Meetings are held at 7:00 pm every third Monday at A. I. Root meeting room at 623 W. Liberty Street, Medina, Ohio (at the end of the West Liberty Commons Bldg). Check the website for any changes to our regular schedule. Use Common Sense: If Medina Schools are closed, we will cancel the meeting or Beginners class that night. If your roads are bad, ours probably are too. Stay home and stay safe. We need our beekeepers. Your bees need you. Association Contacts: Pres: Peggy Garnes 6045 Lance Rd Medina, OH 44256 330.723.6265 V-P: Kim Flottum 7011 Spieth Rd Medina OH, 44256 330.722.2021 Sec: Molly White 1737 Halls Carriage Path Westlake, OH 44145 440.899.8624 Treas: Paul Kosmos 6386 State Road Sharon Township OH, 44281 330.239.1379 Newsletter Editor/ Publisher Tracy Alarcon/ 330.396.1352 Medina Co. Bee Yard Your name here Refreshments Coordinator Kathy Summers 330.725.6677, ext. 3215 330.461.1081, cell Webmaster Your name here Directors: 2016: Ken Hazard 440.526.5891 2015: Adam Stearns 330.808.0294 2014: Buzz Riopelle 330.483.3360 Ohio State Extension Specialist Denise Ellsworth OSU Dept. of Entomology 330.263.3723 State of Ohio Inspector Barbara Bloetscher 614.644.5839 Medina Co. Bee Inspector Dustin Thompson 740.272-2828, 614.230.2868 Medina Co Ext Office Ashley Kulhanek 330.725.4911/ THE BEE HERDER Publication of the Medina County Beekeeper’s Association Next Meeting March 17th, 2014 @ 7:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Jim Tew Topic: "The Natural Bee Nest in an Artificial Hive" Dr. James E. Tew is the beekeeping specialist for the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Auburn University and emeritus professor, The Ohio State University. Jim has taught classes, provided extension services, and conducted applied research on honey bees and honey bee behavior specifically pollination behavior. Additionally, he continues to contribute monthly articles for national beekeeping publications and has authored: Beekeeping Principles, Backyard Beekeeping, a chapter in The Hive and the Honey Bee, and Wisdom for Beekeepers. He is a frequent speaker at state and national meetings and has traveled extensively to observe beekeeping techniques. “Beginners Half Hour” The “Beginners Half Hour” at 6:30 across the street as usual, so bring your questions, observations and notebooks so you can ask, and get answered those questions that too often don’t get asked during the regular meeting. Bee Feeders Dry Pollen Feeders will be available to club members at the March Meeting. Cost: $15.00 Includes assembled, painted dry pollen feeder with one (1# Ultra Bee Dry Pollen Substitute) bag dry pollen. Made with cut lengths of PVC, end piece, diverter, eyelets and a length of chain for hanging. Completely assembled, painted and ready to hang. Just add baggie of dry pollen (provided) and hang! Ready before the trees are. Nutrition is so important and your hive needs dry pollen for rearing brood. A portion of the net profit will be donated to the club. Refreshments from Kathy Summers SNACKS – Please remember to bring something to share with the club members. It doesn’t have to be homemade. Questions, comments or suggestions please contact Kathy Summers (Editor’s note; we sure could use a donation of honey for our meetings. We go through about a pound a meeting, this is from personal experience. We are after all a Beekeeping Club and shouldn’t have to BUY honey! Thank you. Tracy ☺) It’s time to RENEW your MEMBERSHIP Treasurer’s Report by Paul Kosmos Our membership continues to grow. MCBA now has 242 members. 134 members have paid their dues for 2014 so far. That means there are still 108 members who have not realized the joy of supporting MCBA in 2014! Unpaid members are removed from the club roster following the April meeting. Membership dues for 2014 are due now. It would be greatly appreciated if we could complete dues collection as early in the year as possible. Please see me at the meetings or mail your check with the form below. MCBA Financials: Library Fund Financials: Feb 2014 YTD INCOME Sales Cost of Sales Education – Tuition Education – Materials Member Dues Other Income TOTAL INCOME 0.00 0.00 2410.00 (1139.57) 540.00 14.25 404.68 0.00 0.00 3400.00 (1972.69) 1700.00 92.65 3219.96 EXPENSES Bank Charge Bees Clothing Communications Equipment Fees Gifts given Insurance Meals & Entertn Miscellaneous Refreshments Repairs Speaker Support Supplies TOTAL EXPENSES OVERALL TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 (0.09) 46.92 0.00 522.90 218.77 828.59 (423.91) 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 (0.09) 46.92 0.00 1211.97 218.77 1544.77 1675.19 MCBA Balance as of Feb 28, 2014: less Sales Tax Payable: Feb 2014 YTD INCOME Other Income TOTAL INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENSES Meals & Entertn TOTAL EXPENSES OVERALL TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.00) Library fund as Feb 28, 2014: $783.87 MCBA footnotes: • Communication Expense for Feb will show in March for $26.07 plus actual March expense. Library fund footnotes: • none 11210.44 (0.00) Annual notes: The MCBA Beginner's class has been a great success, especially considering the brutally cold winter. A total of 51 new members took the class (between the Saturday and Tuesday classes). It is wonderful to see the continuing enthusiasm for our honey bees! March in the Bee Yard Spring is Coming!? Photo from Paul Kosmos. 1) Make use of resources for learning. This includes attending meetings, reading books and magazines, and using the Internet. A) click on the “Training Program” link, then choose your topic. B) “The Ohio State University Bee Lab” C) The Brushy Mountain Bee Farm website again, click on the topic of your choice. D) “These resources are brought to you by the Cooperative Extension System and your Local Institution”, this is an excellent site. E) I find this site very informative and helpful, hopefully you will also. Spring is just around the corner and this is a very critical time for our bees. It’s at this time of year when we have the majority of our “Winter” losses due to starvation. As ashamed as I am to admit it this has happened in my apiary this year. Two of my colonies STARVED to death! It’s nobody’s fault but mine! It wasn’t “too cold, for too long”, there wasn’t a pesticide issue, it wasn’t Varroa, Virus, or Nosema, it was all my fault for not making sure there was more than enough food! When I went through the dead colonies there, wasn’t a single cell with either pollen or honey in it, only dead bees. I failed to take care of these colonies. Now I would like to say that this will never happen again, and I will do my very best to make sure it doesn’t, there is a lesson here for me, if you “think” they will be okay, add more food. There hasn’t been a colony yet that died from too much good food! Check your colonies to make sure there is still food in them. You can do this by trying to lift one end of the colony, if you can lift it easily, add food! Also, you can remove the top and look to see where the bees are. If all your bees are at the very top of the hive then add some form of food, a candy board, a slab of fondant, even some dry sugar on a piece of newspaper can make all the difference. In this months “Bee Culture” there is a recipe for a “Sugar Slurry” that you can feed your bees. Now is also a good time to add that “Pollen” Patty. Don’t let your bees STARVE TO DEATH like I did! Tracy Alarcon, Editor • Now is a good time to start monitoring your Varroa Mite levels using a “Sticky Board”. • Ventilation. An upper entrance can be very helpful to the bees. It allows the warm moist air to leave the hive helping prevent cold water from dripping down on the girls, wet cold bees are dead bees!!! • Insulation- There are many different opinions regarding insulating Hives for the winter. I know it’s hard to believe beekeepers having different opinions! One suggestion is to use 2” rigid foam insulation on top of the inner cover and under the outer cover. The idea is the inner cover won’t get so cold that the condensation from the bees breathing freezes on the inner cover, then thaws and rains down cold water on the girls. Cold wet bees are DEAD BEES. If you do this tape over the hole in the inner cover, the girls will chew on the insulation, which probably is not good for them. It also lowers the insulation value. • Wrapping- Some beekeepers “wrap” their hives to try and help the girls make it through the winter. So now that Spring is almost here the question is “When do I unwrap the colony”? There are of course many answers to that question and all of them are good. Some unwrap their colonies when the first dandelion blooms and they add supers for honey, others unwrap when they feel it is time to “reverse” the brood boxes, some will wait until Memorial day to completely unwrap their colonies. So as you can see all good answers, I unwrap when the wrapping gets to be too much trouble when working the colonies, around the time the first dandelions bloom. • If needed provide a reliable water source. New-Bees For those of you that are new to the club and beekeeping, a hearty WELCOME!! I’m sure that many of you are wondering what you should be doing right now while waiting for your bees to arrive. Below are some suggestions to help you get ready for this exciting adventure! • Study! Read your book from the Beginners Class. If you have already read it, re-read it again, cover to cover! Follow the links in “Bee Yard” section. You can never have too much knowledge. • Attend the “Beginners Half Hour” and the regular meeting. • Set up your apiary site, where your bees are going to go. REGISTER YOUR APIARY with the Ohio Dept. of Ag. The new registration form is • Practice lighting your smoker. Follow the link for a short video demonstration from The Ohio State Beekeepers Assoc. NOTICE of Proposal to change BYLAWS. The club will vote on this issue at the April meeting. Article VIII Section 1. This Constitution or Bylaws may be changed at any regular business meeting by a majority present, provided such changes are submitted to all members in writing at least 30 days prior to the date when they are voted upon. 2014 Proposed Amendments to Article VII Many of the Standing Committees called for in the Bylaws have gone unfilled and unused for at least 7 years. Some of the functions called for in the Bylaws have been absorbed into various officer responsibilities. It is time for a comprehensive review of the Standing Committees that we should have in the Club. 1. Proposed - Strike Section 1.A, the Membership committee, in its entirety. This function has been largely incorporated into the Treasurers function. 2. Proposed - Strike Section 1.B, the Public Relations committee, in its entirety. These duties have been executed when necessary by the Club's officers. 3. Proposed - Strike Section 1.C, the Publicity & Education committee, in its entirety. The relevant duties are executed via the Newsletter and the Website, both functions of the Communications Committee. 4. Proposed - Strike Section 1.E, the Mutual Assistance committee, in its entirety. This position has not been filled nor the function called upon in over <10?> years. Should the need arise, the position can be filled on an ad-hoc basis pursuant to Section 2. 5. Proposed - If one or more of the above Proposals are adopted, renumber the remaining subsections as necessary. 6. Proposed - Amend the Communications Committee to read "The Communications Committee shall publish regular notices of meetings and other beekeeping information to members and to the public at large through channels such as the newsletter and website. The Communications Committee shall be chaired by the Editor." Knowledge is power; ignorance is expensive Upcoming Speakers for 2014 Kim has outdone himself again with another GREAT SLATE of speakers for the coming year! Tell all your beekeeping friends to make the trip to Medina to listen and learn from these amazing people! Guests are always welcome!! April 21 – Jeff Harris, Extension Specialist, Mississippi State, (columnist) – Summer Time, and the livin’ is Busy, getting the most from your bees without overdoing it. “Although the hot summer time in Mississippi is ideal for sipping a mint julep under the shade of an oak tree, it is not time to fully relax. I assume the same is true for God's country up here in Ohio. Many beekeepers busy themselves with extracting the primary honey crop, taking care of wet extracted combs, and forever battling the Small Hive Beetles that continue to grow in numbers well into August. This is a time to take care of the crop, the combs, but more importantly, it is a time to allow colonies to contract their broodnests and ride out the hot and driest part of the year with only a nominal loss in overall colony strength. This is also the time to re-sample for Varroa mites and make decisions about treating with chemicals long before winter bee production. It may be the dog-days, but work never ends for the beekeeper.” May 19 – TBA June 16 – Jenner Berry, University of Georgia Research Specialist (columnist), Queen rearing workshop on the weekend, then “Raising the best queens in the world…in your beeyard.” July & Aug – Medina County Fair Sept 15 – Vaughn Bryant, Texas A&M, “Everything you ever wanted to know about identifying pollen in your honey.” Oct 20 – Ed Cobey, Bee Culture Columnist, Ski Patrol, and beekeeper for our Oct meeting. Topic…Gettin’er done. Keeping bees Full Speed. Nov 17 – Elections, year-end summary of Medina’s honey crop, and Beeyard summary and photos. Dec 15 - Christmas Party Remember to REGISTER YOUR APIARY It’s that time again to register your apiary with the Ohio Dept. of Ag. Follow the link For Sale (paid advertisement. “We, MCBA, explicitly do not warrant the transaction in any way. All sales are at buyer's/seller's own risk.2”) Package bees from Georgia, 3 lbs. Ital. starting at $99. Available 1st. week of April. Also 5-frame NUCS from central Florida tentatively priced at $145(maybe lower). FOB Wellington, Ohio--call 440-281-2688 for early reservations or FOB Grove City (Columbus)--614-506-4523. From: Morris Hinton, keeping bees since 1991. Honey Bee Mine Apiaries and Hinton Apiaries. Membership Application or Renewal Medina County Beekeepers Association Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Check here if this is a renewal and all information on the roster is correct. Otherwise, please fill out the section below: E-mail _____________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________ Zip _____________ Phone ___________________________ (Optional) # of Colonies ____ 2014 dues are $20 for email delivery, $25 for mailed newsletters. Make checks payable to Medina Co. Beekeepers Assn. and send care of: P Kosmos, 6386 State Road, Sharon Township, OH 44281. Please do not use this if you will be taking the Beginner Class. "Man masters nature not by force but by understanding." Jacob Bronowski “The Bee Herder” C/O Tracy Alarcon 2860 St. Rt. 225 Diamond OH, 44412 The Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry (OSCR) from Jared Shaffer Pesticide drift from target areas may damage sensitive crops and organisms such as honeybees, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes and broadleaf vegetables. Communication between beekeepers, producers and pesticide applicators is critical to avoid personal/property damage while allowing target crops to benefit from applied pesticides. The Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry (OSCR) is a voluntary informational tool designed to allow stakeholders an effective way to communicate and protect organic crops, pesticide-sensitive crops and apiaries. OSCR was developed and is operated by the Ohio Department of Agricultures’ Pesticide & Fertilizer Regulation section, which trains and licenses over 30,000 pesticide applicators and more than 13,000 pesticide products operating in the state of Ohio. Registered apiarists and organic and pesticide-sensitive crop producers have the ability to draw their locations on an online map and share them with other registered users. Licensed pesticide applicators in the state of Ohio, such as farmers spraying their crops or ODOT crews applying roadside herbicides, can log-in to the system and search the map for sensitive areas nearby. Apiaries in particular can be difficult for pesticide applicators to spot and avoid. Although beekeepers must post their contact information in every apiary, OSCR can be used in addition to these postings to help applicators locate apiaries and contact the beekeepers before spraying. To help ensure the highest-quality data for pesticide spray planning, the Ohio Department of Agriculture verifies each user registration request and each crop location submission before the data is entered into the Registry. Due to this verification process, OSCR is currently designed for use by commercial agricultural entities only; homeowners with private gardens, landscaping along roadways and community areas are not eligible to use the OSCR system. Only apiarists and those who produce crops for sale will be approved to enter data into the system. This level of quality control is designed to allow for the continued success of OSCR and the optimal use of pesticides in Ohio. Users can register for an account online through the OSCR website. Paper enrollment forms will be made available to those without internet access who also wish to register. These forms can be acquired by contacting ODA at 614-728-6386, or the local OSU Extension office. OSCR can be accessed directly via this address: For more information, visit the OSCR website or contact Jared Shaffer at: Attention: Sensitive Crop Registry Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide & Fertilizer Regulation 8995 E. Main Street, Bldg. 23 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-3399 Phone: 614-728-6386 Fax: 614-466-9754 Email: 2014 March 19 - MCBA Website Training Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 pm Because the weather was so bad, MCBA is hosting a second session to learn how to contribute to our website. If you couldn't make the last session, please join us on March 19th. Or if you'd like a refresher or a deeper dive into any topics, join in. We will adjust the syllabus based on what you want to learn. We will set up your account, edit a page, start a discussion, create new pages and learn lots of tricks so you can get started making the club's website a better, more useful tool. MCBA hosts an "open website" that any member can edit. You can ask questions on our website - or answer them. You can create a beeyard report, write a page about the latest pesticide research, comment about different kinds of beekeeping equipment, or just help keep the list of Current Events up to date. Our website depends on the effort of volunteers and will be as much or as little as we, the members, make of it. Location: Medina County Library computer room. The Computer Lab has 18 computers available first-come, first-served but you can also bring your own laptop and connect to the library's internet connection. The Columbiana County and Portage County Tree Sale Below is from the Portage Soil and Water newsletter. Follow the above link for the complete newsletter with ordering information. Help FEED the BEES! “Patrons include hunters, beekeepers, birders, nature enthusiasts, timber producers, and fruit and nut growers. Since we know that conservation land management choices are not always black and white, we have once again sought the input of area experts to better meet the challenge. We have worked together to offer a list of plants that will meet a number of landowner needs without compromising the future integrity of our natural areas and resources. Beekeepers: Kim Flottum, author, and editor of Bee Culture magazine We received several plant requests from beekeepers this year. Kim had wonderful insights and several species on our lists were removed and replaced by plants that offered a higher value to honey bees as well as native bees. American Basswood was specifically requested and we are happy to offer this tree. Since we all benefit from the pollination services provided by bees, we should try to improve our landscape by adding plants that keep these important insects well nourished. Kim says that planting Red Maple and Sugar Maple is like providing meat and potatoes. Maples are among our earliest flowering plants and provide bees with their first food of the season. Other trees we offer that help bridge the gap before spring gets into full bloom are River Birch, Tulip tree, and Sycamore. But we have one last plant to recommend based on our conversations with Kim. He told us about being in Ireland for a beekeeping workshop. He said that while he was there he was served “Hawthorn” honey and he now claims it is some of the best honey he has ever tasted. Hawthorn is also a great plant for birds. And if you are thinking its main attraction is the berries, well you might be interested to learn that over 160 species of insects use this plant as a food source…..think that might attract some birds?” Ohio State Beekeepers Association OSBA has provided beekeepers across the state with many enjoyable and educational experiences throughout the year. Our 2013 Fall Conference, was abuzz with almost 400 beekeepers, honey judging, interesting break-out sessions and a wide variety of vendors….and we’re planning even bigger and better activities in 2014. Upcoming OSBA Conferences: June 7: Keynote Speakers: Jerry Hayes and Keith Delaplane, Location: Miami University, Oxford OH Nov 1: Keynote Speakers: Sue Cobey and Mike Palmer, Location: Tolles Career and Technical Center, Plain City, OH Over 160 beekeepers enrolled in the OSBA Certified Master Beekeeper Program. Don’t be left out! This self-paced program helps expand your beekeeping knowledge and helps you step outside of your comfort zone. Visit our website for all the details. Dear Ohio Beekeepers, We would like to invite you, as a beekeeper in Ohio, to participate in a survey of springtime bee health that is being conducted by Dr. Reed Johnson in the Department of Entomology at the Ohio State University. The purpose of this study is to compare the success of honey bee colonies near crop fields with colonies away from crop fields to determine the role that crop fields play in bee deaths in April, May and June. Do not worry if your hives aren't near crop fields - we need your survey responses too! Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw from the study at any time with no strings attached. If you would like to participate in the study, you will be asked to complete a brief survey about the location of your apiary in relation to nearby crop fields and the health of your honey bee colonies. The survey is estimated take 5 - 15 minutes. Your knowledge will contribute substantially to understanding how the surrounding landscape may influence the health of honey bees and we highly appreciate any feedback you can provide. Please complete the survey by August 31, 2014. See if you have any questions. Colony Assessment- Online Class This online class is offered by The University of California. To access the class, follow the link above. When you get to the site you can login as a guest or you can create an account, I logged in as a guest. Then in the upper left of the web page click on the “ANR Online Learning” part of the page. This will take you to the all courses page where you can follow the link to the, Honey Bees and Colony Strength Evaluation class. This is well worth your time! This ezine is also available online at CATCH THE BUZZ New Model For Virtual Hive Lets Everybody Look At Bee Problems Alan Harman British scientists have created a virtual hive that gives them just about everything except a bee sting. In their search to unravel the complex causes of colony decline, the new computer model will help scientists, beekeepers and regulators to understand multiple environmental effects on honeybee colonies. The model simulates a honey bee colony over the course of several years. It is freely available at The scientists, led by Prof. Juliet Osborne of the Environment and Sustainability Institute at the University of Exeter, created what they call the Beehave model to simulate the life of a colony including the queen's egg laying, brood care by nurse bees and foragers collecting nectar and pollen in a realistic landscape. “It is a real challenge to understand which factors are most important in affecting bee colony growth and survival,” Osborne says. “This is the first opportunity to simulate the effects of several factors together, such as food availability, mite infestation and disease, over realistic time scales.” The model, published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, allows researchers, beekeepers and anyone interested in bees, to predict colony development and honey production under different environmental conditions and beekeeping practices. To build the simulation, the scientists brought together existing honeybee research and data to develop a new model that integrated processes occurring inside and outside the hive. The first results of the model show that colonies infested with the common parasitic mite Varroa can be much more vulnerable to food shortages. Effects within the first year can be subtle and might be missed by beekeepers during routine management. But the model shows these effects build up over subsequent years leading to eventual failure of the colony, if it was not given an effective Varroa treatment. Beehave can also be used to investigate potential consequences of pesticide applications. It can simulate the impact of increased loss of foragers. These results show colonies may be more resilient to this forager loss than previously thought in the short-term, but effects may accumulate over years, especially when colonies are also limited by food supply. Beehive simulations show that good food sources close to the hive will make a real difference to the colony and that lack of forage over extended periods leaves them vulnerable to other environmental factors. Addressing forage availability is critical to maintaining healthy hives and colonies over the long term. “The use of this model by a variety of stakeholders could stimulate the development of new approaches to bee management, pesticide risk assessment and landscape management,” Osborne says. “The advantage is that each of these factors can be tested in a virtual environment in different combinations, before testing in the field.” While Beehive is mathematically very complex, it has a user-friendly interface and a fully accessible manual so it can be explored and used by a large variety of interested people, she says. “It is a real challenge to understand which factors are most important in affecting bee colony growth and survival,” Osborne says. “This is the first opportunity to simulate the effects of several factors together, such as food availability, mite infestation and disease, over realistic time scales.” British Beekeepers Association president David Aston says the model will be an important tool in helping to understand the interactions and impact of the diverse stressors to which honey bee colonies can be exposed. “Not only will it be invaluable for scientific research purposes, but it will also be an important training tool to help beekeepers better understand the impacts of their husbandry and other factors on the health and survival of their colonies,” Aston says. This message brought to you by Bee Culture, The Magazine Of American Beekeeping, published by the A.I. Root Company. Find us at -Twitter. Facebook. Bee Culture’s Blog. Scientia potentia est
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