BETH ISRAEL BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY WITH SPECIAL EDITIONS BY Congregation Beth Israel 5240 Calkins Road Flint, MI 48532 Office: 810.732.6310 Fax: 810.732.6314 Kitchen: 810.733.1490 Ivriah: 810.732.6312 Web Site: Leonard Meizlish PRESIDENT Judith Kasle VP RITUAL Jeff Katz VP HOUSE Berna Sorscher VP MEMBERSHIP Jeff Chimovitz VP PERSONNEL Jill Goldberg SECRETARY Joel Kleiner TREASURER Frank Kasle PARLIAMENTARIAN Harold Steinman IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Debrah Chimovitz SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT Jerome Feldman & Mike Winston MEN’S CLUB CO-PRESIDENTS Emily Alter IVRIAH DIRECTOR Gail Shulman LIBRARIAN Wendy Flamenbaum & Kathy Weiner GIFT SHOP Carol Hurand & Judith Kasle MACHPELAH CEMETERY Vicki Winston BULLETIN EDITOR Larry Feinstein BULLETIN PHOTOGRAPHER Congregation Beth israel Bulletin AUGUST 2014 • VOLUME XXXV • ISSUE 1 • AV/ ELUL 5774 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Minyan PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Monday-Friday 7:30 AM Monday-Friday 7:30 AM Monday & Friday 6:00 PM Monday & Friday 6:00 PM With the world appearing to go crazy, there is a hunt on for scapegoats, whom to blame for all the troubles? I'm sure you know who is getting the credit: the Jews and Israel, of course. Shabbat 9:30 AM 9:30 AM Kiddush Sponsors Call Florence Berner Call 810.732.6652 Florence Berner 810.732.6652 Bimah Flowers Call the CBI Office Call810.732.6310 the CBI Office 810.732.6310 CBI Office Hours Monday-Thursday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday-Thursday Closed Holidays 10:00AllAMJewish to 3:00 PM Closed All Jewish Holidays Tender Loving Care Committee Emily Alter Given the violence and the threats of violence, national Jewish organizations have been advising their affiliates on the steps to take to provide added security. The United Synagogue, among these groups, has been communicating almost daily about possible actions: building lock downs, limited building access, close contact with public authorities, careful mail handling, close monitoring of phone calls – all these, among others, have been suggested. Most of them are not new, they have been identified during earlier crises periods. In years past we at CBI instituted safety measures, but as the threats diminished so had our vigilance. But once again we must renew our vigilance. We are going to keep the building locked at all times. We will be more careful who we let in. The office and maintenance staff have been advised to be more cautious and observing. We recognize that any action we take will create inconvenience. We hope to get by with as minimal inconvenience as possible. Please understand that we are doing this to enhance our safety and well being. We will keep you informed of the changes we make. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact me. Leonard 810.953.9936/810.732.6312 810.953.993 810.732.6312 810.953.9936/810.732.6312 Wendy Flamenbaum 810.732.8224 CBI Office 810.732.8224 810.732.6310 810.732.6310 Next Bulletin Deadline September Issue Tuesday, August 19 (mailed August 27) Tuesday, August 19 (mailed August 27) Bulletin Editor Vicki Winston Vicki Winston 517.900.9290 810.577.7015 cell 517.900.9290 Bulletin Photographer 810.577 .7015 cell Larry Feinstein 810.732.0631 Larry Feinstein 810.964.5978 cell 810.732.0631 810.964.5978 cell Is Parkinson’s Disease Hereditary? If you’re of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, you may be able to participate in an important genetics study sponsored by The Michael J. Fox Foundation. The study, called PPMI, is looking for people with Parkinson’s disease who are of Ashkenazi Jewish decent, as well as those without the disease who have Ashkenazi Jewish family members with PD. Learn more at the MJFF website: 2 in Detroit August 17 - 22 Attention all athletes and artists who are interested in participating in JCC Maccabi: you will be considered part of the Detroit delegation. For more information and to register go to: CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL’S AUGUST 4-5 2014 ONGOING USED BOOK SALE All books and videos in the CBI library are for sale! Shop for books on Monday through Thursday from10 - 3:00 Suggested Donation: $1 per book For more information contact Debby Golden-Steinman Please plan to attend Monday evening Minyan on August 4 at 6:00 PM, then stay for an ice cream social followed by the Tisha B' Av service. The service is done by candle light and is always very meaningful. Tisha B’ Av, the 9th of Av, commemorates some of the saddest events in Jewish history: the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE; the destruction fo the Second Temple in 70 CE; the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290; and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492. The Spanish decree was issued on March 31 and the Jews had four months to put their affairs in order and leave. In addition, the Germans declared war on Russia, effectively catapulting the First World War into motion on the 9th of Av, Tisa B' Av! Each 1 Bring 1 – CBI MINYAN TIMES – Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Shabbat Sunday By the rivers of Babylon, we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. –PSALMS 137.1 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 6:00 PM No evening service No evening service No evening service 6:00 PM No evening service No services Minyan By Request High Holiday Plans Underway If you would like a minyan service on an unscheduled day, please call the shul office one week in advance. We will make arrangements for someone to open the building and lead services. We will also send out an email to the congregation indicating that there will be a service on that date and encourage people to attend to help make a minyan. Just a reminder that the ritual committee is working on high holiday parts. If you would like an aliyah, ark opening, hagbah, gelilah, Torah reading, haftorah or English reading, please contact me or the shul office. We are not distributing English readings this year. We are instead asking you to provide a reading appropriate to the theme of the high holy days. It can be an original piece, a favorite poem, a prayer or something that you have come across in another source. Keep your eyes open this summer. Don’t forget that we also read the names of people with Yahrzeits on both Friday evening and Saturday morning services. Kaddish can be said then. Wendy Flamenbaum, 810-732-8224 or 810-938-5626 We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation as we institute these changes. Rosh Hashanah • September 25-26, 2014 Yom Kippur • October 4, 2014 ATTENDING MINYAN IS A MITZVAH! 3 RABBI ELIJAH J. SCHOCHET As of my writing . . . 7/15/14 . . . we are consumed with watching Israel’s battle for survival against Hamas and her other adversaries. Knesset. “Hamas does not particularly care about having a Palestinian state. What it desperately desires is to destroy the Jewish state, and if need be, die in the glory of eradicating Israel.” Aside from offering my own personal prayers to take wing along with your own, I cannot presume to offer any words of wisdom that have here to fore not been articulated by others, except perhaps for this sad observation. As of your reading, may we pray together – Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisrael v’imru amen (May He who brings peace to His universe bring peace to us and to all Israel, and let us say, Amen). May this dream finally become a reality. Golda Meir, once asked when peace will finally come to Israel, replied, “When the Arabs will love their own children more than they hate our children.” Her statement was updated this morning with this observation in the Hope all is well with you and yours. Regards to all. Fondly, Rabbi S Diane Lindholm Travels to Israel Without Hesitation by Blake Thorne FLINT, MI – Diane Lindholm had 30 minutes to decide. Get on a plane or not. Fly to a place bombarded by rocket attacks or stay home. The choice was easy. “In times of trouble, they need to know that they’re not alone,” she said. “I feel like I have an obligation, a responsibility.” As former president of the Flint Jewish Federation, Lindholm has traveled to Israel many times before, “About 45 times.” She reached out to the national leadership for the North American Jewish Federation last week, amid reports of feverish fighting and rocket fire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. If the federation is sending supporters to Israel, if she can help in any way, she'd gladly make the trip, she told them. “I feel like I owe them the respect of coming here,” she said of the Israeli people. “At least to thank them for what they're going through.” On Thursday night, July 17, she got the call from the Jewish Federation. A group was flying into Israel on Sunday. She had 30 minutes to decide. Lindholm flew into New York City on Sunday, July 20, and was scheduled to fly to Tel Aviv on Delta Airlines that night. Instead, Delta soon announced it was canceling flights to and from the country. Lindholm was able to catch a Monday morning flight on an Israeli airline. She was scheduled to return on a Delta flight. Now, she’s not exactly sure how she’ll get back. “Everything is in flux,” she said. Upon arriving, it was clear she was in a conflict area. “When you get to the hotel you get some instructions on where the bomb shelters are,” she said. “You are told to either sleep in something you can exit the room quickly in or keep a robe nearby.” The next day, the group met with local children and families at a nearby park. They then traveled to a different city and volunteered with several local organizations, including an assisted living center. Along the way, there have been tense moments. The rocket alarms have gone off, they’ve ducked for cover. “I'm a pretty tough cookie and I've gone all around the world on my own and I don't freak out too easily . . . . but you can hear your heart pounding in your chest when you don’t know where that rocket’s coming from.” She said she's been amazed by the character of the people who are living there. “You literally pick yourself up and dust yourself off and you get back on the bus,” she said. “You do what you have to do. The strength and the resiliency of these people is absolutely amazing.” Lindholm was planning to fly home Wednesday, July 23. But with U.S. carriers not flying to and from the country, it will be difficult. Maybe she’ll stay longer, maybe she’ll find a flight on a different airline. After all, everything is in flux. Blake Thorne is a reporter for MLive-The Flint Journal. Contact him at or 810-347-8194. 4 CANTOR JOSEPH LUTMAN Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “Remember that life is a celebration or can be a celebration. One of the most important things is to teach people how to celebrate.” lives, we pause to put our most recent growth and effort into perspective. We can reflect where we are today and how far we have come. Life is full of challenges and sad moments. Let us remember to embrace the moments of joy and celebrate with friends and family. Consider the following: Whenever the human spirit is free, people celebrate. All cultures commemorate what makes them distinctive and worthy in their own eyes. In celebrations, people often affirm the joyous outpouring of their spirit. What are the occasions in our lives that we celebrate? Among the prominent milestones are birthdays, marriages, anniversaries, graduations, and promotions. We also celebrate communally at different points of the year. Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, and Passover are just a few of the holidays that punctuate our calendar. These annual holidays anchor us in time and space. They connect us to our history and to a larger community. Let us bring communal celebrations into our life just as we embrace our personal joys. –Olitzky Foreman Why, then, does Rabbi Heschel suggest we need to teach people how to celebrate? Because it is too easy for us to go through life and get caught up in the sameness of our everyday commitments. Have you ever said to yourself, “Oh, this birthday is not so important. I'll just skip it this year.” Or, “What's the big deal that we've been married nineteen years? Next year we'll celebrate when we reach the big one.” Such statements easily dismiss important personal milestones. Joanne and I are very much looking forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you, our congregational family. May Hashem bless all of us with a new year filled with Celebration and Joy. When we stop and mark the special moments in our –Cantor Joe You are invited to a COLOR ME CALENDAR PJ LIBRARY EVENT LUAH 5775 Barnes & Noble Bookstore 4370 Miller Road, Flint Keeping track of the how-tos and when-tos of traditional services can be confusing; a luah beit knesset is an annual publication that lists those details. USCJ's luah for 5775 is now available for pre-order. This year, the luah is available in three versions: a printed, spiral-bound book; an interactive web version; and an iOS version, optimized for iPhone and iPad. (Children’s Area) To order visit: Sunday, September 7 4:30-5:30 PM 5 BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD Debrah Chimovitz AUGUST PRESIDENT Florence Berner KITCHEN CHAIR SISTERHOOD TRIBUTE FUNDS BEDEK HA BAYIT HOUSE BEAUTIFUL Maintains and furnishes our beautiful Kosher Kitchen $5 Minimum $10 Silver • $15 Gold Contact: Ann Rubenstein 810.720.1809 LOUIS E. RUDNER LIBRARY FUND Purchases materials for the CBI Library $5 Minimum Contact: Carol Hurand 810.694.5013 KIDDUSH FUND Sponsors Kiddushim on Shabbat and Holidays $10 Minimum To send a tribute contact: Vicki Winston 810.577.7015 To sponsor a kiddush contact: Florence Berner 810.732.6652 Ddi^bZidlVhiZµ D di^bZidlVhiZµ J]^h9djaY8Z8Zi]?hgVZaI^hiZg]ddYºh J]^h9djaY8Z8Zi]?hgVZaI^hiZg]ddYºh BV \V Hj bb \Z IV BVhiCZ\VHjbbV\ZIVaZ VVhhhi \ VH jb bV\ ZI B iCZZ\ VVaaZZ I IKD:7OCED:7OJK;I:7O KD:7OCED:7OJK;I:7O 7K=KIJ'-#'/"(&'* 7K=KIJ'-#'/"(&'* IjcYVnEcan +;Vgan7Yb^hh^dc.#/7C +;Vgan7Yb^hh^dc.#/ 7CIjcYVnEcan <H;;7Yb^hh^dc;VX]:Vn /7C 7C#+ #+FC FC<H;;7Yb^hh^dc;VX]:Vn ¯¯¯¯¯¯8H?D=OEKH:ED7J?EDIDEM¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯8H?D=OE OEKH:ED7J?EDIDEM EM¯¯¯¯ :dcVi^dchbVnWZWgdj\]iid98? :dcVi^dchbVnWZWgdj\]iid98? i]gdj\]7j\jhi') i]gdj\]7j\jhi') CdcYVn#<g^YVn.7C CdcYVn#<g^YVn. 7Cid' id'FC FC¯ We We need gift ware, household and kitchen items, jewelry, jewelry, linens, toys, furniture, electronics, and your gently used clothing. We We are not accepting ice skates, computers, typewriters, TVs, broken items, ski or exercise equipment, or records. PLEASE E BRING B ONLY ONL LY PRE-SORTED, CLEAN ITEMS IN WORKING ORDER. IF IT DOESN’T WORK, DON’T BRING IT!!! Stanley Movers are helping us pick up furniture and heavy items on August 3 and 10. Call Debby Chimovitz to arrange pick up. FaZVhZkdajciZZgMZcZZYndjg]Zae[dghjXXZhh FaZVhZkdajciZZgMZcZZYndjg]Zae[dghjXXZhh ??[ndj]Zaehdgidgeg^XZ"ndjbVnh]deZVgan [ndj]Zaehdg idgeg^XZ"ndjbVnh]deZVgan 6 Sisterhood Dues Increase Due to an increase in the per-capita amount we are required to sent to Women’s League, our annual Sisterhood dues are being raised to $40 this year. Wanta be a KIDDUSH PARTNER? If you or your family would like to sponsor a Kiddush at CBI following a Shabbat or holiday service, Sisterhood will partner with you. You will pay for the Kiddush and Sisterhood will shop, prepare, set up, serve and clean up afterward. -+"-"(', The costs, along with Sisterhood’s standard Kiddushim menus, are listed below. The Kiddush will be prepared for 50 people. If you would like to vary from these menues, or want to prepare for more than 50 people, changes can be made at additional costs. Please contact Florence Berner to set up your Kiddush, 810.732.6652. Remember to shop the Sisterhood Gift Shop for all your gift-giving and Judaica needs. New items are arriving daily. Call Wendy Flamenbaum at 810.732.8224 to set up an appointment to shop, or come at minyan times and someone will be happy to help you. Basic Kiddush $50 Sweets & Challah Beverages: Coffee, Tea, Juice & Wine Paper Table Cloths, Silverware, Plates, Cups and Napkins NEW 2014/15 CBI MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AVAILABLE IN THE SHUL OFFICE FOR $5 Special Kiddush $200 Tuna Fish or Egg Salad Salad or Sliced Vegetables Bagels and Cream Cheese Sweets & Challah Beverages: Coffee, Tea, Juice & Wine Paper Table Cloths, Silverware, Plates, Cups and Napkins DELICIOUS CHALLAH LOVINGLY BAKED BY SISTERHOOD AVAILABLE IN THE KITCHEN FOR $5 Special Kiddush $250 with the addition of Seasonal Fruit Elaborate Kiddush $275 Special Kiddush with the addition of One Warm Item: Kugel, Soup, or Quiche Elaborate Kiddush with Seasonal Fruit $325 BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD COOKBOOKS ONLY $10 EACH IN THE GIFT SHOP Wanta provide BIMAH FLOWERS? If you would like to provide bimah flowers for Shabbat or a holiday, just call the CBI office at least a week ahead. You may choose to pay $36, $54 or a higher amount of your choice. 7 ~ MEMBERS WE HAVE LOST ~ O Lord, grant that the recollections of their lives provide an incentive to righteous living. May their memories be for a blessing. Dianna Marie Lande Sara Louise Reis October 24, 1941 ~ June 10, 2014 February 17, 1953 ~ July 9, 2014 Dianna Lande passed away on June 10, exactly nine months after her beloved husband, Dennis Lande passed. Sara Louise Elfenbein Reis passed away on July 9 at the age of 61. Loved by family, friends and community, Sara was preceded in death by her husband Rabbi Paul S. Reis and survived by longtime companion and family friend Chester Spatt. She was the loving mother of Ezra and Sonja Reis, Ari Reis, Rabbi Efrem and Lauren Reis and Samuel Spatt; and adoring grandmother to Noah, Gabriel, Ella, Leba and Silas Reis and Jonas and Elise Brobeck. She is survived by her mother Esther K. Elfenbein, sister Lisa "Punk" Elfenbein and brothers Adam and Seth Elfenbein. She was predeceased by her father Josef A. Elfenbein and sister Jill L. Elfenbein. When Dianna married Dennis on April 8, 1971, she had already been married once before. She brought with her to the marriage three children and Dennis became an instant “father” of three. Together they created a fourth child, a son Matthew. Dennis and Dianna, along with Danny, Donna, Denise and Matthew were one large family. The family grew up together and prospered. Dianna was a woman with a Jewish soul. She embodied within herself what the Jewish religious poet in Proverbs referred to as an “Eshet Chayil,” – a woman of valor. Home, family, community, hard work, charity, and duty were quintessential values she embodied and transmitted to her family. Sara was the executive director at Temple Emanuel and former administrator of Congregation Beth Shalom. She served as rebbetzin at Congregation Beth Israel in Flint and at various other synagogues during her life. She volunteered with many humanitarian organizations including: Hadassah, Na'amat and Sisterhood, and cherished weekly Mah Jong gettogethers with her chavurot Cheryl, Donna, Dorothy, Tobie and Toby. A memorial service will be planned in Pittsburgh. In addition to her four children and their spouses, Dianna leaves thirteen grandchildren and twentynine great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her sister Muriel McKune, brother James Martin, brotherin-law Leonard Meizlish, and nieces Deborah Meizlish Botkin and Andrea Meizlish. Eshet Chayil, Proverbs 31 A woman of valor–seek her out, for she is to be valued above rubies. Her husband trusts her, and they cannot fail to prosper. All the days of her life she is good to him. She opens her hands to those in need and offers her help to the poor. Adorned with strength and dignity, she looks to the future with cheerful trust. Her speech is wise, and the law of kindness is on her lips. Her children rise up to call her blessed, her husband likewise praises her: ‘Many women have done well, but you surpass them all.’ Charm is deceptive and beauty shortlived, but a woman loyal to God has truly earned praise. Give her honor for her work; her life proclaims her praise. 8 Bessie Feldman Anita Kippelman June 10, 1917 ~ July 9, 2014 June 23, 2014 Bessie Feldman passed away on July 9 at the age of 97. She was born on June 10, 1917 in Flint, the daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Comac) Shapiro. She married Charley Feldman on December 31, 1941 in Flint. He preceded her in death on January 25, 2008. Bessie retired from Flint Public Schools where she was a teacher for many years. She was an active member of Congregation Beth Israel and Hadassah, chairing Ann Lebster Chapter’s Life Membership recruitment for many years. Anita Kippelman of Hollywood, Florida, formerly of Flint, Michigan, died on June 23 at the age of 95. Anita was stationed at Fort Marmouth during World War II doing clerical work. She attended Mott Community College and received a bachelor's degree. She was active with the Democratic Jewish Women's Group, Jewish War Veterans Auxillary, Flint Chapter of Hadassah and Pioneer Women (Na'amat). She was a life member of Congregation Beth Israel in Flint and was a Poet Laureate in Florida. She was also an avid bridge player. Surviving are her son Steven Feldman of Flint, daughter Susan and husband Dr. Allen Burdowski of Bellmore, NY, daughter-in-law Reta Schafer; grandchildren Daniel Feldman of Boston, Dr. Joseph Burdowski and fiancée Dr. Jennifer Liu of NY, Lauren and husband Dr. Zachary Roth of CT, Courtney Burdowski of NY; great-grandson Max Roth; nephews Jerome Feldman and wife Luann and Stuart Feldman and wife Jenieve; nieces Ada Feldman and Sara Feldman; and many great-nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her sister Goldie Klein and niece Sheryl Klein. Anita was the beloved wife of Jack Kippelman (obm) for 36 years. She was the devoted mother of Dr. Robert Kippelman and Marc and Wendy Kippelman, and loving grandmother of Lauren and Matthew Buchwald, Kari and Josh Freidus, Stephani Heller, Jaclyn and Marc Issner and Nicole. She was also the adoring great-grandmother of Maya Buchwald, Evan Buchwald, Zander Freidus and Micah Issner. OUR DEEPEST CONDOLENCES ALSO GO OUT TO THE FAMILIES OF: Robert Straus, father of Hillary Rubin. Jeanette Bernhard passed away peacefully on June 13 at her home in Scottsdale, Arizona. Beloved by her friends and family, Jeanette was a creative force in life – a true artist, accomplished as a painter, sculptor and photographer. Born on October 17, 1921, to Sam and Edith (Isenberg) LaZebnik, Jeanette was raised in Jackson, Michigan and attended college at Michigan State. She married and lived in Flint, Michigan for eighteen years, excluding a two year sojourn in Oregon. The family moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1965, where she continued her explorations in art, gaining respect and recognition for her efforts. Her work was shown at local galleries and featured in publications from around the world. As the longtime host of a Kabbalah study group, Jeanette touched the lives of many; her numerous and faithful friends can attest to her boundless support and encouragement. Her grandchildren have all basked in the glow of a love that was limitless and free of judgment. Although she suffered a stroke shortly before her eighty-fifth birthday, she remained engaged with her friends and family. In her last years she resurrected her art work, sketching in a new and richly satisfying style. Jeanette is survived by her children; Dan (Carolyn), David (Sharon), Mark (Amy), and Sandra (Sara), and her grandchildren; Adrienne, Claire, Zane, Carlyn, Abby, Talia, Cicely, and Mica, her brother, Bob LaZebnik (Laurice), and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews. They will all cherish her in memory. Barbara "Bobbye" Levy Goldburg of Franklin, Michigan, passed away on June 29 at the age of 70. Bobbye was the beloved wife of David Goldburg for 45 years. She was the cherished mother of Gretchen and Jonathan Klein and Lindsey Goldburg and Alec McMordie, proud grandmother of Nathan and Charles Klein, loving sister of Kay and Michael Melet, and dear sister-in-law of Dr. Richard and Jackie Goldburg. She is also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, cousins and a world of friends. She was the devoted daughter of the late Gershon and Naomi Levy (obm). MAY THEIR MEMORIES BE FOR A BLESSING. 9 AUGUST SIMCHOT HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 2 3 5 5 5 5 8 9 10 11 11 15 15 15 16 18 18 24 25 28 30 Sandra Himelhoch Franklin Friedman Sheri Ackerson Morley Biesman Marvin Gottlieb Haley Skodinski (16) Sue Weiss Myrna Bragman Melvyn Wolf Sophie Barkman Roberta Levine Jonah Botkin (10) Bryce Mitchell (7) Edwin Schreiber Benjamin Kaufman Gary Flinn Susan Wascha Marla Whitesman Theresa Schulman Carol Cole Richard Harris HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! 1 14 16 16 17 20 21 22 23 25 James & Susan Wascha (20) Larry & Marilyn Kassel Melvin & Wendy Flamenbaum Mark & Sue Weiss David & Therese Leyton Jerome & Luann Feldman David & Sandra Gunsberg Melvyn & Bette Wolf (60) Ben & Marcia Atchison Maurice & Erna Richmond Congratulations to Prosecutor David Leyton who was appointed the Michigan representative to the National District Association of Prosecuting Attorney’s which he attended in Denver, Colorado. Emily Alter has a new address: 379 Columbus Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 481032776, (same cell phone). Much happiness in your new home, Emily! Dr. and Mrs. Rabbi Salimi are delighted to announce the wedding of Rashelle Salimi to P. Marino Ruiz on June 28 in Chicago, Illinois. Parents of the groom are Dr. and Mrs. Richard Barone of New York. The matron of honor was Alison Himelhoch Gervat, childhood friend and back yard neighbor since nursery school; best man was Nicholas Barone, brother of the groom. Asher Salimi was the ring bearer, along with Mom and Dad, Gabi and Lina Salimi, groomsman and bridesmaid; Ari Salimi was also a groomsman; and Lindsey Himelhoch was also a bridesmaid (nursery school classmate also). The Ketubah signing was on June 26 at Am Shalom in Glencoe, Illinois. Rabbi Steven Lowenstein officiated both the Ketubah signing and wedding ceremony. Some of the Flint Community might remember Rabbi Lowenstein when he was the Young Judea Director for the Michigan-Ohio region many years ago. After a honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas, both Rashelle and Marino are back at work in Chicago, Illinois. Mazel tov to Rashelle and Marino and their families! Jewish Historical Society of Michigan J-CYCLE 4 SUNDAY, AUGUST 24 The J-Cycle 4 ride will return to the streets of Downtown Detroit with an updated route and lots of new features. For a detailed itinerary and more information call 248-432-5517 or go to July Birthday Corrections In Case You Haven’t Heard July 2 - Dr. Gerald Reznick was omitted In order to cut operating costs, the CBI office is now closed on Fridays. July 15 - Barbara Bean was listed on the wrong day So sorry for the errors. Hope you each enjoyed your special day! 10 Regular hours for the office are: Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 3 PM 2014 Annual Meeting Great Food, Fabulous Friends and Incredible Ideas Were Shared If you missed it, copies of the Annual Report are available in the office. The food is all gone. 11 CBI TRIBUTE FUNDS GENERAL FUND: (Minimum $5) provides SHAPROW SCHOLARSHIP FUND: funds for the day-to-day operations of the (Minimum $10) provides scholarships to synagogue. Ivriah students. ENDOWMENT FUND: (Minimum $10) BUILDING FUND: (Minimum $5) proprovides long term financial security for the vides maintenance of the synagogue. synagogue. GOOD WORKS FUND: (Minimum $5) GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION FUND: non-personal use by the president for the (Minimum $5) provides maintenance and benefit of others. beautification of synagogue grounds. TRIBUTE CARDS are sent to recipients PRICE MINYAN FUND: (Minimum $5) of all tributes meeting the minimum donafulfills a variety of tzedakah needs and tion request. Donations will be noted on requests for funding. the cards as follows: Special for amounts SCHAFER ADULT EDUCATION FUND: over the minimum; Chai $18; Silver $25; (Minimum $5) subsidizes adult education Double Chai $36; Gold $50; Triple Chai programs, including travel expenses for our $54; Quad Chai $72; Diamond $100. rabbinic intern. Send a Tribute to Someone You Care About DATE ______________ CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT $_______________ I CHECK ENCLOSED It’s Easy to Make Tributes From Our Web Site: www.cbif To make tributes easily from our web site, click DONATIONS & PAYMENTS; MAKE A PAYMENT OR DONATION; MAKE A SINGLE PAYMENT OR DONATION: DONATE NOW; enter an amount and pay with either PayPal or your credit card. In the next step you will be asked to WRITE A NOTE TO SELLER, explaining the details of your contribution. You will then receive an email confirming your transaction. Or call Beth at the shul: 810.732.6310 Or send her an email: I CHARGE MY ACCOUNT TO THE _________________________________________FUND I NAME: IN HONOR OF I GOOD HEALTH TO I IN MEMORY OF ____________________________________________ OCCASION: ADA WEINSTEIN, AUNT OF SUSAN Steven and Susan Low (Chai) _________________________________________ SEND TO: __________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ FROM: IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF ROBERTA (SILVER) LEVINE'S SPECIAL BIRTHDAY Joseph Levine (4 x Chai) ____________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________________________________ CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL • 5240 CALKINS ROAD • FLINT, MICHIGAN 48532 12 IN MEMORY OF BESSIE FELDMAN Richard and Ilene Harris (Silver) Professor Frank and Rae Friedman IN HONOR OF MY MOTHER ROBERTA LEVINE'S AUGUST BIRTHDAY Shoshie Levine (3 x Chai) RHONDA PRICE FOR BEING INCLUDED IN VARIETY'S NEW YORK IMPACT LIST Debbie and Faith Schafer (Chai) David and Beverly Price (Chai) RABBI ELIJAH SCHOCHET ON HIS 80TH BIRTHDAY Ed and Phyllis Powers (2 x Chai) SANDY HIMELHOCH FOR THE GREAT WORK SHE DOES AS A VOLUNTEER Ruben and Susan Wisnudel ELANA PRICE FOR YOUR ACCEPTANCE INTO THE MSU BUSINESS SCHOOL David and Beverly Price (Chai) ALEXA PRICE FOR YOUR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION David and Beverly Price (Chai) GOOD HEALTH TO CHARNA AND LEO SEIDE Pat and Arnold Hartz IN MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED PARENTS ELLIOTT AND ESTHER PRICE Price Kids (Platinum) ESTHER PRICE Martin Price Family (2 x Chai) Roberta (Silver) and Joseph Levine (2 x Chai) Tracey, Seth, Megan and Michael Bernard (Chai) SALLY PRICE David and Beverly Price (Chai) RUBY FISHER David and Beverly Price (Chai) BUDDY Pat and Arnold Hartz ELLIOTT AND ESTHER PRICE David and Beverly Price (Chai) ANITA KIPPELMAN Suzanne Himelhoch ELLIOTT PRICE Martin Price Family (2 x Chai) Roberta (Silver) and Joseph Levine (2 x Chai) BESSIE FELDMAN Noreen Kasle (Chai) SARALOUISE REIS Noreen and Charlotte Kasle (Chai) GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION IN HONOR OF MAZEL TOV TO DR. BENJAMIN KAUFMAN'S SPECIAL BIRTHDAY Estelle and the Family Prosecutor David and Therese Leyton JON AND DIANE LINDHOLM ON THE BIRTH OF YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER FARRADAY DRIVER Frank and Judy Kasle IN MEMORY OF LEONARD AND MYRNA BRAGMAN ON YOUR 65TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Dr. Arnold and Pat Hartz (Chai) THEODORE KAUFMAN Dr. Benjamin and Estelle Kaufman Prosecutor David and Therese Leyton MILTON AND LILLIAN KAUFMAN Dr. Benjamin and Estelle Kaufman Prosecutor David and Therese Leyton SARALOUISE REIS Dr. Benjamin and Estelle Kaufman Prosecutor David and Therese Leyton BESSIE FELDMAN Dr. Benjamin and Estelle Kaufman Prosecutor David and Therese Leyton GAIL SHULMAN ON HER MOVE Sally and Bernard Dolby (Gold) IN MEMORY OF LORI, WIFE OF STEVE BURTON Frank and Judy Kasle (Chai) RUBY FISHER, MOTHER OF BENI DRAGUTSKY Frank and Judy Kasle DIANNA LANDE James and Kathy Stone (Gold) BEN LEITER'S BIRTHDAY Patricia Leiter (Diamond) HELEN RING, BELOVED MOTHER OF MARK AND WENDY LEVINE Ruth Parnes HELEN RING, BELOVED SISTER OF MICKEY GREENFIELD Ruth Parnes BESSIE FELDMAN Gilbert and Lenore Kaplan Stuart Feldman (10 x Chai) MARY KATZ Aaron and Marilyn Makrouer ANITA KIPPELMAN Sugarman Family (Diamond) NEXT CBI BULLETIN DEADLINE: Tuesday, August 19 (Mailed August 27) 13 YAHRZEIT MEMORIALS SHIRLEY SORSCHER, MOTHER Barbara Alpern (2 x Chai) MORRIS GOTTLIEB, FATHER Marvin and Rhoda Gottlieb (Chai) MILDRED GOLDBERG, BELOVED MOTHER Ellen Goldberg Rolnitzky (Special) CHAIM BRAUNSTEIN, GRANDFATHER Shai and Christine Brosh (Diamond) SOPHIA YANAI, GRANDMOTHER Shai and Christine Brosh (Diamond) DOROTHY BERMAN Marvin and Bette Heidenrich (Chai) DORIS BOMBEL Marvin and Bette Heidenrich (2 x Chai) ANNA WEINSTEIN, MOTHER-IN-LAW Shirley Winston (Gold) LOUIS WINSTON, BROTHER-IN-LAW Shirley Winston (Gold) RICHARD BOLSTON, BROTHER Hannah Volp (Special) JULIAN FEILER Scott Feiler and Rosalyn Feiler-Robbins (4 x Chai) IDA PINES Scott Feiler and Rosalyn Feiler-Robbins (Chai) FLORENCE PINES Scott Feiler and Rosalyn Feiler-Robbins (Chai) LEW NUCIAN, FATHER Gary Nucian and Cara Nucian (Diamond) SALLY PRICE Rhonda Price (Gold) FREDA GOLDBERG, MOTHER Alan and Jill Goldberg (Chai) ANNA NESTERCHUK Raisa and Sasha Osipchuk (Chai) Aleksandr Osipchuk (Chai) Leonoid and Alla Nesterchuk (Chai) Yuriy Nesterchuk (Chai) Galina Nesterchuk (Chai) CHAIM FISHLER, FATHER-IN-LAW Pauline Fishler (Special) JOSEPH FISHLER, HUSBAND Pauline Fishler (Chai) SARAH CONN, MOTHER Dorothy Natchez (Silver) SIDNEY WOLIN, FATHER Carol Bowler (Chai) HYMAN SIEGEL, FATHER Ruth Parnes (Special) NATHAN SCHAFER Brenda and Dave Grosch SAM GOLDSTEIN, FATHER-IN-LAW Thelma Goldstein (Chai) ALLEN BERNARD, HUSBAND Beverly Bernard (2 x Chai) BARNEY SHERMAN, UNCLE Thelma Goldstein (Chai) WELCOME HOME, NATIV 33! Nativ 33 returned home at the end of May after nine months of living, learning, exploring, and growing in Israel. From September to January, participants on Nativ – USCJ's gap-year program in Israel – lived in Jerusalem and chose between taking college classes at Hebrew University, learning at the Conservative Yeshiva, or studying Hebrew at an Ulpan. From February through May they lived and volunteered in developing communities around the country – Yerucham, Karmiel, and Kfar Hasidim. To see pictures from throughout the year, visit Nativ's Facebook page. For more information about the program, please visit the Nativ website: USY INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Atlanta • December 21-25, 2014 This December, USY's International Convention will be held in Atlanta – and early bird registration is now open! Secure the Early Bird rate and a spot at #ICATL with a $400 deposit. For additional information or to register go to: 14 AUG/AV AUG/AV 1 5 1 5 1 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 7 3 7 3 7 4 8 4 8 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 6 10 6 10 7 11 7 11 7 11 8 12 8 12 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 10 14 10 14 10 14 11 15 11 15 11 15 12 16 12 16 12 16 13 17 Joseph Dresser George Fischman * Joseph Rothstein Max Bombel * Celia Epstein Hershon * Philip Rubenstein * Geraldine Voight Rita Feinstein * Lawrence Siegel Harry (Ted) Vinacow * Abraham Hertz * Toivo Soini Anna Farkas * Joseph Green Louis Heidenrich Lillian Kaufman * Herman Lande * Jacob (Jack) Freid Joseph Weinstein * Nate Edelberg * Katherine H. Ruben * Edith Siegel * Ruth Yvonne Schwartz * Sanford Schwartz * Jacob Bernstein * Sam Davis * Sarah Gorney Feldman Sam Goldberg * Belle Kuenstler Morris Bikoff Gershon Gelber Anna Bell Shapiro * Lillian K. Goldberg * Ida Rubenstein * Rose Ruth Shephard * Herbert Harrison * Isaak Lebowitz * Mortimer F. Ziegler Sarah Beren 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 26 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 30 27 27 27 1 1 1 AUG/ELUL Hannah Kesten Pearlman * Chaim Fishler Zena Moss * Rabbi Salimi Myra Mata Smith * Celia Schreiber * Etty Schwartz Sadie Stelzer Abraham Webber Mindele (Mina) Leiter * David R. Schafer * Anna Weinstein * Frank Feldman * Harvey Elford Ida Green Ida Vinacow Joseph Silver Esther Webber Leonard Ackerson Rebecca Braver Sarah Meyerson * Morris Bowman * Ronald Goldstein * Donald Gottlieb * Samuel J. Wineman * Maurice Leavitt Morris Rubenstein Charna Steinman * Aaron Weston Molly Bloomberg * Anna Weinberg Himelhoch Shay Natchez * Harry E. Shapiro * Pearl Wapner * Dorothy Aaron AUG/ELUL David Berger Hilda Farb Ida Freid * 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 Donald Freeman Charles Schiller * Louis Smith * Gwendolyn (Peggy) Braver * Johanna Feiner Ethel Freeman * Diane Mieloch Ada Natchez * Alfred A. Mayer * Minnie Ratner Morris Sorkin * Phillip Bloomberg * Florence Low Charles Steinman * SEPT/ELUL 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 2 7 3 8 3 8 3 8 4 9 4 9 5 10 5 10 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11 7 12 7 12 8 13 8 13 9 14 9 14 David Katz Rosa Pinye Lerner * Solomon Moyseyevich Lerner Abie Saltman * Pauline Richmond Israel Baum * Evelyn Berger David Bernstein Betty Lou Backhaut Adolph Grossman Ella Parnes * Samuel Wapner * Louis Chaiken Erwin Colish Sarah Gotlib Leo Kaplan * Sharon Rosenfeld Stein * Kay S. Bernstein * Sarah Laro * Rose Feldman Mary Mallon * Sanders Goodstein Randee Sorscher * * Indicates a plaque in the sanctuary Yahrzeit Observance Yahrzeits begin the evening before the yahrzeit date. It is also proper to recite kaddish at services on the following morning and evening. The names of people with yahrzeits are read from the bimah on the Friday evening and Shabbat morning preceding the yahrzeit date. It is also acceptable to say kaddish then. When you come to minyan for a yahrzeit, please bring people with you to ensure there are ten people present to say kaddish. If you can stop by Minyan any time to help out others who wish to say kaddish, it will be greatly appreciated as well. Attending Minyan is a Mitzvah! 15 2014 August SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 5 av 8:39 SATURDAY 6 av 2 10:08 Devarim SHABBAT CHAZON 3 7 av 8 av 4 EREV TISHA B’AV 10 14 av 15 av 11 9 av 5 10 av 6 7 11 av 8 12 av 8:30 8:30 12 9 Va’etchanan SHABBAT NACHAMU TISHA B’AV 16 av 13 av 9:59 13 17 av 14 18 av 21 25 av 28 2 elul 15 19 av 8:20 16 LAST DAY TO DROP OFF RUMMAGE 17 21 av 22 av 18 23 av 19 CBI Bulletin 20 24 av Ekev 22 26 av 8:10 23 Deadline SISTERHOOD SISTERHOOD SISTERHOOD RUMMAGE SALE RUMMAGE SALE SISTERHOOD RUMMAGE SALE 9AM-5PM 8AM-5PM CLEAN UP RUMMAGE SALE 9AM-5PM 24 28 av 31 5 elul 29 av 25 26 30 av 27 1 elul 20 av 9:49 27 av 9:38 Re’eh 29 3 elul 7:58 30 4 elul 9:26 CBI Bulletin Mailed ROSH CHODESH ROSH CHODESH Shoftim Visit us at: NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PA I D FLINT, MICHIGAN PERMIT NO. 5240 Calkins Road Flint, Michigan 48532 162
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