BETH ISRAEL BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY WITH SPECIAL EDITIONS BY Congregation Beth Israel 5240 Calkins Road Flint, MI 48532 Office: Fax: Kitchen: Ivriah: 810.732.6310 810.732.6314 810.733.1490 810.732.6312 Web Site: Leonard Meizlish PRESIDENT Judith Kasle VP RITUAL Jeff Katz VP HOUSE Berna Sorscher VP MEMBERSHIP Jeff Chimovitz VP PERSONNEL Jill Goldberg SECRETARY Joel Kleiner TREASURER Frank Kasle PARLIAMENTARIAN Harold Steinman IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Beth Mooney FEBRUARY SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT Jerome Feldman & Mike Winston MEN’S CLUB CO-PRESIDENTS Emily Alter IVRIAH DIRECTOR Wendy Flamenbaum & Kathy Weiner GIFT SHOP Carol Hurand & Judith Kasle MACHPELAH CEMETERY Vicki Winston BULLETIN EDITOR Larry Feinstein BULLETIN PHOTOGRAPHER Congregation Beth israel Bulletin FEBRUARY 2015 • VOLUME XXXV • ISSUE 6 • SHEVAT/ADAR 5775 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Minyan Monday-Friday 7:30 AM Monday-Friday 7:30 AM Monday & Friday 6:00 PM Monday & Friday 6:00 PM Shabbat 9:30 AM 9:30 AM Kiddush Sponsors Call Florence Berner 810.732.6652 Call Florence Berner 810.732.6652 Bimah Flowers Call the CBI Office 810.732.6310 Call the CBI Office 810.732.6310 CBI Office Hours Monday-Thursday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday-Thursday Closed All Jewish Holidays 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Closed All Jewish Holidays Tender Loving Care Committee Emily Alter 810.953.9936 Wendy Flamenbaum 810.953.9936 810.732.8224 CBI Office 810.732.8224 810.732.6310 810.732.6310 Next Bulletin Deadline MARCH ISSUE Tuesday, February 17 (mailed Feb 25) Tuesday, February 17 Bulletin (mailed Feb 25)Editor Vicki Winston 517.900.9290 Vicki Winston 810.577 .7015 cell 517.900.9290 Bulletin Photographer 810.577.7015 cell Larry Feinstein 810.732.0631 Larry Feinstein 810.964.5978 cell 810.732.0631 810.964.5978 cell PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE We are getting near the mid-point of the winter season. Cold weather and snow deter individuals from coming to shul. This is quite understandable and it is why we slow down significantly in our activities. We still maintain the daily minyan, and since we are governed by the Hebrew calendar, we do arrange our services to conform to the calendar. Read this bulletin and you will see about our upcoming activities: Sisterhood's Souper Bowl, the Tu B'Shevat Seder, the Matzo Fund Breakfast, and the Purim celebration among our activities. I do want to comment upon the evil atrocities committed in France by radical Muslim jihadists a couple of weeks ago. This was not the first time Jews were targeted for killing in recent years, but the sheer scope and magnitude of the crimes made the “civilized” world finally take notice. Much has been written and said about what happened and while some of these comments have been good, others have been pure garbage. Antisemites, unfortunately, remain anti-semites; they don't allow facts to challenge their assumptions. Asked his opinion about what happened in France, former president Jimmy Carter said this could have been avoided had Israel made peace with the Palestinians. Nuclear scientists, and even peanut farmers, don't necessarily know what they are talking about. In the past few days I have read three articles which help to provide a better understanding of what we are dealing with. 1) The historian Deborah Lipstadt, in an article in the on-line Jewish publication Tablet, “Hypocrisy After the Paris Terror Attacks–Why won't Europe acknowledge the grave threat to its Jews?” wrote about her feeling of hypocrisy about the demonstrations. She wrote: “It just seemed throughout all the collective mourning, the Jews who were targeted and killed because they were Jews (emphasis in original) were an afterthought–and would always remain so.” She concludes her essay by writing, “I stress: I am not asking for sympathy. I ask the general European population to recognize that these attacks directly threaten them and the liberal democratic society they treasure. It begins with the Jews, but it never ends with them. They must realize that they ignore atrocities against Jews at their own–not just our–peril.” 2) Leon Wieseltier, in the Atlantic Magazine on why “We are Hyper Casher,” discussed how France in the 1790s was so important for the legal emancipation of Jews in Europe. He traced the connection of liberalism, the enlightenment, modernity and benevolence within Jewish thought to this period. Granted, however, that while there was this progressive development, there were also many expressions of Jewish hatred through the years. Whatever the French Jewish response will be today, it will be inadequate and imperfect. Wieseltier concludes his essay by writing, “What Jews may be experiencing in these sordid times is not a despair of liberalism or a despair of nationalism, but a despair of peace.” Sad. 3) And Thomas Friedman, columnist for the New York Times commented upon why it is important to call things by their real names. In his column “Say It Like It Is,” he suggested that not calling things by their right name can only get you into trouble. He wrote, “But it is not good for us or the Muslim world to pretend that this spreading jihadist violence isn't coming out of their (Muslim) faith community. It is coming mostly, but not exclusively, from angry young men and preachers on the fringe of the Sunni Arab and 2 Pakistani communities in the Middle East and Europe ....Something else is also at work, and it needs to be discussed. It is the struggle within Arab and Pakistani Sunni Islam over whether and how to embrace modernity, pluralism and women’s rights.” If we can't help them in this effort, Friedman suggests, then we should “just be quiet. Don't say stupid stuff.” Amen! from them. Until this is done, we can only expect further bloodshed. On a positive to end this column, I want to extend a Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Penina on the engagement of their granddaughter Reena Friedman. May they continue to celebrate many simchas from their children and grandchildren. Outsiders can't do the work that Muslims need to do. Non-extremist, not-Jihadist Muslims, must recapture the playing field from the medieval jihadists. We must hear Have a safe and warm winter. Leonard FEB Minyan and Meal Mondays We’ve started a new tradition at CBI. Following Minyan on the first Monday evening of each month, the minyanaires have been going out for dinner together. It’s been a lot of fun! We will do this again on Monday, February 2. Please join us! –The Ritual Committee RUA 2 RY RABBI ELIJAH J. SCHOCHET But I’ve learned from the Prophets that I have to be involved in the affairs of man, in the affairs of suffering man.” Parshat VaYehi During my student years at the JTS, it was customary for every senior student to sermonize in the seminary synagogue prior to ordination. In other words, what ultimately matters is not philosophy and theology, but compassion and kindness. Truth be told, there were those who laughed at Heschel behind his back. Why should a brilliant academic mind be concerned with social ills, discrimination, poverty, and the plight of the elderly? He is a philosopher, let him philosophize. Why should he expend his time and energy as a social activist? One person delivered a rather convoluted discourse on the Shabbat Torah reading analyzing Joseph’s reconciliation with his brethren and emphasized that “compassion” was not an important factor. The sermon concluded. A number of faculty members awakened from their naps. However, an attentive Abraham Joshua Heschel approached the student after services and commented, “Your drash was very interesting, but tell me ‘Vos iz shlect?’…What is wrong with just having compassion? Do you need more?” However, Heschel was far more than a philosopher. He was a profound moralist and ethicist. As a witness to the Holocaust, he knew full well how the garb of academic gowns can conceal savagery. He knew that what our world desperately needs are people with advanced degrees in “menchlichkeit,” not just mechanical engineering. Heschel was a philosopher and a first rate academic who wrote carefully researched volumes on many aspects of Jewish thought. Yet shortly before his death, Heschel stated the following. Heschel’s legacy is exemplified not only in the remarkable books he wrote, but in the remarkable life he lived. After forty-two years his star shines as brightly as ever. “I’ve written a book on the Prophets…and the book has changed my life. Early in my life, my great love was for learning, studying, and the place where I preferred to live was my study, with my books and writing and thinking. In his own words, “What is wrong with just having compassion? Do you need more?” 3 FROM THE CANTOR JOSEPH LUTMAN Dear Congregational Family, that I share the pulpit with him for his Bar Mitzvah Year with CBI. In this manner, I will also be able to say a personal fond farewell. With 2015 officially arriving, Joanne and I would like to wish everyone a "Fantastic" New Year. New beginnings often create new circumstances, and that is the case for Joanne and me. Over the last six months, on top of my regular crazy schedule, I have been diligently creating an Interactive Career Reinvention/Life Education Instructional Course for people who serious need to make changes in their lives. After much discussion and deliberation, we have made the difficult decision that this coming High Holy Days will be my last officiating at CBI. Each year it has become increasingly difficult to block out fourteen days of time. Our schedules have not only become crazy, but Joanne loses 80 hours of PTO (paid time off) and precludes us from taking any extended vacation, which has been the case over the last seven years. Many wonderful friendships and relationships have been forged over the years and that in no way will change. I had planned that last HHD would be my last, but Rabbi Schochet asked On January 15, Live Happy, Rich and Smart will be officially launched and you can preview the course by going to Always remember, I am just a phone call away! My Best Wishes for the coming year! Cantor Joe The Flint Jewish Federation with support from the Ravitz Foundation presents Mordechai Kedar “Israel in a Changing Middle East– Challenges and Opportunities” Followed by a Question and Answer Session Sunday, February 22, 4 PM Congregation Beth Israel Chapel Calkins and Dye Roads, Flint Mordechai Kedar, born in 1952 in Tel Aviv, is an Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He holds a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University. Kedar is an academic expert on the Israeli Arab population. He served for twenty-five years in IDF Military Intelligence, where he specialized in Islamic groups, the political discourse of Arab countries, the Arabic press and mass media, and the Syrian domestic arena. The Los Angeles Times’ Edmund Sanders described him as “one of the few Arabic-speaking Israeli pundits seen on Arabic satellite channels in Israel and its neighbors.” His areas of expertise include: Israel; Understanding Arab and Muslim Culture; and Military Intelligence. Please RSVP to the Flint Jewish Federation at 767-5922. 4 SAVE THE DATE Editor’s Note: Won’t you take some time and effort to share your good reads with us? Please send your book reviews to me at Thank you! __________________________________ MAY 17, 2015 • DETROIT JAFFA BEACH by Fedora Horowitz Reviewed by Judy Kasle OUR JUDAISM, OUR ISRAEL – VOTE MERCAZ Voting has begun in the World Zionist Elections. This is a historical fiction novel and is about a family covering three generations of Jews and Arabs from Israel - Palestine from 1943-1978. Anyone who identifies as a Jew, is over 18 years of age, and lives in the United States can vote by following these procedures. Registration can be done in five minutes online at The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for students and young adults (ages 18-30). It is set amid the turmoil and tensions surrounding the establishment of the State of Israel. You become very involved in the history and politics of the time period. While reading this love story I learned a lot about the Hassidic culture and the interesting life style of the Arab world in 1943. Conservative Jews have the chance to help shape the World Zionist Congress and, thereby, have an impact on creating an inclusive Israel by voting for Mercaz (slate #2). Jaffa Beach is a story of clashing cultures, deeply held secrets and one woman’s journey. Through the eyes of Shifra, a Jewish girl, we learn about both sides of the Jewish/Arab culture. Shifra is a young Hassidic girl wanting to see and learn more about the world outside of her life in Jaffa. The Mercaz platform is based on three values: Ecology. We believe that we are responsible for safeguarding the fragile ecosystem that exists in the land of Israel. This book kept my interest from the first page. Parts of the story I questioned in my mind but I could not put it down. Religious Pluralism in Israel. Did you know that Conservative rabbis cannot legally perform marriages or conversions in Israel? This is wrong and must be changed. CBI BULLETIN DEADLINES March Issue Affirmative Action for the Masorti (Conservative) Movement. Why should the Israeli government give millions of dollars to Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox synagogues and institutions and the fifty congregations of the Masorti Movement have to fend for themselves? Tuesday, February 17 (mailed Feb 25) April Issue Tuesday, March 17 (mailed March 25) May Issue Tuesday, April 14 (mailed April 22) 5 0(0%(52):20(1¶6/($*8()25&216(59$7,9(-8'$,60 2014/2015 5775 Celebrating our 84th Year! &21*5(*$7,21%(7+,65$(/&$/.,1652$')/,170,&+,*$1 2)),&()$;.,7&+(1 &%,)/,17#*0$,/&20:::&%,)/,1725* SISTERHOOD’S 5775-5776 CALENDAR AVAILABLE IN THE SHUL OFFICE FOR $12 PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. The mission of PJ Library is to deliver Jewish children's books to families raising Jewish children ages 6 months to 8 years old. There is no cost for PJ Library, we just ask that you help spread the message of PJ Library to friends and family. Note: An annual Purim Carnival was scheduled on the calendar on March 1 in error. There will be NO Purim Carnival this year. CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL’S ONGOING USED BOOK SALE All books and videos in the CBI library are for sale! Shop for books on Monday - Thursday from10 - 3:00 Suggested Donation: $1 per book For more information contact Debby Golden-Steinman Dear Families, A BIG thank you and shout out to Katie Hugelier, Community Relations Manager of Barnes & Noble, Flint, for arranging the Hanukkah Story Hour on Sunday, December 14. Thanks to all the families who attended and enjoyed listening to Susan Low read Honeyke Hanukkah by Woody Guthrie, Rabbi Karen Companez of Temple Beth El read and lead us in a latke song, and Steve Low of the Flint Jewish Federation read us a book about Tzedakah. After the stories were read, children stayed to draw on Hanukkah worksheets and eat cookies! Please enjoy the pictures from the event and join with us again, maybe at Passover. If you are looking for children's Hanukkah books, stop by Barnes & Noble to choose from an entire shelf of Hanukkah books. Hope you enjoyed a very happy Hanukkah, Susan Low 6 Mazel tov to Josh Hurand on his marriage to Ashley McLaren in November. Josh is the son of Carol and Gary Hurand and grandson of Bess and Art (obm) Hurand. Best wishes to the happy couple! Please join us for kiddush following Shabbat services on February 7 when we will be celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary! Florence & Irv Berner Mazel Tov to Rabbi Eli and Mrs. Penina Schochet on the engagement of their granddaughter Reena Friedman. Reena is engaged to Yossi Ribiat who comes from a large religious family in Toronto. The wedding will be held in New York at the end of March. Mazel tov to the Schochet and Ribiat families! Welcome to the world Georgia Mila Christos who was born on January 6! Georgia came into the world at 6 pounds, 9 ounces and 19.75 inches long. She is the daughter of Mara (Flamenbaum) and Jason Christos, baby sister of Calvin Christos, and granddaughter of Wendy and Mel Flamenbaum and Sue and John Christos. Mazel tov to the Cristos and Flamenbaum families! G FEBRUARY SIMCHOT Happy Birthday Welcome to the world Hannah May Bush, daughter of Sarah (Winston) and Dan Bush of Cincinnati, Ohio! Hannah was born on January 13 weighing 7 pounds, 7.2 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Connie and Dennis Winston and great-granddaughter of Shirley and Sam (obm) Winston. Mazel tov to the Bush and Winston families! 1 2 2 3 3 3 7 7 8 9 11 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 22 24 25 26 26 27 Welcome to the world Cora Ashlyn Levy who was born on January 14! Cora is the daughter of Julie (Eisman) and Jason Levy of West Bloomfield, and granddaughter of Janis and Harvey Eisman. Mazel tov to the Levy and Eisman families! Our deepest condolences go out to the families of . . . Marvin Levey who passed away on December 1. He was preceded in death by his wife Marcia and is survived by his children Ellen (Larry) Selig, Michael (Linda) Levey, Barbara (Michael) Warheit, and six grandchildren. Marvin would have celebrated his 94th birthday in January. Eric Freedman who passed away on December 10. Ira “Buddy” Marder who passed away on December 25 in Tucson, Arizona. He is survived by: his wife Susan; his sister Harriet Lee Toback; his brother Myron (Gwen); his children Jeffrey (Jill), Mark (Karen), Drew, Meredith (Evan Pilling), and Benjamin (Erica Mouch); his two granddaughters Jessica and Jenna; and his niece Robin Toback. Buddy was a kind and generous man who devoted his life to his family and his community, including the many patients he helped during his 57 years practicing dentistry in Flint. Happy Wedding Anniversary Donald Wittenberg, brother of Michael Wittenberg. May their memories be for a blessing. 7 Sara Daniels (24) Shai Brosh Rita Darnton Muriel Gotlib Frumeth Hirsh Polasky Mark Weiss Luann Feldman Marvin Heidenrich Steven Feldman Judy Parnes Roslyn Kramer Therese Leyton Colby Mitchell (10) Shirley Winston Hanna Daniels Michelle Hotary Svyatoslav Lavrov Rabbi Salimi Nelson Schafer James Weisberg Samuel Gotlib Daniel Bernstein Gigi Wittenberg Irving Berner Jerome Feldman Marvin Schulman Gail Shulman 1 14 Marvin & Bette Heidenrich Irving & Florence Berner (50) Please give to the FUND 2015 Every Jew must either give or take tzedakah for Passover. – Sholom Aleichem A Pesachdike Expropriacie, 1908 Kick-Off Breakfast March 1 Ivriah Service Project A Huge Success Thanks to YOU! On Sunday, March 1, the Men’s Club chefs will prepare a fabulous breakfast to kick off Matzo Fund 2015. You are all invited! Breakfast will be served at 8:00 AM. A huge thank you to all who so generously donated care products for our Ivriah Chemo Care Kits for Kids service project! Our students ended up making about 100 Care Kits and 8 cozy blankets, all of which were donated to Hurley Medical Center’s Pediatric Oncology Department, where they were welcomed with open arms. We couldn’t have done any of it without your help. Thank you so much for helping our children do this wonderful mitzvah! Proceeds from the Matzo Fund are distributed to Jewish families throughout the community. The money helps those in need buy matzo and other Passover foods. Last year we were able to help over 52 people. With your participation, we hope to help even more this year. Please send your donations to: Congregation Beth Israel, 5240 Calkins Road, Flint, MI 48532, designated for the Matzo Fund. Even if you cannot join us for breakfast, donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Emily Alter, Ivriah Director 8 USY Summer Programs– Register NOW! USY Summer Programs offer teens a chance to travel across North America with USY on Wheels or to Israel and Europe on Israel Pilgrimage, opening their eyes to new places, fun experiences, and diverse cultures. On the road young people are immersed in Jewish living, discovering that they can fully express their Judaism while fully participating in the modern world. Program alumni have an increased interest in and commitment to Jewish life that follows them long after the summer has ended. By living and traveling together, the teens create a unique community with bonds that last a lifetime. Registration for Summer 2015 is now open – make sure your favorite teen doesn’t miss out! Go to: for more information. Experience Poland & Eastern Europe A USCJ Travel Experience for Adults 55+ April 26 - May 10, 2015 With optional extensions: Iguazu, El Clafate Join Jo-Anne Tucker-Zemlak of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and adults 55+ as we journey to the heart of Europe to explore the story of our people and their enduring accomplishments, their world-changing ideas, and their sorrows on this moving Jewish travel experience. Our program includes stops in Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest, and Prague with optional extension to Berlin May 10- 13. For all the details go to: Eastern%20Europe%202015%20FINAL%2010-20.pdf PACK YOUR BAGS – Consider traveling with USCJ this year! Experience Chile & Argentina L'Dor V'Dor: USCJ’s Israel Family Adventure A USCJ Travel Experience for Adults 55+ March 8 - 12, 2015 (pre-tour) Santiago, Chile March 11-19, 2015 Buenos Aires, Argentina With optional extensions: Iguazu, El Clafate A USCJ Travel Experience for Grandparents and their Grandchildren April 26 - May 10, 2015 With optional tour extensions July 2-7, 2015 Join Jo-Anne Tucker-Zemlak of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and adults 55+ as we journey to South America to explore the story of our people and excitement of these culturally rich and cosmopolitan cities on this Jewish travel experience. We will experience the splendid cities of Santiago and Buenos Aires – the Jewish communities, their synagogues, museums, folk arts and dance, culinary delights and spectacular landscapes. Remain on an optional extension and view the breathtaking and astonishing Iguazu Falls or glaciers of El Calafate! This special Israel tour will cover Israel’s many wonders –Jerusalem, Cesarea, Lake Kinneret and the Galilee, Golan Heights, Masada, the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv, and the Mediterranean Coast–all while creating a deep Jewish bonding experience along the way. The itinerary is expertly designed as a multi-generational tour with exciting activities for youth, teens, adults and grandparents! Get more information–including rates and a detailed itinerary–from our travel partners, Israel Tour Connection. For all the details go to: Book%202015%20FINAL%20.pdf For all the details go to: categories/uscj/Grandparents-tour-h.asp or contact Vicki Hart at 800-247-7235 or 9 BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD Beth Mooney FEBRUARY PRESIDENT Florence Berner KITCHEN CHAIR SISTERHOOD TRIBUTE FUNDS BEDEK HA BAYIT HOUSE BEAUTIFUL Maintains and furnishes our beautiful Kosher Kitchen $5 Minimum $10 Silver • $15 Gold Contact: Ann Rubenstein 810.720.1809 LOUIS E. RUDNER LIBRARY FUND Purchases materials for the CBI Library Book and Movie Reviews SATURDAY, MARCH 21 DURING LUNCH Have you read a good book or seen a great movie? Please share them with us! No long reviews. No preparation. Just share a good book or movie.....“Couldn’t fall asleep reading this book...” “I didn’t need a refill of my popcorn watching this movie...” You don’t have a book or movie to recommend? Then come for a great Sisterhood lunch, sit back and listen to the reviews of books and movies. Hope to see you there! Women’s League Reads You are invited to join Women’s League Reads, a world-wide conversation about books of interest to today’s Jewish women. Women’s League Reads is a moderated online discussion group, via Googlegroups, for members of Women’s League in which everyone is invited to post comments, ask questions and make observations about the chosen book. The opening selection is Phyllis Chesler’s An American Bride in Kabul, and discussion will begin on February 2. To join, e-mail your name, email address and sisterhood name to In addition to reading together, we look forward to sharing some exciting benefits of participation in this group. $5 Minimum Contact: Carol Hurand 810.694.5013 KIDDUSH FUND Sponsors Kiddushim on Shabbat and Holidays $10 Minimum To send a tribute contact: Vicki Winston 810.577.7015 To sponsor a kiddush contact: Florence Berner 810.732.6652 Donor Plans Underway This year’s Donor, chaired by Debby Chimovitz and Judy Kasle, will be held on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 12:30 PM You can expect a delicious lunch catered by Marge Murphy and an interesting program presentd by Rabbi David Nelson The deadline for submitting ads is March 16. New ads are always important to this major fundraiser, so please think of companies you have done business with this year and ask them for an ad. Contact Ad Chair Wendy Flamenbaum with ad questions. Save the date and plan to attend! 2014-2015 CBI MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AVAILABLE IN THE SHUL OFFICE FOR $5 10 BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD COOKBOOKS Only $10 in the Gift Shop While Supplies Last! Wanta be a KIDDUSH PARTNER? If you or your family would like to sponsor a Kiddush at CBI following a Shabbat or holiday service, Sisterhood will partner with you. You will pay for the Kiddush and Sisterhood will shop, prepare, set up, serve and clean up afterward. The costs, along with Sisterhood’s standard Kiddushim menus, are listed below. The Kiddush will be prepared for 50 people. If you would like to vary from these menues, or want to prepare for more than 50 people, changes can be made at additional costs. Please contact Florence Berner to set up your Kiddush, 810.732.6652. Basic Kiddush $50 Sweets & Challah Beverages: Coffee, Tea, Juice & Wine Paper Table Cloths, Silverware, Plates, Cups and Napkins Special Kiddush $200 Tuna Fish or Egg Salad Salad or Sliced Vegetables Bagels and Cream Cheese Sweets & Challah Beverages: Coffee, Tea, Juice & Wine Paper Table Cloths, Silverware, Plates, Cups and Napkins Special Kiddush $250 with the addition of Seasonal Fruit -+"-"(', +"-"(', Remember to shop the Sisterhood Gift Shop for all your gift-giving and Judaica needs. ember to shop the Sisterhood Gift S New items are arriving daily. allCall your gift-giving and Judaica nee Wendy Flamenbaum at 810.732.8224 to setitems up an appointment to shop, or New are arriving daily. come at minyan times and someone will l Wendy Flamenbaum at 810.732.82 be happy to help you. o set up an appointment to shop o Elaborate Kiddush $275 Special Kiddush with the addition of One Warm Item: Kugel, Soup, or Quiche Dear CBI Friends, Have you had a chance to taste Sisterhood’s HOMEMADE PIES and CHALLAHS? Good News!! Our Sisterhood freezer is filled with fresh, frozen Elaborate Kiddush with Seasonal Fruit $325 Wanta provi de PIES & CHALLAHS BIMAH FLOWERS? lovingly prepared in our Sisterhood kitchen!!! If you would like to provide bimah flowers for Shabbat or a holiday, just call the CBI office at least a week ahead. You may choose to pay $36, $54 or a higher amount of your choice. Our variety of pies and challah are available for purchase on Tues-Wed-Thurs from 10 AM to 2:30 PM Please use the office entrance. 11 CBI TRIBUTE FUNDS GENERAL FUND: (Minimum $5) provides SHAPROW SCHOLARSHIP FUND: funds for the day-to-day operations of the (Minimum $10) provides scholarships to synagogue. Ivriah students. ENDOWMENT FUND: (Minimum $10) BUILDING FUND: (Minimum $5) proprovides long term financial security for the vides maintenance of the synagogue. synagogue. GOOD WORKS FUND: (Minimum $5) GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION FUND: non-personal use by the president for the (Minimum $5) provides maintenance and benefit of others. beautification of synagogue grounds. TRIBUTE CARDS are sent to recipients PRICE MINYAN FUND: (Minimum $5) of all tributes meeting the minimum donafulfills a variety of tzedakah needs and tion request. Donations will be noted on requests for funding. the cards as follows: Special for amounts SCHAFER ADULT EDUCATION FUND: over the minimum; Chai $18; Silver $25; (Minimum $5) subsidizes adult education Double Chai $36; Gold $50; Triple Chai programs, including travel expenses for our $54; Quad Chai $72; Diamond $100. rabbinic intern. Send a Tribute to Someone You Care About DATE ______________ CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT $_______________ I CHECK ENCLOSED I CHARGE MY ACCOUNT TO THE _________________________________________FUND I NAME: IN HONOR OF I GOOD HEALTH TO I IN MEMORY OF ____________________________________________ OCCASION: SEND TO: ADDRESS: _________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ FROM: ____________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________________________________ CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL • 5240 CALKINS ROAD • FLINT, MICHIGAN 48532 12 It’s Easy to Make Tributes From Our Web Site: www.cbif IN HONOR OF EMILY DECHAMEL’S 200TH EPISODE OF “BONES” Rhonda Price,(2 x Diamond) RHONDA PRICE’S SPECIAL BIRTHDAY Scott Price (Chai) Michael Mann, Turtle Bay Group (10 x Chai) Jacqueline Brogan (Diamond) Marty, Katie, Benny, Elijah and Alexa Price (Gold) Arija Bareijis (Gold) THE BIRTH OF THEIR GRANDDAUGHTER, CORA ASHLYN, TO HARVEY AND JANIS EISMAN Frank and Judy Kasle JOSH HURAND’S MARRIAGE Florence and Irv Berner RABBI COMPANEZ BEING THE KEYNOTE SPEAKER AT THE MARTIN LUTHER KING DINNER Florence and Irv Berner IN MEMORY OF BARNETT PRICE David and Beverly Price (Chai) ESTHER GREENBERG David and Beverly Price (Chai) DONALD NOVER Gilbert and Lenore Kaplan YAHRZEIT MEMORIALS SARAH WINEMAN, MOTHER Muriel Knoffer (special) MORRIS CONN, FATHER Dorothy Natchez (silver) ALEX WEISS, FATHER Mark Weiss (chai) JOSEPH BERNARD, FATHER Betty Indianer Gordon (special) BRIAN EVAN HIRSCH, SON Vivian Fagin (special) CHARLES THOMPSON, FATHER Sue Weiss (chai) SIGMUND INDIANER, FATHER-IN-LAW Betty Indianer Gordon (special) CALVIN LOCKE, FATHER Alan and Jill Goldberg (chai) DAVID MARK BERNARD, NEPHEW Betty Indianer Gordon (special) STANLEY GOLDBERG, FATHER Alan and Jill Goldberg (chai) WILLIAM GOLDBERG, BELOVED FATHER Ellen and Aron Rolnitzky (special) LAURA LIVINGSTON, MOTHER Mimi Goldstein (chai) RAYMOND & PEGGY BRAVER Edwin and Karen Carter (diamond) ANNE LEBSTER, GRANDMOTHER Mimi Goldstein (chai) MARY HARRISON, MOTHER Carole Hecker (silver) MORRIS GUZ, GRANDFATHER Carol Bowler, Andra Digre, and Gail Stevens (chai) RALPH VLIET, BROTHER Shirley Winston (gold) HERBERT HARRISON, FATHER Carole Hecker (silver) MOLLIE GRABER, GRANDMOTHER Rhoda and Marvin Gottlieb (special) RUTH WEINSTEIN, SISTER-IN-LAW Shirley Winston (gold) IDA VINACOW, GRANDMOTHER Carole Hecker (silver) JESSIE GOTTLIEB, MOTHER Rhoda and Marvin Gottlieb (special) NORMAN SCHAFER, HUSBAND Faith Schafer (chai) ARTHUR VINACOW, GRANDFATHER Carole Hecker (silver) SHOLOM SCHNEIDER, GRANDFATHER Rhoda and Marvin Gottlieb (special) GLADYS ZIEGLER, MOTHER Faith Schafer (chai) SAMUEL HARRISON, GRANDFATHER Carole Hecker (silver) ROSE SCHNEIDER, MOTHER Rhoda and Marvin Gottlieb (special) SARAH SCHAFER, MOTHER-IN-LAW Faith Schafer (chai) MAX SCHULMAN, HUSBAND, FATHER AND GRANDFATHER Theresa and Children (silver) REBECCA SCHNEIDER, GRANDMOTHER Rhoda and Marvin Gottlieb (special) HENRY SCHAFER, FATHER Nelson and Barbara Schafer (chai) MORDECHAI RUBIN, GRANDFATHER Rhoda and Marvin Gottlieb (special) MOLLY KLEINER, GRANDMOTHER Nelson and Barbara Schafer (chai) SAMUEL WINSTON, FATHER Mike and Vicki Winston (chai) ADOLPH SANFORD, GRANDFATHER Nelson and Barbara Schafer (chai) EMMA ROSE, MOTHER Chad Rose (chai) RUTH WEINSTEIN, MOTHER Jerome Weinstein (diamond) GERTRUDE FEILER, GRANDMOTHER Scott and Roz Feiler (chai) MAX HARRIS, HUSBAND AND FATHER Martha Harris and Lisa Harris (diamond) IRVING PINES, UNCLE Scott and Roz Feiler (chai) IRVING LEFF, BELOVED BROTHER Margy Holbrook (special) TILLIE POLICOFF, MOTHER Elaine Mink (special) JAMES GRAFF, BELOVED SON Margy Holbrook (special) FAY GRUDINSKY, AUNT Elaine Mink (special) ARLENE HARRIS, MOTHER Joel and Ann Harris (gold) DORA GRUDINSKY, GRANDMOTHER Elaine Mink (special) GERTRUDE WEINGARTEN, MOTHER Ruth Parnes (special) MAX LINDER, HUSBAND Beatrice Linder (special) ANNA PORTNEY, MOTHER Beatrice Linder (special) HERMAN PORTNEY, FATHER Beatrice Linder (special) FANNY COLISH, MOTHER Patricia and Arnold Hartz LOUIS COLISH, FATHER Patricia and Arnold Hartz ISADORE HIMELHOCH Ted Himelhoch (2 x chai) NACHMAN HIMELHOCH, GRANDFATHER Ted Himelhoch (2 x chai) 13 ELLEN WOLIN, MOTHER Carol Bowler, Andra Digre, and Gail Stevens (chai) YAHRZEIT MEMORIALS – continued – CHARLEY FELDMAN, COUSIN Elaine Mink (special) MICHAEL POLICOFF, BROTHER Elaine Mink (special) MARK STEVEN GRAFF, BELOVED SON Margy Holbrook (special) JOSEPH BEAN, FATHER Tedd, Barbara, and Ryan Bean (2 x chai) DAVID BEAN, BROTHER Tedd, Barbara, and Ryan Bean (2 x chai) BARNEY SALZINGER, UNCLE Pauline Fishler LILLIAN MEIZLISH, MOTHER Leonard Meizlish (special) LOUIS KASLE, FATHER Noreen Kasle (chai) SARAH AND SAUL SHUR AND RICHARD SHUR, PARENTS AND BROTHER Cherri Shur (2 x chai) BERTHA SILLS YOUNG Michael Leavitt (chai) SETH CHARLSON, NEPHEW Michael Leavitt (chai) MORRIE YOUNG, FATHER Michael Leavitt (chai) ETHEL YOUNG, MOTHER Michael Leavitt (chai) AL SCHNEIDER, KAREN’S FATHER Leonard Meizlish (special) SAM SCHWARTZ Stuart Feldman (chai) SOPHIE BERMAN, MOTHER Pauline Fishler GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION IN HONOR OF IN HONOR OF IN HONOR OF BIRTH OF THEIR GRANDDAUGHTER, GEORGIA MILA, TO DR. MEL AND WENDY FLAMENBAUM Jimmy Weisberg (2 x Chai) RICHARD AND SALLY KRUGEL’S 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Berna Sorscher (Chai) THERESE LEYTON’S BIRTHDAY Prosecutor David and all of the Leyton family Dr. Benjamin and Estelle Kaufman BIRTH OF THEIR GRANDDAUGHTER, CORA ASHLYN, TO HARVEY AND JANIS EISMAN Jimmy Weisberg (2 x Chai) IN MEMORY OF Donald Wittenberg Jimmy Weisberg (3 x Chai) MAZEL TOV TO MELBA LEWIS ON HER DAUGHTER KATHY’S MARRIAGE Frank and Judy Kasle IN HONOR OF JOEL KAUFMAN’S 60TH BIRTHDAY Frank and Judy Kasle (Gold) JOSH AND ASHLEY HURAND’S MARRIAGE Berna Sorscher (Chai) GOOD HEALTH TO MEL FLAMENBAUM Berna Sorscher (Chai) LARRY KRUGEL Berna Sorscher (Chai) FLORENCE AND IRV BERNER’S 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Reta Schafer DIANE AND HARVEY RING’S 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Reta Schafer THE BIRTH OF THEIR GRANDDAUGHTER, GEORGIA MILA, TO MEL AND WENDY FLAMENBAUM Frank and Judy Kasle 14 GOOD HEALTH TO MEL FLAMENBAUM Faith Schafer (Chai) SANDY HIMELHOCH Faith Schafer (Chai) GOOD HEALTH TO FLORENCE BERNER Ruth Parnes IN MEMORY OF IRA “BUDDY” MARDER Betty Gordon (silver) LUCY, MOTHER OF JIM LEIGHTON Frank and Judy Kasle * Indicates a plaque in the sanctuary FEB/SHEVAT FEB/SHEVAT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 Pauline Bernstein * Morris Biesman Netty Blum * Benny Bombel Anna Marks * Solomon Perper Michael Policoff Fannie Sorkin * Bunia Biesman Morris Biesman Minnie Binder William Lande * Herman Portney Ruth Bernstein Wapner * Mary Kaminsky * Esther Sorscher Louis Harris * Solomon Levy Sophie Berman Benedict Israel Alper Charles Himelhoch Seymour M. Weinman Charley Feldman * Joseph Megdell Paul Perper Abby Hirsch Golden Samuel J. Winston * Joan Butler Anne Osher Rubin Effman * Mark Steven Graff Gussie Grass Pearl Simen Hilda R. Goldstein * Tobie Rachwal Dora Beren * Freda Millman Marlene Rosenbaum Samuel Schreiber * Franz Steinitz Max Friedman Rhoda Feinstein * Leah Goldberg * Ethel Handman Louis Kasle * Gilbert Dunayer Dora Grudinsky * 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 FEB/ADAR Sam Linder Sarah Osher Leon Backhaut Fannie Benson Jessie (Silver) Feinstein Rhoda Kaye Earl David Roberts * Pearl Rose Meyer Shoichet * FEB/ADAR 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 1 Rose Weinstein Braiker 1 Eva H. Rabin * 1 Regina Salzinger 1 Edward Wolman 1 Samuel Zahler * 2 Abraham Benson * 2 Raymond Creed * 2 Fives E. Fivenson * 2 Max Frankel * 2 Stella Koenig * 2 Sarina Levy 2 Wolf Miller 2 Harry Perper 2 Max J. Schaffer * 2 Eve Silver 2 Joseph Silverstein 3 Lillian Schwartz Feldman * 3 Marian Lande Frankenstein * 3 Sammy Friedman 3 Joseph Frumkin * 3 William Hauser * 3 Leon Kaufman * 3 Leah Ogusky * 4 Abraham Arkin * 4 Matilda Bloomberg * 4 Fannie Moss * 4 Dora Saltiel 4 Catherine Schwartz 4 Rose Wineman * 4 Sol Wineman * 5 Belle Bornkind * 5 Lazar Buckler * 5 Grace Katz * 5 Philip Samuel Silver 5 Hiram Simon * 6 Meriam Chaitman * 6 Bertha Pines Feiler * Yahrzeit Observance Yahrzeits begin the evening before the yahrzeit date. It is also proper to recite kaddish at services on the following morning and evening. The names of people with yahrzeits are read from the bimah on the Friday evening and Shabbat morning preceding the yahrzeit date. It is also acceptable to say kaddish then. When you come to minyan for a yahrzeit, please bring people with you to ensure there are ten people present to say kaddish. If you can stop by Minyan any time to help out others who wish to say kaddish, it will be greatly appreciated as well. Attending Minyan is a Mitzvah! 15 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 Barbara Winston Jackson Malka Mishkin * Anne Rothstein Barnett L. Seide * Abraham Wolin Samuel Akner * Leah Bryer * Fred Green David L. Handman * Henry Livingston Abraham Mishkin * Pete Myers * Joseph Natchez * JH Roumm * William Saltman Anna Golden * Fannie Himelhoch Ben Leiter Rebecca Sorscher Meizlish * Peter Nesterchuk Morris Richman Judith Schneider Sam Bombel Bessie Epstein * Joseph Linder * Kenneth Mieloch CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL – MINYAN TIMES – Mon & Fri • 6:00 PM Mon - Fri 7:30 AM Shabbat • 9:30 AM Sunday • no services Minyan By Request If you want a minyan service on an unscheduled day, please call the shul office one week in advance. We will make arrangements for someone to open the building and lead services. We will also send out an email to the congregation indicating that there will be a service on that date and encourage people to attend to help make a minyan. Don’t forget that we also read the names of people with Yahrzeits on both Friday evening and Saturday morning services. Kaddish can be said then. Visit us at: NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PA I D FLINT, MICHIGAN PERMIT NO. 5240 Calkins Road Flint, Michigan 48532 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tu B’shevat February 4, 2015 162
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