S U N RETAIL ADVERTISING RATE CARD #67 T H E S U N D A Y 15 Kearney Square • P.O. Box 1477 • Lowell, Massachusetts 01853 Telephone: 978-458-7100 • Fax: 978-970-4723 • lowellsun.com & YOUR CITY • YOUR REGION • YOUR WORLD S U N The Lowell Sun covers an area that is on a major economic upswing. The Lowell area is home to major corporations, leading universities, excellent local school systems and highly regarded hospitals. It is also the home of several key historical, sporting and cultural attractions. The Lowell Sun’s primary market is a fast growing region of revitalized mill towns and New England villages. The region’s rich heritage and local pride offers the promise of continued economic growth and prosperity. VISIT US ON THE WEB EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1 2005 Deb Phinney, Vp Advertising 978-970-4760 Amy Davis, Real Estate & Automotive Sales Manager 978-970-4740 Betty Bukala, National Recruitment 978-970-4759 Island Positions (Stock Page) & TV Listing Page Per Column Inch Rates: Stock page is available Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Island position also available on classified pages. Minimum size 2 col. x 5” to 7.5” or 3 col. x 7.5” to 10” Days Per Week One Time Rate 26 Weeks 52 Weeks 1 $49.30 $43.85 $40.55 2 $46.00 $40.55 $37.25 3 $43.00 $38.10 $33.60 Consult Advertising Management for Requirements Preferred Positions Such as Amusements, Sports, Lifestyle, etc. Extra....................................................30% Combo Rates Available, Extra ............... 30% All advertisements over 10” SAU will appear on lowellsun.com for 7 days. Advertisements under 8” SAU can be repeated on lowellsun.com for an additional $20.00 for 7 days. When payment by contract advertiser is overdue, The Sun reserves the right to cancel the contract and bill the advertiser at the open, non-contract rate for all advertising run under the contract. Rates may be revised subject to 30 days notice. All other conditions of the contract apply. Repeat Insertion Rates (Net) Combination rates apply for 2nd, 3rd and 4th day insertion as listed in 5b. Day 1 rate becomes the appropriate contract rate. NO OTHER DISCOUNTS APPLY to these or any other rates when used under the bulk premise. Inches will be 100% credited to bulk contract fulfillment but are not applicable for rebate. 6. ZONED EDITIONS 5b. Combination Rates Zoned Advertising on Local News Page is available in the Suburban Edition only. Suburban Edition includes the following towns: Acton, Ayer, Boxboro, Concord, Groton, Harvard, Littleton, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend and Westford. Same copy must run all days without changes other than days or dates. 2 Day Combination Provided same copy is run within 5 days. 1st day, per column inch ....... $40.45 2nd day, per column inch......$24.25 Suburban Open Rate: Available Monday through Friday Minimum size 4 inches ................... $13.25 Sunday, Monday or Tuesday Combination Sunday - first day - open contract rate. Repeat the Sunday advertisement on the following Monday or Tuesday at third day rate of $19.25. Suburban Contract Rates: 100 inches per year........................$12.70 250 inches per year........................$12.45 500 inches per year........................$12.20 1000 inches per year......................$11.90 2000 inches per year......................$11.55 3 Day Optional Combination Provided same copy is run three times within 7 calendar days. (Available over 7 days if seventh day is a Saturday). 1st day, per column inch.......$40.45 2nd day, per column inch. .... $24.25 3rd day per column inch.......$20.25 Lead Local Suburban Edition ............................ $45.00 Metro Edition..................................$78.75 All Editions ..................................... $95.00 Any zoned ad can be repeated full run with no copy change within 4 days after original zoned insertion date at the 2nd day rate of $23.10 per inch. Ads may run full run prior to zone by same number of days only if Sunday is day selected. Political/Legal Zoned Open Rates (For Zoning see Political Rate Card) Suburban Editions............................$13.23 Metro Edition...................................$34.35 All Editions......................................$40.45 4 Day Combination Provided same copy is run four times within 7 calendar days. 1st day, per column inch.......$40.45 2nd day, per column inch. .... $24.25 3rd day, per column inch......$20.25 4th day, per column inch ...... $20.25 Second Impression Ad 60% Off The Open Rate: The same ad, same size will appear elsewhere in the same publication. 5c. Weekly Frequency Contract (Net) 6 Weeks 13 Weeks 26 Weeks 52 Weeks 2 inches $38.45 $37.15 $36.20 $35.60 3 to 6 inches $37.60 $36.20 $35.60 $34.30 7 to 10 inches $36.70 $35.60 $34.30 $33.45 • Minimum size ad must be used for 6 & 13 consecutive week period. • Minimum size ad must be used for 24 of a 26 consecutive week period. • Minimum size ad must be used for 48 of a 52 consecutive week period. Financial/Multiple Usage Rates: Financial contracts for multiple product users are available. (Please consult advertising management.) 7. PREPRINTED SUPPLEMENTS a) All inserts will count toward Bulk Contract fulfillment. Credit for each insert is based on total insert cost divided by individual Bulk Contract Rate to determine inch equivalency. b) Alternative Delivery Service (ADS) quantities are applicable for in-paper total distribution levels. In paper preprint, contract rates applicable when in paper rate is lower than ADS rate or vice versa. Rate per 1,000 - Daily or Sunday (signed contract required.) No Contract 3-5x 6-14x 15-25x 26-35x 70,000 & over $63.00 $56.00 $54.00 $51.00 $47.00 52,000-69,999 $65.00 $58.00 $56.00 $53.00 $49.00 35,000-51,999 $68.00 $62.00 $57.00 $55.00 $54.00 7,500 - 34,999 $71.00 $66.00 $61.00 $59.00 $59.00 5d. Special Pages (Net Rates) Page One - (6 col x 1”) One time............................................$142.00 per inch One time per week for 26 weeks. ........ $105.00 per inch One time per week for 52 weeks ......... $85.00** per inch 70,000 & over 52,000-69,999 35,000-51,999 7,500 - 34,999 Lead Page, Sports, Business or Local* - (6 col x 1” only) One time............................................$95.00 per inch One time per week for 26 weeks ......... $90.00 per inch One time per week for 52 weeks .............. $85.00** per inch Four color (if available) ............................ $105.00 additional charge *Local only has other sizes available. **Deduct 2 1/2% for each additional day on 52 week schedule. 36- 47x $44.00 $46.00 $50.00 $51.00 48-59x $40.00 $41.00 $46.00 $52.00 60-89x $38.00 $39.00 $43.00 $49.00 90-119x 120 & over $36.00 $35.00 $37.00 $36.00 $42.00 $41.00 $46.00 $45.00 Daily and Sunday Inserts Preprints 16 standard/32 tab pages and over are surcharged as follows: a) 18 standard/36 tab pages.....add $3.75 c.p.m. b) 24 standard/48 tab pages.....add $5.75 c.p.m. c) 30 standard/ 60 tab pages ....add $7.75 c.p.m. d) 36 standard/72 tab pages....(consult advertisement management) 3 01863 - North Chelmsford 01826 - Dracut 01821 - Billerica 01862 - North Billerica 01879 - Tyngsboro 03076 - Pelham, NH 01827 - Dunstable 01886 - Westford 01850, 01851, 01852, 01854 - Lowell • Multiple inserts on the same day from the same advertiser will result in a charge of $31.00 Cost per Thousand (CPM) for the second insert (not applicable to “subsidiaries”). A full rate insert must run for each discounted insert. • All preprint charges are billed only on total distribution, not on shipping requirements. • Monthly Earned Discounts DO NOT APPLY. • Single sheet inserts accepted. Must be on 60 lbs. or greater stock for better results. (See slipsheet rate card for more information). • Preprinted inserts may be tabloid size (approximately 10.5” x 13.5”) or standard size (approximately 13.5” x 21”) Exceptions must be submitted for approval. • Confirmed space reservations required, preferably 7 days prior to insertion. • Must be shipped prepaid to 78 Barnum Road, Devens, MA 01434, not less than 7 days prior to date of insertion. Hours are7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. (Skids required.) • When using The Sun’s ADS program, inserts should be in house the Monday of the week prior. • A minimum of 10,000 is required for distribution. Fewer than 10,000 inserts, if accepted, will be charged at the 10,000 rate. • Minimum of 35,000 or more is required to run an insert on a given day, other than Sunday, if no other insert is scheduled. • Minimum quantity for distribution on Sunday is 40,000. • Single zip code delivery available for home delivery, single copy and nonsubscribers program. • Minimum 10,000 CPM charge applies to single zip code for home delivery and single copy. Minimum 5,000 CPM charge for nonsubscribers program. • No inserts accepted for Monday distribution except for the Monday after Thanksgiving. • Please ship 50,500 for full run distribution for Sunday, 53,000 for daily. • Quantity inserted and a 2% overage should carry the imprint of “Supplement to The Sun, Lowell, MA” and give day and date. • Product samples distribution available. (Consult advertising management). Alternate Delivery Rate $48.85 CPM ($190.00 CPM if solo delivery.) In-Paper Preprint Contract Rates applicable when in-paper rate is lower than ADS or vice versa. 7b. Option 1 - Mail Weekend mail available in selected zip codes: Ayer 01452, Groton 01450, Littleton 01460, Pepperell 01463. All mail rates subject to postal increases. Mail To Nonsubscribers On Weekends* Shared mail (when available) Two pieces in package.............$89.00 CPM Three pieces in package..........$84.00 CPM Four pieces in package............$79.00 CPM (Maximum weight per insert not to exceed 2.0 oz. at above price. Additional weight charged $4.00 CPM per 1/10 oz. *Non contract rate based on minimum of two pieces shared delivery; solo deliveries at a rate of $190.00 CPM. Solo mail when shared program not available or for midweek mailing solo mail (max. weight of 3.30 oz.) $190.00 CPM. Midweek mail package available Thanksgiving week only. Call The Sun management for distribution and rates. *Mail program can only be used with a minimum of 20,000 in-paper distribution. *Rates subject to change with postal rate increases. 7a.Total Market Coverage (ADS) 7c. Preprint Insert/ROP Pick-up Rate Alternative Delivery Service To Nonsubscribers: Hand delivered 25% Discount off the Open or Contract Advertising Rate Any page or pages run as part of a preprinted insert appearing in The Sun may be repeated as an ROP advertisement with a 25% discount within 5 publishing days following the date of original preprint insertion and subject to the following terms: a) The advertisement must be a minimum of 65 inches. b) The items on the ROP advertisement must be picked up directly from the preprinted insert. c) Addition of addresses and changes of headline are only changes permissible (i.e., “Sale starts today” to “Sale in progress”). d) The advertisement must be “camera” ready. e) This rate is available for the first insertion and other combination rates would apply after this insertion. f) These rates are net. The preprint insert itself is not subject to this discount. Lineage counts toward bulk contract fulfillment, but is not rebatable. preprint distibution to nonsubscribers available in selected communities. This service is available to advertisers when used in conjunction with either in-paper preprinted inserts or ROP ads in The Sun or Sunday Sun. • ADS available for weekend delivery only. • For every insert in ADS, one must run in The Sun. • Only full zip codes are accepted. • A minimum of 5000 in ADS required or on complete zip code. • ADS portion must be quarter folded when printed. • To avoid duplication, preprints inserted in paper and street sales, can be eliminated in towns where ADS is used. • See slipsheet rate sheet for printing, pricing and distribution. • The Sun’s ADS is currently available in the following communities: 01876 - Tewksbury 01824 - Chelmsford 4 8. COLOR ADVERTISING Daily Or Sunday: Additional cost over black & white. Minimum size is 21 inches. • Composition Rights: The composition of the advertising purchased shall not be reproduced by camera process for use in other publications. Composition by The Sun shall be its property. This limitation in no way affects the right of another publication to set its own type from any advertising. Per Page Black & one color, 21” min.............. $250.00 net Black & two color, 21” min............... $450.00 net Black & three color, 21” min ............ $550.00 net Deduct 20% for camera ready separations and no changes required. Ads under 21” based upon specific color availability. • Tabloids set up and printed by us on regular press run acceptable, Daily or Sunday. Eight page minimum required. Center spread equal to 126 column inches. Facing Page/Double Truck Black & one color 105” min............... $450.00 net Black & two color 105” min ............... $800.00 net Black & three color 105” min............. $975.00 net • Advertising Taxes: Should any State, Federal, Municipal, or other taxes be imposed on newspaper adverising, the advertiser agrees to assume and relieve the newspaper of the responsibility and/or liability for the payment of any and all such taxes. Volume Color Contract 10 or more color ads ........................ 25 or more color ads ........................ 50 or more color ads ........................ 100 or more color ads ...................... 10% discount 20% discount 25% discount 30% discount • Sideways advertising will only be accepted if full column depth. Upside Down advertising is not accepted. Strip ads accepted providing they are a minimum of 6 columns wide by 2 inches in depth. 13. DEADLINES 9. SPECIAL SERVICES For Monday .................. 4pm Thursday For Tuesday...................4pm Friday For Wednesday ............. 4pm Friday For Thursday.................4pm Monday For Friday ..................... 4pm Tuesday For Saturday ................. 4pm Wednesday For Sunday Focus Section 12 noon Tuesday For Sunday ................... 4pm Wednesday TV Week ....................... 10 days prior to Sunday publication Second Front.................12 noon the day before publication Sunday Travel/Lifestyle/Education 5pm Tuesday. Proof deadlines 24 hours in advance of published deadline, see above. • Artists are available to help with specific layouts and art. • Co-op Advertising Specialist on staff. • Demographic information pertinent to this marketplace available on request. Photographs: A charge of $40.00 will be made for the first photo taken and $25.00 for each subsequent photo for advertising. 10. SPECIAL DAYS/PAGES/FEATURES The Sun carries comprehensive National, International, State, Regional and Local News Daily & Sunday. Sunday Features Travel Lifestyle Education Business Kids Page Color Comics Automotive Help Wanted Real Estate USA Weekend Arts & Entertainment Sports On Screen Magazine Forum 14. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Preferred materials for the reproduction of color, black and white, full or partial page copy: (In order of preference). Electronic Camera Ready Copy - 85 line screen is accepted. Advertising can be submitted electronically at adroom@lowellsun.com or the FAST CHANNEL, ADSEND or AD DIRECT system. Daily Features Sports Lifestyle Business TV Listings Monday ................................ Computer Page Wednesday ........................... Food/Financial Thursday...............................“Steppin’ Out” Saturday ............................... Dining Out/Religion Pages Sunday & Thursday................The Meeting Place Special/Pages and Sections....Call for Promotion Calendar or check lowellsun.com Column Widths: Inches: Column Widths: 1 column...............1.8 2 column...............3.8 3 column...............5.8 Inches: 4 column............7.7 5 column............9.7 6 column..........11.6 Single Page Dimensions 6 columns wide x 21 inches deep. Total page inches = 126” 11. ROP DEPTH REQUIREMENTS Double Truck (2 facing pages plus gutter) Minimum size advertisement accepted as 1 col. x 1” deep. All advertisements must measure at least one inch in depth for each additional column crossed. ROP advertising occupying more than 19 inches in any column pays full column rates. 24.125 wide x 21 inches deep. Double truck with color, 24 hour advanced deadline. Sold and measured as 12 2/3 columns or 266 inches. Full column charge above 18”. Scotch Double Truck is acceptable. Minimum 266”. 12. CONTRACT AND COPY REGULATIONS • Editorial Page advertising not sold. • All advertisements similar to editorial style must be marked “advertisement” • Publisher’s Option: The Sun reserves the right to reject any advertising. Tabloid Section Measurements 1 column...........1.8” 2 columns ......... 3.8” 3 columns ......... 5.8” Page depth......11.6” 5 4 columns ........................ 7.7” 5 columns ........................ 9.7” Page width...............5 columns Full depth charge above... 9.5” 19. CIRCULATION 15. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION RATES Mail subscription price per copy, Daily 80¢, Sunday $2.70, Daily $249.60 a year, Sunday $140.40 a year. Daily $124.80 for 6 months, Sunday $70.20 for 6 months in N.E. Varies outside continental U.S. Current daily circulation approximately 50,500 and Sunday circulation is approximately 53,000; subject to ABC audit. Public Notices $3.65 Per line $36.50 per inch (9 col. format, approximately 9 lines per inch.) St. Jude’s, Church Ads for Services Per column inch $30.50 2 pt. black border maximum allowed 20. AD IMPACT PROGRAM In Memoriams, Card of Thanks, and Mass Notices Ad Size: 2 x 2-One Year $39.85 per column inch plus $15.00 photo charge. Funeral Notices $5.00 per line plus $15.00 if photo used. Funeral home may include logo at $5.00 per line charge. Frequency..................Inch Rate Exposures Per Year* 4 Per Week................$15.00 3 Per Week................$17.00 Over 24 Million! Over 18 Million! Ad Size: 2 x 3-One Year 4 Per Week................$13.00 Over 24 Million! 3 Per Week................$15.00 Over 18 Million! *Exposures are calculated by multiplying the number of times your ad is purchased times the circulation of The Sun times the average number of newspaper readers per household. Public Service Rate: A 15% discount off the open or applicable contract rate, including zoned editions, for local advertising will be given when the copy is placed by a recognized and/or accredited religious or public service organization. The copy must be directed toward public service or for charitable purposes. The Sun does not offer a nonprofit rate. The Sun reserves the right to refuse to apply public service rates for advertising that does not, in its opinion, fall within the intent of this policy. Eligible institutions are invited to obtain additional information from The Sun Advertising Management. This rate will not apply for Religious advertising which is nonreligious in nature, such as Las Vegas Nights, rummage sales, ticket selling, etc., or church advertising that is essentially political, that is intended to influence public opinion on issues or businesses generated for profit. 21. ONSCREEN MAGAZINE SPOR J U LY 4 5:49 AM Page 0, 4 - 1 2004 Ba Jeff th and Astros the S Padr on E 1 BEST BE ston r Pre Bachelos the ts choose he wan an -- who wom with s to be choose and then een him the on betw ck -a che finale of season e or Lov “For Monday Money” . on NBC ONSCREEN MAGAZINE The Sun’s Weekly Sunday TV Magazine 16. CLASSIFIED RATES an meric ‘An A ration at b re’ le e C Theat Ford’s See Classified Rate Card on Story IN C page 5 Advertising Rates 17. COLOR COMICS Sunday Color Comics Lowell Sun........................26 Week Contract — $23.00 pci 52 Week Contract — $21.00 pci Page...........................$4,400.00 net Three-Fourths..............$3,302.00 net Two-Thirds .................. $3,082.00 net Half............................$2,415.00 net Third .......................... $1,759.00 net One Fourth Page.........$1,544.00 net Sixth...........................$1,097.00 net Lowell Sun plus Fitchburg, Sentinel....26 Week Contract — $32.00 pci & Enterprise 52 Week Contract — $28.00 pci Color Inside......26 Week Contract — $105.00 per insertion 52 Week Contract — $80.00 per insertion Spadeas and press run inserts accepted. (Consult advertising management for more information.) Printed page 6 col. x 20”. Deadline 5 weeks prior to publication date. Advertisers must supply camera ready copy (separation complete) on multicolor ads. (Prices do not include color charges). Advertiser must supply color proofs. Send material direct to MediaNews Printing, 78 Barnum Rd., Devens, MA, 01432. Attn: Bill Newbegin. Front Page Strip (Runs in both Lowell & Fitchburg) 26 Week Contract — $525.00 per insertion 52 Week Contract — $425.00 per insertion Daily TV Guide (Mon. - Sat.) ........ 6 x 1 — $135.00 per day 6 x 2 — $209.00 per day 22. COUPON RATES 18. CO-OP ADVERTISING $195.00 per 6 time package with Internet coupon for 8 weeks. BONUS (with six time package). You can repeat ad anytime during the 6 week period at $125.00 per insertion (NO COPY CHANGE). The Sun and ReCas join together to make Co-op Advertising easy. Get back some of your hard earned money by utilizing your co-op funds. (Call our Co-op Department for details at 978-970-4761.) 6
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