GALWAY’S HERITAGE OIDHREACHT NA GAILLIMHE I.S.S.N. 16492684 VOLUME 34-35 O I D R E A C H T N A G A I AUTUMN - WINTER 2012 L L I M H E UIMHIR 34-35 1 FOMHAIR- GEMHREADH 2012 TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Vol. 34–35 Autumn/Winter 2012 The Moyterra Vent Field. New Discoveries of Epic Proportions from the Deep. 3 Hung by Meyrick at Galway. 4 The Old Waterworks Galway. 4-6 The National Archives of Ireland provides on-line access to a very useful resource. 6 Captain Senan Meskell. A life in service of Galway’s Port. 7-9 The Mesolithic in the West – Reviewing the Evidence 9-10 Fieldwork around Rusheen Bay yields new archaeological folklore and place-name heritage. 10 Galway’s Titanic Links 10-12 The Henry Library. From Tuam to Galway 12-14 Galway Family History 14-15 Timetable of Heritage Week Events 16 Mayor Launches Museum Exhibition 17 Galway’s New “Dead Museum” at NUI Galway 18 Remembering Galway’s Trawler Fleet by Patrick Conneely. 18-19 B ook R e v i e w s Dead Interesting. Stories from the Graveyards of Dublin, by Shane Mac Thomáis, Mercier Press, Cork. 19 Highfield Memories - Scéalta Ghoirt Ard. Published by Highfield Park Residents Association. 19-20 Nimmo’s Anecdotes and Recipes by Harriet Leander 20 Tribe A Portrait of Galway by Reg Gordan 20 Youth’s co rner 20-21 Documenting the Revolution 22 Metal Thieves 22 Corrib Research Project 23 Our front cover - Williamsgate Street Galway Summer 2012 Photograph J. Higgins. Our back cover – The poster for the Uisce agus Beatha Exhibition with an image of Patrick Conneely whos article on the Galway Trawlers features in this issue. 2 G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E The Moyterra V ent Field, New Di scoveries Of Epi c P roporti ons From The Deep. The Celtic Explorer the national research vessel is a familiar sight in Galway Docks and is one of our greatest assets in enhancing our knowledge of the seas around us and further afield. It has led the way in mapping the sea bed and in recording new and exciting features and creatures for years. Equipped with a team of geochemists, marine biologists, marine geologists, geneticists and technicians from Ireland and further afield its work is of international significance. In conjunction with the Marine Institute it has made some astonishing discoveries as part of a research campaign under the 2011 Ship Time Programme under the National Development Plan. Recently the VENTURE scientific expedition discovered a series of previously uncharted groups of hydrothermal vents along the mid-Atlantic ridge. These features are vents or openings through which mineral rich sea water is heated by volcanic rock in the earth’s crust below the sea. Around these openings in the sea bed chimney like pipes made up of metal sulphides form and produce gargoyle like natural spouts through which the boiling water makes its exit. These vents attract a variety of marine species which survive in complete darkness on bacteria fed by chemicals in the water around the ‘chimneys’. In a joint project led by Patrick Collers of the Martin Ryan Institute in NUI Galway and Ian Copley of the University of Southhampton they are cataloguing the species of marine life found around the vents in what is now being called “The Moytura Vent Field”, after the mythical Battle of Moytura. Orange shrimp, miniscule limpets, scale-worms, eel-like creatures and mats of bacteria, a riot of creatures and colour battle it out around the Moytura Field Vents. The sub-sea world seems like a Gaudi grotesque structure with natural ‘gargoyles’ and ‘monster chimneys’ and a swelling mass of Celtic interlaced creatures from Jim FitzPatrick’s depictions of Celtic Mythology-including the battle of Moytura. The sea floor teams with life. The finders have in fact named some of the giant chimney stack vents after characters from Celtic Mythology including the god Balor of the Evil Eye and The Plain of the Pillars recalling the field of standing stones described in the Moytura saga. The Marine Institute - Foras na Mara The Marine Institute is Ireland’s national agency for marine research, technology, development and innovation. It seeks to assess and realize the economic potential of Ireland’s vast marine resource; to promote sustainable development of the marine industry through strategic funding programmes and essential scientific services; and to safeguard Ireland’s natural marine resource through research and environmental monitoring. Ireland has a marine territory of 220 million acres under the sea, over ten times its land area. The Institute is responsible for promoting the sustainable development of this resource through co-ordinated and focussed research, leading to sound and accurate management advice for industry, the Government and the European Union. The Marine Institute’s essential research services include: • National and European Union research and development funding programmes • Fish stock assessment • Fish health services • Marine food safety monitoring The vent field which is 3,000m below the surface of the sea is being recorded using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) called Holland I after one of the Irish innovators who first developed the submarine. The fame of the new discovery is being spread far and wide both in scientific papers and in a programme in the National Geographic’s Alien Planet series. J.H. The Celtic Explorer Research Vessel O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E 3 Hung by Meyrick at Galway In the aftermath of the great rising of 1798 a huge number of people died and were made homeless. The revenge which was wrought on the Irish population afterwards was ferocious and even by the standards of the day a terrible vengeance was exacted by the British Army, the Militias and the landlords in whose interests they acted. Many of those tried were members of the United Irishmen or members of secret agrarian societies who banded together to have redness against rack renting and evicting landlords and those who tried to clear people off the land in order to make way for sheep farms. The Society of United Irishmen started out wanting reform and later became dedicated to a Republican Revolution and the establishment of a Republic of Ireland. Founded in 1791 it was banned by 1794 and then became a secret society with widespread support among Catholics and Presbyterians alike. Influenced by the French and other revolutions it sought French help and though a French invasion failed in December 1796 a rising up took place in 1798. This failed after some months and a terrible retribution was made against the population. Those who had sworn in members of the rising seem to have been particularly targeted as well as those who were suspected of membership of various agrarian secret societies. Another rising, that by Robert Emmett took place in 1803 (Grahan, D. in Lalor, B. (2003), 1098). Houghing or cutting the hamstring of an animal had been used as a deep but cruel form of redness against evicting and unpopular landlords and this form of agrarian protest went back at least to the early 18th century when both cattle and sheep were maimed. It became a means of struggle in 1711-12 in west Galway and then spread to counties Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim and Clare. At that stage it would seem that it was used as a political weapon to attempt to stop landlords’ estates for grazing (Magennis, E. in Lalor, B. (ed.) 2003, 503). Among those hung at Galway in the aftermath of the Rebellion were the following - Francis Brennan of Galway City who was a flax dresser was accused of being a United Irishman and endeavouring to administer unlawful oaths was tried in April 11th 1799 and hung at Galway on May 18th 1799. Francis was probably enrolling people in the United Irishmen or recruiting them into membership of agrarian secret societies. John Forbes of Tullyra County Galway who was a wheelwright was tried for being a United Irishman and appearing in arms at illegal meetings. He was tried on the 26th of February and hanged at Galway on the 28th of February 1799. John Glynn whose place of abode was given as Ballymaguiffe Castle, County Galway and who was a labourer was accused of the crime of being a United Irishman, attending illegal meetings, tendering unlawful oaths and houghing cattle. He was tried on the 25th of February 1799 and was sentenced to death. He was hung at Galway the next day, February 26th 1799. John Hardiman of Ahascragh County Galway was tried on the 13th of April 1799 for being a member of the United Irishmen and ‘appearing in arms as a rebel’ and was sentenced to death. He was hung at Galway on the 29th of April 1799. 4 John Houghegan of Ballyglass County Galway, a herdsman was tried for forceably carrying away the flesh of houghed cattle and sentenced to be hanged. He was tried on the 12th of March and hanged at Galway on the 18th of March. Michael Kearns of Tuam County Galway a flax-dresser was tried for houghing cattle, robbery and tendering illegal oaths on 15th of April 1799 and hung at Galway on April 29th 1799. Francis Kirwan of Rock Lodge, County Galway who had been a Lieutenant in the L. A. Yeomanry became a United Irishman. He was accused of tendering illegal oaths, exciting people to hough and maim cattle, extorting money and conspiring to murder the revered Mr. Wood and the Revd Mr. Mangen. He was tried on June 19th 1799 sentenced to death and hung at Galway on June 22nd 1799. Richard McCabe of Moneen, County Galway was tried on March 4th 1799. He was a member of the United Irishmen and a Committee man and was accused of ‘attending nightly and unlawful meetings’. He was sentenced to death and his body to be dissected He was hung at Galway on March 13th 1799. The dissection was additional demeaning punishment designed to ensure that his body was not returned to his relatives but was taken away to be used by medical students. Patrick Naughton of Castle Kelly, County Roscommon, a labourer was tried for houghing, robbery and tendering illegal oaths on April 15th 1799 and sentenced to hanging. He was hung at Galway on April 29th 1799. James Winn of Castle Kelly County Roscommon was tried for houghing, robbery and tendering illegal oaths on April 15th 1799 and hung at Galway on 29th of April 1799. References Lalor, B. (ed.) (2003), The Encyclopedia of Ireland, Gill and Macmillan, Dublin 2003. J.H. The Old Waterworks Dyke Road by Redmond Burke. Jim Higgins, the Galway City Heritage Officer brought me down to visit the Old Terryland Waterworks. As we approached the entrance gate, a beautiful stone building with a slated roof revealed itself through the trees. The building laying in slumber mode by the side of the Sandy River. On further examination of the site, an older stone structure extended the building across the river. I wondered about the forgotten history that lies within these walls. Looking across the road, Terryland Castle with its chequered history lay in ruins at the foot of the Millennium Bridge. This castle dating from around the 1600 was once a retreat house for the earls of Clanrickarde. Two exciting structures just a short walk from the centre of Galway, how exciting! G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E History informs us that Galway was a small fishing village at the mouth of the river Corrib. Water and Galway are entwined. In cities water was available using traditional methods and some cases water carriers were employed. By the 1800's pumped water supply became possible by using water wheels and made available only to the rich. This method is some what similar to the mill wheel where water is fed to buckets in the wheel from the headrace causing the wheel to rotate. Samuel Usher Roberts, engineer and architect was born in Waterford in 1821 and educated in England at Burney's Royal Academy, Gosport. He entered the service of the Board of Public Works in 1841 as a temporary drawing clerk. He worked as a surveyor in County Louth, Meath and Monaghan before being transferred to Co. Galway in 1848 as district engineer with responsibility for the Loughs Corrib, Mask and Carra drainage district. Samuel U. Roberts was appointed surveyor for Galway city in 1855 as assistant to Henry Clements. He succeeded Clements in 1858. Roberts designed the first water works in Galway and Terryland was chosen as the site which was owned by the Marquis of Clanricarde. The Marquis agreed to a long term lease of the property. The waterworks opened in 1867 using a Breast wheel and ram pumps. A ram pump is a simple device where the energy of falling water is used to lift a lesser amount of water to a higher elevation. In this case reservoirs located at prospect Hill. The waterworks had to be manned at all times so as to maintain a continuous flow of water and maintain the machinery. the permanent position was filled because of her young age and lack of experience. She was the first woman to graduate in Great Britain and Ireland with a degree in civil engineering. All the pumps were replaced in 1928 by the diesel engine and pern vertical 3-throw ram pumps. Frank Rishworth was professor of Engineering at University College Galway, 1910-1946. He was educated at University College Galway and graduating in 1898. After graduation, he worked as a railway engineer in the United Kingdom prior to his appointment as a lecturer in the School of Engineering, Giza, Egypt. The Tuam local had a second job for a five year period of time as second to the Chief Engineer on the Shannon HydroElectric Scheme from 1925 to 1930. He also served as a consultant engineer to the Galway waterworks. By 1935 all functioning pumps were replaced by Diesel engine pumps. Frank Sharman Rishworth, In 1935 the waterworks were extended to accommodate the multi-stage centrifugal pumps which were operated by electric motors. In 1942 chloramine sterilisation was introduced to waterworks. During the 1940’s pipe extensions and pipe replacements were carried out and Crossley oil engine driving Gwynne water pumps were installed. Later on a Pulse-meter 5” pump was installed. The waterworks became redundant and was used for the last time in 1972. • Breast Wheel. • Ramp Pump By the beginning of the 20th century the waterworks had reached its limit and the water pressure from Prospect reservoir was too low to supply the city. James Perry the county surveyor for Roscommon was transferred to the western district of Co. Galway in 1882. James Perry was born at Garvagh, Co. Derry in 1845 and educated at Queens University Belfast. He worked on water works at Beyrout, Syria and Belfast. Perry was appointed County Surveyor of Roscommon in 1877. In 1888 with his brother Professor John Perry (UCG), he set up an electric company in Galway to supply private consumers. In 1889 the brothers obtained the Galway electric lighting. In 1897 the Galway Electric Company Limited was founded with James Perry as managing director and chief engineer. In 1904 the Derry born Perry upgraded the Old Galway waterworks by replacing the breast-wheel with Gilke Thompson type vertical turbines. The reservoir at prospect was replaced by a new one at Coolough with a capacity of 500,000 gallons. In 1906 more improvements were made, turbine pumps were installed and later a Cornish boiler and steam operated pumps. This was James Perry's last important work. James Perry died in 1906 after a short illness. He was succeeded by his daughter Alice Jacqueline Perry for a six month period but was looked over when O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E The original building you see as you look in from the gate has three red doors, the middle door is the care taker’s entrance and the other two are to the engine and motor rooms. The room towards the front was constructed in 1935 to house the Electric motor pumps. The caretaker had just two rooms with no toilet facilities. In the 1901 and 1911 census, Thomas Corcoran was in residence at the waterworks. The last live-in caretaker was a Mr. Farrelly. In 2001 Jim Higgins the Galway City Heritage Officer began a conservation initiative for the old waterworks by applying for funding from the Heritage Council. Funding did come for the initial restoration phase which was overseen by Jim Higgins. This built on the extensive work done over the years by Michael Kearney who has now retired but maintains an active interest in the restoration work. Jim has the helpful support and encouragement of Martin Lydon and Frank Clancy in seeing the project to fruition and it is hoped that the buildings will be fully restored by 2014. A lot of great work has been done on the structure. The old building is waiting to be awakened from its slumber where it can live into the future by showing it’s past. There is great potential here and it would be great to see the Old Waterworks operating as a museum showing off some of our 5 Industrial heritage within a short walking distance from the centre of Galway City. Here there is a great opportunity to demonstrate and educate enthusiastic students and the general public of the history of the water works in Galway where they can see the developments across its history. Redmond Burke References: Fawsitt Sarah, Chronicling the course of Galway’s first waterworks, 2003 The Irish Architectural Archive, 20 Apr 2012, The Irish Architectural Archive, 20 Apr 2012, The Irish Architectural Archive, 20 Apr 2012, 20 Apr 2012 8835584798fbe03e4f33daa8d829779b, Hydraulic ram water pumps, 20 Apr 2012, designing a Hydraulic Ram Pump, National Census 1901 and 1911 f, 25 Apr 2012 nuigalwayshistory.html, 25 Apr 2012, Frank Rishworth, 30 Apr 2010, Breast wheel picture, 30 Apr 2010, Ramp pump picture, 30 Apr 2012 The National Archives Of Ireland Provides On-line Access To A Very Useful Resource Patria McWalter The National Archives have undertaken a 5 year project to catalogue to international archival standards the registered papers of the Office of Chief Secretary of Ireland from 1818 to 1852. The Crowley Bequest Project aims to facilitate public access to one of the most valuable sources of original material for research on Ireland in the first half of the nineteenth century. It involves the archival listing of each item in the collection, and also the conservation of the collection, with represents around 834 boxes containing approximately 1¼ million documents. According to Dr. Julie Brooks, Project Archivist, “…the records of the Chief Secretary’s Office constitute one of the most valuable collections of original source material for research into Ireland in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. They offer a rich source for scholars of Irish political, social, economic, labour and women’s history, as well as for local historians and genealogists. The registered papers comprise the incoming letters, petitions, memoranda, accounts, reports, and returns, received by the Chief Secretary’s Office. Crucially, as well as including material relating to all aspects of the administration of the country, a large proportion of the registered papers are comprised of letters and petitions from individuals and organizations across Ireland, on a wide variety of topics relating to national importance, as well as personal stories and plights. The registered papers, therefore, are 6 much more than the ‘official’ records of government; they offer a window into the Ireland of the period. The papers contain material relating to patronage; job applications; appointments to government civil and military posts; public health; fever epidemics; hospitals and asylums; prisons and penitentiaries; crime and punishment; transportation of convicts; the Irish judiciary and law courts; public works; construction of roads bridges, canals and harbours; drainage of bogs; Irish fisheries; trade and manufacture; early trade union activity; famines; emigration; agrarian unrest; political disaffection; illicit distillation; smuggling; education; poor relief; charitable institutions; Catholic emancipation; religion; and ecclesiastical appointments, to name but a few.1” A keyword search of the database gives details of the related records. For instance a search for ‘Claddagh’ results in one result, a letter, dated July 1822, from Alexander Nimmo regarding the establishment of public works in the harbor. If a researcher is interested in viewing the original the reference code, CSO/RP/1822/370, is required to request it when visiting the National Archives in Dublin. National Archives, (May 2012) A search for ‘Galway’ provides some 500 results, relating to a range of issues from correspondents from the whole county. Examples of the subject matters are for instance; • requests for government employment, such as (CSO/RP/1818/435), • a petition from Messrs James Knight and Peter D’Arcy, Galway, County Galway: in opposition to shopkeeper, Edward Murphy, for selling gun powder (CSO/RP/1818/376), • a letter of recommendation for work of Dr Thomas L Whistler amongst the people of Galway (CSO/RP/1822/796), • a letter from Georgina Blake, 5 Gardiners Row, Dublin, requesting financial support for Royal [marble] Quarry, Merlin Park, County Galway (CSO/RP/1822/42) and • a letter from Dr Edward Trevor, concerning arrangements for relatives of convicts to be embarked on convict ship to New South Wales (CSO/RP/1821/594). The cataloguing project is made possible by a bequest from the late Professor Francis J. Crowley, an American born of Irish parents. In his will he bequeathed most of his estate to the Republic of Ireland to be used for the preservation of records of the history of the Irish people. The project, and the website, is the result of 4 years work, and is a good example of how the availability of funds to archives can have in very meaningful and worthwhile results. Funding and projects such as this can enhance a collection’s value and accessibility, and by conservation to protect and extend its life. The on-line catalogue, available at, should indeed be a very useful finding aid and research tool to a whole array of researchers. Patria McWalter, Archivist, Galway County Council G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E Captain Senan Meskell. A Life in Service of Galway’s Port By Derrick Hambleton. Capt. Senan Meskell was Mary Hambletons (nee Ryan) Great Grand Uncle. We lived for twelve years in his former home at No. 5 New Docks when we came over from London to live in Galway in 1979. Mary’s only memory of him was as a schoolgirl, at the time when she used to come up to Galway during the summer holidays, from Limerick where she was from, to travel out to the Aran islands to spend her summer in the Gaeltacht. She remembers the smell of, and his fondness for brandy. Though I never met the man (he died on Good Friday 1962) I believe he was a unique character in Galway; and a man who had a great part to play in forming the maritime history of the city and in developing the west of Ireland’s coastline, and in the growth of its marine trade. Much of his contribution is now forgotten as Galway and its Docks are a changed place. There should be more regard for preserving any little part of this important sector of city heritage, especially with the scale of the development taking place and more planned. In the grey Galway, of the early 1900’s, through to the mid 1950’s when he retired his contribution to the development of Galway’s maritime trade was vast and spanned over 40 years. This surely deserves to be remembered but isn’t. We still have some old black & white photographs and a few newspaper cuttings along with most of his old sea charts and some other materials. We believe that much more information on him might be gleaned from the National Library and from other sources. Some personal recollections of older people in the Claddagh and the Aran islands could still be recorded. There is an old song in Irish about the old Dun Aengus ferry and its skipper, Captain Meskell, which is still remembered in the Aran islands. We would love to have the words of this song if anyone has them. There is also a piece of looped film footage in which he features, I remember coming across it when it was being shown at an exhibition at the Galway City library some years ago. Unfortunately, Mary’s late brother Gerard gave away many pieces of this material to a cousin (in Foynes I believe) who was intending to write a book about Meskell. Since Ger died in 2002 I have no way of finding out if any of this happened. I think that Ger lent many other old photographs and ships documents as well. I remember having in the house the original ships registration papers, on linen, relating to some of the old boats he once owned and that Meskell kept in Galway Docks. His obituary in the Connacht Tribune, was written by someone who obviously knew him well, but who remained anonymous, but who stated that “he helped bring Liners to Galway”. Born on the 7th October 1880 in Askeaton, Co. Limerick (though it is O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E sometimes said that he came from Kilrush in Co. Clare), Senan Meskell went to sea on small craft plying the River Shannon and from what we understand, he first became a river pilot after sailing as second mate, and then became a mate on ships belonging to Glasgow company, Paton & Hendry. Having received his Master Certificate in 1905, he continued to sail with that company, then, J.N. Russell and Sons of Limerick before he joined the Limerick Steamship Co., on their regular Liverpool to the west coast of Ireland cargo service. He came to work and live in Galway in 1912, still working for the Limerick Steamship Co., taking command of their newly acquired S.S. Dún Aengus on the Galway to Ballyvaughan and Aran Islands service. He held that position until 1935, while at the same time working as the Outside Pilot, which entailed boarding Liners and other large ships off the Aran Islands. The work also involved escorting them into Galway Bay to their final anchorages off Mutton Island, or, if they were small enough into the docks. Meskell subsequently became Chief Pilot at the Port of Galway, and retained this position for over 20 years until his retirement. Early years in Galway: In July 1912, the M.V. Duras was replaced by the M.V. Dún Aengus. The Duras was kept in Galway for towage duties and relief work before being finally sold off. The Dún Aengus was built in 1912 for the Congested Districts Board and was one of the first steamships on the west coast. She used 5 tonnes of coal per round trip to the Aran Islands. During the Civil War, the Dún Aengus was commanded by the State forces for a short period, when she was used as a munitions, and hospital ship. She once carried 200 troops from Galway to Clarecastle, and on another occasion 300 troops from Galway to Cappa Pier and to Foynes in Co. Limerick. She was also used in 1936, to ferry several hundred men of General O’Duffy’s Irish Brigade, in a storm, to rendezvous with a Spanish ship at the head of Galway Bay where the men boarded the ship that was to take them to Spain to fight on Franco’s side in the Spanish Civil War. In May 1947, she ran aground at Kilronan, Inishmaan. The crew, and twenty passengers were all rescued, and the 14 head of cattle which had already been loaded swam safely ashore. This made life difficult for the islanders, who had a lot of cattle awaiting shipment to Galway for the annual May Fair. There was no other ship in the area capable of carrying cattle at that time. She was eventually salvaged by a Glasgow firm and shortly after, resumed service. I believe that there was some sort of government inquiry afterwards, and a hearing into the circumstances of the grounding. The development of Galway Docks was always in competition with the Port of Cobh, Co. Cork, as both had become connected to Dublin by rail in the mid 19th century. This was an important feature for the speedy delivery of the Royal Mails, and passengers, who were thence transported to America by sea. The Galway Harbour Commissioners were always trying to gain advantage over Cobh, which had facilities to tie-up larger vessels 7 alongside the quay wall. While in Galway the larger ships had to anchor off Mutton Island, and use a tender to land passengers and offload mails. “It was while on a refit trip to Cobh in 1927 with the ‘Dún Aengus’, that Meskell was invited on-board one of the North German Lloyd liners, where he first met one of that company’s Directors. A chance conversation he had with that German businessman led to him telegraphing Galway to get someone down on the overnight train from the Harbour Commissioners. It was from that chance meeting that the scene was set for Galway to once again regain its lost Liner trade. After almost two years of preparation, negotiation, meetings and conferences with disappointments and heartbreaks but finally, triumph, the following year saw the Liner ‘Muenchen’ piloted into Galway Port by Capt. Meskell and a new era had begun for the Port. Behind it all one person loomed larger than all the others in the ultimate achievement and that was Senan Meskell, for it was he who first drew the attention of the representatives of the Lloyd Line to the possibilities and in the ultimate it was the technical considerations, anchorages, freedom from fog, tender services, on all of which he had to advise and later operate that decided the directors to use Galway. How intolerant he was in those days of the comings and goings and speechmaking of public representatives and officials, all part of the general campaign, but to him a waste of time. A favourite saying of his then and later when officialdom and red-tape irritated him was ‘my job is to keep water under her keel and not miss the tide’. And how he lived up to the latter in the early days when the lack of facilities could mean a delay of up to six hours if a tide was missed. How he drove himself and his crew, men like Mike Folan, Tom Anderson, Winters and the rest who responded so nobly and often said they could never let him down. The chances he took which a more cautious captain would not take were to him carefully calculated risks the results of which subsequently fully justified his action. In this way he was primarily responsible for the reputation which Galway Bay built up as a safe Transatlantic portof-call”. For the next decade, until WW2, he piloted into Galway many of the Liners of all the major transatlantic shipping companies ‘Cunard’, ‘White Star Line’, ‘Holland America Line’ etc. Shortly after the outbreak of war, Meskell acted as pilot for the Norwegian tanker ‘Knute Neilson’ as she was bringing survivors into Galway from the Donaldson Liner ‘Athenia’ which had been sunk by torpedo from a German U Boat. The ‘Athenia’ with 1,400 passengers on board was sunk some 250 miles west of Inishtrahull on the morning of 4th September, 1939. It was the first civilian vessel to be sunk, just after the commencement of war. A telegram had reached Galway Harbour Master Captain Tom Tierney asking that provision be made to receive 430 crew and passengers who were rescued by the Norwegian tanker. Just as the survivors were boarding the tender ‘Cathair na Gaillimhe’ in the bay, the Irish Lights tender ‘Isolda’ passed seaward at full speed. She sailed in response to another wireless message which had been received from the ‘Bosnia’ a Cunard White Star cargo ship which was being shelled about 100 miles west of the Aran 8 Islands. It later confirmed that all but one of the ‘Bosnia’s’ crew were picked up by another Norwegian ship. For hundreds of people waiting on the quayside in Galway, the grim truth was driven home, that the War was really on. The S.S. Isolda was later attacked and sunk by a bomber off the Saltee islands, Co. Wexford on December 19th 1940. One of the early incidents of the war years, recorded on camera, was the visit to Galway in June 1940 of the American liner ‘Washington’. The wartime events in the Low Countries and in France and the expected Blitzkrieg in Britain caused the American Government to urge its own nationals to leave Ireland and Britain at once. About 2,000 Americans came through Galway, some staying for a week or two prior to departure. A newspaper photograph we have shows Meskell on the bridge of the ‘Cathair na Gaillimhe’ with the ‘Washington’ anchored off in the distance, with Meskells own ‘Nab’ drawn up alongside the American vessel. Meskell owned several small boats in his time in Galway. The ‘Nab’ was a motor vessel which he kept at the docks, together with the ‘Éire’ a miniature steam vessel. Both of these were looked after by Pat Lee. The tender ‘Cathair na Gaillimhe’ also ran excursions to Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare from Galway Docks. But having been idle through most of the war years she was sold for ₤1,000. She was towed to Cork in 1948, where she was scrapped. Meanwhile, Captain Meskell was an authority on navigation on the west coast and one of the best known seamen of his time. He taught navigation to students at GTI and made the fullest use of every opportunity to develop Galway as a port and was one of its greatest champions for almost half a century. The Aran islanders loved him. He never let them down if humanly possible and in the most vile weather, when one captain in a thousand would not attempt it he would make it to the islands to land essential supplies. Following his retirement he went to live in Limerick with relatives, but he could not stay away from the city of his adoption, and he returned to live out his days in Galway at the old house. One of Mary’s maiden aunts, Maisie, came up from Limerick acting as his housekeeper and to care for him until he died. He became a well known figure sitting outside on the window sill on fine evenings, chatting to old cronies and watching vessels come and go. He had been pre-deceased by his wife Kathleen, she died on St. Stephen’s day 1950 (Kathleen was taller than him), and when he died on Good Friday 1962, he was buried alongside her in Bohermore cemetery in a tomb he had already designed for Kathleen and himself. During the hard times and good in Galway, he had helped get jobs for many young Claddagh men on merchant vessels passing through the docks. Many a man started his career at sea through the efforts of Captain Meskell. He became, at the invitation of Bishop Browne, a trustee of the Claddagh Hall, where young men from the Claddagh learned net mending and seamanship skills. He taught the art of navigation at the Galway Technical Institute and became a friend of many personalities. Included among these was the Lord Killanin who, as a young law student in Cambridge worked in his summer holidays on board the ‘Dún Aengus’. Killanin once talked to me by phone from his home in Dublin, just before his own death in 1994, about the times he had with Meskell. Killanin remembered this relationship involving ‘the consumption of a lot of drink in DeLargey’s’. G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E I have an original letter he wrote to Meskell, when he was a student of 24, written from his college accommodation in Cambridge, in which he talked about being ‘very sad’ about not having the capital to purchase a boat, the ‘Seaflower’, a boat that he had looked at with Meskell. Killanin had some scathing comments to make about the state of modern Galway and it’s loss of character, with all the new buildings etc, which made him ‘very sad’. Meskell, himself had a history of conflict with officialdom within the Galway Harbour Commissioners, and in 1938 an attempt was made to reduce his involvement in the Galway Pilotage. This emanated from moves made by them to give away some of his pilotage work to another man. This was strenuously fought by Meskell, who had numerous letters of support attesting to his ‘right to defend his hard-won livelihood and to claim the protection of the Commissioners as an old servant who had given them unstinted service’. There was also a time when there were letters written to the ‘Connacht Tribune’ berating the failure of the Commissioners, and Galway Corporation for their failure to provide proper port terminal facilities for passengers disembarking at the docks. Oliver St. John Gogarty, Councilor Fintan Coogan Senior and the Very Rev. Dr. Michael Browne, Bishop of Galway all regularly wrote letters to the papers reflecting on the fact that while Cobh got government aid for a sustainable tender, ‘Galway had to rely on CIE’ who were contracted by government to run the ferry services to the islands. One other incident which demonstrates his character was when, at an advanced age in 1948, he heard shouts for help outside the house and went out to see a young Michael Murray (still hale and hearty), who had fallen into the docks. Meskell, who was then into his 60’s dived in and rescued Michael from almost certain death. All of above information was gleaned from family members and from Meskell’s obituary printed in the ‘Connacht Tribune’. Also many collected news clippings, and bits from the late Brendan O’Donnell’s book on Galway ‘A Maritime Tradition’. I am sure that with a little more effort, much of Meskell’s interesting life story could be put together in the form of a book. And one day I will do it. The Mesolithic in the West – Reviewing the Evidence. Jim Higgins, Michael Gibbons, Myles Gibbons & Rosemary Kiely. In many ways recent research confirms the view expressed in many of our articles written over the last 20 years. We have sought to set the early prehistoric material from the River Corrib in particular and the riverine and coastal Late Mesolithic finds of the West of Ireland generally in a wider context and to show that there was a significant Mesolithic presence in the Corrib. One could argue for a ‘Late Mesolithic Landscape’ in the Galway Bay Region which involved movement of people following maritime, riverine and lacustrine resources as food on a seasonal basis over a large area around what was at that stage a shallower bay and a much wider Corrib River and Lakeland landscape. Some areas were very frequently visited for trade in stone for O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E tools and were complis networking sites for trade for hunter gatherers. There may have been many places where stone was quarried and worked for tools but are of the pivotal areas and were on the south side of Galway Bay at Fisherstreet, Doolin where a recently discovered site found by a local woman Elaine O’Malley in 2009 is very important. In terms of linking the new evidence and building up a picture of early prehistory in the West of Ireland this is at Fanoremore Co. Clare. At this location over the last two years Michael, Clodagh and Elaine Lynch with volunteers from Burren Beo and students from various universities have been making an immense contribution to our understanding of aspects of Irish prehistory. At the southern edge of the Bay the remnants of what must have been a series of coastal middens occur. Some of these are almost destroyed by wave action while others are much better preserved periwinkles and cockles. The tool types include ground stone axes of shale or Mudstone probably from the Fisherstreet Doolin area along with elements of a broad-blade lithics tradition using the same material. One artifact may possibly be a portion of a partly finished roughout for a Moynagh Point though only a small fragment of the artifact remains. An elongated tabular piece of shale, probably from the Doolin area was also found. Several of these are found among the Corrib finds and would probably have been of an ideal shape for the manufacture of a projectile-head like a Moynagh Point. This was found in two pieces separately in two excavation seasons. The axes made of shale or Mudstone from the same purtative NW Co. Clare source have also turned up in numbers further to the North and NE of Galway Bay and from the 1930s to 1950s many examples which are now in the National Museum of Ireland have been found in Tawin Island. Excavations at Oranmore Co. Galway from the Oranmore to Galway sewage pipeline in the early 1990’s provided evidence for a Mesolithic presence. Some axe fragments of shale or mudstone from site (Higgins 2000, 86-7) may be Late Mesolithic or early Neolithic while some of the debitage may derive from a broad blade lithic manufacture may also be of Late Mesolithic date. Half a Bann flake from the site is of typical Late Mesolithic type (Higgins 2000 op cit.). Further North along Galway Bay dense shell midden deposits were found in the grounds of Renville House in Renville park (Oranmore) in the 1990s. There are reports of the discovery by workmen of several mudstone/shale axeheads at that stage during the making of pathways in the park (Paul Duffy pers. comm.). The mudstone axes of North West County Clare again turn up in large numbers in the Galway area. Several are from the Claddagh area, formerly in the Claddagh Ring Museum, Quay Street and are now in the National Museum of Ireland (NMI), Dublin and include at least one of the mudstone/shale axes, a large number of axes and fragments of ground stone axes of the same type, seemingly of identical geology from the River Corrib between Dangean and Menlo in particular. Many of these and a range of other lithics which were found by divers in the Corrib in the 1980s and previously in the NMI now form part of the extensive prehistoric exhibition in Galway City Museum/Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe. 9 While a good range of the material found in the River Corrib is now in Galway City Museum some of the artefacts are unaccounted for. A midden at Tullybeg near Renvyle Co. Galway which was sampled and radiocarbon dated but not excavated dates from the Late Mesolithic period. The midden material consists mainly of periwinkles with the occasional dogwhelk and limpet. No artefacts, animal bones or charcoal have been noted at the site (Murray 2009, 1-3). The samples returned radiocarbon dates of 5783±47 Before Present (UBA – 8883) and 6021±39 BP (UBA – 10230), these give calibrated dates of Cal B.C. 4498-4026 and Cal B.C. 4756-4325 respectively. Lynan 1922 mentions another midden site in the nearby townland of Tullymore. No dating evidence for this site is yet known however. The Belderrig area of North Mayo was previously best known for its Neolithic settlement evidence and its tombs and field systems. In recent years however the excavation at Belderrig has produced occupation evidence. Late Mesolithic stone tools charred chestnuts and fish bones but no molluscs. This material spans from the mid 5th to mid 4th millennium B.C. (Warner and Rice, 2007). The expanding evidence suggests that the presence of Mesolithic peoples in the Galway Bay area and West of the Shannon was widespread not rear, the voyage of discovery continues. References Higgins, J. (2000) “260 Oranmore Sewerage Scheme” in Bennett I (ed.) Excavations 1998, Summary Accounts of Archaeological Excavations in Ireland, Bray, 2000, 84-87. Higgins, J. (2000A) “310 Oranmore Sewerage Scheme in Bennett, I (ed.) Excavations 1999 Summary Accounts of Archaeological Excavations in Ireland, Bray 2000, 106-107. Hughes, K.A. et al (2004) “Marine 04 Marine Radiocarbon Age Calibration, 26-0 ka B” Radiocarbon, 46 (2004), 1059-1086. Lynam, E.W. (1922) “Prehistoric Monuments at Rinvyle, Co. Galway”, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquities of Ireland, 52 1922, 164-8. Morahan, L. (2000) “311 Oranmore Site 28, 312 Oranmore Site 27, 313 Oranmore Site 17, 314 Oranmore Site 25” in Bennett, I (ed.) Excavations 1999 Summary Accounts of Archaeological Excavations in Ireland, Bray 2000, 107-108. Murray, E. (2009) “A Late Mesolithic Shell Midden at Tullybeg, Co. Galway”, Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 61, 2009. Murray, E.V. (2007) “Molluscs and Middens: The Archaeology of ‘Irelands Early Savage Race’ in Murphy E. and Woodhouse N. (eds.) Environmental Archaeology in Ireland, Oxford 2007, 119-135. Reimer, P.J., Mc Cormac, F.G., Moore, J., Mc Cormick, F. and Murray, E.V. (2002) “Marine Radiocarbon Resevoir-Connections from the mid to late Holocene in the Eastern Sub-Polar North Atlantic”, Holocene, 12 (2) 2002, 129-135. Warner, G. and Rice, K. (2007) Excavations in 2007 at Belderrig, Co. Mayo, Stratigraphic Report Unpublished Report, University College Dublin, 2007. Driscoll, K. (2006) The Early Prehistory in the West of Ireland. Investigations into the social archaeology of the Mesolithic West of the Shannon. Unpublished M. Litt. Thesis, Department of Archaeology, NUI Galway. Gosling, P. (ed.) (1993) Archaeological Inventory of the County Galway Vol. 1, West Galway, Dublin, 1993. Fieldwork around Rusheen Bay yields new archaeological folklore and place-name heritage. Jim Higgins, Michael Gibbons and Seán Ó Coisdealabha. Fieldwork around Rusheen Bay and along the inner parts of Galway Bay has led to the discovery of a number of previously 10 unknown archaeological sites and features. The field work has also led to the identification of several Irish language placenames and folklore concerning the local topography. This fieldwork is ongoing and is a continuation of work elsewhere around Galway where new aspects of the local heritage continue to be explored in an investigative and holistic manner. At Rusheen Bay which is an important bird sanctuary and an area of outstanding natural beauty and natural heritage significance, a large weir of granite is visible in the wide river outlet to the sea from the Lough Rusheen. Built of granite, the feature is difficult to date as the stonework is untooled. Nearby along the coast the cliff faces at Seawood point have middens. One Bronze Age date was published some years ago from the cliff face at Silver Strand. Ridges or ‘lazy-beds’ which occur on the edge of a cliff face and which have been completely eroded away by centuries (or millennia) of wave action were also found during fieldwork. These narrow ridges may have been used for the cultivation of cereals. The present sea level gives a false impression of what the coastline of Galway would have looked like in prehistory. Between Barna and as far east as Silver Strand a forested landscape of peat with prehistoric trees embedded in it extended intermittently between An Spideál and Bearna. It would seem that parts of this drowned forest extended along parts of Silver Strand down to the 1950s or early 1960s when its last remnants were removed. An early Neolithic boat found on the coast near Bearna some years ago was embedded in peat and was accompanied by deer antlers and various artifacts. It is now displayed in the Galway Atlantiquarium at Salthill and is being preserved in water as part of a joint project involving co-operation between the Archaeology Department NUI Galway and the National Museum of Ireland and the Heritage Council. Boats such as this may have provided a means of transport to-and-from across Galway Bay which in prehistory was much shallower than it is now. New discoveries on Lough Rusheen, ancient piers at Mutton Island, Roscam and Oranmore Castle and a history of other new sites continue to add to our knowledge. Galway’s Titanic Links By Tommy Houlihan This year marks the 100th anniversary of one of the greatest disasters in maritime history. The tendrils of the terrible event were to reach out over the years and touch the lives and consciousness of many communities. One such community to have a heightened awareness of that fateful night of the 14th April 1912 when the RMS Titanic struck an iceberg and sank with a loss of 1500 souls was St. John’s Terrace, Henry Street, Galway. Some years following the sinking of the Titanic a survivor, Eugene Daly and his family, went to live in number 7 on that street. Eugene Daly, son of an RIC policeman, was born in Athlone, Co. Westmeath, on 23rd January 1883. His father suffered a fatal injury during a riot in Belfast, to where he had been drafted, on the 12th July 1895. This was to have a profound effect on Eugene and was to shape his future outlook in the years ahead. Eugene, as the eldest, found himself taking on the responsibilities of helping his bereaved mother take care of the family. Young Daly went to work in the Athlone Woollen Mills and his mother augmented the family income by taking in boarders. Eugene was G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E an active young man with musical and sporting inclinations. He was a member of Clann Uisneach, a local pipe band in Athlone. He was also a keen sportsman engaged in rowing on the Shannon. Eugene progressed well in the Woollen Mills and in due course became a skilled mechanic but decided, after some seventeen years, to emigrate to America, to make his fortune, in 1912. Eugene was a prudent person and had saved wisely over the years. This enabled him to pay £7-15s for his ticket and to have a reasonable reserve to support himself upon arrival. Having survived, by sheer luck, the sinking of the Titanic by clinging to an upturned collapsible lifeboat, Eugene was rescued by the Carpathia which he disembarked, at New York, on the 18th April 1912. Eugene went on to establish a new life for himself in America. Eugene and Lil returned to Ireland in 1921 to enable them to care for his mother who was unwell. His mother recovered and went on to live into her nineties. However Eugene was reluctant to return to America and eventually it was decided to settle in Galway where he found employment in a local Woollen Mills and he and Lil settled in St. John’s Terrace. There the Daly family were to have a baby daughter, Marion (Máirín) and settled down in a Galway community who were to embrace the family and maintain a curiosity and fascination in Eugene’s experiences in the short lived Titanic. Eugene became well known accordingly and his local fame was enhanced by his musical ability. He continued to play the bagpipes and flute. Eugene was particularly handy and he became renowned for fixing clocks. He found work as a mechanic readily and eventually obtained a position with Otis Elevator Company in New Jersey. Eugene continued to take an interest in Irish affairs and a document shows that he contributed to Cumann Na Saoirse , an organisation operating the Defence of Ireland Fund (see facsimile). Titanic 1/10th Scale Model, Promenade, Salthill. Receipt for donation to Cumann na Saoirse. Eugene successfully filed a claim, against the White Star Line, for the loss of his bagpipes, on which he had played Eirin’s Lament on the ferry from Cobh to the Titanic. His monetary compensation was reasonably prompt. On a visit to Michael Harlow, a former next door neighbour of the Daly family in St. John’s Terrace, this writer was to be enthralled by Michael’s clear recall of his former famous neighbour. Michael’s stories added life to cold print and corrected a number of inaccurate tales. Truth is stranger than fiction and even more fascinating. Recalling details of Eugene’s lucky survival, and rescue from the cold Atlantic before hyperthermia might set in, Michael reminded this writer that Eugene was aboard the rescue ship Carpathia within some four hours thanks to wireless telegraphy. Eugene’s survival was the result of a number of accidents resulting in a favourable outcome for him. In the years that followed Eugene was to serve briefly in the American Army, (having called up in 1917), and, before setting off to war he married Lillian (Lil) Caulfield a young Mayo lady, to whom he had been introduced by her brother Jim, in New York. Outside No. 7 St. John’s Terrace. Tom Houlihan and Mick Harlow Eugene, Marion (Máirín), Lil Daly O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E 11 Michael Harlow also pointed out the curious history of St. John’s Terrace. The houses were initially built to accommodate members of the RIC together with families from the vacated Shambles Military Barracks in an attempt to consolidate and protect the families during a turbulent time in Ireland’s history. The allocation of houses saw the RIC families occupying the houses to the West and Army families occupying the East of the terrace. Another neighbour, the late Kieran Dooley, told of Eugene’s insistence that Titanic’s Third Class Passengers were corralled below decks to enable the evacuation of the First and Second Class passengers as a priority. Eugene insisted that Third Class passengers were held at gunpoint initially. Eugene was one of those to take the initiative to secure the release of the Third Class passengers and enable them to attempt to escape. He was instrumental in helping his cousin Maggie Daly and her companion into lifeboat number 15. For many years Eugene carried his ticket (No. 382651) with him and would willingly show same upon request. Eugene’s fame would be further reinforced with the release of the film “A Night to Remember” which was based upon Walter Lord’s book of the same title and in which Eugene is mentioned. When that film was shown in a local cinema, The “Estoria”, he was guest of the manager Frank Rafter at its premier showing. During the early years of the Second World War Eugene’s daughter, Máirín became friendly with a young local Galway tenor Michael Joyce. Michael, who was the nephew of a former town crier and bill poster Ned Joyce of Whitehall, had a very good singing voice. Neighbour Michael Harlow had a dance band at this time and tenor Michael Joyce sang with the band on many occasions. Michael recalled Michael Joyce “having a voice like Frank Sinatra”. Young Michael Joyce was sponsored by a local merchant family and after the War was sent to London and Rome for voice training. It was thought that he might have a future owing to the quality of his voice. During this period Máirín and Michael got married and moved in with Eugene and Lil and spent some years there before emigrating to America in 1952. By this time the Joyce family had three children. Eugene and Lil then lived alone for nine years in St. John’s Terrace. Lil died in 1961 and is interred in New Cemetery Bohermore. Eugene’s health declined over following few years and neighbours could see that he needed someone to care for him and so informed his daughter. Michael and Máirín invited Eugene to go and live with them and so he did flying from Shannon this time. He spent a short time with his family in America before dying on October 5th 1965. Thomas Houlihan, author at Lil’s grave New Cemetery. 12 Eugene Daly is buried in St. Raymond’s Cemetery, The Bronx and this writer intends to take a stone from Eugene’s wife’s grave in the New Cemetery and place it on the grave in America. Likewise a stone from Eugene’s grave will be placed on Lil’s grave in Galway. Bibliography: A Night to Remember (Walter Lord, Penquin, London, 1981). Titanic (Anton Gill, Channel 4 Books, 2010). Exhibits: Titanic Exhibition (Greenwich ,London, 1995). Anecdotal Folklore Sources Kieran Dooley, Galway 2005. Michael Harlow, Galway 2012. Filmography: A Night to Remember,directed by Ward Baker (1958). The Henry Library: From Tuam To Galway, By Ruairí Ó hAodha. Tuam Cat hedr al a nd it s Books Tuam became an important place from about the twelfth century onwards, when Toirdelbach Ua Conchobair unusually for a Connacht man secured the high-kingship of Ireland. He more than anyone made Tuam a centre of the O’Connor dynasty and in the year 1127 work began on St. Mary’s Cathedral, which became the mother church of the Archdiocese of Tuam. The cathedral remained in the hands of the Catholic community until the sixteenth century when it passed to the Church of Ireland. In 1561, during the upheavals of the Reformation and the Tudor subjugation of Ireland, a Limerick-born Jesuit named David Wolfe made a discreet but extensive visitation of many of the churches in Ireland on behalf of the Pope. In Tuam he met Henry VIII’s recent appointment to the archbishopric, Christopher Bodkin. Bodkin impressed Wolfe by informing him that he had restored order and worship to St. Mary’s after three centuries of neglect. He claimed that the cathedral had been used as a fortress and stable by the local gentry and that he had seen to its liberation at no little cost to himself and his family. Wolfe noted in his report that the cathedral was well looked after, with all that was necessary for the divine office, and although he stopped short of using the term library, he noted that Tuam Cathedral has numerous books. Uilliam Ó Domhnuill (William Daniel) was the state-appointed archbishop from 1609 to 1628. In collaboration with his predecessor and brother-in-law Fearganainm Ó Domhnalláin (Nehemiah Donelan), and with the help Domhnall Óg Ó hUigínn, the ollamh or master of the bardic school at Kilclooney near Tuam, he oversaw the translation into Irish and the printing of the Greek New Testament in 1602 and of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer in 1608. Daniel was a very scholarly man who uniquely for his time moved with ease between the worlds of English Puritanism and the native Irish schools and seems to have been well respected by those of influence in both English and Irish-speaking Tudor Ireland. He was educated in Cambridge and became one of the first fellows of the newly-founded Trinity G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E College, as his name appears in the college’s inaugural charter. He was moreover a bibliophile as is attested to by a book, bearing his signature which survives to this day in the Armagh Public Library. On an inside flyleaf of the book, along with various scribbling in Irish, English and Latin, is what can best be described as a shopping list of about forty other “Bookes bought at London 1595 September”. Although he may have been buying them for himself, the way he divided the list by subject; Divinitie, Historica, Geometry etc. suggest that he may have been stocking up the new college’s library. It is not known whether he left any books behind him in Tuam though an original edition of his Irish New Testament was part of the library of Archbishop Charles Bernard which was put up for auction shortly after Bernard’s death in 1890. A notice which appeared in the Tuam Herald following the auction recorded that his 1602 Tiomna Nuadh ar dTighearna agus ar Slanaightheora Iosa Criosd Re HUilliam O Domhnuill sold for a mere ten shillings. During the brief period of Irish independence in the 1640s when the Protestant bishops removed themselves to Galway, the Catholics returned to St. Mary’s and the along with restoring the altars and interior, Archbishop John de Burgo established a library within its walls, stocking it with books he had purchased through Jesuit contacts on the continent. From that time until the nineteenth century there is little mention of books in St. Mary’s, though it is known that many of the churchmen had extensive libraries of their own. One figure who stands out is the enigmatic Jasper Robert Joly, the son of a wealthy Anglo-Irish family who succeeded his father as the vicargeneral of Tuam around the time of the famine. He amassed a huge collection of books, maps and prints over his lifetime and had a particular interest in Celtic music, Irish topography and the history of Revolutionary France. Although it is not known whether he bequeathed anything to Tuam it is not unlikely, as the Joly Collection, which was originally given to the RDS and passed to the new National Library in 1890, has at least 23,000 items. In the nineteenth century Tuam’s population grew and the arrival of the railways opened the town to significant in-migration, much of it Protestant. The cathedral was greatly extended to accommodate the growing numbers, and in 1861 the ‘old cathedral’, now the Synod Hall, was fitted out specifically as a chapter room and library with ivory inlaid Italian Renaissance stall-work and eighteenth century George McAlister-designed stained glass. Symbolism still visible on the room’s south facing doorstep and an ornate stained-glass window on the cathedral’s interior would suggest that the library may also have doubled as the Masonic lodge (No. 161), which was active in Tuam throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century. The Henr y Li br a r y The refurbishment in 1861 would suggest that there were books present before this time, though it is difficult to be certain, as there is no catalogue extant any earlier than 1886. In 1881 at a meeting of the Tuam Diocesan Council, the Reverend Joseph Henry offered his own “large and well-stocked library and bookcases to the Diocese”. Joseph Henry was born around 1821, the son of Hugh Robert Henry and Elizabeth, the daughter of Sir Robert Langrishe, Baronet. The Henry family originally came from Co. Kildare, but Hugh settled at Toghermore House, an estate close to Tuam. Many of the family served as magistrates and Justices of the Peace. They were popular and benevolent landlords, who took care of their tenants and contributed much to O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E the local community over many generations. Joseph Henry studied at Trinity College, Dublin throughout the 1840s. He was ordained in 1852 and briefly served in a parish in Co. Mayo before taking up the post of Consular Chaplain in Lima, following in the footsteps of his brother James who became a successful merchant in Peru. He remained in South America for twenty years during which he amassed a large collection of books before returning to the parish of All Saints at Blackrock in Dublin. By his will, which was proved in September 1885 he left his books and £15 a year for the purchase of new stock to the Tuam Diocesan Council. The library remained in the Synod Hall of St. Mary’s until 1985. Over the years this older section of the cathedral deteriorated and the books became damp. It was decided that the library should remain within the diocese and so they were removed to St. Nicholas’ Collegiate Church in Galway. In the 1990s a special group, the ‘St. Nicholas’ Library and ‘Heritage Project’ was established to oversee the collection’s restoration and to record and publish the funerary monuments of St. Nicholas. The project carried out other conservation work also and hold numerous heritage exhibitions including some on Galway’s Architectural Heritage, Heraldry, the Connaught Rangers and the Henry Library. The project which ran from 1990-1992 was directed by Jim Higgins with Anna McHugh and Treasa Moore as assistants. A number of trainees underwent a course in book conservation at Marsh’s Library in Dublin. They cleaned, waxed and carried out minor repairs on the books. In 2006 the Henry Library was given on permanent loan to the Special Collection’s section of the James Hardiman Library, NUI Galway where they are now housed. There were three categories of the Henry Library printed over the years; one by John Drought of Dublin in 1886, a copy of which is on microfilm at the National Library, a catalogue produced by the ‘Church of Ireland Printing Company’ in 1917, which no longer appears to be extant, and a 1926 supplementary catalogue printed by O’Gorman’s in Galway which covered works added to the library between 1914 and 1926. The collection was fully recatalogued following restoration at St. Nicholas’s in the 1980s. The Henry collection has been described as a classic example of a late Victorian library, including as it does theological, biblical and classical studies. There are over 4,000 books in the collection and just 110 that are pre-1800 in date. A quick comparison of the lists from the 1880s and 1990s show that despite an increase in the volume of stock over a century, a sizeable number of titles disappeared between moves, especially some of the oldest material, which included very early editions of the works of Thomas Aquinas, Jean Calvin and Erasmus. Amongst the early books still present are three by St. Bonaventure from 1596, 1609 and 1647. It contains numerous works on history, geography, topography and travel, with small number of interesting titles on polar exploration. The library grew through purchase and some stock like bibles and prayer books were added to it over the years by the closure of Church of Ireland buildings. There is a fine collection of Francis Frith photos of the English cathedrals and there is a near complete set of the Achill Herald, printed by the evangelical Irish Church Mission Society at their unique settlement on Achill from the 1840s to the 1870s, which would be of great value to researchers. 13 The library is understandably very theological, though it does contain much that would interest the students of classical studies and has a number of titles that may be of interest to students of Irish history, including 17 volumes of the works of James Ussher, Leland’s History of Ireland (1773), and Froude’s The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century (1842-47). There is also a complete set of Samuel Lewis’s topographical dictionaries of Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. There are some biographical works, and those of Irish interest include H.J.M. Mason’s Life of William Bedell (1843), LeFanu’s Seventy Years of Irish Life, Prime’s 1862 memoirs of the Westmeath-born printer and preacher Rev. Nicholas Murray and the complete works and correspondences of Jonathan Swift (1767). In terms of local studies along with material relating to the ninetennth century Church of Ireland, there’s the Tuam Diocesan Council Reports covering almost a century, from 1871 to 1951, T. J. Westropp’s study of the fort of Dún Aonghusa (1910), Hubert Knox’s Notes on the early history of the dioceses of Tuam, Kilalla & Achrony (1904), and Sirr’s A memoir of the Hon. Power LePoer Trench, Last Archbishop of Tuam (1845). A small number of other titles, like J.J. Gaskins Varieties of Irish History (1869), Hutton’s 1907 verse edition of The Táin, James Murphy’s 1913 history of the 1798 rebellion, The Forge of Clohogue, R.H. Murray’s Revolutionary Ireland and its Settlement (1911) and McCarthy’s Book of Irish Ballads (1853) are also all noteworthy. Bibliography (1886, January). Catalogue of the books in the Tuam Cathedral Library. Dublin. John T. Drought. (1926). Supplementary catalogue of the Henry Library, 1926, in connection with St. Mary’s Cathedral, Tuam. Galway. O’Gorman Printinghouse. Burke, O. J. (1882). The History of the Catholic Archbishops of Tuam. Dublin. Hodges, Figgis and Co. 150-151. Connors, T. G. (2001). Surviving the Reformation in Ireland (1534-80): Christopher Bodkin, Archbishop of Tuam and Roland Burke, Bishop of Clonfert. Sixteenth Century Journal, XXXII (2). Estate Record: Henry (Toghermore). In NUI, Galway’s Landed Estate’s Database. Retrieved from Higgins, J. and Heringklee, S. (1992). Monuments of St. Nicholas Collegiate Church, Galway, Galway, 1992. Higgins, J., & Parsons, A. (Eds.). (1995). St. Mary’s Cathedral, Tuam: an architectural, archaeological and historical guide, Galway. The Friend’s of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Tuam, 97-103. Higgins, J. (2006, Autumn). Teachers of Wisdom to Posterity: The Henry Library donated to NUI, Galway. Oidhreacht na Gaillimhe/Galway’s Heritage, Vol. 10.14. Tallon, M. (1959). Church of Ireland Diocesan Libraries, Dublin. Library Association of Ireland. 20-23. At the Heritage Stand at Volvo Ocean Race 2012. James Reynolds Galway City Museum and Rosemary Kiely 14 Galway Family History Society West by Redmond Burke Who am I, what combinations of families made me? These are some of the many questions that we may ask ourselves when we stop and look back to a time that is gone. When we do look back to find out who we are, we are looking at a web or a structure whose roots are branched in all directions. The curiosity begins and the investigation into the Family becomes a reality and construction of a family tree a target. The next question is how do I begin and who do I ask? A great deal of information can be gained from old photographs, letters, talking to older members of your family and neighbours. In the olden days there were no filing cabinets so many important documents were kept safe between the pages of books such as dictionaries or history books. If you ever took the time to scan through old books at your grand parents house you may well find old receipts, addresses of relations in the U.S.A and Britain. You may even find cherished moments, membership cards of organizations long gone. After gathering as much information as is possible, you then decipher as much as you can and record it in a basic understandable structure. You are now well on the way to creating your family tree. Over the past 20 years Family history research has expanded because of overseas interests mainly from Australia and the Unites States of America. Family history research really started in Australia where a great amount of information has been gathered and made available. I had in the past the need to acquire information from Australia concerning local subject matters. Family History Societies have sprung up in every County in Ireland and have employed genealogies and heritage experts to help the public to gather coveted information and create their family trees. Galway Family History Society West Ltd. was established in 1985 to transcribe and computerize sources for genealogical research in West Galway. The Society offers a full genealogical service for West County Galway (an area stretching from Dunmore in the East to Kinvara in the South, and as far west as the Aran Islands. Galway Family History Society West is an accredited IFHF (Irish Family History Foundation) County Genealogy Centre and, as G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E such, has compiled and made available its database of genealogical records to Roots Ireland as a commitment to genealogical and historical data. The work of computerizing and updating the records is ongoing. The Galway Family History Society West databases include parish church records of baptisms, marriages and deaths, census returns and gravestone inscriptions. The Company also facilitates a local training initiative providing vocational employment skills. Galway Family History Society West is located in St Joseph's Community Centre, Ashe Road, Shantalla, Galway City, Ireland. Consultations are by appointment only, the last appointment 15.30 Monday-Thursday, and 12.30 on Friday. Galway Family History Society West can also be contacted by: Email: Online Research: References: Galway Family History Society West archives. Article and photographs by Redmond Burke. St. Nicholas Collegiate Church Galway, Tour Guide by Bridget Clesham, Galway, April 2012, Price €4, pp.32. ISBN 978-1-906886-41-7. This is a small all colour general guide to Galway’s sole surviving medieval parish church. It features some good colour photographs of various elements of the church and provides some basic information on the visible architectural elements and monuments rather than concentrate on the detailed history of the buildings. Part of the pictorial map of the 1660’s (rather than 1651-2) which is reproduced in the booklet shows the church as it was in the 17th century. The so-called ‘Crusader’s Tomb’ (for which there is no evidence if any real link with the crusades) is among the monuments featured. A selection of the carvings, stained glass and views of the interior and exterior of the building give a pleasant overview of some of the more interesting items in this fascinating building. The three crowned hammers on one of the 17th century gravestones are not the occupational symbols of a goldsmith but are rather elements of the heraldry of a guild of blacksmiths. The oculus in the chapel and in some of the windows were alterations of the 19th century in that, though they are original features, they were moved from elsewhere in the church as 19th century illustrations were done for James Hardiman show. A short ‘Further Reading’ section would be a valuable addition to this neat little guide book. The quality of the paper and photographs is high and the text is clear and readable and would undoubtedly be an invitation to some visitors to delve deeper into a study of this wonderful building. J.H. O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E 15 Diary of Heritage Week Events 2012 H E R I T A G E W E E K E V E N T S C H E D U L E FO R T H E W E E K O F T H E 1 8 TH A U G U S T 2 0 1 2 T O 2 6 TH A U G U S T 2012. ! D ate Sat. 18 201 2 Eve nt th Au g. S u n . 1 9 th Aug. 2 01 2 M o n . 2 0 th Aug. 2 01 2 T u e s . 2 1 st Aug. 2 01 2 nd Wed. 22 Aug. 2 01 2 Start Time 10.00 Finish Time 17.00 Loc atio n 1. Maritime photographic heritage exhibition Galway City Museum/Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe, Long walk, Galway city. 2. The river Corrib research project. Talks and site visit to Terryland castle. 10.00 14.00 Terryland Castle, Dyke Road, Galway city. 3. Galway’s photographic cycling heritage exhibition/Oidhreacht rothaíocht na Gaillimhe. 11.00 17.00 Westside Library, Westside, Galway city. 1. 10.00 17.00 Galway City Museum/Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe, Long walk, Galway city. 1. Maritime photographic heritage exhibition Tour of new Cemetery Bohermore 9.30 10.30 Main gate at new Cemetery Bohermore, Bohermore, Galway city. 2. Guided tour of Mutton Island Lighthouse 11.00 15.00 12.00 16.00 Meet at inner gate to Mutton Island Lighthouse 10 minutes before starting time of tour, Mutton Island Lighthouse, Mutton Island , Galway city. 1. Maritime photographic heritage exhibition 10.00 17.00 Galway City Museum/Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe, Long walk, Galway city. 2. Tour of new Cemetery Bohermore 9.30 10.30 Main gate at new Cemetery Bohermore, Bohermore, Galway city. 3. Guided tour of Mutton Island Lighthouse 11.00 15.00 12.00 16.00 Meet at inner gate to Mutton Island Lighthouse 10 minutes before starting time of tour, Mutton Island Lighthouse, Mutton Island , Galway city. 4. Galway’s photographic cycling heritage exhibition/Oidhreacht rothaíocht na Gaillimhe. 11.00 20.00 Westside Library, Westside, Galway city. 1. Maritime photographic heritage exhibition 10.00 17.00 Galway City Museum/Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe, Long walk, Galway city. 2. Tour of new Cemetery Bohermore 9.30 10.30 Main gate at new Cemetery Bohermore, Bohermore, Galway city. 3. Guided tour of Mutton Island Lighthouse 11.00 15.00 12.00 16.00 Meet at inner gate to Mutton Island Lighthouse 10 minutes before starting time of tour, Mutton Island Lighthouse, Mutton Island, Galway city. HERITAGE WEEK EVENT SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF THE 18 TH AUGUST 2012 TO 26 TH AUGUST 4 . Galway’s photographic cycling heritage 11.00 2012. 20.00 Westside Library, Westside, Galway city. exhibition/Oidhreacht rothaíocht na Gaillimhe. ! urs . 2 3rd T h urs. Aug. Aug. F r i . 2 4 th A u g . 201 2 S a t . 2 5 th A u g . 201 2 16 1. Maritime photographic heritage exhibition 10.00 17.00 Galway City Museum/Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe, Long walk, Galway city. 2. 2. Guided tour of Mutton Island Lighthouse 11.00 15.00 12.00 16.00 Meet at inner gate to Mutton Island Lighthouse 10 minutes before starting time of tour, Mutton Island Lighthouse, Mutton Island, Galway city. 3. Galway’s photographic cycling heritage exhibition/Oidhreacht rothaíocht na Gaillimhe. 11.00 17.00 Westside Library, Westside, Galway city. 1. Maritime photographic heritage exhibition 10.00 17.00 Galway City Museum/Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe, Long walk, Galway city. 2. Guided tour of Mutton Island Lighthouse 10.00 15.00 11.00 16.00 Meet at inner gate to Mutton Island Lighthouse 10 minutes before starting time of tour, Mutton Island Lighthouse, Mutton Island, Galway city. 3. Galway’s photographic cycling heritage exhibition/Oidhreacht rothaíocht na Gaillimhe. 11.00 17.00 Westside Library, Westside, Galway city. 4. Medieval walled towns day tour and talk. 14.00 15.15 Browne Doorway, Eyre Square, Galway city. 1. Maritime photographic heritage exhibition 10.00 17.00 Galway City Museum/Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe, Long walk, Galway city. 2. Galway’s photographic cycling heritage 11.00 17.00 Westside Library, Westside, Galway city. G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E Mayor Launches Major New Exhibition entitled Uisce agus Beatha/Water and Life at Galway City Museum/Músaem Cathracht na Gaillimhe. Mayor of Galway Councillor Terry O’Flaherty who at present is enjoying her second term as Major of the city and who’s interest in Heritage is widely known recently launched Uisce agus Beatha/Water and Life Exhibiton at the museum. The exhibit which is curated by Dr. Jim Higgins, Galway City Heritage Officer, is funded jointly by The Heritage Council and Galway City Council. Below we reproduced the text of her speech at the launch on Thursday the 5th of July 2012, “I am delighted to be back in Galway City Museum/Músaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe to launch what will undoubtedly be a very important and enjoyable exhibition. I was here recently for the first event of my current Mayorship and was struck by the great rate of development of the museum and I must complement the hard working staff on how well it looks. Last year the National Museum of Ireland showed great faith and confidence in this great museum by providing on loan one of the largest launches of prehistoric and medieval artefacts ever entrusted on loan to a newly designated museum in the state. This illustrates the high regard that the National Museum has in this institution. the Atlantic. Photographs ranging in date from the 1870’s to the 1970’s feature in this exhibition and looking through them it is remarkable how Galway has changed in that short period of time. What I like about the images is that most of them are not professionally taken photographs but are contributed by members of the public as a result of an appeal by the Heritage Officer in the local newspapers and on our local radio, Galway Bay Fm. The exhibition therefore is a popular community based one, to which the people of the city were invited to contribute their photographs. Like Galway’s Cycling Heritage exhibition this one too will get plenty of use. It will be here at the museum throughout the summer until Heritage Week in August and early September after which it will go to the schools and the various libraries around the city so that it can be enjoyed by all. I would like to pay tribute to the Heritage Council and the Heritage Offficer Scheme, through them every community throughout Ireland has gained, through grant schemes and encouragement from the council. Without the Heritage Council funding (which has been severely cut in the last few years) exhibitions like this would not be possible. The present exhibition is also of course subsidized by Galway City Council through the Heritage Office and this institution Galway City Council’s Músaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe/Galway City Museum and everyone involved should be proud of this wonderful display”. The exhibition which I have the pleasure to launch today has photographs which are not as ancient but is just as important in heritage terms. It has been curated by our Heritage Officer Dr. Jim Higgins who also curated the first exhibition held in the Museum in 2006 when a wonderful exhibition entitled Conamar Cathrach/Fragments of a City highlighted Galway’s wonderful Medieval sculpture. The present exhibition Uisce agus Beatha, Water and Life is an especially appropriate one for Galway as we welcome the Volvo Ocean Race on its return visit to Galway. Water and Life features images of the river, lake and sea and people’s inter-relationship with the Corrib River, Galway Bay and O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E 17 Galway’s N ew “Dead Museum” a t NUI Ga lwa y – The Zoology a nd Mar ine Bi ology Mus eu m. There was a time down until the late 1960’s when there was a world of museums at NUI Galway. The oldest part of the Quadrangle built in the 1840’s used to be home to museums of geology, botany, zoology, archaeology and was a substantial ethnographic or folk-life collection of these wonderful collections only one now remains in the Quadrangle – the Geology Museum. For many years, until the 1990’s, the Geology museum and its immense historical and research significance lay unrecognized until it was cleaned and recatalogued with a new useful guide to its collections published. The zoological collections were rehoused mainly in the Arms de Brún when they left the Quad but now an important collection of specimens and models of Zoological and Marine-Biological interest are on display in the Martin Ryan Institute at NUI Galway. This collection is partly housed towards the rear of the foyer and in a large room behind the foyer and is really worth a visit. J.H. Rememberin g Galwa y’s Trawler Fleet By P at ri ck J. C o nneel y My name is Patrick Conneely. Formally of New Docks, Galway. I come from a seafaring family; my grandfather was a fisherman like his father before him. My own father was a Navy man, fisherman and marine engineer. I always felt bad that the Galway sailing trawlers had mostly been forgotten. Galway had a large sailing trawler fleet until 1946. These trawlers came into Galway Harbour once a year to the old Mud Dock to have their bottoms scraped and scrubbed. They mostly lay at anchor on the roads near Mutton Island. They carried a crew of six with one or two buckos (deck boys). The buckos stood at anchor-watch and maintained the vessel at anchor. Unlike the Claddagh boats, the trawler men from Galway Bay to Killybegs, in Donegal, and as far south as Kerry Head. Galway trawlers typically fished for cod, haddock, halibut, john dory, spotted plaice, dover sole, gray sole, mary sole, magrum, gurnets, whiting, pollock, ling and a variety of pelagic fish, whereas, the Claddagh fishing fleet limited themselves to herring, pollock, cod and mackerel. Galway trawlers unloaded their fish by small boats that were rowed to the steps at the Mud Dock just yards from my home where I was born. The Galway sailing trawlers were steered by a tiller, there was generally no wheelhouse. They were a two-mast vessel, carrying main, mainsail, main-top, mizzen-mast, mizzen-top, fore-sail and jib. Galway trawlers gave employment to many people including fishmongers (people who worked in the ice factory, people in the transportation business). These people were employed because much of the fish was transported to O’Hanlon’s fish market in Dublin by train. Galway trawlers carried blocks of ice in their holds packed in sawdust. Many of the crews lived in the Long Walk, Spanish Arch, Quay Street, Cross Street, Flood Street, Merchant’s Road and surrounding areas. Long Walk got its name because cordage was measured from end to end by a crew member taking a ‘long walk’ where rigging was stretched and measured for various sailing ships. During World War II – I fished with my dad aboard the ‘Decision’, the last of the Galway sailing trawlers. She had a Gardiner marine engine installed as an auxiliary and was owned by the Delargy family of New Docks, Galway. I joined the merchant navy and all of my professional merchant mariners papers refer to the place I was born, the New Docks, Galway. On board the sailing trawlers, the trawl was hand-winched by four of the crew. The work was hard and laborious but was rewarding at times. In heavy weather, we sheltered at times in the lee of the Aran Islands. Sometimes, we sent our fish to market by way of the ‘Dún Aengus’, the Aran Islands ferry. My schooling was at the Monastery at Market Street at the Technical School for seamanship and my navigation skills were learned from Captain Wooley of the first port of Galway Sea Scouts. The Galway trawlers of days gone by should not be forgotten by the citizens of Galway. It is part of our memory, of our seafaring heritage, not to be lost like the disappearing dreams of yesteryear. I have in my memory the names of our past trawler fishing fleet and they include the following: The Rambler and The Sunshine owned by the Anderson Family of Galway. The Lord Marmion (Motor-Sailer Trawler) owned by the O’Donnell Family of 18 G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E Galway, The Ocean Queen, The Mountain Hare, The Claddagh King, Morning Star, The Neptune (lost during World War II), The Irishman, The Irish Leader, The Shamrock, The Premier, The Successful and last but not least, The Decision. Galaway Bay Trawler “Decision” 1946 Skipper & Engineer Michael Brendan Conneely Captain Wooleys 1st Port of Galway Seascouts. Future Merchant Mariners pictured in 1947. Patrick J. Conneely Snr. is among them in the second row and second in from the right. Patrick J. Conneely Snr. in the stateroom of the Keltic Dawn. Dead In teres ting. S tories from the Gr ave yar ds of D ublin . by S hane M ac Thomá is , M er cier Pre ss, Cor k, 2 0 12 , 19 0 p ag es , p r ic e € 1 2 .9 5 (So f t ba c k). Stories from a number of Dublin City graveyards feature in this book including Glasnevin, Finglas Graveyard, the Hugenot and Jewish Cemeteries. Mount Jerome Cemetery and Bully’s Acre. The subject matter is fascinating, the people and historic events, the cemeteries themselves are all written about in an accessible and well written manner. The book contains a variety of characters from Ann Devlin to Zozimus. The authors segment on Ann Devlin puts flesh on her bones, so to speak. She is often referred to almost as a footnote to Robert Emmet and his Rising of 1803. In fact however she had a long and significant pedigree and was a strong minded Republican activist in her own right. Though Mac Thomáis refers to her as ‘Ireland’s first revolutionary woman’, she was hardly the first. Her aunt was married to a Dwyer man and was the mother of the Wicklow revolutionary Michael Dwyer. After the 1803 Rising, Ann and the rest of her family including her eight year old sister were all arrested. Ann was interrogated and tortured. She was half hung from a cart in the yard of Dublin Castle but refused to betray Emmett. She died in poverty in 1851. The topics of cholera, body snatching, plague, poverty and tragedy all occur. Triumph over adversity also feature in the life of Christy Browne for instance. Father Browne, the changes of the Light Brigade, Brendan Behan, Nurse Elizabeth O’Farrell, Luke Kelly, Thomas Steele, Fenian Graves, Civil War Graves and various national figures of every political hue from Frank Ryan to Éamon de Valera and Eoin O’Duffy, John Philpot Curnan and Daniel O’Connell all feature. A fascinating and delightful read. J.H. Highfi el d Memories - Scéalta Ghoi rt A r d . Publi shed by H ighfi eld Pa rk R es ident s A ss o ci a tio n . Dr . J i m H ig g in s . Patrick J. Conneely’s Grandson, P. J. drafting this article. This book of 224 pages is a charming social history of a modern housing estate and its context within an earlier historic and archaeological landscape. It is a very easy read and has been contributed to by a large number of writers, mainly people who have lived in or grown up around the Highfield Park area or who moved there over the years. J.H. O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E 19 The purpose of the book is to celebrate the Highfield community according to the book’s ‘Foreward’ and this really is what it succeeds in doing through history, anecdote, and pictures. Tony Flannery, Frank McHugh, Fiona Falvey, Seán Stafford, Úna Breathnach, Helen Spellman, Gary Corless, Micheál Maye, Cathy McMenamon and Rónán Mac Gearailt are among those who contributed to the book. Nimmo’s Anecdotes an d Recipes b y H ar ri et L ean d e r, T he Va rs ity Pre ss, 2 0 1 1 Pr ice € 2 0 . A wonderful book and a great gift for anyone who has dined at Nimmo’s and for anyone who would like to re-engage with the experience by following Harriet’s wonderful recipes. Harriet opened her restaurant at Nimmo’s in 1991 after a previous eaterie on the site ‘The Blue Raincoat’ had closed its doors, it continued as Nimmo’s until 2004 and it is now Ard Bia at Nimmo’s. The book is a labour of love featuring many anecdotes, reminiscences as well as being a great cook book. Illustrated with an eclectic series of photographs, drawings, paintings, old postcards and other illustrative material the publication is also a feast of imagery that varies between the surreal to the sublime. The Joe Boske illustrations are as wonderful as ever. I am old enough to remember it without its medieval stone work and Ardfry House finial and its inserted grotesque stone head (the building that is) before Alec Finn and Leonie King bought its concrete shell and gave it its limestone attire. Some other stones are from Arafry House, Co. Galway. What was once an old garage located almost on the site of a guard house with steps leading to the shore on the Long Walk became a centre of culinary delight when it became Nimmo’s restaurant. ‘Soups and Starters’, ‘Fish and Shellfish’, ‘Poultry’, ‘Meat’, ‘Dishes for Vegetarians’, ‘Vegetables’, ‘Sauces and Stocks’, ‘Deserts’, ‘Cheese and Wine’ along with a section entitled ‘Nimmo’s Buffet’ are the meat and vegetable section of this book which runs to 169 pages and what a wonderful menu the ‘Table of Contents’ make. Interspersed throughout are thoughtful pieces, small essays on a variety of topics like ‘Little did I know…’ which introduces the ‘history and prehistory’ of the people behind Nimmo’s and how Harriet got involved in the restaurant. Seamus and Kevin Sheridan had been running ‘The Blue Raincoat’ there until October 1991 until it became Nimmo’s. The people and the place are described with warmth and affection and fourteen years of Nimmo’s was clearly a passionate involvement with the place, the people and the food. There is another section on ‘The building and its history’ and stuffed between ‘The Shellfish’ and ‘The Poultry’ and ‘Neither Fish nor Fowl’ is ‘A short history of Alexander Nimmo and why we chose to name the restaurant after him’. ‘Nimmo’s events and other things we got up to’ is a wonderful chapter of personal and sociable history which is wedged between ‘The Meat’ and ‘The Vegetarians’. ‘All Those Galway Events’ and ‘Sandra’s Stories and Memories of Her Time at 20 Nimmo’s’ is another very pleasant intermission. The book is a delightful slice of Galway life. There is a section entitled ‘Goodbye, Farewell and Take Care’ at the end of the book which starts with the sentence ‘There is so much more to tell about our time at Nimmo’s…’ and so there is, Like Oliver in Oliver Twist, all J.H. this reviewer can say is “Please, can I have some more?” Tri be. A Portrai t of Galway by Re g Gor da n, Gal way, 2011. This excellent publication is locally printed to a very high standard by Castle Print in the Liosbán Industrial Estate here in Galway. In this wonderful hardback book Reg Gordan “attempts to document his Tribe – the community that gives Galway its life, character and personality”. According to the text on the dust jacket: ”Free from editorial constraint, every image in this book was conceived and documented exactly as he wanted. Each photograph has captured the personality of his subject and when viewed as a collection it captures the personality of the city, the book ‘Tribe’ is a document of Galway in 2011.” The photographer Reg Gordan is a Dubliner who is proud of the city he loves – Galway. So take the challenge, buy the book and see how many of those who posed for Reg you know. Familiar and some less familiar faces feature here; humanity in many forms, it is well worth looking out for. J.H. Youth’s Corner. Th r ee enth usiastic yo ung visit or s to Ga l w ay sh a re t he ir impr ess ion s of th e city du r ing the Vo l vo Oc ea n Ra ce Week 2012. My t r ip t o Gal w a y and t he Volv o Ocea n Ra ce 20 12 by Jack Long (age 9 ), Li mer ick . On July 6th 2012 I went up to Galway to my aunt and uncle. My brother Conor and cousin Luke came too. That day we went to a lot of shops like Eason’s and Charlie Byrnes. The atmosphere was great. There were truly lovely people there. The buskers were really cool. They had native and foreign instruments and their singing was very nice. The next day we got up early to go to the Volvo Ocean Race, with me was Conor, Luke and my aunt and uncle. While my aunt parked the car the rest of us walked down to a great restaurant G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E for breakfast but before we got there we saw the winning team of the Volvo Ocean Race eating breakfast in another restaurant. One of them (Bruno Jeanjean) was outside on the phone. We saluted him, then we went around the corner after a few seconds he came running behind us and we got our photo taken with him. After breakfast the five of us went to the docks. It was lovely, the people were nice. The views were great. Then we saw the teams go out on their boats. It was nice. We saw beautiful street art on the wall. We met people from San Diego. We met a busker. We went through the Spanish Arch to go to the carnival. We went on the big wheel. We went on a few other rides too. After that we went into the city and visited the stalls again. I got a picture by James G. Miles. Then we went for a pizza. Everything was great and everybody was nice. Galway. After that we went on heart pounding rides. We then went into a shop called ‘Its Magic’, it is a beautiful gift shop which I loved. I bought a potato gun which fires out potato pellets. After that we went home. In Galway city there was a lot of colour because of the flags representing the countries that raced in the Volvo Ocean Race. As well as colour, Galway was packed with smells, sounds and the fresh breeze of the sea. The smell of food outside the restaurants was lovely and the fragrance of fish for sale was lovely too. The sounds of people talking makes you feel like you are safe in Galway with everybody near you. Whereas all you have to do when you are at the docks is block out every noise apart from the crash of waves to feel like you are the only person there and you are all alone. My aunt and uncle are great for bringing Luke, Jack and I to the Volvo Ocean Race. Galway city truly is my favourite city indeed. Conor Long (age 12 ). Luke Dreelan (a ge 8), Dublin. Im pr essi ons of Ga lw ay. I am Conor Long and I have recently visited Galway. Although I live in Limerick I have many relations living in Galway, including my aunt and uncle who brought us to see the Volvo race. I went into Galway City the day we arrived, which was the 6th July 2012. I loved walking down Shop Street, it was packed and the atmosphere lovely. I bought lots of books with my brother Jack and my cousin Luke (Dizzy). We bought all our books at Charlie Byrnes bookshop. It is my favourite bookshop in the whole world. It sells books really cheap for usually 1 or 2 euro. It is huge with every type of book you’d like. They sell books brand new and second hand. I highly recommend that book shop to anyone who visits Galway. Galway is a great city and I should know about cities because I’m a Dubliner! For instance, Charlie Byrne’s is a super book store, definitely the best in Galway I think. I will give it a 10/10! There are plenty of other shops – everywhere you look there are loads of souvenir shops. Not to mention loads & loads of carnivals for kids. There are millions of boats to watch and loads of celebrations and lots of historical buildings. Galway is fab! The next day we all had to get up early to go to the Volvo Ocean Race, Luke, Jack and I were all very excited, we were all wishing that we would have as much fun that day as we had the previous night. Although we were hoping we would have a great day, we almost knew that we would, after all it was Galway City, my favourite city in the world. So off we went to have our breakfast, on the way we bumped into one of the sailors from Groupama, the winning boat in the Volvo Ocean Race. We had our photo taken with him. After a few hours of walking through the streets of the beautiful Galway city, we reached the docks to see the boats leave Galway for the last race. Soon after I got my photo taken with the Volvo Ocean Race trophy and then the five of us went to the carnival beside the sea, there we met two American people from San Diego. They were really nice and we talked to them, when we were finished talking to them I said my goodbyes to them in Irish. At the carnival we went into the big wheel to take brilliant aerial photos of O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E 21 Documenting th e Revolution – B ur ea u of M ilit ar y H is t or y Collecti on N ow Avai lable On-li ne. The dedicated website for the Bureau of Military History is now available for the public to view following the official launch on Tuesday 7th August by Mr. Jimmy Deenihan, T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. copper and lead from several Connemara churches has been ripped off in the last few months as thefts of metal have increased dramatically. A lot of hard work has been undone by the vandals and thieves who commit these crimes and it seems difficult to believe that the metal stolen in some of these robberies would not be recognizable as being stolen. The stolen railings are highly recognizable and photographs of the damaged roofs have been provided to An Garda Síochána. J.H. The BMH Collection, covers the period 1913-1921, is now available to the public at This is a joint initiative of Military Archives and the National Archives and allows you to search throughout the BMH – free of charge – to help you in your research. As the web-site states, ‘The Bureau of Military History Collection, 1913 – 1921 (BMH) is a collection of 1,773 witness statements; 334 sets of contemporary documents; 42 sets of photographs and 13 voice recordings that were collected by the State between 1947 and 1957, in order to gather primary source material for the revolutionary period in Ireland from 1913 to 1921. The Bureau’s official brief was ‘to assemble and co-ordinate material to form the basis for the compilation of the history of the movement for Independence from the formation of the Irish Volunteers on 25th November 1913, to the 11th July 1921’ (report of the Director, 1957). Along with the other major collection at Military Archives covering the revolutionary period from 1913, (the Military Service Pensions Collection), the Bureau is among the most important primary sources of information on this period available anywhere in the world. In 2001, it was decided to transfer the Bureau Collection to the Military Archives and prepare it for the release into the public domain. A team of archivists and support staff prepared the collection for its launch in March 2003. A duplicate set of the statements had originally been prepared by the Bureau and this set was transferred to the National Archives, to allow for greater public access to this fantastic primary source. The Old Waterworks J.H. Twice the Metal Th ieves C aus e Crimina l D amage to a Protected S tructu re Dr. Shane Rooney demonstrates G.P.R. The old waterworks which the City Council Office has been restoring as a heritage facility has been raided twice in the last few months. Thieves have, on two separate occasions ripped the lead from the valleys between the roofs, stolen railings and sheet lead and cast iron and have generally vandalized the buildings. No sooner had the City Council repaired the damage to one area and the criminals struck again causing huge damage to a second building. This was despite nightly security patrols. While the City Council has sufficient old slates to repair the damage in the first instance, the stocks of old slates available to match the original slates has now been exhausted. If anyone has old slates to donate we would be anxious to hear from them. The Danger to Waterworks roof 22 G A L W A Y ’ S H E R I T A G E Corri b Research P roject d is cov er ie s ar e hi gh ly si g nif ican t. Ancient boa ts f oun d w hile rada r su rvey probes th e groun d. Trevor Northage prepares to launch A license to use a detection device is one of the vital tools in the Corrib Research Project’s ongoing research into the archaeological, architectural, natural and cultural heritage of the Galway River and the Corrib. Archaeologists Jim Higgins, Michael Gibbons and Joe Fenwick, Geophysicists Dr. Eve Daly and Shane Rooney along with Jeramy Sterling are behind the project which also involves research into Terryland Castle’s history by Carol Ann Ford and Redmond Burke. The underwater aspects of the project are dealt with by Captain Trevor Northage and Rosemary Kiely. Trevor has been re-surveying the entire bed of the Corrib and making new navigational charts of the area. Trevor is working with side sonar attached to his boat. He and Rosemary have found numerous important new wrecks in the Corrib. These include three dug-out canoes including a forty-five foot long example with paddles still inside it. This craft may be longer than the prehistoric dug-out canoe from Lurgan Bog which forms an iconic exhibit in the National Museum of Ireland’s Prehistoric Ireland exhibit in Kildare Street, Dublin. Trevor has continued to discover spectacular finds which are reported to the National Museum’s Underwater Archaeology Unit by the Corrib Research Project but are left undisturbed and untouched on the river bed. Once their co-ordinates have been sent to the relevant authorities more archaeological investigations may be possible. Five dug-out canoes were previously identified by divers during the 1980’s and the locations of these were mapped by the late Etienne Rynne and Peadar O’Dowd. The various proposals have been made for new bridges across the Corrib and the local authority must ensure that information on any archaeological potential in the river is available in order to avoid any accidental disturbance to that heritage. As well as building up a picture of “what lies beneath” the non-invasive survey adds to our knowledge of the Corrib Catchment area from prehistory to the recent past. Trevor has worked closely with the Underwater Archaeology Unit of the National Museum in identifying important wrecks across the country. O I D H R E A C H T N A G A I L L I M H E It is hoped that by working together with government agencies and cultural institutions a good knowledge of the archaeological heritage of the local authority area can be deepened and widened. The local authority has also sought through the Heritage Office and working through the Parks Section to build up a picture of how Terryland Castle and Terryland House developed over the centuries. Licensed use of Ground Probing Radar (G.P.R.) and other forms of restitivity are being used to explore the past using non-invasive methods. Terryland Castle on one side, and the New Castle on the other side of the River Corrib flank one of the most important river fords on the Corrib and one which has been used for millennia. There may have been a medieval castle at Terryland before the 17th century fortified house was built. A large rubble mound near the river may have been the remnants of the castle or might instead have been formed by 19th century river dredging. A large 17th century garden with walls, landscape features, a kitchen block and a buttery lie in the same field as Terryland Castle and Terryland House. We know this from cartographic evidence and historic manuscripts including the letters of the various Earls of Clanrickarde. Using non-invasive methods including restitivity along with historical research the Corrib Research Project hopes to build on the primary sources using modern exploratory techniques. The project is part funded by Galway City Council and the Heritage Council. J.H. To book for the Conference, contact Cliona Clancy at the Planning Department, City Hall, Galway 23 GALWAY’S HERITAGE OIDHREACHT NA GAILLIMHE Galway City Museum / Musaem Cathrach na Gaillimhe June - September 2012 Galway’s Heritage/Oidhreacht na Gaillimhe is a publication of Galway City Council and is edited by Jim Higgins, Galway City Heritage Officer. It is also available on the Galway City Council website Copyright of the Heritage Office and other contributors. Back Issues of Galways Heritage / Oidhreacht na Gaillimhe Back Issues of this publication can be consulted on the Galway City website at
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