HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1964 WINDS UP TO 60 CONTINUE of the King's Daughters Society at Dayspring Presbyterian Church and the Women's Association at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, where she was I a communicant for the past MRS.BARNEY RUBEN (Trinity Roman Catholic Church Anthony's Church on Willow St. eight years. : iter In Yonkers | here in 1916. She came to the '• Mrs. Gianchetta was employ- Survivors include a brother, Mrs. Maria Dorothea Meyer, mother of the Rev. Dr. Adolf F. Mrs. Birdie Ruben, 76, of Cen- United States 50 years ago and . ed at the Alexander Smith Car ^ I Raymond W. Bartlett of Yontral Park South in New York j was a comunicant of St. Mat- pet Co. for 29 years, until e ' ' k e r s ; a sister, Mrs. Richard Meyer, p a s t o r of St. Mark's City, the sister of Mrs. Ben thew's Roman Catholic Church, j mills left Yonkers. She was a (Ada) Berry of Seaford, L. I., Evangelical Lutheran Church marooned overnight at a high and Ohio Monday, leaving thouhere and chairman of the board By RICHARD F . WHALEN (Jane) Levy of 525 Bronxville Hastings communicant of the Church of,, . sands snowbound Sunday Tiight for public relations of the LuthNEW YORK (AP)—The howl- school. Road, died Sunday at her home. Survivors include three sons, r>,,,. T »/*,, * \A ..„. <-„. ~i „„^ land three grandchildren and Monday. Drifts wert reTheir reaction, as one put it: eran Church-Missouri Synod, ing snowstorm that blasted & member the Sacred G. HYDE Born in New York City, she Anthony, Stephen and Rudolph, a Our Lady ofofMount CarmelHeart and > I R S . YVILL1AM died yesterday in the nursing j much of the eastern United \ "Down with snowplows. This is j ported 2U teet nign in some uoio attended Temple Rodeph Sho- Vavra: a d a u g h t e r . Mis. Society there. Native Of New York wing "of the Lutheran Home in i States—worst in years in spots I the swingingest party of the I areas. lem. Her husband. Barney W i l l a i d (Emily i Wiehe of Survivors include a son, Al Mrs. Amelia Hyde, 72, of Youngstown, Ohio, with 16 Ruben, died four years ago. Hastings; a bi other, Thomas of bert Gianchetta of Yonkers; I Mount Vernon, mother of Mis. Southberry, Conn. She was 96. j —left scores dead in its wake j year." Although the snowfall tapered j inches of snow, called it the Mi-s. Meyer was born on Oct. j today. Huge drifts marooned Also surviving are two daugh- Hollywood. Fla.: a sister, Mrs. three daughters, Mrs. Anthony I Louis Pica of 242 Park Ave., 20, 1867, in St. Louis, Mo., the | thousands of travelers over- off, winds with gusts up to 60 j worst snow storm in 13 .>wtis. ters, Mrs. Ellis H. i Anna- John iJosephinei Lanowetski of (AngelinaI DiTacconi of Hear- Eastchester, died today at the daughter miles an hour- continued and St. Louis had 8.1 inches, Xt,e of Christoph and Ma- night. belle) Schectman of Rye and Hastings, and 13 grandchildren, ney, N. J., Mrs. Joseph (Min- Clareinont Nursing Home in ria Haeckel. She was married The death toll was at least 71. near-zero cold was expected as most in six years. Mrs. Irving (Lillian) Molowiu Mrs. Vavra's obituary, which nie) Schepis and Mrs. Joseph Mount Vernon. She was the wife in 1886 to the late Dr. Adolf W. The storm system that far south as Tennessee tonight. The southern half of the storm of Rochester, N. Y.; two broth- appeared yesterday incorrectly i 'Anna) Good, all of Yonkers; of William G. Hyde. The midwestern half of the brought Florida its first Bnow 13 Meyer at Old Trinity Lutheran swirled into blizzard proportions s A native of New York City, Church in St. Louis. ers, Julius and Sam Rapp, and listed her last name as Gulish. I ^ grandchildren and five great in the Northeast dumped more storm battered Illinois, Indiana six years. It melted quickly, bot two other sisters, the Misses Ida The Herald Statesman regrets ! grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. she was a daughter of the late plunging temperatures were the Dr. Meyer, who died in 1937, than two feet of snow in some Joseph (Lucy) Berardi and two Arthur and Jennie Travel's Bol was a founder and first pastor sections. Gale force winds piled and Anne Rapp in Rochester. the error. main concern with below-freezbrothers, Nicholas and Stanley | lermann. She lived in Mount of a Lutheran Church in Raider, the snow into drifts—some 20 ing temperatures recorded in MRS. STEPHEN VAVRA MRS. GIANCHETTA Gianzero, all of Yonkers. central Florida. Vernon 45 years and attended j M o a n d S t ^ ^ ^ Lutheran feet high. Hastings. Resident Native Of Italy the Community Church of the Many school systems, includChurch in Pittsburgh, Pa., and The storms converged and Mrs. Caroline Vavra of 123 Mrs. Mary Gianchetta, 71 of MRS. WALTER E BARTLETT Circle there. he helped to found St. John's, ing those in New York City and their combined punch smacked Farragut Ave., Hastings - onBorn in Yonkers Also surviving are a son, Wil College inWinfield, Kan. He was I Philadelphia, closed today. Busthe Northeast. Washington's Hudson died Sunday in St. 144 Oak St., widow of Alexander Mrs. C. Edna Bartlett of 106 i Ham J. Hyde of Mount Vernon president of the college for 30 iness and school closings were Gianchetta who died in 1941, nine inches was the heaviest John's Riverside Hospital after ! died yesterday at her homeI Thomas Place died Saturday and four grandchildren. widespread Monday and today. snowfall in nearly six years. a long illness. She was 67. years. | after a long illness at the Saw About 3,000 travelers spent the Morgantown, W. Va., had 16 Mrs. Vavra was born on April after a short illness. In 1933, he and his wife came MRS. HOMER R. STEPHENS inches. Born in Trivento, Italy, April Mill Nursing Home. She was 85.Accident Victim 12, 1896, in Austria-Hungary, to Yonkers, where he served as night at Kennedy International Airport in New York after all Born in Yonkers on May 25, New York City and environs daughter of the late Thomas 19, 1892, daughter of the late Mrs. Ruth Stephens, a native assistant pastor of St. Mark's flights were canceled because A howling blizzard spawned were hit by a foot or more of and Mary Gulish. Her husband, Pasquale and Domenica Gian- 1878, daughter of Jacob and Church until the time of his of drifts on the runways. In by a slow-moving coastal storm snow that slowed homebound Stephen, an operator at the Zins- zero, she came to Yonkers at an Lucy Skerrat, she lived here all of Yonkers and former resident death. of Croton, died Saturday after moved out of Westchester early ser Chemical Co. in Hastings early age and attended Yonkers her life. She was married to the Mrs. Meyer was a communi- Pennsylvania, 250 pupils were today, leaving in its wake the commuters Monday night. The ] an automobile accident at principal suburban highways on for 31 years, died in 1949. They schools. She was married to Mr. | ate Walter E. Bartlett. cant of St. Mark's and a memlargest snowfall in two years Long Island were virtually imwere married at Most Holy Gianchetta Dec 12, 1909, in St.! Mrs. Bartlett was a member Pierce Field near Tapper Lake ber of its Ladies Aid Society. many years ago. Mr. Bund.ick in the Adirondack Mountains, and the coldest temperature of passable for several hours. In addition to Dr. A. F. Mey- was a communicant of St. John's the season. near where she had lived the Trains were late and some er, s u r v i v o r s include three Episcopal Church in Getty last five years. She was 59. At least three snow-connected Square. 6,000 to 8,000 commuters doudaughters, Mrs. George (Agnes) deaths were reported. Mrs. Stephens was the daughbled and tripled-up in city hotel His survivors are several Jacobsen of St. Rafael, Calif., The depth of the accumulation ter of Marguerite Messerrooms. nieces and nephews, including Mrs. Henry (Irene) Blanke of ranged from 10 to 13 inches in ASCHENBRENNER — E l l i o b e l h <nM DONOHUE—Thomas P. Of 106 Morris SCOTT—Eric M . A., of 37 Sherman Ave., schmidt Simmonds of 110 HawAbout 300 motorists stranded Llska). On January 13, 1964., Beloved Street. Suddenly, on Monday, Jonon Jan. 12th, 1964. Beloved husband of thorne Ave., and the late Arthur Chicago, 111., and Mis. Hans Mrs. Eleanor Washington, Mrs. the cour)ty, although drifts sevwife of Rudolph. Devoted mother of uary 13, 1964. Beloved husband of Agnes Bolrd and fother of David B. on and near the Marine Park(Edith) Platzer of Naugatuck, Clara Coaxum and William A. eral feet high were reported. Rudolph W. Funeral from David J . M a r l o r l e Donohue (nee Grosse). Deand Ronald E. Scott. Funeral services Simmonds. Hodder & Son Funeral Home, 899 Mc- voted father of Thomas P. Jr., FredWebb of Yonkers. will be held a l the Phillips Funeral Lean Avenue, near Kimball Avenue, The temperatures, w h i c h way Bridge were taken in Army In addition to her mother, she Conn., and another son, Arthur erick, W i l l i a m , Virginia and Nancy Home, 50 Ludlow St., on Tues. evening to a nearby base and Yonkers Thursday, 9:30 A . M . High ReDonohue. Brother of M r s . ' Ernest at 9 o'clock. Funeral on Wednesdoy at is survived by her husband, Ho- Meyer of Council Bluffs, Iowa. could not climb above 18 all day trucks quiem Mass, St. Barnabas Church, 10:00 Gowen, OTHER DEATHS Leo and Robert Donohue. 10:30 A . M . Interment, Ferncllff Cemethen given lifts home. Also surviving are 27 grandchilA . M . Interment, Gate of HeOven CemeBrother-in-law of Kennelh T. Grosse. tery. The family w i l l receive their mer R. Stephens, a retired railHOWARD S. BUNN, 64, chair- yesterday, dropped to 4 above 1-15 tery. Reposing at the Flynn Memorial Home, f/lends from 2-5 and 7-10 P.M. 1-14 dren, 51 great-grandchildren and The metropolitan airports road man; two sons, Homer A. 82 Ludlow Street at Stonley Place. Fuman of the Union Carbide Cor- zero this morning at Westchestwere socked in. Newark Airport neral, Thursday ot 10:00 A.M. Inter- S N Y D E R - F r e d e r l c k C. Of 156 Grand St., Stephens of Lake Carmel and two great-great-grandchildren. er County Airport, Rye Lake. CANEPI—Joseph A . Suddenly, at his poration's executive committee, While Plains, N. Y . On January I I , ment, Oakland Cemetery. 1-15 residence, iOO Volentlne Lone. On 1964. Husband of the lote M a r y Ann Edward Stephens of Osslning; a Similar tempratures were ex- was under 15 inches of snow. at Madison, N. J. Sunday, January 12, 1964. Beloved McArdle Snyder. Father of the lote Snow depths in New England husband ot Catherine Canepl jn?e daughter, Mrs. Michael Slepesto Yonkers as a young child Frederick Snyder. Stepfather of M r s . LOUIS EDWARD GORDON, pected tonight, with sub-zero Fitzgerald). Father of M r s . Jonn GIANCHETTA—Mary. On Monday, JanJohn (Alice) Cody. Sister of M r s . Joranged around 12 inches with uary 13, 1964. Of 144 Oak Street. Bereadings expected in the deep (Muriel) Lange and Joseph J . Conepi. sephine Schmidt. Reposing, Whalen ky of Croton, 10 grandchildren and was graduated from Holy 62, copilot for Amelia Earhart Brother of M r s . Stonley (Veronica) loved wife of the late Alexander some drifts up to five feet high. Funeral Home Inc., 168 Pork Avenue, valleys. and a great-grandchild, and a Rosary School and Saunders when in 1928 she became the Slonlna and Dolph Gianchetta. Devoted mother of Angelina Dolph Conepi. Funerol corner of Glenwood. Requiem Mass, St. At Ashland, N.Y., 35 mile? DiTacconi, Albert Gianchetta, Minnie from the E. W. Moloney 8. Sons Fu /. Mt A survey failed to find any sister, Mrs. Louis Kaelin of Joseph's Church, Wednesday, Jonuary Trades and Technical High first woman to fly the Atlantic Schepis and Anna Good. Reposlnu, neral Home Inc., 732 Yonkers Ave15 at 11:00 A . M . Interment, St. JoLouis J. Flower Funeral Home, 243 School. He married the former Ocean, who had been an in- public and parochial schools from Albany, the snow was 30 nue on Wednesday, Jonuary 15 a l seph's Cemetery. M 4 Yonkers. New Main Street. Funeral, Thursday, 10:30 A . M . Hlqh Moss of Requiem In Josephine Kelly on May 22,1937, spector for Trans World Air- open today with even the die- Inches deep. In Albany, where 9:30 A . M . Solemn High Mass of St. Denis Church ot 11:00 o'clock. SOKOLIK—Joseph A. On Saturday, JonJOHN J. FOLEY Requiem, Our Lady of M t . Carmel Interment, St. Mary's Cemetery. The in the Church of Our Lady of lines for the past 23 years, at hards of yesterday announcing 14 inches fell, cots were set up uary 11, 1964. Beloved husband of Church, 10:00 A . M . Interment, St. Jofamily w i l l receive their friends a l the Father O! Priest last night that they would not be in state Capitol corridors for Josephine (nee Zablelskl) of 1159 Kansas City, Mo. seph's Cemetery. 1-15 the Rosary. Funeral Home f r o 2-5 and 7-10:00 P.M. Nepperhan Avenue and devoted father About 100 state em1-14 Funeral services will be held BYRON I. JOHNSON, 73, for- open. Westchester Community legislators. of Joseph Sokollk J r . Funerol from A communicant of St. Peter's ployes spent the night at the the Duchynskl Funeral Home, 111 Yon- tomorrow for John J. Foley of Mt. Carmel Catholic Club members Church for the past 20 years, mer premier of British Colum- College and Pace C o l l e g e employment offices. kers Avenue on Wednesday, January COHEN—Edward. Of 260 Valentine Lone. w i l l meet at Rectory of M t . Cormel planned sessions, however. New York City, father of the 15 ot 9:30 A . M . Hlqh Mass of Requiem On Jonuary 12, 1964. Father of William Church at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday night to Mr. McLaughlin was a member bia, who headed the coalition In St. Caslmlr's Church ot 10 A . M . respects to the deceased, Mary Henry and Jerard Yale Cohen. Brother pay The Courthouse in White Interment St. Joseph's Cemetery. The Rev. John J. Foley, assistant of Local 664 of the United Auto- government from 1947 to 1952 of Louis Cohen and M r s . Morris Gianchetta. Sister of our member Nichfamily w i l l be at the funeral home lo at the Church of Christ the King Plains was closed today after (Esther) Zollnger. Services w i l l be" olas Gianzero. which introduced one of Canmobile Workers. He was active receive friends from 2-5 and 7-10 P.M. Anthony Corblllano, Pres. held Wednesday, Jonuary 15 at 10:00 1-14 ada's first hospital insurance being open yesterday. While the 1-14 on N. Broadway. A.M. ot the Weiss Memorial Inc., 326 at different times in several athRiverdale Avenue, Yonkers, N.Y. inThe Yonkers priest will offer letic groups of Yonkers, includ- plans in 1947, at Victoria, Brit- courts operated on a limited baYoung Men's Society of St. Caslmlr's terment, Wellwood Cemetery, Plnelawn, M A R T I N — E d w i n G., Sr., of 201 North sis yesterday, one malpractice Long Island. 1-14 Broadway ,on Sat., Jan. 11th, 1964. Be- Church: Members are requested to meet the Requiem Mass at 10 a.m. ing the Y o n k e r s Baseball ish Columbia. loved husband of Grace Farrell Mar- this evening at 8:00 P.M. ot the at the Church of the Holy Name, suit ended in Supreme Court aftMRS. AVERY ROBINSON, 85, t i n , devoted father of Edwin G. M a r t i n , Duchynskl Funeral Home to pay our League and the Old Timers D'ANGELO—Anna. Of 266 New Man St. Jr. Funeral from the Fennell Funeral respects to our beloved, departed mem- W. 96th St., in Manhattan. On January 13, 1964. Beloved sister of YOU CAN Baseball Association. He was who under her maiden name of er 10 p.m. with a jury verdict of Home, 136 Ashburton Ave., on Wed., ber. Nina Batista, Amedea Acompora and Mr. Foley died Sunday at the also a member of the Trevor Mary Chess built a multi-mil- more than $114,000. H. Romatowskl, President. Jan. 15th, 1964 ot 9:30 A . M . Hlph Moss 1-14 Barbara M a r c o n i . Reposing, Louis J . of Requiem, St. Joseph's Church ot 10 STEPHENS—Ruth C. Suddenly, January Kingsbridge Veterans Hospital. Flower Funerol Home, 283 New Main EFFECTIVELY In Scarsdale, Philip Alchase, Club and the 3rd Ward Demo- lion dollar perfume business out A . M . Interment, family plot. 1-14 Street. Funera.1, Thursday, Jonuary 16, 11, 1964. Survived by husband, two 64, of 54 Gale Road, Yonkers, He is survived also by his at 10:00 A . M . Mass of Requiem, Our of a kitchen hobby, at Pittssons, one daughter, mother, sister, ten cratic Club. Lady of M t . Cormel Church, 10:30 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. wife, Catherine, and two daughdied while plowing snow this A.M. Interment, f a m i l y plot. 1-15 M E Y E R — D o r a , (nee Haeckel). Of 27 St. The fomlly w i l l receive friends at He is survived by his widow; burgh, Mass. morning at the Scarsdale depot. Marks Place. On Monday, Jonuary Leach 8. Thomas Funeral Home, 95 ters, Sister M. Crescentia, O.P., JUSTICE GLENN TERRELL, 13, 1964. Beloved wife of the late Grand Street, Croton, Tuesday, 2-4 and a Dominican nun at St. Luke's a daughter, Mrs. Michael (EiD E L L G R E N — Amollo) Johnson. Beloved In New Rochelle, Phillip CorDr. Adolf W. Meyer. Devoted mother 7-9:00 P.M. where services will be helC wife of thfl late Alfred and devoted IN ANY SITUATION leen) Murnin of Yonkers; a 86, who during a legal career by, 59, of 8 Woods Way, Larof M r s . Agnes Jacobsen, Mrs. Irene Wednesday, 11:00 A . M . with Rev. John School in the Bronx, and Mrs. Mother of A r t h u r A., Hlolmar F. that spanned an unprecedented Blanke, M r s . Edith Platzer, Arthur S. Ar'mfleld offlclallnq. Interment, St. sister, Mrs. Julian (Edna) BoHuldap and Carl A. Dellqren. Private chmont, died while trying to get Meyer, Pastor Adolf F. Meyer and John's Cemetery, Yonkers. 1-14 Paul McKiever of Riverdale, Service at Ferncllff on Wednesday at nelli, of Yonkers; his step-fa- 41 years on the Florida Supreme a car moving off Huguenot St. the late Ella Meyer, Dorothy Meyer 1-14 2:30 P . M . Kuhlrhmann and Herbert Meyer. Re- TALMADGE—Marshall. On Jonuary 13, ther, Charles L. D'Esposito of Court, wrote some 2,500 opin- He was placing sand under the MISS ANNA D'ANGELO posing at the Hodder Funeral Home, 1964. For many years a resident of DESMOND—Elizabeth, (nee Dorney). 899 McLean Avenue, Yonkers. Service Miami, Fla.; a step-brother, ions, many of which were noted rear wheels when he collasped. Native Of Yonkers Mohegon Heights, Yonkers, N. Y . HusFormerly of Yonkers, N. Y . At BaltiIn St. Mark's Lulheron Church, YonYou w a n t others t o hear y o u r idea* band of Florence. Father of M r s . Emll Charles V. D'Esposito of Yon- for a salty turn of language, more, M a r y l a n d . On January 12, 1964. kers. Thursday, January 16 ot 2:00 Miss Anna D'Angelo, 47, of In Yonkers, Henry E. Woods, —10 w h y n o t sharpen t h e spoaking Bender. Memorial service In the Asbury Beloved wife of the late John W. P.M. Interment, Flushing Cemetery. In at Tallahassee, Fla. Church, Crestwood, N. Y., Wednesday, kers, and three grandchildren. 266 New Main St. died yesterDesmond and mother of M r s . Walter 82, of 44 Cliff St.. died shortly lieu of flowers, donations may be January 15 at 11:00 A . M . In lieu of (Helen) Fltzpatrlck, John W. and made to the A. W. Meyer Education WALTER H. DONOVAN, 75, after shoveling sriow from the and conversational skills y o u noed in flowers please make contributions to day at Grasslands Hospital in James -Desmond. Funeral f r o m the Memorlol ,care of St. Mark's Lutheran a Memorial Fund, Asbury Church, Valhalla after Hollywood songwriter who com- walk of'his jewelry store at 50 a long illness. JOSEPH A. CANEPI E. W. Moloney & Sons Funeral Home Church. 1-15 • Business C o n f e r e n c e s Crestwood. 1-14 Inc., 732 Yonkers Avenue oh Wednesposed such tunes as "One Dozen Warburton Ave., shortly after 9 Born in Yonkers on Sept. 14, With Construction Firm day, Jonuary 15 at 9:00 A . M . Hlqh • Sales M e e t i n g s TROVATO—Florence. Of 4636 Carpenter Mass of Requiem In St. Denis Church Joseph A. Canepi, 66, of 200 Roses," apd "Aba Daba Honey- p.m. J . , of 86 Hamilton Avenue, Bronx. Beloved wife of An- 1916, daughter of the late Frank ot 9:30 A . M . Interment, St. MOrv's MCLAUGHLIN—John e C lub Groups Ave., on Jan. 11th, 1964. Beloved husthony. Devoted mother of Rose Llcala, and Giacinta D'Angelo, she Valentine Lane, died at home moon," at North Hollywood, •Cemetery. 1-14 Winds whipped through the band of Josephine McLaughlin (nee teacher at Hlqh School of Commerece. e C ommittees K e l l y ) , father of M r s . Michael (Eileen) Yonkers and Marie Volpe. Reposing ot lived here with her father who Sunday after suffering a heart Calif. county at 18 m.p.h. with freDOMINGUEZ—Fernando, o n J o n . 12th, M u r n l n and brother of Mrs. Julian • C ivic Affaire Woodlawn Morticians Chopel, 4418 died in 1963. attack. He was a superintendent C. N. (JIMMY) JAMES,/65, quent gusts as high as 55 m.p.h. 1964. Beloved husband of Leona (nee (Edna) Bonnelll ond Charles V. D'EspoWhite Plains Road, Bronx until ThursRice) Domlnguez, devoted father of • S o cial Groups slto. Funeral from the E. W. Moloney day, 8:45 A . M . Requiem Moss, St. AnShe is survived by three sis- with Poirier and McLane Con- who in 1926 piloted the first mall yesterday and last night. The Mary D'Agnese, loving brother of & Sons Funeral Home, Inc., 11 Ludlow thony's Church, 240th Street and Rich• Church Meetings Frank and Ann Domlnguez. Also surSt., -on Wed., Jan. 15th at 9:30 A . M . ardson Avenue, Bronx ot 9:30 A . M . ters, Mrs. Amandio (Nina) Ba- struction Co. where he' had been plane into Los Angeles as one snow tapered off and ended vived by three grandchildren. Religious High Mass of Requiem In St. Peter's Interment, St. M a r y ' s Cemetery, Yon- tista, Mrs. Sal (Amedea) Acam- employed for over 20 years. • PTA a n d School G r o u p s of the original four pilots of about 3 a.m. after about 28 services o t David J . Hodder & Son FuChurch at 10 o'clock. Interment, St. kers, N. Y . 1-15 neral Home, 899 McLean Ave., near M a r y ' s Cemetery. The family w i l l repora and Mrs. Frank (Barbara) Mr. Canepi was born in YonWestern Air Express, in later • Seminars, Ponels hours duration. Kimball A v e . , Yonkers, on Wed., at ceive their friends at the Funeral Home VAVRA—Caroline, on Sun., Jon. 12th, Marconi, all of Yonkers. kers on July 31, 1897, son of the years vice president in charge 1 P.M. M« 1-14 f r o m 2-5 and 7-10 P.M. More flurries and windy con- a n d o t h e r occasions that r e q u i r e y c j 1964, of 123 Farragut Ave., Hostlngs-onHudson, N.Y. Wife of the late Stephen late Joseph and Mary Lynch of operations for Western Air ditions were predicted today. Vavra, Sr., devoted mother of Emily THOMAS P . DONOHUE to t h i n k a n d s p t a k o n y o u r f e a t . Canepi. He attended St. Mary's Lines and, since 1950, head of Wlehe, Anthony, Stephen ond Rudolph Vovra. Reposing at the Hastings Fu- Postal Clerk his own firm of security guards School and Y o n k e r s High Attend n . neral Home, 15 Spring St., Hostlngs-onThomas P. Donohue, 50, of 106 School. On March 29, 1931, Mr. at Los Angeles, Calif. FREK F I R S T S E S S I O N Suburban Fraternal Hudson, N.Y. Solemn High M a i s of Requiem on Thursday ot 10 A . M . at Morris St., died unexpectedly Wed., Jan. i s . T i l s p.m. Canepi m a r r i e d the former Most Holy T r i n i t y R.C. Church, TrinSALVATORE SANTAELLA, I S No. Central A v e . ity St., Yonkers. Interment, foamily yesterday at Yonkers General Catherine Fitzgerald. He was Hartsdale, N.Y. IRVING CHAPTER'S installa67, pianist, conductor and complot. 1-15 Hospital after an apparent heart a communicant of St. Denis poser, who composed scores for tion was postponed from Monattack. He was a postal clerk Church. Hollywood musicals and Broad- day to tonight at the Dobbs Fer- THE DALE CARNEGIE COURSE In Memoriam at the Main St. Post Office for Mr. Canepi is survived by his way shows, and once studied ry Masonic Temple. The assop r e t e x t e d b y W l n a l o w Brlsbln VECE—Antonette. A First Anniversary the past 11 years. Prior to this, wife; a son, Joseph J. of Yonciate patron is Herbert Byrnes, For I n f o r m a t i o n call W H • • 1 7 1 7 under the Russian composer Mass will be offered In the Monastery he was employed for many kers; a daughter, Mrs. John Sergei Rachmaninov, at Holly- whose name was given incorChurch of the Sacred Heart, 7:15 A M . Wednesday, January IS. years at Gristede Brothers and (Muriel) Lange of Arlington, wood, Calif. rectly in a previous notice. Her memory Is as dear today the Peter Reeves Markets. As In the hour she passed away. Va.; a brother, Dolph of Yon1-14 Husband, children & grandchildren. A native of Yonkers, Mr. Don- kers; a sister, Mrs. Stanley C A Z Z O I L L A - M l c h a e l Sr. A First An- ohue was born on Feb. 27, 1913, (Veronica) Slonina of Bridgeniversary Mass will be offered WednesWilliam and port, Conn.; five grandchildren, day, January 15 at 6:30 A . M . In Our son of the late Lady of Fatlma Shrine, Youngstown, Grace Powell Donohue. He atand two great-grandchildren. N.Y. tended Yonkers schools and "Forever In our hearts." 1-14 Wife 8, sons. married the former Marjorie OBEDIAH BUNDICK STELZER—William. In memory of our Gross who survives, in St. Pe- Former Yonkers Resident TBE HOME OF REGISTERED BLACK AffGVS BEEF dearly beloved husband ond father who passed owav January 14, 1941. ter's Church on Sept. 26, 1942.• Obediah Bundick, formerly of The Difference Is In The Taste 114 Wife, son 8, daughter. Mr. Donohue is a veteran of Yonkers, died unexpectedly SatIN THE HEART OF GETTY SQUARE service with the Army, having urday at his home in Jamaica, PARKING FOR 500 CARS Card Of Thanks served in the Pacific Theater L .1. at the age of 84. He was N I C O L E T T I - L e n a . We wish to thank during World War II. He was employed by the Consolidated all our relatives, friends and nelqn- a member of the Federation of Edison Co. in New York City bors for their kindness shown Ul durPostal Clerks. ing our recent bereovement. until he retired several years 1-14 Husband, children &-mother. CHOPS AND Surviving besides his wife are ago and moved to Jamaica. three sons, Thomas P. Donohue STEW Born and raised In Yonkers, OENUINE SPRINO U %M SEAT BELTS REQUIRED Jr., a pupil at Sacred Heart he attended School Six on AshC VICTORIA, B.C. (AP) — All High School, Frederick and Wilnew automobiles sold in British liam Donohue, pupils at St. Pe- burton Ave. and was a member EVERY WEDNESDAY Columbia now must be equipped ter's School; two daughters, of the Young Men's Christian Association. His wife, the forwith seat bolts. Virginia, a pupil at St. Barna- mer Elizabeth Bishop, died WE HAVE THE bas High School and Nancy, a M A I N E ' S FINEST SWEET FINEST IN pupil at St. Peter's School; a W H O l E - R M d y to Cook or HOT sister, Mrs. Ernest (Edith) BLACK C Gowon of Newfield, N.J., and • v Vaff THANK YOU two brothers, Leo and Robert ANGUS BEEF Donohue of Hastings-onHudson. S a y i n g " T h a n k Y o u " t o relKENTUCKY LAMB JOHN J. MCLAUGHLIN atives a n d friends can MILWAUKEE VEAL S O U P - S A I A D With Fisher Body s o m e t i m e s be a difficult ISLAND (?%{r) John J. Mclaughlin, 53, of 86 task. MAINE CHICKENS FRICASSEE KITCHEN | l | l Hamilton Ave., died Saturday in Yonkers Professional Hospital In a d d i t i o n to furnishVisit Our Famous after a short illness. He was ing: y o u r a c k n o w l e d g m e n t employed at a trimmer at the c a r d s , w h e t h e r for h a n d Fisher Body Division of Geners i g n a t u r e or personal n a m e al Motors Corp. in North Tarrye n g r a v e d , we include o u r town for past 14 years. Prior MAINE COlONIAl new booklet. " C o r r e c t S y m to this, he was a heavy equipSPECIAL Every Wednesday FINEST & & ment operator for the Yonkers pathy Acknowledgments" C Department of Public Works. by A m y Y a n d e r b i l t . Mr. Mclaughlin was born in Now York City on Sept. 1, 1910, There is n o additiona «sae«the son of the late John F. Mcc h a r g e for t h i s service. G E N U I N E SPRINO laughlin and Alice Walker Mc"STIWIICIOUS" STEWUCIOUS laughlin D'Esposito. Ho came Mrs. Meyer, 96, Dies In Conn.— Pastor's Mother OBITUARY NEWS Storm Fatal For Scores In East; Huge Drifts Maroon Thousands County Gets Most Snow In 2 Years DEATH NOTICES SPEAK Iwltn.ttlls.lL* 1 v l 1 1 10 PALISADE AVE. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS f i n LAMB C O M B O COME TO OUR "MEATING" 1 Ms lbs. U J 3 lbs. Up CHICKENS PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA W. Wthv^ John J. Flynn Jr. Wtiliam L. Flynn Jamc.% F. Flynn YOnkers 3 - 5 1 7 8 SLICED BACON c 21/2 lbs. CHICKEN LEGS 2 lbs. LEAN BE AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Combine your high school diploma or college background with superior secretarial training for s preferred position in faahion, advertising, government, TV, retailing, dotens of fascinating fields. One- and two-year courses. Persdnallsed guidance, placement service, finjoy the pleasant classrooms and parking facilities of the Berkeley School building in White Plains. Write or phone the Entrsnce Committee for catalog. Privtt0 BUM $«rvlc* Ptoviitd Untitled Document 111 M«*>fe Ave., W I N * P t t a a , N . Y . f l a y a e a a WH S-*4*» 440 leriaetea Ave., New V e r t 1» • I t frees, a r t i t . , I a * t O i a w f i , N . 4 . PRFF. SHUTTLE SERVICE I TO 4 P.M. C4IJ. RFPORF NOON YCt t.S/79 I Vz lbs. FOWL Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 BERKELEY www.fultonhistory.com SCHOOL A N D TENDER. l'zlbs. 99 LAMB S T E W 99' 3 lbs. 99 CHOPS MEATY A N D TENDER % lbs. nn %M % J l'^lbs. OO LIVER & BACON SPECIAL 99 C L O I N VEAL c CHOPS j % g% i[J | j C 1 lb. 00 f !'?lbs. U J C BOILED HAM POLISH STYLE REAL TASTY c 99 KOLBASSI EN0 c POLSKI BLEN QQ RIB VEAL WfSMLY GROUND LfAN-MtFY 99 FRANKFURTERS 2 lb. bog CHOPPED SIRLOIN 1 LB. of Each BOTH 3 lbs. %/%J $ALE «7 V $ALE VEAL FOR STEW H O M E I3STO. 82 LUDLOW ST., YONKERS, N. Y. ITALIAN SAUSAGE 3 lbs. TABLETS c WITH THI KIDNEY i y% ibs. nn UUo w MINUTE STEAKS ILACK ANOUS MINUTI THIN DllKrOUS 00 c 1 lb. 0%)
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