Name: Country: Submission date: Contact: Safety Centre, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Australia February 2012 Barbara Minuzzo Senior Project Coordinator, Helen Rowan Manager Family Services, Lisa King Family Support Project Worker The Safety Centre at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) was established in 1979 with an aim to reduce the frequency and severity of unintentional injuries in children. Since established, the Safety Centre has led a strong and strategic approach in the promotion of safety and the prevention of unintentional injuries. Since 1999, the Safety Centre has been accredited as an Affiliate Safe Community Support Centre by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Community Safety Promotion at Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Partnerships The Safety Centre continues to work and build collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders throughout Victoria and Australia. This collaborative approach sees the Safety Centre working with a wide range of state government departments, non-government organisations, industry and community groups to reduce unintentional childhood injuries. Since the beginning of 2011, the Safety Centre has engaged in two new partnerships: The Water Safety Group which aims to reduce injury and deaths around water and the Driveway Safety Working Group to improve child safety and reduce injury and deaths around driveways. Driveway Safety Working Group Membership of the Driveway Safety Working Group consists of representatives from: The Office of the Child Safety Commissioner, The Royal Children's Hospital Safety Centre and Trauma Department, Coronial Services, Kidsafe Victoria, Department of Health, and Victorian road safety authorities. This working group was established after an increase in the incidence of young children being run over by reversing vehicles in residential driveways. The current strategy has seen three sub working groups developed to focus further on: 1. Education 2. Safer vehicle design 3. Safer property design The outcome is the development of a multifaceted prevention strategy which includes key stakeholder communication and a mass media campaign. The working group hopes to strengthen the awareness of safer driveway policies and practices and begin a mass media campaign from April 2012. Transportation of Children with Additional Needs (TOCAN) The TOCAN partnership was established by the Safety Centre in 2009. Working group members include representatives from The Royal Children’s Hospital Safety Centre, Occupational Therapy and Paediatric Rehabilitation departments, the School of Occupational Therapy at Latrobe University, Autism Victoria, the Association for Children with a Disability, Road safety authorities including VicRoads, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria, the Australian Child Restraint Resource Initiative and Britax. The strategy has been to research the needs of families and community practitioners in order to develop consistency in information for dissemination to practitioners. Victorian Burns Prevention Partnership (VBPP) 1 The VBPP members include representatives from the two Victorian fire services, the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board (MFB) and Country Fire Authority (CFA), the Alfred Hospital’s Victorian Adult Burns Service and The Royal Children’s Hospital Burns Unit and Safety Centre. The VBPP current strategy is a nationally distributed newsletter, print media advertising, research and advocacy for legislative change. Victorian Safe Communities Network (VSCN) The Safety Centre is both the cofounder and secretariat of VSCN. VSCN is an incorporated association of practitioners, researchers and policy makers who work in community safety throughout Victoria. VSCN’s major achievement of 2011 was the national conference titled Young People, Risk and Resilience: The challenges of alcohol, drugs and violence. This conference was conducted in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Criminology and attracted over 250 delegates. VSCN coordinated the Victorian safety promotion and injury prevention sector’s response to the Department of Health’s Injury Prevention Policy and Strategy. Pan Pacific Safe Communities Network (PPSCN Regional Alliance) The Pan Pacific Safe Communities Network (PPSCN) is a network of safe communities of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. The goal of PPSCN is to address safety issues and improve the implementation of effective safety promotion and injury prevention practices within the Pan Pacific region. Drowning Prevention Working Group Membership of the Drowning Prevention Working Group consists of representatives from The Royal Children’s Hospital Safety Centre, Life Saving Victoria, Kidsafe Victoria, Department of Justice and LOTE Marketing. The working group’s current strategy is to utilize media, including radio, television and magazine articles to disseminate drowning prevention messages. These messages have been in English and several other languages. Efforts to reduce deaths resulting from drowning have seen a consistent decline over the last decade. In Victoria, Australia, 54 deaths were recorded between 2000-2001 and these have been reduced to 38 deaths between 2009-2010. Community Support Support to Accredited Safe Communities Throughout 2011 the Safety Centre has continued to provide significant support to encourage Victorian communities to become accredited as part of the worldwide Safe Communities Network. The City of Frankston has demonstrated a keen interest in the Safe Communities Network and attaining accreditation. The Safety Centre has further continued to support Accredited Safe Communities including the cities of Melbourne, Hume, La Trobe, Geelong and Casey. Sustainable Programs/Local Government During 2011, the Safety Centre has undertaken a number of new initiatives in efforts to develop sustainable programs to improve child safety and reduce the incidence of unintentional injuries. Looking ahead for the next 5 years, the Safety Centre has developed a Strategic Plan to provide guidance, direction and priorities areas. The Safety Centre will be focusing on the development and strengthening key partnerships to further promote child injury prevention. These key partnerships will target road safety, drowning prevention, burns prevention, choking and suffocation prevention, falls prevention and dog bite prevention. The Safety Centre will also continue to support communities through its role as an Affiliate Safe Community Support 2 Centre, the secretariat for the Victorian Safe Communities Network and as a member of the Community Safety Month Advisory Committee, the Victorian Local Government Multicultural Issues Network, the Communities That Care and the Pan Pacific Safe Communities Network. TOCAN Workshop Safety Centre staff coordinated a successful Health Practitioners workshop in March on the Transportation of Children and Youth with Additional Needs (TOCAN). Issues relating to the safe transportation of children with additional needs have continued to be a significant concern for community professionals. The workshop covered topics including: disability definitions and common challenges associated with transportation, and the role of Occupational Therapists, the Victorian Road Standards, crash dynamics and methods for restraining children, government funding options, case studies and group discussions. Over 140 Health Practitioners attended the full day workshop. The workshop evaluation recorded that 91.7% of participants strongly agreed or agreed that their needs and expectations were met. KidSafe Award The TOCAN partnership was awarded the KidSafe Business Award for 2011 for their work on improving the transportation of children with additional needs. The outcomes from the TOCAN workshop have been presented at a number of national and international conferences in 2011 including the Road Safety Education Reference Group Australasia National meeting, the Occupational Therapy Australia, 24th National Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane, and the 20th International Safe Communities Conference Falun, Dalarna, Sweden. The TOCAN Working Group has put forward a plan for a number of activities throughout 2012 including: • 2 half day education workshops (one parents and one health practitioners) • An update of resources for occupational therapists, health practitioners and for parents of children with additional needs • Fostering stronger relationships with community occupational therapists and community case workers and family support agencies. • The provision of additional information and support for community occupational therapists and case workers • The development of a communication strategy • Further identification of gaps and issues to be addressed • Initial planning for a full day conference to be held in 2013 Revision of Restraint of Children with Disabilities in Motor Vehicles Standard The TOCAN partnership made recommendations for need to revise the AS/NZS4370:1996 Restraint of Children with Disabilities in Motor Vehicles Standards. Members of the TOCAN partnership are now actively involved in the revision of this Standard. MCHN Presentation The Safety Centre in partnership with Life Saving Victoria and the Department of Justice delivered a PowerPoint presentation on water safety at the Maternal and Child Health Nurse Conference in February. Over 900 MCH nurses attended this presentation and benefited from information sharing and discussions relating to water safety. Health Promotion with RCH staff and Families Throughout 2011, the Safety Centre in partnership with the Child Health and Safety Resource Centre, have developed a number of health promotion messages to display to RCH staff and families. The health promotion messages have included: • Quit Smoking • Winter Fire Safety 3 • Safe Toys • Breastfeeding This approach has also included the development of on-hold recorded messages which are can be heard through RCH telephone lines. VBPP achievements The VBPP have continued to produce the Stay Safe Newsletter throughout 2011 with three new additions produced and distributed to health professionals throughout Australia. VBPP has seen an increase in demand for these newsletters. The VBPP are proud to report a significant change to Australian Government legislation which now bans the sale of cigarette lighters which resemble toys. Strong lobbying from the VBPP has seen this positive change in legislation to protect children. Resources and Community Support Through receipt of funding, the Safety Centre reprinted 5000 copies of the extremely popular Bringing Baby Home resource, 10,000 copies of the Home Safety Checklist and 5200 copies of the 5th edition of the Child Safety Handbook. In addition, the Safety Centre continued to distribute printed resources to health practitioners, parents, families throughout Australia. The following graph outlines the frequency of requests for Safety Centre posters and fact sheets from various centres. It is evident that Maternal and Child Health Centres (MCHC), City Councils, Hospital/medical practitioners, Community Health Centres and Family Day Care providers have a high demand for our resources. This year the Safety Centre reviewed and updated 67 factsheets which were produced for the nationally funded Raising Children’s Network website and the Victorian Department of Health Better Health Channel website. These factsheets were updated to ensure the information and statistics provided were current. Throughout 2011 the Safety Centre has worked to update a number of key printed resources. This review included consultation with key peak bodies and health and safety professionals to ensure the safety messages were in line with current recommendation. The resources have been designed to be more visual to ensure they can be easily understood by low literacy and culturally and linguistically diverse families. The new printed resources are expected to be distributed in 2012. 4 High Risk Groups & Environments The Safety Centre continues to focus on providing support and safety advice to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities through the distribution of resources in other languages and education using peer educators. The Safety Centre also continues to work with children with additional needs through their partnership with TOCAN. Victorian Local Government Multicultural Issues Network (VLGMIN) The VLGMIN shares information between councils, advocates on behalf of councils and promotes best practice in cultural diversity. The Safety Centre continues to participate and be actively involved with the VLGMIN by attending the quarterly meetings, providing advice and distributing resources. The Safety Centre attended the City of Yarra and City of Port Phillip’s “Across All Cultures” DVD Launch on communication with CALD clientele. Paediatric Integrated Cancer Service (PICS) The Safety Centre has been part of The Royal Children’s Hospital working group to support the development of resources which respect and acknowledge the needs of CALD families. These resources are developed to meet the supportive care needs of patients and families. Injury Data, Media and Publications The Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit (VISU) and Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) estimate an annual decrease of 8% of child injury deaths and total reduction of 56% over the past decade. The Safety Centre always strives to collect the most up to date and relevant injury data in order to plans programs, provide resources and support community initiatives. In responding to all initiatives, data is collected from sources including the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit, the National Injury Surveillance Unit, The Royal Children’s Hospital Trauma Service, Coroners Injury Prevention Unit and the Victorian Poisons Information Centre. The following table and graph demonstrate the reduction in child injury deaths in Victoria using the most current statistics available. Child Injury Deaths in Victoria Transport Drowning Choking/suffocation/strangul ation Hit/struck/crush Fall Fire/burn/scald Other ALL 1970 81 31 14 1990 45 25 5 2003 25 3 7 2004 16 9 1 2005 14 7 2 2006 13 5 4 4 3 6 5 144 5 2 0 4 86 1 2 1 4 43 0 2 0 3 31 0 1 4 3 31 1 0 1 5 29 10 8 5 male female all 6 Trend all 0-14 years Rate per 100,000 Baby Steps The Safety Centre has worked together with journalists from the Herald Sun newspaper in Melbourne to produce a number of articles on child safety as part of the Baby Steps series. The articles have covered the flowing topics and have provided with practical advice and guidelines to improve safety around the home. • Safety Products • Backyard safety • First aid • Poisoning See appendix one for an example of a Baby Steps article. Additionally, the Safety Centre has provided information, advice and guidance to the media on: • Dangers of falling flat screen televisions - The Herald Sun newspaper • Burns prevention and keeping safe over the winter months – The Herald Sun newspaper • Safety issues throughout the home – Australian House and Garden magazine • Pet safety and safe behaviour around dogs – The Herald Sun newspaper Evaluation TOCAN Workshop Evaluation A total of 140 Health Practitioners attended the day long workshop. 62 participants completed the evaluation questionnaire providing the partnership with a 44.3% response rate. Evaluation results indicated that almost half (47.6%) of the participants heard about the workshop through online advertising. 31% received notice through the mail and 21.4% through a Health Practitioner. Other responses included notice received through ACRI, colleagues, OT Victoria/Australia and VicRoads. Participants were asked to rate their level of satisfaction towards the content, presentation style, and resources provided and location of the workshop. Participants indicated they were very satisfied or satisfied with the content of the presentation with a response rate of 51.6% and 41.9% respectively. Three quarters of the participants rated their level of satisfaction towards the presentation style as very satisfied (46.7%) or satisfied (51.6%). The resources provided to participants were rate at a level of 42.6% very satisfied and 52.5% satisfied. Finally, the location of the workshop (The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne), half (50.8%) of the participants were very satisfied with the location with a further 44.3% were satisfied. 6 Participants were asked if their needs and expectations of the workshop were met. 91.7% of participates strongly agreed and agreed that their needs and expectations were met. Safety Centre Childcare and Parent Workshops (2011) Evaluation The Safety Centre facilitated five parent workshops, five workshops for child care students and one workshop for family day providers with approximately 120 people attending. Participants were asked to rate their level of satisfaction towards the content, presentation style, resources provided and location of the workshops. 95.3% were very satisfied or satisfied with the content of the presentation. 95% were very satisfied or satisfied with the presentation style and resources provided. 90% were very satisfied or satisfied with the location. The majority of workshops were held in the Ella Latham Meeting Room at The Royal Children’s Hospital. On request and where possible, the Safety Centre will facilitate workshops at outside locations, otherwise, the Safety Centre uses the hospital’s facilities as a central location for families throughout Melbourne. To gain an understanding of satisfaction of the workshop, participants were asked to rate how satisfied they were with the overall workshop. 45% indicated they were very satisfied and 50% were satisfied with the overall workshop. Only one participant indicated they were dissatisfied. The participant was dissatisfied with the presentation as they would have preferred the discussion to be more interactive and practical. The comments and suggestions put forward by families will be useful in making improvements to the Child Care/Family Day Care, Parent/Carer and Student workshops. The suggestions where appropriate will be incorporated into the presentations for 2012. Networks International International Safe Communities Network (ISCN) The Safety Centre was represented at the 20th International Conference on Safe Communities Conference held in Sweden. The conference focused on best practice and ideas for further developing the International Safe Communities Program. The Safety Centre presented From Surviving to Thriving: Creating Collaborative Partnerships to Build Capacity and Provide Better Outcomes, which focused on the TOCAN partnership, achievements and lessons learnt. The Safety Centre presented a poster on behalf of the Communities That Care Australia: Predicting area-level trends for youth alcohol related assaults and hospital admissions in Victoria which focused on the implications that relate and interact with injury causation. National Australian Injury Prevention Network (AIPN) The Safety Centre attended the 10th National Conference on Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention conducted by the Australian Injury Prevention Network. The Safety Centre represented RCH and the VBPP and presented on the experiences of working in partnership. Communities That Care (CTC) The Safety Centre continues its membership on the CTC Board of Directors. CTC has achieved success developing and piloting community-level prevention projects in Australia. Pre-post student surveys have demonstrated that in most communities where CTC has been implemented, risk factors have been reduced, protective factors enhanced and health 7 and social problems reduced. The work of 'pioneer' communities has yielded valuable lessons for improving the ongoing implementation of the CTC process in Australia. A key goal of CTC is to remain current with prevention science in order to keep Australian communities at the cutting edge. CTC has recently developed a revised comprehensive prevention strategies guide based on new research findings, particularly in areas such as the evaluation of prevention strategies. 8 Final Comments The New Royal Children’s Hospital After more than seven years of planning, design and construction, the new Royal Children’s Hospital opened in November 2011. The Safety Centre opened from their new office on Tuesday 6th December. The Safety Centre is excited to be involved in this momentous event and will continue to provide support to families and health professionals throughout Victoria and Australia. Safety Centre Staff Standing left to right- Helen Rowan, Fiona Shields, Chayley Ashbolt, Lisa King, Carol Anderson Sitting- Gayle Wurm, Barbara Minuzzo 9 Appendix One 10
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