00 Years Ago Today: NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE 7 Monday, September 14, 19<4 •_ By LRichard Reed Robert Turner, Wilson, Listed Dead of EDITOR'S NOTE — The •nerlcan Civil War ttarttd April 12 1841, setting off strict of activities in Niara Falls and N i a g a r a iunty in behalf of the ilon War effort. Following «n account of current ants from the Niagara Us Gazette Weekly of pt. 14, 1864, together with mment.ry by I. Richard ted, this city, a student of i Civil-War. Business Review Spotlight A Gazette Advertising Feature- September \Babson Discusses Good Time Money Situation the 4th of wounds received in battle on Aug. 25 at Ream's Station, W e 1 d o n Railroad, Robert Turner, Company E, $th Heavy Artillery, son of Jacob Turner, of Wilson, in the 22nd year of his life. ing such duty as provost guard, g u a r d i n g prison camps *nd other various bebind-the-Hnes installations. Now that the draft was By ROGER W. BABSON rency, in 5, 10, 25, and 30-cent about to take place again, 1 BABSON PARK, Mass. — denominations. These releases the government did not inThe wet summer of 1964 ofThe replacement of our onecontinued intermittently for tend to have a repetition of * * * fered few really good painting dollar silver certificates, the the draft riots which took 14 years, with the final issue THE OBITUARY of Rob-. days. U n d e r more normal! l a s t U l S - p a p e r currency back- coming in 1876. . ert Turner is typical of the place in New York City and weather conditions, m i d s u m - i ^ ^ V J " 1 1 d o »? r '» w o r t h • * • death notices used in this many other large cities in the previous summer. Deof metal, brings this nation s country 100 years ago. They SPECIE PAYMENTS h a d mer weather is too hot, and money supply close to a posi usually appeared along with tachments of these Veteran been suspended in early 1862, the ideal painting time begins tion of irredeemability. About • » • the classified a d v e r t i s e - Reserves were being sent in September. With warm, dry i all that now seems to stand and by Jan. 1, 1863 gold waj into the various communiments and were paid inserdays and cool n i g h t s , good in the way is our dwindling commanding a 60 per cent The Draft ties in an effort to quell any premium over the irredeemtions. Possibly this accounts quality house paints set up supply of fractional coins, [t Is rumored that the" riot before it had a chance able greenbacks. This process for-tftei? extreme scarcity. quickly and slowly dry to a However, even if we are aft has a l r e a d y comto get started. beautiful even l u s t e r . At j forced to adopt a nonconver- of depreciation continued unA very small percentage tnced and is now actually • • * Haeberle's we recommend the tible currency, it will not be til 1864. of the deaths of bur area ing on. This | TH€N TOO, the high following good painting pro- the first time. During the Civi soldiers ever made the pap- bounties were attracting not true, MUSIC SCHOLAR-James J . Soluri, former N i a g - ceedure: < War, for example, we issued ers, which accounts for e draft will; many dishonest men. who. CENTERS much- of the difficulty we were enlisting and staying a r a n , w h o made music his career, browses in the t take place i Surface preparation: Seal- a total of $450 million in ir- FOR THE now experience in attempt- around only long enough to musical library of Alfred DiRocco, w h o taught him ing, blistered, loose peeling j redeemable greenbacks. The long as reFINEST ing to compile a complete collect their money and then nting goes) in N i a g a r a Falls. " " paint m u s t be removed by results of this action are in- IN ART and accurate list of our cas- skip for parts unknown. It wire brushing, scraping or teresting, and perhaps not briskly. ualties. burning. New wood" and expos- without significance for,us to- SUPPLIES, rhere h a s ! wouldn't be too bad if the WALLPAPERS; ed areas m u s t be properly day. sn no time; To our knowledge, this is man enlisted only once, but AND OF COURSE" primed with Pratt & Lamed w h e n : the only notice of a Wilson . some ware enlisting at least PRATT & LAMBERT PAINTS bert's No. 305 House Paint * draft will; soldier's death to appear in ,five and six times in as THE FIRST OF the Civil Primer. In areas where the gin. It will | the Gazette. So far, we many communities. , , War greenbacks rolled off the ordered in, emeIy dry know" of at least 40 others It was rather a profitable h Z Z T , / f , / Presses in March of 1862. and e town at a' PAINT SHOPS which have been gleamed business, if a man could get 2Penetrol. 1J£ i a > ,J T oils T " paint. \ ° i b * e a r l ? summer a severe. ie and will REED natural * '9*3 MIILTARY RD, from old letters and diaries away with it. The Veteran coIn s n o r t h a ddeveloped James J Soluri, who studied piano under Alfred • 744 10th ST. g 1 n with and even from old tomb Reserve Corps was here to ^ , t l o n . e r - .W1» !- e s t o r e t h ^ T h i s was of course in accord DiRocco in Niagara Falls, is today associate professor of wood and reduce drag caused w i t h t h e t e n e t s f G r e s h a m . s • town which has the stones. It does make for a see that they didn't. long tedious research projtatest deficiency. When As soon as a large enough music at the Slate University College at Oswego. He is by too rapid absorption of oils law, which states, in effect, miting ceases or shows ect, but we are' making group of men had been en- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Soluri, assistant post- in the primer. Allow this ma- that the most valuable pieces progress and hope to have - listed, they were herded ns of flagging; before the teria! to dry three to «ve| o f m o n e y wI11 b e d r i v e n J u t o f *—— days before top coating. our list completed by this aboard trains with the Vet- master of this city. >ta is filled, the wheels circulation, once a disparity Mr. Soluri was a faithful State University College and Pratt & Lambert has a vari- in value exists in a monetary 1 begin to revolve. time next year. eran Reserve serving as * * * "he other counties of the guards and shipped to a pupil of Alfred DiRocco Music its choral group, the States- ety of finish coats. The stand- system. NEWS THAT THE Vet- camp near Washington. trict have never filled Studios from 1940 to 1951. He men. He teaches music his- ard house paints apply easily, On Aug. 21, 1862 the govdry evenly with a rich luster eran Reserve Corps was reir quotas and most of Records show that about was "a brilliant, gifted stu- tory and literature, and diernment relealed its first isrects college musical produc- that resists chemicals, fungus, porting to Lockport was an- 30 per cent of the men drafttowns in this county are sue of fractional paper curdent and a hard worker," actions. Recent productions were mildew, and harsh weather for other sign of the times. The ed and enlisted after Sept., y active. Hartland and "Kiss Me Kate" and "Bells years. P&L's Verdura trim and newspaper does not mention 1884 managed to . desert, cording to Alfred DiRocco, [son are particularly busy shutter finish is nrobablv the the fact, but we presume either before reaching their whose main studio is at 610 Are Ringing." the matter, many young most durable trim paint' on this bit of intelligence caus- regiments or shortly there- Fourth St. There are 19 Din liable to draft enlist• OIL BURNERS WE RENT MOS1 EVERYTHING the market today. ed a bit of a stir in certain after. Records also show Rocco Studios in the Niagara in the army or navy and Ex^SenatOE Dies that very few of the new circles. At Haeberle Paint Shops, 2930 PINE AVE. (4 doors off Hyde Patk) • BURNER SERVICE nking themselves w e l l Area, teaching piano and orGREENVILLE, S.C. U) — 1983 Military Road and 744 d by receiving a county PHONE 282-3663 It was an indication that regiments formed, after this F o r m e r Sen. Charles E. 10th St., we have the finest Daily 8:30• 6 p.m.; Sat. 8-6 id for $800 payable in'. the state and federal gov- period, ever saw any action gan. ._ After finishing at South Daniel, 68, D-5.C, a one-time painting materials and sup! year, with interest, and ernment placed very little and, therefore, it was rathFLOOR SANDIRS Budget Terms • Automatic Delivery er a foolish thing for the Junior High and Niagara Falls carpenter who was head. of plies available in the city. RUC SHAMPOOERS government bounty of trust in the local militia. ROLLAWAY BIDS to desert as he only High Schools, Mr. Soluri earnm $100 to $300 besides, 2059 C O N N . AVE. Actually, these were fed- "man one of the largest construe P&L quality is not expensive, ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANERS brought down upon himself ed a bachelor of science deonly about one and a quarter 'here is no reason why eral troops and we might CARD TABLES Cr CHAIRS OFF HYDE PARK MOVING EQUIPMENT and family lifelong public gree in music-at State Uni- tion companies in the 'coun cents per square foot, and • quota should. not be say that this, as well as YWIF Dcpt. Store of Rtntlni, with versity College at Fredoni*. try, died Sunday at his Green worth it. »d as soon as that of our All tht • HouMholdtr'i Occasional many other counties in the disgrace. * • • ville home. Ncidi. Ab«f» Fur Coat Rtnttl. In 1958, he became master of ghbors. We are not able state, was being placed unONE CALL RENTS IT ALL THE ONLY man who realmusic at the University of jive a correct account of der martial law. VARDEN STUDIO ly placed his life in jeopar- Michigan, and is a candidate deficiency of the sevLOWEST PRICES! The Veteran R e s e r v e dy by going to the recruit- for the degree of doctor of Has Changed 1 towns, but our town is FREE ESTIMATES Corps was made up of of- ing officer at this late peri- music. Maqara's WNEST\ tainly not ahead. It is Its Name to CLEANING AND TAILORING ficers and men of the varod was the man who volunI lacking about 70 men. During the summer of 1959, • ROOFING, SIDING ious regiments of the Union. teered for a regiment in VOGUE STUDIO jse m u s t - to supplied Mr. Soluri toured Europe as •• GUTTERS Army who had been woundthe field that was already DRIVEWAY SEALER That's All Thafs Changed n as the men must be accompanist of the Univer- • PANELLING DRY CLEANERS Sam* Quality Portraits I. It is not reasonable to ed in action or, in some on active duty. sity of Michigan Glee Club. • PLUMBING FIXTURES other way, had been renThese men were few and 1518 PINE AVE. pose that the draft will He is a member of. Pihi Kappa • ALUMINUM DOORS and dered unfit for front line far between, because the W« Pick Up end Deli/tr delayed much longer. WINDOWS duty. Union Army was notorious Phi Fraternity." At Oswego, Mr. Soluri di- . • R A I L I N G S Ph. BU 2-2500 . Such men, although -they for allowing the veteran Reserve Corps (FORMERLY VARDEN'5) rects the Men's Glee Club of • >£fNT,and m E S could not serve as combat regiments to become depletBring 'am In Baler* Noon , detachment of 75 men 1616 10th St. BU 2-6688 the 19th Regiment, Vet- troops, were physically able • ed while they recruited new. Pick thtm up tha tarn* day ciNTfcAL GUILDERS SUPPLY to do. limited duty. Their ones: The man who went as CARS FOR RENT 5STH & PINE AVE.—BU 3-0535 n Reserve Corps, under Export Dytlng • Altmttoni uniforms were changed to : a replacement to one of NEW MOTOR TtAMP, Cotton arrived at LockAERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY" OPP. MOTEL NIACARA these depleted regiments ^ sky blue color and they t and reported to Provost The Sign Of by PH. BU 2-8037 were at first grouped into was usually the man who rshal Bowen for orders. Action Loop volunteered for just such regiments and later into in$ >y will relieve the guard MACHEL0R MAINTENANCE '4* elones dependent companies. At an outfit. The drafted man AND SUPPLY CORP. 4 Hrs., Pluf 7c M i l t . one time there were over and the enlistee, unless he Died 1 (Includes Ins., Cai, Mtce.) DISTRIBUTORS 17* of thes° c^mn^nie ? serv- requested it, was mustered ied at St. John's HospiFt HOOKER'S for duty in a new regiment. NIAGARA CAR & ing in fhe Union Army, doat Annapolis, Md., on To Paint James J. Soluri Given College Post at Oswego HAEBERLE VmkdRmt- FUEL OIL PH. BU 5-9144 • • — • i . MUSGARELLO'S VOGUE Studio ' &M BU 47856 JET TRUCK RENTAL ions Committees Are Named esidents of the Town of ara Lions and Lioness s announced committees ie }oint installation dinleld at the Plantation Resn. •s. Curtis Valentine, Lionjresident, appointed Mrs. <ftel Young and Mrs. RobRowls, ways and means men; Mrs. Walter Long Mrs. Jay Hoch, program social; Mrs. Jesse Castriand Mrs. Herbert Bloom ',, sunshine; Mrs. William and Mrs. Raymond Lovtelephone; Mrs. Leason H u t c h i n s, membership and Hoch, Mr. Rivers and Samuel Sembert, sight conservation; Mrs. Lee Corra, pubHoity. health and welfare; Mr. LefLions. Club committees, to fler and Mr. Rowls, 'conven* be supervised '. by Jay Hoch, tion chairmen; Mr. Corra, Lifirst vice president, are Ray ons Information; Anthony Gat* Lovria, Robert RowJs and to and Parel HutcMns, boys Herschel Young, attendance and girls. • commdttee; Ne-al Gray, Walter Supervised by Jesse McGee, Leffler and Jesse Castricohe, third vice president, will be membership; William Tisdale, Charles R. Clark, Mr. Boss program chairman; Mr. Hoch and Rev. Robert L. Erickson, and Mr. Valentine, constitu- public relations; Jesse Castrition and by-laws; Jack Tisdale; cone and Walter Long, civic Leason Hutdiins and Jpe Boss, and commundty betterment; special greeters. Jack Tisdale ; and John MorCommittees to be super* gan, education and Mr. Lef vised by. Donald. Rivers, sec. fler and Philip Harris, United ond vice president, are Jay | Nations. . . . ' . . unior High PTA chedules Meeting osives Are Derailed PORT ACE PH 285-9104 Member National Cor Rental System Inc. ROMDIHA FERRUSI REALTOR ROBIRT M. SUMK—RIALTOR _ . 4 4 F<IU Stnit—BU 4-7S56—__ ALUMINUM WINDOWS CompUt* topendabli UP TO 101 UNITED INCHES SCREfN TILT-STORM Service 8299 Effii 10 for 1 2 9 Drivi 2974290 95 WEST ALUMINUM and HOME IMPROVEMENT Co. "I I SPECIAL" PRE-HUNG •01 P I N I A V I . i — i -, .I. — i — I w TNI} W: sfh TROPICAL • for A NEW ANGLE ON BUSINESS & INDUSTRY I55S Military Rd. PAINTS Protective Coatings for • Industry Matonry Coati, Mttal Primtn, Roof Coottrs, Wot«rproof«ri, Enamtli, Epoxyiai, Pool Point!, Woll Pointi, Aluminums, Htot Rtsistini, Flott, Floor Coats . Complete Lint. BU 3-8900 CALL 297-4200 BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK HOUSE P TRANTER • • I t •.MLS* PAINTS Reliable Home Heating use DeFRANCO HARDWARE 480-19th St. AND STRAUSS 1018 Niagara Avenue F,R°EHALL BU 4-5026 FORMAL WEAR €sso HEATING OIL • AUTOMATIC dellvtrv service Ph. BU 2-6011 OPIN EVENINOS TRAPASSO 1-HOUR CLEANERS 2532 PINE AVE. TIME CLEANSRS-TAILORS 1658 ONTARIO AVE. AT 18th STREET W I CARRY OUR OWN STOCK EVERY CARMENT A PERFECT FITI by 4u«llfl«4. <l««l»ntri . planning, tayouH, ceUr c»~ »nJin«tk>n», «rronftm«nH, coniulr*flon» . . . wrf« w small SCREEN| DOOR CHARLESTON, S.C WForty-three cars of a 90-car eport Cards, Homework Carl Becken, parent and fam- freight train, including two Study Habits" will be. ily life education; Mr. Plum- carrying explosives, derailed sssed at the first meeting pis, Thomas Rycpmbel and In the small agricultural come Nitgara-Vheatfield Jun- Robert Ifill, Juvenile protec- munity of Barrelville, S.C, • Packard Rd< BU 5-3566 _ Ugh Parent-Teachers As- tion; Mrs. Charles Gronachan, early today. 'The Highway Patrol ordered twin projects, Jenkins Memortion at.8 p.m. Thursday JRJgJHJBLJBJHLHl e high school auditorium, ial and PTA Fellowship Fund; an immediate evacuation of INDUSTRIAL and AMATIUR omas Kienc, Junior high Mrs. LaMurr Swanson, PTA the residents in the vicinity of PHOTOGRAPHIC ince counselor, will ex- publications and Mrs. John- the derailment until the ex plosjves, some of which were] SUPPLIES the new report card-s son, publicity. described as potentially "quite; Mrs, Floyd Eisenman will dangerous," could be removed discuss the other topics, 'ding to Mrs. Don Allen, continue as secretary to fill by hand. the vacancy caused by the res- There were no injuries ram chairman. e year's budget will be ignation of Mrs. John Wil- among the five-man train titted during the. business liams. crew, although damage to the ing to be conducted by train was expected to be high. Robert Copeland, presiThe Seaboard Air Line Syracuse Paper7 Railroad C& train was carryfreshments will be serv- Endorses Johnson ing 1,072 cases of explosives ,nd a baked goods talc from the Du Pont plant at ucted after the meeting, SYRACUSE m —The Syra- Falling Water, W. Va., to CAMEftA LOUNGE eeds. from the sale willcuse Post-Standard, brushing Georgia for shipment to Ven1995 MILITARY RD. sed to buy materials for aside a 135-year tradition, has ezuela. fov. 21 bazaar, endorsed the Democratic can- A Du Pont spokesman said mmittee chairmen, as an- didate for president. one car contained dynamite* ced by Mrs. Copeland, type explosives that "could be be Mrs. Lewis Laurie, The Post-Standard, w h i c h quite dangerous," especially r e p r e s e n t a t i v e ; Mrs. publishes daily and Sunday, from fire. The other car conIs Whitehead, reading and a n n o u n c e d its support for. tained a water gelatin high .YOUR HOME NQWI. ry t e r v l e e j Nicholas President Johnson in an edi- explosive. ipis, character kh& *plri« torial Sunday. STOP The-newspaper, a member life j Fr*d Barone, high il service; Richard Eden, of t h e NewhotiM g it up of News Lemftian Dies . SHOP )1 board representative; newspapers, thus sided with ' SYRACUSE, <IV-LOUU W Hurvey Enterttne, hospi- its i i 11 • r publications, t h e RactkowsW,; a phototrapher Syrlcttsi Herald-Journal and for> tho Syracuse HeraldF R O N T I E R M»fevem»M the Sunday Herald-American Journal for 22 years; died 2 « 7 PINI A V I i t 27th on? ThofflM Kiene, coop- in urging re-election ol John- Sunday at Veterans Hospital) '••.&£ fcero itfter a brief illness. on .with colleges;' Mrs. ion*, f BU 5-a»53 COLONIAL DECORATING STORM J and • n KF0RSALE COMPACTS " 2 " 238 . Bros. PHONE 73I-10V2 PHONE BU 5*6882 SANBORN, N. T. SIRVICI IS F R I I CAUL BU 5-7507 ?HONE BU 2-5380 I ALLIED LUMBER, W i l l i a m s Photo Engraving Co. ARNSONS CAZETTI BUILDING RONALD BURTON Bitttr himrrtfr* lln«« 1*01 .1522 M»l» «f UnwMd BIG DISCOUNTS fltfi Dtuvm • W I M D O W I . . . CASIMINTS A AWNINOS • f A N I L I N O (fftf-fINISKID) • C I H I N O T i l l * HARDYVAW • FORMICA . . . PLASTIC AND CIRAMIC m i iREMODEL! CATARACTS 8890 PORtlR RD. NEXT TO AIK BAM rti. 29/4250 29742S1 PINE SIGN COeINC SALES A SERVICE . PLASTIC tf NEON MANUFACTURED • QUAUTY 5ICNS IUILT/ mcm> tttti RIPAIRIO Trvck, Ool^ U t t f / l f e . BUS-3T51 2724 PINt AVE. FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY Radio DJspatchftd BU 2*3525 george optical co. • LENSES DUPLICATED • CLASSES RENTALS TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com FILLED SUN CLASSES REPAIRED WIEK OR MONTH ALL LATEST MODELS SALES * » SERVICE NEW AND USED 364 THIRD ST. BU 24944 UNITED OFFICE MACHINE CORP. 1525 PINE AVE. BU 2-7377 CLOSED SAT. I P.M OPEN THURS. EVE. CLOSED SAT. I P.M. OPEN FRI. EVE. l«OS PINE AVE. PHONE BU J-JMO. V/i/f Our Showroom t StiVcf I * ***• •• B^B 3^ES5Z5 11 • iJ TII'M'I 'ii i. a c g QBBUQMA LIGHTING FIXTURES INiUkANCt OF ALL KINDS a\ BIG Savinqs ! TONY SOLURI, JOE SOLURI, DICK SOLURI CALL NIAGARA HARDWARE t PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. 145 JrtlSt. BU 2-2148 i>i Untitled Document PRESCRIPTIONS ' AT THE JOHN P. HANCOCK & CO. INC. 1101 PINI A V I , PHONE I U 5-5711
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