OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 23 Community Notices Classified Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm In Memoriam FEDORUK, MICKEY In loving memory of a beloved husband, father and Dido who passed away January 29, 2000. It's been 9 long years since you heard the trumpet at the race track or the bells at the casino, those were the fun times, weren't they dad. Missing you, Lovingly remembered by Anne, John, Patti, Linda and Trevor. In Memoriam MACDOUGALL, GEORGE WILLIAM In loving memory of a dear Son, Brother and Uncle who passed away January 27, 2007. Sadly missed along life's way. Quietly remembered every day. No longer in our life to share, But in our hearts, he’s always there. Obituary Obituary Obituary Obituary ARMSTRONG, JULIE(Employed by SKD Company as a cost consultant) Passed away at home on Sunday January 25, 2009 in her 41st year. Dear w i f e o f R o b e r t Wa l m s l e y. B e l o v e d mother of Richard. Julie is sadly missed by her parents Margaret and Matthew Armstrong and by her brothers Martin and Craig. Daughter-in-law of Douglas and Shirley Walmsley and sister-in-law of Linda Fletcher. Friends will be received at the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton 905-878-2669 on Thursday from 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. The Funeral Service will take place on Friday January 30, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. from WALTON MEMORIAL UNITED CHURCH, 2 4 8 9 L a k e s h o re R d . W. , O a k v i l l e . I n t e r m e n t t o f o l l o w, E v e rg re e n Cemetery, Milton. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to Halton Healthcare would be appreciated by the family. Donations and condolences online at www.earlyfuneralhome.com ALBINSON, George- A long-time resident of Mooretown, more recently of Sarnia, ON, died at University Hospital, London, ON, on Sunday, January 18, 2009 in his 70th year. Dear brother of John and his wife Shirley (Abell) of Kingston, Dave and his wife Joyce (Pyke) of Oakville. Loving uncle of Chris and his wife Debby and family of Larkspur, California, Paula and her husband Dean Hewson and family of Chicago, Illinois, Christine and her husband Paul Batacharya of Oakville and Leanne Albinson of Oakville. Also m i s s e d by d e a r f r i e n d s D ave a n d Madeline Drope of Petrolia, Pat Burke from Blenheim and god-daughter Cher y l A i r ey o f M i s s i s s a u g a . P r e d e ceased by his mother Ruth and father George. George was a long-time employee of Polysar-Lanxess. A Celebration of Life will be held at SMITH FUNERAL HOME, 1576 London Line, Sarnia, at 2:00 pm. on Saturday, February 7, 2009. In lieu of flowers, donations in George's memory made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Diabetes Association, or the London Health Sciences Centre Dialysis Unit would be appreciated. Memories and condolences may be sent online to www.smithfuneralhome.ca. JACOB, Brittany Victoria- The family announces with sorrow the sudden passing of Brittany Jacob on Friday, January 23, 2009 at the age of 17. Loving daughter of Victor and Maria, cherished sister of Stacey and Aaron. Forever remembered by her grandparents Manuel and Alda Jacob, Luigi and Elvira Chiappetta. Brittany will be sadly missed by her aunts, uncles, cousins, extended family and friends. In celebration of her life, we are proud to say that Brittany has saved the lives of five individuals through organ donation. Her spirit will live on forever in our hearts. The family received friends at the Glen Oaks Memorial Chapel & Reception Centre, 3164 Ninth Line (Dundas/403) Oakville, 905-257-8822, on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. A Funeral Mass will be held (today) Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at St. Matthew's Roman Catholic Church, 1151 Monk's Passage, Oakville at 11 a.m. Interment at Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Team Brother Bear. Online guest book and condolences at www.glenoaks.ca. FEERE, Patricia (nee Coles)- It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Patricia (Pat) Feere on January 26, 2009 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital from the complications of Type #1 diabetes. Born in Cobalt, Ontario, she moved with her family to St. Catharines in 1940, after her marriage in 1957 and various moves around Ontario, she and her family settled in Oakville in 1975. The loving wife of Frank Feere fo r 5 1 ye a r s a n d m o t h e r o f C l a r k (Sue), Kim, Jamie (Susan), Stuar t (Sherry) and Bob (Jennifer). Loving grandmother of David, Scott, Devan, Ryan, Kali, Kyrsten, Paige, Sarah, Kaitlyn, Victoria and Emma. Loving sister to Mary (Doug) Laister, Beverley (Rheal), Benard, Bob (Maureen) Coles, and sister- in-law to Bunny Coles, Cliff Skeoch, Ruth and Ted Dodman. Predeceased by her sister Marjorie Skeoch (1996) and her brother John "Bud" Coles (2005). Pat worked for State Farm Insurance for 16 years, retiring in 1993. The years since then were spent travelling the globe, and enjoying their friendships with the Oakville Mall Walkers (Innersoles) and The Combined PROBUS Club of North Oakville. Special thanks to Dr. Rouse and all the OTMH ICU Doctors and Nursing Staff. The visitation will take place Thursday January 29th, 2009, 2-4 and 7-9 at Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville. The memorial service will take place at Glen Abbey United Church, 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville, on Friday January 30th, 2009 at 2 pm. with reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association or the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital would be appreciated by the f a m i l y. O n l i n e c o n d o l e n c e s a t www.koprivatayor.com With Love, Mom (Mabel), Digger & Nancy, Betty, Jackie. Also dearly missed by Ken & Kay (Daphne), Dennis & Shelly and Goddaughter Karen, and families. Obituary Classifieds get results! on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2009 in the OAKVILLE BEAVER Has Cupid aimed his arrow at you? ♥ Moms ♥ Dads ♥ Siblings ♥ Grandparents ♥ Husbands ♥ Wives ♥ Best Friends ♥ Sweethearts Don’t let this Valentine’s Day slip away without telling the people you love how much they really are loved. Final Deadline: 5 pm TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2009 To send your unique personal Valentine message, just fill out the form below ♥ or call 905-632-4440 Please print your message clearly: Actual Size photo Remember to include a photo with your order! ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Sample: ___________________________ To My Sweetheart, ___________________________ Violets are blue, I Love you, Sweet Cake LOVE LINES are just $19.99 +GST = $20.99 (up to 15 words) to place an ad call 905 337.5610 MCFARLAND, Bruce- The family is saddened to announce the passing of Bruce, a loving father and grandfather in his 93rd year at Post Inn Village, Oakville, on January 23, 2009. He was predeceased by his wife Barbara (nee Hill), his brothers Howard and Alvin and sister Helen. He will be fondly missed by his children Sharon Denley and Ron (Nancy) and grandchildren Sara Calder (Graeme), Matthew Denley and Emily McFarland. Bruce led a very full life which included service in the army overseas during WWII, and a long career with the CNR. He lit up the lives of all that he met and will be truly missed. A special thanks to the amazing staff at Post Inn Village for making Br uce's last days special. Family and friends will be received at Ward Funeral Home- 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, 905-844-3221 on Thursday January 29 at 12 p.m. with a service to follow in the chapel at 1 p.m. In lieu of flowers donations to OTMH would be appreciated by the family. ❑ Cheque ❑ Money Order ❑ Visa ❑ MC of your baby’s precious hand or footprint ❑ Amex Credit Card No.________________________________________Exp.Date_________ Name:_________________________________Signature:_______________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ Phone No: Bus:_______________________Home:__________________ Mail or Drop off: The BURLINGTON POST, 5040 Mainway Ave., Burlington L7L 7G5 Payment must accompany order Call 905-632-4440 Deadline: 5pm Tues., Feb. 10 Obituary EDGHILL, Celita "Granny"- On Sunday, January 25, 2009 at the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital in her 93rd year. Loving mother of Olga Edghill, and Karen and her husband Frank Apang. Pre deceased by her daughter Margar e t a n d h e r t wo s o n s M o r t o n a n d Vaughn. Celita had 14 grand children, 19 great grand children and 2 great great grand children and was Granny to many more. Visitation will take place at the Glen Oaks Reception Centre, 3164 9th Line (at Dundas) 905-257-8822 on Thursday from 6:00 8:00 pm. Funeral ser vice to take place at St. Andrews Parish, 47 Reynolds St., Oakville on Friday at 11:00 am. Burial to follow at Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens. Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the ESTATE OF KATHRYN SHAUN NAUMETZ, Barrister and Solicitor, late of the Town of Oakville, Province of Ontario, who died on June 18, 2007, must be filed with the undersigned Solicitors for the Estate Trustee on or before the 30th day of January, 2009, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims of which the Estate Trustee then shall have notice. Dated at Burlington January 5, 2009. and you will receive a voucher for ($25.00 value) compliments of: Form of Payment: E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com www.WeePiggies.com Tel: 905-825-8731 • Email: oakville@weepiggies.com Call 905-632-4440 to place your announcement Sheila Christine White, Estate Trustee By her Solicitors Cass & Bishop Professional Corporation Barristers 3455 Harvester Rd., Unit 31 Burlington, ON. L7N 3P2. Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY DE LES DERNIERS BRONSON also known as MARYDEL BRONSON Claims against the estate of Mary de Les Derniers Bronson, also known as Marydel Bronson, late of the Town of Oakville, in the Regional Municipality of Halton, who died on the 25th day of September, 2008 must be in our hands by February 28, 2009 after which the estate will be distributed. PAUL R. DAVIDSON, ESQ. Estate Trustee RYRIE, KERR, DAVIDSON 233 Robinson Street Oakville, ON, L6J 4Z5
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