DIOCESE OF EDINBURGH 16th April 2014 WELCOME to the next edition of The Communicant. It is published by the Diocesan Office bi-weekly, and circulated to all clergy, Lay Readers, Treasurers & Vestry Secretaries, and Diocesan Synod Lay & Alternative Lay Representatives. NEXT EDITION: 30th April 2014 If you have any items to submit, please email them to office@edinburgh.anglican.org by noon on the Tuesday of the week you would like them inserted. We cannot promise to include everything, and may need to publish certain items in later/future editions. NOTICES & ANNOUNCEMENTS DIOCESAN OFFICE EASTER CLOSURE The Diocesan Office closes at 5pm on Thursday 17th April and re-opens at 9am on Tuesday 22nd April. DIOCESAN ACCOUNTS PUBLISHED The 2013 Audited Accounts are now published online http://www.edinburgh.anglican.org/index.php/resources/by/category/diocesan_accounts A MESSAGE FROM BISHOP JOHN It is sad to report the recent deaths of several long-serving ministers of our church. Michael Henley, Bishop of St Andrew’s, Dunblane and Dunkeld from 1995-2004. The funeral was a private service. There will be a memorial service at a later date, details of which will be made available in due course. Elizabeth Phillips, Lay Reader at St Barnabas, Moredun, died on Sunday 23rd March. There was a private Committal prior to a Memorial Service at St Barnabas on Tuesday 1st April. Patti Burgess, Deacon and member of the Community of the Transfiguration since 1972 died on 27th March. Service was held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Monday 7th April. Gordon Tams, Priest-in-Charge at Coldstream 1992-2002, died on 27th March. Service at St Mary and All Saints, Coldstream on Friday 4th April. We give thanks for all that they brought to the life of the church and for their examples of faithful discipleship, and we pray for their families and for all who were close to them. May they go from strength to strength in the life-giving presence of God. +John The Rt Revd Dr John A Armes Bishop of Edinburgh PATTI BURGESS For those who knew her – you may like to read her Obituary from the Edinburgh Evening News. Click here to read it online. AUTUMN SYNOD – DATE CHANGE A change to the date on which the Diocesan Synod is to be held has been approved by the Standing committee. The Diocesan Synod will now take place on Saturday, 1st November 2014. The venue will remain the same, that being Christ Church, Morningside, Edinburgh. More information will follow in future editions of The Communicant. VESTRY SECRETARIES AND TREASUERES HMRC recently revised the model Fit and Proper declaration for charity trustees. This guidance is for trustees of charities, any employees of a charity and volunteers who: act on behalf of a charity are involved in appointing people to act on behalf of a charity to claim tax reliefs or to exert control over spending the charity's funds Please see HMRC’s website reference: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/charities/guidance-notes/chapter2/fp-persons-test.htm HMRC TOOLKIT Further to the above, HMRC have reorganised their Gift Aid guidance on their website. There is now a Gift Aid Toolkit comprising a series of 12 Help sheets containing useful information about all aspects of Gift Aid. These and other Gift Aid documentation can be found at: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/charities/giftaid-toolkit.htm CHARITY NEWS Child Survival in Malawi (Scotland) Scottish Charity No. SC 035943 “The trustees of Child Survival in Malawi (Scotland) met on 4th February and, with sadness, agreed that we should proceed to implement the winding up of the trust by the end of 2015. Meanwhile we are still accepting your welcome donations to enable us to complete our commitments till end of 2015.” Brian Crosby, Chairman THE EDGE The spring edition of The Edge is now published. Copies will be available at the Chrism Mass on Thursday 17th – if you could collect a bundle for your charge in the hall at lunchtime this would be enormously appreciated as you can imagine the cost of posting out 1200 magazines! We hope a new system of distribution will be in place for the next edition, via Area Councils. If you can be a point of contact in your area please contact the Office. NEWS FROM THE YOUTH AND CHILDREN OFFICE The latest Youth and Children News for the Diocese is out now! Click here. This month’s newsletter features: Silence in Sunday schools? – an article about practicing silence with children plus a FREE children’s talk/assembly talk, suitable for Lent. Messy Church news Fischy Music training event news Listening Project update Sunday school resources – useful links The Bishop’s photographic competition The Real Easter Egg campaign More Than Gold Upcoming youth & children events Why not add this newsletter as a regular link on the youth and children’s section of your church website? TASTE AND SEE DAY – ANOTHER CHANCE! Saturday 10th May – 'Taste and See' – a day of workshops on children's spirituality, Bible storytelling and creative prayer. Following the recent successful day at St Peter’s Lutton Place, this event for clergy and youth & children’s leaders is being repeated in West Lothian at St Catharine’s Church Hall, Bo’ness. Book now for this exciting training opportunity. See the poster below or email youthandchildren@dioceseofedinburgh.org for details. Claire Benton-Evans ST HILDA’S FUND – APPLICATIONS INVITED! The Diocese strongly supports congregations in mission, and provides funding for 2 or 3 projects per year with grants of up to £5,000 for local mission projects and initiatives. In the 2013 financial year 3 congregations successfully submitted projects for funding. We encourage Clergy and Vestries to consider making an application. The nature of the project is entirely up to you as long as it helps your congregation carry out mission or serve a local need. Simple projects work best, especially if members of the congregation deliver some of the project. Complicated projects which involve employing someone have not so far worked! The deadline for applications is June 30th 2014, and you will be told the result of your application by the end of August at the latest, so your mission project could start in September! The application forms and various support documents are available from the website link below - think about applying even if you have never applied for a grant before. If you need advice or support Simon Filsell will put you in touch with someone to help you think about your project and make your application. http://www.edinburgh.anglican.org/index.php/what_we_do/ministry/diocesan_funding/mission_develo pment_grants/ BISHOP’S PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION Now that Spring is arriving (yes, it really is!) we are running a competition for the best photographs of your church buildings. There will be 2 categories: Children (up to 14 years) Adults Even if your church is not of the highest architectural merit, it can look just as lovely as those ones, from the view of a good photographer. Think about what you like about your church building, and take a picture of that. It could be a view from the distant hills, or it can be some small detail inside, close-up. The Bishop (with a little help!) will judge the entries, with prizes of gift/book tokens for the winners of each section, and a runner-up in each. Send your entries to Simon Filsell, Diocesan Administrator, Diocesan Office, 21a Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EL office@edinburgh.anglican.org Print Size: A4 or A5 ideally Email Size: Max 3mb and 1920x1080 pixels CLOSING DATE: Tuesday 6th May 2014 THE SMALL PRINT: WE MAY WISH TO USE THE ENTRIES IN THE FUTURE, IN THE EDGE AND OTHER PLACES, SUCH AS THE DIOCESAN WEBSITE. BY SUBMITTING AN ENTRY, YOU AGREE TO THIS, BUT WE WILL ALWAYS ENDEAVOUR TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE PHOTO WHEN IT IS USED, AND WILL NOT SELL IT OR USE IT FOR PROFIT/FINANCIAL GAIN. Good luck! Do you offer SPIRITUAL ACCOMPANIMENT or SUPERVISION? A small group in the diocese is putting together two leaflets giving details of Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Supervision opportunities, for all who are interested. We wish to gather names of people who are appropriately trained to offer such ministries. If you, or those you know in your congregation, have experience in accompaniment and/or supervision please get in touch with Elizabeth White who will send you more details and a short form to return. ewhite@dioceseofedinburgh.org US PRIEST SEEKING ACCOMMODATION A retired priest of the Episcopal Church in the USA is seeking to rent a flat in Edinburgh for a year. One to two bedrooms. She would be willing to assist with services and pastoral work. Find out more from the Bishop’s PA, Samantha Campbell bpsec@dioceseofedinburgh.org 0131 538 7044 REMINDERS TREASURERS - FINANCIAL SCHEDULES The deadline has now passed to receive Financial Schedules. Therefore, for those not received, the FULL income figure will have to be used, with no allowances/exceptions, when calculating the quota. VESTRY SECRETARIES - DIOCESAN SCHEDULES Again, a number of these remain outstanding, which means that we do not know if we are contacting the right officials in your congregation and cannot keep our database up to date. Almost as importantly, we need to know who the PVG CO-ORDINATOR is. Details are required for the Red Book and so that we can send out details of PVG guidelines and training events. Charges from whom we still require a diocese schedule are: Emmanuel, St Philips and St James, St Vincent’s, Galashiels, Innerleithen, Jedburgh, and Livingston. Either Rector or Vestry Secretary will have received an additional email reminder for these - please, please help us out and send them in! LAY REP RETURNS are still sought (even if there have been no changes) from: Dunbar, Emmanuel, St John’s, St Thomas, St Vincent’s, Galashiels, Gullane, Innerleithen , Jedburgh, Lasswade, Livingston, North Berwick, and South Queensferry. Both the Diocesan Schedule and the Lay Rep Return can be downloaded from the Diocesan website. Click here BISHOP’S LENT APPEAL As we approach the end of Lent, a last push for donations to the appeal would be hugely appreciated. You Treasurer will then be able to collate the monies and, where possible, make the Gift Aid claims. Treasurers – if you wish to remit appeal money electronically, you can use the banking details you use for quota payments, BUT using the reference “Lent Appeal” AND your church code. If you need your code and/or the bank details, please contact Simon Filsell at the Diocesan Office. CHANGES ALL PUBLICISED APPOINTMENTS MAY STILL BE SUBJECT TO OFFICIAL PAPERWORK & CHECKS. Harry Stoddart was licensed by Bishop John as Lay Reader at Rosslyn Chapel on Sunday 13 April DIOCESAN DIARY Thursday 17th April The Bishop presides at the Maundy Thursday Chrism Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral Tuesday 22nd The Ministry Development Service meet today at 9.30am Wednesday 30th The Information and Communication Committee meets today at 1pm VACANCIES just Festival Volunteer Co-ordinator Length of Contract and Terms Working Hours: May 40 hours, June 50 hours, July 80 hours, August 185 hours, September 10 hours. Work Location: just Festival Office and St John’s Church, Princes Street Resources: You must have your own laptop and mobile phone. This is a Consultant’s Contract, you will be self-employed Value of Contract: £2792.75 Application Deadline: Sunday 4th May, Interview Date: Sunday 11th May, Start Date: Friday 16th May Please email a cover letter and CV to apply. http://www.justjust.org EVENTS & PROMOTIONS THE 2017 KIRCHENGTAG AND REFORMATION JUBILEE 2017 Plans are under way to link the 2017 Kirchentag (Berlin from 24 to 27 May) with commemorations in Wittenberg of the Reformation 500th Anniversary starting with a celebration service on 28 May and continuing with an exhibition and summer youth camps. The organisation and co-ordination will bring together major ecumenical groups in a Leitungkreis (Leadership circle). Beyond Berlin and Wittenberg there will be “Kirchentag on the way” events in Erfurt, Jena, Magdeburg, Dessau, Halle and Leipzig. More details are available on the Kirchentag British Committee’s website at http://kirchentag.org.uk/ and click on the 2017 Berlin link. If interested in attending please contact canonjohnlindsay@gmail.com who is Convener of the SEC’s Inter-Church Relations Committee and a member of the Kirchentag British Committee for Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS). The invitation to participate will be issued at the end of 2015, but it is already possible to register an interest in taking part in the events in Wittenberg through mitwirken@wb2017.de New booklet on greening church buildings #christian #climate change At the Eco Congregation Scotland (ECS) annual gathering on Saturday 29th March 2014 it held the public launch of its new “Ideas for Action” booklet on Greening Church Buildings. The guide is designed as an introduction to the issues surrounding the care and management of church buildings and offers guiding principles which all churches can follow to reduce their environmental impact. The guide was written by Scott Wham, an architect who has worked on a number of church related projects and made possible through generous funding from the Scottish Episcopal Church It is available as a PDF File (ideal for download and printing) and as a Web Version (ideal for people who can’t cope with PDF files) Printed copies are available on request. See http://www.ecocongregationscotland.org/ ECO –CONGREGATION SCOTLAND (ECS) CHAPLAIN The Reverend Trevor Jamison is the ECS Environmental Chaplain. He has been with Eco Congregation Scotland since April 2013. His role is to help churches, congregations and parishes understand the spiritual and theological reasons why we should care for creation. Trevor is available to help in the following ways: Preaching and/or leading worship Speaking to groups and organisations on a variety of creation-related Leading discussion groups and Bible Study groups If you would like Trevor to work with you where you are please get in touch with him for a conversation at trevor@ecocongregationscotland.org Trevor Jamison is a United Reformed Church Minister, seconded to work with Eco Congregation Scotland. . Cosmologies, Faith and the Environmental Crisis Eco Congregation Scotland is organising as part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival. "Cosmologies, Faith and the Environmental Crisis" will explore how different religion's understanding of the universe affects how believers treat the environment. Chaired by Dr Jeremy Kidwell of The University of Edinburgh, speakers Dr Fazlun Khalid of the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Studies and Dr Mark Harris of the School of Divinity at The University of Edinburgh will explore how the cosmologies of the world’s religions affect human behaviour, and what this means for evidence-based science. This will be followed by an open discussion with the audience. This event takes place at 8pm on Saturday 19th April, at the auditorium, National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh. To book a ticket please visit the Science Festival web site here This event is presented by Eco-Congregation Scotland and funded by it and the Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World, at the University of Edinburgh. Men's Rites of Passage - 23-27 July Perth, Scotland Why does the MROP change men's lives? We have produced a short video to tell you how the Men's Rites of Passage transforms men's lives. You can find it at http://player.vimeo.com/video/91444981 If you would like to find out more then please go to our website www.mrop.org.uk
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