CommBank & Tourism Aust reappt Issue No. 1771, September 5, 2008

Issue No. 1771, September 5, 2008
CommBank & Tourism Aust reappt
Incumbents on two top media accts have romped
home with their gigs intact after CommBank and
Tourism Aust’s pitch and selection processes ended.
By press time, Adbrief was still waiting for the
official nod from Tourism Aust, but it is believed
the national tourism body has reappointed Carat to
its roster. Ikon Comms, too, has held onto its role at
CommBank where it will continue to handle most of
the bank’s $60m media biz. BMF, already on the
bank’s roster looking after DM, picked up more
work with news it will now manage the
media/comms strategy for the bank’s ‘youth’ mkt.
said all commercial electronic msgs (email, SMS,
MMS and instant msging) must be sent with
recipients’ consent. They must clearly and
accurately identify the msg sender and provide a
functional unsubscribe facility. Under the Spam Act,
the Fed Court can impose potential penalties of up
to $1.1 million/day on repeat offenders.
Mag says Grazia!
Traffic to ACP Mag’s new celebrity weekly title
Grazia’s website has trounced expectations since its
July 21 launch. The site has recorded 3.82 million
page impressions in Aug with more than 222,000
unique browsers, according to Neilsen data.
The Palace finds new princes, offshore
The Campaign Palace (TCP) Melb has named the
multi award-winning South African partnership of
Gerhard Myburgh and Brent Liebenberg as its new
joint CDs. The pair joins on Nov 1 from Draft FCB
SA where Myburgh was ECD with Leibenberg as
‘his’ writer and CD. TCP Melb MD Tom Cooper
said the duo had an outstanding track record and
was the ideal choice for the Palace. “There was a lot
of interest in the role from top-drawer creatives
around the world. [But] Gerhard and Brent have
great chemistry and an approach that I think the
Melb mkt will find engaging and refreshing.” He
said the pair had proved they could inspire those
around them to come up with world-class outcomes.
Myburgh and Leibenberg have worked at
TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris under Tony Granger, and at
Lowe Bull with Matthew Bull. They’ve been
gonged at D&AD, Cannes, Clio, and One Show and
were oft lauded at South Africa’s prestigious
Loeries. Client experience includes retail, FMCG,
finance, telcos and automotive.
ACMA wields big stick
The Aust Comms & Media Authority (ACMA) has
issued an infringement notice to Best Buy Aust for
allegedly breaching the Spam Act 2003 by sending
commercial electronic msgs without recipients’
consent. In particular, some customers received
emails from Best Buy after asking it to remove them
from its mailing lists. Best Buy Aust paid the $4,400
penalty in late Aug.
ACMA CEO Chris Chapman said penalties for noncompliance with the Spam Act could be costly. He
Death notices brought to life has launched a new online
memorial website at Herald Sun Tributes where
bereaved relatives and friends can build interactive
tributes to deceased loved ones. Users can upload
obituaries, photos, videos, create online books of
condolences and leave permanent memorial pages
on the site, “meaning memories of loved ones will
never fade”. Editor Matthew Kitchin said the
paper’s death notices had evolved into interactive,
multimedia-enhanced, living tributes. “We have
received ... queries about online death notices from
our older readers who also want the ability to
communicate and share memories about deceased
loved ones over the web.” Kitchin says younger
people can use the site for genealogical research and
to study famous lives. By Oct, all death notices
published in the paper since 1995 can be searched.
Junk food ad laws drafted for Parlt
Junk food and alcohol advtg would be banned from
TV during peak kids’ timeslots under draft laws
before Fed Parlt this week. The bill, introduced into
the Senate by Greens leader Bob Brown, would
restrict such advtg in schools. Brown said Parlt
could no longer ignore childhood obesity.
“According to the Aust Medical Assoc, the rise in
childhood obesity may, for the first time in Aust
history, result in a decline in the life expectancy of
newborns,” he said. Debate on the Protecting
Children from Junk Food Advtg (Broadcasting
Amendment) Bill 2008 was adjourned.
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Adbrief Issue No. 1771
exec producer at the network and is on the dvlpmnt
team behind Border Security and The Force.
People moves
* The Campaign Palace (TCP) has named 34-yearold Jacques Burger as its national CEO. In addition
to the big gig, Burger becomes TCP Syd’s new MD.
In the national role, Burger succeeds Mark Mackay
who will leave the agency in the New Year after a
17-year innings. In the Syd role, Burger takes over
from Lindsey Evans who announced her departure
recently (Adbrief 1768). Burger joins TCP after a
decade at Ogilvy South Africa Grp where he was
most recently in charge of its Cape Town office.
There he was responsible for 240+ staff across the
company’s creative, DM, online, events and media
agencies that handled the likes of BP/Castrol, SAB
Miller and Volkswagen. Burger comes with
extensive experience in the direct and digital
categories gleaned across the auto, FMCG, tobacco,
petroleum and financial services sectors. He’s
worked on major brand campaigns for VW,
Castrol, Cadbury Schweppes and WWF, among
others. Mackay said the agency was “incredibly
lucky” to secure Burger. “Talent of [his] calibre is
rare – a fact that was immediately recognised by the
Palace team. Jacques has an exceptional track record
in ATL and is equally comfortable in the digital and
direct space. But one of the things I’m most pleased
about is that Jacques is the perfect cultural fit for the
Palace. He just ‘gets’ the Palace brand and the
special place it has in our industry.”
* DDB Aust has apptd two new bods – former JWT
duo Guy Futcher and Brendan Donnelly – to its
DDB Syd creative dept. The pair swaps shops next
month with Futcher becoming snr copywriter and
snr art dir, primarily to work on big new client,
Tourism Aust. National CD and vice chair of DDB
Aust Matt Eastwood said: “Guy and Brendan have
a natural talent of being able to put themselves in
the consumer’s shoes and consistently push the
boundaries with great ideas using different
mediums.” DDB Syd CD Mark Harricks said:
“These guys are creative at their core: Brendan has a
history in publishing and web design, while Guy
plays acoustic guitar, piano, sings, writes music and
has acted in various short films.” Futcher and
Donnelly spent three years at JWT before pulling up
stumps for DDB. Donnelly worked earlier at Brand
Agency in Perth for five years. There he set up the
agency’s internet divn ahead of joining its creative
* BWM Melb has bolstered its team dedicated to
the Simplot Aust acct with the arrival of acct dir
Lina Maroun and acct mgr James Bilaver. The
agency’s first work for the client it won in April was
unveiled on Aug 8 with an integrated campaign to
support the repositioning of the Birds Eye brand.
Maroun, who’s chalked up a decade in adland at
The Works Syd, Euro RSCG, BADJAR Advtg
(now BADJAR Ogilvy), Whybin\TBWA and The
Edge Advtg, is now responsible for the day-to-day
mgmt of the Simplot biz. Bilaver, on deck since
July, has previously worked at Grey Melb on
clients such as John West, AXA and Mitre 10.
* Channel Seven has reshuffled critical staff in its
programming, dvlpmnt and production depts to fill
new roles. Head of program dvlpmnt Brad Lyons
becomes program and comms mgr (Melb). During
his eight years as head of program dvlpmnt, Lyons
was behind new shows such as Dancing with the
Stars, Deal or No Deal, My Restaurant Rules,
RSPCA Animal Rescue and, new to Seven, Find My
Family. Lisa Fitzpatrick will move into the role
vacated by Lyons. She has worked on projects
spanning drama, comedy and infotainment, and was
network exec producer for shows including Better
Homes & Gardens, It Takes Two and Make Me a
Supermodel. Sonya Wilkes, who recently toured the
world as series producer on The Outdoor Room with
Jamie Durie, will step into the exec producer role
vacated by Fitzpatrick. She will immediately take
over as network exec producer for Make Me a
Supermodel and other productions. Graeme Hill
has been apptd program and comms mgr (Syd) after
four years in a similar role in Melb. Also with
Seven, Hill has held roles such as program mgr (Qld
& SA) and head of scheduling in Syd. Dan Meenan
will become Seven’s inaugural head of factual
programming. In his new role, Meenan will oversee
Seven’s factual programs and the creative dvlpmnt
of new shows in the genre. Meenan is currently an
* Traction has apptd digital and direct specialist
Damian Byrne as its MD. He joins from Arc
Worldwide where he was regional interactive/CRM
dir. Before Arc, Byrne held snr roles with digital
mktg outfit Profero. Earlier, he was client services
dir and strategy dir with Wunderman SE Asia. As
part of his new role, Byrne will manage the day-today running of Traction, dvlp data mgmt and data
consultancy services and be responsible for the
mgmt, training and dvlpmnt of the Traction team.
* Salmat has apptd Peter Anson as COO of the grp
to help drive the one-to-one comms company
through its next growth phase. In the newly created
role, Anson – a 16-year veteran of the Salmat grp –
will be responsible for the overall growth and
profitability of the grp and the alignment of
strategies across the org’s four biz units. Anson
joined Salmat in 1991 and has held snr mgmt roles
with the org since 1994. (Continued p3)
Adbrief Issue No. 1771
Page 3
His tenure also saw many of Choice’s
recommendations included in the Productivity
Cmn’s final report on Aust’s consumer policy
framework. Before Choice, Kell was exec dir of the
Aust Securities & Investments Cmn’s consumer
protection divn.
People moves
(Cont’d from p2) Before he was apptd COO, Anson
led Salmat’s optimise program, an ongoing
enterprise-wide initiative that review and reengineers processes, systems, products and services
to provide a platform for enhanced revenue and
profit growth across the company. He was also
responsible for overseeing Salmat’s new integrated
branding and comms strategy launched earlier this
year. Salmat joint MDs Phillip Salter and Peter
Mattick said Anson had played a major role in
integrating the Salmat businesses to create a fullservice comms offering to clients. “We see this as a
natural progression given the crucial role [he’s]
played in Salmat’s dvlpmnt in recent years. 2007
was Salmat’s biggest [year] on record. [It] saw our
company almost double in size following the
takeover of HPAL. Peter’s role in this process was
essential for HPAL’s successful integration into
Salmat,” Mattick said. Salter said: “With our four
biz units now fully established, Peter will help drive
continued growth across the company. He will work
to create opportunities for biz units to work more
closely together to deliver total customer solutions.”
* Canon Aust has apptd Judd Marcello as brand
mgr, digital video of its Consumer Imaging Products
Grp (CIPG) Mktg. In his previous role as category
mgr at Canon, Marcello dvlpd and deployed retail
initiatives to increase consumer demand across all
Canon product categories. He worked in mktg roles
in the US with Black & Decker, Welch Foods and
Groupe Danone before joining Canon in 2007.
New business
* Curtin Uni of Technology has apptd The Brand
Agency as its new creative agency after a
“competitive and stringent” four-month tender
process, the uni has revealed. Under the contract
The Brand Agency will provide advtg and mktg
services to Curtin for an initial three years with an
option to extend the deal for up to seven years. Nine
agencies tendered for the acct on the eve of the
contract’s expiry with incumbent Gatecrasher
Advtg. Submissions were evaluated against
demonstrated capacity, skills and experience and
service delivery. Three agencies were short-listed
and invited to pitch. The Selection Panel handled
the pitch and put forward The Brand Agency as the
shop that best met selection criteria.
* Andrew Fraser is the new ECD of JWT Syd.
JWT Aust/NZ CEO Noel Magnus said Fraser was
apptd after a “thorough three -month global search
that involved interviews with candidates from Aust
and across three other continents”. He said the
British expat was “a world-class talent” and “a very
nice guy”. Fraser was a board member at
BMP/DDB, a creative ptnr at DDB and formerly
ECD at FCB and Rapier London. Fraser's website
showcases some of his work, including work for
VW, John Smith’s Bitter and Marmite. Magnus
said former Saatchi & Saatchi creative duo Peter
Buckley and Tim Brown had been holding the fort
at JWT Syd and would do so until Fraser’s arrival
around New Year 09.
Curtin Uni’s acting deputy vice chancellor of
strategy and planning Valerie Raubenheimer
welcomed the new partnership. “After an extensive
tender process, we are excited to ptnr with The
Brand Agency to deepen our engagement and
connection with future students and continue to
build Curtin as one of the most recognised int’l
tertiary brands,” she said.
* Gloria Poulakis is the new GM of News Digital
Media’s (NDM) Poulakis has
been acting GM and head of product for the site.
She will report to NDM COO Nick Leeder and
succeeds Tony Burrett, a founder of the site who
left the biz in June. Before joining NDM in 2006,
Poulakis spent eight years at Fairfax Digital’s as product dir after working on
Raubenheimer acknowledged Gatecrasher Advtg’s
dedication in building the uni’s brand. “For over
five years our two orgs have worked together to
successfully establish a strong brand ... that
demonstrates Curtin’s innovation to the broader
community. It is always hard to part with people
who have become friends as well as colleagues.”
* The Smith Family (TSF) has chosen BMF to
handle its integrated comms following a competitive
pitch. BMF sees the win as a great opportunity for it
to ptnr an established non-profit org that acts to
unlock opportunities for disadvantaged Aust
children and families across the country, helping
many thousands to break out of the poverty cycle.
(Continued p4)
* Choice CEO Peter Kell has left the consumer
watchdog to become deputy chair of the ACCC,
initially for a five-year term. He replaces Louise
Sylvan. Kell’s time at Choice was marked by
several successes, including the Do Not Call
Register and mandatory consumer product safety
standards for dummies and cots being introduced.
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Adbrief Issue No. 1771
and updates. The site also features online consumer
promos and product giveaways. Targeted emails, a
WAP site and a Facebook grp keep Boag’s fans
informed of the pipeline’s progress via updates and
newsfeeds, including footage of the big green
pipeline under construction. A PR/comms plan by
Zing will support the campaign. As for the pipeline
itself, the first green Boag’s branded pipes have
emerged from the main underground network,
bringing Boag’s Draught straight into venues such
as the Slip Inn (Syd) and Crown Casino (Melb)
with more expansion planned.
New business
(Cont’d from p3) TSF CEO Elaine Henry said: “TSF
has been established for over 85 years, and in this
time we have constantly evolved to meet the
demands of disadvantaged Aust. We were once an
org offering a hand out, but in the 21st century we
are now about tackling the root causes of social
disadvantage and connecting kids and education.”
She said the “passion” BMF demonstrated
throughout the pitch process coupled with its broad
range of expertise under one roof helped it win the
* Suzuki Japan has just launched the new Grand
Vitara with a global TV campaign dvlpd by The
Sanford Partnership (Melb). To win the work, the
agency found itself up against more than 20 int’l
shops on the automaker’s advtg and mktg roster. It
has now dvlpd a campaign comprising 60-, 30- and
15-sec TVCs set to air in more than 30 countries.
An int’l mag campaign will support the launch. The
TVCs carry a central theme of ‘freedom’. They were
shot in Aust and NZ using CGI technology to create
landmark buildings from across the globe. Suzuki
Aust GM of autos Tony Devers said: “The Sanford
Partnership has produced outstanding results for
Suzuki Aust, and it is pleasing they have been
recognised by Suzuki HQ.” Principal Graeme
Sanford said: “This is a great opportunity for us. To
know we can successfully compete against local and
the best [int’l] agencies is really amazing.”
* Lion Nathan and Mojo Syd have launched ‘the
world’s first beer pipeline’ for Boag’s Draught.
Dubbed ‘The Great Tasmanian Pipeline’, the
execution heralds the Tassie beer’s arrival on tap in
mainland Aust. The campaign is based on a massive
green, interconnected network that pumps Boag’s
Draught from ‘Tassie to Tap’. Fresh from Boag’s
Brewery in Launceston, the beer travels across Bass
Strait directly to mainland venues. Lion Nathan’s
premium category dir Arno Lenior said the
campaign was designed to highlight Boag’s
Draught’s availability on the mainland and
communicate its Tassie heritage credentials in a
unique and entertaining way. “The Great Tasmanian
Pipeline campaign talks to beer drinkers in an
engaging and creative way, communicating the very
simple msg that Boag’s Draught is being poured onpremises on the mainland direct from Boag’s
Brewery in Launceston.” He said the Tassie
brewer’s credentials were its point of difference, “so
it was important to convey that msg in the right
tone”. Mojo Syd CD Micah Walker said: “The
Great Tasmanian Pipeline idea is a simple,
unexpected way to give the arrival of Boag’s
Draught on the mainland some news and talk value.
The idea of beer literally linked and pumped from
its source straight to your local, and all the project
detail around it – from construction films and
notices to actual physical pipes and pipe workers –
just reinforces Boag’s commitment to bringing you
great beer.” A faux public awareness campaign is
under way. It includes fly postings, venue posters
and pamphlets. Designed to be tongue-in-cheek, the
public notices and pipeline collateral informs the
community of the infrastructure project; allays any
public concerns; and communicates why such a
pipeline is a worthwhile endeavour. A heavy burst
of online and rich media banners lead consumers to, a dedicated website
created by Publicis Digital, which features a
pipeline project mgr (Gus) who gives tours of the
inner workings of the project via videos, newsfeeds
* Ambulance Employees Aust (AEA) has turned
to viral advtg to push the case for 10-hour rest
breaks between shifts to be included in a new EBA
for Vic paramedics, Adbrief news colleague
Workforce revealed this week. A 30-sec online ad –
largely created in-house with a little help from paid
voice-overs and “a small film production house”, an
AEA spokesperson told Adbrief – was launched on
the union’s website by AEA Vic sec Steve McGhie.
He said it would be distributed by email, as a 3G
phone file and aired on Facebook and YouTube.
The creative’s msg is backed by a union survey
claiming 55% of Vic paramedics had “fallen asleep
or nodded off” while driving. The union also
released FoI docs showing paramedics in regional
Vic averaged 55 days of overtime last year – the
equivalent of eleven 38-hour weeks. In metro areas
the figure was 32 days of overtime – or six and a
half 38-hour weeks. “This is about trying to evoke
some sort of emotion from the general community
and from the families of people affected, to put
pressure on (Vic) Premier John Brumby,” McGhie
told Workforce. Ambulance Vic hit back with GM
operations Keith Young telling Workforce he
disputed union claims, and calling the campaign
“inappropriate”. (Continued p5)
Adbrief Issue No. 1771
Page 5
ideal for the home, office and car. The 15-sec TVC
depicts the mammoth bottle-sized packs erupting
from the earth, causing the ‘food creatures’ to
scream and run away. DDB national CD Matt
Eastwood said the TVC was made for payTV and
Aust/NZ FTA mkts.
(Cont’d from p4) “We don’t argue that fatigue is a
serious matter, but we want to deal with it honestly
and sensibly, not as some part of a broader wage
negotiation campaign,” Young said. The AEA wants
longer rest breaks and 6% a year pay increases to be
part of a new EBA. After seven months of
negotiations McGhie said progress was “moving at
a snail’s pace”. A spokesperson for Vic emergency
services minister Daniel Andrews said the govt
hoped “to reach a new agreement” with ambos soon.
* 303 and IKEA have created a new TV and press
campaign to launch IKEA’s 2009 catalogue to
persuade SA and WA customers to embrace change.
The three 15-sec ‘Change is good’ TVCs feature
couples in typical domestic scenarios – and show
how making even small changes in the home can
make a difference. 303 Syd CD Julian Watt
oversaw the creative dvlpmnt. “This campaign takes
a quirky look at how our surroundings play a huge
part in influencing our moods, and how applying a
somewhat simple aesthetic change (like a sofa) can
have a great emotional benefit, possibly even save a
marriage,” Watt said. The campaign sits under the
“Love where you live” positioning created by 303
and IKEA earlier this year. One million catalogues
will be dropped in Perth and Adelaide this month.
* Euro RSCG Syd has created a new campaign to
launch on Sunday for The Cancer Council (TCC)
to raise awareness of its Girls Night In fundraiser.
Euro’s campaign highlights the cheeky steps that the
‘girls’ need to employ to get the ‘boys’ out of the
house so the girls’ girlfriends can form a huddle at
home. The msg the org wants the ‘girls’ to heed is to
donate to the org what they would have spent on a
night out.
TCC event mgr Jodie Wainwright said the org
wanted to move away from the “traditional charity
‘cry for help’” in favour of something “fresh and
appealing”. Euro’s TV, radio, print, online and DM
campaign called ‘The Girls are Coming’ positions
the event as ‘fun’. Euro RSCG Aust ECD Rowan
Dean said the work had “set a new benchmark for
charity orgs”. “Our approach was to focus on the
intrigue and anticipation of the event in a fun and
engaging way, and allow the seriousness of the
event to be tempered with humour. It’s empowering
and inspiring for all ages, it doesn’t exclude any
grps and we’re confident it’ll make women want to
be part of this ‘movement’.”
* Ansearch has launched searchworld which it says
will “significantly grow the online search mkt” and
provide an alternative to major internet search
engines. searchworld will initially target Aust advtrs
looking for a wider global audience at lower
keyword bid prices. It will also launch products
designed for SMEs soon. searchworld’s sales team
will now target Aust digital advtg agencies,
specialist search engine mktg agencies and large
national advtrs offering a combination of packages.
* Whybin\TBWA\TEQUILA\ has teamed with
Aussie tradies to launch a multimedia campaign for
the new Nissan Navara range. Shot in Melb, the
new creative celebrates tradesmen and their
Navaras, tough at work and hard at play, polishing
off the working day with a hard-hat round of bobcat
soccer. Whybin\TBWA\TEQUILA\ MD Andrew
Scott said the creative challenged conventional uses
for the ute to talk to today’s tradesman. “The
creative captures the essence of the self-made
Aussie bloke who is unpretentious and values [his]
mates, family and fun. The Nissan Navara ticks all
their boxes – power, towing, style and comfort –
making it the ideal utility vehicle for all facets of
life, no matter how extreme.” The new campaign
will run across TV, print, outdoor, online and DM
until the end of the year.
* Pets at Home – Aust’s first pet care dept store –
will open its third store at Melb’s Chadstone
Shopping Centre in Oct. The new store will be the
first large-format lifestyle concept store to open in a
major shopping centre catering exclusively to pets
and pet owners. The store provides about 93sqm of
foods, accessories and gifts for all types of pets plus
“a state-of-the-art” vet clinic, pet care pharmacy and
grooming salon.
Pets at Home MD David Herman said: “Since
launching the biz in Aust, we have been determined
to affect change in the responsible care of animals,
with a key focus being the decision not to sell
puppies or kittens in any of our stores.” Pets at
Home has partnered with Lort Smith Animal
Hospital to introduce adoption centres within all its
stores. Since March, the org has found new homes
for all the abandoned animals (about 250) in its care.
Pets at Home is one of the world’s leading pet care
retailers, with 220 outlets in the UK (Continued p6)
* DDB Syd and Wrigley’s have launched a
campaign for the company’s new Extra Fruit Bottle,
which sees ‘food creature’ characters return. The
campaign highlights that the “great” new bottle is
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Adbrief Issue No. 1771
Global news
(Cont’d from p5) Pets at Home has begun its national
rollout program with more stores online in the next
six months.
* New York: SPI Grp, owner of the Stolichnaya
Vodka trademark, has awarded its global integrated
mktg and branding acct to Ogilvy NY, according to The agency will create a new
positioning, brand architecture and creative campaign
for global rollout. * New York: has
apptd Aussie Geoff De Weaver as biz dvlpmnt dir of
its NY office. De Weaver has worked across big
brands such as IBM, Microsoft, AT&T, Disney,
Unilever, Air France, and Visa. He’s led digital and
DM units at four multinational ad agencies, including
Ammirati Puris Lintas and Ogilvy & Mather
Direct (now Ogilvy One) and established brand
response agency De Weaver & Ptnrs in Aust. He is
no stranger to Omnicom, having held snr appts at
DDB and Direct Ptnrs San Francisco.
creates interactive campaigns for several clients, eg
British Airways, Dulux, Energizer, IKEA, LG
Electronics, Del Monte and T- Mobile.
* Paris: Cannes Lions has stripped TBWA Paris of
its Bronze Press Lion for its Amnesty France ads
after it was discovered the entry did not appear in
media between the required deadlines.
* New York: Oh dear! this week reported
“struggling media agency” Carat’s intention to
overhaul its US operations. Carat “accidentally
released [the news] via a memo the agency’s top NYbased HR exec emailed to the entire agency that
appeared to be intended only for snr mgrs”, it said.
* Fairfax Mags has launched a new men’s mag to be
inserted monthly into The Sydney Morning Herald
and The Age from Feb 2009. The new Sport & Style
mag will target AB males and is set to become
Aust’s highest-circulating title in the men’s
fashion/sports category with a circulation of 360,000
copies. It’s a globally recognised brand, having
originally launched in France on the back of L’Equipe
sports newspaper. Fairfax Mags grp advtg mgr
Mimi Cullen said the mag would offer advtrs “the
highest reach of AB men of any publication in Aust”.
* TorchMedia is expanding its retail out-of-home
media network after securing an exclusive contract to
provide in-store advtg to Beer Wine Spirits (BWS)
outlets nationwide. The deal means 375 LCD screens
will be installed in 350 BWS shops with radio spots
heard in 558 stores. Once rolled out, TorchMedia will
be the biggest media provider across the Aust liquor
industry with 1,067 unique sites. By the end of Sept,
250 stores will have full visual package online with
another 100 up and running by the end of Oct. Instore radio will operate in 558 stores by Dec 24.
* Brave New World (Brave) will re-launch The
Daily Telegraph (DT) brand to reposition it for future
growth as part of a major push to broaden the paper’s
appeal throughout ‘aspirational middle Aust’. Brave
CD Yanni Pounartzis said the agency had focused
on dvlpng “deeper, richer relationships” with readers.
“The campaign engages in a real way with consumers
and reflects how the brand connects with their world
every day,” Pounartzis said. Brave has worked with
DT for the past three months and has relaunched the
brand through an integrated campaign including TV,
print, outdoor, radio and digital. Managing ptnr Peter
Malycon said: “DT is one of the largest daily news
providers in Aust despite the emergence of so many
access points for news. We’re looking forward to
building the brand in this challenging and dynamic
mkt.” The campaign launched with a 30-sec spot.
* Tribal DDB Syd has unveiled a sleek microsite for
Volkswagen’s high performance R Range. It’s
designed to stimulate a user’s senses by focusing on
the excitement of driving the range. It uses “a rich”
audio experience, supported by visual effects, and
puts the user into the driver’s seat to listen to three
journeys. The site includes downloadable wallpapers.
Caxtons speakers unveiled
Droga5 founder David Droga will be the keynote
speaker at the 2008 Caxton creative seminar in Oct.
Also at the podium: CommBank’s CMO Mark
Buckman; Saatchi & Saatchi Syd ECD Steve Back;
The Age crime writer John Silvester; The Australian
photojournalist Renee Nowytarger; Love Comms
ECD Shaun Branagan; and Three Drunk Monkeys CD
Scott Nowell. More here, including the finalists’ list.
What a woman!
Congrats to Adbrief’s acting editor Jeni Bone who
late last week proved a woman can indeed do it all.
Bone put Adbrief 1770 to bed very late last Thurs
night and, as she said at the time, adrenaline was high
as she anticipated a dash to the hospital. There, not
too many hours later, she gave birth to her second
child, Sophie Joy, an object of curiosity for slightly
bigger brother, Alex.
Adbrief Editor: Kathryn Barton. Email: Managing Editor: Helen Jones.
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