Welcome to the 65th meeting of the Scandinavian Neurosurgical Society & the 39th meeting of the Nordic Society of Neuroradiology Neurosurgery & in transition Neuroradiology - the Impact of New Technologies Keynote speakers Sven Haller, University of Geneva May 28 – 30, 2015 Graham Fieggan, University of Capetown Anders Björklund, Lund University Invited Speakers Claus Andersen, Odense Venue: Kulturen Lund, Sweden Contact: Tommy Andersson, Kortrijk SNSLund2015@gmail.com Peter Gärdenfors, Lund Facebook group: SNSLund2015 Henri Hannula, Helsinkii #SNSLund2015 Merab Kokaia, Lund Walter Stummer, Münster For registration and more information, please visit our webpage at: Bertil Rydenhag, Gothenburg http://www.med.lu.se/sns_2015 Preliminary program Friday, May 29 Saturday, May 30 08.30 - late 09.00 – 13.00 Interventional therapy in stroke Awake surgery: Old concept with new technology? Lunch Interventional radiology/new technology Motorcortex stimulation 13.00 – 20.00 (including Welcome reception): Celltransplantation in CNS, Anders Björklund Dissertations Optogenetics Oral presentations Thursday, May 28 From 10.00: Annual society and other meetings Torgny Greitz lecture: “Pearls and pitfalls of presurgical fMRI and DTI” Ictal SPECT Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS) in presurgical planning Stereo-EEG in invasive monitoring of epilepsy Poster session Third world navigation system, Graham Fieggan Intraoperative MRI Health economic perspective/HTA-analysis How to socialize with robots - cognitive approach Gliolan- in tumour neurosurgery ROSA a robot for neurosurgery Parkinsons disease: DBS or transplantation Olea image processing software for radiology and surgery 7 Tesla MRI 19.00 Banquet including dinner at AF-Borgen Visit at 7 Tesla unit or the Museum of Life (the AF Castle) with the live band “The Men” Welcome reception Stiftelsen för Neurokirurgisk forskning Svensk förening för Neuroradiologi In association with: Svensk Neurokirurgisk Förening Scandinavian Neurosurgical Society Nordic Society of Neuroradiology The Organizing Committee at the Departments of Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology in Lund.
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