1918 1918 1918 1919 1901 1962 1919 1942 1925 1902 1907 1904 1949 1931 1922 1961 1893 1922 1904 1919 1926 1903 1929 1908 1903 1963 1904 Charles Haskell J. R. Downs A. R. Israelson Stanley Lister J. J. Frater M. S. Phillips J. J. Frater W.W. Bryan Fred B. Treutle Jos. & Fanny Tatt Henry A. Rhondes/ Rhodes mansion Carriage House Apts C. G. Douglas Wm. F. McKinley C. H. Hall Albert J. Rhodes James Henry Dege Charles W. Rhodes apartment Leslie G. Pendergast G.J. Lobdell - see 704 N Sprague Apartment A. E. Bull see 703 N Grant George R. Delprat H.E. Reynolds Harold K. Nichols Edward S. Shull W. D. Ginnaven N.A. Jones Frederick C. Brewer apartment Charles Glockler 54 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number Street Name Status Parcel 708 708 708 709 North L Street, North Sheridan Avenue North Sprague Street North Cushman Avenue Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2037240070 2037280070 2037330040 2037290040 709 709 709 709 710 710 710 710 710 711 711 711 711 711 North Grant Avenue North Grant Avenue North L Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman North I Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North J Street North K Street Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing 2037330040 0320061049 2037230061 2037250060 2037320050 2037300060 2037180050 2037260060 2037280060 2037310041 320061050 2007170050 2037190040 2037210060 711 711 712 712 713 714 714 714 North L Street North M Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Cushman North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing vacant 2037230050 2037250050 2037260050 321323001 2037290030 2037320040 2037300050 320061034 714 714 714 714 714 715 715 715 715 715 715 716 716 717 717 717 717 718 718 718 718 718 718 719 719 719 720 720 720 720 721 721 723 North I Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth North J Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan North J Street North L Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North J Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North I Street North J Street North K Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North L Street North Cushman Avenue Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2037180040 2037220050 2037240060 2037260040 2037280050 2037310030 2037190030 2037210050 2037230040 2037250040 2037270030 2037200030 2037240050 2037310020 2037290020 2037170020 2037190020 2037320030 2037300040 2037180030 2037220040 2037240040 2037260030 2037210040 2037230030 2037250030 2037180023 2037200020 2037220030 2037280030 2037310010 2037230020 2037290010 Alt Parcels 9005720010, 9005720020, 9005720050, 9005720080, 9005720030, 9005720040, 9005720060, 9005720070 0320061004 9005820010, 9005820020, 9005820030, 9005820040, 9005820050, 9005820060, 9005820070 Built 1962 1931 1926 1892 1926 1944 1891 1919 1908 1904 1907 1924 1950 1937 1992 1967 1889 1905 Property Notes apartment William B. Reitneyer see 709 Grant George W. Fowler John J. & Lillie M. Frater - 709 1/2 Grant (also see 708 Sprague) Opal Fox Ira B. Richards/Adam F. Maid C.E. Bonnell George W. Cooper John J. Bergoust William R. & Elzora V. Nichols Home J. P. Plettl Wallace A. Johnson David L. Jenkins Paul A. Lindenmuth apartment Rufus J. Davis Home Mrs. E.D. Berhard 1922 1928 1924 1901 1927 1921 1904 Chelsea Apartments H.J. McGrath 1893 1889 1889 1881 1927 1908 1892 1928 1923 1893 1920 1910 1889 1907 1927 1889 1892 1921 1905 1893 1890 1908 1884 1900 1925 1919 1893 1908 1891 1908 1919 1905 1891 area once known as "job carr's mountain" E.W. Avery Frank W. King John Geehan Walter J. Hoffman Douglas V. Wood Home Franklin W. Cornwall Rebert Nerland Adolph Adams Henry A. Thompson Herbert C. Walker demolished Anna Boisseau Roland E. Borhek Elizabeth Higgins Austin Larson D. W. Wood Ivan Gingrich Col. Beverly W. Coiner Calvin Phillips George W. Cooper Etta McCormick Charles Drury Orville Apartments John Roscoe William T. Barker Jos. Sandner Frank B. Taylor Home William H. Pringle Charles E. Teel Charles A. & Marilla B. Mudgett C. F. Mason Professor Wm. E. Blair Clinton A. Snowden 55 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 723 723 723 723 724 724 724 724 724 801 801 801 Street Name North I Street North J Street North K Street North M Street North Cushman Avenue North I Street North J Street North K Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North I Street North L Street Status Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Parcel 2037170010 2037190010 2037210010 2037250010 2007300120 2037180010 2037200010 2037220010 2037280010 2038310091 2038170050 2038230060 801 802 802 802 802 802 805 805 805 806 806 North M Street North I Street North J Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Grant Avenue North J Street North Cushman Avenue North J Street Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing 2038250080 2038180071 2038200070 2038240090 2038260091 2038280070 2038310070 2038330070 2038190080 2038300070 2038200060 806 807 807 807 808 808 808 808 808 809 809 809 809 809 810 810 810 810 810 811 811 811 811 811 811 811 812 812 812 812 North L Street North Cushman Avenue North L Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Grant Avenue North J Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Cushman Avenue North J Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 11th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 11th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2038240080 2038290050 2038230050 2038250070 2038320060 2038340051 2038180050 2038260080 2038280060 2038310060 2038330060 2038190060 2038250060 2038270060 2038300061 2038200050 2038240070 2038260070 2038280050 2041170050 2038310050 2038290040 2038170040 2038230040 2038250050 2038270050 2040170010 2038320050 2038340041 2038180040 812 812 812 813 814 814 814 North K Street North M Street North State Street North K Street North 10th Street North Cushman Avenue North L Street Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing 2038220030 2038260060 9370000030 2038210041 2039170010 2038300040 2038240050 Alt Parcels 9006310010, 9006310100, 9006310020, 9006310030, 9006310040, 9006310050, 9006310060, 9006310070, 9006310080, 9006310090 Built 1895 1967 1900 1919 1923 1893 1905 1888 1890 1889 1889 1891 1964 1979 1889 1891 1923 1889 1923 1889/1936 1965 1908 1907 Property Notes William R. Rust apartment Frank L. Shull W.F. Grass Charles Drury, builder William H. Opie John C. Lillis William H. Fletcher Biltmore Apts Roswell G. Pettibone/ John B. Seeley apartment apartment - also 901 N 8th Street Welles Wheeler Frank D. French T. G. Barto John M. Ferris Ralph B. Evans apartment John W. Garvin Louis G. & Louise L. Parsons William Gaston/ Christian Oelschlagel/J. Austin Wolbert) Gwin Hicks M. C. Taylor Edward S. Orr Louis Streeter Harry & Irene Coleman Arthur F. Albertson Frederick M. Friedberg Frank A. Smalley H. Macdonald Guthard C. & Annie Engh F. Kerr Frederick A. Brown Frank Durr James L. Garvin Harry Rotman Austin W. Ackley John O. Freburg F. B. Callon G. Longstreth Andrew F. Snyder John A. Knobel Dana W. King C. F. Knecht Elias F. McKenzie Irving W. Hicks 1891 1891 1914 1890 1907 1912 1892 1891 1889 1922 1909 1922 1890 1907 1908 1923 1941 1890 1906 1922 1890 1905 1926 1923 1890 1914 1900 1907 1910 Charles Glans 1922 M. Roberts 2038220040, 2038220050, 2038220060, 2038220070, 2038220080 2038240060 1972 1890 1900 1970 1922 1924 1979 Shaw House/Trentwood Apts Isaac A. Manning Frank A. Johnston Shaw House - Culbertson Apts H. J. Schneider J. B. Lawton Apartment 56 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 814 814 814 815 815 815 815 815 815 815 815 816 816 816 816 817 817 817 817 817 817 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 819 819 Street Name North M Street North State Street North Trafton Avenue North 4th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North J Street North L Street North M Street North I Street North J Street North Sheridan Avenue North Trafton Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North J Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Trafton Street North 10th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North L Street North M Street North Trafton Avenue North 5th Street North J Street Status Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Parcel 2038260050 9370000020 7280000020 2034170050 2038310040 2038290030 2038330050 2038170030 2038190050 2038230030 2038250040 2038180030 2038200040 2038280040 7280000011 2038330040 2038170020 2038190040 2038250030 2038270040 7280000040 2039170020 2038320040 2038300030 2038180020 2038240040 2038260040 2039350050 2035170070 2038190010 819 819 820 820 820 820 820 822 822 822 823 823 823 823 823 824 824 824 824 824 824 824 824 831 901 901 901 901 901 901 901 902 902 902 902 902 902 903 North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 10th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North J Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 11th Street North Grant Avenue North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North K Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North J Street North K Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Steele Street North 3rd Street North 8th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North J Street North K Street North M Street North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue North K Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North K Street Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2038250030 2038270030 2039170030 2038320030 2038200030 2038260030 2038280030 2040170020 2038340030 2038260020 2038310020 2038290020 2038170010 2038210010 2038250020 2038320010 2038300010 2038340011 2038180010 2038200010 2038220010 2038260010 2038280023 2039340030 2033180070 2038180071 2039310060 2039290090 2039190050 2039210100 2039250081 2039300080 2039340080 2039220060 2039240080 2039260070 2039280080 2039210090 Contributing Contributing Contributing 2039320060 2039260060 2039280070 904 North Ainsworth Avenue 904 North M Street 904 North Sheridan Avenue Alt Parcels Built 1922 1900 1892 1916 1928 before 1904 1928 1906 1923 1925 1945 1910 1940 1909 1909 1909 1890 1889 1925 1906 1900 1922 1925 1925 1890 1962 1891? 1911 1922 2038190020 1904 Property Notes Ira A. Hansen Frank Chamberlain Carl Emil & Anna Carlson George Wing Jr. Ray Held Halsey B. Scovell M. J. Westerfield Dr. Ernest C. Wheeler Mrs. William H. Danielson Fred L. Stabbert Mrs. Caspara Hogan Mrs. F. L. Davis James B. Wells Rush G. Faler Adna H Reynolds John Q. & Virginia W. Mason A. C. Carlson William T. Fletcher Mildred Hammer George Levenhagen Walter B. Ellis Mrs. Verona Bell apartment John P. Amy Stearns Bldg & Investment Co Brentwood Apts Llewellyn J. W. Jones house was moved to rear of site when house at 817 N. M St was built TDL 1889 1/1/1890 1922 C. M. Boyle 1922 1919 Dr. James Carroll 1907 Elliott Kelly 1890 Frederick A. Brown 1910 John Gertig 1927 Colonial Realty Co 1907 Barney Brolin 1890 Allen J. Henderson 1923 Henry Relf 1923 Harold M. Manning 1895 Arthur F. Albertson 1890 S./E. Floyd Messinger 1928 C.O. Hogan 1918 W. L. Kellum 1925 Louis R. Slyter 1907 Hutchinson Residence 1892 David lister 1919 1893 Charles Drury 1890 Fannie H. Lyman 1903 John D. McKenzie 1910 1971 apartment 1979 apartment 1924 F. M. Madsen 1922 N. G. Nelson 1908 Immanuel Presbyterian Church 1892 Lemuel T. Root- 12 Apostles 1917 orchid apartments 1889 A. Jansen 1912 Warren Residence 1903 Dwight & Louisa C. Phelps 1909 H. Lundgren 1890 Robert L. Hall/Fayette C. Lamb 1891 John B. Croake 1892 Lemuel T. Root- 12 Apostles M.G. Barker- wall mural of scenes along 1907 the Rhine River by German Artist 1890 Hans G. Bendixen 1891 Robert L. Lee 57 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 905 905 905 905 906 906 908 908 908 908 908 908 908 909 909 909 909 909 909 909 910 910 910 911 911 911 911 911 911 Street Name North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue North L Street North 9th North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue North J Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North J Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 13th Street North I Street North M Street North 12th North 3rd Street North Cushman Avenue North J Street North K Street North L Street Status Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Parcel 2039310050 2039290080 2039330060 2039230070 2038180010 2039280060 2039320050 2039300070 2039340070 2039200040 2039220050 2039240060 2039260050 2039310040 2039290060 2039330050 5226500010 2896003202 2039250070 2039270051 2042180030 2039180060 2039260040 2042190070 2033190080 2039290050 2039190040 2039210013 2039230060 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 912 913 913 913 913 914 914 914 915 915 915 North 10th North 13th North 9th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street North K Street North L Street North 3rd Street North 6th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Grant Avenue North Cushman Avenue North I Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North L Street Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2039190011 2042190010 2038190030 2039320040 2039300060 2039340060 2039180050 2039220040 2039240050 2033190070 2036190050 2039310030 2039330040 2039300050 2039180040 2039260030 2039310025 2039290040 2039230050 915 915 916 916 916 916 916 916 917 918 918 918 918 919 919 North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 5th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Grant Avenue North J Street North K Street North L Street North J Street North I Street North J Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North Ainsworth Avenue North Grant Avenue Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2039250027 2039270040 2034190010 2039320030 2039340050 2039200030 2039220030 2039240040 2039190021 2039180030 2039200020 2039260020 2039280030 2039310020 2039330030 919 919 920 920 North L Street North Sheridan Avenue North Grant Avenue North I Street Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2039230040 2039270030 2039340040 2039180020 Alt Parcels 2039200050 43 more parcel #s Built 1924 1898 1921 1912 1890 1891 1907 1934 1977 1948 1904 1910 1938 1924 1889 1922 1979 1909 1911 1924 1915 1925 1929 1937 1890 1922 1913 1965 1918 1888 1923 1903 1923 1891 1909 1889 1925 1909 1889 1901 1892 1922 1926 1931 1924 1892 1922 1911 2039250028, 2039250021, 2039250028, 2039250024, 2039250022 1922 1925 1923 1922 1909 1939 1905 1908 1995 1923 1925 1966 1931 1889 1922 1888/1908 1925 1910 1889 Property Notes Benjamin A. Almvig Nels Gustav Nelson Martin H. Sather John George Horace H. Greeley Augustus E. Scharff Abel White Alfred & Margaret Anderson Allan D. Sapp Domonik Vukovich Nicholas J. Brazell J. T. Braddock Neal F. Roberts George W. Remmert George W. Race G. M. Stroud Le-Mer Condominiums Immanuel Presbyterian Church Manse apartments Maryland Realty Co Harold J. Bothel Home (1928) Frank A. Sargent S. A. Gagliardi R. E. Peterson Frank Hale W. G. Ducommon Dr. Warren Brown Apts Built by Tacoma Housing Authority Thomas Bennett Jr. apartments apparently built in conjunction with the store bldg/apts at 921-923 N J St Alfred Eckstein Benjamin H. Bennetts Maryland Realty Co Henry Johnson W. A. Goehrig Henry O & Jeanette Geiger L. W. Dimmock Leonard J. Brown See 301 N J Street R.W. Taynton Andrew F. Snyder Oscar Peterson Oscar Arnette Mrs. Mary E. Vogel W. H. Corner George Hayes Speers, Kerr & Steel Paul Michael apartments John M. Boyle Richard G. Glanville Conrad Peterson W. A. Goehrig Anna Ternes Roy E. Davison Jesse Wm. & Myrtle May Tibbits G. D. Hamor Mrs. M.C. Hanson John C. Bicker Sether Apts W. Dyer John A. Shutes Harry Naubert Charles H. King/ Henry Young- Mrs. R.E. McKenzie Mrs. James F. O'Brien W.A. Goehring Tacoma Bldg & Savings Assoc 58 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 920 920 921 921 922 923 Street Name Status North L Street Contributing North Sheridan Avenue Contributing North 12th Street Noncontributing North Sheridan Avenue Contributing North Ainsworth Avenue Contributing North 13th Street (also address Contributing Parcel 2039240030 2039280020 2042190080 2039270020 2039320010 2043190030 923 923 923 923 924 924 924 924 924 924 928 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1004 1004 1005 1005 1005 1005 North Ainsworth Avenue Contributing North Grant Avenue Contributing North K Street Contributing North M Street Contributing North Grant Avenue Contributing North I Street Contributing North J Street Contributing North K Street Contributing North L Street Contributing North Sheridan Avenue Contributing North Grant Avenue Contributing North 6th Street Noncontributing North 9th Street Contributing North Ainsworth Avenue Contributing North I Street Contributing North J Street Noncontributing North L Street Contributing North Sheridan Avenue Contributing North 4th Street (Apostolic FaithContributing North 5th Noncontributing North Ainsworth Avenue Contributing North J Street Noncontributing North L Street Contributing North M Street Noncontributing North Grant Avenue Contributing North K Street Contributing North Cushman Avenue Contributing North K Street Contributing North 9th Street Contributing North Ainsworth Avenue Contributing North L Street Contributing North M Street Contributing 2039310010 2039330010 2039210010 2039250010 2039340020 2039180010 2039200010 2039220010 2039240010 2039280010 2039340010 2036200060 2039200080 2040310070 2040170040 2040190010 2040230080 2040270070 2033200010 2034200010 2040320060 2040200070 2040240050 2040260080 2040330040 2040210070 2040300094 2040220050 2039200070 2040310060 2040230070 2040250060 1890 1924 1940 1909 1914 1889 1906 1904 1909/1910 1924 1910 1986 1925 1895 1905 1967 1950 1904 1922 1955 1908 1967 1906 1967 1922 1918 1891 1891 1925 1890 1915 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007 1007 1008 1008 1008 1009 1009 1009 1010 1010 1010 North I Street North M Street North Ainsworth Avenue North K Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 9th North I Street North K Street North 9th Street North Cushman Avenue North L Street North 11th Street North 9th Street North Cushman Avenue 2040180064 2040260070 2040310052 2040210050 2040250050 2040270050 2038200020 2040180050 2040220040 2039200060 2040290060 2040230060 2040200020 2038210020 2040300080 1910 1889/1890 1891 1922 1962 1926 1920 1904 1891 1925 1891 1912 1893 1907/1919 1997 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1011 1011 1011 North J Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 8th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing 9005080010 2040220030 2040240040 2040260060 2040280050 2038210090 2040310051 2040290050 Alt Parcels 2043190040 9005080090, 9005080100, 90050080110, 9005080120, 9005080130, 9005080020, 9005080030, 9005080040, 9005080050, 9005080060, 9005080070, 9005080080 Built 1919 1925 1949 1924 1925 1907 1977 1903 1927 1922 1940 1908 1995 1926 Property Notes Jos. Hansen Earl V. Palmatier Adolph E. Eva Stebner Albert Taylor Philip A. Scott Engine House No.3 George H Johnson/Dudley Moore/Alfred W. Swalwell Elsie N. Simmons R. Bruce Robbins Givin G. Hicks W.A. Goehring Tacoma Bldg & Savings Assoc Albert Tozer Mr. & Mrs. Clark E. Detwiler Mrs. A. L. Murphy Dana E. Lohman W. A. Goehrig apartment Hugh P. Swann Home John T. Redman Rust Mansion St. Patrick's Convent apartments F. B. Donaldson Temple Beth Israel John Riccobono/John Kelly William H. Hicker apartment Miss A. H. Forbes apartment John S. Moe Dr. J. W. Van Valzah F. A. Keasal Herbert O. Fishback Steve F. Victor James Garrison J. A. Purrington demolished Samuel Glenn Laundry/Auto Beauty Parlor (1919) Samuel R. Balkwill/George H. Walker Henry V. Roberts/James E. Valentine G. Kirkebo apartment Fred Lohman Thomas A. Cross Samuel A. Andrews William H. Avery/Mrs. Nancy J. Devine William G. Gray William Hicker C. E. Griffin Charles J. Nelson A. Bruce/Louisa V. Montgomery Mark A. Donahue apartment James A. Williamson H. J. Potter Edward P. Lyman M. A. Drew Carlton L. Rhoades Andrew Larson 59 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 1011 1011 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1013 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1018 1018 1018 1018 1018 1018 1018 1019 1019 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1021 1021 1021 1022 1022 1022 1023 1024 1024 1024 1026 1027 1029 1031 1033 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1105 Street Name North K Street North L Street North 4th Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North Cushman Avenue North I Street North 12th Street North 12th Street North 5th Street North I Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North 10th Street North 11th Street North 5th Street North Ainsworth Avenue North Cushman Avenue North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 12th Street North 6th Street North Cushman Avenue North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 10th Street North 12th Street North 8th Street North Cushman Avenue North K Street North L Street North Steele North 11th Street North 5th Street North 7th Street North Cushman Avenue North I Street North L Street North M Street North I Street North Sheridan Avenue North 12th Street North Cushman Avenue North J Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North 12th Street North 5th Street North L Street North 11th Street North I Street North K Street North Cushman Avenue North Cushman Avenue North J Street North M Street North Cushman Avenue North Steele Street North Steele Street North Steele Street North Steele Street North 12th Street North 5th Street North I Street North K Street North M Street North 5th Street North J Street North K Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North 5th Street Status Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Parcel 2040210040 2040230050 2033210010 2037210020 2038210030 2040300070 2040180040 2042210060 2041210010 2034210011 2040180030 2040220020 2040240030 2040260050 2040210060 2041210050 2035210040 2040310040 2040290040 2040250040 2040270040 2041210020 2035210010 2040300060 2040260040 2040280040 2040210080 2042210080 2038210080 2040290030 2040210030 2040230040 2040330030 2040210010 2034210020 2036210010 2040300050 2040180020 2040240020 2040260030 2040170030 2040270030 2041210030 2040300040 2040200030 2040220012 2040240010 2040260020 2042210070 2035210050 2040230010 2040210020 2040180010 2040220011 2040290020 2040300030 2040200010 2040260010 2040300020 2040320050 2040320030 2040320040 2040320020 2042220070 2035220080 2041170040 2041210060 2041250090 2034220010 2041200060 2041220070 2041260070 2041280030 2035220100 Alt Parcels Built Property Notes 1903 Jos. M. Hargis 1895 Philip A. Baillargeon surface parking 1965 apartment 1888 Singleton T. Armstrong 1911 Richard B. Lee 1889/1890 Frank Kneeland/Jos L. Lewith 1938 Delbert A. & Virginia E. Belfoy 1890 Mrs. Anna Groeper 1907/1927 Mrs. Mary Sherman/L. Vatilich 1927 Louis Vitalich 1903 George C. & Opal Williamson 1889 H. Jennings 1890 Frank E. Willard 1925 Bert H. & Louise Goodman 1940 Neal C. Gregory 1905 Ernest C. Cornell 1961 John M. Clark/Terrace Beauty Salon 1889 R. D. Ruff pre1951 Florence Renald 1941 Maynard Schwebke 1922 James L. Hunt 1926 North K Substation 1889/1925 P. J. Neilly/Andrew Larson builder 1890 Samuel G. Landon 1940 William J. Ellis 1919 George R. Ankos 1938 George F. Rauk 2002 1889 Duff & Bain 1955 apartments 1908 J. D. Benner 1924 J. Allen Worthington 1921 J. C. Murphy 1909 E. H. Mathews 1892 Richard F. Wells 1908 C. A. Richardson 1925 Charles W. Thomas 1888 Robert Reed 1890 Harvey N. Ott 1927 Colonial Realty Co 1942 Alex W. Olson 1909 Neil P. & Elizabeth M. Harrison 1908 C. A. Richardson 1902 Edwin Eels 1994 apartments 1889 John T. Nolan 1923 Lillian H. Bourland 1902 C. P Taylor 1905 Daniel Cornell 1930 R. L. Gibson 1921 J. C. Murphy 1890 David Lister 1901 Samuel R. Balkwill 1927 Edwin Carlson 1908 C. A. Richardson 1893 Percy L. Sinclair 1923 H. Macdonald 1908 C. A. Richardson 1906 W. H. Hicker/Daniel Hicker 1906 Claude C. Cawthorne 1910 Frederick A. Lang 1910 Luther W. Rosene 1967 apartment 1905 Edwin Heineman 1923 A.W. Johnson 1938 Frederick J. Seitz 1909 William Poage 1901 F. Garrett Fisher 1901 William D. F. Hyde 1888 George W. Swalwell 1929 W. W. Delaney 1889 Bain Building 1908 Robert Walton 60 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 1105 1105 1105 1106 1106 1106 Street Name North L Street North M Street North Sheridan Avenue North J Street North K Street North M Street Status Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 1107 1108 1108 1108 1109 1109 1109 1109 1110 1110 1111 1111 1111 1111 1112 1112 1112 1112 1112 1112 1112 1113 1113 1113 1114 1114 1114 1115 1115 1115 1115 1115 1116 1116 1117 1117 1117 1118 1118 1118 1118 1118 1118 1119 1119 1119 1120 1120 1120 1121 1121 1121 1121 1121 1122 1122 1122 1122 1123 1123 1123 1124 1124 1127 1130 1134 1138 North M Street North 6th Street North J Street North L Street North 7th Street North I Street North L Street North Sheridan Avenue North 8th Street North 9th Street North 4th Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North 10th Street North 5th Street North 9th Street North J Street North K Street North L Street North M Street North 7th Street North 9th Street North M Street North 11th Street North 7th Street North M Street North 11th Street North 12th Street North 5th Street North L Street North Steele Street North J Street North L Street North 6th Street North 7th Street North Steele Street North 10th Street North 11th Street North 12th Street North 5th Street North 7th Street North 8th Street North 4th Street North L Street North M Street North 10th Street North K Street North L Street North 5th Street North 6th Street North 7th Street North M Street North Steele Street North 6th Street North 7th Street North J Street North K Street North 11th Street North 9th Street North M Street North 9th Street North L Street North M Street North L Street North L Street North L Street Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Parcel 2041230060 2041250070 2041270050 2041200050 2041220060 2041260060 2041250060 2035220020 2041200040 2041240050 2037220080 2041170030 2041230050 2041270040 2037220020 2038220020 2034230080 2041210040 2041230040 2041250050 2039230030 2034230010 2038230010 2041200030 2041220041 2041240040 2041260041 2037230090 2039230090 2041250040 2040230020 2036230010 2041260030 2041230080 2042230030 2035230050 2041230030 2040310030 2041200020 2041240030 2036230070 2037230080 2040310020 2039230010 2040230030 2041230010 2034230020 2036230030 2037230010 2034230070 2041230020 2041250030 2039230020 2041220020 2041240020 2035230060 2036230080 2037230100 2041250020 2040300010 2035230010 2036230020 2041200010 2041220010 2041230070 2039230080 2041250010 2038230020 2041240010 none found 2042240050 2042240040 2042240020 Alt Parcels Built 1889/1890 1909 1889 1902 1888 1889/1890 ? 1915 1902 1944 1904 1967 1948 1912 1895 1890 1962 1962 1889 1907 1906 1906 1902 1923 1928 1889 1922 1906 1889 1928 1915 1924 1902 1954 1923 1890 1908 1903 1948 1904 1922 1908 1927 1928 1948 1910 1925 1904 1890 1943 1926 1926 1958 1964 1925 1904 1924 1907 1908 1918 1925 1904 1908 1902 1904 1907 1906 1942 1961 1924 1920 1920 Property Notes /M. Nodine/Charles M. Sherman Irwin W. Ziegaus James C. Murphy William G. Swalwell J.P. Wright/Arthur M. Semple Mrs. Theresa D. Brown- house may have been moved from another site Patrick Manley George A. Rice Great Northern Realty Co Mrs. Esther P. Reed demolished apartment Donald O. Turney B.V. Schwulen/May S. Guyles Alphonse C. Marconnier Francis B. Kellogg Pine Crest Apts apartment Duff & Bain Fordyce Taber John A. Rea Harry L. Crosby/"Bing Crosby House" James F. O'Brien Fred E. Tate O. F. Hamger Vern J. & Amelia Hutchinson Horace N. Dryer Duff & Bain F. F. Beckman Anthony C. Halligan J. I. Higgen R. D. Duff apartment Oscar D. & Tillie K. Nethery J. J. O'Brien Mrs. Mamie Bettman John H. McDaniels Steve Franko Frank Snyder Fred E. Tate Fred Downs Mrs. J. D. Rutherford Felix F. & Gladys I. Beckman Mrs. Peary Gonyea Donald & Cora MacPherson Meriden S. Hill Francis B. Kellogg Gustav W. Fischer C. T. Hubbard O. Erickson Capri Apts apartments William H. & Vitalia A. Smith Frank Snyder R. R. Thomas William Ive Edward Dube Newton Apts Clayton G. & Charlotte M. Francis Clinton McDaniels Dr. J.B. McNerthney George Wood Theodore Huggins Wheeler_Reese Lumber Co Charles Rhodes Richard M. Buffelen Henry J. Jewell S.D.C. Smith J. F. Bachelor J. F. Bachelor 61 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 1201 1201 1202 1202 1202 1202 1203 1205 1206 1206 1207 1208 1208 1208 1209 1210 1210 1210 1211 1211 1211 1211 1211 1212 1212 1212 1212 1213 1214 1214 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 1216 1216 1216 1216 1217 1218 1218 1220 1220 1220 1222 1223 1224 1224 1226 1230 1301 1302 1302 1302 1303 1305 1305 1308 1309 1309 1309 1309 1310 1311 1311 1311 1311 1312 1314 1314 1315 1315 Street Name North 11th Street North 4th Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North I Street North J Street North 11th Street North J Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North K Street North 10th Street North I Street North K Street North 10th Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North J Street North 10th Street North 11th Street North 4th Street North J Street North K Street North 8th Street North I Street North J Street North K Street North 7th Street North 7th Street North I Street North 10th Street North 4th Street North 9th Street North J Street North K Street North Steele Street North 11th Street North 6th Street North 9th Street North J Street North J Street North 11th Street North I Street North 5th Street North I Street North J Street North 11th Street North J Street North I Street North J Street North J Street North J Street North 4th Street North 10th Street North 6th Street North 8th Street North 7th Street North 6th Street North 8th Street North 8th Street North 5th Street North 6th Street North 7th Street North 8th Street North 5th Street North 10th Street North 6th Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North 11th Street North 7th Street North 8th Street North 11th Street North 4th Street Status Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Parcel 2041240060 2034240090 2037240020 2038240020 2042180090 2042200070 2041240070 2042190060 2037240010 2038240010 2042210050 2039240020 2042180080 2042220060 2040240060 2037240030 2038240030 2042200060 2040250070 2041250080 2034250060 2042190050 2042210040 2037250020 2042180070 2042200050 2042220050 2037250070 2036250010 2042180060 2040250080 2034250070 2039240070 2042190040 2042210030 2041280021 2040250010 2035250010 2038250010 2042200040 2042190030 2040250030 2042180041 2034250010 2042180030 2042200030 2040250020 2042190020 2042180010 2042200020 2042200010 2043200040 2034260093 2039260010 2035260010 2037260010 2037260070 2036260060 2038260100 2037260020 2035260070 2036260070 2037260080 2038260110 2034260020 2040270060 2036270070 2038270070 2039270081 2040270011 2036270020 2037270010 2041270060 2034270050 Alt Parcels 2037250080 2034260030 Built 1922 1986 1907 1919 1901 1901 1898 1925 1915/1918 1919 1910 1925 1907 1938 1890 1913/1915 1892 1904 1890 1901 1904 1937 1952 1965 1889 1937 1938 1903/1891 1925 1889 1890 1904 1917 1936 1949 1921 1917 1959 1928 1921 1924 1917 1889 1906 1889 1951 1917 1923 1904 1918 1918 1921 1955 1978 1962 1912/1910 1924 1921 1923 1912 1892 1921 1924 1927 1891 1889 1900 1890 1890 1942 1940 1947 1889 1951 Property Notes T. E. Boze Grocery/Economy Market apartment John Fitzgerald J. Vaughn & Son James E. Kelsey Alfred & Emily Metzger/Mrs. E.G. Pratt building J. N. Harry Aubry John Fitzgerald J. Vaughn & Son C. F. Moeller Farlin Nye Ernest A. & Cora E. Knoell N. S. Nelson Alfred F. Barnard M. J. Fitzgerald Edward A. Hatherton J. T. Reed E. C. Miller William S. Couch Robert D. Bedolfe/Donald W. Morgan Jos Fick Lloyd E. Anderson Westie M. Jensen Edward Hatfield Home Jack Shaffer Russell G. Nelson J.E. Brandon/Mrs. Frank Wynkoop Leo J Feidler Kemmoe Edwardsen Home E. C. Miller John W. Bean apartments E. C. "Gene" Gemberling C. E. Henriot Charles Stewart Des Moines Investment Co apartment S. Hegge Alvin Muehler R. Manley Edward Beardsley George Kiehlmeyer Home H. G. Rowland Washington Building Assoc Harry A. Griewe Des Moines Investment Co John W. Taylor Margaret Hall Home E. Hutchinson E. Hutchinson E. C. Hill apartment apartment apartment Tacoma Home Construction Co. George Chamberlain Weller Bros Robert L & Margaret E. Coble Fred H & Mina E Bennett Frederick Alspaugh Weller Bros Benjamine S. Lunan Harry C. & Violet E. Faul Frank Talbot J. J. Brennan George H & Delta C Farrington Charles W. Snyder Everett C. Miller Oscar & Bessie Jordal Leonard F. & Hazel E. Erickson Frank J & Florence C Reda Lincoln K. Boyle apartment 62 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number 1315 1315 1315 1316 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1320 1321 1323 1401 1401 1401 1402 1402 1402 1403 1405 1406 1406 1406 1407 1407 1409 1409 1409 1410 1410 1410 1413 1414 1414 1414 1414 1415 1415 Street Name North 5th Street North 6th Street North 9th Street North 10th Street North 9th Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North 4th Street North 11th Street North 8th Street North 5th Street North 6th Street North 10th Street North 5th Street North 6th Street North 11th Street North 5th Street North 7th Street North Steele Street North 10th Street North 11th Street North 6th Street North 7th Street North 11th Street North 7th Street North 10th Street North 6th Street North Steele Street North 11th Street North 6th Street North 9th Street North 6th Street North 10th Street North 5th Street North 6th Street North 7th Street North 10th Street North 11th Street Status Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Parcel 2034270012 2036270080 2039270071 2039270010 2038270010 2038270080 2038270020 2034270060 2040270021 2037270020 2035270070 2036270090 2040280090 2035280070 2036280080 2040280010 2034280010 2036280020 2041270030 2040280070 2040280020 2035280030 2036280010 2041280040 2037280080 2040280060 2036280070 2041270020 2040280030 2035280020 2038280010 2036290070 2039290010 2034290010 2035290020 2036290010 2040290080 2041290020 1415 North 5th Street Contributing 2035280070 1415 1415 1415 1416 1416 1417 1417 1418 1419 1419 1420 1421 1422 1501 1501 1501 1501 1502 1505 1505 1505 1506 1506 1507 1508 1508 1508 1509 1509 1509 1509 1509 1510 Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2037290050 2038290060 2041260020 2040290010 2038290010 2034290040 2040290070 2039290020 2038290070 2041260013 2034290020 2040290090 2039290030 2034300020 2035300060 2036300080 2042250020 2039300021 2034300010 2036300070 2042250010 2039300030 2037300020 none found 2035300020 2036300020 2037300030 2040300095 2035300070 2036300060 2039300090 2042240030 2039300010 North 7th Street North 8th Street North Steele Street North 11th Street North 9th Street Division Avenue North 10th Street North 10th Street North 8th Street North Steele Street North 5th Street North 10th Street North 10th Street Division Avenue North 5th Street North 6th Street North Steele North 10th Street Division Avenue North 6th Street North Steele Street North 10th Street North 8th Street North Steele Street North 6th Street North 7th Street North 8th Street North 10th Street North 5th Street North 6th Street North 9th Street Steele Street North 10th Street Alt Parcels 2035270060 Built 1925 1890/1924 1890 1925 1925 1890 1951 1895 1945 1951 1916 1921 1945 1895 1907 1926 1903 1932 1908 1925 1926 1906 1932 1929 1931 1918 1911 1907 1927 1906 1903 1905 1923 1907 1911 1928 1918 1910 Property Notes Conrad Geiger/Albert E & Anna Long Jos C Dillow Robert C & Lillian B Cole John W Kenny Hans & Lina Lavik Signor A. J. Foli Jewell E & Edna Lerum Jos A Palagruti Mrs. Hilda Chisholm A. E. Cromwell Willard R. and Beulah B. Lewis Home Kennedy Sanitarium (alcoholism) 1946 Albert E Cromwell F. F. Beckman Governor Ernest Lister House Evert L Landon Everett E Bare Earl S & Ethel M Pierce C. C. Carney Mrs. Catherine Barrett Albert E. Graham Green & Branam Mrs. Leola Shannon Kelly & McMahon Clarence Hill Mrs. Alice L Kelly CC Carney Wellington Richard Steele E. Burgess Irwin A Stiles Fred E. Tate Roy E Davison R. Clifford Horr Eskil M & Nina E Westlin John Bendick William Gardner/Halco Sanitorium 1901 (alcoholics) 1941 Edward & Helen Kjellesvick/E G & Lilliam 1962 Carlson 1910 1920 Charles H McDonnell 1927 Louis B & Ruth H Utterback 1923 A. W. Fairhurst 1928 1924 Peter J & Georgia M Hallmeyer 1924 Gordon F & Mary E Gray 1922 Duggan C & Hazel O'Keefe 1906 Michael McDonnell 1923 Clavin J Carr 1921 Dr. W. E. Lowrie 1924 Nels Magnussen 1919 R. Creso 1904 Charles A Bartz 1903 Boston Finance Co 1961 Henry J. Jewell 1929 Beulah E. Ridgeway 1919 R Creso 1903 Boston Finance Co 1951 Henry J. Jewell 1929 George W. Parsons 1923 no info 1910 Morris & Pauline Kleiner 1910 Frank L Berry 1923 W F Gross no info 1904 E. F. Messinger 1903 Boston Finance Co 1948 Kenneth M & Emily C Sager 1919 George V Hammond 1929 Lynn Riebow 63 of 64 North Slope Historic Special Review District Buildings Inventory DRAFT Updated as of 12/31/11 For more information or to report errors, please call 253-591-5220. Street Number Street Name 1510 North 9th Street 1511 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1515 1516 1521 1535 1601 1602 1605 1605 1607 1608 1608 1609 1610 1610 1613 1613 1614 1614 1615 1616 1617 1617 1618 1618 1619 1622 1622 1701 1705 1710 1721 1725 1731 1901 North 10th Street North 7th Street North 9th Street North 7th Street North 7th Street North 7th Street North 9th Street North 9th Street North 5th Street North Steele Street North 8th Street North 8th Street Division Avenue North 7th Street North 9th Street North 10th Street North 8th Street North 10th Street North 6th Street North 9th Street North 10th Street North 9th Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North 8th Street North 10th Street Division Avenue North 9th Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North 9th Street North 8th Street North 9th Street North Steele Street North Steele Street North 9th Street North Steele Street North Steele Street North Steele Street North Steele Street 1915 North Steele Street 610-12 North Sheridan 908-914 North Sheridan Avenue Status Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Noncontributing Contributing Parcel 2038300020 2040300096 2037310070 2038310010 2037310080 2036310010 2037310070 2039310070 2038310030 2035310060 2042230020 2038320070 2037320010 2035320060 2037320070 2039320070 2039320020 2037320020 2040320070 2035320020 2038320020 none found 2039330070 2037330030 2038330010 2038330080 2039330020 Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing Contributing 2035330100 2039330080 2037330020 2038330030 2039330090 2037330010 2038330020 2042220030 2042220021 9370000010 2042210020 2042210010 2043200030 2043200020 Noncontributing Noncontributing Noncontributing 2043190020 2036280051 2039280050 Alt Parcels 2040330020 2035330080, 2035350060, 2035330040, 2035330020, 2035330010, 2035330030, 2035330070, 2035330050, 2035330110, 2035330090, 2035330120 2039280040 Built Property Notes 1924 Rev. S S Sulliger Mrs. Patricia E Grant/Mrs. Neoma L. Chostner 1892 Andrew F. Snyder 1929 Van Smith 1892 R. D. Duff builder 1921 Dix Rowland 1892 1924 Fred H Madsen 1922 J C Kinsil 1903 J F Hopkins 1981 apartments 1892/1894 Dutch Embassy House 1941 Carl H & Ruth Johnson 1893 Aaron R. Titlow 1925 Mrs. Stella S. Titlow 1922 Dr. J. F. Griggs 1925 J. W. Knox 1921 D. K. Davisson 1925 W. H. Hecker 1907 Harry K Todd 1918 W. L. Kellum no info 1890 Robert Lillie 1922 Mrs. Belle Heale 1925 William A & Fern Nutting 1975 Mike Updegraff/Patrick R McCann 1927 Carl Hogberg Gray Gables Apts Martin Sather Martin G & Grace Roper A. L. DeRousse Llewellyn Boyle Chas A Miller C. O. Anderson Clyde J Backus Anton Rinck Michael Warter William W Glenn Charles L Roberts Edward C Hill Edward C Hill house apparently built c. 1904 and moved to this site in 1940- house at 1731 N Steele was previously known as 1915 N 1904 Steele 1978 1961 apartments 1922 1915 1922 1925 1915 1918 1925 1909 1903 1904 1909 1910 1921 1925 64 of 64
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