Births, Marriages & Deaths From The Carbon Advocate, 1876-1877 This is the second in a series of abstracts from the Lehighton Newpaper, The Carbon Advocate. Like the first part, in extracting the births, marriages & deaths, I have not included the following types of items: 1. Items that did not pertain to Carbon or the surrounding counties. I excluded anything west and south of Berks County, and south of Lehigh & Northampton Counties. I generally included anything north of Carbon county. 2. Estate notices. 3. Murder trials. 4. Coroner inquests when they are not part of the original death notice. In extracting these records, I have copied items as completely and exactly as possible. I have not attempted to correct any spelling errors. If I felt a need to add any text, I did so in brackets. Although most of the papers on microfilm were easy to read, there were some times where the image quality made things difficult. Because of this, researchers are advised to consult the original records. Volume 4, Number 6, Saturday, January 1, 1876 Current Events. Noah Morgan, aged seventy-two, employed as watchman at a Luzerne county colliery, met with a singular death last weak. He and a boy were on the outside of a mine, and as several cars were let down an incline plane rapidly a portion of a mine rail at the top flew up and struck him. He was knocked insensible and died from his injuries. Local and Personal. The family of Thomas Crago of Dyberry, Wayne county, has become nearly extinct by diptheria. Mr. Crago had lost four children this month, having buried two on Sunday. Himself and servant girl were taken sick last week, and died on Thursday. The wife died a few months ago. Only two children are left of the family, and they are reported dangerously ill with the same disease. Local and Personal. A fatal explosion of fire damp occurred Tuesday in Hutchinson's mine, near Kingston, Luzerne Co. A wall had been erected to shut off a portion of the mine not in use, but an opening was made in it Tuesday, and some boys, in opposition to orders, went through with a burning lamp. A terrific explosion followed. Dennis Foster and Martin Ryan were instantly killed, and James Hutchinson was blown into a poor of water and held face downward by debris until he was drowned. Several others working near the scene of the explosion were injured. From the County Seat. The funeral of Mrs. M. M. Dimmick was largely attended on Saturday. 1 Volume 4, Number 7, Saturday, January 8, 1876 From the County Seat. A fatal shooting affray took place at Summit Hill on Wednesday morning. This time we understand a "Molly Maguire" was the victim, a man by the name of McGeagan. Two shots taking fatal effect, we did not learn the cause of the affray, neither who committed the deed. From the County Seat. E. W. Harlan, died at his residence on Race street, on Thursday afternoon. MARRIED, PETER-MANTZ.--On the 5th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. John A. Peter, and Miss Emaline Mantz, both of Lehighton. MARRIED, HONTZ-DILCHER.--On the 5th ult., by the same, Mr. William Hontz, and Miss Leila Dilcher, both of Mahoning. MARRIED, SCHAEFFER-SNYDER.--On the 12th ult., by the same, Mr. F. W. Schaeffer, of Schuylkill, and Miss S. S. Snyder, of West Penn. MARRIED, KNEPPER-LEILY.--On the 25th ult., by the same, Mr. William Knepper, and Miss Carolina Leily, both of West Penn. MARRIED, REHRIG-MULHEARN.--On the same day, by the same, Mr. James H. Rehrig, and Miss Anna Mulhearn, both of Lehighton. MARRIED, KLEINTOP-BEER.--On the 31st ult., by the same, Mr. Joseph Kleintop, and Miss Emaline Beer, both of Lower Towamensing. MARRIED, GOMBERT-HONTZ.--On the 2nd inst, by the same, Mr. Henry Gombert, and Miss Emaline Hontz, both of Mahoning. MARRIED, ANDREAS-COLE.--On the 24th ult., by Rev. L. K. Derr, Mr. Amandus Andreas, of Washington Twp., to Miss Marvetta Cole, of Kreidersville. MARRIED, CONELLY-ELLES.--On the 8th ult., by Rev. G. T. Haines, Mr. John Conelly, of Mauch Chunk and Miss Mary Ellis, of Franklin. DIED, KOONS.--On the 2nd ult., in Lehighton, George Henry, son of Willoughby and Sarah Koons, aged 2 years, 7 months and 22 days. DIED, SITTLER.--On the 6th ult., in Mahoning, Edilia J., daughter of Charles and Pricilla Sittler, aged 2 years, 5 months and 17 days. DIED, BROBST.--On the 12th ult., in Weatherly, Chas, husband of Sally Brobst, aged 45 years, 6 months and 28 days. VARITIES. Mary Fister, aged seventy-four years, died suddenly at pottsville on Monday. Her 2 death, it is believed, resulted from eating an apple or orange, a portion of which is supposed to have lodged in her throat. Volume 4, Number 8, Saturday, January 15, 1876 Local and Personal. The Post-office Department was advised Monday of the death of John Sieberling, postmaster at Lynnville, in Lehigh county, Pa. Mr. Sieberling was appointed postmaster in February 1820, and held the office continuously until his death. From the County Seat. August Hartley, a resident of East Mauch Chunk, died on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, of dropsey. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of friends. Deceased was a member of the 28th Pa. volunteers, and in consequence many of the old soldiers accompanied his remains to their last resting place. From the County Seat. Mr. E. Harlan, who died at his home on Race street, on Thursday of last week, was buried on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funeral was a very large one, in fact the largest we ever saw in Mauch Chunk. Four orders to which Mr. Harlan belonged followed his remains to the grave, viz: Masons, Odd Fellows, American Mechanics and Knights of Honor. It seemed that every man in town was in file so long was the procession. The Masons performed the ceremonies at the grave, at the conclusion of which other orders followed in file and dropped green twigs into the grave. In the evening Rev. Mr. Wiggins, of the M. E. church, preached the funeral sermon. The church was crowded. MARRIED, SCHAFFER-ANDREWS.--On the 3d inst., by Rev. L. K. Derr, S. J. Schaffer and Miss M. B. Andrews, both of Walnutport. MARRIED, SEMMEL-HANKEE--On the 4th inst., by the same P. A. Semmel and Miss Ellen J. Hankee, both of Slatington. MARRIED, LEIBENGUTH-ANTHONY.--On the 6th Nov., by Rev. R. B Kistler, James M. Leibenguth and Miss Lizzle L. Anthony, both of Cherryville. MARRIED, KOCH-BRYFOGEL.--On the 2nd inst, by the same, Thomas J. Kock and Miss Cecelia Bryfogel, both of Walnutport. DIED, BARLOW.--In Philadelphia, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Ann Barlow, aged 85 years and 5 days, mother of Mrs. George Williams, of Mauch Chunk, and grand-mother of Mrs. Morthimer and Thos. A. Williams, of this borough. DIED, ANDREWS.--On the 12th ult, in Millport, Mary Louisa, aged 1 year and 19 days, and on the 15th, Catharina Virginia, aged 1 year and 21 days, twin children of Peter Harrison and Salome Andrews. DIED, MILTENBERGER.--On the 18th ult., and Fennersville, Monroe co., Sam'l Miltenberger, aged 50 years, 10 months and 17 days. 3 DIED, RADELINE.--On the 20th ult., near Cherryville, Sarah Jane, daughter of James and Susan Radeline, aged 7 yrs., 11 mos. and 3 days. DIED, KUNTZ.--On the 23rd ult., at Walnutport, David, son of David and Mary Ann Kuntz, aged 8 months and 27 days. DIED, GEORGE.--On the 25th ult., in L. Towamensing, Juliana, wife of Samuel George, aged 37 years, 4 months and 3 days. DIED, BRYON.--On the 26th ult, near Cherryville, Agnes Rachael, aged 7 years and 12 days, and on the 31st, Thomas Parry, aged 4 years, 6 months and 28 days, both children of Joseph S. And Elizabeth Bryon. Volume 4, Number 9, Saturday, January 22, 1876 About six miles from Shamokin, Northumberland county, one evening last week, several thieves entered the residence of Mrs. Billman, a widow, while she was at the barn milking. While the depredations were in progress a son-in-law of the lady named Henninger approached her house. He was warned off by a sentinel, who fired at him as he retreated to his own house. Henninger ran up stairs, secured a gun and fired three shots at the robbers, who had congregated on the outside, killing one of them, Philip Hughes, of Shamokin. Another of the robbers with whom they fled, was wounded. They were tracked for several miles to a ravine, where a large quantity of blood on the ground showed that they had halted with their wounded comrade. It is supposed that the fellow has since died. Martin Farrel, one of the alleged robbers, was arrested near Pottsville. One of the evidences of his guilt were his bloody boots. Mrs. Billman was robbed of about $2,100, none of which has been recovered. Local and Personal. Out in Maxataway township a fiddler got so drunk that he could not walk, when the kind-hearted beer seller put him out in the wood shed, where he was found next morning--Sunday--stiff in the embrace of death. This happened last Sunday morning a week. AN AGED LADY BURNED TO DEATH.--On Saturday afternoon last, between 4 and 5 o'clock, widow Bogh, relict of the long since decd. Jos. Bogh, of Hanover, residing in the family of her son-in-law, Mr. Aaron Snyder, in Catasauqua, was literally roasted alive. The particulars of the horrible occurrence are about as follows: It appears that during the afternoon Mrs. Snyder went out on a short visit, and before going she filled up the stove with coal, and told her mother to take the lids partly off when the fire was getting too hot or had burned up. There was no one in the house but the aged lady, and when Mrs. Snyder had left the house Mrs. Bogh, locked the door. It was supposed by some that she went to the stove to light her pipe, and that a spark fell on her clothes, setting them on fire and burning her so severely that she was found dead when Mrs. Snyder came home. She was burned only above the waist, and her breast and face were terribly crisped. It is thought she inhaled some of the flames, and being an aged lady could not act as promptly as a person of younger years. That she did all she could to save herself is evident from the fact that she was found on the floor near the door, which she no doubt tried to unlock, but in the excitement dropped the key, as it was also found on the floor--She had tried to extinguish the flames with some water in a bucket, as some of the clothes were wet when found. Nothing was 4 noticed by the neighbors, and no smell detected, so that when Mrs. Snyder came home she was the first to see what had transpired during her absence. The door was forced in and a horrible sight presented--one which plunged the family, relatives and friends into unspeakable distress. Mrs. Bogh was the mother of Mr. Washington Bogh, who formerly kept the American Hotel, Catasauqua.--Allentown Democrat. MARRIED, GOWER-FREY.--On the 8th inst., at Pleasant Valley, Pa., by Rev. A. M. Strauss, Franklin Gower of Monroe Co., to Miss Barbara Frey, of Corbon Co., Pa Volume 4, Number 10, Saturday, January 29, 1876 Current Events. Edward Mullen, of Pottsville, an old man, fell over dead on Saturday. The habitual use of intoxicating liquors killed him according to the coroner's jury. Current Events. Judge Curry, one of the associate judges of Montour county, died last week. He was a descendent of one of the primitive settlers. His grandfather was killed and scalped by the Indians on the river between Danville and Northumberland. His grandmother was taken prisoner at the same time but escaped by creeping inside a hollow log while the Indians were sleeping. Local and Personal. The Milford Herald of Jan. 26th, announces the death of Mr. Sipley, a noted hermit of Green township, Pike county, Pa. He was formerly a wealthy merchant of New York City, but failed in business. His reverses so preyed on his mind that he fled to a wild, disolate place, several miles from any habitation. There for 35 years he has sustained himself by fishing and hunting. Big Creek Items. Mr. Anthony Fath, residing near Mackereltown, died suddenly on Friday evening of last week, thought to be palsey. From the County Seat. Infant daughter of Harry Brelsford died on Sunday evening. From the County Seat. Rev. Wiggins left for Philadelphia on Wednesday afternon, on account of the death of his grand mother, which occurred on the same day at her residence in the city. Volume 4, Number 11, Saturday, February 5, 1876 Local and Personal. We sympathize with our friend Lynn, of the Mauch Chunk Democrat, in the loss by death of his infant daughter, on Monday last. Local and Personal. On Friday afternoon last between 5 and 6 o'clock, as the down passenger train on the L. & S. Railroad was running past the Car Shops at Stemton, a little girl named Amanda Schoenenberger, aged 15, employed as a domestic in the family of Dr. V. G. Huebner, at Coplay, on this side of the Lehigh, was struck by the pilot of the engine and fatally crushed and mangled by the wheels of the cars. It appears she had gone up to Newport to bring home a dress which she had had made by a mantua maker there.--She was on her way home at the time 5 of the occurrence, walking on the railroad track, because of the muddiness of the wagon road, as is supposed. From the County Seat. Mrs. Sprowl, an old resident of Mauch Chunk, had a paralytic stroke on Tuesday, and died in about twelve hours. From the County Seat. Beatrice Cooper, infant daughter of Jos. and Alice Lynn, died on Monday afternoon, at the American Hotel. Interment took place on Wednesday p.m., at Freemansburg, to which place the remains were taken on Tuesday morning. From the County Seat. A grand wedding is to come off on the 10th inst., in the afternoon, at the Presbyterian church. The contracting parties being Horace Hamlin, clerk at L. V. office, and Miss Mary Brodhead, daughter of Hon. A. G. Brodhead. A reception, we understand, will be held at the bride's home after the ceremonies at the church are concluded. Moses Eilenberger, of Monroe county, has a pair of stockings which are more than a century old. They were knit for Judge John Coolbaugh, of Stroudsburg, and he was married in them about the year 1770. His son was married in them some thirty years later. The sister of Mr. Eilenberger, who is now in possession of the stockings, and was also married in them, was the wife of John Coolbaugh second, now deceased, by whom they were presented to Mr. E., "for luck," on the occasion of his marriage. A few days ago John Kennedy was found at the foot of a steep embankment in Luzerne Co., with a gash in his head and in a dying condition. It is supposed he was waylaid. MARRIED, STUCKLY-GABERT.--On the 20th ult., at the house of the bride's residence, at Jamestown, by Rev. J. C. Bliem, Mr. Jacob Stuckly, of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Fredericka Gabert, of Jamestown. MARRIED, CAMP-RUCH.--On the 14th ult., in Frieden's Church, by Rev. L. K. Derr, Mr. Henry S. Camp, of Heidelberg, and Miss Louisa Ruch, of Lehighton. DIED, SPROWL.--On the 1st inst. in Mauch Chunk, Mrs. Leah Sprowl, widow of Thomas Sprowl, in the 59th year of her age. DIED, REPH.--On the 12th inst., at Lehigh Gap, Wm. H. Reph, aged 33 years, 1 month and 9 days. On the same day, at Rockville, Samuel Reph, aged 58 years, 5 months and 27 days. DIED, LYNN.--At the American Hotel, Mauch Chunk, at 2:30 p. m., January 31st, Beatrice Cooper, infant daughter of Jos. and Alice B. Lynn, aged nearly seven months. Volume 4, Number 12, Saturday, February 12, 1876 Matters of Interest. On Wednesday, of last week, the clothing of Mrs. Samantha Browning, of Luzerne county, took fire while she was sitting in front of a range cutting carpet rags. In trying to extinguish the flames she set the house on fire. By the application of a bucket of water she 6 saved the building, but she fell to the floor and died. Local and Personal. John Christ, a Lehigh county farmer, committed suicide on Tuesday, by hanging himself in his barn. Mr. Christ owned a large farm. No cause is assigned for the deed. Local and Personal. Jacob Booterman, a brakeman on the L. V. R. R., was accidently killed while shifting cars at Penn Haven Junction, on Monday. His body was run over and severed in two. MARRIED, DUGAN-GALLAGHER.--On Sunday evening, the 6th inst., by Rev. Father Bunce, Mr. Hugh Dugan to Miss Maggie Gallagher, both of Mauch Chunk. DIED, MILLER.--At Upper Mauch Chunk, on Sunday, January 30th, Mary Ann, infant daughter of Henry and Sophia Miller, aged 6 months and 17 days. DIED, MITCHELL.--In Mauch Chunk, on Saturday, the 5th inst., Mr. Benjamin Mitchell, in the 74th year of his age. DIED, SHURLOCK--In Mauch Chunk, on Saturday, the 5th inst., Miss Ann Sherlock, aged 49 years. DIED, NESLEY.--At Summit Hill, on the 1st inst., wife of William Nesley. Volume 4, Number 13, Saturday, February 19, 1876 Matters of Interest. The wife of Jules Phillips, of Lock Haven, gave birth to her eighteenth child last week. Matters of Interest. A mother and her child in Luzerne county were found dead in a room last week. The mother had evidently crushed the life out of the little one in a paroxysm of pain. Matters of Interest. Last week Anthony Gannon and a few friends attended a ball in Schuylkill county. On the way home they had a drunken quarrel, and Gannon was fatally stabbed. He died on Saturday night. No arrests. Matters of Interest. Thomas M'Clure, of Nesquehoning, Carbon county, shot himself in the head with an old musket on Saturday. The top of his head was blown off, and the brains were scattered about the room. The suicide is attributed to despondence produced by protracted illness. Matters of Interest. Benjamin and Rachel Corter, are the names of a venerable couple of Lycoming county. The husband was born February 14, 1772, and the wife August 17, 1777. They were married at Williamsport, August 16, 1800, on the twenty-third birthday of the woman. The Northumberland Press says: One day last summer they walked a distance of six miles, three going and three returning, for the purpose of taking dinner with a daughter. The old lady can see to knit and sew almost as well as ever. They raised a family of twelve children, the oldest having 7 nearly reached the age of seventy-five years. They have eighty-two grand seventy-five greatgrand and twelve great-great-grand children. Local and Personal. Dr. Michael Thompson, of Summit Hill, died at his residence in that borough, on Wednesday evening last. He had been ill but a short time, and his death caused much sorrow among his many friends. Local and Personal. The Hamlin-Brodhead wedding, on Thursday of last week, was largely attended and the church snugly filled. The presents were numerous and handsome. The bridal party left with the 7:30 p. m. train for Philadelphia, Washington, &c. Local and Personal. A very distressing circumstance occurred at Nesquehoning on Saturday last--the committing of suicide by Mr. Thomas McClure, by shooting himself through the head with a musket. His head was badly mangled. No cause is assigned other than melancholly. Justice Yeager held the inquest. Fire Damp Explosion. On Saturday afternoon last a terrible explosion occurred in the Exeter mine, belonging to the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, located at West Pittston, Luzerne county. The mine had been idle during the week on account of the suspension, and, though the fan which supplies fresh air to the chambers below had been kept going all the time, the quantity of air forced into the mines was not sufficient to expel all the foul air and prevent the accumulation of fire damp. The immediate cause of the explosion is not known, but sufficient knowledge has been gained to lead to the belief that one of the men below entered a chamber with a lighted lamp and that its sparks ignited the gas which had accumulated there. About twenty-five men had been engaged in the repair of tracks and gangways at the headings since the previous Monday, among the number being several miners, and on Saturday morning all went down to work as usual. About half-past two o'clock on Saturday afternoon, while the men were at work, the explosion occurred. The last report resounded through the subterranean passages and filled the breaker above the shaft with its eminous echoes. The force of the explosion was so great as to tear away battice props, doors tracks and great masses of rock and coal. The roof of the fan house at the top of the air shaft was torn to pieces, and other damages, amounting to thousands of dollars in the aggregate wrought; but there were twenty-five men below, and the many miners who stood near the breaker hastened with all speed to relieve their distress. The main shaft was very badly damaged, but an entrance was effected. It was a dangerous business to hunt for those below in the uncertain condition of the mines, filled as they were with fire damp and with most of the pure air drawn out; but the volunteers prosecuted their work for three hours, and had sent to the surface 12 men, four of whom were dead, and the others more or less burned or mangled. The report of the explosion had spread among the hundreds of idle miners, and in a short time after the disaster crowos were gathered about the breaker. There were a few women present and some of them were kept in a state of agonized suspense pending the rescue of those below. When at last the bodies of the dead and the blackened forms of the mangled were brought up great distress and sorrow was manifested by all. The men were returned to the surface at intervals and as the dead and injured followed each other the agony of those who had friends still below was increased by the terrible uncertainty resulting in the unavoidable delay of the sorrowful business of bringing the bodies up; but the work was finally completed, when it was ascertained that four men had been killed outright and six or eight badly injured. The names of those killed are D. Smalley, Edward Allen, Thomas Harris and Aleck Jones. 8 Volume 4, Number 14, Saturday, February 26, 1876 Local and Personal. Adam Sherman was killed and John Harris was fatally injured by an explosion of sulphur in the colliery of King & Co., at Llewellyn, in Schuylkill Co., Wednesday morning. It is thought the sulphur was ignited by the miners' lamps. Henry Bray, of Wilkesbarre, while attempting to remove a piece of timber from a wagon, was struck on the head with it, killing him. John Strong committed suicide by hanging himself in the Lock Haven jail. He had been found guilty of larceny and sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. It is supposed that he was rendered insane by his troubles. From the County Seat. Miss Mary Barker, well known to most of the teachers of Carbon County, was married on the 22d inst., to Mr. Frank Morris of this place. The wedding was private. Long may they live and happy be, &c. A Surprise Party. A very agreeable affair came off at the residence of Mr. Thomas Harleman, at Packerton, on Tuesday evening of last week, it being the anniversary of his birth, it was decided to give him a surprise; accordingly about eight o'clock the party arrived and soon his spacious parlor and dining room was filled to overflowing. As soon as peace was restored, Mr. W. Lee Stiles, in behalf of those present, arose and in a a few appropriate remarks presented Mr. Harleman with a combination inkstand, gold pen and holder and a handsome paper weight. After he had somewhat regained his composure, Mr. H., in some well chosen remarks accepted the gifts. The party then set about to have a good time in general, playing games, etc. The ladies making it most agreeable by rendering some choice selections on the piano. We may here state that a pleasant feature of the evening's ejoyment was a voluntary, played by Mr. Thos. Harleman, Jr., accompanied on the bones by Mr. McMurtrire. At 10 o'clock refreshments were served in a grand style, and not till morning dawned did the party retire to their homes, all claiming it to be the most agreeable affair of the season. DIED, NEEB.--In Towamensing twp., on the 19th inst., Mary, daughter of Casper and Mary Neeb, of pneumonia, aged 6 years, 6 mos. and 20 days. Volume 4, Number 15, Saturday, March 4, 1876 Local and Personal. Alfred Humbold, about 50 years of age, a machinist, committed suicide at Wilkes-Barre on Sunday. He is supposed to have a wife in Philadelphia. Local and Personal. On Monday last, an old resident of Bath, named Thomas Christ, committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn. No cause is assigned for the commission of the act. From the County Seat. The funeral of Mr. Adam Rose, of East Mauch Chunk, took place from his residence on Tuesday p. m. MARRIED, GINDER-NOTHSTEIN.--On the 6th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Jas. W. 9 Ginder and Miss Flora Ann Nothstein, both of East Penn. MARRIED, DeLONG-FRANTZ.--On the 27th ult., by the same, James DeLong of East Penn, and Miss Emma Frantz, of Mahoning. MARRIED, BOYER-SMITH.--On the same day, by the same, Levi Boyer of Lower Towamensing, and Miss Lydia E. Smith, of Eldred, Monroe Co. MARRIED, HORN-RABE.--At Mauch Chunk, on the 19th ult., by Rev. A. M. Wiggins, Rich'd Horn and Miss Maria R. Rabe, both of East Mauch Chunk. MARRIED, BRETZ-BROWN.--At Mauch Chunk, on the 17th ult., by Rev. G. A. Struntz, Zach. Taylor Bretz, of Port Carbon and Miss Alice E. Brown, of Upper Mauch Chunk. DIED, ZIMMERMAN--On the 3rd ultimo, in West Penn, John, husband of Emma L. Zimmerman, aged 24 years, 11 months and 21 days. DIED, DREISBACH.--On the 5th ult., in Franklin, Albert Harrison, son of Dennis and Sarah Dreisbach, aged 1 month and 28 days. DIED, WHITEMAN.--On the 15th ult., in E. Penn, Manuel Edward, son of John Eck and Mary Whiteman, aged 5 months and 19 days. Volume 4, Number 16, Saturday, March 11, 1876 Local and Personal. At Ringtown, Schuylkill county, on Friday evening last while a man named Staufer, a wheelwright, was sweeping down cobwebs for his wife, he accidentally knocked down a gun hanging on the wall, which was discharged as it struck the floor, the contents entering his eye, blowing half his head away. Mrs. Staufer, who was in an adjoining room at the time, ran to ascertain the cause of the report, and found her husband dead, he having been instantly killed. Local and Personal. Mr. Stephen Koons, of Mahanoy City, but formerly of Weissport, died on Saturday of last week. His remains were brought to this place on 11:02 a. m., train on Tuesday, and deposited in the Weissport cemetery. Local and Personal. The amiable wife of our friend, L. E. Wills, Esq., of Weissport, presented him with a splendid Republican voter on Friday morning last. Wills is happy, and wife and child are doing well. Volume 4, Number 17, Saturday, March 18, 1876 A young man named Fritz Weber, of Boyertown, Berks county, hung himself on the 2d inst. No cause is known for the act, except that he was to have been married on the 4th inst. 10 Local and Personal. Dr. George Henry Bute died recently at Nazareth at the age of 83 years. He was an homeopathist--the first, it is said, to commence practice after that school in America. He came over from the old country in the year 1818. From the County Seat. George, son of Mr. Wm. Dieterline, died at his father's residence, on Broadway, on Friday last. Funeral took place on Monday. The deceased was suffering for nearly a year. From the County Seat. An old couple, aged respectively about sixty and seventy, were stopping at the Broadway House for several days this week spending their honeymoon, apparently as pleasant as though they had taken a trip to Long Branch or Europe. The happy pair hale from Beaver Meadow, this county, and the groom's name, we, learn is a Mr. Brittan, of course the bride's in the same, having been merged by the unwritten law. From the County Seat. The wife of Mr. Ed. Leisering died at her home, at Upper Lehigh, the latter part of last week. Her remains were brought to town on Sunday morning, and in the afternoon the funeral took place from the residence of Mr. John Leisering. Mrs. L. had been ailing for some time, but her death was not expected at the time it occurred. It was such a sudden shock to her husband that he was unable to attend the funeral. Volume 4, Number 18, Saturday, March 25, 1876 From the County Seat. Mr. Sam Behler, son of our worthy landlord of the Columbia House, was married on Wednesday to Miss Geist of East Mauch Chunk. From the County Seat. The wife of Mr. Ed. Remmel died at her home, an West Broadway, very suddenly on Monday, of we were informed, heart disease. Interment took place on Wednesday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. From the County Seat. George Kerst, of Lehighton, met with his sudden death on Wednesday afternoon, about 5 o'clock, in the following manner: Kerst was in town the greater part of the day, and while here it seems met too many friends (?) who together indulged a little too freely in drink. Kerst in company with another man, was seen going down Susquehanna street with their arms around each other, a short time before the arrival of the down passenger train, due here at 4.40 p.m. It was then thought by some that they were on their way to meet the train, but through the persuasive powers of his companion he was induced to take another drink, during which time the passenger train had arrived. By the time Kerst and his companion got to the Mansion House the train had left, and at the same time a coal train was passing down, on which it seems Kerst made up his mind to take passage for Lehighton. He attempted to jump on the train, and in doing so was caught between the cars, and thrown violently to the ground, several cars passing over his breast and one side of his head, mangling him badly and breaking his neck, causing instant death. His remains were sent to Lehighton. Packerton Dots. On last Friday, the 17th inst., Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brodhead gave a party for their daughter Minnie, it being her 10th birthday. All the little ones in Packerton assembled at the house of their hostess, Miss Minnie, at a seasonable hour in the afternoon and made up their 11 minds to have a good time. Refreshments were served at about 4 o'clock, by Mrs. Brodhead assisted by Mrs. Stiles, Mrs. Sittler and Miss Gould. The favorite game indulged in by the little ones was "ring-around-a rosy," in which all that participated enjoyed themselves hugely. MARRIED, WAGNER.-DINKEY.--On the 16th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. E. Dinkey, by Rev. J. M. Wilson, assisted by Rev. L. K. Derr, Mr. T. G. Wagner, to Miss Ella Dinkey, of Weatherly, Carbon Co. MARRIED, LAWALL-OTT.--At the residence of the bride's parents, March 16th, by Rev. A. M. Wiggins, Mr. Lyman H. Lawall, of Easton, Pa., to Miss Sarah C. Ott, of Mauch Chunk. DIED, BERLIN.--In Kresgeville on the 10th of February, James, son of James and Amaline Berlin, aged 7 months and 20 days. DIED, RICKERT.--In Weissport, on the 2nd inst., Amalinda, wife of Daniel Rickert, aged 21 years, 2 month and 1 day. As falls the leaf and fades the flower, Thus one by one we pass away; Like them we live our destined hour; Like them we wither and decay. Volume 4, Number 19, Saturday, April 1, 1876 Last Thursday night two men were overtaken on the railroad bridge of the Delaware and Hudson canal company, Luzerne county, by a train of cars. Charles Law one of the party, was struck by the locomotive and hurled into the river, the remains being found next day. Mr. Blair, his companion was rendered insensible and thrown beside the track, where he was found unconscious and with a large and probably fatal gash on the left temple. Local and Personal. By the fall of a roof in the chamber of the Pine Brook coal shaft, near Scranton, on Saturday, two men, named Kelly and Kilcullin, were instantly killed. Local and Personal. Hon. Herman M. Fetter, died at his residence in South Bethlehem, on Wednesday morning, of softening of the brain. Funeral to-day (Saturday), at 2 p.m., from the Moravian Church, Bethlehem. From the County Seat. Mrs. Anna Hine, late Miss Anna Albright, who was married about three months ago, died at Washington, D. C., on Tuesday night last. Her remains were brought to her former home, at Gen. Albright's, on Monday evening, at 7-10, and on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., funeral took place attended by many relatives and friends. Bishop Simpson and Rev. Wiggins officiated. Matters of Interest. On Friday Michael Sheridan, of Luzerne county, stepped from a moving train and was thrown into a culvert, sustaining fatal injuries. 12 Volume 4, Number 20, Saturday, April 8, 1876 Local and Personal. The body of Bridget O'Donnell was found Sunday morning in a field at Wilkesbarre, with indications that she had been feloniously assaulted and choked to death. A tramp was seen near the place where the crime was committed, on Saturday evening. Local and Personal. Mrs. E. McEnroe, of Leviston, Beaver Meadow mines, was burned in a most shocking manner on Saturday evening last by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. She lingered until Monday morning when death relieved her of her sufferings. MARRIED, MOYER-REX.--On the 5th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Elias Moyer of Lynn twp., and Mrs. Catharine Rex, of Heidelberg twp., Lehigh county. MARRIED, WETZEL-GERHARD.--On the 10th ult., by the same, David D. Wetzel, of Weatherly, and Miss Lydia Ann Gerhard, of Packer twp. MARRIED, HILL-GRAVER--On the 11th ult, by the same, Abraham Hill, of Lower Towamensing, and Miss E. L. Graver, of Franklin. DIED, SHAEFER.--On the 8th ult., in Parryville, Oscar D., son of Peter and Catharine Shaefer, aged 3 years, 3 months and 9 days. DIED, KRATZER.--On the 22nd ult., in Weissport, Sarah Amelia, wife of Charles Kratzer, aged 47 years, 8 months and 5 days. Volume 4, Number 21, Saturday, April 15, 1876 Matters of Interest. The mother of Hon. Myer Stroud, of Schuylkill county, died on Saturday aged sevent-four years. Matters of Interest. Charles M'Gill, of Schuylkill county escaped from a constable, who fired at him. The ball lodged in the leg, and a few days ago the man died from the effects of the injury. Local and Personal. Mrs. Bernard O'Donnell, of Cumbola, Schuylkill county, astonished the natives of that place by giving birth, on Saturday last, to three sons. At last accounts the mother and sons were doing well. Local and Personal. Hugh Martin, working in the mines near Tresckow, was killed by being crushed between cars on Tuesday night. He was a single man, about twenty-three years of age. Local and Personal. Thomas Bevan, a wholesale liquor dealer, of Pittston, committed suicide, by hanging, on Thursday morning. Big Creek Items. Mr. Michael Weirich, from the upper part of this valley, was interred at the Solt's church of this place on Thursday of last week. He was aged 44 years, 11 months and 27 days. Funeral services in German, by J. C. Bliem of Lehighton. The funeral was largerly 13 attended. From the County Seat. At one of the mines at Nesquehoning, on Wednesday forenoon, a very serious accident took place by the explosion of fire damp, killing four men and wounding twelve others, none of whose names we could learn. Dr. Leonard was immediately called to the scene of disaster and administered to the wants of the wounded. Fire Damp Explosion. The following account of an explosion of fire damp which occurred at Nesquehoning mines, Wednesday morning by which three men were instantly killed, and five others badly burnt and hurt, we take from the Morning Herald. The names of the killed and wounded are as follows: Thos. Shields, killed, leaves a wife and six children, four grown up. Hugh Coffield, killed, leaves a wife and four small children. James McGovern, killed, single man. Chas. Callan, single man, badly burnt and hurt, cannot possibly live. Levi Marsden, single man, badly hurt and burnt, will probably die. Joseph Norwood, Richard Bauden and Jacob Myers, all married men, were badly hurt, but will probably recover. The search for the killed and wounded was necessarily done without a light, as the firedamp always gathers again immediately after an explosion, and a second explosion would be more serious than the first. On account of this, much time and trouble was spent before all were taken out, and the result of the accident known. The account given by the men who took part in the search was very sorrowful. One would take the middle of the gangway, and one on each side, and they would proceed on their hands and knees, and feel as they went for the missing ones. No one party could remain away very long from the airway, on account of being overcome with what is known as the "after damp" foul air caused by the explosion of the sulphur. The cause of the explosion is not know. Volume 4, Number 22, Saturday, April 22, 1876 Local and Personal. Miss Norah Buller, of Nesquehoning, who has been lingering with consumption for the past fifteen months, died on Monday morning, and was buried at Mauch Chunk Thursday. Local and Personal. While John Hoffman, of Middle Smithfield, Pa., was driving across the Deleware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad track at East Stroudsburg, last week, the wagon was struck by a locomotive, and Hoffman and the horse were instantly killed. From the County Seat. And now it is reported that Daniel Kalbfus, Esq., will soon wed a charming young school marm, of Washington, D. C. From the County Seat. A child of Francis Eck, living at Coalport, fell backwards into a bucket of hot water on Saturday, thereby scalding itself so badly that it died from the effects of it on Sunday morning. Interment took place at Upper Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday afternoon. The same child once fell out of a second story window sustaining no injuries whatever. 14 Fatal R. R. Accident. Tuesday evening about half-past eight oclock, as Patrick Fagan, the watchman on the Lehigh Valley railroad at Catasauqua was leaving the depot on his usual trip he discovered the almost lifeless body of a young man lying at the side of the track, partly underneath the platform. He at once summoned aid and the body was conveyed to the depot, where, on examination they found it to be Thomas, the son of Mr. William Hopkins, superintendent of the Catawissa Manufacturing Company's Mill at that place. Medical aid was at once summoned. After an examination of his injuries it was found that they were of such a nature that little could be done for the young man. He was then taken to the residence of his parents, where all that was possible was done for him, but of no avail. Death relieved him of his sufferings at three o'clock Wednesday morning. It is supposed the young man had jumped on a coal train, and in attempting to jump off missed his footing, and thus met with this fate. MARRIED, ROMIG-ANTHONY.--At Parryville, on the 11th inst., by Rev. L. B. Brown, William Romig and Isabella Anthony, both of Parryville. DIED, MAURER.--In this borough, on the 18th inst., Alice, wife of Frank Maurer, in the 23rd year of her age. Relatives and friends and members of Infinito Castle, No. 78, A. O. K. of the M. C., are invited to attend the funeral, this (Saturday) morning, at 9:30 o'clock, from the husband's residence to Lehighton Cemetery. Volume 4, Number 23, Saturday, April 29, 1876 Local and Personal. Thursday night, at half-past eleven o'clock, says the Morning Herald, one of those terrible accidents, which causes every heart to shudder, occurred on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, a short distance above Hoffman's saw mill. A man named Henry Wieand, who resided in Clader's Division, Hanover, in jumping from a coal train, was run over and instantly killed, his body being mangled in the most sickening manner. His left leg was severed from the body, at the hip, the right foot cut off, and the ribs on the left side mashed in. He was dead when found. Local and Personal. Colonel James J. Conner, the pioneer coal operator of the Mahanoy region, died on Thursday of last week, at hsi residence in Pottsville. Birthday Visit. On Friday of last week, B. A. Peters, the popular young druggist, was very much surprised by an unexpected visit from his grand-father, aged seventy-five years, his mother and two of his sisters, it being the occasion of his birthday. The goodies brought along were relished, and the presents thankfully received. They expressed themselves highly pleased with the thriving appearance of our town, particularly of Obert's pork packing establishment, the new church edifices and the spacious school building. After having spent a very pleasant afternoon in conversing over news of old and the news in general, they left on the L V. 4:41 train, as much pleased with their visit as their host, whose time for entertaining them was limited. Mr. P. Being still on the list of young batchelors we refrain from giving his age--'tis not yet 100. MARRIED, EICKHOFF-LECHLER--On Friday, the 21st inst., by Rev. G. A. Struntz, Mr. Geo. Eickhoff, of Upper Mauch Chunk, to Miss Christina Lechler, of Beaver Run. MARRIED, SIGLIN-WEST.--At the house of the bride's father, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. T. 15 S. Faus, Ezra Siglin to Miss Elizabeth West, both of Hickory Run. MARRIED, By Rev. A. Bartholomew, SILVIES-McFARLAND.--On the 2d inst., Mr. William Silfies, of Parryville and Miss Catharine McFarland, of East Penn. MARRIED, By Rev. A. Bartholomew, KERSHNER-GOMBERT.--On the 8th inst., Mr. Frank Kershner and Miss Elizabeth Gombert, both of West Penn. MARRIED, By Rev. A. Bartholomew, GOLLUS-GAUMER.-On the 27th inst., Mr. Joseph Gollus and Miss Uriha C. Gaumer, both of Mauch Chunk. DIED, KRUM.--In this borough, on the 26th inst., Sarah, wife of Mr. Lewis Krum, aged 23 years, and 24 days. The funeral will take place to-morrow (Sunday) morning at 9:00 o'clock. To proceed to the Evangelical Church, West Penn township, Schuylkill county. DIED, HONTZ.--On 20 inst., in Mahoning, Jonas, husband of Sarah Hontz, aged 78 yrs., 4 mos. and 20 ds. DIED, FOCHT.--On the 4th inst., in Parryville, Charles H., son of Edwin and Sarach Focht, aged 3 mos and 8 ds. DIED, SCHROEHER.--On the 9th inst., in West Penn, Maria Matilda, wife of Daniel Schroeher, aged 46 yrs., 5 mos. and 21 ds. DIED, REX.--On the 14th inst., in Lehighton, Mary W., daughter of Tilghman and Maria Rex, aged 2 yrs., 2 mos. and 17 ds. DIED, HILL.--On the 17th inst., in West Penn, Presde Monroe, son of Mandis Hill and Elizabeth Lorah, aged 8 mos. and 5 ds. DIED, FENSTERMACHER--On the 23d inst, in Lehighton, Ellemanda S., daughter of John and Mary Ann Fenstermacher, aged 9 mos. and 9 ds. Resolutions of Condolence At a stated meeting of Gnaden Hutten Council, No. 249, O. U. A. M., held at their hall on Thursday, April 27, 1876, the following was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, It has pleased the great Councilor of the universe to remove from the side of our Brother Lewis Grum, his beloved wife and companion, and WHEREAS, It is the duty of the creature to bow in humble submission to the will of the Creator, in whatever form it may be expressed, and WHEREAS, It is the duty of the O. U. A. M., to sympathize with the affliced to mourn with those that mourn, and hold in fond remembrance the virtues of departed ones, whether in the higher or lower walks of life, therefore, Resolved, That in the death of our Brother's wife he has lost one in whom his earthly all was placed, one who was near and dear to him and to those with whom she came in contact. Resolved, That, while we mingle our tears with his, we would kindly point our bereaved brother to Him who doeth all things well, and that we recognize in this, that we too are mortal 16 and soon must die. Resolved, That we attend the funeral in a body, and that a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes, be published in the CARBON ADVOCATE, and one copy be sent to our bereaved brother. J. P. Smith, A. W. Horn, C. D. Schmale, Com., April 28, 1876 Volume 4, Number 24, Saturday, May 6, 1876 Local and Personal. John Stahler, a miner in the Mahanoy mines, was killed Monday morning last by a fall of coal. Local and Personal. Joseph Miller, a boatman, residing in Weissport, who has been sick since last fall, died on Monday night. He was about 55 years of age, and leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death. Post Mortem Examination. The protracted illness of Joseph Miller, of Weissport, terminated in death on Tuesday morning at three a. m. The cause of his sickness being somewhat obscure, his dying request was, that a post mortem examination of his body should be made by his attending physician. The friends of the deceased having given their consent to the proposed examination, Dr. Zern, assisted by O. S. Grossman, proceeded to investigate the nature of his disease. The Dr's opinion and also the opinion of Dr. Louder, of White Haven, was, that the patient was suffering from cancer of the stomach: this diagnosis was confirmed by the examination. The cancer originated in the stomach, affected almost its entire length and also extended to the liver and pancreas, forming adhesions with these organs. During the last few weeks of his life, Mr. Miller's sufferings were very great. Fortunately for humanity, comparately few persons are afflicted with this terrible disease. Obituary. On the 26th of April, Sarah Krum, consort of Lewis Krum, of Lehighton, aged 23 years and 24 days. Her remains were consigned to the grave in West Penn, on Sunday last, attended by a large funeral procession from the residence of the deceased to the place of interment, manifesting, thereby, their high esteem and kind regard of the bereaved family. The American Mechanics, in a body, attended the interment and wore the badge of mourning, as an idication of condolence. A large congregation was assembled at the church before the funeral had arrived, so that it was almost impossible for the relatives and friends to obtain entrance. The occasion was improved by Rev. J. C. Bliem, on Rev. 14th chapter, 13th verse, who delivered an effective sermon, to a deeply moved and interested congregation. The services were concluded by Rev. E. Butz, of Reading, with the Evangelical rite of interment. DIED, REBER--In this borough, on Tuesday, the 2d inst., Mary Agnes, daughter of Dr. N. B. and Rebecca Reber, aged 3 years, 2 months and 17 days, after a sickness of only 24 hours. The disease being a malignant form of cerebro spinal meningitis. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the parents residence to the M. E. Church and thence to the Lehighton cemetery. 17 Volume 4, Number 25, Saturday, May 13, 1876 A Shocking Murder. On Tuesday a shocking murder was committed at Dunmore, a small village about two miles from Scranton. Robert Savage, the murderer, and George U. West, his victim, had been neighbors for several years, but had quarrelled over the boundery line between their property. Their quarrels finally led to litigation, but they arranged their difficulty by opening an alley between the two lots, each party giving five feet of his property for that purpose. This agreement did not last very long, for Savage nailed up the gate, and West soon afterward erected a coal house on his half of the alley. Then Savage wanted the alley reopened, but West refused to remove the coal house. A few days ago Savage told West that if he did not remove the coal house by Tuesday he would tear it down. On that morning Savage had a load of coal brought to hs place, and opening the gate the driver drove into the alley to unload it. Savage then began to tear down the coal house with his axe. West ran out to protect his property, and Savage attacked him with the axe, cutting his head in a fearful manner. He then struck West with a heavy cobble stone. West was carried in the house, where he died in a few hours. He leaves a wife and four small children. Savage was arrested and locked up to await a hearing. The terrible event has caused a great deal of excitement, as both West and Savage were greatly respected in Dunmore. DIED, EMMET--On the 7th inst., of pneumonia, William Emmet, son of Mrs. George Hagen, of Packerton, aged 21 years less one month and two days. Volume 4, Number 26, Saturday, May 20, 1876 Local and Personal. Mr. Cameron Lockhart, an old and well known resident of Mauch Chunk, died on Friday of last week. Local and Personal. Daniel Sweeny was instantly killed on Friday by a fall of coal in a mine at Wanamie, Luzerne county. John Williams was killed by the explosion of a blast on Monday at the Diamond mine, Hyde Park. Local and Personal. Mr. Stephen Gould, a well-known citizen of Allentown, died Tuesday, from the effects of a paralytic stroke with which he was overcome last fall. He was 68 years of age. Mauch Chunk Items. Died, at Upper Mauch Chunk, on Thursday, the 11th inst., Edward, son of Fannie and John McGinley, aged 2 years. His funeral, on Sunday was largely attended. Mauch Chunk Items. The death, on Friday last, of Cameron Lockhart, has robbed Mauch Chunk of another of those who have been instrumental in the development of the resources of the Lehigh region. Mauch Chunk Items. Patrick Collins, a stranger, belonging, as subsequently ascertained from papers found upon his person, to Macungie, Lehigh county, while walking the Lehigh Valley Railroad track on Wednesday afternoon, was run over and instantly killed by a passing train, between Ryan's lock and Catfish Pond. Deceased was on his way to visit an acquaintance whose boat was lying in the upper basin, and while trying to avoid a heavy train, stepped right in front of a light one approaching from an opposite direction. 18 East Mauch Chunk. Married, on Monday the 15th inst., by Rev. Father Heinen, John Hiesdorf to Miss Cath. Bernhard. A serenade by the Hibernian Cornet Band in the evening, and a grand jollification, lasting nearly all night, followed the marriage ceremony. Big Creek Items. The wife of Mr. Nathan Solt, a resident of Mahanoy City, was buried at Solt's church, on Thursday afternoon, The funeral was largely attended, Rev. S. Breyfogel officiating. Accidentally Drowned. On Wednesday afternoon last, about 4 o'clock, two youths named respectively John Esch and Harvey Rehrig, started on a fishing excursion; proceeding to Heilman's dam, they procured a flat bottom boat and launched upon the water; making fast to a log, they proceeded to fishing, one at the bows and the other at the stern end of the boat. They had occupied themselves thus for a short time, when Esch spoke to his companion Rehrig, and receiving no reply turned to look at him, when he observed that he was shaking, and before he could reach him, Rehrig, had fallen headlong over the side of the boat into the water. Esch seized him by the collar, but the boat tipping he left it, jumping onto a log, and becoming exhausted let go his hold, when Rehrig sank beneath the water. Esch immediately started, in his fright in, search of help, but it arrived too late to save the boy, the body not being recovered for fully one hour after its disappearance. Harvey Rehrig, the deceased, was a son of Moses Rehrig, of this borough, and was 16 years of age. An inquest was held before Esq., T. S. Beck, and the following jury: H. V. Morthimer, Jos. S. Webb, Henry Drumbore, Nathan Drumbore, Chas. T. Horn and Aaron Krum. After investigation, the jury returned a verdict of "Acciental Drowning." The funeral will take place on Sunday morning, at 9:30 o'clock, to proceed to Trinity Lutheran church, and thence to the cemetery. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. MARRIED, KOCH-MASTER.--On the 28th of March by Rev. G. T. Haines, Mr. Isbon Koch, of Allentown, and Miss Ellen Master, of Franklin. Volume 4, Number 27, Saturday, May 27, 1876 Local and Personal. Levi Stein, one of the jurors in the Yost murder case at Pottsville, died on Wednesday night, of pneumonia. His death will cause a new trial, which cannot take place before July next. Local and Personal. The marriage of A. N. Cleaver, manager for G. B Linderman & Co., and Miss Lizzie K., daughter of R. H. Sayre, Esq., Supt. L. V. Railroad, is announced for June 1st, in the church of the Nativity, South Bethlehem. Local and Personal. Edward O'Donnell, alias "Scotch Neddie," whom our readers will remember was shot at Bugtown, near Tamaqua, on the 22d of April, while engaged in shaving himself, died last Monday from the effects of his wound. At the time it was thought that O'Donnell would recover, as the ball had glanced from his skull without fracturing it, as was then supposed; but at the post mortem which was held upon his body by Dr. Solliday, of Tamaqua, the fact was developed that the bullet had fractured his skull, and that an abscess had 19 formed, from which death resulted. Local and Personal. The remains of Mr. Aaron Breisch, who died at White Haven on Saturday of last week, were, on Wednesday, consigned to their last resting place in the Upper Mauch Chunk cemetery, on which occasion the Masonic brotherhood were largely represented. Big Creek Items. A child of Mr. Thomas Solt died this week, and was interred at Weissport on Thursday at 1 p. m. Big Creek Items. An infant of John Fritzinger died on Monday morning of this week, and was buried at Weissport on Wednesday. Explosion of Fire Damp. An explosion of fire damp occurred Saturday forenoon at the Oxford air-shaft of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co., Scranton, by which one man was killed instantly and four were seriously scorched and otherwise injured. The explosion was caused by an accumulation of gas in the lower vein coming in contact with a miner's lamp at a depth of four hundred feet from the surface, and immediately under the air shaft. When the accident occurred four men were close to where the gas was confined, and these were burned terribly. The shock was felt for a distance of a mile around. The gas on catching fire rushed up the shaft with a roar, tearing the steam pipes in its course and completely shattering the heavy timbers of the tower above ground and scattering them in all directions. A man named Paff, employed at the mouth of the shaft when the accident occurred, had just stepped into the bucket a second before the shock. He was flung high in the air, and then descended down the awful depth of four hndred feet into the mine, where he was literally smashed to pieces. Suicide in Easton. John D. Singman, a member of the firm of John D. Singman & Co., hardware merchants of Easton, was found lying in the office back of their store, No. 26 Centre Square, a little after eight o'clock Tuesday morning, with two pistol wounds in the head and a small contused wound across the nose. A revolver, with three chambers discharged, was found lying under his left leg. He told a party a few minutes before that he felt as though he could blow his brains out. He had lain but a few moments when discovered, and was not quite dead. He was well known in these parts, was about thirty eight years of age, and has left a wife and five children. MARRIED, KOCH-MASTER.--On the 19th of February, by Rev. G. T. Haines, Mr. Isoon Koch, of Allentown, and Miss Ellen Master, of Franklin. Volume 4, Number 28, Saturday, June 3, 1876 Local and Personal. A large fall of fine dust and rock in the Bear Ridge Colliery, at Mahanoy Plane, on Saturday, buried a miner named James Holvey. Jerry Mahoney, a fellow workman, went to the rescue of his friend, and was also buried in the falling debris. Several hours afterwards both were dug out dead. Local and Personal. Aaron Breisch died at White Haven on the 8th inst., at the age of 51. He was born in Lehigh Co., near Laury's Station. He was in business in Mauch Chunk until about 20 17 years ago, when he removed to White Haven, where he became a member of the firm of Wallace & Breisch, in the foundry and machine business. He left quite a valuable estate. Big Creek Items. An infant son of Mr. S. Fritzinger died this week and was interred at Weissport, on Thursday. Easton, Pa., June 1.--Nine members of the family of Martin Laros, residing at Sandt's Eddy, a point on the Delaware river five miles above Easton, was poisoned last evening by coffee which contained some mineral substance. Mrs. Laros is dead, and several of the others are considered in a critical condition. The presence of poison in the coffee is not accounted for. Later,--it is now reported that Martin Laros and another one of the poisoned have died. Obituary. Died, in this borough, on Monday evening last, at 9 o'clock, Hon. Daniel Heberling, of kidney disease, aged 75 years 3 months and 19 days. Daniel Heberling was born in Moore township, Northampton county, on the 10th of February, 1801, from which place he removed to Lockport, on the opening of the canal, where he was appointed the first locktender, which position he filled for several years, finally removing from that place to Weissport, where he assumed the proprietorship of the old Weissport Hotel, which he presided over for a number of years gaining many friends by his gentlemanly and affable bearing toward his patrons. Retiring from the hotel business he opened a store and commenced boat building, accumulating considerable property. During his residence in Weissport he filled the office of Postmaster and Justice of the Peace with much satisfaction and was elected Associate Judge of the county, which position he filled with much credit. He removed to this borough some eight years ago, since which time he has lived a retired life, very highly respected by our citizens. His wife survives him with seven children all of whom are married. The funeral took place on Friday morning from the Lutheran church, of which he was a member, and was largely attended by the relative and friends. Volume 4, Number 29, Saturday, June 10, 1876 Sketch of the Life of Col. Robert H. Ramsey. Robert Ramsey, late editor and proprietor of the Daily Miners' Journal, of Pottsville, whose death was annouuced last week was born in South Pottsville, May 29, 1838. He received a good comcom school education and attended the Pottsville Academy for a short time. He was from boyhood a regular attendant at church and Sunday school and became a communicant of the one and a teacher of the other. When fourteen years old he entered the office of Benjamin Bannan, then the publisher of the Miners' Jornal, a weekly paper, where he learned the trade of printing. He was a favorite with Mr. Bannan and was entrusted with the important work of setting up and correcting the coal tables, which, as published in the Miners' Journal have long been noted for their freedom from typographical or other errors. Mr. Ramsey, after leaving the Journal office, entered the printing office of Stein & Jones, Philadelphia, and while there published a little book called "Honey from the Rock," an arrangement of the Psalms of David, annotated and compared with parallel passages from other parts of the Bible. He was soon afterwards appointed clerk in the Corn Exchange Bank, where he was at work when the war 21 broke out. When the famous Corn Exchange Regiment (the 45th Pennsylvania Volunteers) was organized, Mr. Ramsey enlisted in it and was commissioned second lieutenant. He was mustered into service July 3, 1863. The regiment, after aiding in the work of expelling Lee from Pennsylvania, was sent to the coal regions, where Lieut. Ramsey acted as Assistant Adjutant General. When Gen. Whipple, his commanding officer, was ordered to join the Army of the Cumberland under General Thomas, he sought to have Lieutenant Ramsey also transferred. He procured for him a captain's commission, and although he failed to have the transfer effected at that time, Captain Ramsey reported to Gen. Thomas for assignment to duty February 22, 1864. When the Atlanta campaign opened he took the field as Acting Aide-de-Camp and Assistant Adjutant General to General Thomas, and served as such to the close of the war, leaving the service in July, 1866. In the meantime he had been commissioned Major on the recommendation of General Thomas, and had received from President Johnson commissions by brevet of Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel. On his return to Pottsville he immediately purchased an interest in the Miners Journal from Mr. Bannan, his old employer. In December, 1866, he was married to Maggie L., daughter of A. V. S. Lindsley, Esq., of Nashville, Tenn. He has had two children, only one of whom, a daughter, survives him. He established the Daily Miners' Journal September 1, 1868. In February, 1873, Mr. Bannan sold all his interest in the paper to Col. Ramsey, and since then it has been wholly under the control of the latter. It has been very prosperous, and quite recently moved into one of the handsomest printing offices in the country. Mr. Ramsey had been suffering for a long time from laryngeal phthisis, a painful disease of the throat, and he went to Nashville, Tenn., early in May to seek relief in a warmer climate. He was so much weakened by his inability to eat sufficient food, however, that he obtained no relief, and died on Wednesday. His old employer, Mr. Bannan, in introducing him to the readers of the Journal as its new proprietor, said of him: "He has been found faithful in every position he has heretofore occupied, and has met the approbation and friendship of all whom he has served. We have tried him as a boy and man for upwards of twelve years in this establishment, and as such we ask the friends and patrons of the Miners' Journal to give him a full trial also, feeling confident that they too will find him all that others have found him. He is fully imbued with the leading principles wich have characterized the conduct of the Journal--he is affable, capable, and pushing in business, and is also a fluent writer; but, above all, he is honest, and is governed in all his actions by upright principles; and, in these degenerate days, when so much corruption abounds among public men, and there is so much plundering by office holders and office seekers, an honest editor and proprietor of a newspaper is a jewel; and we say to you all, that, if you love your country and its institutions, wherever you find such, cherish them as you would do in guarding your own honor, and support him also; for the more you give him, the more he will give you; and we know, from our association with him, that he will be much more likely to give you too much than too little." Local and Personal. Austin Naylor, of Bethlehem, while at White Haven the other day got drunk, fell into the Lehigh, and was drowned. Mauch Chunk Items. Died at Upper Mauch Chunk on the morning of Saturday the 3d inst., John Hine, in the 20th year of his age. Deceased, a very excellent young man, was a machinist by trade, and previous to his fatal illness was in the employ of Messrs. J. H. Salkeld & Co. with whom he had also served his apprenticeship. Having been an active member of the Phoenix Hose Company, and also of the Phoenix Cornet Band, both of those associations attended his obsequies on Monday afternoon, during which day, as a mark of respect for the departed, work 22 was suspended at the shops of his late employers. Rev. G. A. Struntz, conducted the funeral rites of the Lutheran church, at the grave of the deceased, at the Upper Mauch Chunk Cemetery where his remains were deposited. A peddler named Levy was killed near Abingdon, Luzerne county, from injuries received in being thrown from his wagon by a runaway horse. Death of Anthony Schneider. The following in regard to the death of Mr. A. Schneider, of Summit Hill, which took place about noon on Wednesday last, we take from the columns of the Intelligencer. We are pained to announce the death of our honored townsman, Anthony Schneider, Esq. This event, though sadly to be deplored, was not unexpected. Mr. Schneider had been afflicted for a number of years with that most painful disease, the gravel, and at various times was operated upon by Dr. Gross, of Philadelphia. He was subject to periodical attacks which so affected him that it was impossible to attend to business, or do anything more than to use every effort to escape the complaint that tormented him. Few knew what he endured. Mr. S. was one of the most prominent, wealthy and enterprising citizens of Summit Hill. He was identified with all the most important projects for the advancement of this place, and though comparatively a young man, occupied a high and honored position as a citizen of this town. He was engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years, and by reason of his personal popularity built up an extensive trade. He was known as an upright dealer, kind hearted and sympathetic, and generous to a fault; and there is probably not a man, woman or child in the Summit that does not mourn the death of this good hearted, industrious friend and neighbor. The community has suffered an inreparable loss. We can truly sympathize with the widow and the fatherless children of Mr. S. though we congratulate them upon the fact that he left them well provided for. Besides having a large store and a profitable business, he was one of the largest stockholders of the Savings Bank here. He was an estimable citizen, a kind hearted, intelligent gentleman, and let us hope he is now enjoying rest and peace in that beautiful home above. The Easton Tragedy. Alvin Laros, son of Martin and Mary Laros, who were buried Sunday, died Sunday from poison administered last Wednesday to the family by Abner C. Laros, the son and brother. This makes the fourth member of the household who has died. A post mortem examination was held on Moses Schug's remains Sunday, and the stomach was taken to Easton, and Dr. McIntire, of Easton, will analyze the contents this week. Laros this morning confessed to a reporter of the Easton Express that he committed the deed for money to help him in the study of the law. He said he was sorry after he saw his family so sick and took a couple of swallows of the coffee to die with them. In conversation with a fellow prisoner on Saturday night he asked the latter what he was in jail for, and when told for larceny, he remarked, "Oh, I am here for a larger crime, for poisoning a whole family." He said an evil moment came over him, and he did the deed. When told this morning that his brother Alvin was dead, he exclaimed, "Oh my God? my God!" and burst into tears. He refuses to eat anything, and his comrade in the cell towards Sunday morning awoke and found him twisting his bed sheet into a rope, probably with the design of committing suicide. The tragedy, arrest and confession have caused the greatest excitement throughout the county. The funeral of Laros and wife Sunday was attended by thousands of people from all 23 directions. Patrick Riley, a track hand on the East Penn railroad, bewildered by an over-load of whisky, was run over by a freight train and killed on Saturday, near Emaus. He leaves a wife and five children in straitened circumstances. BIRTH. BUNKER.--Samuel Cary Bunker, born at Pagoda Island, River Min, Foochow, China, Thursday, March 30, 1876 at 9:30 a. m. Volume 4, Number 30, Saturday, June 17, 1876 Local and Personal. William Welsh was killed and three other men were seriously injured by the caving of a bank on the Perkiomen Valley branch of the Reading Railroad Monday. Local and Personal. Henry Smith, who was serving out a sentence of 8 eight years for arson in the Northampton county jail at Easton, committed suicide by hanging himself in his cell, on Tuesday morning last. Local and Personal. At Reading, Pa., Monday morning, Thos. Elliott and John Edwards were suffocated to death while tapping a cess-pool, and a colored man named George Dorsey, who endeavored to rescue them, came near perishing from the same cause. Mauch Chunk Items. On Thrsday night of last week John Race, who about a year ago shot George Sprowl, and in consequence underwent six months imprisonment in our county jail, died, at the residence of his parents in the city of Philadelphia, of typhoid fever. Mauch Chunk Items. The sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. Kate Middleton and child daughter and grandchild of Hon. John Leisering, caused very general surprise and universal sympathy here, where the former Miss 'Kate" was best known and her character appreciated. Shooting at Ashton. On Saturday evening last, another shooting affray occurred at Ashton, in the neighborhood of Summit Hill. The following are the particulars of the affair, as we find them in the Shenandoah Evening Herald of Tuesday last: At about 11 o'clock on Saturday eveing last, Jonathan Reese and John Thomas, two young men, were engaged in a conversation with Daniel Gallagher, when their attention was attracted by a man named James Carr, who called out to them from across the street. They were about to move on when Carr approached them, and advancing toward Reese held out his hand, and remarked--"I think I knew you in Bull Run," Reese answered that perhaps he had, whereupon Carr, who was under the influence of liquor, intimated that he could "lick" any man in the place of one hundred and twenty-six pounds in weight. Concluding that fight was what Carr's intention was, Reese said to his companion, "Come home, John," at the same time walking up the street. Not satisfied with the turn affairs had taken, Carr used some very abusive language, and became so threatening in his remarks that Reese turned and retraced his steps; but when within a few feet of Carr the lattter drew a revolver, and, according to some, fired three shots at him in rapid succession. Reese jumped for his opponent, and then ensued a struggle for 24 the revolver, during which Thomas drew his "shooter" and fired once, the report being almost confounded with that of the fourth shot, said to be discharged from the pistol of Carr, who at this time was on the ground. At first, although Carr yelled out that he was shot, the others would not believe him, and, considering themselves assaulted without cause, Reese said to his "butty"--"You stay here and watch him, while I go for a policeman;" but upon the appearance of a rapidly-increasing crowd the two men concinded that their position was not peculiarly healthy, so took themselves off. For some minutes after the affair occurred very few people made their appearance on the ground, and it was not until the news of the shooting match had been circulated by the crowd which, when the "ball" opened, occupied the porch that adorns Klines' store that any unusual stir was occasioned. In a short time, however, windows were thrown open, and voices inquired what it was all about, the answer being generally deemed a sufficient excuse for a visit to the scene of the encounter. As soon as all doubt as to the fact of Carr being wounded was dispelled, a messenger was dispatched for Dr. Davis, who shortly made his appearance, and ordered the wounded man to be taken under cover. Some friends lifted and carried him to Widow McLaughlin's, where the doctor made an examination, and discovered that a ball had penetrated the left side of the abdomen immediately below the seventh rip. In the course of half an hour Dr. Donohue put in an appearance, and he and Dr. Davis having consulted, concluded that the patient's safety would be endangered by any attempt to discover the ball. Between three and four o'clock Sunday morning Carr was taken to his father's house in Coal Dale; but before this was accomplished he admitted to 'Squire Williams, in the presence of several gentlemen, that he had fired the first shot. Carr's condition is more than precarious, and no hopes are entertained by Dr. Davis that he will recover. Immediately after receiving the bullet he began to vomit, and continued to do so at short intervals for several hours; but today this has ceased, though it has left him in a very weakened condition. This afternoon the friends of the wounded man considered his chances of living so poor that they sent for 'Squire Williams to take the dying man's deposition, which will not, however, prejudice the case of Reese and Thomas to any extent, as Carr was clearly in the wrong. About an hour after the shooting occurred Reese and Thomas gave themselves up to 'Squire Williams, who took their statements, which amount to about what we have written in regard to the manner in which the affair occurred. The "Squire held the young men, and on Sunday morning they were taken to Mauch Chunk by Captain T. C. Williams. Carr died on Monday evening. MARRIED, SNYDER-HARLEMAN.--In Lehighton, on the 11th inst., by Rev. John Carrington, Mr. Albert C. Snyder and Miss Mary A. Harleman, both of Millport, Carbon county, Pa. Volume 4, Number 31, Saturday, June 24, 1876 Local and Personal. On Saturday of last week Aaron Washburne went to a picnic at Stemton. He stayed there the entire afternoon, and according to rumor indulged rather freely in the "ardent." At about dusk he left by himself and nothing more was seen of him until Sunday, when his friends, becoming alarmed at his protracted absence, went in search of him and in a short time discovered his body in the Hokendauqua creek near Stemton. It is supposed that, being 25 overcome by the effects of the liquor he had drank, he stumbled into the creek, and being entirely helpless, drowned. He leaves a wife and several children.--Herald. Birthday Party. On Thursday evening last, it being the 48th anniversary of the birth of Mr. J. T. McDaniel a number of friends assembled at his residence (the Eagle Hotel, in Mahoning Valley), to celebrate the event, among whom we noticed the following: J. W. Raudenbush, and lady; Thos. Mantz, and lady; E. H. Snyder, and lady; Thos. Weaver, and lady; John Hauk, and lady; Ammon Klotz and lady; David Ebbert, and lady; Elwin Drumbore, and lady; L. McDaniel and daughter; Geo. McDaniel, and lady; Jas. Hollenbach, and lady. At about 8 o'clock the party sat down to a most elegant repast, to which all did ample justice, after which the hall was thrown open, and to the excellent music of the L. McDaniel string band, the party for an hour or so enjoyed themselves tripping it on the light fantastic toe. About 11 o'clock the party broke up and returned to their homes, having spent the evening in most pleasureable enjoyment, and one long to be remembered by them. MARRIED, SHULTZ-LOWER--On Sunday, June 18th, by A. M. Stapp, J. P., Mr. James Shultz and Miss Mary Ann Lower, both of East Penn, Carbon county. Volume 4, Number 32, Saturday, July 1, 1876 Local and Personal. A little son of the Widow Evans, residing in the neighborhood of the W. B. C. & I. Co's boat yard, in East Weissport, who had been missing since Tuesday forenoon, was found at the mouth of the lock-feeder on Wednesday evening, having, as is supposed, while at play accidentally fell into the canal and been drowned. MARRIED, KISTLER-HANDWERK.--On the 3d ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Wm. A. Kistler and Miss Hetty Handwerk, both of Heidelberg twp., Lehigh county. MARRIED, BENNINGHOFF-HOFFMAN.--On the 24th ult., by the same, Wm. H. Benninghoff, of Heidelberg twp., Lehigh county, and Miss Adeline Hoffman, of East Penn twp., Carbon co. DIED, SCHAEFER.--On the 9th ult., in Parryville, David James, son of Solomon and Catharine Schaefer, aged 2 years and 27 days. DIED, STROHL.--On the 12th ult., in Lower Towamensing, Elizabeth, wife of Peter Strohl, aged 76 years and 8 months. There was no paper published July 8, 1876. Volume 4, Number 33, Saturday, July 15, 1876 26 Local and Personal. Mr. J. L. Schreiber, one of the oldest residents of Weissport, died on Tuesday afternoon last. Mr. S. was 71 years of age, and was highly respected by all who knew him. Local and Personal. On the afternoon of the Fourth, two men entered a saloon near the L. V. Depot at South Easton, and called for drink, which was refused them on account of their having more aboard than was good for them. They soon left and had not proceeded far, when John Thomas, of Phillipsburg, struck his companion, Thomas Flynn, and knocked him down, following the action with a brutal kicking of the prostrate man, which so injured him that his death resulted in a few minutes. Thomas was secured after a hard fight and taken to the Easton jail, where he awaits his trial next month. The deceased was 22 years of age, married and leaves two children. Thomas has the repuration of a brute, and is aged 35 years.--Catasauqua Dispatch. Volume 4, Number 34, Saturday, July 22, 1876 Local and Personal. Francis Markert, agaed 64, a laborer in the employ of the Pennsylvania coal company, was found in the woods near Nay-Aug Falls in the vicinity of Scranton, on Sunday forenoon, with his throat cut. He leaves a family and some property and the cause of his suicide is unknown. Local and Personal. Henry Serfass, a brakesman on the Lehigh Valley, on Monday noon, when his train was about one mile below rockport, the pulling bar between the tank and engine broke, and Serfass fell in between the cars and was crused to death. His body from the breast down to the thighs was terribly mashed. He lived about 20 minutes. He was a young man and his parents reside at Trochsville. Mauch Chunk Items. An infant of Mr. Dan. Collins which died on Saturday last, was deposited in its final resting place, at the East Mauch Chunk Cemetery, on Monday afternoon. Mauch Chunk Items. To do her share towards the celebration of the Centennial, Mrs. Wm. H. Flowers, of Lehigh Tannery, on the 14th inst. presented her husband with triplets--two girls and one boy. The latter has since died; the girls live. No weight given. Volume 4, Number 35, Saturday, July 29, 1876 Local and Personal. A sad burial took place recently at the Hyde Park cemetery, near Scranton. The occasion was the funeral of three children of Morris Jones, of Pittston, namely, Sarah Annie, six years of age; Roland M., aged four years, and Edith, the babe, one year old. All were buried in one grave, and the scene was one of the most affecting character. Volume 4, Number 36, Saturday, August 5, 1876 A dead tramp was found in the barn of Mr. Lichtenthaler, near Fogelsville, Lehigh county, under eighteen tons of hay which had been piled upon him as it was hauled in from the fields. A 27 terrible stench in the barn revealed the presence of the corpse, which was entirely putrescent when found. It had lain under the hay for four weeks. Local and Personal. Tuesday evening, August 1st., being the 49th birthday of Mr. Daniel Kostenbader, his three sons presented him with a very handsome watch, as a mark of their affection. Local and Personal. Jonas Bowman, formerly of this neighborhood, died at Mahanoy City, a few days ago. His remains were brought to Weissport for interment on Tuesday last. Local and Personal. The bodies of Simon Crauthomel and John Messer were found Friday morning of last week, at Uhler's lime kilns, near Easton Pa. They were boatmen, and had been loading lime, and it is supposed they slept near the kiln, and were suffocated by the gas. Messer was unmarried; Crauthomel leaves a wife and six children. Boy Killed. On Friday evening a boy named Clayton Elliot, aged seventeen years, met a frightful death in the Bethlehem Steel Works. The superintendent missed him an undue time and sent a boy in search of him. The lad soon returned and told the superintendent that Elliot was lying dead near the rolls. An examination proved that the boy's skull was badly broken, the neck broken, turned clean around, and both shoulders fractured. He had been caught in the machinery in some manner and rushed through the rolls.--Allentown Democrat. Items. Married, at East Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday the 25th ult., Mr. Thos. Major to Miss Annie K. Swank. Items. Miss Mary Winkler, of this place contemplates, on the 15th inst., to assume the name of Mrs. Richard Kiefer. No cards, but friends invited to attend at the parental residence on the day in question. Matters of Interest. Paris green was the variety of poison selected by John E. Fassold, aged 55, living at Pine Brook, Luzerne county, to put an end to unpleasant domestic relations. The remedy was effectual. Matters of Interest. James M. Robbins was killed near Montoursville, Lycoming county, on Friday by the accidental overturning of a loaded wagon upon him. He is sixty four years old and leaves a wife and four children. Matters of Interest. Moses Milton, a prominent farmer of Berks county, committed suicide Monday afternoon, by hanging. It is supposed he drank too much. Volume 4, Number 37, Saturday, August 12, 1876 Obituary. On Tuesday afternoon last the mortal remains of Major Abraham Shortz were consigned to their last resting place at the cemetery of U. Mauch Chunk, in presence of a large concourse of sorrowing relatives, neighbors and friends. Yet, although his towering form will no more 28 confront us, his memory will be cherished, while time shall endure, by all who have known him. As a man and citizen he was not only above reproach, but was one of the few who, under all circumstances, are determined to do right regardless of consequences. Born on the 3rd day September, 1793, in the neighborhood of Bath, Northampton county, deceased removed thence to this section in 1820 or '22, and in 1826 took up his permanent abode in Mauch Chunk where he devoted himself principally to contracting and mercantile affairs. But individuals of his stamp never were nor ever will be left to lead a life of obscurity, and thus it happened that in 1837-8 he was sent to represent the people of his county in the Lower House, and subsequently (1839-40) was chosen State Senator, in which capacity he represented the district of Northampton one year. That his conduct both as a representative and Senator was fully appreciated, is evident from the fact that he was, after the conversion of this District into Carbon county, repeatedly elected by the people to fill offices of trust; for besides the many minor offices he held during his eventful career, he was once elected County Treasurer, and twice to the office of County Commissioner. From what has been said above it is plain that deceased's residence here dates back to the earliest period, the very foundation, of Mauch Chunk. He knew all about it's history, and being otherwise a man of more than ordinary inteligence and self culture it was always a treat to hear the Major converse upon subjects connected with the history of the valley, with which he was probably better acquainted than any other person in these parts. Even in private affairs, and business matters, his valuable advice was greedily sought, and always cheerfully given. In fact there were many who would undertake nothing of importance without first consulting the Major; indeed he was, by many, regarded as a sort of an oracle, and so far as his advice was concerned it was invariably good. How he obtained the military "handle" to his name we know not, and can only explain it on the hypothesis that he must have ranked as such (Major) it the palmy days of the old State Militia, an institution long since defunct. Although Mr. Shortz had been favored far beyond the years usually allotted to man, his intellect remained unimpaired unto his end. The precise nature of his disease we have been unable to ascertain, but may take it for granted that he succumbed to the accumulation of years. His sickness was of but short duration, he having been taken in on Tuesday the 1st inst. and died on the Sunday following aged 83 years, 11 mos. and 3 days. Afterlife's fitful fever, he sleeps well. Local and Personal. On Thursday last the wife of W. M. Rapsher, Esq., presented him with a centennial daughter, and our talented young friend is happy. Local and Personal. An overloaded scaffold at the new prison extension in Pottsville, tumbled down Thursday, injuring seven men, one of whom, named Oeterbier, died the same night. Local and Personal. Mary Welsh ended a disreputable life by a violent death at Scranton on Saturday last. She poisoned herself with Paris green on Thursday and died in great agony after two days of intense suffering. Local and Personal. On Friday evening last, a number of young ladies and gents, of this place, made a surprize visit to Miss Sarah Walker, at the residence of Mr. C. E. Greenawald, it being the anniversary of her birth. A number of articles were presented by the assembled guests, and Mr. G. Kostenbader made a few very happy and well-timed remarks. It proved a most enjoyable occasion. 29 Letter from Mauch Chunk. The death, on Sunday afternoon of Major Edwin Schortz seemingly calling for something more than a passing notice, I shall try to ascertain the particulars of his long and useful career and give them to your readers in extenso. Letter from Mauch Chunk. Mr. Roger Dougherty rejoices over the arrival of the long expected Centennial boy. The happy event, I learn, took place on Monday. MARRIED, SMITH-SCHULTZ.--On the 3d inst. by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. John R. Smith and Miss Annie M. Schultz, both of Mauch Chunk. MARRIED, SHIPE-BOWMAN.--On the 6th ult., by the same, Mr. James Wilson Shipe and Miss Mary Jane Bowman, both of Lower Towamensing. DIED, FAUCETT.--At Philadelphia, on the evening of the 31st of July, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with Christian resignation, Mrs. Catharine, wife of A. P. Faucett, of Lehighton, aged 30 years. Interment at Mount Olive Cemetery, Philadelphia, on the 3rd of August, 1876. DIED, WEIDAW.--On the 5th ult., in East Penn, Alwin, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Weidaw, aged 1 year, 7 months and 16 days. DIED, SOLT.--On the 4th ult, in Franklin, Maria, wife of Daniel Solt, aged 74 years and 25 days. DIED, HILL.--On the 9th ult., in Bowmansville, Harry E., son of Abraham and Julia Ann Hill, aged 6 years and 10 months. DIED, KUNKEL.--On the 22d ult., in Franklin, Mary E., daughter of Dures and Susan Kunkel, aged 6 months and 29 days. DIED, FINK.--On the 25th ult., in West Penn, Rosina, wife of Reuben Fink, aged 55 years, 5 months and 8 days. DIED, KUNTZ.--On the 29th ult., in Lehighton, Samuel, husband of Sarah Kuntz, aged 75 years. DIED, SCHERER--On the 2nd inst., in Lehighton, Mary Ellen, daughter of Harvey and Matilda Scherer, aged 10 months and 27 days. DIED, MAURER--On the 4th inst., in Lehighton, George Adam, son of Franklin and Alice M. Maurer, aged 3 months and 17 days. Volume 4, Number 38, Saturday, August 19, 1876 DANVILLE, August 16.--Last evening a horrible accident occurred at Frosty valley, near this place, resulting in the instantaneous death of a man named John Everett while adjusting some 30 gearing in the saw mill where he was engaaged at work. His clothing was caught by the saw, pitching him headlong upon it. In an instant one leg and a portion of his hip were severed from his body; also an arm and a portion of his shoulder. His body was terribly lacerated, presenting a sickening appearance. Local and Personal. The wife of Monroe Queen died at his residence in this place, after a short illness, at 4 o'clock on Tuesday morning. Local and Personal. At Oakland, in Schuylkill county, Monday, Michael Brennan and John Cook attacked the house of William Roeder, and threw stones into it. One of Roeder's daughters was severely injured, whereupon her father fired at the ruffians, killing Brennan on the spot. Cook was arrested. Local and Personal. Charles Doll, an employee at Packerton, while returning home on the hand cars on Monday evening last, accidentally fell off and was so severely injured that he died on Tuesday evening. He was a married man, his fami- residing in Bethlehem, to which place his remains were taken on Wednesday morning. Items. Mr. Fred. Wagner rejoices over the birth of a Centennial boy. The happy event transpired on Sunday last. Items. Messrs. Henry Nunny, and Fred. Wagner were, on Sunday last, both made happy "dads" by being presented each with a bouncing boy by his special partner. But Mr. Paul Kresge of Towamensing, went them one better, his being twins. Items. The festivities attending the Kiefer-Winkler nuptials, at East Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday last, will long be remembered by those that participated. Persons that were present assure us that it was a more enjoyable occasion than any of the kind they had ever witnessed, and that none of the "hifalutins" of Mauch Chunk ever celebrated a marriage with equal eclat. The "happy couple" have our best wishes. MARRIED, NESLEY-BOUGHNER.--On the 10th inst., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. Wm. Nesley, of Summit Hill, Carbon county, to Mrs. Harietta Boughner, of Tamanend Junction, Schl. Co., Pa. DIED, QUEEN.--In this borough, on Tuesday morning, 15th inst., Alice A., wife of Monroe Queen, aged 20 years, 6 months and 7 days. The funeral will take place this (Saturday) morning, at 8 o'clock, from the residence on Bank street. Interment at Lower Towamensing church. Friends are kindly invited to attend. Volume 4, Number 39, Saturday, August 26, 1876 Katherine Rief's Fate. HONEDALE, Pa., Aug. 22.--In 1848, John Seitz a young German clerk in a store in New York City, was engaged to be married to a German girl named Katherine Rief. The California gold fever breaking out, Seitz joined a party bound for that region. The first letter that he 31 received from home contained the intelligence that Miss Rief was soon to become the mother of his child. He wrote back that but for the distance and lack of means he would return at once and marry her. He pledged himself to come back as soon as possible and make her his wife. Soon after the birth of the child, the young woman came to Honesdale with the family of a brother. They heard occasionally from Seitz. He always renewed his pledges, and said he was seeking fortune alone to enable to come east and get his wife and child. Then nothing further was heard, and after two or three years he was looked upon as dead. Miss Rief's brother was a carriage maker. In his employ was a young blacksmith named Wendt. This man had professed great love for Katherine from her first appearance in this place. She refused all his offers of marriage for four or five years. At length, believing that her lover was dead, and wishing to relieve her brother of the burden of herself and child, she accepted the blacksmith, and they were married. They went to New York to live. Wendt turned out to be a brute. He abused and neglected his wife so shamefully, that she soon broke down in health. A few months after the marriage a letter came to Honesdale from Seitz. He had been for a long time in out-of-way diggings and had at last made his fortune. He was about to start East after his wife and child. This news created a great sensation in the family. Seitz arrived in Honesdale in due time, and was stunned at the news he was told. He determined to see once more the woman he had loved, and proceeded to New York for that purpose. He found her in a miserable tenement dying of consumption with no one near her but her infant child. She died a few days afterward, charging Wendt with having caused her death. Seitz had her remains interred in Greenwood Cemetery. A week afterward Wendt, no doubt, filled with remorse, visited the spot where she was buried and shot himself through the heart over her grave. Seitz returned to California, placing his child in charge of its mother's relatives in Honesdale. The boy grew up under the name of John Rief. It was not until after he was of age that he learned his history and name. Six weeks ago he was prostrated with hemorrhage of the lungs, and on Tuesday last he died. The night before his death a letter was received from San Francisco saying that John Seitz of that city was lying at the point of death. News has since been received that he died there an hour or so before his son's death here. Seitz married in California, and at the time of his death was very wealthy. He owned a handsome residence in San Francisco, in which there is a room, furnished elegantly, which Seitz called "Jonny's room". It was fitted up for his son in this place who was too much attached to his childhood's friends to go there and occupy it, as his father frequently requested him to do. In all his letters Seitz declared that his son should share equally with his other children in his wealth. It is supposed that the young man dying as he did subsequent to his father, was heir to a handsome property. As he bequeathed all his property to the aunt who reared him, this will fall to her. Local and Personal. An infant child of Mr. Jacob Kline, of this place, died at about one o'clock on Friday morning, of this week. Oliver Breneiser, Sheriff of this county, we regret to learn, died at his residence, in Mauch Chunk, on Thursday night. Mr. B. has not enjoyed good health for a number of months past, still the announcement of his death was a surprise to numbers of his friends. He was elected Sheriff of this county in 1873, and his term of office would have expired on the 1st of January next. He has filled the duties of his office very acceptably to all parties, and during his term has won many warm friends. Requiescat in pace. DIED, STROHL.--On the 5th ult., at Lehigh Gap, of convulsions, Charles Elvin, son of Conrad, 32 and Florenda Strohl, aged 1 month and 2 da. Volume 4, Number 40, Saturday, September 2, 1876 A Honesdale, Pa., dispatch says: Mrs. Nicholas Staeger, the wife of a German laborer of this place, went blackberrying on the mountains, and after picking a ten quart pail full of berries, was taken sick. Two miles from home alone on the mountain, she gave birth to a child. She arrived home in the middle of the afternoon with her pail of berries on her arm and her child wrapped up in her apron. The baby is a lusty ten pounder, and Mrs. Staeger has not lost a day's work since its birth. A little boy named McDonald was killed on the Pennsylvania coal company's railroad at Pittston on Saturday, by being thrown beneath a train of coal cars which he attempted to board while in motion. Mysterious Death. On Sunday evening, the 20th ult., Louisa Boyer, of Lower Towamensing, with a younger sister, returned home from church in apparently good health, but shortly after retiring to bed she was seized with pains and spasms, and after lingering about four hours, in terrible agony, she breathed her last. The physician, called to her bedside, when first called in, at once perceived that he had to deal with a case of poisoning, but when called on to explain what she had taken or eaten before retiring, the sufferer would invariably exclaim, "er hat mir's geben, er hat mir's geben," and when on subsequent examination, the girl was found to be enciente, the truth at once flashed upon the physician's mind. Previous to interment a Coroner's jury sat over the corpse, and a kind of a post mortem was held, the result of which, however, has not transpired. The stomach of the victim is now in the possession of a Mauch Chunk physician. The fact of an attempted abortion in the case being evident, says the M. C. Democrat, suspicious were at once aroused with regard to a young man named Charles Wagner, the son of a respectable widow neighbor, as the only male person ever known to have kept the girl's company. Nothing was said, however, and at the girl's funeral the young man in question was one of the chief mourners. But things were not to rest there; others took action in the case, which resulted in the issue of a warrant against the body of Wagner, which warrant was placed in the hands of Officer Boyer, one of the Coal and Iron police stationed at Mauch Chunk, for execution; and young Wagner was taken to Mauch Chunk on Friday evening of last week, and lodged in jail. Volume 4, Number 41, Saturday, September 9, 1876 Local and Personal. Mrs. Thomas Higgins after getting off a train on the Lehigh and Susquehanna railroad, at Minooka, on Saturday, was run over and killed by an engine upon the side track. She was 70 years old. Local and Personal. Monday morning about half past six o'clock, as passenger train No. 18, Lehigh Valley railroad, was nearing the furnace below East Penn Junction, it struct two ladies walking on the track, and both were instantly killed. Their names are Mrs. Rudolph and Mrs. Messer, both from Salisbury township, Lehigh county. Mrs. Messer is a daughter of Mrs. 33 Rudolph. Matters of Interest. Four men were killed, and a number injured, five perhaps fatally, by an explosion of nitroglycerine on a scow at Hell Gate Tuesday. Matters of Interest. At Reading, Pa., Wednesday, the horses attached to a street sprinkler ran away, fatally injuring the driver Jacob Peck. A woman and three children were run over by the team, and were seriously injured. Matters of Interest. The death of Mr. E. L. Merrimen, the democratic candidate for Congress in the Twelfth district, resulted from congestion of the kidneys and was very sudden and unexpected. Mr. Merrimen was only 36 years of age and was one of the most promising attorneys in Luzerne county. The democratic standing committee of Luzerne will name a new candidate for Congress this week. DIED, SOLT.--In Franklin township, on Wednesday, the 23d ult., Sarah Jane, daughter of Henry and Emelia Solt, aged 4 years and 10 days. Volume 4, Number 42, Saturday, September 16, 1876 Local and Personal. Patrick Gallagher was killed by a fall of rock while working in the Bear Ridge Colliery, at Mahanoy Plane, on Monday evening. Local and Personal. Patrick Kiernan, on Wednesday last, was accidentally killed in the mines at Jeansville, and Thos. Jones, was badly injured at the Scotch Valley mines on Tuesday. Local and Personal. A young man named John Brobst, a brother of Peter Brobst, residing near Stemlersville, fell down stairs Tuesday night, and injured himself so badly, that he died about 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. His funeral will take place to day (Saturday.) Local and Personal. William A. Kuntz, an old resident of Lehigh township, Northampton Co., and for some years past one of the proprietors of the Exchange Hotel, at Walnutport, died at that place on Tuesday morning of last week. His age was 71 years, 5 months and 7 days. Letter from Mauch Chunk. Justice Yeager is said to be rapidly failing, with no prospects of a possible recovery. Resolutions of Condolence. To the C. C. V. C. Officers and Members of Lehighton Lodge, No. 231 K. of P., of Pa. Sirs and Brothers.--The Special Committee appointed for the purpose of drafting resolutions expressive of the feelings of this Lodge at the loss (by death) of Brother G. P. Wintling, respectfully submit the following: Whereas, It has pleased the Great Ruler of the Universe, who in His great providence doeth all things well, to remove from our midst Brother G. P. Wintling, a most worthy and respected member of this Order and this Lodge; Therefore, be it. Resolved. That, while the members of this Lodge deeply feel and deplore the loss of 34 Brother G. P. Wintling, they humbly bow to the decree of Providence and the will of Him who doeth all things well; they sincerely hope that their departed Brother has been admitted into that Supreme Lodge where no legislative labors are required where all is peace. Resolved. That we do most sincerely condole with the family of the deceased in this the hour of their great tribulation, they having lost a loving husband and a fond and indulgent father. Resolved. That a copy of these preambles and resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased Brother, as a slight expression of the friendship which we held for him, and our sorrow at his decease, and that the same be published in the Carbon Advocate, and also entered upon the minutes. Fraternally, Wm. M. DuFour, N. B. Reber, Thos. R. Ratcliff. Matters of Interest. Henry S. Brown drowned himself in the canal at Reading on Thursday during temporary lunacy occasioned by business troubles. Matters of Interest. A boy named Dolan was choked to death at Cherry Ridge, Wayne county, on Thursday by a bean which lodged in his throat. DIED, BURGESS.--In Weissport, on the 8th instant, Albert V., son of Ed. C. and Julie V. Burgess, aged 3 months and 9 days. Remains were interred at Laurel Hill, Philadelphia. Volume 4, Number 43, Saturday, September 23, 1876 The Reading Eagle devotes over a column to a marriage which was celebrated in that city last week, in the acadamy of music. The parties to wedding were Mr. Simon Ullman, of Williamsport, and Miss Rose Dreifos, daughter of Mr. Bernard Dreifos, of Reading. The hebrew ceremony was performed, and the occasion was the most brilliant ever known in Reading Local and Personal. Thos. S. Beck, Esq., and his wife, on Wednesday last, completed the 25th year of their wedded life. Local and Personal. Ezekiel Fritz, night dispatcher of the Reading Railroad at Allentown, was run over by a train at that place, on Saturday last, and killed. Items. A young man, son of Levi Hartz, in the employ, as brakeman, of the L. V. R. R. Co., was squeezed to death, while in the act of coupling cars at Centralia, on Wednesday last. Obituary. Milton W. Raudenbush, son of Adam and Anna Maria Raudenbush, departed this life at his home at Packerton, on Sunday last, the 17th inst., of consumption, leaving a bright evidence "that if his earthly tabernacle shall be dissolved, that he has a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." The subject of this memoir was born in Milford township, Bucks county, Pa., on the 27th of June, 1827, entered the state of matrimony in 1849, with Sophia Rader, with whom he lived 27 years, and was blessed with 3 children, of whom an infant son preceeded the father to the land of immortality. He was a consistent and worthy member of the M. E. church, at Packerton. By his death the church has lost a useful and active member, his family a devoted husband and father, the aged mother an affectionate son, his neighbors a kind and true friend, but he has gained an immortal crown of glory. Truly their loss is his eternal gain. He attained the age of 49 years, 3 months and 10 days. The funeral services, 35 on Wednesday, were held at the Evangelical church, in Lehighton, the occasion being improved by Rev. J. C. Bliem, who preached a very appropriate and eloquent sermon to a large and deeply interested congregation, he was assisted by Rev. G. W. Townsend, of Claymont, Del., formerly pastor of the Packerton M. E. church. Deceased was interred in the Lehighton Cemetery by the brotherhood of "Free Masons," in a solemn and impressive manner. He leaves a wife and two children--a son and daughter, an aged mother, brothers, sisters and many friends to mourn their loss, but not such that have no hope. May the good Lord comfort them. Matters of Interest. William Artz, a brakeman on the Reading Railroad, was caught between two coal cars and crushed to death Wednesday at Centralia. MARRIED, BRADY-HOXWORTH.--On the 21st inst., by Rev. J. J. Fitzmaurice, at Allentown, P. T. Brady, of Lehighton, and Miss Bell Hoxworth, of Allentown, Pa. We extend to the happy pair our hearty congratulations, and wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life. MARRIED, DREHER-SMITH.--In this borough, on the 18th of August, by H. A. Beltz, J. P., Mr. B. Dreher and Miss Lucy Smith, both of Lehighton, Pa. DIED, RAUDENBUSH.--On the 17th inst., at Packerton, of consumption, Milton W. Raudenbush, aged 49 years, 3 months and 10 days. DIED, QUEEN.--In Lehighton on the 16th inst., an infant child of Monroe Queen. DIED, HAUSER.--In Rickertsville, Franklin twp., on the 15th inst., Emma Agnes, infant daughter of Adam and Dianna Hauser, aged 11 months and 23 days. Volume 4, Number 44, Saturday, September 30, 1876 Items. The late Squire Yeager's funeral was largely attended on Sunday afternoon last despite the very unfavorable state of the weather. Items. The remains of Henry Metzger, aged 61, and his wife Dorothea, aged 56, late residents of E. Mauch Chunk, who died of typhoid fever on Sunday evening and Monday morning respectively, were, on Tuesday afternoon, deposited in one grave at Evergreen Cemetery. MARRIED, SCHULER-DENTINGER.--In this borough, on the 25th inst., by Rev. J. C. Bliem, James Schuler, of Shenandoah, and Miss Emma E. Dentinger, of Lehighton. MARRIED, OHL-GERBER.--On the 20th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Henry Ohl and Miss Sabina Gerber, both of West Penn, Schuylkill co. MARRIED, RUFF-WEISS.--On the 3rd inst., by same, Joseph Ruff and Miss Catharine N. Weiss, both of Frankln twp. MARRIED, LAROSE-SENSINGER.--On the 10th inst., by the same, William Larose and Miss 36 Susanna Sensinger, both of Franklin twp. DIED, HISKEY.--In Lehighton, on the 27th inst., Emma Amanda, daughter of Henry Hiskey, aged about 14 years. One by one we fade away. Like the rose that is in bloom: Awaiting that great glorious day. When God shall call us from the tomb. We shall dwell with Him on high, In that celestial home above, Where pain and sorrow ne'er are nigh, Where all is peace and sacred love. Soon thy journey here did end, To part from us and come no more; To dwell with Jesus, that dear friend. In heaven to live for evermore. Farewell, Emma, youthful friend. In heaven we hope to greet thy hand. To met you there to part no more-There, over on the golden shore. DIED, BUCKMAN.--In this borough, on the 25th inst., Elda I., daughter of Adam and Mary Buckman, aged 9 years and 28 days. DIED, SHADRICK.--In Lehighton, on the 21st inst., of hemorrhage Thomas Shadrick, aged 17 years 8 months and 17 days. DIED, KNERR.--In Weissport, on the 28th inst., infant child of Daniel Knerr, aged about 2 yrs. Volume 4, Number 45, Saturday, October 7, 1876 Local and Personal. Willie Meyers, a seven year old brother of Mrs. David Kreamer, of this place, on a visit to her home, was taken with scarlet fever on Friday last, and died on Monday. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon. Local and Personal. During a saloon fight at Taylorsville, near Scranton, Wednesday morning, Edward James and Charles Cernen were mortally stabbed by Reese James. Cernen died Thursday. Reese James and his mother, who took part in the fight, have been arrested. Local and Personal. Charles Horn, brakeman on the Lehigh Valley railroad, Wyoming division, was killed Friday morning of last week. He was attached to freight train No. 45, which as it neared Gould's siding broke by the parting of the couplings. He was standing on the platform of one of the cars, and as the cars rushed together when the train slacked up, he was thrown on the track and instantly killed. Mr. Horn was an estimable young man about twenty-one years of age and was highly respected. 37 Items. The funeral of the late Chas. Horn, of East Mauch Chunk, was largely attended on Sunday last, when sorrow at the untimely departure of this very excellent young man seemed to be the all prevading sentiment of the community. Rev. Young, of the M. E. church of E. Mauch Chunk performed the solemn burial rites of that Church, both at the residence of deceased and at the Upper Mauch Chunk Cemetery. Items. Patrick McKenna, a well known Irish citizen of Nesquehoning, died last Monday night, aged 54 years. Items. Mr. George Long, the West Broadway green-grocer, feels sore because Sunday's new arrival proved to be a girl, instead of the coveted Centennial boy. Fatal Shooting. Wm. W. a son of Lyman D. McDaniel, of this borough, on Wednesday forenoon, was ascending a ladder in the Fort Allen Foundry, at Weissport, with a revolver in the breast pocket of his coat, muzzle upwards, when by some means the pistol was discharged, the ball passing through the lappel of the coat and entering his face below the cheek bone, passing upwards and backwards, it penetrated the center of the brain, causing instant death. Dr. N. B. Reber was immediately on the ground, but was unable to reach it with his instruments. The above being the Dr.'s testimony before the jury of inquest. The community deeply sympathise with the parents in their sudden bereavement. This should prove a warning to our young men to give up the prevalent custom of carrying revolvers about their persons. In a community like ours it is entirely unnecessary and should be strictly forbidden by parents. The funeral will take place from his parents residence, No. 9 Company's Row, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. Deceased was aged 19 years, 2 month and 9 days. MARRIED, ANTHONY-WAGNER.--On the 1st inst., by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Mr. George Washington Anthony and Miss Caroline Charlatte Wagner, daughter of the late August Wagner, both of Lehighton. DIED, EMMETT.--On the 29th ultimo, at Long Run, William Siloanus, infant son of Wm. Emmett, aged 1 year, 8 months and 4 days. Volume 4, Number 46, Saturday, October 14, 1876 The body of an unknown man, supposed to be a tramp was found on the track of the L. & S. Railroad, near the gas house, at Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday morning, with the head severed from the body and otherwise mutulated. He had been seen the previous day visiting the different saloons and drinking shops, and is supposed to have lay down on the track to sleep--he did effectually. He was taken to the poor house for burial. Local and Personal. The funeral of William W. McDaniel, on Sunday afternoon last, was very largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, of the Lutheran church. Local and Personal. On Monday morning while three loaded coal cars were being hoisted from 38 the slope of the Middle Lehigh colliery, at New Boston, Schuylkill county, the rope broke and the cars ran to the bottom. Four mimers were killed, viz: Ed. Knauss, Wm. Bachus, Jos. Becker and Thomas Jones. A Strange Case. Under the above caption, the Easton Express, of last Saturday, gives the following particulars of the death of Mary Yetter. A few of our citizens have for some time wondered at the suddenness of the girl's death; but the mystery, now seems to be thoroughly explained, through the untiring exertions of Detective Johnson, of Easton, assisted by our indefatigable constable, Jos. S. Webb, and two or three other of our citizens: The readers of the Express will remember an account published in this paper of the sudden death of a girl aged nineteen years, named Mary Yetter, which occurred at the Central Hotel, Easton, on the 6th of September last. The girl arrived at the hotel about 11 o'clock in the morning of the 5th from Lehighton, Carbon County, accompanied by a Mrs. W. D. Labar, for whom she had been working as a servant. The girl had been sick for several days, and as Mrs. Labar intended to visit some relatives near Bangor, this county, she concluded to take charge of the sick girl and take her to the home of her parents near Stroudsburg, or at least accompany her as far as Bangor. Arriving at Easton the girl's illness seemed to increase, and her companion thought it advisable to stop here, and accordingly took a room at the Central Hotel. During the trip from Lehighton to Easton the girl had several attacks of vomiting which so much increased in violence after her arrival at the hotel that physicians were called in to attend her, but she grew rapidly worse, and died at 5 o'clock that afternoon. Her remains were taken to Monroe County and interred. The physicians, although expressing the opinion that the sickness was cholera morbus, were inclinded to the belief that the vomiting was too violent for that disease, and this, taken into consideration with the fact that considerable blood was ejected, roused their suspicions that poison might have been administered, and they accordingly saved some of the matter ejected from the stomach of deceased for analyzation. The inmates of the hotel, noticing this action of the physicians, and from their own observations while in the room before the girl's death, started the report that there was some mystery connected with her death. The newspaper reporters of Easton, ever on the watch for information, gained possession of the facts, so far as known, before the removal of the body, and, as there was suspicion of foul play, refrained from publishing the same at the request of District Attorney Merrill and the physicians, who feared that giving publicity to the suspicions might possibly prevent the arrest of parties whom future investigation would implicate. In the meantime Dr. Sine and Mr. W. S. Sweeney, Assistant Chemist at Lafayette College, each took a portion of the matter ejected from the stomach (saved by Dr. Sine), and annalyzed the same separately, the result of which showed the presence of arsenic in large quanity. This discovery gave the District Attorney some grounds to work on, and the case was placed in the hands of Detective Johnson, who immediately went to work to ascertain who administered the poison. He made a number of trips to Lehighton, and inquired into the standing of the Labar family, with whom the girl lived; also as to the actions of the deceasesd while in service of the family and the company she kept. All this he had to accomplish without exciting the suspicions of any one. On arriving at Lehighton, however, he found that an opinion prevailed there that the girl had died from poison, and this rumor necessitated still more delicacy in Mr. Johnson's investigations. Repeated visits failed to elicit anything that tended to implicate any person in the affair. Finding all attempts to probe the matter through outside investigation futile, Detective 39 Johnson resolved to interview the Labar family, and for this purpose and Express reporter accompanied him to Lehighton. The interview took place yesterday morning. The present servant girl at the Labar house, Miss Cornelia Shingler; was accidentally met at a neighboring house, and, to the questions of the reporter, answered thus: "I knew the girl Mary Yetter. I took her place at Mrs. Labar's house. I went there two days before she left to go home. I slept with her two nights. The night before she left we stayed up very late, getting things ready for breakfast, for she was going to start for home early in the morning. She cried, and said she did not want to go home, because she did not like Stroudsburg. We talked in bed until about 2 o'clock in the morning." It was some time before Miss Shingler would tell what the conversation was that took place in bed, but on being informed that it might have some bearing on the cause of Mary's death, she replied: "Well, she asked me if I knew what arsenic was, I told her it was poison. She said "Mrs. Labar had some to kill rats--will it kill people." I said yes. Then she asked how much it took to kill a person, and I said I thought a very little. We did not sleep long. She also asked what arsenic was while we were peeling potatoes, before we went to bed. We got up very early. Both went in the yard for chips. I saw her go down to the barn. A short time after we were up she said she was awful sick. I saw her go to the out-house three times. She came back crying each time. I heard Mrs. Labar say, the reason she sent Mary away was because she could not do the work. I heard Mary say she had the dropsy and I saw her limbs swollen very much. She ate but a few potatoes for breakfast and drank a little water; she drank no tea or coffee. She appeared to be very sick, and Mrs. Labar said I guess you better not go home to-day, and Mary said "yes, I ain's sick, I will go." A young man named Patterson, who is not altogether right came to see Mary twice, but Mrs. Labar would not let him come any more. I asked Mrs. Labar what Mary died of, and she said cholera morbus. I found a paper containing sugar of lead several days after Mary died, in a button basket. I told Mrs. Labar and she said it belonged to her, that she bought it for her children. Mary did not want to go home, she cried when the stage come, and we had to help her into it. I don't think she had any trouble with any one. She told me that Mrs. Labar scolded her, but she liked the place and did not want to leave. The Labar house was next visited. It is surrounded by a truck garden. Mr. Labar is a gardner by trade. His barn is only about thirty yards from the house. Mrs. Labar met the reporter at the door, and when he made known his mission, she cheerfully replied as follows: "The day Mary started for home she had been living here just six months and six days. I know there is a report that Mary died by poison. I bought poison to kill rats about two months since. I used it on some cheese. I don't think Mary had sense enough to know what arsenc was. She was not a bright girl. I concluded to send her home because she was incapable of doing the work, as I was sick. I heard the girls talking very late the night before Mary started for home. I noticed that she ate only a little potatoes and drank water at breakfast. She was sick and crying. I made her mint tea, but she did not touch it. She appeared to be sick I told her we would not go, when Mary said no, I ain't sick, I must go anyhow. I went with her to take her home, she vomited nearly all the way to Easton in the cars. I heard the doctor ask her if she took anything, and she said no. A half-witted fellow come to see her a couple of times and I drove him off. Her folks told me I should allow no boys to visit her. She dreaded going home; while she was here she joined the Methodist Church, when she came here she was a Lutheran, and she was afraid her people would abuse her for going to the Methodist Church. While the conversation was going on Mr. Labar came in from the barn and he said that some of the arsenic bought two months ago was left; that he wrapped it up and placed it on a beam in the barn where it still remains. " don't know if Mary knew whether it was there. It don't 40 look as if it had been tampered with. I recieved a telegram from Easton stating that Mary was dead, and went down. When I came back I heard of the rumor about the poison, and went immediately to the barn and found the arsenic where I left it. It might have been opened though." Mrs. Labar said she was sure Mary was not pregnant; that she never had any money, because her folks ordered that her money should be kept. Thus the matter stands. Officer Johnson has performed his part in investigating the case as economically and thoroughtly as possible. Although he was pressed to have the Coroner disinter the body of deceased at the start, he refused, hoping to prove his suspicions that the girl had committed suicide. There is a strong suspicion entertained by some, however, that Mary Yetter was pregnant, and that the poison was given to her to get her out of the way. A post mortem examination would prove the girl's condition, but the question arises, which county will proceed to have it done, the girl having been taken sick in Carbon, died in Northampton and is buried in Monroe? We give to day the above particulars of the case, as we no longer deem it necessary to keep them from the public, ina much as the facts, so far as known, have become the town talk, and injustice is being done to certain parties seemingly innocent. The Labar family are well spoken of by their neighbors, and it is evident they knew nothing of the cause of Miss Yetter's sickness. It seems altogether probably that the girl, who is represented as "weak minded," secretly partook of the poison for some imaginary or real cause, entirely without the knowledge or connivance of any other person or persons. MARRIED, GRIFFITHS-WILLIAMS.--At the residence of D. P. Hughes, Esq., at East Mauch Chunk, by Rev. D. E. Hughes, of Coal Dale, Mr. David H. Griffith, of Ashton to Miss Leah Williams, of the same place. DIED, McDANIEL.--On the 4th inst., William W., son of Lyman D. McDaniel, of this borough, by accidental shooting, aged 19 years, 2 mos., and 9 days. Death has been here and borne away, A brother from our side; Just in the morning of his life, As young as we he died. One we loved has left our number, For the dark and silent tomb, Closed his eyes in deathless slumber, Faded in his early bloom. From or circle, dearest brother, Early hast thou passed away; But the angels say "Another Joins our holy song to-day." Dearest William, thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel. But 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can aid our sorrows heal. Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled, Then, in heaven, with joy to greet thee, 41 Where no farewell tears are shed. Peaceful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in the grave so low; Thou no more wilt join our number, Thou no more our songs shalt know. Lehighton, Oct. 19, 1876. B. McM. DIED, ZELLNER.--At Bowmansville, the 8th inst., Ellen Zellner, consort of Samuel Zellner, of typhoid fever of which she suffered on ly 10 days. Aged 31 years, 9 months and 7 days. Volume 4, Number 47, Saturday, October 21, 1876 Local and Personal. Harry Moon, aged 14, was killed at Carbondale on Thursday on the gravity railroad. He was meddling with the machinery and was crushed to death on the drum around which the wire rope is coiled. DIED, BLEIM.--On the 18th inst., near Catasauqua, Mr. S. Bleim, consort of David Bleim and mother of Rev. J. C. Bleim, of Lehighton, after a sickness of typhoid fever of not quite 2 weeks, aged 66 years, 2 months and 13 days. Interment will take place to-day (Saturday). Her mortal remains will be deposited in the Howertown Union Cemetery. Volume 4, Number 48, Saturday, October 28, 1876 Local and Personal. Edward Kearney was killed on the railroad at Mount Carbon, Pa., Tuesday. He was run over by an engine while stepping from one track to another to get out of the way of an approaching train. Local and Personal. Mr. Harrison Wentz, of Franklin township, has had eight of his nine children down with a malignant form of diptheria, three of whom have died, one being buried last week and two on Thursday last. The first one was taken sick while the parents were absent at the Centennial. The five others are now convalescing. The oldest boy deceased was aged about 15 years, a girl 11 years and an infant girl of 1 1-2 years. Mr. Wentz has the sympathy of the entire community in his sad bereavement. MARRIED, KOONS-RHODES.--On the 21st inst., at the M. E. parsonage, Lehighton, by Rev. L. B. Brown, Mr. William Koons, of Weissport to Miss Mary Alice Rhodes, of Lehighton, Pa. MARRIED, SMAWLEY-GREEN.--On the 10th inst., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. W. A. Smawley and Miss Francisca Green, both of Lehighton. MARRIED, BECHTEL-EROH.--On the 12 inst., by the same, Mr. David Bechtel and Miss Susan Elizabeth Eroh, both of Delano, Schuylkill county. MARRIED, HAUSER-MILLER.--On the 15th inst., by the same, Mr. Charles L. Hauser, of West Penn, Schuylkll county, to Miss Kate Miller, of Mahoning, Carbon county. 42 MARRIED, DEPPY-OLEWINE.--On the 22d inst., by the same, Mr. Lewis Deppy and Miss Susan Ann Olewine, both of Franklin, Carbon county. DIED, HAUSER.--On the 29th ult., in Tamaqua, Maria Hauser, aged 87 years, 9 months and 12 ds. DIED, HESS.--On the same day, in West Penn, Emma Catharine daughter of John and Pricilla Hess, aged 14 years, 3 months, 2 days. DIED, BECK.--On the 5th ult., in Lehighton, Edgar Samuel, son of Alfred and Amanda Beck, aged 3 years, 3 months. DIED, SCHERER.--On the 8th inst., in Mahoning, Alice Laura, daughter of John and Rosa Ann Scherer, aged 3 years, 5 months and 23 days. DIED, BROWN.--On the 20th inst., in Bowmansville, Thomas husband of Rebecca Brown, aged 62 years, 2 days. Volume 4, Number 49, Saturday, November 4, 1876 Local and Personal. A telegram from Scranton gives a list of two persons killed and twenty-five injured by the collision on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad at Goldsboro', on Tuesday night. Four of the injured were not expected to recover. The passenger train was two hours behind time, and was taking water at the Summit when the coal train dashed into its rear. Local and Personal. The nine o'clock train from Scranton, on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, consisting of seventeen cars, was run into by a coal train, near Goldsboro' station, Monday night. One of the cars was burned and two telescoped. Five persons were killed and about thirteen injured. Local and Personal. Anton Binder, residing near Lehigh Gap, wa out gunning on Wednesday, and in getting over a fence with his gun in his hand, muzzle up, it accidentally "went off," the content entering his head, killing him instantly. He leaves a wife and four children. The funeral will take place to-day (Saturday). Local and Personal. Three "sleepers" and a passenger coach of the Buffalo express train bound north on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, Wednesday night, were thrown from the track at Centre Valley by the breaking of an axle. A brakeman and a porter were killed and several persons were injured. The latter were cared for by surgeons sent on a relief train from Bethlehem. The track was obstructed for several hours. Murder of John Boschee. On Saturday night last, another disgraceful murder was perpetrated near Locust Dale, in Schuylkill county, the victim being a German, named John Boschee, and his murderers three brutes nmed respectively John Lennen, James Lochlin and Michael Corgan, who knocked Boschee down, hit him with stones, kicked him and otherwise assaulted him so brutally that he 43 died almost instantly. The circumstances of the terrible affair are as follows: John Boschee, a German and a married man with four children, worked at Locust Dale. He was thirty three years of age, about six feet in height and rather fleshy. He had lived in Locust Dale for the past seven years, and had always been respected. On Saturday evening, after he had washed himself and eaten his supper, he remarked to his wife that he felt tired, but that he would go out for a glass of beer. He repaired to Young's hotel, only a short distance from his house, where he remained several hours, but did not drink anything of consequence. About half-past eleven o'clock in the evening, while he was assisting a man by the name of Robert Benny to take his brother, Thos. Benny, who was intoxicated, home, they were met by three men, who singled out Boschee and murdered him. It is believed that the three murderers knew that he was absent from home, and that they waited for him in an unfrequented locality, and attacked him as above described. One of the men named Fogleson, who accompanied the murdered man, attemped to interfere in his behalf, when one of the assassins told him to go on with his business, or he would shoot him. Another one of the murderers then remarked let him (meaning Fogelson) alone, we don't want to have anything to do with him. What was the motive for for the murder is not positively known, but it is thought that it was an old sore, which will be developed, as the case in inquired into. The three murderers after they had finished their fiendish work (with the object of throwing off suspicion, it is supposed,) walked into Ashland and roused the deputy coroner, 'Squire Kemmerer, out of bed and informed him that a man had been murdered at Locust Dale, and said that he sould go out and hold an inquest. The coroner suspecting that all was not right, scanned the faces of the men carefully, whom he recognized. He then secured Officer Brit Horne, of the coal and iron police, and a posse of citizens and proceeded to Locust Dale. On the way they met several Germans who gave them the particulars of the affair. Mr. Kemmerer, upon reaching the home of the murdered man, found the body in the house, where it had been removed by some persons who thought they could probably resuscitate the inaminate form. He after viewing the body, impaneled a jury and held an inquest. In the meantime arrangements were made to arrest Lennan, Lochlin and Corgan. Lochlin and Lennan were arrested about three o'clock Sunday morning on a bridge near where the murder was committed, and apparently were making preparations to clear out. Corgan was arrested at home in bed. They were taken to the Ashland lock-up where they remained until Monday morning, when they were taken to Pottsville. After hearing the evidence the Coroner's jury returned the following verdict: That John Boschee came to his death by being assaulted with a blunt instrument in the hands of John Lennan, James Lochlin and Michael Corgan. James Lochlin teaches a school at Locust Dale, and when arrested turned pale and evidenced great alarm. He is or Irish parentage, about twenty-three years of age, and is unmarried. He bore an indifferent reputation but his parents are very respectable people. In appearance he is gentlemanly. He has dark hair, light complexion, and is of the ordinary build. John Lennan is about twenty-eight years of age. Nothing can be said to his credit. He is a reputed "Mollie" and was always a first-class bruiser. Michael Corgan is an Irishman of thirty-two years of age and is a married man. He has a rough, rowdish appearance generally, and never bore a very good reputation. The murder occurred in Columbia county, not more than ten yards from the Schuylkill line, and it will remain for the authorities at Pottsville to decide whether the case will be tried in Columbia or Schuylkill county. As the parties all lived in Schuylkill county, however, it is supposed the case will be tried there. 44 Matters of Interest. Allen Bechtel, a prominent citizen of Reading, committed suicide Tuesday morning by shooting himself through the head. It is said he was temporarily insane. MARRIED, NUSBAUM-LONG.--On the 31st of October by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Mr. George W. Nusbaum, of Lehighton, to Miss Mary A. Long daughter of James Long, of Packerton. Volume 4, Number 50, Saturday, November 11, 1876 Local and Personal. Gotleib Nesley, an old and respected citizen of Beaver Run, died very suddenly on Tuesday last. He had been in Lehighton on Monday, and appeared to be in his unusual health. He was in his 72d year. The funeral took place Thursday, at Lehighton, and was largely attended. Local and Personal. A woman, finally identified as Mrs. James M'Fadden, of Hyde Park, was found drowned in the Lackawanna river opposite Nay Aug Grove, Park Place, Luzerne county, on Tuesday morning. Local and Personal. A little child, aged three years, named Ellis, was fatally burned at Mahanoy City, Friday, of last week. He blew out a kerosene lamp which exploded, setting his clothing on fire. Local and Personal. Rev. William C. Reichel, professor in the Moravian Female Seminary at Bethlehem, and a historian of considerable prominence, died last Thursday, after an illness of about two weeks. Volume 4, Number 51, Saturday, November 18, 1876 Items. John C. Rentz, the Philadelphia musician, well known in Mauch Chunk circles, on Thursday the 9th inst., departed for the regions where angels are said to walk the gold-paved streets. Whether with a view of playing at promenade concerts there has not transpired. Consumption is assigned as the cause of his sudden change of base. Items. John Filer and James York, two miners of Coal Dale--both married, and the former father of a family of six children--who had for some time been engaged in driving an air shaft at No. 8, on Tuesday afternoon met with an accident which terminated their existence. Engaged as usual at the time referred to, the back water of one of the upper lifts suddenly broke in upon them, causing, no doubt, the instant death of both. On search being made for the bodies, Filer's, with neck and back broken, and York's with numerous wounds upon it, were found at a considerable distance beyond the bottom of the shaft. When the bodies were taken to their respective homes, which they had left but a few hours before, in buoyant health, the scene was such as beggars description. Items. The sudden death, on Wednesday last, of Mrs. Roger Dougherty of this place, causes much sympathy to be felt for the surviving husband and family of small children. Having only been sick since Sunday last, the announcement of the death of deceased took every one by 45 surprise, especially those who had known nothing of her illness. Matrimonial. Our popular young friend, Mr. H. A. Peters, who for the past two years has been employed in the drug store of A. J. Durling, on Thursday afternoon last, led to the hymenial alter, Miss A. C. Horn. The ceremony took place at the residence of Mr. John Gomery, the services being performed by Rev. L. K. Derr, pastor of the Reformed church of this place. Miss S. M. Peter filled the position of ladie's maid, and Mr. J. A. Horn that of groom's man. Among the visitors present were Rev. G. A. Bruegel and lady, Rev. A. Bartholomew and lady, and the members of the bride and bridegroom's family. At about 3 o'clock p. m. a very elegent collation was served up, to which ample justice was done by the guests. At 4:44 the happy couple started for N. Y. city, where they propose spending their honeymoon. Before their departure they were made the receipients of a number of very handsome presents, as a token of respect, from their friends. The affair passed off very happily to all concerned. We extend to them our best wishes for their happiness. A brakeman on the L. V. R. R., residing at Easton, was caught between the bumpers of a coal train, Wednesday last, at Packerton, and killed. Matters of Interest. Wm. Hollinshead, and esteemed citizen of Stroudsburg, died in that place on Saturday, aged 45 years. Matters of Interest. A boy named Edwin Phillips was cut in two by a coal train on the Reading railroad on Wednesday, of last week. He attempted to board the cars when they were running. Matters of Interest. A boy named Smith, at Dalton, Luzerne county, bought a revolver from another boy on Monday and before he learned how to kill other people with it killed himself, lodging a bullet in his lungs. MARRIED, RUDY-MISSIMER.--On the 11th inst., at his residence, by Rev. L. K. Derr, Mr. Edward F. Rudy, of Slatington, to Miss Ellen F. Missimer, of Seagersville. MARRIED, PETER-DOTTERER.--On the 12th inst., by the same, Mr. Edward H. Peter, of Lehighton, to Miss Anna C. Dotterer, of Trochsville, Monroe county DIED, NESLEY.--On the 7th inst., at Beaver Run, Gotlieb Frederick Nesley, aged 71 yrs, 6 mos. and 25 days. Volume 4, Number 52, Saturday, November 25, 1876 Matters of Interest. John B. Reese, of Minersville, Schuylkill county, dropped dead while addressing the Welsh Congregational church at that place on Thursday of last week. Matters of Interest. Peter Reph, of Bushkill, Norhtampton Co., aged 18, but melancholy, discharged a loaded musket while the musket was pressed against his stomach on Friday. He died on the same night. 46 Matters of Interest. The body of a young girl named Sophia Valentine has been found near Stillwater swamp, Wayne county. She was lost on the night of the 14th of October and in her wanderings her clothing was almost entirely torn off of her; her flesh was terribly bruised and mangled and her bare feet cut to pieces. The coroner's inquest upon the body found a verdict of death from cold and exposure. Local and Personal. William C. Dietrich, cashier of the Kutztown savings bank, which suspended Nov. 21, shot himself at noon on that day. He was found dead in the bank with a pistol wound in his breast and head. It was stated that the proposed suspension of the bank had a very depressing effect upon the deceased, who for some time had been laboring under considerable mental anxiety owing to the financial troubles of the institution. It was also reported that the deceased was to have been married this fall to a lady of Lehigh county, who died several days ago, and that this had also an additional depressing effect upon him. Mr. Dietrich was a young man of excellent character, and was highly esteemed by the citizens of Kutztown and vicinity.--Ex. Torn to Pieces. A strange and shocking accident occurred at the upper rolling mill of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, in Scranton, Tuesday, by which an old workman named Patrick McNally was torn to pieces by a massive fly wheel that was revolving with lightning-like rapidity. It was in the dim twilight of dawn when the horrible affair occurred and McNally who had occasion to go from one portion of the works to another where he had to pass close by the wheel, doubtless did not see it owing to its swift motion and the fact that he was near-sighted, and so he walked right into it, and in an insant his mutilated body was hurled in fragments about the mill, among the bewildered workmen. The signt of an arm or leg descending among those who did not see the accident thrilled them with fear and wonder. The shocking affair soon became known, and when the terrible wheel stood still its appearance told a fearful story. The trunk of the old man's body lay beside the pit, and the difficult task of collecting his scattered remains was entered upon. The head was missing and nowhere to be found until after several hours, when it was finally discovered in the pit beneath the wehel. McNally was over sixty years of age, and leaves a wife and child to mourn his fearful fate. About a year ago a small boy while playing in the vicinity of this unguarded wheel was killed in a similar manner. Letter From Mauch Chunk. On Tuesday afternoon last, an unknown tramp, who for some days previous had been enjoying the hospitalities of the Miner's Hotel, Nesquehoning, died suddenly in the bar-room of that house. No clue to his identity being obtained, the corpse was, on the following day, forwarded to the District Poor House for burial. Letter From Mauch Chunk. Miss Charlotte McAllister, of Upper Mauch Chunk, for some time prostrated with typhoid fever, succumbed to that disease on Satruday last. Her funeral, which took place monday, was largely attended. Deceased, aged 17 years, was a young woman of excellent parts, a universal favorite among all that knew her, and her early demise is sorely regretted. Letter From Mauch Chunk. On Wednesday of this week a lad, aged 15, whose name did not transpire, in the emply of Captain Chas. Ronemus, was accidentally drowned at lock No. 4. The body was recovered shortly after and an inquest held resulting in a verdict of "accidental death by drowning." 47 MARRIED, SCHMALE-DECKER.--On Oct. 21st, by Rev. C. Becker, at the parsonage in Weissport, Mr. P. Schmale, and Miss Maria Decker, both of Monroe Co. MARRIED, MAYER-ZIEGENFUSS.--On Nov. 19th, by the same, Mr. Francis Mayer, and Miss Catharine Zeigenfuss, both of Carbon Co. Volume 5, Number 1, Saturday, December 2, 1876 Matters of Interest. Mrs. Clark, a widow, was killed by a freight train at a street crossing in Sunbury, Pa., on Saturday morning. Matters of Interest. Isaac P. Foster, the oldest citizen of Honesdale, died in that place on Saturday, November 18, in a house where he had lived for half a century, aged 89 years. He was a citizen greatly respected and his death is sincerely mourned. Local and Personal. On Thursday afternoon of last week James Haines, of Brooklyn N. Y., attempted to board a coal train on the L and S. railroad while passing through South Bethlehem, and falling between the cars, had both feet cut off. he was taken to St. Luke's Hospital, where both legs were amputed above the knees. He has since died. Local and Personal. Probably the first instance of a woman being killed while mining coal occurred last week at Austin, Schuylkill county. It seems that people--men, women and children--are in the habit of digging coal out of the holes that have caved in around Ashland and left the vein exposed, they dig in pretty far, because the farther they go the better coal they bet. On Thursday evening of last week Mrs. John Nopon was in one of these places digging out and carrying away her winter supply of the black diamonds, when the top fell in, burying her up and killing her instantly. Letter From Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Josephs, a highly respected colored widow, of East Mauch Chunk, died on Saturday last, of heart disease. Letter From Mauch Chunk. 'Squire Beckhardt, the popular magistrate of East Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday celebrated the 49th anniversary of his birth. Volume 5, Number 2, Saturday, December 9, 1876 A Sad Occurrence. On Thursday morning of last week, says the Allentown Morning Herald, Miss Mary Moser, daughter of Henry Moser, who had been spending some time with her mother in Bethlehem, left that place in the noon train for Mauch Chunk. It was remarked at the depot in Bethlehem, by persons present, that she did not appear to be well, and as she stepped upon the train, a gentleman was obliged to assist her to a seat. When the conductor came for tickets she was apparently asleep, and he was forced to awaken her. After she had shown her ticket, she fell into a swoon, and remained quiet for a moment or two, when she was seized with convulsions, the spasms of which became so violent that the united efforts of several persons were necessary to prevent her from injuring herself. When the train arrived at the L. V. depot, it was found 48 necessary to remove he to the waiting room, Dr. Reichard, of the First Ward, was sent for, who did all he could to alleviate her suffering. She became gradually worse, and it was deemed necessary to remove her to a place where she could have better attention. She was accordingly taken to the Islands House, where Mrs. Scholl and her family did all that was in their power. In the meantime her father at Mauch Chunk was telegraphed for, and arrived at 5 o'clock in the evening to find her entirely unconscious. She lingered in this condition until 10 o'clock when death ensued, from internal hemorrhage, from the rupture of bloodvessels caused by the violence of the convulsions which attacked her. Her fether said that she had several just such attacks lately, having had one fit only last week. Her remains were taken to Bethlehem for interment. Items from Weissport. Mr. Editor,--On Monday a week ago the old and venerable father Dreisbach, who lives with Mr. Henry Mertz, enjoyed a happy surprise from his many descendants, it being the 80th anniversary of his birth. The occasion was one of encouragement and enjoyment to the old sage. Rev. J. K. Knerr delivered an address and offered a fervant prayer, after which all heartily engaged in devouring the goodies in reservation. May the sun of father Dreisbach's life set beautifully! Walcksville Items. Mr. H. O. Graver and Miss Alice Walck, both of this place, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony by Rev. A. Bartholomew, of Lehighton, on Sunday last. The happy pair have the earnest wish of P. & W. for their future prosperity. May their cup of joy always be full. Walcksville Items. It is with regret that I am called upon to chronicle the death of George Franklin Arner, a much loved little son of our esteemed friend Mr Charles Arner, of this place, who departed this life on Thursday evening, 30 ult., of scarlet fever, aged 2 years and 27 days. His remains were deposited in their final resting place at St. Paul's cemetery, at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The funeral services weere conducted, in German, by Lev. Mr. Fryman, of Weissport. His parents in their deep sorrow and bereavement have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. Items. Mr. John Douglas Smith, head-waiter of the Broadway, rejoices over an increase in family. DIED, RAPSHER.--In this borough, on the 2nd inst., of Whooping Cough, Lucy Ann, infant daughter of W. M. and Ellen Rapsher, aged three months and twenty-two days. Volume 5, Number 3, Saturday, December 16, 1876 Mauch Chunk Items. Jacob Flickinger, one of the twelve sitting in judgment on Fisher-McKenna case, was seventy-nine years old on Thursday last. Mauch Chunk Items. Miss Emily Salkeld, of this place, will shortly wed a Mr. Gullick, of Newark, the ceremony to take place at Waterloo, N. Y., and "silver tongued Dan" is said to contemplate entering into partnership for life with a Washington lady. Next? A Most Determined Suicide. 49 For several days furing that latter part of last week, rumors were in circulation to the effect that a colored girl, between 15 and 16 years of age, bound to E. H. Rhodes, of this plae, was pregnant and that H C. Levanway was the reputed father of the "to be" offspring. On Saturday evening a hearing, at the instance of E. H. Rhodes, took place before Esq. Beck, and the result was that the said H. C. Levanway was required to enter bonds in the sum of $500, Mr. W. Koons becoming his bail. During Sunday he applied at A. J. Durling's drug store for an article of poison that would do its work quick, as they had a big rat down at the house which he wished to destroy. The poison was refused by Mr. H. A. Peters, the attendant, and he returned to his room, remaining there throughout the day. On Monday morning he arose, dressed himself, and procceded to Slatington, where, at the drug store of Mr. Horn, he procured a two-ounce phial of Wine of Colchicum Root--a poisonous drug for which there is no known antidote-returning to his home on the noon train; calling upon Mr. Ammon Klotz, at the Valley House, he requested him as a favor to see Hon. W. M. Rapsher and Dr. N. B. Reber, and with them to call upon him in his room at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Klotz having seen the above named gentlemen, at that hour, or soon after, they met as per appointment, when Mr. Levanway produced some private papers which he requested them to examine. Having done so he asked if they were correct, being answered in the affirmative, he rose up from his seat, and stepping to the water pitcher took a drink from it--as he had done two or three times during the reading of the papers--then lifting a tumbler to his lips drained it of its contents, exclaiming--"In four hours it will be all over!" This created intense excitement among his assembled friends, and Dr. Reber seeing the bottle labeled as above, hastened to the drug store, and procuring the strongest of emetics proceeded with the assistance of others to administer them, but was most strenuously opposed by the suicide--getting only one or two tablespoonfuls into his mouth. Finally after about one hour had elapsed he was induced to take the emetic of his own will, declaring at the same time "that it could do him no good, that he knew he was doing"--"that there was no antidote for the poison he had taken"--"his days of usefulness were over, and he desired to die." Tuesday morning it appeared for a while, as though he would survive, but later, the poison began its more active work, and he gradually sank, becoming weaker every hour, but retaining consciousness throughout, finally breathing his last at about 7:45 o'clock on Tuesday evening. Deceased was born Sept. 19, 1814, and when he died was aged 62 years, 2 months, and 23 days. He was an intelligent, well-educated man. He leaves one daughter, married to E. H. Rhodes, of this borough. She and her family have the sympathy of our whole people in this their sore affliction. The funeral took place, from the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. E. H. Rhodes, this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clcok. His remains being deposited alongside of his deceased wife, in the Lehighton cemetery. The clergy officiating were Rev. L. B. Brown, of the M. E. church, and Rev. John Carrington, of the 1st Presbyterian church of this borough. Local and Personal. A few days ago Catharine Madden, an old woman of Schuylkill county, was found dead near a stove in her house. From the fact that a half burnt stick lay alongside of her it is supposed that she died while in the act of lighting her pipe. Local and Personal. A little child of Mr. Molock, of Dolonsburg, died Tuesday of diptheretic croup, after an illness of about 24 hours. Local and Personal. A four-ear old daughter of Mr. Thomas Koons, of this place, died on Monday last, of malignant scarlet fever and whooping cough. 50 Volume 5, Number 4, Saturday, December 23, 1876 Local and Personal. Martin Duffy, an old and resptected citizen of St. Clair, Schuylkill Co., was killed by a fall of top coal on Saturday. He had been at work in the mines for 33 years. Local and Personal. Edward S. Riverton was shot and fatally wounded by Jacob Simmet, while attempting to rob the latter's dwelling, at Beaverdale, Schuylkill county, on Saturday evening. Local and Personal. Ira Monell, of Hyde Park, Luzerne county, a young married man, industrious and possessed of an excellent reputation, took morphine and killed himself. His wife had been a mother just one week. The unfortunate man had been thrown out of employment, and in despair took his own life. From Mauch Chunk. Mr. Dan. Kalbfus was the only counsel engaged for the defense of Alex. Campbell. A herculian task--especially for one on the eve of a wedding! From Mauch Chunk. Wednesday, the 20th inst., Miss Emily Salkeld, of this place, was converted into Mrs. Gulick. The transformation took place at Waterloo, N. Y. From Mauch Chunk. Mr. Dan. Kalbfus will, on Tuesday, the 26th inst., wed Miss Mary E. Jones, of Stevensville, Bradford county. The ceremonies, at which the Rt. Rev. G. H. Hopkins will officiate, will take place at the residence of the bride. After the wedding the parties will set out on the customary trip, returning about the 12th or 15th of January. Volume 5, Number 5, Saturday, December 30, 1876 Local and Personal. Arnold Rad, of Upper Mauch Chunk died, on Tuesday, of inflamation, after a few hours sickness. Local and Personal. Rev. S. K. Brobst, well known as publisher and editor of Lutheran church and Sunday school papers, died in Allentown on Saturday morning. Local and Personal. Mrs. Kenney was burned to death and her husband was severely burned by the explosion of a coal oil lamp at St. Clair, Schuylkill county, Tuesday morning. Echoes from Mahoning. On the 10th inst, Mr. B. F. Mosser, led to the hymenial alter Miss Kate A. Gombert. We wish the happy couple success in their new life. Big Creek Items. The wife of our esteemed friend Mr. Chas. Dreisbach, ended her earthly career at 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon of last week, deeply beloved by all who knew her. We deeply sympathize with the family in this their sad bereavement. May they put their trust in Him who doeth all things well. She leaves a kind husband and eight children to mourn her loss. Peace be to her ashes. She was interred at the Solt's cemetery, on Sunday morning last, at 11 o'clock. Her funeral was very largely attended, the church being filled to its utmost capacity with relatives and friends, to hear the able sermon which was delivered by Rev. J. C. Bliem, of Lehighton, who officiated in German. He preached from Revelations, 14 Chap. and 13th 51 verse--"And I heard a voice from Heaven, saying unto me: Write blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." She attained the age of 48 years, 11 months, and 9 days. Accidental Shooting. The enjoyment of Christmas day in Audenried, says a correspondent of the Shenandoah Evening Herald, was clouded by one of the most distressing accidents that ever happened here. Willie James, a son of Rev. E. James, was accidently shot and killed Monday morning about ten o'clock by a man named David Lloyd, who was firing at a dog. The news of the unfortunate affair spread with the rapidity that characterizes the transmission of evil tidings and a gloom that it was impossible to shake off settled upon the whole community, whose hearts and thoughts went out in sympathy to the bereaved family whose Christmas festivities had been so suddenly turned into a scene of sorrow and woe. It appears that Willie, who was a bright, intelligent and kind-hearted lad of twelve and a half years, beloved by all who knew him, left his home at Yorktown to go to Beaverbrook to make some Christmas calls and see the trees which had been erected in honor of the day, as is the habit with children. His heart was filled with delightful anticipations of the pleasure of the day before him, and his least thought was of any harm crossing his way. He had not left the house more than five minutes, and had proceeded but a short distance on the road when he was struck down with the fatal shot. The gun was aimed at a dog by Mr. Lloyd who did not see young James in line, and missing his aim the load lodged in the head of the unfortunate boy, who was instantly killed. Mr. Lloyd is overwhelmed with grief at the unfortunate and fatal affair. When the inanimate form of the dead boy was carried to his home, which he had left but a few moments before in the full enjoyment of health, and with the promise of many years of usefulness before him, the anguish of the parents may be better imagined than described. Mr. James the father, is the pastor of the Welsh Congregational church of this place. MARRIED, KLINE-BARTOLET.--On the 24th inst., at Lehighton, Pa., by the Rev. John Carrington, Mr. Jeremiah J. Kline, of Packerton, to Miss Emma R. Bartolet, of Cressona, Schuylkill Co., Pa. DIED, PHIFER.--On the 22d inst., near Weissport, infant son of Alexander and Rachel Phifer, (born Knerr, and sister of Rev. J. K. Knerr, of Weissport,) of croup, aged 1 year, 4 months, and 12 days. The mortal remains were interred in the Parryville cemetery on Monday P. M. Volume 5, Number 6, Saturday, January 6, 1877 Local and Personal. On Wednesday afternoon last week, the Catawissa train ran over and killed an old man named Samuel Watkins, of Yorktown, between Barnesville and Tamaqua. Watkins was walking on the track. He lived but a few minutes after the accident. From Mauch Chunk. Died at Upper Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday 26th ult., Mr. Arnold Ratke, a native of Germany, and a man of some prominence in German circles. Accidental Shooting. One of the most shocking accidents that has occurred in this vicinity for a 52 number of years, writes a correspondent of the Evening Herald, happened in a place called Mount Pleasant, about three miles from Hazleton, on Monday night, the 1st inst. A party of young boys dressed in disguise, as is customary for them to do on New Year's night, entered the store of Pardee & Co. While going in the door one of the clerks by the name of Minnick seized a gun, not knowing it to be loaded, and pointed it at the boys, and at the same time said, "Clear out, or I will shoot you," when the gun accidentally went off, the charge taking effect in the body of one of the boys named Boyle, kliling him instantly. The affair has created intense excitement. Minnick has given himself up to the authorities. Walcksville Items. A little child of Mr. Thomas Zeigenfuss, is living in a critical condition with diphtheria. No hopes are entertained of her recovery. Big Creek Items. A daughter of Mr. Anthony, residing at Moria Furnace, aged about 7 years died of diphtheria last week. Mrs. Mary Cook, a venerable lady, died in Lock Haven, on the 8th inst. at the remarkable age of 99 years 1 month and 15 days. She was born in Philadelphia Oct. 23, 1777, and with her parents removed to Northumberland county in 1781. MARRIED, SMITH-BECKENDORF.--On the 23d Dec., by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Mr. John Smith, of Allentown, and Miss Harriet Beckendorf, of Lehighton. MARRIED, KUHNS-RISHEL.--On the 25th inst., by Rev. J. C. Bliem, at the house of Mr. Krum, in the Borough of Weissport, Francis S. Kuhns, of Lehighton, and Miss Alice D. Rishel, of Pottsville, Pa. MARRIED, GRAVER-WALCK.--On December 3rd, by Rev. Abrm. Bartholomew, Mr. H. O. Graver and Miss Alice Walck, both of Franklin. MARRIED, HILL-GOMBERT.--On Dec. 24th, by same, Mr. Franklin Hill, of West Penn, Schuylkill county, and Miss A. Vic. Gombert, of East Penn, this county. Volume 5, Number 7, Saturday, January 13, 1877 Local and Personal. In a quarrel at Shenandoah, Pa., on Thursday night of last week. Oscar McCord, a boy, killed Joseph Bokertz, by striking him with a club. McCord is in jail. Local and Personal. Hon. F. M. Craine, a prominent lawyer, who served several terms in the State Senate and House of Representatives, died suddenly in Honesday, on Monday evening. Echoes from Mahoning. We are sorry to chronicle the early deaths of Mr. Zehner's children; one being buried last Saturday, aged seven years, two months and five days. The other one being buried last Tuesday. Unable to learn the age. Scarlet fever was the disease. Miss Lutz, a young lady in the bloom of health and life, aged 18, fell instantly dead in the street at Hyde Park, Luzerne county, on Wednesday last. Her death was said to be the result of heart 53 disease. All sudden deaths are now attributed to this cause if no other ready explanation can be given. From Mauch Chunk. On Tuesday evening Mr. Dan. Kalbfus and bride and Mr. Geo. Williams and wife were serenaded by the Phoenix Cornet Bank, the members of which were amiably treated by the parties honored. From Mauch Chunk. At an early hour of Monday Mr. Fred Shulenberg, of Upper Mauch Chunk, succumbed to the malady by which he had been afflicted since fall. His funeral, which took place on Wednesday afternoon was numerously attended. DIED, SHAPPELL.--On the 7th inst., Sarah, wife of Jacob Shappell, of East Penn, aged 56 years, 2 months and 5 days. DIED, MULHEARN.--In Mauch Chunk, on the 10th inst., John Mulhearn aged about 70 years. Volume 5, Number 8, Saturday, January 20, 1877 The News. A woman dropped dead on the streets of Pottsville last week and the coroner's jury has decided that her death was caused by intoxicating liquor. Local and Personal. On Friday of last week Martin Meyer, aged 60 years, a bone picker, was frozen to death in Easton. Local and Personal. A man named Eckley Farrow, a brakesman on the Lehigh Valley R. R. fell from a coal train at Beaver Brook, Wednesday, and was killed. Echoes from Mahoning. Last Saturday evening, a child of S. Fenstermacher, died of scarlet fever, aged about seven years, was buried on Tuesday last, in St. John's cemetery, of this place. Echoes from Mahoning. Not many weeks ago, a certain young man came down over the icy and snow-capped mountains from Wilkesbarre, and sojourning for a short time among the opposite sex of this place, came to a conclusion last Saturday evening to take to himself a "Frau." So "getting up," with his beloved, made at once for the residence of Rev. Strauss, where after a short conversation with the "Parra," they were united in the holy bonds of matrimony; after which they immediately set out on their wedding-tour. They took the No. 8 and 9 shoemaker's train, and moved westward as far as Fenstermacher's station--changed cars, then moved in a northern direction as far as Fox Mountain, where they are now sojourning in the land of sweet repose MARRIED, RATCLIFF-STOUT.--In this borough, on the 14th inst., by Rev. John Carrington, Mr. Dan H. Ratcliff and Miss Ellen Stout, both of Lehighton, Pa. DIED, WEBB.--In this borough, on the 13th instant, Lizzie M., daughter of Jos. S. And Catharine Webb, of scarlet fever, aged 4 years, 3 months and 18 days. Soon thy little feet have gone The way to love the Missful home; 54 The way to Christ, the children's friend, Who took you to that better land. 'Tis hard to part, but, Lizzie dear, In Heaven there is no pain--no fear; But love on that dear Jesus' breast, Where children's heads recline and rest. Soon we too shall follow thee, In that bright land from sorrow free-Where parting tears awashed no more, There, over on the golden shore. Then farewell, Lizzie, till we meet In Heaven, again thy face to greet, To share with thee the life above, Where all is peace and joy and love. Volume 5, Number 9, Saturday, January 27, 1877 The News. The Pottsville Chronicle says: "Mrs. Honora Lynch, for the last thirty years a resident of Heckschersville, died at the place on Sunday, at the very old age of ninety-nine years. Her husband was a brittish soldier and participated in the battle of Waterloo. Mrs. Lynch accompanied his regiment as cook, and was present in that capacity, at the battle which proved the downfall of Napoleon. The old lady retained her mental powers until the last and many were the tales she could relate of that campaign. She leaves forty-two great grand children." Local and Personal. William Thomas, a saloon keeper, was shot dead by Peter Stryker, in Plymouth, near Scranton, on Monday night. Stryker escaped. Big Creek Items. It is with regret that I am called upon to chronicle the death of the wife of Mr. Abraham Henry, which happened unexectedly on Saturday monging last at 7.30 o'clock. We deeply sympathise with the bereaved family. She leaves a kind husband and nine children to mourn her loss. Peace to her ashes. The funeral took place from her husband's residence on Tuesday morning, 10 a. m., and the interment at the Weissport Cemetery. Services were conducted in German by Revs. Erb, of Slatington, and Freeman, of Weissport, of the Lutheran and Reformed Church. A large concourse of people followed her to her final resting place. Big Creek Items. Mr. Adam Christman and Miss Sophia Berger, of Eldred Township, were joined in the nuptial bond lately, and so were Mr. Henry Greenzweig, of Eldred, to Miss Lucy George, of this place. Big Creek Items. A son of Mr. David Youngkin, of this place, died lately of croup. Interment at the Jerusalem church. From Mauch Chunk. The funeral of the late Fred Schlie, of Upper Mauch Chunk, took place on Saturday afternoon, and was well attended. Deceased was 29 years 11 months and 1 day. Echoes from Mahoning. Last Saturday a child of S. Zimmerman died of scarlet fever, was 55 buried on Tuesday last in the Evangelical cemetery. MARRIED, PILZ-EMMET.--On the 23rd inst., by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Mr. Ferdinand Pilz and Miss Wilhelmina Emmet, daughter of Mrs. George Hagan, of Dolonsburg. MARRIED, ASH-WENTZ.--At Parryville, on the 13th inst., by Rev. S. Breyfogle, Mr. Franklin Ash and Miss Annie M. Wentz, both of Millport, this county. Volume 5, Number 10, Saturday, February 3, 1877 Local and Personal. A six year old son of Mr. John Bennyhoff, of Mahoning, died on Friday last of diphtheria. The News. W. F. Breisch was caught in the shafting of his father's mill at Zion's Grove, Schuylkill County, on Friday last, and so mangled that he died. No person saw the fatal accident, his mother entering the mill being the first to discover it. It is supposed the deceased had been oiling the machinery. Local and Personal. A five year old daughter of Mr. F. P Longstreet, attorney, of this borough died on Saturday last. The funeral took place on Tuesday, and was largely attended by the friends of the family and the children of the M. E. Sunday school. Local and Personal. The wife of Amandas Olewine, residing on Bank street, this borough, died on Monday afternoon last. Her funeral took place on Thursday. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her loss, one little girl aged about 18 months lying sick with consumption. Local and Personal. On Saturday last Christopher Erbe, of Tamaqua, aged about twenty years, while engaged in taking coal out of a pit, was buried by a fall of coal and earth. An alarm was given and a set of men set to work to dig him out. When found he was dead, in a crouching position. Local and Personal. On the evening of January 24th, Mr. Jonas Nothstein, an old and respected citizen of East Penn, died. He has left a wife and seven children to mourn their loss--four daughters and three sons. His funeral took place at Ben Salem's church on Saturday morning last. From Mauch Chunk. A life partnership between Mr. Geo. Wolf, the Broadway tobacconist and a certain Miss Serfass, is talked of as likely to be one of the events of the present week. A union between Mr. Jno. Engelman and Miss Mary Bellert, both of East Mauch Chunk is also said to be on the tapis. Echoes from Mahoning. A son of J. Benninghoff, died last Friday of scarlet fever. Interment at the St. John's church, on Monday last. Echoes from Mahoning. Last Saturday a child of J. Kemerer died of scarlet fever, aged about seven years, and was buried on Monday in the St. John'e Cemetery. 56 Echoes from Mahoning. On Wednesday last, our esteemed friend Jonas Nothstein ended his earthly career. Interment took place, on Saturday last, at the "Ben Salem's" church. MARRIED, HOLLAR-BETZ.--On the 27th ult., by Rev. Abr. Bartholomew, Mr. Ben. Q. Hollar, and Miss Barbara Odella Betz, both of Rush twp., Schuylkill county. MARRIED, WOLF-SERFASS--On the 1st inst., by Rev. Abr. Bartholomew, Mr. George Wolf and Miss Lydia Serfass both of Mauch Chunk. DIED, LONGSTREET.--In this borough, on the 27th ult. Elizabeth Roy, daughter of F. P. and Mary E. Longstreet, aged 4 years, 8 months and 11 days. DIED, SCHANTZ--On the 4th ult., in West Penn twp, Essam J. Shantz, aged 29 years and 7 months. DIED, LEIBY.--On the 9th ultimo. near Lewistown, Maria, wife of Daniel Leiby, aged 46 years, 4 months and 11 days. DIED, FENSTERMACHER.--On the 13th ultimo, in Mahoning twp., Pearce Franklin, son of Step. and Catharine Fenstermacher, aged 6 years, 8 months and 3 days. DIED, SACHS.--On the 22nd ult. in West Penn twp., Elizabeth, wife of John Sachs, aged 73 years, 5 months and 19 days. DIED, HENRY.--In Franklin township, on the 20th ult., Sarah, wife of Abraham Henry, aged 42 years, 2 mo. and 10 days DIED, GRAVER.--In Franklin Township, on the 22d ult., Lucinda, daughter of Peter Graver, aged 5 months and 22 days. DIED, BEIDELMAN.--In Lower Towamensing Township, on the 23d ult. Ida Lily, daughter of Eli Beidelman, aged 4 mo. and 20 days. Volume 5, Number 11, Saturday, February 10, 1877 Local and Personal. Henry Bender, an old and well know citizen of Easton, Pa., died Sunday. Local and Personal. The Allentown Chronicle says four men were buried alive at Hensingersville, Lehigh County, on Monday, by the caving in of an ore mine in which they were digging. Two of the men, named Hunsburger and Lewis, were known to be killed and the other two were thought to be. A fifth man had both his legs broken but escaped other injury. From Mauch Chunk. That the Phoenix Cornet Band should have treated our fellow townsman Geo. Wolf to a serenade on his return from his wedding tour, will not, of course, be strange news to you, as serenades are rapidly becoming one of our fixed institutions; and although nothing has transpired concerning the termination of the matter, you and your readers will be perfectly safe in 57 the conclusion that the party thus honored on Tuesday night came down handsomely. From Mauch Chunk. Mr. August Obert and Miss Annie Dick were on Monday forenoon last declared "one in flesh" by Rev. Father Heinen of St. Joseph's R. C. Church. Our congratulations, etc. From Mauch Chunk. A man named Jno. Cummings, machinist by trade, employed at the Weatherly shops, having got chuck full of bad whiskey, was, on Tuesday evening, run over and badly mangled by the 6.20 p. m., L. V. R. R. down passenger train. When picked up, his left leg was found to be almost severed from his body, necessiting subsequent amputation. He never rallied, and at 3 a. m., breathed his last. Items from Weissport. On Tuesday Mrs. Simon Brown died. She leaves a large family which has the sympathy of the community. Burial to-morrow (Sunday) at 9.30 a. m. The services will be held in Ebenezer church by Rev. J. K. Knerr. Echoes from Mahoning. A four-year-old daughter of D. S. Longacre, and a member of of the Centre Square Sunday School, died on Saturday morning last of scarlet fever. Interment which took place on Tuesday and was largely attended by the friends of the family and the members of the Sunday school. DIED, KREIDLER.--In this borough, on the 2d inst., of cerebro spinal menianisis, Edgar J., infant son of Harrie R. and Susan L. Kreidler, aged 8 months and 2 days. The funeral took place on Monday and was very numerously attended. Services by Rev. J. C. Bliem. Volume 5, Number 12, Saturday, February 17, 1877 Local and Personal. The mayor of Wilkes-barre, M. A. Kearney, died in that city, on Sunday evening, of pneumonia. Local and Personal. A five year old daughter of Mr. Abraham Henry of Franklin twp., died, after an illness of one week, of diphtheria, on Tuesday morning last. Local and Personal. John Cosgrove, a miner, was crushed to death by a fall of coal in India Ridge colliery, at Shenandoah, on Tuesday. Local and Personal. John Hartland, a contractor, and independent candidate for Mayor of Wilkesbarre, was accidentally killed in the Diamond Mine, near that city on Wednesday morning. Echoes from Mahoning. A childof Henry Longe, died last Sunday morning. Interment in St. John's cemetery on Tuesday last. Echoes from Mahoning. A child of Stephen Hedler, died of scarlet fever last week. Interment at "Ben Salem's" church on Monday last. 58 Echoes from Mahoning. It is with regret that I must chronicle the early death of Amandas Zimmerman, of West Penn Township. Deceased was aged 16 years, 10 months and 7 days. Interment took place last Saturday morning, in the German Evangelical Cemetery, near New Mahoning. Echoes from Mahoning. On the 4th inst., by Rev. W. H. Strauss, Mr. Charles Rehrig, of East Penn township, was united in to the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Violetta Snyder, of Upper Mahoning; also, at the same time, Mr. Fenstermacher to Miss Matilda Miller, both of West Penn township. May they enjoy peace and happiness. Echoes from Mahoning. Fianna, the youngest daughter of Stephen Hettler, of East Penn died on Friday last of scarlet fever aged 14 years. Interment took place on Tuesday a. m., at the Ben Salem church. Items. Miss Emma Hulsizer, lately employed as teacher at the public schools of East Mauch Chunk, will soon exchange her maiden-name for that of somebody else's. Walcksville Items. The wife of Mr. Peter Shabo, of Towamensing, was buried at St. Paul's Church on Monday of this week. Funeral services were conducted in German, by Rev. J. E. Freyman, of Weissport. She was aged 22 years and 11 mo. She leaves a kind husband and two children to mourn their early loss. Peace be to her ashes. Walcksville Items. Mr. John Mungold and Caroline Nennstiel, of this place were joined in the nuptial bonds on Sunday last. The happy pair have the good wishes of P. & W., for their future prosperity. Walcksville Items. A daughter of Abraham Henry died of croup on Tuesday morning (10 a. m.), of this week--closely following her mother who preceeded her but a short time to the grave. We deeply sympathize with the bereaved family again in this their sad loss. Walcksville Items. Abe, son of Daniel Weidman, died of diphtheria on Tuesday morning of this week--closely following his brother (John) who was buried only on Friday of last week. Both are interred at the Solt's cemetery. Big Creek Items. Deaths. The funeral of Mrs. R. Morris' daughter Sarah; which took place on Tuesday of last week, was very largely attended. The Sabbath and Public Schools both attended the funeral in a body, between 100 and 150 children were in line. It was indeed the most solemn occurrence that ever happened in this valley--to see the tears that they shed at the loss of one of their number who was then being deposited in the last and final resting place. She had to suffer a great deal for a number of weeks. Her disease was dropsy. "But afflictions sore long time she bore, Physicians were in vain; Till God, at last, did call her home, And eased her of her pain. Gone to meet her father. MARRIED, SHIVERS-MILLER.--On the 13th inst., at the residence of Mr. Joseph Webb, by 59 Rev. G. A. Breugel, Mr. Chas. W. Shivers, of Philadelphia, to Miss Malvina Miller, of Lehighton. MARRIED, FENSTERMACHER-MILLER.--On the 4th inst., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. Lewis Fenstermacher and Miss Matilda Miller, both of West Penn, Schuylkill Co. MARRIED, MAUGOLD-NEUNSTIEL.--On the 11th inst., by the same, Mr. John M. Maugold, and Miss Caroline Neunstiel, both of Franklin Twp. MARRIED, SMITH-ENGLER.--On the 3rd inst., at the Public House of Mr. Mantz, by Rev. L. B. Brown, Mr. Charles H. Smith, and Miss Frances C. Engler, both of Mauch Chunk. DIED, BRUEGEL.--On the 13th inst., of diphtheritic croup, Frederick Charles, son of Rev. G. A. and Mrs. Olivia Bruegel, of Lehighton, aged 5 years and 2 months. Volume 5, Number 13, Saturday, February 24, 1877 Local and Personal. Mrs. I. P. Bechtel, of Tremont, Schuylkill county, went to the barn on Sunday last and hung herself. She was sick and despondent; 48 years old and left two children. Local and Personal. The Courier says there were thirteen bodies of children in Tamaqua, Saturday night, awaiting burial, death having occurred from whooping cough and scarlet fever. Local and Personal. Henry Geisel, who for a number of years past ran the brewery below Weissport, died at his residence on Sunday last. Deceased was born at Muehlhausen, Baden, on the 4th of June, 1825, and when he died was aged 51 years 8 months and 14 days. His funeral took place at Weissport, on Wednesday afternoon, and was very largely attended by our citizens. From Mauch Chunk. On Tuesday morning Mr. Dan Bertsch, set out on his last journey. At the time of his departure deceased was in his 76th year. From Mauch Chunk. Miss Emma Hulsizer, "late school marm" at the public schools of East Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday forenoon became Mrs. W. H. Bell. From Mauch Chunk. Four funerals in one week! Something quite unusual for Mauch Chunk. And of these four the late James Fister's was the most numerously attended. From Mauch Chunk. James, a four year old son of Mr. Robert R. Carter, died of scarlet fever on Tuesday monring. This is the second child Mr. C. has lost by this dread disease since Friday. From Mauch Chunk. Mr. James Fister, more familiarly known as "windy Jim" took his departure for the mysterious regions beyond the Styxican shore, at an early hour on Monday morning. His death created universal sympathy, and his funeral, which took place on Wednesday afternoon, was largely attended; the Phoenix C. B., of which deceased had been an active member, discoursing some excellent music at the grave. 60 From Mauch Chunk. The body of an unknown man, was on Thursday morning, found floating in the river near Hetcheltooth. It was taken ashore, and an inquest held, but nothing elicited that might lead to his identification. From a scrap found about his person it is believed that his christian name was Frank. It has also been ascertained that he was a Dane, but beyond this nothing is known. Verdict according to the above. MARRIED, BRINKMAN-DICK.--On the 20th inst., by the Rev. L. K. Derr, Mr. C. W. Brinkman and Miss Sarah N. Dick, both of this place. Volume 5, Number 14, Saturday, March 3, 1877 Local and Personal. Early Monday morning a scaffold in a blast furnace of the Bethlehem Iron Company's Works, at Bethlehem, gave way, precipitating six men to the ground, a distance of seventy feet. Two of the men, Charles Myer, of Rittersville, and Henry Keichline, of Bethlehem, were killed. The others--Charles Durn, of Saucon; George Nice, of Hellertown; Jacob Fogel, of Salisbury, and Milton Kepler, of Bethlehem--were severely injured, and two of them may not recover. From Mauch Chunk. The mortgage death held agains his life was foreclosed on Sunday last, since which time poor , honest, upright Geo Long has ceased to exist. His remains were accorded the honors of war, and his funeral, which took place on Tuesday afternoon, was largely attended. Deceased leaves a widow and three children to mourn his death. From Mauch Chunk. Mr. Robert C. Laffrty, late chief operator of the Jersey Division of the L. V. R. R., and wife, were in attendance at the funeral of the late James Fister on Tuesday of last week. Their many friends were glad to see them. From Mauch Chunk. Died at Upper Mauch Chunk on Monday p. m., the 26th ult., Miss Margaret Esdale, aged 29 years. Echoes from Mahoning. That dreadful foe--scarlet fever--is still raging throughout the valley. It appears as if Mahoning's folks could not get rid of it, a child of J. Musselman, died last Thursday, and the youngest daughter of D. Kistler last Sunday morning. Both buried in the German Evangelical Cemetery. The body of the girl Heiny Found in the Big Creek. The corpse of a woman was found in the Big Creek, about one mile above Parryville, on Sunday forenoon, which was identified as the body of Alice Heiny, an idiot girl, about 16 years old, who left her home last fall, between the 1st and 10th of December, and no trace could be found of her until she was found in the Big Creek on Sunday. It is supposed that she wandered about in the woods in the night and that she saw a light in one of the houses on the other side of the river, and as she was near sighted as well as an idiot, she wandered on in the hope of reaching a house little heeding where she went, and that she fell in the Creek at a place known as the Big rock and was drowned. As soon as the corpse was discovered the Coroner was notified of the fact, and he put in an appearance about 3 o'cock in the afternoon, and summoned Messrs. H. T. Smawley, Isaac Bagenstose, Amandas Anthony, Joshua Graver, Wm. Reber and Henry Masteller, as a jury of inquest, and they decided that she 61 came to her death by accidental drowning. Her body was taken in charge of by the Overseers of the Poor, who had her property intered at Weissport on Monday of this week. DIED, VIELHAUER.--On the 24th ult., John, youngest child of Mr. John and Anna Vielhauer, aged 11 months and 17 days. DIED, PATTERSON.--On the 25th ult., Sarah, wife of Charles A. Patterson, aged 37 years, 11 months and 21 days. DIED, O'BRIAN.--On the 27th ult., Charles infant son of Joseph and Elizabeth O'Brian, aged 11 ds Volume 5, Number 15, Saturday, March 10, 1877 Echoes from Mahoning. On Tuesday the 28th ult., a childof D. Fritz, died of scarlet fever. Interment in St. John's cemetery on the 2nd inst. Echoes from Mahoning. The oldest daughter of J. Musselman, died last Saturday morning of scarlet fever. Interment, which took place last Tuesday morning in the G. E. Cemetery, was largely attended. Deceased was aged 5 years and 25 days. Volume 5, Number 16, Saturday, March 17, 1877 Local and Personal. Henry Silkman, a Luzerne county politician, died in the poor house the other day. Of course he was a democrat. Local and Personal. Peter Wycock, one of the oldest lawyers at the bar of Lehigh county, died at his residence in Allentown on Thursday of last week. He was in his 71st year. Local and Personal. W. G. Nugent, a well known physician of Pittston, Pa., died, on Friday of last week. He was a surgeon in the army during the war. Local and Personal. The Allentown Chronicle announces the sudden death of Rev. D. B. Ernst on Sunday last. He dropped suddenly dead in his garden. Mr. Ernst was 62 years old and has been in the ministry since 1845. Big Creek Items. A son of John Wolfe was interred at the St. Paul's church. He was aged 1 year, 8 mo., 14 days. DIED, BROWN.--In Lower Towamensing township, Franklin Walter, son of Levi and Susan Brown, aged 2 years, 8 mos. and 27 days. 62 Volume 5, Number 17, Saturday, March 24, 1877 Local and Personal. John Lindenmuth, of Newcastle, who has been missing since the 10th inst., was found Monday, frozen to death, at Flowery Field. Local and Personal. John Scoot of Rockdale, while smoking a pipe in bed Tuesday morning, set the bed clothes on fire, and died from suffocation before assistance arrived. Local and Personal. A man named John Brannon was struck by an engine on the Lehigh Valley railroad near Redington, on Friday, and killed. When picked up it was found that his neck was broken. he had been at Catasauqua in search of work. Local and Personal. The body of an unknown man was found half a mile from Silver Creek dam, near Mahanoy City, on Friday. At the coroner's inquest held upon the remains a verdict of death from unknown causes was rendered. The decease was thirty-five or forty years old. MARRIED, MOYER-DETRICK. On the 8th inst., at the residence of the bridegroom's mother, by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Mr. George Moyer and Miss Emma Detrick. DIED, BARTHOLOMEW.--In Weissport, on the 10th inst., William Monroe, son of Elias and Rebecca Bartholomew, of Croup and measles, aged 1 year, 5 months and 8 days. DIED, GREENZWEIG.--In Franklin twp., on the 12th inst., Hannah Louisa, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Greenzweig, of croup, aged 4 years, 7 months and 19 days. DIED, FRANKLIN.--In Mahoning, Feb. 19, Pearce Franklin, aged 6 years, 1 month and 13 days. DIED, FRITZ--In Mahoning, March 3, Harvey Oscar, childof Daniel and Lydia Fritz, aged 2 years, 8 months and 25 days. DIED FRITZ.--In Mahoning, March 10, Amelia, child of Daniel and Lydia Fritz, aged 4 years, 6 months and 17 days. DIED, HARRIS.--At Summit Hill, March 5, Ezra A. son of Charles and Kate Harris, aged 3 years, 5 months and 20 days. DIED, REMELY--At East Penn, March 5, Edwin F., son of Nathan Remely and wife Emaline, aged 24 years, 6 months and 7 days. DIED, HOM--At West Penn, March 11, Alice Esther M. and Daniel Elias, children of Jonas and Lydia Hom, aged: Alice E., 3 years, 9 months and 11 days; and Daniel E., 1 year, 1 months and 22 days. DIED, HESS.--At West Penn, March 14, Jacob Hess, aged 11 years, 5 month and 3 days. DIED, BILLMAN.--At West Penn, March 20, David Billman, aged 66 years and 6 days. 63 DIED, MILLER.--On March 6, in Weissport, George, son of Henry and Amanda Miller, aged 2 years, 7 months and 26 days. DIED, REX.--On the 19th inst., Mrs. Eliza E. Rex, wife of Mr. George M. Rex, and daughter of Mr. Owen Wolf, of Lehighton, aged 22 years less 15 days. Volume 5, Number 18, Saturday, March 31, 1877 Local and Personal. Mrs. John Graver, of Weissport, died very suddenly of heart disease, on Sunday night last. Local and Personal. Mr. Joseph Feist, of the Fort Allen House, Weissport, has buried two of his children within the past two weeks. Local and Personal. Summit Hill was the scene of a very sudden death Wednesday morning. The wife of Nathan Roth, aged sixty years, was stricken by paralysis, from the effects of which she died almost immediately. her funeral will take place on Saturday morning. Local and Personal. A miner named James Clark, was killed while at work in his breast in the Knickerbocker colliery of the P. & R. Coal and Iron Co., on Tuesday last, by a fall of coal. The unfortunate man was unmarried and aged about thirty years. Local and Personal. Andrew Champion shot his wife and then killed himself, at Skinner's Eddy, in Wyoming county, Pa., a few days ago. he was a young man, and she had refused to live with him because he was out of work. Local and Personal. The Allentown Chronicle says: Josiah Hinterleitner and his aged spouse, of Topton, were born on the same day, within a few hours of each other, seventy-one years ago, resided in the same locality, attained maturity, were wedded, and passed a long life of usefulness together. Singularly enough, death claimed them almost at the same time. Mr. Hinterleitner died on Saturday, and his wife followed on Monday. They were buried together, and in the same grave, at Topton. From Mauch Chunk. A splice between Mr. Miller, of Upper Mauch Chunk, and Mrs. Annie Weaver, of East Mauch Chunk, is the latest event in the matrimonial ane I wot of. Jointly they have a family of ten young 'uns to start on. Encouraging, this! From Mauch Chunk. Advices of the severe illness of his father, residing in Wisconsin, induced Mr. J. W. Dodge to leave Mauch Chunk, on Saturday, to lie to his bed side. He was, however, too late to see him once more alive, as shortly after the son's departure news of the father's death reached him. Volume 5, Number 19, Saturday, April 7, 1877 Local and Personal. By a fall of rock in th Pine Brook shaft, at Scranton, on Saturday, John 64 Hopkins was killed and David Morgan and Patrick Ruddy were fatally injured. From Mauch Chunk. Mr. John Corgon, father-in-law of Recorder Phillips, died at West Nanticoke on last Friday. Deceased left 12 children and 48 grand-children. From Mauch Chunk. On Wednesday morning one Wm. Cahoon was run over, while walking the L. V. R. R. track near Penn Haven Junction, and instantly killed. From Mauch Chunk. Hugh Dugan, a married man, aged about 55 years, a resident of Upper Mauch Chunk, was, on Wednesday forenoon, run down while crossing the L. and S. R. R. track at the round house above this place, and had both of his legs almost severed from his body. He survived but a few hours. Big Creek Items. John Snyder died on Monday night of last week, he was interred on Thursday at the Lower Towamensing Cemetery. Services in German by Rev. J. E Freyman, of Weissport. Death of the Lehman Hermit. On Monday and Tuesday of last week a fearful storm of snow and wind prevailed throughout the Delaware Valley--drifts many feet in depth formed in the Pike county mountains, and the weather was bitter cold. On Friday persons living in the northern part of Lehman township found the cabins of a number of hoopole cutters nearly buried in the snow, and the inmates almost dead with cold and hunger. In a ten-foot drift, near the top of the mountains, they found the dead body of Austin Sheldon, better knwon as the "Hermit of Lehman." He had lived over forty years in a cave in the rocks, near the entrance of which his body was found. Sheldon was nearly 72 years old. He was discovered in his cave thirty years ago by a party of hunters. He said he had been living there ten years, and had not seen any human beings in that time. His cave was nine miles from the village of Dingman's. Nothing was known of the hermit's history until a year ago. Then some mention of him was made in the papers of his living as a hermit. The paragraph was seen by parties in Stony Creek, Conn., from which place a man named Austin Sheldon had disappeared forty-four years before. A brother and a sister of the missing man, both wealthy, started to look the hermit up. They reached his cave one day about dusk. The hermit was their brother, but he could not be induced to leave his cave, even with the offer of $25,000, and a luxurious home as long as he lived. It was learned from the brother and sister of the hermit that he had lost his wife after a brief married life. He disappeared the day on which she was buried, and not a word had been heard from him until the item in the newspaper was seen. His friends thought he had gone to sea and died. Before he took up his abode in the Pike county cave, Sheldon says he roamed for five years through the woods of Connecticut, Vermont and New York, shunning civilization. At last he found a cave in which he concluded to live the rest of his life. He did not know its locality at the time, but found afterward that it was among the Moosic Mountains, in Wayne county, Pa. The great forest that surrounded his cave soon attracted the attention of the lumbermen, and he fled deeper into the wilderness. After three months of wandering he found the cave in the wild region where he died. For over forty years he lived in this hole in the rocks. Originally not more than eight feet square, accumulation of the rubbish of forty years reduced its proportion so that there was barely room to turn about in it. Sheldon lived on game, fish, roots, and berries. At the time of his death his form was much bent. The clothing that hung in rags and tatters from his person had been donned 22 years ago, and never taken off. It was held together by hickory 65 withes. He never washed. A thick gray beard that hung almost to his waist, and hair of the same color hanging over his shoulders, was matted with burrs and twigs, and had not been touched with comb or brush for forty-five years. He never went far away from his cave. A long staff and an ancient Bible--the latter hanging from his belt--were his constant companions. It was his boast that he had read his Bible through twice a year ever since he had been in the wilderness. He held daily communion with God, he said, and talked with the prophets of old. Several times his cave had been surrounded with forest fires, and almost every avenue of escape cut off, but he calmly remained in his retreat, reading his Bible, until removed by woodsmen thoughtful of his safety. Nearly every winter for years he has been rescued from freezing and starving. He never made any effort to save himself, saying he was in the hands of God. The cave in which he lived was permeated with so horrid a stench that visitors could not remain in it, and the hermit himself was covered with filth and vermin. Sheldon was an educated man. His family is among the leading ones of Connecticut. DIED, KRESSLEY.--On the 8th day of March, in Mahoning township, Mary Adella, daughter of Daniel and Mary Ann Kressley, aged 1 year and 9 months. DIED, M'CLEAN.--On the 12th day of March, in Mahoning township, Memphis Adella, daughter of Robert and Henrietta McClean, aged 5 years and 10 days. DIED, ROTH.--On the 27th day of March, at Summit Hill, Sarah, wife of Nathan Roth, aged 60 years, 1 month and 14 days. DIED, BALLIET.--On the 28th day of March, in Mahoning township, Henry Milton, son of Nathan and Sarah Ann Balliet, aged 9 years, 2 months and 17 days. DIED, McDANIEL.--In Lower Towamensing, on the 24th ult., of scarlet fever, Puriet Erwin, son of Thomas and Belinda McDaniel, aged 1 yr., 2 months and 26 days. DIED, ZAHNE.--At Easton, on the 25th ult., Wilhelmina, wife of William Zahne, of that place, and daughter of Mr. Charles Brinkman, of Lehigh Gap, where the funeral took place. Aged 21 years, 6 months and 6 days. DIED, FEIST.--In Weissport, on the 17th ult., of scarlet fever, Andrew Joseph, aged 3 yrs., 4 mos., and 13 days, and on the 25th ult., Ada Sarah, aged 2 years, 1 month and 25 days, children of Joseph and Sarah Feist. DIED, RAMALY.--In Franklin twp., on the 25th ult., of breast fever, Charles Henry, son of Wm and Sarah Jane Ramaly, aged 1 year, 5 mos. and 25 days. DIED, GRAVER--In Weissport, on the 25th ult., of heart disease, Sarah Ann, wife of Mr. John Graver, aged 39 years, 7 months and 28 days. DIED, SNYDER.--In Franklin twp., on the 27th ult. John, son of Simon and Mary Snyder, aged 24 years and 20 days. 66 Volume 5, Number 20, Saturday, April 14, 1877 Local and Personal. Joseph P. Conner and whis wife were drowned at Upper Lime Ridge, in Columbia county, Sunday, by their horse taking fright and backing into the canal. They were returning from church at the time. Mr. Conner was Vice President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society. Local and Personal. Quite a large number of the relations and intimate friends of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Graver, assembled at their residence on Bank street, this borough, on Thursday evening last, it being the occasion of the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Graver's births. In the general joy of the occasion the printer was not forgotten, for which kind rememberance they will please accept our thanks and best wishes for their life and happiness. DIED, BRETNEY.--In this borough on the 11th inst., Emma Minerva, daughter of T. J. and Mary Alice Bretney, aged 2 years and day. The funeral will take place this (Saturday) morning at 9 o'clock from the parent's residence. Volume 5, Number 21, Saturday, April 21, 1877 Local and Personal. It took place Tuesday, at 1:10, and is a girl. Don't you know we are happy! Volume 5, Number 22, Saturday, April 28, 1877 Local and Personal. Richard Plint, jr., died at Slatington, Tuesday, after an illness of three years. Local and Personal. Henry W. Martz, of Weissport, lost two of his children by death last week. One died on Friday and the other on Saturday. Local and Personal. Mrs. Swartwood, an old resident of this place, and mother of John Swartwood, of Upper Mauch Chunk, was buried on Thursday morning. Local and Personal. Reese Watkins, an old and highly respected citizen of Ashton, died in that place on Wednesday morning. Local and Personal. Mr. Charles Feist, of Weissport, father of Joseph Feist, Esq., proprietor of the Fort Allen House, died in that borough, on Saturday last, April 21st., aged 76 years, 5 months and 24 days. Local and Personal. On Wednesday morning, a man named Hull, residing one door above the Seminary, at Kingston, Luzerne county, committed suicide by haning in a barn near his residence. No cause is assigned. Local and Personal. E. C. Vincent, Esq., proprietor of the Mansion House, Hazleton, died Tuesday night after a short illness. He was one of the oldest citizens of that place and was widely known throughout that region. 67 Local and Personal. The wife of Mr. Robert H. Sayre, of Bethlehem, Superintendent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, died at the residence of her husband, in that place, on Monday last, after a long and painful illness. She was a most estimable lady, and her demise will occasion a void in the community not easily filled. Local and Personal. On Tuesday morning about fifteen, minutes past eight o'clock a fearful accident occurred on the Lehigh Valley railroad, near McKee & Fuller's carwheel works, situated between Catasauqua and Allentown. A man, who cannot be identified on account of the shocking manner in which his body was mutilated, was run over and instantly killed. His head was severed from his body, and he was otherwise cut up. From Mauch Chunk. Died on Sunday 22d inst., Mrs. Josephine Klinger, aged 53 years. From Mauch Chunk. Mrs. McCrea, said to have been the oldest woman in town, died on last Monday. From Mauch Chunk. The funeral of Sebastian Mensch, the East Mauch Chunk suicider, was largely attended. From Mauch Chunk. Died on Saturday, 21st inst., Emeline B, wife of Wm. Scott, Esq., in the 38th year of her age. Obituary. FELO DE SE --" Who would ------ bear to grunt and sweat under a weary life, when he might his quietus make with a bare bodkin? "Such, probably, were the thoughts of Sebastian Mensch, of East Mauch Chunk, as he hurriedly left the breakfast table on last Saturday morning; only that he applied the muzzle of a gun to his mouth instead of driving the blade into his bosom. The effect was the same however, for within a few minutes from the time he had left the room, Sebastian has ceased to be a "Mensch." What griefs he had, we know not, but suppose that, wearied and disgusted with life, he concluded that it were best for him his "quietus to make." He now sleeps the last sleep beneath the clouds of the valley, in anticipation, let us hope, of a brighter future. The cause and mode of his exit will, we hope be an admonition to others never to indulge to excess, nor to attempt the swallowing of a loaded gun. Requiescat in pace. Big Creek Items. Mr. H. Rice of this place, is lying in a critical condition, no hopes being entertained of his recovery. Big Creek Items. It is with regret that I am called upon to chronicle the death of a daughter of Wm Boyer, (Susan), which occurred on Sunday last, at 8.45 a. m., after an illness of three weeks. The funeral took place from her parents residence on Tuesday last, at 2 p. m. Interment at Solt's. Her funeral was very largely attended, the church was filled to its utmost capacity. Services were conducted in German by Rev. Mr. Werner, of Parryville. She was aged 17 years, 6 months and 28 days. Gone but not forgotten. MARRIED, STRAUSSBURGER-STETLER.--On the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. E. Freeman, Mr. Peter P. Straussburger to Miss Edith Stetler, the former of Parryville, and the latter of Rickertsville. 68 MARRIED, SCHERER-DREISBACH.--On the 16th day of April, by Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Mr. Robert Scherer and Miss Fyette Dreisbach, both of Lower Towamensing, Carbon county MARRIED, McDANIEL-WEISS.--On the 22nd day of April, by the same, Mr. Reuben McDaniel, of Upper Towamensing township, and Miss Sarah Alice Weiss, of Franklin township, Carbon county. DIED, MILLER--In Lehighton, on the 19th instant, Jennie May, daughter of Mr. Alexander Miller, aged 8 years and 11 days. DIED, MORTHIMER.--In Lehighton, at 11:30 a. m., on Tuesday, April 24, 1877, Carrie A, daughter of Harry V. and Elizabeth B. Morthimer, aged 8 days. DIED, MUSSELMAN.--On the 8th day of April, in Mahoning township, George Jacob, adopted son of Thomas and Emaline Musselman, aged 4 years, 1 month and 17 days. DIED, BRETNEY--On the 11th day of April, in Lehighton, Emma Minerva daughter of Thomas J. and Mary A. Bretney, aged 2 yrs. and 1 day. DIED, ANDREWS--.On the 20th day of April, in East Penn township Owen, husband of Trushla Andrews aged 36 years, 5 months and 18 days. DIED, KOLB.--On the 23rd day of April, in East Penn township, Daniel, husband of Magdalene Kolb, aged 61 years and 17 days. DIED, SWARTWOOD.--On the 23rd inst., in this borough, Mrs. Catharine Swartwood, aged 71 years, 7 months and 17 days. Volume 5, Number 23, Saturday, May 5, 1877 Local and Personal. The Pottsville Miner's Joural says: The rain and wind storms that have raged within the past few days have been very severe in the mountain country above White Haven. On Friday night two woodchoppers' cabins in that region were washed down the mountain side by the flood that rose suddenly and swept everything in its course. In the cabins there were six laborers--Thomas Burns, Edward Petty, Wm. Broggins, George Tracy, James Maguire and Nicholas Brown. These men were all drowned. At last accounts their bodies had not been recovered. As the storm was exceedingly severe it is feared much damage was done elsewhere and other lives lost. From Mauch Chunk. Died of consumption, on the 29th ult., at 10:30 a. m., Oliver Crilley, in the 35th year of his age. From Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Susannah, wife of Thomas Kuehner, Esqr., of East Mauch Chunk, died at an early hour on Monday morning, after a painful illness of long duration. 69 From Mauch Chunk. The newly wedded L. F. Laurish and wife were serenaded by the Phoenix Cornet Band on Monday evening. From Mauch Chunk. On Thursday last District Attorney Siewers celebrated the thirty-first anniversary of his birth. John Hartlich, a stone-cutter of Reading Pa., committed suicide Wednesday morning by blowing out his brains with a pistol. Pecuniary trouble is supposed to have prompted the deed. DIED, OSWALD.--In West Penn, April 14, Howard Alwin, son of Frank and Caroline Oswald, aged 3 months and 15 days. DIED, MILLER.--In West Penn, April 14, Cora Cordilia, daughter of Daniel and Catherine Miller, aged 1 year, 4 months and 8 days. DIED, STROUB.--In East Penn, April 20th, Lydia Catherine, daughter of David and Mary Stroub, aged 1 year, 4 months and 2 days. DIED, BETZ.--In Blooming Dale, April 21st, Gideon, son of Phillip and Isabella Betz, aged 21 years 2 months and 7 days. MARRIED, STEIGERWALT-WERTMAN.--April 22nd, by the Rev. W. H. Strauss, Mr. Owen Steigerwalt, of West Penn, and Miss Fianna Wertman, of East Penn. MARRIED, HAVERMAN-ANDREAS.--On the same day by the same, Mr. Benj. Haverman, of East Penn, and Miss Caroline Andreas, of W. Penn. Volume 5, Number 24, Saturday, May 12, 1877 Local and Personal. Mrs. Wm. M. DuFour, of Williamsport, arrived in town Thurday morning, on a visit to her numerous friends hereabout. Local and Personal. Ephraim Rupp was accidentally killed by a fall of coal in the Lincoln mine, near Pine Grove, Schuylkill county, Monday afternoon. Local and Personal. On Saturday night the widow of Mr. George Audenried died at Howertown. Only last week we announced the demise of her husband, he having died suddenly on the 23rd ult. The aged companion who had trod with him the journey of life for 51 years sickened shortly after his departure, and on Saturday night last gently closed her eyes in death, and followed him to the spirit world. In death now they are again united. Mrs. A. died at the age of 68.--Allentown Democrat. OBITUARY. In this borough, on Sunday morning last, Mr. Adam Buckman carriage builder, died, after an illness of about one year of consumption. Deceased was born in North Whitehall, Lehigh county, Pa., in 1842, and learned his trade at Bath, Northampton County. On the breaking out of the war he enlisted in a New Jersey regiment, and faithfully served out his term 70 of service--3 years--and was honorably discharged; when he settled down in Lehighton, and worked in the carriage manufactery at Mr. L. F. Kleppinger for a period of two years, afterwards going into business on his own account. He was married to Mary S., daughter of Geo. and Mary Horn, formerly of Weissport, which union was blessed with an only child--Ella--who proceeded her father into the spirit world last fall. His funeral services was very largely attended by our citizens, manifesting the high esteem in which he was held in the community. Deceased was aged 35 years, 4 months and 15 days. His mortal remains were interred in the Lehighton Cemetery, the services being conducted by Revs. J. C. Bliem, J. K. Knerr, of Weissport, and S. F. Leopold, of Pittman, Schuylkill county. May he rest in peace. Mine Explosion in Schuylkill County--7 Men Killed and 7 Injured. POTTSVILLE, PA., May 9.--Between 10 and 11 o'clock this morning an explosion of gas or fire damp occurred at the Wadesville shaft, a colliery owned and operated by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co., and situated near St. Clair, which resulted in the death of seven men, and the injuring of seven more. At the hour mentioned about fifty miners and laborers were at work in the western or upper gangway of the colliery, known as Lundy's Gangway; they were using naked lights, as the fire bosses had reported the air clear and the ventilation good and were not in the least apprehensive of danger. Suddenly a terrible explosion occurred, and the scene was instantly changed to one of death and destruction. Those who could save themselves fled and gave the alarm. As soon as it was prudent, a force of men set about the task of searching for the dead and wounded. In the former list were at this writing included: John Duron, Wm. Kirk and James Teddy, of St. Clair; Benjamin Mosely and Herbert Moore, of Wadesville; Joseph Milward, of Mill Creek, and Thomas Conners, of Summit Hill. All the bodies have been recovered except that of Mosely, which is yet buried under a fall of coal and rock. The bodies are disfigured in a sickening manner, being bruised or burned all over. Connors lost his head and feet, being blown through a door. The wounded are Patrick Gibbons, Abe Jones, John Glavery, John Rees, and Pat Moore, of St. Clair and John McAtee of East Mines. The latter is buned seriously, and the others but slightly, comparatively speaking. One of the mining engineers of the P. & R. C. & I. Company thinks it most probable that the accident was caused by the fall of a top rock in some abandoned breast where gas had accumulated and the consequent forcing of the gas down upon the naked lights. The explosion was, singular to state, comparatively light and did but little damage to the colliery. The mine inspector has made a thorough examination of the colliery, and will doubtless report in the morning to a coroner's jury, when the subject of the cause of the explosion will be searchingly inquired into. POTTSVILLE, May 9.--The scene of the explosion to-day, was a deep pit, known as Wadesville shaft, formerly owned by the Hickory Coal Co, but now being worked by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co., and the shaft is 606 feet in depth. The explosion occurred in a distant gangway, a mile from the bottom of the shaft, and could only be reached by a half hour's walk through maze passage ways. Over two hundred men and boys were employed in the mine at that time of the explosion. One of them named Edward Weakman, stated that he was a butty of some of the vicims, and was on a low platform, shoveling coal into a coal car, when there came a rush a burning gas down the air course like a flash of lightning. He dropped from the platform and fell full length on the gangway track, grasped an iron rail and held on, and the explosion buried the car from the track and threw it against the wall and shielded him from the flame. He escaped, but on either side of him men were roasted alive while at their work. 71 Weakman lay still a moment and then jumped up and crawled along the passageway to escape the deadly after damp. His lamp was out, and he groped his way through the debris in the dark until he heard the voices of other miners, and he reached a place of safety. It is supposed the explosion was caused by a large fall of coal which forced a large lot of gas out of a breast that had been idle some time, and this became ignited from the lamps of the miners. DIED, ZIMMERMAN--On the 18th inst., at Zimmerman's Lock, William Franklin, infant son of Benjamin and Ellen Zimmerman, aged 1 year, 1 month and 10 days. Volume 5, Number 25, Saturday, May 19, 1877 Local and Personal. At West Pittston, Luzerne county the other day a youth of seventeen, married a girl aged fourteen. Local and Personal. David Milson, aged 8 years, was drowned in the canal, at Catasauqua, on Friday of last week, while fishing. Local and Personal. Mrs. Cath. Nailin, an old lady of 60 years, of Minooka, Luzerne county, was run over and killed on the railroad on Friday last week. Local and Personal. Michael Glaab, who is supposed to have broken into a Scranton jewelry store, was arrested a few days since while in attendance at his wife's burial. Local and Personal. Burke Downes, a boatman, while in a state of intoxication, attempted to board a moving coal train, above Mauch Chunk, on Thursday last week, and fell beneath the cars, and was fatally injured. Local and Personal. The body of Philip Reilly, of Ferndale, was found on the Lehigh Valley Railroad between Allentown and Catasauqua, at one o'clock Saturday morning. There was a pistol wound in the head, and three deep cuts in the body. ITEMS. Mr. J. R. Struthers, of East Mauch Chunk, and Messrs. Robert Belville and A. W. Vananda of this place, assumed the marriage halter on last Thursday. Volume 5, Number 26, Saturday, May 26, 1877 THE NEWS. Abe Jones, injured by the Wadesville mine explosion, died on Saturday at St. Clair. The rest of the injured men are expected to recover. THE NEWS. By an explosion of fire damp in the Mine Hill colliery at Minersville Tuesday morning two boys, William Edwards and a companion whose name is unknown, were burned to death. Local and Personal. Philip Steinbach, of Port Carbon, was killed by an engine while working on 72 the Reading Railroad track near Pottsville, Monday. Local and Personal. Hon. A. J. Durling had the misfortune to lose his eldest son, James, aged about 8 years, by death of membraneous croup, on Tuesday morning. His second son, Guy, is also sick with diphtheria. Local and Personal. John Sevens was killed at Crystal Ridge, near Hazleton, Saturday by a piece of coal. It is almost incredible but the fatal lump weighed but two pounds. The unfortunate man leaves a wife and six children. Local and Personal. Abe Depuy, employed as an engineer with A. Pardee & Co., for many years, was killed Friday of last week, at the old Sugar Loaf colliery. At the time of his death he was going up the slope in a car, and was thrown off and instantly killed. Local and Personal. Jack Boyle, of Eckley, a son of the Widow Boyle and a brother of James Boyle, to be hung on the 21st day of June, in Pottsville jail, for the murder of Policeman Yost, was killed at Stockton Monday. He was thrown off No. 1 train on the Lehigh Valley railroad, and fatally injured. He was taken to Hazleton, where he died about two o'clock in the afternoon. From Mauch Chunk. Died, at East Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday, 22d inst., Christian Stine, aged 79 years. From Mauch Chunk. Hon. Jas. R. Struthers and bride safely arrived at home on Monday evening. The following will more fully explain the matter. Married on Thursday, 17th inst., by Rev. Doc Hartranft, Jas. R. Struthers, Esq., to Miss Margaret W. Vansyckle, of New Brunswick, N. J. MARRIED, STEIGERWALD-BEER.--On the 19th inst., by the Rev. J. E. Freeman Mr. B. F. Steigerwald, of Parryville, and Miss Trucilla Beer, of Lower Towamensing. MARRIED, REICHARD-DREHER--On the 12th day of May, by Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Mr. Lafayette Reichard and Miss Emma Dreher, both of Lehighton, Carbon county. MARRIED, KOLB-STEINER.--On the 20th day of May, by the same, Mr. William Kolb of Weatherly, and Mrs. Lizzie Steiner, of Quakake, Carbon county. DIED, FREDERICK.--On the 4th inst., in Lower Towamensing, Stephen Frederick, aged 45 years. DIED, BLOSE.--On the 1_th [illegible] inst., in Lower Towamensing, Isabella Amanda, infant daughter of Lewis and Isabella Blose, aged 1 year, 2 months and 11 days. DIED, DURLING.--In this borough, on the 22d inst., James, eldest son of Hon. A. J. and Mrs. Kate Durling, aged 8 years, 7 months and 22 days. DIED, BECKER.--On the 13th day of May, in Mahoning township, Oliver, son of Peter and 73 Julia Ann Becker, aged 2 years, 8 months and 4 days. DIED, SNYDER.--On the 16th day of May, in Mahoning township, Jacob, husband of Fronica Snyder, aged 85 years, 7 months and 18 days. Volume 5, Number 27, Saturday, June 2, 1877 Local and Personal. An infant child of Mr. A. Whittingham of Weissport died Monday, and was buried on Tuesday afternoon. Local and Personal. Mr. Henry Rice, of Big Creek, departed this life on Thursday morning at 4 o'clock, aged about 81 years. Local and Personal. Guy, a 6 year old son of Hon. A. J. and Mrs. K. Durling, died about 11 o'clock Sunday evening, of diphtheria, and was buried Tuesday afternoon. This is the second death and burial in their family within two weeks, and a third son is lying in a very precarious state with the same disease. Mr. and Mrs. Durling have the deepest sympathy of our entire people in their sad bereavement. From Mauch Chunk. Hon. James Houston, late Commissioners' Clerk, having died of dropsy on Tuesday forenoon, it is currently reported that Mr. Thos. J. Heberling has been, or will be appointed, his successor. This is as it should be. From Mauch Chunk. The obsequies of the late Hon. J. Houston, which took place on Thursday afternoon, were largely attended. The impressive funeral rites of the Masonic order, of which deceased had been a prominent member, were performed at the grave. Volume 5, Number 28, Saturday, June 9, 1877 PARAGRAPHIC. Hawley, Pa., June 1.--Mrs. Daniel Kunzerman cut her throat with a butcher knife between the hours of two and three o'clock yesterday morning. On the evening previous, while lady callers were at her house, Mrs. Kunzerman complained of her head feeling strangely. At their usual time the family retired and were soon lost in sleep. At about three o'clock Mr. Kunzerman was awakened by their little child, and reaching to the opposite side of the bed to waken his wife, he discovered that she was not in usual place. The bed was cold, showing that she had been up some time. Mr. Kunzerman imdiately arose and went to search for her. He soon ascertained that the outside doors were all locked, but that the door leading to the pantry was open. At the foot of the cellar steps he found his wife in a sitting position, with a gash across her throat nearly six inches in length, entirely severing the windpipe, and a large butcher knife by her side. About two years ago this family lost by death three interesting children, and thereafter the mother was not herself. Local and Personal. Charles Axt, a baker, 30 years of age, hanged himself in his bedroom at Wilkesbarre last Friday. No cause is assigned for his suicide. 74 Local and Personal. Willie, infant son of Hon. A. J. and Kate Durling, died of diphtheria, on Saturday last, and was buried on Monday. Three of their four children have been called away by death within three weeks by this dread disease. A Tornado in Monroe Co. We learn by telegram that at a late hour on Monday night a wind storm passed over the northern end of Monroe county by which damage was done to property in the isolated agricultural districts, houses, barns and other buildings being destroyed. George Brose, a farmer, while driving along the road was hurled from his seat in a wagon and dashed to death on the roadside. A little girl, Lassie Whilie, was blown from in front of a house and killed. An unknown man supposed to be a tramp was found dead soon after the tornado had subsided, but whether he was killed during the storm or died form other causes is not known. The loss of property is roughly estimated at $15,000 "Not Lost, but Gone Before." Our esteemed fellow townsman Hon. A. J. Durling and his companion, have been deeply bereaved within the past three weeks. At intervals of but a few days they have been compelled to follow three of their children to the grave. First Jimmie, then Guy, and then Willie sickened, and after a short struggle with disease, succumbed to the power of death. Appropriate funeral services were held for each in turn in the M. E. church, of this place, and then their loved forms were tenderly laid away to rest in "God's Acre." There are three vacant places in that home; three new made graves in the family burial plot; three representatives of the family in heaven--Jimmie and Guy and Willie. "They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in death they were not long divided." The home is left sad and lone, the parents hearts are heavy with grief, but their loss has been the children's gain; they are safe now beyond the reach of death or danger; they have gone to inhabit that city which is raftered with rainbows and paved with stars, whose inhabitants never say they are sick, of which the Lord God and the Lamb is the light, and where in day is never succeeded by night--transferred from Lehighton to Heaven. then "weep not" father--"weep not" mother, three of your treasures are "safe in the arms of Jesus." You will miss them, the vacant chairs at table, the little garments and toys unused, the little mounds in the cemetery, all speak of them--but they are not lost, only gone before. Think of them as safe at home and waiting to welcome you there. At your invitation the sympathising Jesus will come to comfort you, to occupy the vacant place in your hearts, and at last to receive you to where they are. May the consolations of the gospel sustain this sorrow stricken family in my prayer, in which I am sure a sympathising church and community join. June 6, 1877. L B. B. From Mauch Chunk. A man named Conroy is said to have been accidentally killed at Coalport this (Thursday) afternoon. Particulars have as yet not transpired. From Mauch Chunk. Married, at the residence of the bride's arents, at East Mauch Chunk, on Thursday afternoon, Miss Lilly, daughter of C. R. Cooke, Esq., to Mr. George Reed, of Bethlehem. THE NEWS. James Walton was killed, and Abraham Frye fatally injured by the premature discharge of a blast in a quarry near Bath, Pa., Tuesday afternoon. THE NEWS. Andrew Fatzinger, aged thirty-five, a machinist by trade, fell dead on Thursday in Berks county. He expired in the presence of half a dozen persons, who had noticed nothing 75 unusual about the man. DIED, DURLING.--In this borough, on the 22nd ult., James E., aged 8 years, 7 months and 24 days; on the 28th ult., Andrew G., aged 6 years and 20 days, and on the 2nd inst., William L., aged 3 years, 1 month and 8 days, children of A. J. and Kate Durling. Volume 5, Number 29, Saturday, June 16, 1877 Local and Personal. The young man Walp, reported in our last as having been seriously injured at Packerton, died on Tuesday morning. MARRIED, FRY-REX.--On the 10th inst., by Rev. G. A. Breugel, at his residence, Mr. Alvin Fry and Miss Emma Rex, daughter of Mr. Jacob Rex, both of East Penn township. MARRIED, REED-COOKE.--On the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, in East Mauch Chunk, George A. Reed, of Bethlehem, and Lilly, daughter of E. R. Cooke, Esq. MARRIED, HOLVEY-WILLIAMS.--On the 9th inst., in Lansford, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. D. S. Thomas, George W. Holvey, and Mary Jane, daughter of Capt. T. C. Williams. DIED, RIVES.--Of paralysis, at Nesquehoning, Pa., on the 2nd inst., Robert Hess Rives, son of Dr. O. A. Rives, aged 6 years and 9 months. Volume 5, Number 30, Saturday, June 23, 1877 Local and Personal. Part of the roof of the Cayuga Colliery, at Scranton, fell friday, killing Patrick McSully and fatally injuring Thos. Morgan. Local and Personal. Jacob G. Shalter, aged thirty three years, a native of Muhlenberg township, Berks county, who left Reading eleven years ago for the west, is supposed to have been killed by the Indians in Dakota territory. Local and Personal. Tuesday evening two laborers, Patrick Gallagher and Michael Lanigan, who were recently employed by the surveyors of the new Port Jervis and Pennsylvania Railroad as stake drivers, became engaged in a quarrel near Stroudsburg. The dispute grew into a fight, which was terminated by Gallager throwing Lanigan over a high bluff. Lanigan fell into a rocky gorge below, and was instantly killed. Gallagher escaped, but was subsequently captured by some of the murdered man's friends, and so terribly beaten that he cannot possibly recover. THE GALLOWS! Doyle, Kelly, Campbell and Donahue suffer the Extreme Penalty of Law for the Murder of J. P. Jones & Morg. Powell. The Majority of the law has been vindicated, and the four Molly Maguire assassins-Campbell, Doyle, Kelly and "Yellow Jack" Donahoe--so long confined in our jail, have now paid the law its just penalty, namely, their lives. The community breathes more freely now that 76 these men, who feared neither the laws of God or man, have met their doom. The inhabitants at large of this town and surrounding neighborhood, much as they regret the necessity which compels capital punishment, cannot see aught else in this supreme atonement of the four men in question, than a well-merited sentence. To our Judges, to our District Attorney, to our Sheriff, to our police, to all concerned, who have so faithfully helped the cause of Justice in bringing the Molly Maguires to trial, a debt of deep gratitude is owing by all of us. It is to be hoped that no similar tragedies, like those for which the four unhappy men are now lying stark in their coffins, may ever darken the annals of Carbon county. The sorrow and shame these four men have brought on their families--(and of them respected members of the several communities in which they reside)--can not be wiped out for generations to come. The mantle of charity and Christian kindness must be thrown over the past, and no man possessing a spark of manhood in his bosom will ever reproach any of the doomed men's families for their connection with the Molly Maguire movement, which turned Carbon county into a perfect pandemonium while it lasted. In pursuance of instructions the holders of passes at nine o'clock presented themselves in solid phalanx in front of the jail, and with hands tightly closed upon the precious pasteboard, besought admittance. The stout, able-bodied policeman, dressed in authority and a black moustache, said, "No, gentlemen, you cannot come in for some time yet." Then the Easton Gays came up and so disposed themselves as to clear a large portion of the street in front of the jail. Next came forth a man with perfectly solvent lungs who spoke as one in authority, and not as one of the scribes, saying: "You, gentlemen, must all get right down from here into the street, and clear them there steps." Then the scribes, i. e. the reporters and the jury and the deputy sheriffs, and all those who had passes stepped down to the street. Then the newspaper men having nothing else to do, looked at the brick house across the street, where Donahue's mother was seated at the second story window, and his brother from Cumberland, Md., at the window next the alley. The father and mother of Doyle were in the house across the alley. A policeman emerged from the jail bidding the Sheriff's jury to enter, which they did and were speedily sworn. The jury consisted of 24 men representing different parts of the county, were called at 9:30. They entered a sideroom where their names were called by the Sheriff, and they were then severally sworn. At 10:30 the doors were thrown open and the 75 deputy sheriffs and some 35 newspaper reporters entered and were assigned to their places. The arrangements for the execution had been completed. The ropes were pendant in their places on the central beams; the appliances to confine the limbs of the conemned were provided, and white caps designed to conceal their features laid on each corner of the scaffold. Only a few minutes elapsed after the admission of the few spectators allowed to witness the execution, when Sheriff Raudenbush descended from the platform, an indication that all was ready. A painful sense of oppression seemed to perfeace the assemblage, as the clang occasioned by the opening of a cell door announced that the work of death was about to begin. The first to mount the platform was Alex. Campbell, who was followed by his spiritual adviser. Campbell was ahead, and stepped up the stairway to the fatal trap with as light a foot as one usually has in ascending a stairs. His limbs were free, and he took his position on the gallows without a tremor. Sheriff Raudenbush had preceded him in order to arrange details. Campbell, busy with his devotions, his lips moving silently, had his eyes fixed on a bronze cucifix, which he held in his hand in front of him. He was accompanied by Father Wynne, of Summit Hill, who was engaged in the reading of an appropriate Psalm. Father Bunce and Doyle then ascended the scaffold, and Sheriff Raudenbush asked 77 Campbell if he had anything so say. Campbell replied in a tone so low that his voice could not be heard beyond the distanceof a few feet, that he did not wish to speak. He already forgave everybody, and died at peace with all in the world. Doyle, upon being asked the same question, made a few remarks in a low and feeble voice, regretting his past life, and closed by saying that if he had listened to the voice of his priest and kept out of secret societies he would not have been in his present position. Thus, from the verge of the gibbet and the very brink of the grave Molly Maguirsism has received its most signal rebuke from one of its former votaries. Donohue ascended the steps under guidance of Father Heinen, and took his place at the side of Campbell. To the question of the Sheriff, he replied that he had nothing to say. Kelley was the last to take his place and stood at the side of Doyle, his partner in crime, and his companion on the voyage to eternity. Under the prompting of Father McEnroe, the young man made a few remarks in effect that he asked pardon for his sins and forgave everybody. Like Doyle he attributed his tragic end to neglecting the teachings of the Church and association with evil men. Father Bunce conducted the services provided by the church for such occasions, and was joined by the condemned. Each held a crucifix in his hand and entered upon the stern duty of preparing for death with heartfelt earnestness. At the conclusion of the religious exercises the good fathers left the platform and the virtues of the law were left with their executioners. The halters were promptly adjusted, the limbs of the condemned were speedily but gently secured, and the white caps were drawn down, and the Sheriff took his position to spring the fatal trap. Father Bunce gave the signal when all was ready and with a heavy thud the drop fell at 10.54. The fall was two feet six inches, and as the bodies were precipated into the well-like space under the platform, they began to whine in the most piteous manner. They did not collide as it was feared they would, each sprung freely with plenty of room to spare, and the gyrations of the strangling men could only be likened to an awful waltz of death. Campbell, Doyle and Kelly hung perfectly quiet from the moment of their fall, and there was very little contraction of the muscles with them and no struggles. Donahue seemed to have more vital and muscular force than either of the others and may be said to have died hard. They were all very pale but did not exhibit the slightest weakness, in view of their dreadful doom. They died game as they promised to do, but left no signs of any particular contrition. Regretting their mode of death they undoubtedly did, but it is a question if they relented the commission of their crimes sufficiently to give up their compatriots in guilt, who now roam the world in freedom. They made no comfession, except to the priests and at the last moment to their God. The doctors decided after the examination Kelley and Donahue died from strangulation and that the necks of Campbell and Doyle were broken. The bodies were immediately delivered over to the relatives and they were taken off to their former homes, Kelly's to Mt. Laffee, Doyle's to Mt. Laffee, Campbell's to Lansford, and Donohue's to Tuscarora. The details of the execution were most successfully carried out. Perfect system prevailed throughout, everything was done in decency and order, and Sheriff Raudenbush is entitled to much credit for the manner in which he conducted the first execution in Carbon county. Doyle was pronounced dead in thirteen minutes after the drop fell, and the others parted with life in about the same length of time, the average being about twenty-one minutes. After hanging about thirty minutes the bodies were cut down and delivered to their friends. The attending physicians were Drs. DeYoung and Erwin of Mauch Chunk, Stout, of Bethlehem, Reber, of Lehighton. 78 The casket, or rather ice-box, containing the remains of Michael Doyle, was the first to arrive at the Lehigh and Susquehanna depot, to be sent to Tamaqua. Its arrival soon attracted a large crowd. Doyle's aged father and mother were there, and soon as the lid was raised such a scene of wailing ensued as beggers description, and this continued until the chief mourners were removed. some of them had to be removed by force to put an end to the distressing scene. Next came the bodies of Kelly and Campbell, but owing to the tremendous pressure of the crowd their respective coffins were not opened, greatly to the chagrin of the curious as this may have been. In the ladies' waiting-room several of the friends of the late Michael J. Doyle were in a fainting fit; and no wonder, the stifling atmosphere then and there prevailing would have been sufficient to prostrate anyone, and how much more persons sorely bowed down in grief. Donahoe's body was the last to arrive and thus all four of the subjects of Heavenly vengeance rested for awhile quietly in the small store-room of the Central Station, a group of mourners surrounding each of the caskets. Every now and then a loud moan or piercing shriek would rend the air, but beyond this no demonstration was made. Remains and mourners left on 2:10 p. m. train. Sheriff Raudenbush fixed the noose around the neck of Campbell; Dr. Stapp, the Coroner of the county, for Doyle; Taylor, Coal and Iron Police, for Kelley, and Brink, for Danahoe. Boyle, M'Gehan, Carroll, Roarity, Munley and Duffy. They are Executed in Pairs. POTTSVILLE, June 21.--At 11:45 th Sheriff's jury took their positions facing the scaffold, and at 11:51 a mournful procession, headed by the Sheriff and conmposed of the Officials, Father Berchfod, of Port Carbon, leaning upon Boyle, and Father Welsh, of Heckscherville, with McGehan, marched from their cells to the scaffold. Both of the condemned men were pale as death, but otherwise apparently cool. When the nooses had been slipped on both the doomed men's heads, kissing the crosses extended to them by their confessors the culprits bade them bood-bye. Prior to being panoned McGeehan said, "I have nothing to say to you about either my guilt or my innocence and I ask forgiveness of all the world and ask God for the sake of all christians to forgive me. That's all I have got to say.: Boyle then stepped forward a few inches and said, "Gentlemen. I have nothing to say, at about the same. I have nothing to say to you about my guilt or innocence, and I forgive he men who put me here, and hope to be forgiven by them and all men." At 11:07 the drops fell and at 11:29 the bodies were pronounced lifeless, and a minute later were cut down. Both men met death calmly, but their last words satisfied all that guilty, and not innocent, men had been launched into eternity. At 11:50 another solemn procession, the prominent figures in which were Carroll and Roarty, made its appearance and mounted the scaffold The same ceremony that was performed in the cases of McGeghan and Boyle was performed, and after the two men had kissed Fathers Gately and Beresford, Roarty said: "Well, gentlemen, I want to talk a few words to you. I stand here to-day before the public, and I wish to say the truth about the men that may have gone before or come after me. Thomas Duffy is blamed for giving me $10 for shooting a man that I never saw, and Thomas Duffy is a man that I don't want to belie by saying tha I never saw him three times in my life before I saw him at Pottsville, and I will say that I never heard him say to me or ask me to shoot Yost for $10. As for McGeghan and Boyle I never asked them to shoot Yost. I hope that all will 79 forgive me in this world, and that the Lord will also." Carroll then said, "Oh, I have nothing to say, but that I am innocent of the crime with which I am charged." A last look showed them to be calm At 12:20 the drop fell and at 16 minutes to 1 both bodies were cut down. Both men died quietly. At twenty minutes past one Munley and Duffy ascended the scaffold. Both men died calmly and without opening their lips. MARRIED, ACKERMAN-MENDSEN.--On the 15th inst., by Rev. J. S. Erb, Mr. Thomas Ackerman, of Hazard, and Miss Ellen J. Mendsen, of Towamensing. MARRIED, KUNKEL-BEER.--On the 17th ult., by Rev. L. K. Derr, Mr. Frank Kunkel, of Treichlersville, and Miss Eliza Beer, of Stemlersville. MARRIED, KRATZER-BARTHOLOMEW.--On same day, by the same, Mr. Wm. E. Kratzer, of Franklin, and Sarah R. Bartholomew, of Slatedale. DIED, ALBRIGHT.--On the 12th inst., in Weissport, Ida Minerva, daughter of D. B. and Catharine Albright, aged 15 days. DIED, REISS.--On the 18th inst., in Upper Towamensing, Henry Harrison Reiss, aged 80 years, 2 months and 10 days. DIED, BEST.--On the 15th ult., in Walnutport, Berthe Birdie daughter of Robert and Emma Best, aged 2 years, 11 months and 6 days. DIED, BROWN.--On the 30th ult., in Lower towamensing, of breast fever, Quincy Adams, infant son of Levi and Belinda Brown, aged 1 month and 27 days. DIED, STANSBERRY.--On the 18th inst., of diptheria, Edward Daniel, son of Lorenz and Susannah Stansberry, of this borough, aged 5 years and 28 days. OBITUARY. At a regular stated meeting of Washington Camp, No. 122, P. O. S. of A., held on Thursday evening, June 14, 1877, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God, in his all-wise Providence, to visit our Camp and take therefrom to the Grand Camp above, our esteemed and worthy brother, Tilghman H. Walp; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That while we submit to God in the call he has made from our ranks, we will try and profit thereby, that when we are called we may meet him, in the grand Camp above, where none but true men can meet. RESOLVED, That in the death of our brother, the Camp has lost a good and faithful member, the brethren a true friend, and his mother an affectionate son. RESOLVED, That as a token of respect and love for our departed brother our Charter be draped in mourning for the space of 30 days, and that the brethren wear the usual badge of mourning for the same period. RESOLVED, That these Resolutions be entered on the minutes; that they be published in the CARBON ADVOCATE, and that a copy be presented to the parent of the deceased. 80 D. F. Rickert, F. A. Graver, E. H. Kresge, Committee. Weissport, Pa., June 14, 1877 Volume 5, Number 31, Saturday, June 30, 1877 Death from Hydrophobia. Mr. George Fister, a young gentleman of excellent character, clerk of the First National Bank, Mahanoy City, and 22 years of age, was bitten on the outer edge of the left hand seven months ago by a black and tan dog with which he was playing. The wound healed quickly, causing little or no pain. The day after Mr. Fister was bitten the dog was seen playing with a ball of worsted, and as he died a day or two later with symptoms of choking it was supposed death was caused by his having swallowed or having attempted to swallow some of the worsted. Mr. Fister first manifested unmistakeable signs of the dread disease hydrophobia on Thursday afternoon of last week, and died early on Sunday morning, his sufferings being limited in some sixty hours. After Thursday the symptoms were clearly marked, the spells of madness frequent and violent, the intervals few. During these spells the sufferer would snap, bite, foam and strike at the three or four strong men who constantly guarded him, and who, for selfprotection, had their hands thickly gloved, and carried each a pillow before them to repress each onset. In the calm and lucid intervals he apologized, remembering distinct his words and actions. In the next spell he would fight more furiously and cry out, "Ah, didn't I give it to you! Didn't I fetch you that time!" &c. As pieces of ice were thrown towards his mouth he would snap his opened jaws at them most furiously. He was attended by Dr. Carpenter, of Pottsville, and three of the resident doctors, but treatment availed nothing. His throat swelled on Saturday, and with the most painful chuckling and choking he died early on Sunday morning. Local and Personal. James Roarty, one of the Mollies hanged at Pottsville, was buried at Allentown Sunday. An admission fee of six cents was charged on Saturday to see Roarty's body, the money so realized to be used for defraying expenses. Local and Personal. An old man named Patrick Golden was brutally murdered in his own home at Nicholson, Luzerne county. He was sitting with his wife when a masked man entered the house with a double barreled gun and fired two shots at Golden. The latter, who was 80 years old, died shortly afterwards. The murderer made his escape. There seems to be no cause for the fearful crime. Local and Personal. Patrick Connelly was murdered Sunday morning between Kingston and Wyoming, fifteen miles from Scranton, by a party with whom he quarreled at a dance. His body was then placed on the track to make it appear that he had been killed on the road, and later his head was cut off by a special train. The revolver that did the shooting was found a short distance from where he lay. The authorities are busy investingating the case. Local and Personal. Andrew Ditrixe, a workman in the Lehigh Zinc Works, Bethlehem, committed suicide Thursday morning at 6 o'clock by shooting himself in the mouth with a gun the ball coming out at the side of his neck. no cause is assigned for the rash act, he was one of the first workmen imprted from Belgium by the Lehigh Zinc Company, to conduct the manufacturing of zinc about twenty years ago, when the process of making zinc was unknown in the United States. 81 The Burial of the Mollies. The body of James Carroll, who was hung at Pottsville, on Thursday of last week, was taken to the residence of his father, at Packerton, from which place the funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, the body being buried in the Catholic Cemetery, in East Mauch Chunk. The funeral was very largely attended by the relatives and friends of the family. The body of McGeghan was taken to Summit Hill, Boyle to Coaldale and Campbell to Lansford. The places are about two miles apart, and were constantly visited by crowds during the wakes held after the arrival of the bodies. Two different arrangements were made as to the funerals of these three. At first it was intended that the three funerals should take place Saturday, but some of Campbell's friends failed to arrive, and the ceremonies were postponed until Sunday. Afterward circumstances made it necessary to bury Boyle and McGeghan Saturday, and they were interred in the Summit Hill Cemetery in the afternoon. At Campbell's the largest crowd was present Saturday night. A barrel of tobacco nearly empty--it was full three days prior--sat almost in the middle of the floor, and three boxes of clay pipes were beside it, and the half-gallon measure on the table had made it is impossible to say how many trips to the whiskey barrel in the cellar. The friends, in holiday suits, lounged about on the benches, and the more fatigued sat on the floor with their backs against the wall. The chief topic of conversation was the recent executions, and the views of the friends were given with much emphasis. Throughout the whole night a large crowd was coming and going. At about 7 o'clock Sunday morning the first comers to the funeral arrived, and from that time until 2 o'clock, there was a steady stream of people walking in and out of the little two-story frame building which had been the home of Campbell since his marriage. Soon the house became crowded, and the guests sat on the door steps, then on the curb stone, and finally a crowd lined the other side of the street. The remains laid in the best room in a handsome coffin. They were very well preserved and presented a natural look. The mouth was slightly open and the dark ring on the neck was well covered. At 2:20 the body was placed in the hearse. The immediate male friends of the deceased walked behind the coffin, an immense body of mourners, numbering three hundred. Then came the carriages, and after them a large procession of men and women. The body arrived at the grave at half past 3. The grounds were packed full of people, who were orderly and well behaved. Campbell's grave was directly beside those of McGegan and Boyle. After the services the people slowly dispersed. From Mauch Chunk. Of all the Mollie funerals, Campbell's is said to have been the largest. From Mauch Chunk. The tombstone of the late Mrs. Caroline Rustay is the first that ornaments Evergreen Cemetery of East Mauch Chunk. From Mauch Chunk. James Carroll's remains now rest quietly within the R. C. cemetery, at East Mauch Chunk. His funeral cortege was, probably, the largest ever seen here. Weissport Items. The Young American Cornet Band were out on Monday evening, and tendered Mrs. Strausberger a serenade, it being her birthday anniversary. MARRIED, DREHER-SCHLEICHER.--On the 23d inst., by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, of this borough, Mr. Charles Francis Dreher, of Mahoning twp., and Miss Tevillia Schleicher, of East Penn twp., this county. 82 MARRIED, FROHNHEISER-SHAPPELL.--On the 9th day of June, by Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Mr. James Frohnheiser and Miss Emaline Elizabeth Shappell, both of East Penn township, Carbon county. MARRIED, HEINTZELMAN-KISTLER.--On the 16th day of June, by the same. Mr. Wilson W. Heintzelman, of Washington township, and Miss Elizabeth A. Kistler, of Heidelberg township, Lehigh county. DIED, FRY--In this borough, on the evening of the 26th inst., after an illness of only a few hours, of convulsions, a son of A. S. Fry, aged 11 months and 20 days. Funeral this Friday, to proceed to Schoensville, Lehigh county, Pa. DIED, SHIVE.--On the 3rd day of June, in Mauch Chunk, Mary Alice daughter of Alfred and Harriet Shive, aged 6 years, 7 months and 6 days. DIED, M'CLEAN.--On the 6th day of June, in Mahoning township, Jennie, daughter of Robert and Henrietta McClean, aged 9 months and 10 days. DIED, SHIVE.--On the 7th day of June, in Mauch Chunk, Harriet Isabella, daughter of Alfred and Harriet Shive, aged 2 years and 9 days. DIED, GERBER.--On the 9th day of June, in West Penn township, Anna, wife of Isaac Gerber, aged 41 years, 11 months and 14 days. Volume 5, Number 32, Saturday, July 7, 1877 Weissport Items. Last Sabbath an infant of Mr. Lewis Leuckel was buried. Its death was caused by sucking the heads of a few matches, which are dangerous on account of fire and poison. Weissport Items. The other day Mrs. D. Albright was deeply affected when she received a dispatch that her father was dead. Truly this family is, of late, greatly afflicted. The Shooting in Mahoning Valley. Considerable excitement was created in our borough on Sunday last, a little before noon, by the report that a young man had been shot and killed, a few miles up the Mahoning valley, while engaged in stealing cherries. The particulars of the affair as we learned, appear to be about as follows: Late on Saturday night a party of boys and young men, ranging in age from 14 to 21 years, consisting of James Burke, alias Kelly, Patrick O'Donnell No. 1 and 2, Francis Mallon, Manus Bohner, William McLaughlin, William McClean, William Davis, Hugh O'Donnell, and Frank Brady, left Summit Hill and proceeded to the Mahoning valley, with a supply of baskets and pails, which they proposed to fill with stolen fruit, before the farmers were about Sunday morning. A heavy storm of rain accompanied by vivid flashes of lightning and terrific peals of thunder, passing over the valley between 3 and 4 o'clock, they were compelled to seek shelter, which they obtained by entering an unoccupied building, through the windows. In this place they remained until the storm had passed, when they proceeded to the farm of Mr. Amos Reigel, over wich Mr. Daniel E. Fritz has been placed as manager or superintendent, and commenced to 83 gather cherries from the trees, without asking permission from any one. Being observed by Mr. Fritz, he armed himself with a gun and proceeded to the spot. Arriving there he ordered them to desist from picking cherries and to leave the premises, which they all appeared to do with the exception of one James Burke, or Burke Reilly, as he is called, a young man about 20 or 21 years of age, who loitered on the tree, and, on finally coming down, became abusive to Fritz and commenced to throw stones at him, whereupon Fritz went up to him and struck him with his gun alongside the head. Burke then reached to his pocket and exclaimed: "Damn you, I'll shoot you!" when Fritz, believing his own life in danger, fired the contents of his gun at the lower extremities of Burke; but the latter stooping, as he supposed to dodge the shot, received the load in his neck. He staggered to and over the fence into the road, where, sitting down, he attempted to take off his coat, but fell over dead before he could accomplish it. Fritz then went to his house, but shortly returned and surrenderred himself to a Justice of the Peace. A coroner's jury was empanneled, and, after hearing the testimony, rendered the following verdict: "That deceased was shot by Daniel E. Fritz in self-defense." The following are the names of the gentlemen who composed the jury: Josiah Musselman, Thomas Musselman, Geo. Maurer, Elias Hoppes, S. Sittler, Wilson Miller, Robert McClean, Daniel Kressley, A. Hontz, Solomon Sittler, Samuel Zimmerman and J. H. Arner. On Monday afternoon, at the request of District Attorney Siewers, Dr. J. K. Kistler held a post mortem examination on the body of deceased. Fifty seven wounds were discovered about the neck and shoulders, and 39 shots were extracted; after which the body was interred in the Catholic Cemetery at Summit Hill. The Habeas Corpus Hearing. About 7 o'clock on Monday evening Daniel E. Fritz had a habeas corpus hearing at the Court House, in Mauch Chunk, before Hon. S. S. Dreher, President Judge, and his Associates, Leonard and Wentz. The prisoner waived all formalities relative to the warrant issued for his arrest. A large crowd of the curious were in attendance. The District Attorney having announced that he was ready to proceed, Edward Gallagher, one of the cherry pickers, was called and, being sworn, deposed as follows: I was up on the tree with the rest; in about 10 minutes Fritz came out and said, "Come down off them trees or I will shoot you;" we all got down and some ran through the field; then Fritz said, "Get out of that field, or I will shoot you out;" Burke jumped over in the corn field where Fritz was; I then heard a shot; Jim Burke afterward came running and jumped over the fence into the road; he went back a piece and fell down; Paddy O'Donnell and Danny Conahan went to him and held him up for a moment while he was dying; he was shot in the throat, chin and shoulder; he did not speak after the shot was fired; I saw Fritz afterward and he had a gun in his hand; he was going toward his son, who was standing off apiece. Cross-examined by General Albright.--The parties with me were Burke, the two Paddy O'Donnells, Francis Malloy, Manus Behner, Willie McLaughlin, Willie McLean, Willie Davis, Hugh O'Donnell and Frank Brady; we were about fifteen yards from the fence; we did not have permission to go on the trees; we left Summit Hill about 12 o'clock on Saturday night; we got to Fritz's about daylight; we went in an old store house near by out of the rain; we had buckets and baskets to pick cherries in; we all went over to the trees; Willie McLaughlin was the last one to come down; we all ran away but Burke. Daniel Conahan sworn.--I was in the storehouse at the time of the shooting; Brady told me Burke was shot; Burke walked past me about ten yards, turned around and tried to pull off his coat, and fell. Cross-examined.--I came with Burke; started from Summit Hill; the band was out 84 playing when we began to talk about going to Mahoning for cherries; we did not intend to go to Fritz's; we were afraid he was a dangerous man; I had a pistol along. Patrick O'Donnell, No 1, was sworn, but his evidence was similar to the others. Lewis Fritz, son of Daniel Fritz, sworn.--Yesterday morning when I was in my bed my mother came to me and said there were some rowdies on the cherry trees, and told me I should go out with my father; I ran out towards the corn field; my father was calling to them, and when they commenced to jump down Burke said. "Take your time, boys, I'll settle the old s-- of a b---h;" then Burke went over the fence and walked up to my father and said, "You better get out," and he picked up stones, then he said, "or I will make you;" my father was retreating and Burke was trying to hit him; my father struck Burke with the gun and told him to get back; Burke then said, "I will shoot you before you shoot me," and he put his hand in his vest pocket as though he was going to shoot, and then the shot went off; he then dropped the stones and walked out to the road and back again; a fellow then on the other side of the fence said, "Go for him." Cross-examined.--He then threw the stones at my father and said he did not care for old Fritz. 'Squire Moser sworn, I am a Justice of the Peace in Mahoning township; when I reached the body there where a number around it; there were no firearms in his pocket. Dr. Kestler, who held the post mortem, was called, and he stated that the deceased died partly from strangulation and hemorrhage. A number of other witnesses were called, but their testimony was similar to the above. After the hearing Judge Dreher said that according to the evidence Fritz could not be tried for murder in the first degree. He then demanded bail to the amount of $5,000. Amos Reigel, ex-Sheriff of Carbon county, went his bail, and Fritz, who enjoys the reputation of being an orderly citizen, left for home. It was after 11 o'clock before the hearing was finished For a long time the farmers of Mahoning Valley have suffered from the depredations of the rowdy element of the adjoining mining towns, who, not content with stealing fruit, have broken into their spring houses, chicken coops, &c., stealing all they could lay their hands upon, breaking down limbs of trees and overturning fences, insulting and threatening all who attempted to interfere with them in their wanton depredations, and to us, it is only a matter of surprise that they have not been summarily dealt with by our farmers long before this. That the farmers have been long suffering and patient with these ruffians is undeniable, and that Burke met with his just reward appears to be the opinion of the largest part of our people. We hope that it will prove a warning to others, and that hereafter our farmers will be left in peace to enjoy the fruits of their labor. THE NEWS. Doc Sweeney, the Carbondale bank robber, died in the eastern penitentiary a few days ago. Two other convicts from Luzerne county have died in the institution the past few months--one of them, Hen Deitrick, a burglar and would be assassin, who had been sentenced to a term of seventeen years. THE NEWS. Owen Higgins was run over by a street car at Wilkes-Barre and fatally injured. THE NEWS. The two miners buried by the caving in of a mine in Luzerne county on Wednesday last have not been reached, and all hope of rescuing them alive has departed. THE NEWS. An ore mine in Lehigh county caved in and Jesse Smith, the contractor, with two 85 others, was buried. The contractor was killed. The oters escaped with slight injuries. Volume 5, Number 33, Saturday, July 14, 1877 THE NEWS. Elijah Kiliam, a Wayne county farmer, on Thursday kissed his family and said that he would be a dead man before night. A thunder storm was coming up. Kiliam went out to turn hay. It began to rain. He went to the pig pen near by and took shelter. His pitchfork was on his shoulder. A thunderbolt descended and struck the tines of the fork, melting them and passing through the farmer's body, killing him instantly and also a dog that was near him. Local and Personal. Mrs. Scholar, of Lehigh county, fell from a cherry tree and received fatal injuries. Local and Personal. Otto Kaiser, Recorder of Deeds of Luzerne county, died on Tuesday last of consumption. Local and Personal. A man named Michael Deitrich was accidentally killed, Thursday morning last, at Ebervale, Luzerne county, while engaged putting a car on the track. Local and Personal. A miner, named Ben. Clemson, was killed by a fall of coal in the Mahanoy City colliery, about noon Tuesday. He was a married man and leaves a large family to mourn their loss. Local and Personal. A most distressing accident occurred at the Lansford depot on Monday. A man named William Jones, while in the act of getting off a wagon to load ___e [cut off] goods, accidentally slipped and fell his head striking the ground. He died from the effects of the fall on ___sday [cut off]. ITEMS. Lizzie, aged 17 years, daughter of James Ross, of Upper Mauch Chunk, who died on last Sunday, was buried on Tuesday afternoon. Her death caused much sympathy for the bereaved family, and her funeral was largely attended. Weissport Chips. There is one more Zern in our vicinity. We hail him. Weissport Chips. The sudden death of Mrs. D. Albright's father was caused by a rupture. At Patagonia, Luzerne county, several boys threw ten pounds of powder into a fire which they had created on the Fourth of July. There was a terrific explosion and Thomas Williams, one of the lads, was fatally burned. The others received painful injuries, among them David Edwards two named Raymond and two named Pembridge. MARRIED, DEFREHN-SITTLER.--On July 4th, at the M. E. parsonage in Lehighton, by Rev. L. S. Brown, Mr. Eli Defrehn, of Lehighton, to Miss Lucretia V. Sittler, of Packerton. MARRIED, HUNSICKER-REMALY.--On June 24th, at his residence, by Rev. L. K. Derr, Mr. Alfred Hunsicker to Miss Isabella A. Remaly, both of Washington. 86 MARRIED, CASPER-BALLIET.--On June 19th by the same, Mr. George W. Casper to Miss Sallie M. Balliet, of Weatherly, Carbon county. MARRIED, OHLENWINE-SCHEFFLER.--On June 7th, by the same, Mr. Aaron O. Ohlenwine to Miss Emma L. Scheffler, of Treichlersville. Volume 5, Number 34, Saturday, July 21, 1877 Local and Personal. On Monday afternoon, a man named Sidney Grace, was killed by a fall of coal in No. 2 Slope, at Upper Lehigh. Local and Personal. Our friend P. T. Brady was made very happy, Tuesday morning, on account of the arrival, per Reber express, of a bran new daughter. Boiler Explosion and Loss of Life. A terrible boiler explosion occurred Saturday morning, at the ore mines some nine miles from Magungie, which caused loss of life. The mine is operated by Mr. Joseph Kiefer, for the Lehigh Iron Company, at Allentown, and at the time of the explosion twenty-six hands were employed in the works. The explosion took place at a few minutes before six. Three persons were instantly killed, five fatally, and three seriously injured. The names of the killed and injured as follows: Aaron Miller, the engineer, aged 28, instantly killed; Owen Lamb, laborer, aged 25, instantly killed; Wilson Andrews, aged 12, instantly killed; Llewellyn Rupp, laborer, fatally injured; Harry Heinbach, a driver, fatally injured; Charles Wohr, laborer, fatally injured; Thomas Kehm, fatally injured; Victor and Oliver Miller, sons of the engineer, aged respectively 10 and 12 years, were also injured, Victor fatally and Oliver seriously; Morris Schmeyer, aged 14, badly bruised by flying bricks about the face and legs; Willoughby Stephens, aged 30, injured in the head and legs; Joseph Holloway, aged 60, slightly wounded in the right left leg. All those killed have families. Aaron Miller was thrown a distance of thirty feet, and his body shockingly bruised and mangled. Rupp, who with Heinbach and Mohr, was sitting near the wall which enclosed the boiler, was terribly burned and scalded, and was found lying in the hot coal under the boiler. He cannot survive. The boiler was 35 feet long by 3 feet in diameter, and was broken into three pieces. One piece consisting of three sections, was thrown fully a hundred yards to the west, burying itself in a mud bank. Another portion, consisting of one section, was throw eastward about fifty yards, and the third piece, over 20 feet long, flew in a westerly direction and landed in a bank of earth, which it penetrated to the depth of eight feet. The engine house was completely demolished, the horse shed, distant about eighty feet badly wrecked, and the washery slightly damaged. Several horses and mules were killed. The boiler had been in position over four years and in steady operation for the past six months. It was examined last January and pronounced by the Inspector to be in sound condition. Thomas Kehm, Henry Heinsbach and Victor Miller--the latter a boy of ten years--have since died of their injuries. Their deaths make the number of killed seven. The Coroner's jury in the case of the explosion of the boiler have returned a verdict which after stating the cause of the great loss of life, concludes as follows: "We, the said jury, find that on divers occasions before the explosion the boiler was charged with steam beyond its capacity, 87 thereby weakening and straining the same." ITEMS. Mr. James Gormley, a well-known citizen of Ashton, died at that place on Sunday, of cramps. ITEMS. Wm. Caswell, son-in-law of David Reese, Esq., of Nesquehoning, was buried at Upper Mauch Chunk on Saturday. The Washington and St. Patrick's Cornet Bands, of the former of which deceased had been a member, participated in the funeral procession. ITEMS. Sarah, a three-year-old daughter of Dennis Mulhearn, died on Monday. MARRIED, KOSTENBADER-MOYER.--On the 24th ult., by Rev. Mr. Eizenberger, Henry Kostenbader and Miss Rebecca Moyer, both of Lehighton. Volume 5, Number 35, Saturday, July 28, 1877 Letter From Mauch Chunk. The funeral of the late John Shields of East Mauch Chunk, who was accidentally shot on the 10th inst. by Thos. Patton at Bristol, Pa, took place this forenoon, with the contrite Patton among the chief mourners. The remains of Shields were taken to Laurytown, whither they were followed by a large cortege. Letter From Mauch Chunk. A lad named James Feeley, of Milford, N. J., belonging aboard of a boat lying in Catfish Pond, whill attempting to cross the railroad track ahead of a backing train was, to day, run over and instantly killed near the Coalport schutes. Letter From Mauch Chunk. Charles Schlafski, employed on the repair gang of the Switch Back railroad, about noon was run over by a truck and so severely injured that he cannot survive. MARRIED, KESTLER-MANTZ--On July 17th, 1877, by Rev. W. H. Strauss, Dr. Edwin H. Kestler, of Summit Hill, and Miss Louisa Mantz, of Mantzville MARRIED, WATT-STAHLER--July 19th, by the same, John H. Watt and Mrs. Sarah A. Stahler, both of Summit Hill. DIED, HENRY.--July 17, 1877, in Ashton, Sarah Hettie, daughter of Adam and Catharine A. Henry, aged 4 months and 16 days. PARAGRAPHIC. Michael Reifsnyder, aged 92 years, and the oldest citizen of Berks county, died at Reading on Thursday. Volume 5, Number 36, Saturday, August 4, 1877 THE NEWS. Two tramps were arrested at Honesdale recently on suspicion of being the murderers of James M'Cune, an Erie employee, found dead there on the 5th ult. 88 THE NEWS. Orlando Bortz, a lad of fifteen, living with his grandfather near Allentown committed suicide the other day, hanging himself to a tree. His motive for the act is not understood. Local and Personal. Samuel McLean, once District Attorney of this county, died in Virginia recently. Local and Personal. John Spatz, of Berks county, aged 93 years, died a few days ago. He leaves a wife with whom he had lived 71 years. MARRIED, WERTMAN-TORRANCE--On the 16th day of July, Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Mr. David A. Wertman, of Lynn township, Lehigh county, and Miss Elizabeth Torrance, of Mahoning township, Carbon county. MARRIED, ZIMMERMAN-GEORGE.--On the 22d day of July, by the same, Mr. Alfred Zimmerman and Miss Kate George, both of West Penn township, Schuylkill county. DIED, GERBER.--On the 29th day of June, in West Penn, Elizabeth, wife of Solomon Gerber, aged 59 years and 16 days. DIED, RUCH.--On the 29th day of July, in Lehighton, Sarah Ann, daughter of John and Catharine Ruch, aged 25 years, 1 month and 3 days. DIED, THOMPSON.--On the 29th ult, in East Mauch Chunk, Mary Jane, wife of Elias Thompson, in the 39th year of her age. Volume 5, Number 37, Saturday, August 11, 1877 Local and Personal. On Monday night, at Bethlehem, Robert Clinton, a five-year-old son of Mr. Tilghman Neilig, was accidentally drowned. Local and Personal. Mrs. Esther Kase, of Allentown, celebrated the 74th anniversary of her birth on Monday, and, as she was stepping into the front door, fell and broke one of her legs near the hip. Local and Personal. William Sidserf, commonly known as "Scotch Billy," committed suicide at St. Clair, Schuylkill county, on Saturday by hanging himself in his cabin. Loss of employment led to the suicide. Local and Personal. Our friend P. M. Van Liew's better half presented him with a bouncing son on Tuesday morning, and Peter smiled as man never smiled before. We are pleased to note that mother and child are doing well. Local and Personal. Mrs. Reed, widow of Aquilla Reed, who was killed some months ago by being thrown from his wagon near Dolonsburg, died on Sunday last at her home in Weissport. Her funeral, which was largely attended, took place Wednesday afternoon. 89 Local and Personal. Alice Solt, aged about 17 years, daughter of Stephen Solt, of Big Creek, jumped into Big Creek to save a little daughter of John Roberts, who had accidently fell into the creek while playing near the bank, and was drowned, about 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The child of Mr. R. was saved by a brother of the deceased. Obituary. Died, suddenly, at her place of residence near Parryville, Carbon county, on the 5th of August, Mrs. M. Wentz, wife of Daniel Wentz, Esq., aged 73 years. The death of Mother Wentz was entirely unexpected. She arose early on Sunday morning, being the anniversary of her birth. She had invited her children and grandchildren to celebrate her birthday by partaking of a sumptuous meal which was to be prepared for the occasion. After she had performed some of her household duties early in the morning, before any of the members of the family had yet been up, and as her daughter-in-law came down stairs, she, to her great grief and distress, found the aged mother dead and gone, without a sign of life visible. It was a very serious shock for the family, the day of her death being her 73d birthday. Her remains were interred in the Parryville cemetery, upon which occasion Rev. J. C. Bliem preached the funeral sermon to a large and deeply affected congregation, assisted by Rev. J. K. Knerr, of Weissport. J. C. B. MARRIED, WELTEY-HEYDT.--On the 18th ult., by J. S. Hawk, J. P., Mr. Richard W. Weltey, of Danielsville, Northampton county, and Celia M. Heydt, of Kresgeville, Monroe county. MARRIED, GREENZWEIG-DEPPEY.--On the 21st ult., by Rev. A. M. Strausse, Mr. Richd. R. Greenzweig, of Trachsville, and Miss Mary C. Deppey, of Albrightsville, Carbon county. DIED, DREHER.--July 30th, of diphtheria, Harry, son of Beneville Dreher, of Lehighton, aged 4 years, 1 month and 8 days. Volume 5, Number 38, Saturday, August 18, 1877 Local and Personal. Richard Lewis, an aged citizen of St. Clair, who disappeared on Monday of last week, was found dead in the mountains near St. Clair on Sunday. The cause of his death is not known. Local and Personal. A little daughter of Wm. Oxenrider, of North Heidelberg township, Berks county, fell down a flight of stairs, dislocating her neck, causing instant death. Local and Personal. William Fritchie, of South Bethlehem, was the other morning found dead in a room of his residence in said place. The Coroner's jury rendered a verdict of "Death from fatty degeneration of the heart." Local and Personal. Mrs. Warner, widow of Benjamin Warner, who was killed on the railroad about a year ago, on Monday night, at Ashley, Luzerne county, drowned her infant in a rain barrel and afterward cut her own throat. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Warner had frequent attacks of melancholy, and while under the influence of one of them she committed the double crime. 90 Volume 5, Number 39, Saturday, August 25, 1877 Local and Personal. Miss Sophia C. Kemper, of Easton, is a century plant. Letter from Mauch Chunk. Mr. William Ditterline, a well known citizen of this place, having had several strokes of palsey some weeks ago, died, in consequence, on last Tuesday noon, and was buried on Thursday afternoon. Volume 5, Number 40, Saturday, September 1, 1877 Local and Personal. Dr. A. N. Leinbach, a well known and highly respected citizens of Bethlehem, died at his residence in that borough on Wednesday afternoon. Local and Personal. Bro. Whitney's better-half presented him with a young (ten-pounder) son a few days ago, and he was very smiling thereat. Mr. Dan. Graver was also made happy an evening or two ago by the birth of a daughter. Local and Personal. Monday evening a man walking on the up track about three miles below Penn Haven and hearing a train coming jumped to the other track in time to be killed by train No. 6, bound for New York, which came thundering around a curve. He had the name of Gill pricked upon his arm in India ink. The body was taken to Mauch Chunk, and an inquest held, a verdict being rendered in accordance with the facts above. He was knocked from the track and instantly killed. His destination is said to have been Mahanoy City. Letter From Mauch Chunk. W. J. Gill, alias Wm. Rutledge, a tramp journeying north on the L. V. R. R. track, was on last Monday evening run down by No. 9 down passenger train, near Hetcheltooth, and instantly killed. No one appearing to claim the corpse, the remains were on Wednesday forwarded to the District Poor House for interment. An inquest was held on Mondoy night, but no clue obtained as to his identity. MARRIED, BEHLER-BUCK.--On the 5th day of August, by the Rev. J. E. Freeman, Mr. Henry W. Behler to Miss Leah Buck, both of Franklin township. MARRIED, HERMAN-TRINE.-On the 19th inst., by the same, Mr. Robert Herman, of Walnutport, Northampton county, to Miss Sarah Trine, of Slatington, Pa. MARRIED, MILLER-MILLER.--On August 12th, 1877, by Rev. W. H. Strauss, Mr. Chas. W. Miller and Miss Ellamanda Miller, both of Mahoning, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED, RUSTAY-FAEHT.--On the 9th day of August, by Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Mr. Frederic Rustay, of East Mauch Chunk, and Mrs. Mary Faeht, of Franklin township, Carbon county. MARRIED, ARNER-ANTHONY.--On the 19th day of August, by the same, Mr. Oscar Arner, of Weissport, Carbon county, and Miss Jane Elizabeth Anthony, of Slatington, Lehigh county. 91 MARRIED, OLENWINE-KOONS.--On the same day, by the same, Mr. Amandes Olenwine and Miss Amelia Koons, both of Lehighton, Carbon county. DIED, LEIMBAUCH.--At Summit Hill, August 15th, Ida B., daughter of John and Mary A. Leimbauch, aged 11 months. DIED, MILLER--At Mahoning, August 19th, Mollie Miller, widow of Jonas Miller, aged 70 years, 8 months and 14 days. DIED, GERBER.--On the 12th day of August, in West Penn, Anna Rebecca, daughter of Isaac and Anna Gerber, aged 2 months and 3 days. DIED, MANTZ.--On the same day, in West Penn, Francis Joel, son of Francis G. And Sarah Mantz, aged 5 months and 2 days. DIED, KEMERER.--On the 18th day of August, in Lehighton, Sarah Minerva, daughter of David and Sarah Ann Kemerer, aged 2 years, 1 month and 5 days. DIED, YENSER.--On the 24th day of August in East Penn, Minnie Elmira, daughter of Wilson and Sarah Yenser, aged 2 years, 2 months and 17 days. Volume 5, Number 41, Saturday, September 8, 1877 Local and Personal. Mrs. J. T. Flick, a widow lady of 65 years, died at Yorktown on Wednesday morning last. Railroad Accident. Last Friday, the 31st ult., Mr. Benjamin Klotz, a resident of this place and a boatman on the Lehigh Canal, while stopping at New Brunswick had occasion to exchange one of his mules, and having to give a certain sum of money on the bargain, which he did not have with him, he started at once to come to his home to get the requisite amount with the intention of returning again on the following day. When he came to Metuchen station, on the Amboy Railroad, he found that a passenger train would not be due for several hours, and wishing to be as expeditious as possible, he boarded a passing coal train which was bound for Packerton. When they came to Slatington, on the L. V. R. R., the rear brakeman of the train, who had been but a short time engaged in railroading, stated to Mr. Klotz that six cars ahead of them a coupling was giving way, and that it must at once be replaced. Mr. Klotz being an experienced railroader, offered to assist him, and so they went forward to make the change. The engineer had lessened the speed of the train for the purpose. The broken coupling was then removed and a sound one inserted, but as the brakeman was about to drop the coupling pin, the engine gave a sudden jerk, which drew the cars at the place of coupling apart, and Mr. Klotz and the brakeman were precipitated on the railroad, and in the twinkle of an eye the six cars in the rear had passed over them. The body of the brakeman, whose name we could not ascertain, was completely cut in two, and death was instantaneous; while Mr. Klotz had his right foot crushed and three fingers of the right hand lacerated, and his whole body was bruised and wounded almost beyond recognition. He was brought to Lehighton on the 5:30 p. m. passenger train, in a very precarious condition, where Drs. Derhamer and Zern amputated his leg above the ankle, and two of his 92 fingers. At this writing Mr. Klotz is doing remarkably well, and his physician anticipate his speedy recovery. MARRIED, FRY-MECKES.--On the 15th ult., in Penn Forest twp., by Adam D. Christman, J.P., Mr. Owen W. Fry, of Albrightsville, and Mrs. S. Meckes, of Meckesville, this county. MARRIED, SCHOCH-HORNBERGER.--On the 20th ult., in Brodheadsville, by Rev. A. M. Strauss, Mr. Wm. H. Schoch, of Meckesville, and Miss Sophia L. Hornberger, of Albrightsville, this county. MARRIED, KEIPER-LEINDECKER.--On the 25th ult., in Brodheadsville, by the same, Mr. Alfred A. Keiper, of Kresgeville, Monroe co., and Miss Louisa L. Leindecker, of Wells Creek, Penn Forest twp., this county. DIED, HEIMBACH.--In Lehighton, on the 31st ult., Erwin A., infant son of Solomon and Catharine Heimbach, aged 1 yr., 4 mos. and 4 days. DIED, MECKES.--On the 7th ult., in Meckesville, of consumption, Anthony, son of Adam Meckes, aged 23 years, 4 months and 10 days. DIED, WELTEY.--On the 6th ult., in Kresgeville, of diarrhoe, Calvin, infant son of Rich'd W. and Cecelia M. Wiltey, aged 11 mos. and 27 days. DIED, FISHER.--On the 20th ult., in Kresgeville, of old age, Lawrence Fisher, aged 85 years, 5 months and 12 days. DIED, DEPPEY--On the 24th ult., in Albrightsville, of diarrhoesa, Sarah Elizabeth, infant daughter of Henry J. And Sarah J. Deppey, aged 2 months and 10 days. DIED, HUESERMANN.--On the 26th ult., in Albrightsville, of diarrhoea, Louisa Charlotta, infant daughter of William J. and Minne E. Huesermann, aged 1 year, 2 mos. and 9 days. Volume 5, Number 42, Saturday, September 15, 1877 Local and Personal. At Bethlehem, the other day, Martin McHugh, of Philadelphia, attempted to board a moving Lehigh Valley train and had his legs badly mangled. He has since died. Items from Eckley, &c. A man by the name of Quinn, employed by the Upper Lehigh Coal Co., at Upper Lehigh, was killed by a fall of coal on Tuesday morning last shortly after he commenced to work. Items from Eckley, &c. One of those happy gatherings, which occur occasionally in and around the coal regions, took place last Saturday evening at the house of Mr. M. A. Weiss, of this place, formerly of Lehighton, it being the anniversary of his twenty sixth birthday. Among those present we noticed the following persons: C. H. Weiss and wife, Harry Jacoby and wife, and James Williamson of this place; Miss Hull and Miss Eaves, of Wilkes-Barre; Miss Mary 93 Metzgar, of Allentown; H. E. Sweeny, of Lehighton. About 10 o'clock the party sat down to a bountiful repast provided for them by the hostess, after which the party enjoyed themselves in playing various games, &c., they finally adjourned wishing the host another year of prosperity. The Murder of John Van Liew. Mr. P. M. Van Liew, of this place, received a telegram Monday morning, requesting his immediate presence at his parents home in Columbia county, on account of the murder of his father on the previous Saturday night. The dispatch should have reached him Sunday, as it was his father was buried before he could reach home. The following are the particulars of the murder so far as we have been able to collect them: Mr. John Van Liew was murdered, on the night of Saturday, Sept. 8th, while on his way home from the village of Light street, which place he had left, in company with Mr. Samuel Creveling shortly after 10 o'clock. About one quarter of a mile from town the roads to their homes diverging, they separated; about 15 minutes afterwards Mr. Creveling stated that he heard distinct reports of a gun in quick succession. The reports were also heard by other persons--Mrs. Boon testifying that she heard the first report and immediately after an agonizing cry, followed by the second report. The time at which the shooting took place was about 11 o'clock. The shots were evidently fired from a piece of woods on the upper side of the road, a number of shots having been picked out of the fence on the lower side. The shot used for accomplishing the murder were coarse No. 1, or duck shot. Twenty-seven shots penetrated the breast of the murdered man, and his skull was broken in, apparently by blows from the gun (clubbed), as marks from the hammer were plainly visible, one cut was 7 inches in length along the side of the head and near the top. The body of the murdered was found lying on the ground between 6 and 7 o'clock on Sunday morning. Deceased was 60 years of age, and leaves a wife and seven children, as follows: P. M. Van Liew, of this place, who is the oldest of them, A. C., a farmer near Light street, A. B., a miller, at Light street, Lenora A., Geo. W. Charles A. and Clara A., to deplore the sad event. A coroner's jury are investigating the circumstances connected with the murder, but although a brother of Mrs. Van Liew, and his son, named Marr, have been arrested on suspicion, no certain clue has been attained as to the real murderer, at this writing. From Mauch Chunk. Mr. Gus Gorman, a very worthy resident of Upper Mauch Chunk, and for many years a faithful employee of the L. V. R. R. Co., died on last Tuesday morning. MARRIED, STAPP-BROBST.--On the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Hon. Henry Brobst, of Rehrersburg, Berks county, Pa., by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, of Cherryville, Dr. Assippa M. Stapp, of East Penn, and Miss Mattie A. Brobst. Volume 5, Number 43, Saturday, September 22, 1877 Local and Personal. Ludwig From, a German committed suicide at Tremont, Schuylkill county, because he was out of employment. Local and Personal. At Alburtis, Lehigh county, last week Mrs. Meitzler, aged sixty years, was fatally burned while engaged at preserving fruit. Her clothes caught fire while moving about the stove, and being alone in the room she was terribly burned, dying the next day. 94 Local and Personal. Tuesday morning an unknown man, supposed to be a tramp, was killed at Penn Haven. As far as learned, it appears that he had been riding on a coal cars, and by some means fell from the train and was run over. Local and Personal. A mail train going north on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad collided with a freight train near Muncy, about half-past seven o'clock on Saturday morning. The baggage and express cars, two cars of wheat, and several oil tanks were destroyed by fire. Jacob Steinman, the express messenger, and William Attig, the engineer of the mail train, were burned to death in the wreck. ITEMS. Married at East Mauch Chunk, on Thursday, 19th instant by Rev. Father Heinen, Mr. Joseph Rose, to Miss Mary Wimmel. Volume 5, Number 44, Saturday, September 29, 1877 From Mauch Chunk. Mr. Daniel Esser, of this place, on last Tuesday evening wed Miss Alice Merrick, of Upper Mauch Chunk, Rev B. T. Vincent tying the knot. The ceremony over, Mr. Esser, very sensibly took his bride to his Race Street residence, where the "happy couple" received the congratulations of friends, and were serenaded by the Phoenix Carnet Band. John Brennan, of Big Mine Run, was knocked down by a train near Girardsville, and most horibly mangled, Tuesday afternoon. He died the same evening. DEATH--An infant of Joseph Rex, of this borough, died on last Thursday and will be buried on Sunday (to-morrow), at 2 p. m. Funeral services by Rev. J. K. Kneer in the Evangelical church, Weissport. D. G. Yuengling, the well-known brewer, of Pottsville, died about 8 o'clock Thursday morning last. Deceased was seized with a paralytic stroke on Tuesday morning of last week, while descending the stairs. DIED, GUTH.--In this borough, on the 20th inst., Susan Elizabeth, daughter of Paul and Mary Guth, aged 2 years, 1 month and 27 days. DIED, HOM.--On the 21st inst., in this borough, Mary Ann Jane, daughter of J. A. and Caroline Hom, aged 22 years, 2 months and 24 days. Volume 5, Number 45, Saturday, October 6, 1877 ITEMS. Rev. Eisenberger, of Lower Towamensing, who married the Armbruster couple 25 years ago, was present at their silver wedding. ITEMS. Mr. Chas. Amidon, Gen. Freight Agent, Taylor's right bower, is announced to be married to Miss Emma Bauer, daughter of Elwin Bauer, Esq., of East Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday, the 16th inst. 95 ITEMS. Mr. Louis Armbruster and wife celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedded life, or their silver wedding, as it is more commonly called, on last Wednesday. There was good cheer at their residence that day, and the number of costly presents was quite numerous. During the progress of the festivities the celebrants were honored with a serenade by the Phoenix Cornet Band. The Late Mr. Tweedle. On Friday morning, Sept. 28, 1877, the people of Beaver Meadow were both surprised and grieved to hear that Mr. Samuel B. Tweedle was no more. We feel certain the same sentiments will be felt by all who had the pleasure of forming his acquaintance. Mr. Tweedle was a young man aged thirty-years and eleven month. His appearance promised a long life, but Death, who spares not the young nor the old, cut him down in the bloom of manhood, leaving in the family circle a void that never can be filled. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 30, at 2 o'clock, and was largely attended by a multitude of friend and acquaintance. Mr. Tweedle, being a member of three different societies turned out in a body to attend the funeral. The procession moved slowly along until it reached the church, where the Rev. Mr. Wilson, of the Presbyterian Church, preached a very touching sermon. After the services of the church were over, the casket containing the body of Mr. Tweedle, was borne to the cemetary by members of the the societies of which he had been a member. After the minister concluded the services at the grave, the different societies paid their last tribute of honor over the body. This concluded the last rites for the dead. Dust was committed to dust, and the earthly career of Samuel B. Tweedle was forever ended. He leaves behind him to mourn their loss his parents, four brothers, one of whom is the well-known Dr. J. B. Tweedle, of Weatherly, and one sister, besides his many friends and acquaintance.--Hazleton Daily Sentinel. MARRIED, ROBENOLD-O'BRIAN.--On the 8th ult., by the Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. Charles B. Robenold, of Lehighton, and Mrs. Susan E. O'Brian, of Mahoning. MARRIED, PETER-RUCH.--On the 16th ult., by the same, Mr. James F Peter, and Miss Kitty Ann Ruch, both of East Penn. MARRIED, McCLEAN-TROXEL.--On the 16th ult., by the same, Mr. John McClean, of Mahoning, Carbon county, and Miss Emma Troxel, of West Penn, Schuylkill county. DIED, SCHUMACHER.--On the 22nd ult., in West Penn, Rosa Cassilia, daughter of Joel and Mary Ann Schumacher, aged 6 years and 15 days. DIED, HAUSER.--On the 29th ult., in Braunschweig, Esther Rebecca, daughter of Elias and Rebecca Hauser, aged 11 years, and 12 days. Volume 5, Number 46, Saturday, October 13, 1877 Local and Personal. In a fit of passion, a few days ago, Emma Pfeiffer, of Allentown, took a dose of bed bug poison and died from its effects. Local and Personal. Diphtheria was the cause of four deaths in a family at Trexlertown, Lehigh county, recently. They all died within a few days of each other. 96 Local and Personal. William Ahner, a shoemaker at Alburtis, Lehigh county, hanged himself in his garret the other night, and his "sole" is no longer marching on. Local and Personal. A young man, named Pfleger, a resident of Tamaqua, went out shooting on Saturday, in the woods in the vicinity of Tamaqua, and was found dead on Sunday morning. He had not been shot but had evidently died from severe attack of illness, probably a paralytic stroke. DIED, HOM.--In Weatherly, on the 7th inst., Catharine, widow of the lat Andrew Hom, and mother of Jonas A. Hom, of Lehighton, aged 77 years, 7 months and 2 days. DIED, SCHULTZ.--In this borough, on th 30th ult., of dropsy and consumption, George Shultz, at the good old age of 72 years, 2 months and 18 days. The deceased leaves a deeply bereaved widow, with whom he lived 51 years in peace, happiness and blessedness, eight children and 43 grandchildren, to mourn the loss of this good old man. Since two years he had engaged Rev. G. A. Bruegel, his former pastor (now of Cherryville,) to officiate at his funeral. He endeavored to improve the solemn occasion, from Genesis XXV., 8, by showing a similarity between Abraham unto deceased, on account of his faith and confidence in God, his humble and upright walk, his strict integrity and conscientousness, his pure character, and his ardent love for his family, for virtue and truth. He was a Christian, not merely by profession and policy, but by practice and principle. His memory will live long with all who knew him. Volume 5, Number 47, Saturday, October 20, 1877 Local and Personal. William Keegan, an old man, fell into a canal lock on Saturday and was drowned. Local and Personal. James Coyle, a miner, was killed by an explosion of fire-damp at the Eagle Hill mines, near Pottsville, Friday of last week. Coyle's assistant was seriously, if not fatally injured. Local and Personal. Henry Deyken, of Manayunk, was found in a dying condition in the woods near Reading a few days ago. He formerly kept the books for several Schuylkill county coal operators. He married his wife in Pottsville. The deceased was ruined and finally came to his death by drink, which made him a miserable wanderer on the earth. He has a brother in New York who is a man of considerable means. Local and Personal. Mr. Jacob Bowman, of Millport, father of W. W. Bowman, Esq., cashier of the 1st National Bank, of Lehighton, died on Wednesday morning last after an illness of six weeks. Deceased was upwards of eighty years of age, and for the last two weeks of his life had not partaken of a particle of food. Albrightsville Items. Diarrhoea and diphtheria is raging considerably in Albrightsville and vicinity among the children. Many cases have proved fatal. DIED, HECKMAN.--At Albrightsville, on the 4th ult., of diarrhoea, Jennie Lizzie, infant 97 daughter of John H. and Susan A. Heckman, aged 1 year, 5 months and 8 days. DIED, FELLER.--At Duttersville, on the 5th ult., of diphtheria, Emma Jane, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Feller, aged 10 years, 3 months and 4 four days. On the 12th ult., Henry Oliver, agen 6 years, 8 months and 9 days, also on the same day, Wm. Emery, aged 2 years, 7 months and 9 days, and on the 24th ult., Jacob Franklin, aged 4 years, 2 months and 15 days. DIED, SMITH.--In Middle Creek, Monroe county, on the 15th ult., of old age and paralysis, Father George Smith, aged 78 yrs., 8 mos. and 12 days. DIED, KOCH.--In this borough, on the 12th instant Charles Wilbur, infant son of I. S. and Ellen Koch, aged one month. Volume 5, Number 48, Saturday, October 27, 1877 Local and Personal. The body of an unknown mudered man, about 40 years of age, was discovered Tuesday morning at Spring Brook, near Scranton. Local and Personal. Henry Ray, proprietor of a saloon under the United States hotel, Tamaqua, who tried to commit suicide by shooting himself some time ago, hung himself to a tree about ten yards from his own house on Friday night about eleven o'clcok. He was found dead two hours afterward by his son. To financial and family troubles is ascribed the cause of the deed. Fatal Accident. A heartrending accident occurred on the Wyoming Division of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, about 3 o'clock Friday morning of last week. James Scott, a conductor on the early freight, was killed by being run over and cut in half on the track. Freight No. 50 of the first section, conducted by Scott, was en route for Wilkesbearre, and when near bridge No. 28, in the vicinity of White Haven, passenger train No. 15 going toward Easton, came along. Both trains were on the same track, and the freight pulled into the sidling. As soon as the passenger train passed Scott signelled to go ahead, and then went into his caboose. Shortly after he discovered that part of his train had become disconnected, and he got on top of the freight cars, and ran along to discover where the break had occurred. He thought, as is usually the case, that the cars had broken loose near the engine, but it was the third car ahead of the caboose that had become disconnected, and Scott was suddenly thrown to the track below under the wheels of the cars. The two freight cars and caboose passed over him, cutting him in two pieces. Fortunately the "pusher," or the engine behind the caboose, did not run over his remains, or he would have been literally ground to pieces. The corpse was immediately taken to East Mauch Chunk, where his family resides. He was about 35 years of age, and was one of the most popular conductors on the Wyoming Division. His terrible death was the subject of conversation all along the entire line, and his numerous friends were more than pained when they learned that Jimmy Scott was no more. Volume 5, Number 49, Saturday, November 3, 1877 Local and Personal. Hon. Edward Kern, of Schuylkill county, died last week. He was for many 98 years engaged in railroad building, and had acquired considerable means, but when the Miners' Trust Bank failed he, with his son, Thos. F., lost heavily. This loss has preyed on his mind and probably superinduced death. Mr. Kerns served in the Legislature in 1863, 1864 and 1868. Letter from Mauch Chunk. The unexpected and quite sudden death, on last Saturday, of Jos. Klinger, of the "European," caused quite a sensation and considerable sympathy and regret among his many friends here. Deceased, who was little over 21 years of age, was indeed a nice young man, and liked by all who knew him. A cold, contracted at the Lehighton Fair, is assigned as the cause of the fever which terminated his life. His funeral, which took place on Tueaday forenoon, was well attended. His remains were taken to Lehighton for burial. Letter from Mauch Chunk. At 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. W. J. Thompson, of Philadelphia, and Miss Emily Yeager (daughter of Mr. Leonard Yeager) were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the First Presbyterian Church of Mauch Chunk, Rev. E. Ferrier, officiating. Shortly after the ceremony and subsequent reception, the bridal party left on their wedding tour. They will return in about two weeks. Letter from Mauch Chunk. Since my last, Hon. James Harvey, of Buck Mountain, has also been gathered to his fathers. Ripe in years and for more than a year afflicted with an offensive malady (cancer) he breathed his last on last Saturday, at 2 o'clock p. m. On Monday his funeral took place, and he now sleeps his last sleep in the Catholic cemetery of Tarrytown. In Hon. James Harvey the community has lost a good and useful member. Edwin Weidner, aged fifty years, of Lehigh county, attempted to dash his brains out against a barn wall on Thursday. Not succeeding he cut his throat from ear to ear. No cause is assigned for the suicide. MARRIED, TOWNSEND-FAIRCHILD.--On the 24th of October, 1877, at 7 1/2 P. M., at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. D. P. Kidder, D. D., of Drew Theological Seminary, assisted Rev. M. E. Ellison, Rev. Geo. W. Townsend, of the Wilmington Conference, and formerly pastor of the Packerton M. E. church, and Miss Theodosia M. Fairchild, of New Vernon, N. J. The happy pair have our best wishes for their furture happiness and prosperity, and may the union be blest with many a fair child. MARRIED, HOWER-MATZ.--On the 20th ult., at the residence of Mr. Reuben Kuntz, of Cherryville, by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Mr. Allen W. Hower, of Cherryville, and Miss Lydia Matz, daughter of Mr. Joseph Matz, of Rockdale, Lehigh county, Pa. DIED, HEMING.--On the 27th ult., in Albrightsville, of diphtheria, Jennie A., daughter of P. G. and Lucinda Heming, aged 3 years, 5 months and 15 days. Volume 5, Number 50, Saturday, November 10, 1877 Local and Personal. That terrible disease--diphtheria--caused a large number of deaths in Easton during the present fall. 99 Local and Personal. The body of James Lahey was found on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Pittston, Sunday morning. It was terribly mangled, three trains having passed over it. It is supposed he was robbed and murdered. ITEMS. So well pleased with the day's result was Mrs. Bernard Phillips, that on the evening of the 6th she presented her husband with an additional member of the Phillips family, it being the seventh little Phillips of the feminine gender thus presented. Mine Casualties. The follwing mine accidents were reported to T. D. Jones, Inspector of Mines for the South District of Luzerne and Carbon counties, for the month ending Oct. 31st, 1877, to wit: Oct. 1--Adam Deihl, aged 32, pump man at Stockton No. 2, fatally injured by being run over by a mine car on the slope. The deceased had been down oiling the pump, located in the fourth lift and in coming up to attend to the third lift pump it is presumed that he was knocked by the descending car, crushing him so severely that he died shortly after he was taken home. He leave a wife and six children. Oct. 10--Michael Boyle, aged 35, leaves wife and one child, was instantly killed by a fall of coal at Council Ridge Colliery No. 2, caused by the miners advancing too far on the six foot or bottom bench before taking down the top, or nine-foot bench. Oct. 23--Thomas Trelure miner, aged 40, leaves wife and three children, was instantly killed at Cransberry mines, by a fall of slate. The deceased, in company with another miner and laborer, were employed at robbing an old counter-gangway, and on the night previous to the accident they had fired two blasts, which did not do the required execution, so on the morning of the acident, the deceased commenced to pry the loose coal, when a flag of slate, about ten inches thick, fell on the car, causing him to go to the other side of the gangway, and a second piece fell, after which he advanced about ten feet from the car, when the third and fatal piece fell, resulting as stated. IN MEMORIAM. At a regular meeting of Honora Council, No. 120, O. U. A. M., held at Weatherly, Friday evening, November 2nd, 1877, the following resolutions were adopted: WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God in his inscrutable wisdom to take from us our beloved Brother, Reuben Horn, therefore it seems but proper that we should testify publicly the sense of our loss. In all his intercourse with us, and so far as we have knowledge, in all his dealings with the world at large, he proved himself an honest man, an upright citizen and a faithful friend; therefore be it RESOLVED, That in the death of Brother Horn our Council has lost its Councilor, one who filled the position with honor to himself and for the highest good of the Order, and ever as a member he has held up, both by precept and example, our noble motto: Honesty, Industry and Sobriety. RESOLVED, That we bow submissively to this sad dispensation, conscious that our Heavenly Father doth all things well RESOLVED, That we offer our warmest sympathy to his bereaved family, and pray that the great Ruler of mankind may enable them to bear their irreparable loss with fortitude and resignation, and bow in humble submission to the will of Him who giveth and who taketh away. RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of our deceased Brother and be spread upon the minutes of our Council, also published in the Mauch Chunk 100 Democrat and The Carbon Advocate E. C. Wilson, H. F. Freeman, John Hoover, Committee. Attest: S C. Schooner, Jr., Ex. C. L. F. Wagner, R. S. At a stated meeting of Lodi Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., of Weatherly, Pa., held November 6th, 1877, the following resolutions were adopted: WHEREAS It has pleased an all wise Providence to remove from us our esteemed Brother Reuben Horn, who endeared himself to all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and Lodi. Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., feeling the loss it has sustained in his death, therefore be it RESOLVED, That while we humbly bow to the Divine will in taking from us our brother, in his death this Lodge feels that it has lost an active co-worker in the noble principles of Pythian Knighthood; that by his kind and unassuming manner he made friends of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and that although he will no more be with us in council assembled to legislate for the good of the order he loved so well, yet his example still remains for us to follow and emulate. RESOLVED, That we tender the sorrowing family our warmest sympathies, that we mingle our grief with theirs, and entreat them to look to God for strength to sustain them in their great trial. RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of our deceased brother and spread upon the Journal of our Lodge, also be published in the Mauch Chunk Democrat and The Carbon Advocate. H. S. Rinker, John Hoover, J. F. Davis, Committee Attest: Chas. W. Stoeckley, C. C. John F. Davis, K. of R. S. At a regular meeting of Weatherly Lodge, No. 691, I. O. O. F., held November 1st, 1877, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted. WHEREAS, It has pleased God in his Providence to remove from our midst Brother Reub. Horn, a member of our beloved order. WHEREAS, We humbly bow to the Divine will, believing that all His judgments are just, and His ways merciful, and believing that our brother died in hope of a blessed immortality; therefore be it RESOLVED, That in the death of our Brother, Reuben Horn, the Lodge has lost a faithful member, his family an affectionate husband and father, and the community an upright and honest citizen. RESOLVED, That his family have our earnest sympathy in their bereavement, and we commend them to Him who does not afflict willfully, out giveth grace to conquor and sustains us in all our sorrows, and that a copy of these resolutions be tendered the family and published in the Mauch Chunk and Lehighton papers. RESOLVED, That, as a tribute of respect to our departed brother, our Charter be draped in mourning for thirty days. G. W. Miller, John Hoover, E. C. Wilson, Committee. Weatherly, Nov. 8, 1877. MARRIED, MINER-SCHOFIELD.--On the 24th ult., by Rev. J. C. Bliem, of Lehighton, Mr. C. D. Miner, of Weissport formerly of Mauch Chunk, and Miss S. A. Schofield, of Weissport, formerly of Chester Valley, Chester County, Pa. No cards. Chester county papers, please copy. 101 MARRIED, THOMAS-RASBRIDGE.--On the 3rd inst., at the house of Mr. William Lewis, Hokendauqua, Lehigh County, PA., by Rev. James A. Little, Mr. John P. Thomas, of Coaldale, and Miss Annie Rasbridge, of Hokendauqua. MARRIED, MITCHELL-WEISE.--On the 4th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. L. B. Brown, of the M. E. Church of this place, Mr. Thomas Mitchell, of Dunnigan's California, and Miss Lizzie S. Weise, of Packerton, Carbon county, Pa MARRIED, ZIMMERMAN-SECHLER.--On the 11th ult., by Rev. Abrm. Bartholomew, Mr. Aaron Zimmerman and Miss Kate Elizabeth Sechler, both of West Penn, Schuylkill co., Pa. MARRIED, SANDHERRS-REHRIG.--On the same day, by the same, Mr. Geo. Sandherrs, of Packerton and Miss Sarah Alice Rehrig, of Mahoning, Carbon co., Pa. MARRIED, LUDWIG-SAUERS.--On the 13th ult., by the same, Mr. Franz Ludwig, of Mahoning, and Miss Anna Eliza Sauers, of Lehighton, Pa. DIED, BRITTON.--On the 27th ult., in West Penn, Schuylkill co., Pa., Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Britton, aged 78 years and 9 days. BRIEFLETS. Philip Wismer and son, of Tobyhanna, Luzerne county, were burned to death in their shanty a few night ago. The building caught fire from the stove. Volume 5, Number 51, Saturday, November 17, 1877 Local and Personal. Mary Devans, aged 100 years, died in Luzerne county the other day. Local and Personal. Mrs. John Koch, of Allentown, a few nights ago gave birth to twins, the fourth time in succession. She is bound t'win the championship. Local and Personal. While eating an apple a child of Commissioner Lines, of Luzerne county, got a piece in its windpipe and was choked to death. Local and Personal. A little daughter of Dr. J. H. Kauffman, of Pinegrove, Schuylkill county, ate a small quantity of chloride of potash and died a few hours afterward. Local and Personal. Mrs. Werling, of Lehigh county, took poison because her husband wanted her to leave him. She has died from the effects of the poison. Local and Personal. There was a slight fire at the house of George W. Copp, in Easton, Monday evening, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Bertha Valkamuth, was burned to death in bed. Local and Personal. Mr. Jonathan Kolb, an old man of about 60 years of age, a resident of Weissport, had been in attendance at the funeral of Isaac Moyer, in Lehighton, on Wednesday afternoon, and after his return to Weissport, and on his way to lock No. 7, fell alongside the towpath and instantly expired. The cause of death was supposed to be heart disease. Deceased 102 leaves a wife and one married daughter. Local and Personal. A. J. Marsh, better known as "Quill" Marsh, died in this place (Towanda) on Friday the 2d inst., after a long illness, in the 44th year of his age. He was for a long time conductor on the Sullivan & State Line Railroad, and was widely known in this section as well as along the L. V. R. R. His funeral took place on Sunday last and was largely attended. "Quill" had a host of warm and devoted friends who will long mourn his death.--Towanda Journal. Accidentally Drowned. On Thursday morning of last week, Mr. Isaac Moyer, of this borough, had occasion to visit Allentown, and returned in the evening on the Lehigh Valley train, arriving here about 9:00 o'clock, when having an engagement to meet a gentleman in Weissport he proceeded down the track until near the bridge crossing the Lehigh, when he by some means or other accidentally stumbled into the river, the water being very high and the currant rapid, he was swiftly carried out into the stream and down the river. His cries were heard by one or two persons, but the night was so dark and stormy, and the water so swift in its course, that it was impossible to render the unfortunate man any assistance. His body drifted down to near Lockport, where it was recovered on Saturday morning, and brought to this place on Sunday morning. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon and was very largely attended. Deceased was 62 years of age, and leaves a wife and several children to deplore their sudden bereavement. Letter from Mauch Chunk. "There is a time to be born and a time to die" and it is of death that I am about to write. Not that I intend to give your readers a windy dissertation on death, but merely to advise them of the sudden demise of Benj. F. H. Lynn, who died at Hazleton on last Saturday. Deceased, a born Mauch Chunker, was well known here, and greatly respected by all who had the pleasure of a more intimate acquaintance with him. Not yet past the prime of life, he was a man of commanding presence, seemingly singled out by Providence to be a man of note. He was an individual of many sterling parts, and his vast store of information, coupled with a grand intellect, fitted him admirably for the calling he had chosen. Indeed there were few in the editorial profession, in city or country, who wielded as facile a pen as he. A little more stability would have placed him in the very front rank of journalism. But herein he was lacking: stability wasn't his forte. Yet his erratic disposition caused him in the course of time to become the founder of quite a number of periodicals, some of which are still in a flourishing existence. There was method in all he did, and whether at the head of a prosperous city journal or a small country sheet published in a one-horse town, his daily or weekly editions would invariably bear the imprint of his character for thoroughness. Indeed there are few to this day who know how to get up a sheet as well as Ben F. H. Lynn did. And yet, who was this prodigy? A self-made man indeed, who, in his youth, had enjoyed but two months schooling! He was emphatically a selftaught man, whose grammar and style were acquired at the case, and by reading, and whose reasoning faculties were of the first order. In short deceased was a genius, but though a genius, he was far from having been a successful business man, and his failures were probably as many as his success. As a man he was one of those free and easy going creatures who make friends wherever they go, and who, no matter to what straits they may be reduced, command the respect of age. But, poor fellow, he is gone. Having written his valedictory, he has departed, leaving us much to admire and but little to lament. Besides, "Who e'er expects a perfect man to see. Seeks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be" and while fondly harboring the memory of Ben F. H. Lynn in the innermost recesses of our hearts let us forget his frailties. When I first heard the 103 particulars of his death--how he had died alone, far rom his wife and family, with no one to cheer nor comfort him, I felt sick at heart, but when I thought of the life of usefulness he had led and the proud record he had left behind in his writings, I grew silent in adoration of Him who knoweth best. His funeral which sook place on Tuesday afternoon from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. T. L. Foster was well attended, and while he sleeps his last sleep in the Cemetery on the Hill, his works survive him. Letter from Mauch Chunk. Mr. Martin Nuss, a man from the humbler walks of life exchanged time and things timely for eternity and things eternal at 6 o'clock on last Sunday morning, aged 47 years. About six weeks ago deceased, who was a carpenter, was injured while working at his trade on the Tamanend branch of the L. & S. Division of the Central R. R. of N. J., since which time he continued to sink slowly until death came to his relief. In Upper Mauch Chunk, where he had resided so many years, there was none more respected than he, as it was attested by the numbers who came to pay him the last tribute of respect on last Tuesday afternoon when dust was consigned to dust. Deceased leaves a widow and 5 children to mourn the loss of husband and father. The sympathies of the whole community is theirs. ITEMS. Section Boss of the B. M. division, Jas. Bannan, died on Tuesday of typhoid fever. DIED, KOLB.--On the 14th inst., about 4 p. m., in Weissport, very suddenly of paralysis of the heart, Mr. Jonathan Kolb, aged about 60 yrs. The relatives and friends of the familiy are invited to attend the funeral, this (Saturday) afternoon at 1 o'clock, at the house. DIED, STRAWM.--In this borough, on the 15th inst., Mr. Wm. Strawm, aged 79 years. The funeral will take place this (Saturday) morning at 7:30 o'clock to proceed (by train) to Applebachsville, Lehigh county, Pa. Volume 5, Number 52, Saturday, November 24, 1877 Local and Personal. On Saturday, at the Diamond mine, Scranton, George Bask, miner, and Jas. Johnson, laborer, were instantly killed by a fall of rock. They had just fired a blast, and were just about to begin work when a section of rock over two feet thick fell upon them without a moment's warning. Johnson's head was severed from his body. MARRIED, MUMMY-HOWER.--On the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, J. M. Hower, Esq., by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Mr. Alexander W. Mummy and Miss Henrietta Hower, all of Cherryville, Pa. Volume 6, Number 1, Saturday, December 1, 1877 Local and Personal. Lewis Dotter, of Weissport, brakeman on 43 freight, Tuesday, while making a fly at Lehigh Gap, was jerked from the cars, the train passing over him. He died of his injury while on the way up the road. Local and Personal. Mrs. Abraham Van Horn, of Packerton, died very suddenly at the residence 104 of Mr. Thomas Radcliff, in this place, on Sunday last, at which place she was on a vist. The funeral took place on Wednesday. Local and Personal. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ward, of Allentown have been married a little over ten years, and have been blessed with eight children, all born on the fourth of July--the first one in 1869, the second in 1871, and the remaining six on each succeeding independence day up to 1877. Beaver Meadow Region. Mr. Charles Ferry, of Beaver Meadow mines, an old and respected resident of forty years standing, died on Saturday night last, and was buried on Monday, at Beaver Meadow. Beaver Meadow Region. An interesting little girl of Mrs. McCole's aged about six years, died from heart disease on the night of the 23rd inst. MARRIED, RHOADS-WEISS.--On the 15th ult., by Rev. Moses Dissinger, Mr. Hiram Rhoads and Mrs. Mary Ann Weiss, both of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. MARRIED, DERONER-HALL.--On the 17th ult., by L. H. Roth, J. P., Mr. Lewis Deroner, of Washington, to Miss Isabella Hall, of Slatington. MARRIED, OWENS-ENANS.--On the 5th ult., by Rev. Mr. Morton, at the residence of Mr. James Williams, Mr. James Owens and Maggie T. Evans, both of Slatington. MARRIED, LAUGHLIN-FULK.--On July 17th, Rev. M. H. Mishler, Mr. Hugh Laughlin, of Rockport, and Miss Lizzie Fulk, of Buck Mountain. MARRIED, CLOUSE-WEEKS.--On August 26th, by the same, Mr. Joseph Clouse and Miss E. Weeks, both of Weatherly. MARRIED, KRAUSE-DIEHL.--On the 22nd ult, by the same, Mr. George Krause and Miss A. Diehl, both of Hazleton. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Girton, of Shamokin, gave birth to triplets recently. She had previously had twins on three occasions. STATE NEWS. A child at Ashland fell from a chair on a stove and was roasted to death. The child was found burned to a crisp on the stove. STATE NEWS. Isaac Crider, a young man of Clinton county, fatally shot himself while returning from a pheasant hunting expedition. His gun was discharged while he was in the act or removing it from the wagon to shoot a pheasant near by, the hammer catching in he bed of the wagon. 105 Volume 6, Number 2, Saturday, December 8, 1877 Local and Personal. Nicholas Regnery was killed in the mines near Ashland, Schuylkill county, on Monday evening, by the premature explosion of a blast. Local and Personal. Frank Meyers, of Easton, was arrested and committed to jail Saturday afternoon, charged with committing an outrage upon his step-daughter, only twelve years old. After he had committed the assault he threatened to beat the girl if she should expose him. Meyers came to Easton about three months ago, and married the mother of the girl. Their married life has not run smoothly, his wife having had him arrested several times for assault and battery. Albrightsville Items. On Tuesday of last week a very sad accident occurred about 7 miles from this place, (Well's Creek); while out hunting, J. Daniel Smith, accidently shot himself, from the effects of which he died a few hours afterwards. As I heard it rumored, it seems that young Smith attempted to jump upon a stump with the gun resting beside his feet, when by some means the gun slipped off and in dropping was discharged, the contents entering the body of the unfortunate youth. Young Smith was about 21 years of age. The sad event has cast a gloom over the whole community; he was a young man universally respected. MARRIED, KUNKLE-ROOF.--On the 28th ult., in Effort, by Rev. A. M. Strauss, Mr. Joel Kunkle, of Kresgeville, and Miss Maria Roof, of Duttersville. MARRIED, LIENDECKER-KEIPER.--On the 24th ult., by the same, Mr. George H. Liendecker, of Well's Creek, Carbon Co., and Miss Hannah A. Keiper, of Duttersville, Monroe Co. DIED, SNYDER.--In Weissport, on the 1st inst., Mary Alice, infant daughter of Samuel and Kate Snyder, aged 6 months and 19 days. DIED, SEARFASS--On the 1st ult., at Hickory Run, of typhoid fever, Celesta, daughter of Robert and Amelia Searfass, aged 6 years, 6 months and 9 days. DIED, SILFIES.--On the 1st ult., in Albrightsville, of diarrhoea, Reuben H., infant son of John and Elizabeth Silfies, aged 3 months and 24 days. DIED, MERTZ.--On the 6th ult., in Duttersville, of diarrhoea, T. Oliver, son of Daniel and Catharine Mertz, aged 8 months and 16 days. Also on the 8th ult., Robert Walter, of diarrhoea, aged 7 years and 28 days. Volume 6, Number 3, Saturday, December 15, 1877 Local and Personal. A child aged two years was burned to death at Hazleton on Monday, its clothing cathing fire from a stove. Local and Personal. Monroe Sheetz, employed in the Locke slate quarry at Slatedale, fell 106 seventy feet into the quarry on his head and died next day. Local and Personal. Joseph Weaver, select councilman of Allentown, aged sixty-four, went to bed well, awoke with a pain in his breast and soon died. Local and Personal. A child of Mr. William Johnson, of Bangor, Northampton county, fell and upset a coal oil lamp, the result of which was the fatal burning of the little one. Local and Personal. Twenty-one little graves dot the surface of the churchyard at Trexlertown, Lehigh county, the children all having fallen victims to diphtheria within the last two months. Big Creek Items. The funeral of J. Daniel Smith, who accidentally shot himself while out gunning in the neighborhood of Wild Creek, a short ago, was very largely attended at Jerusalem church. He was about 20 years of age. Big Creek Items. The wife of Mr. Amandas Anthony, of this place, died of typhoid fever on Monday evening of last week. The interment took place on Friday, at St. Paul's, near Cherryville, Northampton county. Mr. Anthony has the sympathies of the community in this his sad bereavement. MARRIED, WENNER-CLACE.--On the 25th ult., by Rev. W. H. Strauss, David M. Wenner and Maria E. Clace, both of Summit Hill. DIED, ARNER.--On the 25th ult., at Summit Hill, Geo. Washington, son of Thomas and Emma Arner, aged 3 years, 9 months and 3 days. DIED, HARDUNG.--Killed, in Indiana, by the explosion of a boiler, on the 21st ult., Gideon Hardung, son of Samuel and Abigail Hardung, and brought to West Penn, Pa., and buried on the 3rd inst., aged 35 years, 1 month and 9 dys. DIED, WIEAND.--In this borough, on the 5th inst., Bessie May, only child of Daniel and Mary A. Wieand, aged 2 years, 7 months and 5 days. Farewell, dear Bessie, God calls you From this world of sin, We weep, your death gives heartfelt grief; But since it pleaseth Him, We cease from all complaint, And say with every saint: Farewell! Farewell, dear Bessie, thou art a gift That God has given, Your time is up, and He hath called you Home to Heaven. God wants it so, And we must let you go: Farewell! Farewell, dear Bessie, we'll come after thee As soon as God shall call; You fled from here before life's bitter woes 107 Had filled your cup with gall. Your precious soul so sweet, so good, Has triumphed now through Jesus' blood: Farewell! Volume 6, Number 4, Saturday, December 22, 1877 Local and Personal. On Monday of last week Mr. Thomas Bobst, a boatman, was drowned in the Lehigh canal near Siegfried's Bridge. Local and Personal. Daniel Gillespie, stock boss for the Crane Iron Company at Catasauqua was covered with five or six tons of ore and fatally injured on Monday. Local and Personal. A coal train on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad ran over a cow near Lehigh Gap Monday evening, and the engine fell down an embankment. John Schutt, the engineer, was killed, and the fireman was severely injured. The engine and train were badly wrecked. Local and Personal. The body of a well-dressed man was found on the streets of Port Carbon Saturday morning, under circumstances which led to the belief that a murder was committed. Citizens allege they heard sounds of violence and groaning in the neighborhood during the night. The Coroner is investigating the affair. The name of the man was Eleazer Evans. Big Creek Items. Since my last letter one of our most respectale citizens, Solomon Solt, has ended his earthly career. He had been a sufferer of tetter and consumption for some time, but bore it with christian patience, until on Saturday afternoon of last week, when death relieved him of his earthly suffering. Through his death the church has lost one of its best members, and the seat he so regularly filled is now vacant. Let the family he has gone before, bow in submission to Him "who doeth all things well." He leaves a kind wife and 12 children to mourn their loss. The family, in this their sad bereavement, have the heart-felt sympathy of the entire community. His funeral, which occured on Wednesday afternoon of this week, was very largely attended. The services were conducted in German by Revs. Erb, of Slatington, and Freeman, of Weissport. He had attained the age of 49 years; 8 months and 4 days. From Mauch Chunk. According to an on dit our estimable Deputy Post Master will soon wed the accomplished Miss Kate Sayre. From Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Elizabeth Horn, nearly 94 years of age, died on last Sunday, from the effects of a fracture of the thigh recently sustained. Deceased had been a resident of Mauch Chunk for 57 years. From Mauch Chunk. The funeral of the late John Schutt, killed in the recent L. & S. railroad disaster, near Lehigh Gap, took place Thursday afternoon. The wrecked train, including engine 215, on which he was killed, passed up the road on Wednesday afternoon. It was as hard looking a wreck as I've ever seen, the only wonder being that any of the crew should have escaped. 108 MARRIED, BOWMAN-RAUDENBUSH.--By the Rev. W. H. Strauss, at his residence on the 13th inst., Mr. Alex. H. Bowman and Miss Mary A. Raudenbush, both of Packerton, Pa. In taking up the Bible, we find almost at the outstart, THIS verse. "And the Lord God said, It is not good that THE MAN should be alone.: Throughout the centuries that have elapsed since these words were recorded, Man has ever been ready and willing to follow this scriptural advice. Alex H. Bowman, our genial and courteous friend, of Packerton, having grown weary of threading the tangled mazes of life alone, and uncheered, chose the better part and on Thursday Dec. 13th, was united to Miss Mary A. Raudenbush, of Packerton. Knowing the amiability, and the obliging disposition of both, we congratulate them, and do not hesitate to predict for them a tranquil happy life. May the sunshine of happiness shed its beams o'er their pathway, and no cloud nor shadow arise to mar the joy of their wedded life, is the earnest wish of their many friends. Volume 6, Number 5, Saturday, December 29, 1877 Local and Personal. William Neisser, a brakeman, was fatally injured by falling under a train at Easton the other day. Both his legs were cut off. Local and Personal. A 10 year old daughter of Mr. Wm. Stocker, of Packerton, died of diphtheria, Tuesday morning. Several other cases of this disease prevail at that place. MARRIED, CLEMENTS-BURNS--On the 24th inst, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. L. B. Brown, Mr. James Clements and Miss Ella M. Burns, both of Packerton, Pa. MARRIED, REHRIG-FRITZINGER.--On the 25th inst., at Meyer's Hotel, Lehigh Gap, by Rev. G. A. Breugel, of Cherryville, Abr. Aaron Rehrig and Miss Melinda Fritzinger, daughter of Mr. Levi Fritzinger, all of East Penn. DIED, REMALY.--At Bloomingdale, on the 9th inst., Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Susan Remaly, aged 12 years, 1 month and 27 days. DIED, FOLK.--In West Penn, on the 11th inst., Elizabeth, wife of Henry Folk, aged 47 years, 11 months and 25 days. DIED, MILLER.--On the 16th inst., at Bloomingdale, John S., son of Gideon and Susanna Miller, aged 3 years, 8 months and 2 days. STATE NEWS.--Wm. Leidy, an old shoemaker of Lehigh county, was struck by a train a few days ago and thrown against rocks. He died in an hour and a half. STATE NEWS. A seven year old son of Benneville Derr, of Lehigh county, secured a loaded gun during the absence of his parents a few days ago, and while handling it the contents were discharged in his face, producing fatal injuries. Prepared by Tony Bennyhoff, April 18, 2010. 109
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