McLaren Regional Medical Center Summer 2011 Newsletter for the Medical Staff of McLaren Regional Medical Center In this issue P u l s e Cardiologists Research Early Detection of Heart Attack Pages 1-2 Dr. Majed Nounou, Interventional Cardiologist, is inserting the Guardian System in patient Mark Roberson, a participant in the ALERTS clinical trial, which is studying if heart attacks can be detected in their earliest stages. Cooling System Aids Cardiac Arrest Patients Page 3 Cardiac Media Campaign Launched Page 4 Bioethics Committee Available to Help Page 4 Proton Therapy Center Presented at National Conference Page 5 PT Moves to 1 North Page 8 Avoid Medicare/ Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Page 9 IM Physicians Awarded at ACP Associates Day Page 10 Cardiology Interventional Cardiologists Researching Earlier Detection of a Heart Attack A clinical trial is now available for mid-Michigan residents who have had a heart attack, or an intervention to open up clogged arteries to prevent one. The goal of the ALERTS clinical trial is to detect heart attacks at their earliest stages, improving symptom-to-door time. McLaren interventional cardiologists Jeffrey Harris, D.O.; Majed Nounou, M.D.; and Abdul K. Alawwa, M.D., are participating in the study. Continued on page 2 The goal of the ALERTS clinical trial is to detect heart attacks at their earliest stages, improving symptom-to-door time for patients. PULSE 1 Interventional Cardiologists Researching Earlier Detection of a Heart Attack Mark Roberson is shown here looking at the computer that checked and registered his heart attack detection equipment for the clinical study he is participating in. He was able to go home the day after having it inserted . Continued from page 1 “We are looking forward to seeing if this helps patients know when to seek medical attention, before they even realize they should,” states Dr. Majed Nounou. “Too many people think they are not having typical heart attack symptoms and delay getting treatment, when in fact they are having a heart attack and permanently damaging their heart muscle.” Efforts like the ALERTS study, are emphasizing symptom-to-door time. The clinical trial involves a small, pacemaker-sized device, inserted into the chest in a manner similar to a pacemaker, to detect rapid ST segment shifts that may signify major cardiac events, such as coronary artery occlusions caused by life-threatening vulnerable plaque ruptures. Once the ST shift is detected, the system is designed to alert patients 2 PULSE to seek medical care by delivering a series of vibratory, auditory warnings, as well as visual warnings delivered through a pager-sized device the patient wears. The device, called the Guardian System, does not deliver any therapies like pacemakers do. Instead, the device monitors a patient’s heart 24 hours a day, seven days a week, looking for changes that may indicate that person’s heart is not getting enough oxygen and might soon experience a heart attack. n McLaren’s cardiologists are the only specialists in the region involved in the study. For more information you can contact Drs. Harris, Nounou and Alawwa at 810-733-0790. New Cooling System Aids Cardiac Arrest Patients McLaren is the First and Only – hospital in the region to offer patients a hypothermia procedure to reduce cell damage following cardiac arrest. The ArcticSun® Temperature Management System has been used on at least eight patients since its introduction at MRMC in December 2010. M ost patients who suffer cardiac arrest outside of hospitals die because their brains have been starved of oxygen. Even if the patient is revived and a pulse restored, the lack of oxygen can trigger cell death, a process called apoptosis. However, studies show that if the pulse can be restarted and the body temperature cooled, patients have better survival rates and less brain damage. That body-cooling process is the primary function of the hypothermic cooling system utilized by McLaren. With the ability to perform controlled cooling of the body temperature following cardiac arrest, patients have an even greater chance of being able to return to a full and active life following an event where their heart stopped beating. Cardiac arrest patients meeting specific eligibility requirements are treated with cooling therapy as soon as possible. The process begins in the Emergency Department before the patient is moved to Coronary Care Unit or Intensive Care Unit. Patients are sedated, and chilled fluids are administered to begin the cooling process internally. Special multilayer pads with automatic temperature control are placed on the legs and torso. Depending on the patient’s beginning temperature, the process of cooling the body to 33 degrees Celsius (92 degrees Fahrenheit) can take from two hours to four hours. The patient is kept at the cooled temperature for 24 hours, followed by a very gradual warming process of 0.5 degree every hour. When the process is complete, the patients are evaluated and physicians prescribe any further care needed. At the time of publication, the therapy is only used for cardiac arrest patients meeting specific criteria. According to John Paul Stohon, RN, Manager of CCU at MRMC, the Medical Center is in the process of creating a policy to use the cooling therapy on stroke patients as well, citing reports that many people suffering a stroke and receiving the cooling therapy show a lower incidence of brain damage. McLaren’s purchase of Arctic Sun System was made possible through a donation by the McLaren Auxiliary. Because of the success realized in the first six months of use, MRMC officials are considering the purchase of a second cooling system. n John Paul Stohon, RN and Fraser Wadenstorer, MD, with the Artic Sun training unit. FACTS •300,000 Americans suffer cardiac arrest in a non-hospital setting each year •The historical survival rate of this occurrence is less than 7 percent •2/3 of survivors have severe brain damage PULSE 3 Cardiac Media Campaign Launched T he faces of MRMC Cardiac Specialists will be spotted around town this summer on television commercials promoting the advanced cardiac services available at MRMC. The Television campaign is running on ABC TV12, WNEM TV5, WEYI TV25, and Comcast channels. In addition, there is a radio campaign, as well as direct mail, print advertising in the Flint Journal and View Newspapers, and billboard coverage. Overall, the theme is: “Give Your Heart a Fighting Chance”. To view the cardiac television ad anytime, visit, click on: and select: “See Our Commercials” “Fighting Chance Commercial” Bioethics: Advances in medical technology physicians, nurses, administrators, lawyers, clergy, social workers, and psychologists. A consultation may be requested by a physician, patient, family or ancillary medical staff. A physician order is not required. Some situations may be resolved informally by bringing together the appropriate interested parties and facilitating communication and discussion. If the issues are more complex, or resolution cannot be reached informally, then a formal ethics consult may be required. The committee does not make decisions, but seeks to assist all involved in difficult decision making. n Bioethics How complex decisions are reached through professional means 4 PULSE By Nancy Walsh-Clifford,MSEd, LBSW Call the Case Management Department at (810) 342-4156 to request a copy of the complete article. 4 PULSE and a growing public interest in health care issues have given rise to complex ethical, legal and social questions about healthcare decision making. McLaren's Bioethics Committee is available to help patients, physicians, family members and other healthcare professionals in the resolution of these medical ethical decisions. McLaren has an active Bioethics Committee, with Dr. Frazer Wadenstorer as the Committee Chair. This committee consists of Medical Center and community representatives including Oncology Proton Beam Therapy Center Presented at National Conference PT A Lower-Cost, Breakthrough Hesham E. Gayar, M.D., recently CO Technology Center in Michigan G presented information regarding the McLaren Proton Therapy Center at the international m e e t i n g of t h e Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG) held this past May i n Philadelphia. Dr. Gayar’s poster presentation detailed the attributes of the McLaren Proton Therapy Center currently under construction on the campus of Great Lakes Cancer Institute-McLaren. Advances in treatment technology and construction methods enable the Center to be built with more sophisticated treatment capabilities such as pencil-beam scanning and cone-beam CT at nearly half the cost of current proton treatment facilities. n McLAREN PROTON THERAPY CENTER: ARTICLE HERAPY OPERATIVE ROUP Hesham Gayar, MD1,2 • Philip Incarnati3 • Alfred R. Smith, PhD4 • Greg Lane3 • Daniel Medrano3 • Brent Wheeler1 • Dave Dickey3 • Don Kooy1 • Jack Nettleton, MD1,2, et al. McLaren Regional Medical Center, Flint, Michigan • 2Great Lakes Cancer Institute, Flint, Michigan • 3McLaren Health Care, Flint, Michigan • 4Proton Therapy Consultant 1 Introduction For about half a century, patients received proton therapy at proton research centers throughout the world. The first proton treatment center was built in the United States in 1990. Since 2000, several (first generation) proton treatment centers have opened. The cost of these centers ranged from $125 million to $200 million. Further improvement in proton beam delivery via utilization of pencil-beam scanning and volumetric imaging at the treatment isocenter are badly needed. Currently, the clinical use of pencil-beam scanning is very insignificant in the United States. Cone-beam CT has not been used in clinical setup. With a total cost of $65 million, the McLaren Proton Therapy Center (MPTC) will take further steps towards better treatment delivery, imageguidance and will open doors for future clinical research for proton beam treatment. Technology Figure 1. Cutaway of the McLaren Proton Therapy Center The 42,000 square-foot McLaren Proton Therapy Center (MPTC) includes a synchrotron, three gantry treatment rooms, an additional CT simulator and a PET CT. The MPTC is fully integrated with the existing Great Lakes Cancer Institute at McLaren Regional Medical Center. The Cancer Institute includes a medical oncology/hematology practice and a state-of-the-art radiation facility. The current radiation facility is equipped with three linear accelerators (including TrueBeam and TomoTherapy), a CT simulator and an HDR system. Existing radiation facility Three gantry treatment rooms with pencil-beam scanning nozzle and cone-beam CT PET CT unit Radiance 330 synchrotron Additional CT simulator Facility Construction of the McLaren Proton Therapy Center began in late October 2010. All “heavy” shielding concrete of the three treatment rooms and synchrotron beam line was completed by April 2011 in spite of a severe Michigan winter. These shielding walls and lids are significantly less thick than existing facilities (1/2 to 1/3 the thickness), and the square footage of the required shielded area is also much less than current existing technology. The clinical side was designed to support daily treatment-related activities. It houses patient and family support areas, four examination rooms, a CT/SIM suite, physician and physicist offices. The construction of the clinical side of the building began in spring of 2011 with completion of the entire facility slated for December of 2011. This construction duration of approximately 13 months is also significantly less than any other proton facility in existence. As the MPTC is physically linked to the existing cancer center, the designers were able to integrate the use of assets already on the campus and thus reduce new construction square footage. The existing and new sides also will share access to a healing garden courtyard that will allow patients and family to enjoy nature in a contemplative and serene setting. For further information, contact: Hesham Gayar, MD, MB, ChB Great Lakes Cancer Institute-McLaren 4100 Beecher Road, Flint, Michigan 48532 Phone: (810) 342-3800 Email: Abstract McLaren Health Care Corporation is building a proton treatment center at its Great Lakes Cancer Institute (GLCI) in Flint, Michigan, adjacent to McLaren Regional Medical Center. The proton center and existing cancer center will be clinically and operationally integrated. The proton center will have 52,000 sq. ft. of space (42,000 new and 10,000 renovated GLCI space). The center will have three treatment rooms, each with isocentric gantry and modulated pencil beam scanning treatment delivery system. The gantries will have 180 degree Figure 2. Vault Interior The MPTC includes a synchrotron, three gantry treatment rooms, an additional CT simulator and a PET CT. The three gantry treatment rooms of MPTC will be seamlessly sharing proton beam, generated by the Radiance 330 synchrotron made by ProTom International. The synchrotron is a compact design that is 5 meters in diameter and accelerates protons up to 250 MeV for therapy and 330 MeV for proton tomography. Each of the three treatment rooms will have an 180°, 45 ton gantry, a treatment table with robotic positioning with an accuracy of 0.5mm. Each gantry will have a pencil beam scanning nozzle. For isocentric, volumetric, and orthogonal imaging, each of the three rooms will be equipped with ceiling-mounted robotic C-arm with cone-beam CT and multiple panel X-ray imaging capabilities. Robotic tables, ceiling mount C-arm cone-beam CT and image alignment are manufactured by Forte Automation Systems, Inc. and CIVCO Medical Solutions. Each of the treatment rooms is designed to accommodate inroom CT simulation systems—to be installed at a later date—that will share the robotic treatment table. All rooms are equipped with in-room and out-of-room CT image viewing consoles for volumetric image guidance and possible future dosimetric adaptive proton planning and treatment. Vision RT will be used for active patient positioning and respiratory gating. Varian “Eclipse” treatment planning system and “Aria” operating systems will be utilized for planning image storage and operation. In addition to a second CT simulator—just outside the treatment rooms—a PET CT unit will be placed steps away from the proton treatment rooms. This will allow for further research for post-proton treatment PET imaging and will aid in PET CT treatment planning. It is anticipated that all equipment installation, testing, and regulatory approval will be completed by December 2012. Conclusion rotation. Full 360 degree beam delivery will be accomplished by combination of gantry rotation and robotic patient positioning. The proton accelerator will be a compact synchrotron, which can accelerate protons up to 250 MeV for therapy and 330 MeV for proton tomography. Each treatment room will have cone beam CT (CBCT) capabilities by use of a robotic C-arm which rotates the imaging system around the patient at beam isocenter. The treatment rooms are sized to accommodate inroom CT-SIM systems, which may be installed at a later date. The above equipment will be supplied by ProTom International. Varian Eclipse planning system and Aria operation system will be used. The McLaren Proton Therapy Center will be the first in the state of Michigan and will draw its patients from a statewide network of McLaren hospitals and clinics. The overall cost of the equipment and building is substantially lower than most existing proton treatment centers. The McLaren Proton Therapy Center represents a new era for lower-cost, breakthrough technology proton treatment centers. The MPTC as designed and constructed shows a model of reducing construction space via integration with an existing radiation facility. The Center provides pencil-beam scanning, a gantry and cone-beam CT in every room, and PET CT unit in the facility-all for a lower cost than recently constructed operational facilities. The MPTC represents another milestone in the progress of the Proton Therapy industry. Figure 3. McLaren Proton Therapy Center To request a copy of the poster or for more information, call (810) 342-4200 or email Interventional Cardiology Fellow -Completes Training M cLaren Regional Medical Center’s first Interventional Cardiology Fellow is nearing the end of his training. Mohamad Sobh, D.O., came to McLaren in July of 2010. Jeffrey Harris, D.O., Director of McLaren’s Cath Lab, graciously volunteered to oversee Dr. Sobh during his Fellowship. Dr. Sobh’s residency training was completed through POH Regional Medical Center, a subsidiary of McLaren Health Care. MRMC is providing Dr. Sobh the interventional rotation for his Fellowship. Physician members of the Division of Cardiology and the Vascular Surgeons have provided faculty and case experience for Dr. Sobh. Appreciation is expressed to everyone who was part of this undertaking. Pictured is Dr. Jeffrey Harris and Dr. Mohamad Sobh. n PULSE 5 McLaren Celebrates Doctors’ Day McLaren honored its medical staff at the annual Doctors’ Day celebration. Breakfast and luncheon was served. To all doctors on the MRMC medical staff, Internal Medicine residents Edsil deOcampo, MD and Nageswar Pothula, MD thank you for your hard work and dedication, for the compassion, concern and kindness you’ve shown to patients and their families, and for your many contributions to the Medical Center and the community we served. Ioana Morariu, MD; Aileen Arguelles, MD; Maral Kojian, MD, and Jami Foreback, MD Sharon Baker and Hugo Lopez-Negrete, M.D. Surgical residents Erick Rivas, MD David Desimone and Armen Kirakosyan, MD Peter Ng, MD and David Wiese, MD Abd Alghanem, MD PULSE 6 PULSE Jawahar Tummala, M.D. and Doris Beebe Same Face, New Role & Responsibility By Edwin Gullekson, MD, FAAFP, FACFEI, CFP When a door closes a new door opens. I heard that knock from the CDS/Case Management Department and gladly walked in. For the past year I have been working with physicians on documentation. Marta Bonkowski, M.D. and Kiran Kinra, M.D. The medical record is a story. It's a story of a patient’s history, physical findings, test, procedures and a daily narrative on the progress of care. More and more rules and regulations are appearing every day as to what should be in the chart. Rules come from the Joint Commission, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Medicare, Medicaid and other payers. If documentation isn’t stated a certain way, it is as if the patient didn’t have it done; resulting in being unable to code the care for proper billing. Ultimately, the physician does not get credit for the severity of illness of the patient. This is where I come in. If a diagnosis is missing (for example serum sodium 01 114 is entered, but the diagnosis of hyponeutremia is missing), or is incomplete (for example congestive heart failure must be clarified as to acute vs. chronic, systolic vs. diastolic) then a Physicians Documentation Clarification Request is generated. D and Darren Perttu, MD The physician is asked to document the clarification. The record must support the clarification and the doctor or PA or NP must agree and write it out. They also can add the update in the computer. James Vyskocil, MD We now review all discharges to create a complete, correct and compliant diagnosis for each patient: My job is to teach physicians the “New Language.” n D PULSE 7 Therapy Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine and Wellness Center to moves 1 North Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine have recently moved to a newly renovated suite on 1 North across from the Cardiac Rehabilitation Gym. McLaren Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine specializes in all orthopedic conditions. Some of these conditions are: total joint replacement (knee, hip, shoulder, and ankle); ACL reconstruction; ankle, hip, shoulder, and knee sprains/stains; and neck and back injuries. These injuries can be a result of ordinary wear and tear, work related accidents, motor vehicle accidents, or sports related activities. Kudos Carlo A. Dall’Olmo, M.D., a vascular surgeon with Michigan Vascular Center, was nominated and accepted as a Distinguished Fellow of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS). He was recognized for his commitment to excellence in teaching, creative professional activities, and service to the vascular professional community. The Distinguished Fellow designation of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) is bestowed upon active members of the society who distinguish themselves in a sustained manner by making substantial contributions in two of three categories: research, service, or education. n Under the guidance of certified physical therapists, patients are prescribed specific exercises to promote body strength, function and mobility and prevent future physical injury. The PT Gym is now conveniently located on the first floor of the Medical Center’s North building. Physical therapy provides services for all ages and will customize a home program designed specially towards patient goals. A physician prescription is required for physical therapy treatments. An after-therapy exercise program is also available whereby our patients can utilize our new gym once they have completed their physical therapy for one free month and, thereafter, for a nominal fee. n Call (810) 342-2356 to reach the Physical Therapy office. 8 PULSE The Office of Inspector General Releases Guidance to Help Physicians Avoid Medicare/Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Most physicians strive to work ethically, render high- The five most important Federal fraud and abuse laws that apply to physicians are: quality medical care to their patients, and submit proper claims for payment. Society places enormous trust in physicians, and rightly so. Trust is at the core of the physician-patient relationship. When our health is at its most vulnerable, we rely on physicians to use their expert medical training to put us on the road to a healthy recovery. False Claims Act (FCA) Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark law) The Federal Government also places enormous trust in physicians. Medicare, Medicaid, and other Federal health care programs rely on physicians' medical judgment to treat beneficiaries with appropriate services. When reimbursing physicians and hospitals for services provided to program beneficiaries, the Federal Government relies on physicians to submit accurate and truthful claims information. The presence of some dishonest health care providers who exploit the health care system for illegal personal gain has created the need for laws that combat fraud and abuse and ensure appropriate quality medical care. A brochure is available which assists physicians in understanding how to comply with these Federal laws by identifying "red flags" that could lead to potential liability in law enforcement and administrative actions. The information is organized around three types of relationships that physicians frequently encounter in their careers: Relationships with payers, Relationships with fellow physicians and other providers, and Relationships with vendors. The key issues addressed in the brochure are relevant to all physicians, regardless of specialty or practice setting. Exclusion Authorities Civil Monetary Penalties Law (CMPL) Government agencies, including: Department of Justice Department of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are charged with enforcing these laws. As you continue or begin your career, it is crucial to understand these laws not only because following them is the right thing to do, but also because violating them could result in criminal penalties, civil fines, exclusion from the Federal health care programs, or loss of your medical license from your State medical board. n The complete "Roadmap for Physicians" brochure is available at the Office of the Inspector General Department of Health and Human Services website Bariatric Bariatric News McLaren Bariatric Institute has recently Surgical Outcom es Compare d to Colla borative Studies G-3200 Be echer Ro ad, Su Flin Phone: (81 t, Michigan 48 ite MBI 532 0) 342-547 0 or 1-888 -342-547 0 5701 Bow Clarkston Pointe Drive , Michiga n 48 Phone: (24 8) 922-6 346 830 mclarenreg baratrics released an informational booklet for physicians listing surgical outcomes for patients of McLaren Bariatric Institute compared to the broader Michigan Bariatric Surgery Collaborative data. Booklets will be mailed to several physician practices this summer. n Call (810) 342-5470 for more information or to request an additional copy. PULSE 9 Education IM Physicians Receive Multiple Awards at ACP Meeting the Winners Oral Category 2nd PLACE ~ Research ~ Maral Kojaian (Third Year Resident), Siva Talluri (Faculty), Susan Harris (Tufts University Collaborator), Shagun Arora (Third Year Resident), Jyothsna Talluri (Third Year Resident), Matt Singh, Trevor Singh (Faculty), and Radhika Kakarala (Faculty) for their project: Lymphopenia as a Prognostic Factor for Overall Survival in Colon, Lung and Pancreatic Carcinomas. 3rd PLACE Siva Talluri (Faculty), Radhika Kakarala (Faculty), Tezo Karedan (First year Resident), Madhuri Kakarala (Collaborator from University of Michigan) for their project: Male Breast Carcinoma in the United States: Survival Rates and Determinants of Prognosis. Aileen Arguelles, MD Chetankumar Chauhan, MD Tezo Karedan, MD Oral Category ~ Continuous Quality Improvement~ 1 st PLACE Maral Kojaian, MD Mohammed Mozayen, MD Vanessa Pauig, MD McLa ren I nter nal Med ici ne residents took one third of the prizes at the Michigan Chapter American College of Physicians (ACP) Associates’ Day Meeting, although they comprise only 4% of all internal medicine residents in the state of Michigan. The meeting was held in Ann Arbor on May 20th. This meeting is for the Associate Members of the ACP (Residents and Fellows still in training) though all projects must have faculty collaborators. The McLaren Internal Medicine Residents won five prizes out of a total of 15 awarded. n Aileen Arguelles (Second Year Resident), Vidya Kollu (Second Year Resident), Shagun Arora (Third Year Resident), Vanessa Pauig* (First Year Resident), Anil Nalubotula (Second Year Resident), Siva Talluri (Faculty), Siddesh Besur (Faculty) for their project: Improvement of Immunization Rates by a Nurse-Led Standing Order Program Using a Modified Screening Form. Poster Category 2nd PLACE ~ Research~ Mohammed Mozayen (Hospitalist - MRMC), M Omaira (Second Year Resident - Hurley), Mohammed Kanaan* (Second Year Resident), Khalil Katato (Hurley Faculty) for their project: The Impact of Barrett’s Esophagus on Overall Survival of Colon Cancer Patients. 3rd PLACE Chetankumar Chauhan (Second Year Resident), Hilana Hatoum (Third Year Resident), Mohammad Katout (Third Year Resident), Ramesh Yarlagadda (Second Year Resident), Nishant Sethi (Collaborator – University of Connecticut), Fadi Rzouq (Synergy Hospitalist), Radhika Kakarala (Faculty) for their project: Elevated Monocyte Count - a Novel Predictor for Severe Coronary Artery Stenosis in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome. *Dr. Kanaan presented Dr. Mozayen’s project and Dr. Pauig presented Dr. Arguelles’ project. 10 PULSE announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements Erika Chevrette, RN has been promoted to Cardio Vascular announcements announcements announcements announcements Care Unit and Non-Invasive Services Manager. Erika has a announcements announcements announcements announcements wealth of experience in cardiology services. She has been the announcements announcements announcements announcements Assistant Nurse Manager of Heart and Vascular Services since announcements announcements announcements announcements October, 2009. Prior to this assignment she was a staff nurse announcements announcements announcements announcements in the CVCU for three years. Erika's scope of responsibility in announcements announcements announcements announcements her new position will be to provide management oversight for announcements announcements announcements announcements CVCU, Non-Invasive Services, and Vascular Services. announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements Kim Johnson, RNannouncements has joined MRMCannouncements as Director of announcements announcements Medical/Surgical Services. Kim is an experienced Director announcements announcements announcements announcements with expertise in Customer Care, Operational Effectiveness, announcements announcements announcements announcements and Process Improvement. Kim has over announcements 27 years nursing announcements announcements announcements experience, 22 of them in nursing leadership. She graduated announcements announcements announcements announcements with Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Marion College in announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements Marion, Indiana. announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements Cheryl Wieber has announcements recently transitioned to her new role as announcements announcements announcements announcements Director of Diagnostic Imaging, overseeing McLaren Imaging announcements announcements announcements announcements Center, Clarkston Imaging Center, Lapeer Imaging Center, and announcements announcements announcements announcements MRMC Radiology. After working in Business Development, announcements announcements announcements announcements she was promoted to Director of Cardiovascular Services, announcements announcements announcements announcements a position which she held for almost four years, until her announcements announcements announcements announcements recent move to Radiology. She is a graduate of University of announcements announcements announcements announcements Michigan-Flint Masters of Healthcare Administration program. announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements ts announcements announcements announcements announcements Tracy Williams has been promotedannouncements to Director of announcements announcements announcements Respiratory Therapy, EEG and Pulmonary Diagnostics at announcements announcements announcements announcements MRMC. Tracy has nearly 19 years experience at McLaren, announcements announcements announcements announcements serving the last eight years as Manager of Respiratory Therapy. announcements announcements announcements announcements Tracy graduated fromannouncements the respiratory therapy program at Mott announcements announcements announcements Community College inannouncements 1993. She received a Bachelor of Business announcements announcements announcements Administration fromannouncements University of Michigan-Flint in 2010. announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements announcements Announcements Patient Services Center Open A contemporary, spacious new area to welcome and service patients has opened on at MRMC. Patient Registration, Pre-Admission Testing, and Lab Drawing Services are all coordinated through one location called Patient Services Center. The new space is centrally located, just outside the Central elevators on the First Floor. n PULSE 11 Welcome to the Medical Staff Sankar A. Nair, MD Orlando Benedict, MD Medical Degree Medical Degree Pain Management Specialist Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Roostown, OH Residency & Fellowship Pain Management University of Michigan Medical Center Ann Arbor, MI Office Location McLaren Specialty Center G-3200 Beecher Rd. Suite 02 Flint, MI Family Medicine University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Residency San Pablo Hospital Bayamon, Puerto Rico Office Location 8392 Holly Rd. Grand Blanc, MI Phone (810) 695-1770 Phone (810) 342-5500 P u l s e Newsletter for the Medical Staff of McLaren Regional Medical Center EDITORIAL DIRECTION Donald Kooy, President and CEO, McLaren Regional Medical Center CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Sherry Stewart Ellen Peter Laurie Prochazka MANAGING EDITOR Laurie Prochazka Director of Marketing Communications, PHOTOGRAPHY Ted Klopf McLaren Health Care Corporation Sherry Stewart Ellen Peter EDITOR Ellen Peter DESIGN Linda Bedenis McLaren Art Department PRINTING McLaren Graphics Department We welcome comments, suggestions and ideas: or call (810) 342-4478. 12 PULSE MISSION McLaren Health Care, through its subsidiaries, will be Michigan’s best value in healthcare as defined by quality outcomes and cost. VISION McLaren Regional Medical Center will be the recognized leader and preferred provider of primary and specialty healthcare services to the communities of mid-Michigan. Visit our website and view Pulse online
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