Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center Transcript of a Television Program, “Honor and Remembrance, the Military Heritage of the Chippewa Valley” Produced by Royal Credit Union (Eau Claire, Wis.) Distributed by Public Access Community Television (Eau Claire, Wis.) Producer/Writer: Harold “Diz” J. Kronenberg OH 1108 1 OH 1108 Honor and Remembrance, the Military Heritage of the Chippewa Valley, 1996. Video Recording: 1 videorecording (ca. 60 min.); ½ inch, color. Transcript: 0.1 linear ft. (1 folder). Military Papers: 0.1 linear ft. (1 folder). Abstract: The program illustrates the military history of the Chippewa Valley in Wisconsin through accounts about area veterans and personal narratives. Levi Pettis, an early Pettisville resident, is discussed for his service in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. The Civil War segment touches on Balthasar Regli, one of the last Civil War veterans to die, and Old Abe, the eagle mascot of Wisconsin’s 8th Infantry. After a brief history of the two Wisconsin Regiments to serve in the Spanish-American War, the actions of the 32nd “Red Arrow” Division during World War I are portrayed. During discussion of area veterans in World War II, personal accounts are given by Cliff Omtvedt and John Hryn, Japanese prisoners of war and survivors of the Bataan Death March. Other veterans’ stories told include Harold “Diz” Kronenberg, Bob “Hooker” Kolstad, Charles Mower, and Chris Hansman. B. H. “Bud” Young talks about his liberation from Stalag 7A, a German prisoner of war camp. George Shaker, a Korean War veteran, narrates witnessing the actions of the Gloucestershire Battalion from Britain, and Norman Henning relates his experiences in an artillery unit. After a report on the 32nd Infantry Division in the Berlin Crisis, the community’s response to the Vietnam War is described. Personal narratives are related by Jim Amodt, Norm Hatch, J. Alan Jenkins, and Dan Doughty, who was a prisoner of war for seven years. Desert Storm is illustrated with personal narratives by Sue Mousel, Barb Quick, Bill Fleury, Paul Piskoty, and Chuck Major. Narrator – Peter Murphy Voices – Stephen Caflisch, Jeff Day, John Murphy, Jim Paulson, Jeff Stevens Producer – Diz Kronenberg Transcription by Joseph Dillenburg, WVM, 2007 Checked and corrected by Channing Welch, WVM, 2012 Corrections typed in by Lauren Kelly, WVM, 2012 Abstract written by Susan Krueger, WVM, 2012 2 Program Transcript: [Beginning of Part 1] Narrator: Honor and Remembrance: The Military Heritage of the Chippewa Valley. Thousands of men and women from the Chippewa Valley have served our country in the military, at home and abroad. The accounts in this presentation are just a sampling of experiences from a handful of these people. Yes, we realize these chronicles may be somewhat partisan, but they are personal accounts of how some of our people served and how they survived the wars. Revolutionary War Narrator: The fact is we can trace our local military history as far back as the Revolutionary War. Mr. Levi Pettis, A grizzled old veteran of the revolution and the War of 1812 is buried in the Augusta Cemetery. Clifford Chatterson: Levi and his family moved to the area known as Pettisville, which [Great-Grandson is now about three miles west of Fairchild on the way to Augusta. of Pettis] A little bit of the story about Levi was that he lived, as the records show, to 111 years and eight months. And I guess maybe it says eleven days on the tombstone, but in any event the story that a lot of people tell is about him catching his hands in a bear trap. Well, as my mother said, when he was well over a hundred he was out trapping, as they made a lot of their living from hunting and trapping. And he was setting bear traps for a—trying to catch a bear and got his hands caught instead in the bear traps, or bear trap, and had to walk home with that on his hands. It’s impossible to document the fact that he was in the Revolutionary War, but the story that always came with the facts as they were told in the family history, just verbally, was that he was a drummer boy or a water boy. There’s two versions of that, when he was ten or twelve years old in the Revolutionary War. My wife has tried to find the documentation for that, and has been unable to, but it’s likely that that’s what did happen because of where he came from. And then he was in the War of 1812. Civil War Narrator: When the War Between the States broke out, there were 7,782 people in Eau Claire, Chippewa and Dunn Counties. Of these 1,900 were over the age of eighteen. One third of these adults went off to fight for the Union. 421 fought in units from the Chippewa Valley, while 152 others served elsewhere. Those were the men on whom legends are built. Captain Wheeler served with the Eau Claire Badgers, the first unit recruited from the area. Captain Art Sherman served with the Eau Claire Rangers, and after the war became our city’s first sheriff, chief of police, and fire 3 chief. Balthasar Regli, one of the last Civil War veterans to die, was proud of having seen Abe Lincoln during his travels as a Union soldier. Mabel and Esther Regli are great-nieces to Balthasar. Esther Regli tells us about him. Regli: Well, I was told that he was the third oldest civil war veteran to die, and of course he was the oldest veteran, Civil War veteran to die in Wisconsin. Well, as a child I think that we held him in awe really, and looked up to him because here he was, a war veteran and had come home from the Civil War, and it was quite an honor to have our uncle as a war veteran. Narrator: Perhaps the status of the most celebrated recruit from the Chippewa Valley is reserved not for a person, but for Old Abe, the Union war eagle, called by his own troops, “The Monarch of the Skies.” The Confederates on the other hand referred to him as “Old Crow,” “The Wild Goose,” or “The Turkey Buzzard,” names not very appropriate for a symbol of freedom and the mascot of Wisconsin’s 8th Infantry. Old Abe was definitely the enlisted men’s friend. One story tells of how Old Abe came to peck General Ulysses S. Grant on the nose. One of the enlisted men said, “Old Abe just didn’t cotton to generals.” Dan McCann, a farmer from Jim Falls talked Captain Perkins of the Eau Claire Badgers Regiment into taking Old Abe as their mascot. The men were delighted and had the name changed from the Eau Claire Badgers to the Eau Claire Eagles. Juanita Cutsforth, McCann’s granddaughter tells how Old Abe came to be in the Wisconsin military. Cutsforth: Chief Sky of the Lac Du Flambeau Band came down the river to my parent’s farm at Jim Falls. And he had a eagle, two eaglets and he wanted to trade maple sugar for a bushel of corn. But my grandmother didn’t want the sugar, so she traded the corn, and she took the eagle. And they raised the eagle for about a year, and he started to claw the children, and my aunt Lade (??) had scars on her arms from the eagle, and I remember her when I was a young girl. So my grandmother said the eagle had to go, and my grandfather took it to Chippewa to the, ah—they were just organizing to go to the war. But they didn’t want it so he took— went on to Eau Claire to the 8th Regiment, which was being organized there, and they didn’t want it. And he asked them to get a fiddle and if—he would show what the eagle could do. So they got him a fiddle, and he played “Bonaparte's Retreat,” and the eagle hopped around and screeched and done quite a performance, and so they said they would take the eagle as their mascot. And they did, and they named him Old Abe after Abraham Lincoln. 4 Narrator: Conditions in many military hospitals during the Civil War were downright unsanitary and unfit for humans. The following letter, written by a civil war soldier to his home in Dunn County describes those unsanitary conditions at their worst. The letter was placed in a newspaper of the time, and entitled “Surgeon Rat.” Voice 1: At one of our large hospitals, an operation was successfully performed upon an invalid soldier by a common rat. The surgeon in charge had delayed the operation for a time with the hope of causing less suffering to the patient. This patient was suffering from the effects of a fracture of the frontal bone of the skull. A piece of the bone was projected outwards to some length, and the healing of the fleshy parts depended upon its removal. The patient was soon asleep in his bed but during the night was aroused by the sting of pain. He awoke to discover a rat making off with a piece of the skull bone in his mouth. The rat had probably been drawn to the bed by the scent of the healing poultice which was pleasant to his olfactories. It was a skillful operation, quickly performed, and will result beneficially to the invalid. Such is the life of the soldier. Narrator: One soldier, Sergeant Horace Ellis, twenty-four, of Chippewa Falls received the nation’s highest award, the Congressional Medal of Honor, for his actions at Weldon [Reams] Station [Virginia]. This medal is given only for example of conspicuous bravery. We must remember that Wisconsin’s severest tests of loyalty to the Union came only thirteen years after she joined the Union. About 12,000 Wisconsin soldiers died in that war, and thousands more were wounded. Eau Claire County alone lost seventy-seven men. Spanish-American War Narrator: Only two Wisconsin Regiments went off to fight in the SpanishAmerican War. The Chippewa Valley men fought in the 3rd Regiment under General Miles and left for Puerto Rico in August of 1898. It was a brief and unequal war, so they were able to return in October. One veteran, Louis P. Larson of Company E, 3rd Wisconsin Regiment, was one of the men who returned home. Five men from Eau Claire County did not return. Major Hugh J. McGrath of Eau Claire single handedly captured two canoes which he later used to transport his men across a river, enabling them to capture an enemy position. Soon after, Major McGrath received a fatal wound while leading ahead on charge on the town of Noveleta in the Philippines. He was shot and killed on November 7th, 1899 and for his actions received the Congressional Medal of Honor. 5 World War I [Music “Over There”] In World War I, Wisconsin made a reputation for the Badger as a fighter with the now famous 32nd Red Arrow Division. In the Civil War, when fighting under General McClellan at the Battle of Antietam, the worst single day of fighting in American history, the commanding general commented that the men behaved as if they were made of iron. The battle earned them the title of “The Iron Brigade,” a title which marked them as being something special in the eyes of the entire nation. This “Iron Brigade,” which eventually became the 32nd Red Arrow Division, was to become a living legend among veterans in the wars to follow. In January of 1918 the 32nd Red Arrow Division sailed for France. It didn’t take them long to get into the trenches and fight the Huns of Germany. In the First Battle of the Marne 777 lost their lives, and 3,000 were wounded. It was after this engagement that a French general gave them the name “Les Terribles” which means “the Terrible Ones.” They went over the top at Soissons [France] and fought for five days of hell. The pierced the enemy lines so sharply that a red arrow became their symbol instead of the previous circle. Several soldiers were cited for acts of heroism. Oscar “Si” Slagsvol served in the 128th Infantry with the 32nd Red Arrow Division in France as a second lieutenant. He won the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation’s second-highest military award, two Purple Hearts, and two French Croix de Guerre. After the war, he returned to Eau Claire where he operated the Slagsvol Insurance Agency. Eau Claire resident and postman Sergeant Frank Glomski received the Distinguished Service Cross and the French Croix de Guerre for his action near Soissons, France. He led his men from shell-hole to shell-hole, across no-man’s land under heavy enemy fire. After the war Hobart Kronenberg, First Lieutenant Engineers, was given orders to go to Paris and build a house for General “Black Jack” Pershing who planned to visit the city for a series of negotiations with the French. Voice 2: [Reading a statement] I remember the men were terribly disappointed when they found out that previous arrangements had been made for Pershing to stay in a Paris hotel. We simply tore the house down and went back to building gunnery ranges. I suspect that if we had a Senator Proxmire at the time we would have received the Golden Fleece Award. 6 Narrator: Arthur Marcus Olson was the only faculty member from the local college, or Normal School as it was called then, to die in World War I. He was killed on July 18th, 1918. Sergeant Royce C. Holtz of Chippewa Falls went overseas with the 32nd Red Arrow Division and had the unique distinction of being the first Yank to invade Germany after the Armistice was signed. Voice 3: [Reading a statement] I saw Sergeant Holtz leaving the Allied lines on the Belgian border on his motorcycle. He was heading towards Spa, the great German headquarters. He was soon behind the retreating German lines and was picked up and actually arrested by the Germans. But that daring American sergeant persuaded the Germans into giving him a pass into Germany. Sergeant Holtz was stopped many times and detained. But because he was so ingenious and spoke German fluently, he always seemed to talk his way into freedom. Narrator: Private Clayton Slack of Chetek received the Congressional Medal of Honor, as well as thirteen other medals for his actions in World War I. Private Slack’s act of heroism came near Verdun, France about one month before the war ended. In awarding the medal to Slack, Pershing told him, “You’ve done more to win this war than I have.” [Music “Over There”] As in any war there are families who never see their loved ones again. Of the over 2,000 Eau Claire County residents who fought in World War I, 171 of them did not return home alive. World War II [Music “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition”] After the United States entered the war men and women from the Chippewa Valley headed for the recruitment offices. In 1942 Eau Claire Senior High School had two members of the faculty and fifteen members of the senior class who answered the call to colors. If you were in your senior year and joined the service you automatically were given your graduation diploma. It was not uncommon to come to school one day with all your classmates and in the days to come notice more and more empty chairs belonging to friends who had enlisted. It had a very emotional impact on the students left behind because they knew some of those who had enlisted would never return. A sergeant in the Army in World War II, Richard G. O’Brien went on to manage the Bankers Life Company in Eau Claire. The Richard G. O’Brien Hockey Rink in the Hobbs Arena was later 7 named in his honor because of his dedication to the youth hockey programs in the area. Don Fleming, one of the Eau Claire Flying Eagles Ski Club’s top skiers with a promising future, entered the Navy as a seventeen year old. In a few short months he lost his life in the South Pacific. Four men from Eau Claire survived four years of torture, beatings and misery. They fought only briefly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. The four men, John Hryn, John Bruer, Cliff Omtvedt, and Ervin Keilholz were taken prisoner by the Japanese when Bataan in the Philippines fell to the enemy. They survived the infamous Death March and four years of hardship as prisoners of war. Cliff Omtvedt: I was carrying a bedspring with a rope tied on one end of it and another man on the other end with a litter patient. And we walked the Death March highway. I don’t know how many miles we made, but I judge it was anyplace between twenty-five and fifty miles, it could have been any amount of those miles. I don’t know how far we went beyond a certain point ‘cause I was falling down on my face almost as much as I was walking and carrying this thing. And as a result, I finally—we fell on the ground there, and a Japanese came along with a truck, and because of this man being on the litter, they told us to put the litter on the back end of this truck, and then the Jap guard says “Get on and hold it there.” And that’s the only way I happened to ride the rest of the way to San Fernando on a truck. And I had seen on the Death March highway I saw men, women and children that was run over, uniformed people as well as civilians. John Hryn: We marched for I don’t know how many days and then finally got to Camp O’Donnell which was the first camp. And that was a camp which everybody just was real—I caught dysentery, no sanitation, no—there wasn’t any food or any—no medical attention, nothing to take care of any illnesses. So, and they started dying right away. So it was close to 2,000 that died there at, from malnutrition and malaria. In fact I took part in burying I don’ know how many. It was two, another kid and I, two bamboo poles, we just drape ‘em over the poles and carry them out to a big hole, about the size of this room and just threw ‘em in this one big hole, without identification or anything. There was no decent burial for—at that time. Narrator: Toward the end of the war, after the atomic bombs were dropped, the Japanese attitude toward prisoners changed drastically. 8 American planes flew over and dropped supplies to the starved prisoners. Red, white and blue parachutes were used in dropping these supplies. Hryn and Omtvedt were among a group of prisoners who used these chutes to make an American flag. This flag was flown over the [Mukaishima] prison camp and was the first American flag to be flown over Japan since the war had started. This flag has been in the Smithsonian Institute but will now be moved to Andersonville, Georgia which is now headquarters for all POW materials. Omtvedt: We raised that flag on the 18th of, of August 1945, and John was in the audience, and I was chosen along with two other men, on named Martin Bussell, another Charles Branum, to be the colors bearers, and I actually hoisted the flag on the rope to the loft, to the top of the pole, and “To the Colors” was blown by a fella named Potay (??). And when the flag reached the top of the pole everyone was at a hand salute, and we, as I turned around to salute the flag and dropped my hand from the salute, I looked at the group of men that stood there, and there were tears running down their face. It was a real touching moment in our lives. Narrator: Eugene Moran of Gays Mills was a tail gunner in a B-17 Flying Fortress when it exploded somewhere over Germany. His gunnery school roommate, “Diz” Kronenberg, relates this extraordinary story. Kronenberg: He was a tail gunner in a B-17. His airplane had received a direct burst of flak. The plane exploded. Gene was in the tail of the plane, falling, and he described it as somewhat of—the plane falling somewhat like a leaf would fall coming out of the sky and falling this way. He doesn’t remember exactly what happened after that, but he woke up lying in a tree and with German civilians with pitchforks threatening him. And although he was almost unconscious he knew a little bit what was happening. Some German soldiers came and rescued him from these civilians. One Sunday afternoon I heard on the radio, this was now in 1944, the war was still going on, I heard on the radio that Eugene Moran, the young sergeant from Gays Mills, Wisconsin was being repatriated, and he was the first one off the boat in New York City. And this an exchange of prisoners of war. Narrator: Robert W. Burns retired from the service as a Lieutenant General, that’s three stars on each shoulder, quite an accomplishment. Captain Bob “Hooker” Kolstad and Tech Sergeant John Egan from Eau Claire were both part of the 2nd Bomb Group and completed 9 quite a few missions from North Africa and later Manfredonia, Italy. Voice 4: On my fifteenth mission we hit the Udine area of northern Italy. “Hooker” [Capt. Robert Kolstad] was flying lead plane in our squadron; we were flying off his right wing. Eighteen Germans fighters jumped us. “Hooker’s” plane was hit, left the formation and started going down. As we headed for Yugoslavia off in the distance and the crew began to bail out, we only saw seven chutes. We assumed “Hooker” went down with the plane. He was on his forty-ninth mission, his next to last mission. I wrote to his mother but everything was censored. Several months later I finished my missions and returned to “God’s Country” for a short furlough. I had finally gotten up the courage to go and talk with “Hooker’s” mother. As I drove down South Barstow Street to cross over the old Grand Avenue Bridge, right in front of the old caramel corn shop, I saw “Hooker” walking south. I did a double take, double parked, jumped out of the car and vigorously shook his hand. Everyone in his crew had bailed out safely. He and few others had been rescued by Marshal Tito’s Partisans and were forbidden by the U.S. to tell any more since it was classified information and the war was still going on. Captain “Hooker” was the highest ranking officer among the British and Americans while being hidden among the Partisans. Because of this, he served as Chief Liaison Officer for Tito and the Americans and served in this capacity until Captain Rod Sterling [Sterling Hayden; confirmed on Chippewa Valley WWII website by Harold Kronenberg, producer of and writer of this program], the movie star, was secretly flown in. Narrator: In January 1944, while serving as the company cook, Corporal Eric Gunnison Gibson of Rice Lake led some recruits against the attacking Germans, near Isola Bella, Italy. He killed five Germans and captured two, all of whom were firing at him from a machine gun nest. By disposing of the Germans he secured the left flank of his company. Killed soon after while still attacking and firing on the Germans, he was posthumously award the Congressional Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry. Staff Sergeant Charles Mower of Chippewa Falls was assistant squad leader while serving near Capoocan, Leyte in the Philippines. Gene Mower: [Charles Mower’s Brother] The leader of this group was killed the day that he also died, and of course my brother took over the squad. They were crossing a stream, and he was gonna lead ‘em across the stream. And he got part way across the stream, and the enemy opened fire on him. 10 And so then he was half submerged, apparently, in the water and shouted back to his troops to stay where they were, that they were hidden somewhat. He then realized that he was in a good position to figure out where the enemy was, and so then he started shouting his commands back to his troops so that they could knock out the enemy post that was in their way. And it was—he refused to take any help or any aid, he knew it would endanger anybody that would come out in the stream to help him. So then he, he gave the orders to stay where they were, and he directed how they could destroy the enemy at that point. And I don’t know how long the battle took place, but then he did save the lives of I guess several hundred people, and he, in the meantime, the enemy did realize what was happening, that the guy out in the stream that was half submerged was the one that was leading the whole force, and so they directed their enemy fire onto him, and he was killed at that point. A year or so later the Navy named a ship after him, and we went out to the dedication of the ship which was in Washington. And that was quite an honor. And it was a converted hospital ship. It was converted to a troop transport ship, and it was used up until probably ten, twelve years ago. And the plaques that came out of the ship, showing my brother’s picture and how he received the Medal of Honor, that were taken out of the ship were then presented to the, three were there of them, one was presented to the McDonell High School, one to the America Legion, and the third one is in front of the court house in Chippewa Falls today. Narrator: B. H. “Bud” Young, retired Chippewa Falls postmaster, was a bombardier on a B-24 Liberator heavy bomber when he was shot down over Ploesti, Romania. That was his seventh mission on August 17th, 1944. He now relates how he was liberated from POW camp Stalag 7A by General Patton. Young: We finally got down to Stalag 7A, and as I say, that was the end of the world down there. That was the filthiest place you could ever hope to be in. The water supply was one faucet, and that faucet, there was always a line at least two blocks, three blocks long, guys standing there with tin cans just waiting to get a drink of water, let alone try to shave or shower or anything like that. That was impossible. And we were just starving to death when finally we were liberated by Patton. Patton came in because, well, one of the reasons they claimed, his son, who we knew his son was a prisoner in our camp, or his son-in-law, son-in-law. And he spearheaded in there, right through German lines and everything [laughs] else and came right in, and there was a firefight outside the camp, several people shot out there and so forth, but the Germans finally surrendered, and we were liberated, and, boy, let me tell you, was 11 that a happy day. To see that American flag, go up that flag pole, man! [Music “Moonlight Serenade”] Narrator: At home, the labor force was low even though many farmers and defense plant workers were exempt from serving in the military. Because of the shortage during the harvest of the pea crop, 134 German POWs and sixty Jamaicans were brought to Eau Claire to work in the Lange Canning Factory at the corner of Madison Street and Oxford Avenue. They were actually housed on the 4-H grounds on Fairfax in Altoona. Doug Ward of Mondovi served in Europe as a belly-gunner. Ward: My classmate at Mondovi, Chris Hansman, was a P-51 pilot, and we graduated from high school together, and we kept corresponding and that. And he was stationed not too far from me so he came over to my base one day, flew over with his P-51 and we had a visit. And then I was supposed to meet him two days later in London for his twentieth birthday, and I went, got a pass and went to London. He never showed up. So the next pass I got I went to his base and found out that he had been killed. He was strafing an airbase and his wing caught the ground and flipped him over. He was nineteen years old. He was gonna be twenty then at the time, and he already was an ace. And I got corresponding with some of his old group, command, or group, people in his group, and they informed me that he was supposed to be the youngest ace of World War I and World War II, but it’s never been really too highly publicized or anything, but I think that’s quite a feat for a young guy like that. Narrator: Staff Sergeant Allen Mathews of Thorp entered the Army in October, 1940. He was killed in action in the North African Campaign on April 5th, 1943. Allen was awarded the Purple Heart and the Silver Star, these awards being presented posthumously to his wife. The 32nd Red Arrow Division was busy again in World War II, with recruits from the Chippewa Valley, as Lloyd W. Gibson relates. Gibson: Quite a few of the fellas that, that I know in the service was the Ludwikoskis and Brimmer and Henneman and Toske and Peeso, and they were all very active in the platoon, but a good share of them went a lot further in the combat area than I did. I just went, 12 got as far as the Buna Campaign, and of course I got wounded and then went to the hospital and sent home. But some of ‘em went further to Sanananda and Aitape and Leyte and Luzon, and that was on the way up to Japanese, the home of the Japanese. Narrator: The list of casualties and tragic stories about military personnel from the Chippewa Valley seems endless. Eau Claire alone lost 193 and had countless wounded soldiers. Even before the founding of our great country, brave and loyal men and women have championed its causes and the principles for which it stands. The citizens of the Chippewa Valley have every right to take pride in our sons and daughters who have served our country. Their deeds, their leadership, their acts of heroism, all stand as a testament to the true heritage of the people of the valley. Even though this presentation does not include all the brave people of the valley who have served our country, it does stand as a special salute to all the honorable men and women who have risked or given their lives for this great nation. We have been enriched because of their sacrifices, and we must never forget them. [End of Part One and Beginning of Part Two] Narrator: Honor and Remembrance: The Military Heritage of the Chippewa Valley. Thousands of men and women from the Chippewa Valley have served our country in the military, at home and abroad. The accounts in this presentation are just a sampling of experiences from a handful of these people. Yes, we realize these chronicles may be somewhat partisan, but they are personal accounts of how some of our people served and how they survived the wars. Korean War [Music “Glow Worm”] Narrator: The Korean War began on June 25th 1950, when North Korean troops, paced by Russian built tanks and airplanes, invaded South Korea without warning. Under General MacArthur, Commanding General of all United Nations, U.N. troops were sent to the aid of the South Koreans. Since Congress did not formerly declare war, our government chose to call this a police action. This so-called “police action” however, proved to be a bloody and costly military conflict. Among the first to arrive as part of an amphibious landing was Corporal George Shaker of Altoona. He was in the 1st Cavalry Division and was fire director for a 105 millimeter Howitzer unit. 13 Shaker: In the way of the North Koreans was this mount—this little hill, and it was held by the Gloucestershire Battalion from Britain. And they had about, oh four, five hundred troops. They had five Centurion tanks, which is a heavy, heavy tank, real solid tank. And they held that hill all night while we started pulling out from that bulge to—they were trying to, they were saving our lives. And finally they got down to the point where they had to load their wounded into those five tanks. They had about forty wounded and they put them into these tanks. Can you imagine trying to get eight men into a tank? And they, those tanks were filled, they battened down the hatches and they went right through lines. And then the rest of the British, they stood up there on the hill. The commander, the surgeon for the battalion, the chaplain, all the officers, they didn’t try to get out in those tanks; they let the wounded get out. They stood on that hill, and they fired ‘til they ran out of ammunition, and then they, the North Koreans came up, and they just wiped ‘em out. Narrator: Corporal Mitchell Red Cloud, a Winnebago Indian from Black River Falls, earned the Congressional Medal of Honor while serving in the Korean War. The citation, presented to his parents by General Omar Bradley on April 5th 1951, reads: “Corporal Red Cloud, Company E, 19th Infantry Regiment, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty.” Norman Henning of Eau Claire was with the Army artillery communications. Henning: And then I just about had my time in, and Harry Truman extended us for another year, bless his soul [laughs]. And then we went overseas, we landed over in Inchon, Korea, and we went right to work. We went, we was in support of the 3rd Division and we were way up north around Pyongyang in that area, and then we started getting kicked back a little bit. We had the special codes, you know, like say those at the rear would be called “Gun Powder,” and we’d be called “Gun Powder Queen.” And we’d say “Gun Powder, this is Gun Powder Queen, over.” And then we’d pick out the coordinances and stuff and send ‘em back to the guns so they could zero ‘em in. And then they’d shoot a round or two, and if they were close then they’d say “Fire for effect,” you know, and picked out things like that. And then about every other day or so we’d have to change our name in case the enemy’d get a hold of it or somethin’, why— 14 Narrator: The Chippewa Valley had the misfortune to lose thirty-one soldier boys in the Korean police action. Berlin Crisis [Music: “Blue Velvet”] Narrator: With the increased world tensions of the summer of 1961 the Berlin Crisis resulted in a need to strengthen the armed forces of the nation. And once again the 32nd Red Arrow Division was called to active service. The division was reactivated on October 15, 1961, exactly twenty-one years to the day that the unit had been called to defend the colors for service in World War II. It remained active until August 10th, 1962. Many Chippewa Valley men participated in the training that took place at Fort Lewis, Washington. Arvin Ziehlsdorff, Eau Claire’s police chief at that time, was one of the officers. He later became a Brigadier General in the National Guard. Ken Anderson, UW-Eau Claire’s winningest basketball coach, was an Army Reserve Special Services Officer and coached the Fort Lewis team to a 41 and 5 record. He had playing for him many professional athletes, including Green Bay Packer’s Boyd Dowler and Ray Nitschke, as well as local great Jack Ratta. Fortunately the Berlin Crisis was soon over. Through negotiations this crisis was somewhat resolved and most of our soldier boys returned home. Although some of them did go to Germany with the occupation forces. Vietnam War [Music “The End” by the Doors] Narrator: In the turmoil of the ’60s and’70s, the Chippewa Valley provided many young men and women to fight in the controversial Vietnam conflict. Eau Claire County alone lost forty-five men in that war. Besides the tragedy of these deaths, families and friends were torn apart over the controversial nature of the war, and the large number of conscientious objectors. Plus, it was the first time in our history that a war came right into our living rooms, in the form of television. It was to be a long, unhappy war, with at times no end in sight and with many of our young friends and relatives involved in some of the gruelingest jungle warfare ever experienced. This was evidenced in comments by an Eau Claire helicopter pilot. 15 Voice 5: [Reading statement] My feelings about the war in Vietnam were kinda strange. I didn’t wanna die, but once I sat down and thought about it the fact came through that my chances of dying were gonna be pretty darn good. More importantly I guess I never even considered the fact that my country might be wrong in its policy in Vietnam. You know I, like a lot of other folks, just assumed that the government knew what it was doing and it was doing the right thing. Well, I guess it was on a plane ride over the Pacific that it really came to me, it really hit home, the fact that I may have just seen my parents and my family, my friends for the very last time. [Music “Paint It Black” by the Rolling Stones] Narrator: Jim Amodt of Bloomer was in Vietnam for 10 months. Amodt: In the Army I guess you never know what’s going on, even when I was in the States I didn’t know what was going on, and I knew just as little when I was in Vietnam. They don’t tell you anything. They just tell you, “Well, get your gear together. We’re going out on a sweep.” And they wouldn’t tell you where, and they wouldn’t tell ya—they’d tell ya when, well, it’d be early, like if you left at daybreak or something they’d tell you it was gonna be at daybreak, and if it was 4:00 o’clock in the morning you’d be there and chances are pretty good you wouldn’t leave until 6:00 or 7:00. And then they’d take you some place on some trucks and then drop you off, and you’d go out for a walk someplace. But, somebody’d be directing you with a map, and they’d be lost, and they didn’t know where they were so—and then finally you’d wind up surrounding some village or something and go and then go through and search it and never find anything on a—with a group that size everybody, you know all the natives, all the people that live there they know where, they know you were coming and when you were coming, and so you, your chances of finding any weapons were, or finding anyone there was very small. Norm Hatch: We got into Vietnam about the summer of ’65. And we relieved a ship there that wasn’t a repair ship, but they were trying to do what we were doing. One evening we got a emergency call that one of our swift patrol boats, Number 4, was damaged. We didn’t know exactly how bad it was damaged. We knew it was hit by a mine. It had already sunk before we got there, and the people were all off of the boat. The ones, most of ‘em was killed except for one radioman and one other guy. And the radioman had both his legs blown off of him. And he, they took him to the hospital, but he got a mayday message out before they, you know, got him off to the 16 hospital. And he died then later, and the other one died on the way to the hospital. Narrator: On April 2, 1966 Captain [later Colonel] Dan Doughty of Ladysmith was piloting an unarmed U.S. Air Force reconnaissance plane when it was struck by enemy ground fire over North Vietnam. After ejecting from the exploding airplane, Doughty floated safely to the ground. This was captured on film by Doughty’s wingman. He landed, got rid of his chute, only to be caught by the North Vietnamese. They jerked him flat on his back, placed a noose around his neck, tied his hands behind his back and led him blindfolded into the underbrush where they were hidden from any rescuing planes. He was taken to a prison camp where he remained for nearly seven years, making him one of the longest incarcerated of all U.S. servicemen. He tells us about some of his experiences. Doughty: I got involved in Vietnam pretty early on. I went overseas in late 1964 to Misawa, Japan. Our unit there was tasked with flying reconnaissance missions in Southeast Asia. So in early 1965 I started my first combat missions in South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and into Laos, flying out of Saigon. I’d fly in the RF-101 which is a large, single-seat, photo-reconnaissance airplane. I had flown 168 combat missions in that area up until April of 1966. And on April 2nd of 1966 I was on my 169th mission in the lower part of North Vietnam. A bad weather day and we were down very low to stay underneath the clouds, and I was shot down approaching the last target. We had tasked on thirteen different targets that day, and I was approaching the last one and was shot down. The aircraft exploded within a couple of seconds after I was hit, and I ejected out of a big ball of fire, very close to the ground. My survival equipment all worked just like it was supposed to. The parachute opened automatically once I cleared the aircraft, and then I began my descent into North Vietnam. I was trying to steer my parachute so I could land on a high piece of ground, but that was, didn’t have enough altitude to get to that high ground, and I ended up landing right in a big open valley at the base of a sheer cliff. There were probably a hundred and fifty armed militiamen in the area. They started shooting at me while I was still in the parachute on the way down. They did put several holes in the parachute canopy, and by the time I got on the ground they were very close by, and I was captured within just a few seconds. They got my six-shooter, I had that, but I guess probably one of the most scary moments after I was initially captured was when the young fella that got my six-shooter and he pulled the hammer back, held it right up to my forehead, and he was shaking so hard that he, he 17 was probably just as shook as I was, and that lasted for, probably less than a minute though, and another one of the Vietnamese got in an argument with him, I believe over who was going to get to keep the gun. And so they departed while the others tied me up, blindfolded me, and they tied a noose around my neck and then took me off running. We probably ran a couple of miles. It probably the fastest two mile run I’ve ever made in my life because they were, they would keep taking turns getting me in, and pushing (??), and they wanted to get me as far away from the area because they knew there would be a rescue aircraft in the area very soon. Which there was after we had covered a couple of miles, they had to push me down, covered me with a tarp and because the rescue airplanes had showed up overhead. I spent about a month traveling before I got to Hanoi and to the prison system in Hanoi. And once I arrived there, ah, went to a camp that we called “The Zoo.” Treatment was just downright miserable. I spent the first thirteen months I was there in solitary. As I said the treatment was, was miserable, atrocious. We were tortured brutally, often, for different propaganda things. Long in, about that time was when we also started being able to correspond with our families. My family was in Japan with me when I went over there. I had my wife and four children. And when I was shot down she stayed in Japan for, until school was out, for the kids to get out of school, and then she moved back to Wisconsin and raised the four children by herself up in Ladysmith for the next seven years. My first mail from her came in 1970 sometime, ’71. Of the letters that I wrote, I probably wrote fifteen, I think only four or five ever got to my family. And the same, I received a total of seven letters while I was there, and I got five of those in the last two weeks that I was there. Even worse than the U.S. Postal Service, there [laughs]. I was in the first group released in April, or on February 12th of 1973. They released us according to the dates that we were shot down. Those that were shot down first came home first. It was kind of disheartening to watch those that were August and September of 1966 shoot-downs because from day to day they were on the go home list to those that had to stay another two or three weeks, and it was really sad for them because one day they were with us and were gonna be leaving and some of them right up to the day before we left, and they were taken off and then put on the group coming three weeks later which was no big deal, but the way the Vietnamese do things you never know what’s gonna happen in three weeks, so. Then on February the 12th of ’73 the, we were loaded in buses and taken to Gia Lam Airport where the U.S. Air Force flew in C-141s. We arrived there, and there’s one C-141 sitting on the ramp. It was a big thing, and I knew it would hold at least a hundred and forty people, and there was a hundred 18 and twenty of us, I think, coming out that day. Well, they unloaded the first two buses, and that thing closed up its doors and away it went. And you talk about a sinking feeling [laughs], to see that take off and we’re still sittin’ there, and I think everybody on the bus felt the same way I did. “Oh, what’s going on now?”, you know. But as it turned out they had sent in three airplanes, they didn’t know exactly what our condition would be, they had the airplanes all configured for litters, and so they were only putting forty people on each one and they had three airplanes. So we just—a matter of waiting (??)—and there were—they had determined, the Air Force had determined they were gonna put one airplane on the ground at a time. And so once one would get airborne then they’d land the next one and load it and go. So I was on the third airplane out that first day. Quite a—after nearly seven years, twenty-five hundred and eight days is what I spent there. Unlike a lot of the veterans of Vietnam, when I did get back every place we landed there was a big turnout to meet us. The greetings couldn’t have been warmer. And when I got back to my hometown of Ladysmith the whole city I think turned out. They had the streets all decorated, and it was a fantastic day. When I— never did have any doubts about our policy over there as far as whether we should have been there or not, but I had a lot of misgivings on the way that we fought the war. It was a—if ever there was a lessons on what not to do, we did them all over there. As far as whether we should have been there, I, I felt yeah, we had a, a good reason to be doing it, but we sure messed it up. Had we used the, our military force like it should have been we could have ended the war in early 1966 without any problem at all. J. Alan Jenkins: We would get called out in the middle of the night. You know, the Viet Cong would stage an operation, and they would blow up a bridge. So we would go out in order to keep traffic going because if you can imagine, this is like going into, um, have you ever been in some of the wilderness parts of Wyoming where there’s one road going in and one road going out? Well, if you’re a mechanized army that road becomes critical, you know, and if everything is rice paddies so if you’ve got anything that’s not on a track you’ve gotta have the road open. Well, naturally they blow the bridge, so they say to us, “C’mon out here.” We throw a perimeter around the bridge, turn on lights about as bright as that one, this is in the middle of the night. You’ve got all this stuff blowing up around you, usually somebody’s burning down a village, and you’re sitting there trying to repair a bridge so that motorized traffic can continue on this road. I mean it’s Keystone Cops stuff, you know, except that they were shooting at you. I’ve heard it said, and I believe this is true, and I’ve talked to friends of 19 mine that were in the infantry, friends of mine that were in the artillery, armor, that Vietnam was a period of intense boredom punctuated by incredible terror. And I mean that’s a pretty good definition. Narrator: The turmoil of the Vietnam conflict still wages war in the minds and hearts of many veterans and their families. Contrary to World War II, the Vietnam War was a war in which the U.S. was unable to claim a decisive victory. There have been many years of unspoken pain, but twenty-five years later people are finally beginning to be able to wash away some of that pain as Vietnam veterans and their families finally gain the respectability they deserve. Desert Storm [Music “God Bless the U.S.A.”] Desert Storm had begun as Desert Shield with a high percentage of the people surveyed across the nation in favor of U.S. participation. President Bush and the voters were looking for a quick and decisive end to the Iraqi domination of Kuwait and their oil fields. Rich and Sue Mousel of Chippewa Falls both served in Desert Storm. Sue Mousel: We were “Scudded” [attacked with Iraqi Scud missiles] every night for about the first ten nights, and that was probably the scariest experience during the whole time that I was over there, in the three and a half months that I spent in Saudi. I remember calling my husband about the first week and asking him if he had seen the Patriots take out the Scuds on TV, and he said that he had and I said, “Well so did I, right out of the apartment window.” [laughs] And that, that was pretty frightening. Barb Quick: We were told that we had to leave the area, and so they brought in six Chinooks for us to get into, and these Chinooks are these big helicopters that would probably transport about thirty or forty people per Chinook. And so we all kinda ran out to the Chinooks, got onto them, and two, it took us two and a half days to get to our final destination because we had the improper grid coordinates. So we flew around the desert and toured the desert and saw it all looked alike. One of the Chinooks had gone to a pump unit [Forward Area Refueling Point], and that pump unit they had a Scud attack at that night, and it so was funny because Colonel Boehme (??) who told the story about how they yelled at him, they all had to go take cover, so they told him to take a 45 degree right. 20 So he went to 45 degree right, and he went to this bunker, and he thought was in a bunker and after he got out, or after they called the all clear, he had taken off his gas mask, and what was so funny is that he found out he was in the male urinal [laughs]! He was quite angered at that. Bill Fleury: For me, it was, it was kinda like just another job, you know, it’s something I train for all the time. I think I really have to give credit to my family because they’re the ones that really had to pull together, and all of a sudden they were sittin’ there having to do everything for themselves while I was gone. So to me it was just like going to another job, but for them it was, they probably had a lot harder time than I did. Paul Piskoty: I went to Quantico, Virginia in late January. I reported there about the 22nd of January and served with the, what the Marine Corps calls their Family Service Center. The Family Service Center is set up in the Marine Corps to assist families of service members in dealing with things in the military, trying to deal with the stress and stress of moves and things like that. There’s all kinds of different information available at the Family Service Center. In talking to the number of people that I talked to I found that there were a lot of other people who were in worse shape. I had one gentleman call up say, “I can’t come, my wife is seven months pregnant,” and I said, “Join the club. Mine’s six. And I’m here.” And he was in disbelief that they would make him come. I had another phone call from somebody else who was in the seminary, studying to be a priest, and he was trying to get out of his orders for recall, but there was just no way to get through that. He had to report. We had another phone call from a mother who opened a mailgram addressed to her son. Her son was working for the State Department in Yugoslavia. So there was no way he could report. Those, that was one of the few, few exceptions that they would allow somebody to get out of their recall orders, but they had to be working for the U.S. government overseas to get out of it. Chuck Major: The contact that we had as we crossed over into Iraq with our supplies, we encountered a number of Iraqis that were attempting to surrender and to give up, and it eventually became huge numbers that we encountered, and we, our responsibility then was to, as we loaded supplies up into Iraq, we would take, on our empty trucks back to a holding area in Saudi Arabia, the prisoners of war that the, that needed to be transported. We could not provide a large enough holding area in Iraq and so we had to move them back into Saudi Arabia. So we would load them up on these eighteen-wheelers and haul them back into Saudi Arabia. It was 21 very, very pathetic to see the condition that they were in. Most of them had been extremely mistreated by the, by their own countrymen. They were not properly fed, not properly clothed, and, you know, I actually could witness smiles on their faces when they were actually taken over by us because they eventually knew that we would provide them with food as well as clothing. Narrator: Most refugees were dirty beyond belief, were insect infested and had inadequate clothing. Most had no shoes. The Americans provided whatever they could to help these unfortunate people. No ugly Americans there. Even before the founding of our great country, brave and loyal men and women have championed its causes and the principles for which it stands. The citizens of the Chippewa Valley have every right to take pride in our sons and daughters who have served our country. Their deeds, their leadership, their acts of heroism all stand as a testament to the true heritage of the people of the valley. Even though this presentation does not include all the brave people of the valley who have served our country, it does stand as a special salute to all the honorable men and women who have risked or given their lives for the people of this great nation. We have been enriched because of their sacrifices and we must never forget them. [End of Program]
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