Gifted Child Society, Inc. The Saturday Workshop TM Spring 2014 March 1 - May 17 Ho-Ho-Kus Public School 70 Lloyd Road, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey 07423 Programs for gifted children and their parents n Testing Services n Parent Seminars n Teacher Training THE SATURDAY WORKSHOP TM - An Overview Consisting of about 60 one-hour Saturday morning courses specifically designed for gifted children, the SATURDAY WORKSHOP is composed of two ten-session semesters that run from October to December in the fall and March to May in the spring. It is conducted at the Ho-Ho-Kus Public School just off the Hollywood Avenue exit of Route 17. All SATURDAY WORKSHOP classes are designed to challenge the special learning needs and styles of gifted children. Curriculum and teaching strategies stimulate the development of higher levels of thinking, creativity, problem finding and problem solving, and leadership. An interdisciplinary approach is used and, where practical, courses are future oriented and globally focused. HISTORY, PURPOSE AND RECORD OF THE GIFTED CHILD SOCIETY The SOCIETY was founded in 1957 to further the cause of gifted children. Its goals are: • Educational programming and support services specifically designed for gifted children. • Assistance to parents in raising gifted children to full and productive adulthood. • Professional training to encourage educators to meet the special needs of these youngsters. • A greater effort to win public recognition and acceptance of these special needs. Since 1957, the SOCIETY has served more than 65,000 children and their families. OFFICERS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD President.............................Dr. Michael Barcadepone 1st Vice President................................................TBA 2nd Vice President...............................Andrew Lukac Treasurer........................................Sukhmani Dhanoa Secretary....................................................Lori Norian Lynne Clements Fran Hertzberg STAFF Executive Director........................................... Janet Chen Curriculum Coordinator................................... Katie Rome Saturday Workshop Coordinator.............. Janice Goldberg Summer Camp Director.........................Thomas Lancaster Summer Camp Curriculum Coordinator.....................................................Susan Keitel DIRECTORS Anastasia Ivanova Dr. Fay Sharit D’Arcy Natale Amy Skelley Bobbi Zientek TABLE OF CONTENTS Classes for Three Year Olds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Classes for Children in Preschool - Grade 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 3 - 7 Upcoming Gifted Child Society Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8 Evening Seminars for Parents at the Glen Rock Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9 Registration Information for Parent Seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10 General Information for Saturday Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11 SATURDAY WORKSHOP Registration Information, Tuition, Fees and Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 Spring Semester Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 Instructor Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 Registration Form for SATURDAY WORKSHOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14 Index of SATURDAY WORKSHOP Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15 2 CLASSES FOR THREE YEAR OLDS NO FORMAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS for three year olds, but children should be bright and mature enough to separate from parents. A small group will be led by one instructor and an assistant. Curriculum is age appropriate. Three year olds may take only one course. No refund for non-participation. SPECIAL TUITION: $195 9:30-3Y TALES YOU CAN COUNT ON Candace Romba 3 year olds Do you think you can do math while eating M&M’s? Join us for a generous helping of delicious stories with a mathematical twist. We’ll have activities, discussions and games based on our reading. NO REPEATS. Candace Romba 3 year olds Through stories, art, and hands-on experiments, discover how interesting the world of science can be. How can you make a paper boat move on water without touching it? Which of your senses do you use when you draw a picture? If you are curious about the world around you and like to ask questions, this is the class for you. NO REPEATS. John Muth 1st - 2nd How do artists make things seem far away or smaller? What do you know about Picasso and shapes? Colors and geometry? Discover how math and measurement are used in art. Create some of your own works using a variety of mediums. This art class with a math twist will enrich and challenge your mind. NO REPEATS. Computer Staff 3 year olds Are you a good friend? Come join us for fascinating stories based on friendship. We’ll meet new “friends” each week and discuss their traits, values, similarities and differences. Have fun engaging in creative activities including art, puppetry, movement and brainstorming. NO REPEATS. CLASSES AT 9:30 AM 1st - 2nd Using Legos, motors and computers, we’ll explore science, technology, engineering, and math concepts by making moving models. Models will include a spinning top, dancing birds, goal keeper and more. Students will work in teams and gain critical thinking and problem-solving skills. NO REPEATS. 9:30G PLANET WATCH THINK LIKE A SCIENTIST Catherine Augustine PreK - K Join us as we explore some of the many fields of science! Through hands-on experiments, young scientists will be introduced to the worlds of chemistry, botany, meteorology, and anatomy. And that’s just the beginning! Come with us as we discover how to make an indoor snowstorm, compare bugs and insects, and count the bones in our bodies! Don’t forget your lab coats! 9:30B Nancy Minieri K - 1st We will explore some delightful children’s books and poetry and create our own drawings, paintings and collages inspired by our readings. We’ll even make up our own stories and fables as a class and illustrate them. Use your imagination, artistic skills and creativity in new and exciting ways. NO REPEATS. 9:30F INTRODUCTION TO LEGO ROBOTICS 11:30-3Y YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME 9:30A 9:30D THE STORY PALETTE 9:30E ART EQUATIONS 10:30-3Y KIDS’ KALEIDOSCOPE Candace Romba 9:30C MATH MADNESS Katie Basler K - 1st Be a math detective and use critical thinking skills to stretch your brain. Investigate ancient counting systems; challenge yourself with math games, word problems and brainteasers, and discover intriguing facts about numbers. “Count” yourself in for the fun and excitement of mathematics! NO REPEATS. POETRY IN MOTION Karen Perez PreK - K Have a funny sunny time discovering poetry from children’s authors such as Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss. We will learn how to make a rhyme and how to create our own poetry in small groups and as a class. We will use movement, drama and hands-on activities to experience the joy of poetry. NO REPEATS. 3 Joseph Lennox 1st - 2nd This class will be an exciting introduction to planets, moons, stars, comets, and many other celestial bodies. Students will view videos and detailed mission documentation, handle authentic spacecraft hardware, and learn about the bodies that make up our universe. NO REPEATS. 9:30H UP, UP AND AWAY! Agnes Kurdyla 2nd - 3rd Jump into the cockpit and soar into the world of flight! Join us as we explore flying machines of the past and future and investigate what makes flight possible. Experiment with the science of aerodynamics, and create your very own flying machine. Through literature, art projects, and experiments we will become aviation experts! 9:30I 9:30O EXTREME ENGINEERING ENGINEERING WITH LEGO SCOUT Computer Staff 2nd - 3rd Use Lego bricks and components to build around a microcomputer. Build a bug, basketball game, as well as an environment that senses intruders! Learn to program directly on your micro-computer employing touch and light sensors, and much more. Your micro-computer will respond to over 200 commands! NO REPEATS. Brian Hoffman 5th - 6th Are you up for a challenge? Discover how strong paper really is. Create towers, bridges, and more using paper, straws, and other common household items. Compete against fellow students to see whose structures are the longest, tallest, strongest, and can travel the farthest. Engineering has never been this much fun before! NO REPEATS. 9:30J 9:30P DEBATING ORIGAMI MAGIC! Kathleen Potash 3rd - 4th You’ve probably seen an origami crane before, but have you ever seen a stellated octahedron? Come explore what you know about geometry as we fold fabulous origami creations. We will learn about the work of famous MIT professor, Eric Demaine, and origami artist, Erik Gjerde, as we make connections between math and art. We’ll work on basic origami shapes and animals, and build towards modular geometric pieces. You’re not going to believe what you can make with math and paper! REPEATS WELCOME. 9:30K DECODING DA VINCI Kimberly Donatello 3rd - 4th Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci designed shoes that could walk on water as well as the world’s first parachute? Or that his “Mona Lisa” is perhaps the most well known painting in the world? Each week we’ll create projects based on Leonardo’s most exciting ideas, inventions and innovations in art, science and engineering. Along the way we’ll discover what made him the ultimate Renaissance man and one of the world’s greatest geniuses. 9:30L ART OUTSIDE THE BOX Jill Jeune 3rd - 5th Come explore your creative side! As a class we will look at artists who have pushed the boundaries of our perceptions of what art really is. We will be creating art in both the 2-D and 3-D form and working with paint, crayons, wood, metal and other materials in a non-traditional manner. 9:30M H.O.T.S. - HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS Robert Eldridge 4th - 5th Logic grids, toothpick puzzles, math tricks, dice games and word puzzles will challenge you in this exciting class. In small groups, you will have fun stretching your mind and learning strategies for solving unique problems. H.O.T.S. may even help you pick the winning lottery numbers! NO REPEATS. 9:30N MORE STEM MANIA - Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Terri Hughes Linda Urscheler 5th - 6th It’s never too early to learn how to argue . . . the right way! Become familiar with the skills of debating, public speaking and listening. Learn the rules of debate, how to get your point across, how to research a position, and how to use debate shorthand and terminology. Practice these skills by participating in actual debates. REPEATS WELCOME. 9:30Q MARBLE MAZE MANIA Robert Pelosi 5th - 8th Design and build your own 3-D kinetic sculpture -- a task requiring logic, creativity, and persistence. Can you make your marble accelerate, decelerate, change directions, and bounce through your maze? Compete with classmates to see which marble takes at least 10 seconds to complete its course. REPEATS WELCOME. 9:30R WHAT’S UP DOC? Dr. Renuka Mapitigama 6th - 8th In this class we will explore the medical profession and get an insider’s view of a doctor’s life in a busy hospital. You will analyze and interpret a variety of case studies from a doctor’s real experience and learn to think like a doctor. There will be a special emphasis on the sciences and practices involved in a medical intensive care unit, which is a learning environment for medical students and residents. 9:30S MYTH BUSTERS: ALIEN INVASION Kristin Bucci 6th - 8th Are we really alone in the universe? With so many stars and even more planets surrounding them, the chances are we have company. But have they come to visit us? We’ll discuss and debate signs that Earth has had visitors from other planets over the years. The Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, crop circles, Area 51, Roswell, New Mexico and UFOs. What other evidence is out there? What kind of welcome should we prepare? There’s only one way to find out: Join us! NO REPEATS. CLASSES AT 10:30 AM 4th - 5th If you would like to learn more about the relationship between science, technology, engineering, and math, then this is the class for you. Study sustainable energy by building a wind turbine. Learn about force, accuracy, precision and angles and build a catapult. These are just a sample of the many hands-on design problems that we will explore. Students who took STEM Mania in the fall may take this class -- all projects will be new. 4 10:30A MATH-A-MAGIC Christopher Haffler PreK - K Discover secret sequences, play math games, investigate intriguing puzzles and tackle tricky tangrams! Learn some math brain teasers that will amaze your friends. We’ll problem solve independently and in groups and just have fun being Saturday Workshop mathemagicians! 10:30B UNIQUE YOU! 10:30I Karen Perez PreK - K What is the difference between a wish from your heart and a wish from your brain? What can you do to be a better friend? How are you special? Through literature, games, and art we will learn about important topics like confidence, gratitude, and empowerment. We will grow together in a fun and positive environment. Come learn about your greatest treasure - YOU! Computer Staff 10:30J A GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND Joseph Lennox 3rd - 4th Learn about space history and basic space science/technology. With toys and everyday household items, audiovisual items, spacecraft hardware, flight documentation, and scale models, learn how and why space exploration began and what tremendous feats were accomplished. NO REPEATS. 10:30D MOTOR MOVERS K - 1st 10:30K THE YOUNG ARCHITECT Put your creativity to the test. Using motorized Lego Technics, build a monkey that moves hand-over-hand on the high wire, a dog chasing a chicken, an insect, a spider, a bat, and a handheld drink stirrer -- beyond that, your imagination is the limit. NO REPEATS. Robert Pelosi 3rd - 4th Assume the role of an architect, and design a space for your client. The process begins with a discussion of measurement and scale. Then we’ll create sketches and drawings and construct a detailed model complete with furniture. NO REPEATS. 10:30E UP, UP AND AWAY! Agnes Kurdyla 1st - 2nd Same class description as 9:30H, but for younger students. 10:30F 2nd - 3rd Using LEGO elements, students build models such as a DogBot, Street Sweeper, Free-wheeler, Magno Bird, and many more. The projects emphasize various physical science and technology concepts, including powered forces and motion, measurement, and moving energy. This class is a perfect tool for preparing students for engineering and problem-solving challenges. NO REPEATS. 10:30C IMAGINATION EXPRESS Nancy Minieri K - 1st Try to imagine how you would get an elephant down from a tree, remove a porcupine from your lunchbox or unload a toad from your pocket without using your hands. Using art, literature, role-play and games, we will use our imaginations to solve some wacky problems! Come explore the possibilities! NO REPEATS. Computer Staff MOTORIZED MECHANISMS 10:30L GROSSOLOGY MORE STEM MANIA - Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Terri Hughes Catherine Augustine 1st - 2nd Did you know that in the Middle Ages picking your nose was acceptable behavior? Or that you will produce enough saliva over your lifetime to fill several large swimming pools? If you enjoy learning about the icky, sticky, gooey things that others might turn away from, then this is the place for your! Here in Grossology we will conduct a truly revolting collection of gross science experiments as we explore our bodies and the world around us. Remember, gross is in the eye of the beholder! 3rd - 4th Same class description as 9:30N, but for younger students. 10:30M ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF HISTORY 10:30G PASSPORTS TO THE WORLD Avamarie Spoleti 1st - 2nd Let’s travel to countries around the world to learn about different cultures and traditions, examine maps, play native games, and create unique crafts. Grab your passport, pack a suitcase, and join us on our journey. Students who took “More Passports to the World” in Fall 2013 may take this class. All new countries will be explored. 10:30H BRAIN BOGGLERS Kimberly Donatello 2nd - 3rd Test your mind, and see if you can be stumped! This course is aimed at motivating curiosity and finding creative, nonstandard strategies to problem solving. Try your hand at a wide range of brain teasers, riddles, mathematical puzzles, and more! Thinking has never been so much fun! 5 Katie Basler 4th - 5th Have you ever wondered how the Egyptian pyramids were constructed or who built the statues on Easter island? Did you ever ponder why the Anasazi abandoned their cities? Come join us as we explore, analyze and try to solve some of the great mysteries of the ancient world. NO REPEATS. 10:30N ORDER IN THE COURT: THE LAW THROUGH FAIRY TALES Julie Romeo 4th - 5th Is Jack the Giant Killer guilty of manslaughter? Does Rumpelstiltskin deserve a pile of gold for breach of contract? We’ll explore fairness, justice and ethics through classic tales. Prepare to take on roles of lawyer, witness, juror and storyteller and “live happily ever after.” Class size limited. NO REPEATS. 10:30O MYTH MAKERS Lenny Hort 10:30U QUIZ BOWL ACADEMY Rick Rosenthal 6th - 8th Are you a play-along Jeopardy champion? A fact aficionado? Do you just have a competitive streak and love to learn? If you do, then Quiz Bowl Academy is for you! Quiz Bowl is a nationwide high school and college sport that promotes team work, quick thinking and a huge database of facts and knowledge. This course provides an introduction to trivia games, a chance to practice in a safe yet competitive environment, and a base in various subjects that will help you throughout your school and Quiz Bowl career! NO REPEATS. 4th - 6th Don’t just read about Greek heroes, gods, and monsters from Athena to Zeus -- be them! Put on your toga and explore the greatest Greek myths by creating your own plays and acting them out. Each week we’ll choose a myth together -- Perseus and Medusa, Pandora’s box, Icarus and Daedalus -- and create an entire mini-play, complete with costumes and parts for everyone. NO REPEATS. 10:30P ADVANCED ORIGAMI Kathleen Potash 4th - 6th Hooked on modular origami? Ready to build more Sonobe sensations? Take your folding skills to the next level in this hands-on class to create three-dimensional structures from paper. Students will make geometric constructions like wreaths, rings, polyhedra and a gyroscope. We’ll continue to explore platonic solids as we assemble a regular dodecahedron using math whiz Tom Hull’s PHIZZ modular origami units. Prerequisite: some folding experience. 10:30V BEGINNING CHESS John Muth K - 8th This course for novice players centers upon fundamental moves and concepts in the game of chess. Students will be able to distinguish stalemate from checkmate and recognize “checkmate” as the object of the game. Algebraic notation is introduced and students drill by identifying squares in notation. An ongoing chess tournament is played at the rate of one game per class. REPEATS WELCOME. 10:30Q MATH MASTERS Robert Eldridge 5th - 6th Do you love math? Enjoy seeing patterns in numbers? This course is for you! We’ll be exploring number patterns, looking at calculation tricks and short cuts, checking out probability, the world of geometry, Venn diagrams and much more. To stretch your brain power, we’ll also include some logic and Numbrix puzzles as well as Sudoku strategies. “Count” on this fun and challenging class to make you a math master! NO REPEATS. CLASSES AT 11:30 AM 11:30A EARLY STRUCTURES Computer Staff PreK - K Students learn concepts of basic structures with hands-on exploration! We will build structures like bridges, pyramids and scales, and explore balance and stability. By building a variety of models, students can determine what is the best shape for the job. This course is ideal for developing design and problem-solving skills. NO REPEATS. 10:30R YOUNG PHILOSOPHERS’ CLUB Kristin Bucci 5th - 8th Are impossible things ever possible? Can you really think about nothing at all? Is it possible to lie to yourself? Join our group as we tackle these mind-bending questions. We will exercise our logic and imagination, expressing our thoughts and arguing our points of view as we discuss ideas that have intrigued philosophers since Socrates and Plato. REPEATS WELCOME. 11:30B SNAP, CRACKLE, POP! Christopher Haffler K - 1st 10:30S ART OUTSIDE THE BOX Jill Jeune 5th - 8th Same class description as 9:30L, but for older students. Mix, swish, and create concoctions that tend to pop and fizz as you explore the world of science through hands-on activities. Explode your lunchbag, zoom with a balloon rocket, and create elephant toothpaste with our sometimes silly but extremely scientific experiments! 10:30T 11:30C POLAR PALS LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Brian Hoffman 6th - 8th Do you love movies? Have you ever dreamed of winning an Academy Award? Take the first step on your road to stardom. Experience all aspects of creating a short video. Participate in brainstorming ideas, acting, directing, camera work, special effects, sound and more. Each student will get a copy of the finished production to take home. Enrollment limited. Avamarie Spoleti K - 1st Penguins, polar bears and Eskimos, oh my! Where exactly do polar bears and penguins live? In this class we will have fun learning about the people, cultures, climates and animals of the Arctic and Antarctica through stories, craft projects and exploration. We will create igloos, masks and habitats for animal life, listen to Eskimo music and discuss folk tales. NO REPEATS. 6 11:30D BRAIN BUSTERS 11:30K GET THE SCOOP Karen Perez 1st - 2nd Be a detective and challenge your mind! Use critical thinking and deduction to solve mysteries and stretch your brain. Play strategy games to practice thinking ahead, and come up with original solutions to creative problems. Challenging word puzzles will be part of the fun. NO REPEATS. Kristin Bucci 4th - 5th Like to question authority? Think rubbing elbows with celebrities rocks? Got a nose for news and an ear for gossip? Explore the world of journalism as we learn the ins and outs of being a reporter. Show off your talents as you write your own short articles in a variety of styles. REPEATS WELCOME. 11:30E MOTORIZED MECHANISMS Computer Staff 11:30L 1st - 2nd Same class description as 10:30I, but for younger students. NO REPEATS. 11:30F GROSSOLOGY Catherine Augustine 2nd - 3rd Same class description as 10:30F, but for older students. 2nd - 3rd Johanna Tellado In this class we will discuss fascinating true stories from the natural world. Discover a deeper understanding of character through examples of forgiveness from apes, responsibility from dogs and cooperation from dolphins. We will make analogies to our own lives as we make emotional connections to these stories. We will create art projects to remind us of something special that we learned from nature. NO REPEATS. 11:30H SATURDAY WORKSHOP SUPER SLEUTHS 3rd - 4th 11:30N MISSION APOLLO Joseph Lennox 5th - 8th Blast off! Learn about each Apollo mission in complete detail using models, videos, authentic spacecraft hardware, pictures and actual flight documentation. Each week a major Apollo component will be profiled and the class will run a step by step lunar flight preparation program for a simulated mission. NO REPEATS. 11:30O THE SATURDAY SHAKESPEARE PLAYERS 5th - 8th “All the world’s a stage”. Join our merry band of players as we perform scenes from some of the greatest plays of all time and discover the magic of Shakespeare’s writing. Have fun acting out timeless conflicts and characters and bringing epic events to life. 11:30P ADVANCED H.O.T.S. IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARS WHATCHAMACALLIT Rick Rosenthal 3rd - 4th Come explore the oddities, origins and meanings of some of the more than half million words in the English language. Don’t worry if it becomes all Greek or Geek to you, as we will look at how the English language has grown by adding words from all over the world. Play word games and laugh at oxymorons, malapropisms, palindromes and other delights that language has to offer. NO REPEATS. 11:30J 11:30M MORE STEM MANIA - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Lenny Hort Calling all future detectives! Put your critical thinking skills to the test as you observe crime scenes, collect evidence, and use forensic techniques such as fingerprinting and chromatography to try to crack the case! NO REPEATS. 11:30I Julie Romeo 5th - 6th Same class description as 10:30N, but for older students. NO REPEATS. Terri Hughes 5th - 8th Same class description as 9:30N, but for older students. 11:30G AMAZING ANIMALS INSPIRE ART Katie Basler ORDER IN THE COURT: THE LAW THROUGH FAIRY TALES FASHION PIZZAZZ Nancy Minieri 3rd - 5th Express your creativity by turning a simple T-shirt into a one of a kind design. Create fashion accessories with flare and pizzazz. Learn basic hand sewing, embroidery stitches, and embellishing to bring out the designer in you. This class will allow for the production of many original works and perhaps a hot, new designer! REPEATS WELCOME. 7 Robert Eldridge 6th - 8th This course is designed only for those students who have taken H.O.T.S. in the Middle School Years. Further sharpen your problem solving abilities as you tackle new puzzles focusing on deductive reasoning and logic. Examine strategies for solving tougher sodukos, gridded logic problems, and numbrix puzzles. Enjoy all new wordles and other word games. Spend time learning how to set up and solve algebraic word problems and examining Venn diagrams. PREREQUISITE: H.O.T.S. in the Middle School Years 11:30Q ADVANCED CHESS John Muth K - 8th Challenge yourself in this higher level course. Strategy and tactics in the opening, middle game and end game are examined with a view toward originating a “plan” based on strengths and weaknesses. Historical and mathematical facts about the game are covered. The class plays an ongoing chess tournament at the rate of one game per class. REPEATS WELCOME. UPCOMING GIFTED CHILD SOCIETY PROGRAM SUMMER SUPER STARS DAY CAMP FOR GIFTED CHILDREN Crescent Elementary School, Waldwick, NJ Age 4 to grade 8: June 25 - August 5, 2014 9 AM - 4 PM Summer Super Stars is a summer day camp that is uniquely tailored for gifted kids, with the enrichment of academically challenging classes and plenty of just plain fun activities. Classes are small (10 to 15) and include group and individual projects designed to stimulate imaginative participation, hands-on creativity, and the development of higher order thinking skills. Emphasis on stimulating individual strengths and building self-esteem. Meet New Friends and Renew Old Friendships Campers form new and lasting friendships at Summer Super Stars. Social interaction is actively encouraged and supported by all SSS staff. The camp fosters an atmosphere of spirited camaraderie that makes for a great summer for all. THE RECREATIONAL AFTERNOON includes swimming at Crestwood Lake, Monday to Thursday afternoons. Other activities may include drama and clubs featuring chess, art, and computers. Sports such as baseball, volleyball, soccer, and playground games are also available. • Six or three week sessions • Optional transportation from Teaneck and Paramus • Weekly field trips or special programs Call 201-444-6530 for brochure or visit our website at: FOURTH BIENNIAL RUTH FELDMAN MEMORIAL LECTURE “Can’t You Just Chill Out?” Appreciating the Intensities of Gifted Individuals presented by Dr. James Delisle Wednesday March 5, 2014 - 7:30 - 9:00PM Bergen Community College Admission Free - Pre-registration required - $10 donation appreciated See website for more details Call 201-444-6530 to reserve a seat or email to 8 EVENING SEMINARS FOR PARENTS AT THE GLEN ROCK OFFICE TIME: 7:30 - 9:30 PM (See dates below.) TUITION: As below + $5 registration fee Each Seminar: $20 per person or $35 per couple Any 3 seminars: $50 per person or $90 per couple Any 4 seminars: $60 per person or $100 per couple Please complete registration form on page 10. P- 1 BRAIN FOOD: HOW TO USE FOOD TO BUILD YOUR CHILD’S BRAIN POWER Erica Danziger P - 2 THE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF GIFTEDNESS IN CHILDREN Tuesday March 18 Dr. Michele Opper Fish, avocado and chia seeds…what do they have in common? They all have the power to help build our children’s minds. Join us to learn about key foods to incorporate into your family’s diet as well as practical strategies to get these critical foods into even the pickiest of eaters. The presenter will share her favorite foods to grow kids’ brains starting from their first baby foods right up through their high school years. As a busy Mom of two, she knows how hectic life is and focuses especially on practical and realistic strategies that even the busiest family can employ. Join us to chat, learn and taste – sample foods and recipes will be available! Defining giftedness is a challenge with so many definitions out there. This seminar will address current definitions of giftedness and best practices in the identification of children who are gifted. Special attention will be devoted to the importance of identification as well as the behavioral characteristics and social-emotional markers prevalent amongst this population. Gender differences and the assessment of twice exceptional students will also be highlighted. Parents will be provided with strategies and resources to support the growth and development of gifted children. P - 4 ANXIETY AND THE GIFTED CHILD: HOW PARENTS CAN HELP THEIR CHILDREN COPE P - 3 BIOFEEDBACK, NEUROFEEDBACK & IMPROVED PERFORMANCE STATES Bryan Granelli, Ph.D. Thursday March 27 Dr. Amanda Klein Tuesday April 29 Gifted children often have very sensitive nervous systems. Helping gifted children learn to develop self regulation is often an important task for parents and professionals. This seminar looks at some of the issues with giftedness and self regulation. Neurofeedback has been used successfully with world class athletes and musicians. This workshop will offer an introduction to biofeedback and EEG neurofeedback. Applications for use with gifted children will be reviewed with attention given to enhancement of performance. Wednesday May 7 Some level of anxiety is normal for all children and it keeps them motivated to achieve. For gifted children, anxiety may often be intense due to their perfectionist tendencies. This workshop will help parents identify when their child is experiencing too much anxiety by examining its frequency, intensity, and duration. A step-by-step guide which includes breathing, progressive relaxation and cognitive restructuring will be introduced and discussed. Parents will leave this workshop with tools that they can use to help their gifted children cope with the stress in their daily lives. PARENT NETWORKING SESSION FOR GIFTED CHILD SOCIETY MEMBERS Gather at the Glen Rock office with other parent members who have similar aged chldren to share experiences and support. Participation limited to 12 per session. Please call the office at 201-444-6530 or email us at to reserve a seat. 10:30 - 11:30AM PreK (age 4-5) Wed., May 21 Elementary (Grades K-2) Tues., March 25 9 Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5) Mon., April 14 REGISTRATION INFORMATION FOR PARENT SEMINARS REGISTRATION: For activities at the Glen Rock office, please use the registration form below. Mail at least ten days before activity date. (See page 14 to register for Saturday Workshop.) BUSINESS HOURS: 9:30 - 3:30, Monday - Friday PHONE: 201-444-6530 FAX: 201-444-9099 EMAIL: REFUND POLICY: There will be no refunds for missed seminars. STAFF AT THE GLEN ROCK OFFICE Network of Bergen County. BRYAN GRANELLI, Ph.D.; private practice, Ridgewood; former psychologist, Fair Lawn Public Schools; consultant GCS. AMANDA KLEIN, Psy.D., Graduate School of Applied & Prof. Psychology, Rutgers Univ.; former school psychologist, Pompton Lakes, NJ.; cognitive behavorial therapist and administrator of psychological evaluations; private practice, Wyckoff, NJ. DR. MICHELE OPPER, Ph.D., NJ/NY licensed psychologist, licensed school psychologist; former school psychologist New York City and Westchester; consultant specializing in assessment; private practice Waldwick, NJ. ERICA DANZIGER, Holistic Health Coach; Owner of Nature Girl Wellness; Co-leader of the Holistic Moms REGISTRATION FORM FOR ACTIVITIES AT THE GLEN ROCK OFFICE Name: Daytime Phone: Address: Street Town Zip Code Email: Code of Seminar: Name of Seminar: Please enclose the following with registration: Parent Seminar Tuition plus $5 registration fee **There will be no refunds for missed seminars. Total amount enclosed ______ Make check payable to Gifted Child Society, Inc. Return to: Gifted Child Society, 190 Rock Road, Glen Rock, NJ 07452 10 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR SATURDAY WORKSHOP For Parents at the Saturday Workshop Emergency Telephone At The Saturday Workshop: The emergency Cell Phone Number for reaching the School Coordinator in emergencies is 201-218-4122. Informal parent discussion groups meet in the multi-purpose room at 9:30 AM and again at 10:30 AM. Discussion topic for March 1st: Summer Super Stars Camp: Meet the Director Tom Lancaster and learn about our upcoming camp program Class Change-Over Time: All students taking more than one class designated for grades 2-3 and younger will be escorted to their next classes by teenage assistants. Eligibility: New applicants must have eligibility form completed by the school principal or a psychologist. The form is available on line at: No eligibility requirements for three year olds, but child must be three years old by starting date of workshop. Testing: Individual intelligence testing must be administered by a licensed or certified psychologist. Testing services are also available at the Glen Rock office and include a brief interpretive conference with parents. Parents will also receive a form including the subscores and the full scale IQ score. The fee for this service is $250. End-of-Semester Reports: Reports on student progress are mailed to parents at the end of each semester. Class Sizes and Grade Levels: Class sizes are small; sizes are predetermined. Compliance with grade levels listed is required. Course Limits: Three year-olds may take only one course. Four year olds and kindergartners may take two. Older children may take three. Please use parental guidance to ensure balanced curriculum. Instructors: No child may take more than one course with the same instructor in any one semester. Drop off/ Pick up: Children must be taken to their first class and picked up at the room of their last class. No child should be left unsupervised outside the building at any time. Parking lots are on both sides of the building. There is no standing or parking in the driveway directly in front of the school’s entrance. You may also park along the neighboring streets as long as you obey the street signs and do not block driveways of private residences. Car Pools: Lists of those families who wish to participate in car pools will be available on the second Saturday of the semester at the Saturday Workshop Coordinator’s desk. Suggestions: Parental suggestions for the addition of new courses or new instructors are welcome and should be addressed to the Curriculum Coordinator. Emergency Closings: In case of inclement weather or any unforeseen emergency, the Society reserves the right to cancel a Saturday’s activity without refund or make-up. Closings will be posted on our website,, and a message will be left on the office answering machine. In addition, information concerning closings will be emailed to those families providing email addresses. FOR SECURITY REASONS: For parents who remain on site to attend a parent discussion group while their children’s classes are in session, please stay in the designated waiting room on the main floor. Do not stay in the hallways or empty classrooms. Parents are not allowed in classes during instruction time. Course Evaluation: All classes are evaluated by the Curriculum Coordinator, assisted by a team of member/observers. There are openings on the observation team for members who are professional educators. Parental comments are welcome. Disclaimer: Although every effort will be made to provide courses as listed in this brochure, the Society does not accept responsibility for staff, curriculum, or equipment changes which are beyond its control. Attendance: If students are dropped off early, picked up late, attend class irregularly or behave inappropriately, the Society reserves the right to discontinue instruction without refund. Finder’s Fee: Current members who bring us first time registrants from a new family receive a $25 Certificate toward the current member’s next registration. 11 REGISTRATION INFORMATION FOR SATURDAY WORKSHOP Registration: Registration should be mailed to the Glen Rock office. Registration forms are processed strictly in the order received. Hand-delivered registrations will be placed at the bottom of the mail received the next day. Late Registration: Depending on availability, the registration period may be extended and children may start the program on the second Saturday. There will be no tuition refund for a missed Saturday. Please see below for late fee. Registration Confirmation: A few days before the beginning of the semester, registration acknowledgment including room numbers, will be mailed. Computer Classes: Students may take only one course taught by Computer staff per session. Classes Filled To Capacity: It is important to indicate alternate courses on the registration form. In the event that a class fills to capacity, applicants will be placed in their alternate choices. If no alternates are given, a postcard will be sent to parents and the registration set aside, pending response. Undersubscription: In cases of insufficient enrollment, a course may be cancelled. TUITION, FEES AND PENALTIES REGISTRATION FEE: Per child, non-refundable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10 GENERAL TUITION: Child’s first course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180 Additional course(s) for same child or sibling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $170 SPECIAL TUITION: For three year-olds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195 MEMBERSHIP: Family membership dues of $40 annually are required for all SATURDAY WORKSHOP families, payable $20 each spring and fall semester. One membership per family. PENALTIES: An automatic $10 clerical charge will be assessed for any course change and $25 for each course withdrawal after the close of registration. A $15 late charge applies to registrations postmarked after the closing date. There will be no refund for a withdrawal from any class after the second Saturday of the Workshop. There will be no tuition refund for a missed Saturday. PAYMENT: Your check for payment in full must accompany your completed registration form. It should be made out to: GIFTED CHILD SOCIETY, INC. and mailed to the School Coordinator at 190 Rock Road, Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452-1736. Financial contributions to the SOCIETY are tax deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Service Code. SPRING SEMESTER CALENDAR NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS! when you register for the Saturday Workshop. You will only hear from us if: • A class is full and no alternates are listed. • A class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. • There is a question about eligibility. A few days before the Saturday Workshop starts, you will receive a confirmation card with the room number of the class(es) along with introductory information. 12 Registration closes February 22nd SATURDAY WORKSHOP begins March 1st Parent Participation Day April 12th No Classes April 19th & April 26th SATURDAY WORKSHOP ends Fall Brochure Mailing May 17th September 1st INSTRUCTOR PROFILES AUGUSTINE, CATHERINE, M.A., Ed. Leadership, Montclair State Univ.; M.S., Literacy Education, College of New Rochelle; B.S., Elementary Education, SUNY, Cortland; teacher at Primoris Academy, Westwood and MSU Gifted & Talented weekend/summer program. MAPITIGAMA, DR. RENUKA, M.D., F.C.C.P.; attending physician in Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medicine and Sleep Medicine at Hackensack Univeristy Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ. MINIERI, NANCY, A.A.S., Fashion Inst. of Technology; teacher assistant, fashion design, Vo-Tech High School. BASLER, KATIE, M.S., Ed., Long Island University; B.A., Ed., Rider Univ.; 10 years, junior high teacher, Archdiocese of Newark; teacher, Summer Super Stars Camp. MUTH, JOHN, B.F.A., Painting, Pratt Institute; art teacher, Elmwood Park Schools; local chess teacher; certified tournament director; member of U.S. Chess Federation. BUCCI, KRISTIN, B.A., Journalism and Spanish, Albion College; former journalist for 25 years at The Times of Trenton and The Star-Ledger; current managing editor of The Trentonian. PELOSI, ROBERT, B. Arch., Pratt Inst.; teacher architectural design and related subjects, Pratt Inst., 38 years; private practice, residential/commercial design. DONATELLO, KIMBERLY, M.A., Gifted Education, Teachers College, Columbia Univ.; B.S., Elem. Education, Lynchburg College; former gifted education teacher in Alexandria, VA; 4th grade teacher, Wyckoff, NJ. PEREZ, KAREN, M.A., Early Childhood Leadership and Admin., Kean Univ.; B.A. Early Childhood/Elem. Ed., Rider College; Executive Director of Child Development Center, Passaic County Community College. ELDRIDGE, ROBERT, M.S., Guidance & Counseling, City College, N.Y.; B.A., Psychology, Lehman College; enrichment teacher, math and science, Hackensack Public Schools. POTASH, KATHLEEN, B.A., English, Barnard College; Market Data Analyst; Candidate for M.S. in Childhood Education and Students with Disabilities, Dominican College. HAFFLER, CHRISTOPHER, B.A., American Studies, Ramapo College of New Jersey; certified K-8 teacher; 3rd grade teacher, Montvale, NJ. ROMBA, CANDACE, B.A., Early Childhood Education, William Paterson College; preschool teacher for 19 years; kindergarten teacher, Ridgefield Park. HOFFMAN, BRIAN, M.S., Computer Science, Stevens Inst. of Technology; B.F.A., Film/TV, NYU; television and music producer; screenwriter; technology education consultant; teacher of video production, Dwight-Englewood School. ROMEO, JULIE, M.A., Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University; B.A., English Lit., Smith College; producer of nationally recognized law-related education programs; education consultant. HORT, LENNY, M.A., English, S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook; B.A., Vassar College; author of 12 children’s books; English teacher and drama director, Bergenfield High School. ROSENTHAL, RICK, M.A., Investments, Pace Univ.; B.A., Science and Journalism, NYU; self-employed computer consultant. HUGHES, TERRI, M.A. and B.A., Education, William Paterson Univ.; technology teacher, Bloomfield Middle School; computer teacher, Summer Super Stars. SPOLETI, AVAMARIE, M.A., Ed., St. Peter’s College; B.A., English, St. Thomas Aquinas College. TELLADO, JOHANNA, A.A.S., Fashion Design, Fashion Institute of Technology; Adjunct Instructor, FIT, speciality Apparel Design; Fashion Designer, women’s sleepwear, swimwear, dresses and sportswear. JEUNE, JILL, M.A., Art Education, NYU; B.A., Studio Art, NYU; art teacher, Valley Middle School, Oakland, NJ. KURDYLA, AGNES, M.A., Teaching and B.A., Human Ecology, Montclair State Univ.; fourth grade teacher, River Vale; teacher, Summer Super Stars Camp. URSCHELER, LINDA, B.A., Early Childhood/Elem. Education, William Paterson College; preschool teacher, Child Development Center, Garfield, N.J. LENNOX, JOSEPH, Space historian and education specialist; author of personal memoir “Vision for Space”; member of selection committee for Astronaut Hall of Fame at Kennedy Space Ctr.; Nat’l Space Society; Nat’l Science Tchr. Assoc. 13 REGISTRATION FOR SATURDAY WORKSHOP CLASSES START MARCH 1st - REGISTRATION CLOSES FEBRUARY 22nd Complete one form for each child - duplicate registration form for siblings. See page 12 for registration information, tuition and late fees. CHILD’S NAME Last First Mother’s Name Father’s Name ADDRESS Street City State Home Cell (Mother) Zip + 4 TELEPHONE AGE GRADE BIRTHDATE / Cell (Father) New address? New member? / Yes Yes No No EMAIL ADDRESS:(Please print clearly) Mother’s Profession Father’s Profession Employer Employer Referred by (Gifted Child Society member) EMERGENCY CONTACT OTHER THAN PARENT Name Telephone If parents cannot be reached in case of emergency, consent is hereby given that student receives medical and/or surgical care as recommended by physician or hospital. PARENT’S SIGNATURE COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE: FIRST CHOICE 9:30 Tuition for Each Course $ 10:30 $ 11:30 $ Non-Refundable Registration Fee $ 10.00 9:30 Spring Family Dues $ 20.00 10:30 Contributions ALTERNATE CHOICE #1 11:30 TOTAL ENCLOSED $ * $ ALTERNATE CHOICE #2 9:30 Check 10:30 if registration is for additional child. *Tax Deductible under Sec. 170.1R.Code 11:30 Media Consent: Photographs of classes and other student activities are regularly taken during Gifted Child Society programs. I hereby grant permission allowing the Society to use photographs of my child(ren) for media coverage or for future brochures or other printed material. o yes o no Parent or Guardian Signature 14 2014 GIFTED CHILD SOCIETY 190 Rock Road Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452-1736 Phone: Fax: website: E-mail: 201-444-6530 201-444-9099 Driving Directions To Ho-Ho-Kus Public School, 70 Lloyd Road. Via Route 17 North Take the Hollywood Avenue exit. Turn left after exiting, back over Route 17. Take first perpendicular left at the small island at the bottom of the overpass. This is Lloyd Road (one-way). Via Route 17 South Take the Hollywood Avenue exit. Make the first left (go 180 degrees around the island) onto Lloyd Road. Please park in school parking lots or on either side of Lloyd Road beyond the front of the school and adjacent to the athletic field. The Gifted Child Society, Inc. is a non-profit, non-discriminatory organization. Please help us continue our Scholarship Program! Thank you for sending us your contribution with your check. Information on scholarships based on financial and personal needs is available
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