‘In Memory’ On-line charity donating - good for Funeral Directors, their clients and beneficiaries Love2Donate : In Memory has recently conducted a survey to gauge the percentage of Death Notices announced in newspapers that had requested donations to charities in a loved one’s memory. The survey investigated Notices placed in newspapers during a one month period – 29th September to 29th October 2012. 1,792 Death Notices were placed throughout England during that period and we sampled a total of 500. Of the 500 sampled, 311 had requested charitable donations ‘in memory’ - 62% of those polled. The outcome of this survey suggests an increasing volume of administrative work that is involved in processing donations as these requests rise in popularity. Each funeral undertaken that requests donations ‘in memory’ involves: • • • • • Managing cash and cheques given by mourners before and after a funeral has taken place, either in offices or during the funeral itself Processing receipts to donors Account reconciliation Passing on letters and payments to beneficiaries Passing on letter to next-of-kin detailing donors This work is on top of the caring and professional assistance that is already delivered to clients on a daily basis. www.love2donate.co.uk/inmemory Tel: 0754 116 5924 inmemory@love2donate.co.uk The use of on-line giving is increasing. The proportion of donors giving on-line almost doubled between 2008/09 and 2009/10 from 4% to 7%, and then remained at 7% during 2010/11. (source : UK Giving 2010 : An overview of charitable giving in the UK, 2010/11 by ncvo Charity Aid Foundation December 2011) As more and more over 60s are becoming IT savvy, there has been a steady increase in on-line donation giving and Funeral Directors can make excellent use of this medium of donating when managing funerals. Funeral Directors offering the use of their own on-line tribute and donation service in Death Notices would have a positive effect on their business, their clients and beneficiaries. Funeral Directors Enhancing your image • • • • By creating a tribute and donation page on your website, you are encouraging visitors to view your site every time they make a donation and leave a tribute to a loved one or friend. By promoting the use of your tribute and donation page via Death Notices, you are encouraging visitors to view your site. You are stimulating increased attention to your website, as donors have a desire to monitor the level of funding generated. By offering the tribute and on-line donation service, you will not only develop a closer bond with your existing clients, but your client base is far more likely to develop with new patrons wanting to do business with a Funeral Director who can demonstrate its willingness to promote charitable giving. Repeated exposure to your website enforces your logos, marketing messages and branding Enhancing your resources • Donation handling and processing is largely removed from your employee’s workload. Love2Donate : In Memory will: Create a tribute and donation page accessible from your website. Collect all donations and forward funds to your clients’ beneficiary or beneficiaries – cash, cheques and on-line transactions. Account reconciliation. Automatically send electronic emails to on-line donors thanking them on behalf of your client. Write to your client detailing tributes and total donations received on behalf of their next-of-kin. All this - completely free of charge to Funeral Directors and complementary to your clients www.love2donate.co.uk/inmemory Tel: 0754 116 5924 inmemory@love2donate.co.uk Clients Developing a closer bond with your clients • • • • By offering this service to your clients, you are enhancing the excellent service you are already offering. Providing a quality tribute page will be a comfort to the bereaved in the knowledge that they can view scrolling tributes paid to their loved one, as well as viewing real time contributions whenever they wish. Your client will have the opportunity to choose one or more beneficiaries in memory of their loved one. Have faith in the knowledge that all donors will receive a ‘thank you‘ email automatically sent on their behalf. Beneficiaries Benefiting good causes • • • By the promotion of your online tribute and on-line webpage, more people will be encouraged to use this easy to use medium to leave a tribute and donate to the beneficiary of their loved one or friend. Any registered charity or beneficiary the next-of-kin chooses in memory of their loved one will be sent payment within four to six weeks of the closure of the tribute page. Gift Aid (where applicable) is added to boost donor contributions to charities registered with the Charity Commission. Love2Donate : In Memory is uniquely placed to offer this service completely free of charge to Funeral Directors and complementary to your clients. For further information, please visit our website www.love2donate.co.uk/inmemory or contact us by: Email Or Phone www.love2donate.co.uk/inmemory inmemory@love2donate.co.uk 0754 116 5924 Tel: 0754 116 5924 inmemory@love2donate.co.uk
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