2012 Advertising Rates 2012 Advertising Rates

Advertising Rates
2012 Advertising Rates
retail/classified display rates
Dollar Volume
Spot Color 2 Color 4 Color
ContractPCI RatePCI RateRateRateRate
Open Rate $3,000-$7,999 $8,000-$29,999 $30,000-$59,999 $60,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000-$199,999 $200,000-$299,999 $300,000+
Basic ROP Frequency Plans
All ads must run within a 30-day period.
Ad copy changes are permitted for each ad.
Mix-and-match ad sizes. Prices are marked as
per ad. Process color may be added for $270
more per ad.
3x Frequency
9x Frequency
Full Page: $1,700
Full Page: $1,300
Half Page:
Half Page: $969
Quarter Page: $544
Quarter Page: $400
Eighth Page: $289
Eighth Page: $215
REPEAT discountS
Retail/Classified Repeat Discounts
Repeats ads within 7 days. Same ad, without copy changes. Cannot be
used with other discounts or offers. Sunday is not available for discount.
Day One/Sunday, Full Price; 2nd Repeat, 25% Discount; Day Three-Six,
50% Discount.
Discounts apply to color. All ads must run within 7 days.
All ads must be ordered at the same time.
special rates
Fixed Position
Position, if available, will be guaranteed for a 25% surcharge.
Charitable Rate
Sunday Color
Available to established organizations with 501(c)3 status. Preprint
level, 6-12x rate. Does not apply to any Herald-Sun contract.
Political Rate
Sunday Color
Preprint level, 6-12x rate.
Political rates apply to statewide or national political candidate only
or advertising that deals with a public issue. Political advertising must
designate the name of the person paying for the ad; in case of a
committee or organization, its name and treasurer must appear. Political and issue advertising are cash with copy. Does not apply to
any Herald-Sun contract. 25% repeat discount on ads placed within 7
days without copy changes
In compliance with North Carolina General Statute 1-596 & 1-597 on
Public Notice Advertising Rates, legals will publish as 8 point type with
8 point leading.
stand-by advertising
Ads in 1/4, 1/2 and full page sizes may be placed to run in The HeraldSun as needed any given month. Ads must be in-house and camera
ready with a minimum of a two-week window. The advertiser may not
choose day or placement of ad.
$649 $1,082
2012 The Herald-Sun Advertising Rates
space reservation deadlines
Monday.......................................................... Friday 11:00 am
Tuesday........................................................... Friday 4:00 pm
Wednesday................................................... Monday 4:00 pm
Thursday.......................................................Tuesday 4:00 pm
Friday...................................................... Wednesday 4:00 pm
Saturday..................................................... Thursday 4:00 pm
Sunday....................................................... Thursday 4:00 pm
New Year’s Day...............................................................Jan. 1
Memorial Day...............................................................May 28
Independence Day.........................................................July 4
Labor Day.................................................................... Sept. 3
Thanksgiving................................................................Nov. 22
Christmas.................................................................... Dec. 25
Holidays charges at Sunday rates.
Holiday deadline 24hrs in advance.
the herald-sun/
chapel hill herald/tmc
preprint rates
The following schedule of rates will apply to preprinted sections
included as part of The Herald-Sun. The rates shown are based
on CPM (cost per thousand).
Open 6-12 13-26 27-38 39-51 52+
Half Sheet
Single Sheet
2 Std/4 Tab
4 Std/8 Tab
$40 $42
$32 $34
$31 $33
$30 $32
$29 $31
6 Std/12 Tab
8 Std/16 Tab
10 Std/20 Tab
12 Std/24 Tab
14 Std/28 Tab
16 Std/32 Tab
18 Std/36 Tab
20 Std/40 Tab
22 Std/44 Tab
24 Std/48 Tab
26 Std/52 Tab
28 Std/56 Tab
$73 $74
Please add $1/M for each additional 2 Std/4 Tab-page increment over 28 Std. Pages/56 Tab. In between page count sizes
are charged at the next level.
• Recommended weight for two (2) page cards is 70 lb. or
• Reservations are due 10 days prior to distribution.
• Preprints are due seven (7) days prior to Sunday or daily
2012 The Herald-Sun Advertising Rates
• Preprints should be shipped to:
The Herald-Sun Attn: Packaging
2828 Pickett Road, Durham, NC 27705
• Loading dock hours are 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday - Friday
• All preprints are subject to prior approval.
• Zoned inserting is available
• A surcharge of $5 per thousand will apply to preprint distribution below 20,000 pieces. Minimum distribution is 5,000 daily,
10,000 Sunday.
All measurements are based on the largest sheet of the preprint.
Page depth of greater than eleven (11) inches, but not to exceed
twenty-one (21) inches, and width up to 10 inches shall be
considered a standard section.
Total page size larger than 7” x 10” (70 square inches) and up
to page size of 11.5” x 10.5” (120.75 square inches) shall be
considered a tabloid section.
Page sizes 7” x 10” (70 square inches) or smaller shall be
considered a mini. Billing will be at 50 percent of the number of
pages times the appropriate tab frequency CPM rate.
Wrappers are printed on 45 lb. paper as a 2-page standard or
4-page tab. The following CPMs include composition, printing,
distribution and process color in addition to black. Total cost is
calculated by multiplying the CPM by the quantity delivered. The
deadline for camera-ready materials is usually seven (7) days,
but can vary based on the distribution day and press availability.
Please check with your account executive to establish a deadline. CPM (2 pages w/color)
26x 52x
Mechanical requirements
Printing method: Goss Metro Offset Press. Repro proofs preferred.
ROP (6 column ad format, Depth 21”)
6 columns x 21 inches = 126 inches
Column make-up measure as follows: Standard
1 column ... 1.5278” 4 columns ... 6.6111”
2 column ... 3.2222” 5 columns ... 8.3056”
3 column ... 4.9167” 6 columns ... 10”
Double truck: 21” x 21” (13 columns)
Minimum type size..................................................7 points
we-print rates
We-prints are newspaper sections, printed in advance and
inserted into The Herald-Sun. The deadline for finished cameraready materials is seven (7) days prior to distribution day. Copy
for sections requiring layout and design must be submitted ten
(10) days in advance. The sections are printed on regular 30 lb.
newsprint or 45 lb. brite white. The flowing CPMs include printing and process color on all available pages and production.
Minimum printing quantity is 20,000.
Size 4 Pg Std/8 Pg Tab
6 Pg Std/12 Pg Tab
8 Pg Std/16 Pg Tab
10 Pg Std/20 Pg Tab
12 Pg Std/24 Pg Tab
30 lb. Newsprint
Brite White
ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Stitch & Trim Tab - Stitching and
trimming a tabloid we-print is available. Add $20/M.
Finished Size: 9.75” x 9.75” Live Area: 9” x 9”
NOTE: Sections larger that 12 Std/24 Tab will be quoted on an
individual basis.
CLASSIFIED (6 column ad format, Depth 21”)
6 columns x 21 inches = 126 inches
Column make-up measure as follows: Standard
1 column ... 1.5278” 4 columns ... 6.6111”
2 column ... 3.2222” 5 columns ... 8.3056”
3 column ... 4.9167” 6 columns ... 10”
Double truck: 21” x 21” (13 columns)
Minimum type size..................................................7 points
The preferred reproduction materials are digital images on CD.
Halftones should be screened with an 85 line screen, although
finer screens are accepted at the advertiser’s risk. Screen tints
of less than 20% or more than 40% should be avoided. Please
contact your account executive if you are interested in submitting an advertisement electronically.
Publisher...........................Rick Bean
Advertiser Director.............Tom Tuttle
Sales Manager..................David Jones
Classified Supervisor..........April Gainey
Social Media Coordinator/
Graphic Designer...............Pam Lappegard
(919) 419-6501
(919) 419-6704
(919) 419-6706
(919) 419-6700
(919) 419-6719
2012 The Herald-Sun Advertising Rates
CHAPEL HILL HERALD retail/classified display rates
Dollar VolumeRetail DailyRetail SMC* Class Daily Class SMC* Spot Color 2 ColorProcess Color
ContractRateRateRateRate Rate Rate Rate
Open Rate $18.93
$1,000-$1,999 $10.76
$2,000-$3,999 $10.22
$4,000-$6,999 $9.55
$7,000-$9,999 $8.80
$10,000-$14,999 $8.36
$15,000-$19,999 $7.94
$20,000-$29,999 $7.54
$30,000-$49,999 $7.17
$50,000-$69,999 $6.80
$70,000-$99,999 $6.47
$100,000+ $6.15
2 Day Weekly Pkg.: Wed, Fri, or Sun 3 Day Weekly Pkg.: Wed, Fri, or Sun DAILY
$13.46 $6.06 ANY COLOR
$75 per ad
$50 per ad
Modular 30-day rates:
Anytime 4-11
$475 $385 $300 QUARTER
$260 $210 $125 EIGHTH
Color Rates $135 per ad
(Included on full pages)
special rates
Daily $7.16
SMC $8.95
Charitable rates apply only to established, approved local
institutions with 501(c)3 status.
Pickup from the Herald-Sun
Daily SMC
Retail $5.57 $7.84
Classified $3.35 $4.50
Liners $0.56 $0.76
Pickup from the chapel hill herald to the
w/CHH w/o CHH
Contract Contract
Retail $21.63 $27.04
Classified $12.98 $18.39
Business must be located in Chapel Hill only.
Political rates
Daily $9.55
SMC $11.94
stand-by ads
Ads in 1/4, 1/2 and full page sizes may be placed to run in
The Chapel Hill Herald as needed any given month. Ads must
be in-house and camera ready with a minimum of a two-week
window. The advertiser may not choose day or placement of ad.
1/4 page 1/2 page full page
Retail $215 $325 $540
$100 $170
2012 The Chapel Hill Herald Advertising Rates
Adobe InDesign CS4 (or lower)
Photoshop CS4 (or lower)
• Digital Ads: digitalads@heraldsun.com
• FTP: ftp.heraldsun.com (user name: hsads / password:
ads4hs) using a FTP client.
Illustrator CS4 (or lower)
PDF (version 9 or lower)
• PDF (with fonts and picture files embedded)
• JPEG (Min. 200 DPI for picture files and 600 DPI for line art)
• EPS (Min. 200 DPI for picture files and 600 DPI for line art)
• TIFF (Min. 200 DPI for picture files and 600 DPI for line art)
• InDesign File (CS4 or lower. Must be accompanied with fonts
and picture files)
Up to 3 free. Additional tearsheets are 25cent each if ordered
prior to publication and 50 cents each if ordered after
publication. E-tearsheets available upon request.
PDF preferred (version 9 or lower). Must have fonts and picture
files embedded. All process colors must be saved in CMYK
production. Includes converting PMS, Pantone®, RGB, and SPOT
colors for CMYK process. If product will not appear in color, files
must be converted (including all resources) to gray scale. File
must be submitted in the correct size, or proportioned.
2012 The Herald-Sun Advertising Rates
The Herald-Sun reserve the right to edit or reject any copy
deemed objectionable either in subject matter, phraseology or
The Herald-Sun accepts responsibility for failure to correct errors
plainly noted on the proof provided closing times/deadlines
were met when ad was original submitted. Responsibility for
errors is limited to that part of the advertisement which contains
errors, and republication or adjustments will be made for that
amount of space in the next avail issue. Claims for adjustment
must be made within seven (7) days of publication.
Every effort will be made to prevent the omission of an advisement or a portion of an advertisement, but should omission
occur, The Herald-Sun will assume no liability or financial
responsibility for the omission.
If an advertiser fails to meet a contract advertising level, the
difference between the earned rate and the contracted rate will
be charged.
The Herald-Sun shall make every effort to follow original ad layout institutions. Should your make extensive changes in the ad
after is has been composed, an additional charge for $50.00
per hour will be incurred. Ads canceled after noon, two days
prior to publication, will billed at 1/2 rate.
Ads submitted and accepted after the published deadline will
incur a $50.00 per hour composition charge.
Any advertisement more than 19 inches in depth will be billed as full
21 inch column depth
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Cash, cashiers check or credit card must accompany order
unless credit has been established by the Publisher. To open an
account, a complete credit application must be submitted to
and approved by the Credit Department. Payment is considered
past due after the 20th day of the month following the calendar
month in which the ads ran. A 1.5% per month, (18% APR)
service charge will be assessed on all past balances. Advertisers who fail to pay within a 60-day period will be considered
delinquent and will be subject to a review of heir credit status
and in some cases, prepayment may be required for the future
advertising, Visa , Mastercard, Discover and American Express
2012 The Herald-Sun Advertising Rates
Terms, conditions and contract rates are subject to revision
by The Herald-Sun upon thirty (30) days written notice to the
advertiser. Upon said written notice and revision the advertiser
may cancel this contract and be released from further performance of contract without penalty. If the advertiser does not notify The Herald-Sun within fifteen (15) days of the written notice
of such revision, the same shall become part of the contract in
the same manner as if it had been set forth when signed. The
contract shall be automatically renewed under the same terms
and conditions at the end of the contract period unless either
party gives written notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the
expiration . All property rights, including any copyright interest
of an advertisement produced by The Herald-Sun using artwork
and/or typography furnished or arranged by the paper, will be
the property of The Herald-Sun. No such advertisement or any
part thereof may be reproduced without the prior written consent of The Herald-Sun. If another publication wishes to publish
an ad copyrighted by The Herald-Sun, they will be charged $25.
If another publication wishes for The Herald-Sun to supply a
non-copyrighted ad, the charge is $12. In either case, if the ad
has not been published in The Herald-Sun, we require permission from the advertiser before we release an advertisement.
2828 Pickett Road • P.O. Box 2092 • Durham, NC 27705
(919) 419-6500 • 1-800-672-0061 • Fax (919) 419-6878