THE OREGON Shortage in Fruit Crap to Cause Advances in Prices This Season. lateral at mtafftea of rortlsnd. Or..(or trarxsportatloths thrvuga tht nulla millxaa matter. Hostage far single eofta: Far as B. 10 ar 12- uauar, i cant; ll to oaf aa. g rears, as Pages. I east. u n TO SELL HIGHER TKLEPHOITZS. Business Office Editorial Booms-Mai- Mala n BOO. 350. rOHEIOH ADVEKTlilMO BZPSlWHTATmt. Vreelaud-HengaailSpecial Advertising egearr. Naaaau a treat. New York: TrlDune nun ig. cnu'sgo. BtTBBCmrPTIOM RATES. CAXirOKlTXA PEACH mmw raxoas MOVE 10 TO SS CEMTB A DOSXM ZOXn aTmtTTT BUQAJl DOWM BIOBTAOI ZM amor causes to V. . aT Kfl The Dally Journal, with 1 The n.11, Joarn.i: 1 The Dally Journal, with Sunday. S montha. $ T$ The Dally Joarnal. a months J.JU The Dally Journal, wits Sunday, I toon tha. 1 05 Front Street, Auguat 26. The principal fea-turThe D,nj Joornal. S montha of the Portlsnd wholesale markets today The Dally Joarnal, with Sunday. 1 month.. .SB are: The Daily, pay weak. delivered. Bandar IS fanned fruits are higher. Included The Dully, per waek. Sunday ex- Peacb movement la decreasing. . Mrvfairl Eggs are advanced Vsc. Poultry la slightly weaker. Terma by Hall. Veal and hoga not so firm. Tha Dally journal, with Sunday. 1 yaw... Tha Dally Journal. 1 year Fruit granulated sugar down, Tha pally Journal, with Btmday. Japan teaa will ba lower, tha Eg The Dally Journal, orient burs Uttls flour montha The Dally Journal, with Sunday, 8 montha Wheat movement la small. 1 40 Tha Dally Joarnal. 8 montha Potatoes are Be lower. .86 TB Pally Journal, with Sunday, 1 month. Salmon canneries are closing. M The Dolly Journal, 1 month are held somewhat firmer. Oats ton he Sunday Joarnal, 1 yaar Cresmery butter selling fast. 1.00 The Sunday Journal, t montha Tha Semi Weakly Journal. Canned F raits Generally Higher. Tha Semi Weaklr Journal. B to ll Sga, In aoat lines of canned fruits this year's tach taaua. Illnatrated. toU market ra- txwta, V rur .77.. prices will aboar quite an advance over the A general shortage figures of a year ago TB Weakly Journal. In the erapa Is the principal cause, but the The Weakly Journal. 100 rolumna of read-In- n higher coat snd labor is also materials of all each laaue. Illnatrated. full market 1.0B a great factor. In California thla year the reporta, 1 yaar poetal a crop by failure and prices waa peach all but drafta. Remlttancea ahonld ba made notea. express ordara. and email amonnta ata this season will range from 10c to 25c per doaen poata a sts jgjfcj acceptable In 1 and higher. There baa been a general scarcity of aprlcota all over the coast and thla year's P. O. Ban lfl. Portland. Or. quotations are from Be to 16c advanced over those of the previous year. SutaK-rlbrr- s to Tha Journal who may lean Little Asparagus Is Packed. town for tha aummer can bars tha paper The floods In the Sacramento and San Joaquin forwarded to them to any addreoa without extra charge, payment for tha aama to ha rivers In California the paac season are responmada apoo thalr retttrn. sible for the heavy shortage In the mast's pack of aaparagua thla season. One of the packera d the WHEAT. TXX JOTjmWAX MAT BE rOUYD. who generally packs aboutcoast did notof pack entire pack of the Pacific Tha Joarnal can ba found on aala at tha fol a single can this year oo account of hie lands being under water, and other packera of that lralnat plaoaaj: vicinity are likewise affected. Generally apaak-in- g BOISB, IDAHO -- Pioneer book afore. CHICAGO Poatofflce Newa oumpany, ITS Dear- It la not thought that the entire delivery of aeparagus this BeeBen will amount to mora 199 atiaet., DBNTKlr. COLO. Kendrlrk Book A Stationery than 10 per cent of the orders and much higher company. Bit Seventeenth atreet; J. Black. prices are aura to rule. Sixteenth and Curtis atreeta. erMA aaBBlM Will Be Hlgbejr. The entire apple Industry of tha Pacific Spring street; Oliver A Halnea, BOB Booth coast was not so fortuoate In having a large Surlna afreet. yield such as Is promised In this stste snd tha Ml N NKAi'OLlS -- M. J. Kavanaugh. 60 dried fruit Is sore to above higher prices than Third. yaar ago- - There Is plenty of pears to ault a NFW TOBK CITY B rente no' a. Union the requirements of the trade and prices will "Hit km ognen Newa company. practically the aama. Strawberries and OMAHA Millard hotel newi ataod; Megejafh, rale raapberrlea ebowed a remarkable decrease In the Stationery company, 1808 Parnnm atreet. production during the past eeason and prtoee BAI.T LAKR CITY Kenvnn hotel newa atand; Barrow Bros. 48 Wcet Second afreet. South. on the canned goods are expected to he about ST LOUIS ISc per doaen higher than the previous year. Philip Roeder, SIS Locust street. SAN FRANCISCO W. B. Ardlng, Palace hotel The pack of peas will be about the aama aa newa ataod; Qoldemlth Broa.. 280 Snttcr last yesr and prices are expected to show only atreet: Fred W. Pltfa. 1006 Market atreat. a alight advance. SPOKANE. WaSH John W. Graham A Co. Fruit Sugar Down 10 Cents. T A COMA. WASH Central Newa company. 1121 There la not so much demand for fruit anger PacTtV aveaoe and prices are down 10c per hundred pounds today, the fluctuation being the same as for The market, however. cane granulated, $0.15. AUCTION BALES TOMOKR0W. Is strong at thla figure. By J. T. Wllaon, at 221 Flrat atreat. at Xggs Are Advanced a Half Cent. 10 a. n... aala of grocarlaa. J. T. Wllaon. The egg market la showing an advance today cnctloneer. ,l U of He with the receipts not equal to the The quality of present arrivals Is demand. Tofirst-visaWEATHER REPORT. thus creating a larger call. day's XraotaUnna range from 22c for large Weather conditions and general foracaat for oi tiers to 22 He for single caae lots. Oregon, Washington and Idahn. Unsettled conPoultry la Sligbtly Weaker. dltlona preyall In the north Pacific atataa. but Tha large receipts In poultry continues and the only atatlon reporting Tain waa Tarnma. night. Showers where .01 of an Inch fall laat the demsud la still good. The undertone of the and thunder e tor ma hare occurred at scattered msrket. however, la showing a alight weakness, places In Nevada, I'tah, Arizona and New thla being easily apparent on account of the Mexico, and rain baa been general In the Atlanarrivals not being picked up so faat. The retail tic and the eaat Quit atataa, the heaviest amount trade Is now quite well supplied with poultry being X.M Inchea at New Orleana. would very likely wreck It la mnch warmer thla morning In eaatern and heavy receipts on pooltry prices. Today a Oregon, eattern Waahlngton and Idaho, and the present is a are to set In. a high and 'reaction too are ralley Mteelaalppt cooler In the badly so wanted. young geeee not sre Very and the Lake region. The indications are farorabla for ahowera Veal aad Bogs Vat Be Firm. tonight and Saturday In northwestern Oregon ' The real market especially is showing a and western Waahlngton, and for abowera to. slight weakness snd some of tha dealers are nlgbt In eaatern waahlngton and northern shading prices so as to keep cleaned up. The Idaho. It will be cooler Saturday. e arrivals are not over large, bat the warmer cloaed at 6 a. m. : weather compels them to move them at once. TKMP Max. Free. Hoga are not coming ao fast, but for the same Mln. TO (Ja T. 06 reasons aa In veal the market la not so firm Atlanta. SB 0 along Front atreet. 60 In this respect Smith Baker City, Or 74 la a good time 44 Bismarck. N. D Broa. dtffag. They say: "T-hl- e 64 0 for shipment" of dreeeed meats. 03 The demand Boise. Idaho 68 S3 0 la good and prices are ruling about the aame Boston, Mass. T4 84 Charleston. 8. C nor lower tendency. upward an with neither 78 66 .0 Chicago, 111 Live hoga are weak, bat dee seed stock la sellHI Cincinnati. Ohio TO S3 0 ing all right." Denver. Colo .B0 50 80 Terser on Poultry Situation. Itotrolt. Mich e)0 0 56 "There Eureka. Cal. W. T. Turner A Co. aay of poultry: SB 6B 0 baa been an excellent demand for chickena Preano, Cal 56 88 0 Helena, Mont today the market la peat and waek the for villi-a,, 86 n Jim k 0 73 Fl There Is also a good demand for 43 0 firm. 76 Kallapell. Mont firmer and we expect present 50 88 0 geeae. Eggs are good Kamloopa. B. C Store for next week. prices bold to 74 54 .80 Kanaaa City. Mo butter is coming in slowly, bnt quality is bsd SO 66 0 Loa Angeles, Cal only bakers." for To X.S4 fit and is 03 New Orleans, t TO 0 83 New York, N. Y Japan Teas Will Bo Lower. ' T8 T. 53 North Head. Waab Slightly lower prices will rale on Janeneae T4 56 0 teaa Omaha. Neb for thla crop on account of the larger 84 T3 0 PI Uadelphla. Pa According to late advices from production. TB 104 Phoenix, Aril Yokohama the market there Is quiet with a Bo 60 Pocstello. Idaho tendency to shads prlcea a trifle In order to fl 88 60 Portland, Or 88 move. 56 Roaeburg. Or f. 4 86 56 Orient Bays But Uttls Flour. Sacramento Cal....... 0 84 66 BtTToule. Mo. Today there were no tales of flour to the .10 orient on account of all the nearby steamers Salt Lake, Utah 0 being loaded. The Japanese bare been buying San Diego. Cal S3 63 0 quite San Francisco, Cal. . . . heavily In the China markcte In order to 63 66 St Paul, Minn 1, when . 54 0 secure large atocka before18cOctober 84 Spokane, Waah ... a barrel and the 48 .01 the new war duty of about Tacoma, Waab No place. freight takee Jt rates $1 In advance 84 0 Walla, Waab... Walls SB TS T. great baying Is expected from that quarts Waahlngton, D. C B4 .01 84 until after that date. Wlnnemuocn, Her TS 103 0 Yuma, Aria Wheat Firm, But Quiet. The wheat market la firm, but quiet. H seMARRIAGE LICEH 8E8. ver ting la still In fall swing in the Willamette vslley snd until It is concluded the salsa and Charles J. Hardwlck, 40, and Suaan Relchen, movement will be small. The lower prlcea now offered are also tha canae of the alow Troy A. Pledger, 34 and Berths Pennen movement. sky. 18. Salmon Canneries Are Closing. 80. Morrow county, Frank P. Paraawnrth Today quite a number of the sslmon canneries and Ethel Stewart. 38. on tha Columbia river finished np their aeaann'a BIRTHS work and tha remainder of them are expected Reporta today from tha to quit tomorrow August 20. to Mr. and Mra. William Meyer, lower river aay that this year's pack will be 413 Sacramento street, a eon. up to laat year with tha probabilities of fully August 30. to Mr. and Mra Clifford B. Elite. it being slightly increased. . 287 Cam there street, a daughter. Creamery Butter Balling Fast. August 34. to Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Bleloh. la snowcreamery In movement batter Tha daughter a at flarfleld hotel, all dealers are holding August 16. to Mr. and Mra. Edward Laser. ing a large increase and On the street the beat to tha top quotations. 480 Tenth street, a son. grades of outside creamery batter are selling aa faat aa they come at 23 He a pound, while C0BTAOIOUS DISEASES. Tha cfy off grades are doing well at 30c. Ana-ne- t Harry Johnson. of 285 Front creameries (re baring a good run with 25c 2ft. stock. the best ruling price for the street, diphtheria. Today'a wholesale quotations, aa revised, are aa follows : DEATHS. rain. Fleur and Teed. WHEAT Export price Now and eld Club, August 38. Mlna Volgt. aged 55. at Tacoma. T6c; blueatem. 83c; vslley, 85c. Waah, cause cancer. Burial at crematorium. BARLEY- - Feed, $21; rolled, $33; brewing, Auguat 23, Clara R. McAullff. aged 44. at ' 28. 504124.00 Bdrlal at Spokane. Waab., cause tuberculosis. crematorium. ' August 24. Sidney Oodfrey, aged 14 days, Improvement company, fraction block at 100 Twelfth street, canae menlngttta. Burial 17500 248. Couch's add at Roaeburg, Or. wife to Stephen VinAugust 21, Pauline B. Wilcox, aged 68 years, Oottlleb Fucha and to 13, add Osok'a block son, IS. lot at 734 Clinton atreet, canae eanrer. Burial at BOO Alblna Lone Fir cemetery. Vrrlln Ennla aad wife to LeBoy Carr, 100 13, 8. Llnnton block lot Crematortnm on Oregon City car line, near MrNamee and wife to Security Sllwnod; modern, aelontlftc, complete, charges Thomas company, rrseuon tot A i, Trust Savings Adnlts, IBS; children. MB. Visitors 0 a.m. Mock 1 I'ortiand itomesten.i to B p. m. Portland Cremation aaaoclstlon, John P Sharkey snd wife to s R. C Brooke. Portland, Or. nrst aaa.. 525 lot 0. block 16. Itawtnorne-D. O. Stephena, A. W. Barn and wlfe-t-o Tha, Edward Holman Undertaking company 300 7. sdd 8. 6, block ktg lrsrrell's 220 Third fi serai directors and embalmera. John S. Dunning to Mary R. Punning, lota atreet. Phone BOT. i 20. 21. block loo, t niversity rem Roberts snd wife to J. C. Welker, lot J. P. FTnley A Son. funeral directors and J 7,C. block 6. Hsneon's add to Eaat Portnew to their removed embalmera. bare 1500 land corner Third and Madison streets. Joseph H. Ruaaen snd wife to J. S. DunBoth phonea No. B. ning. 100x106 feet block 4. John Irving s 3600 First add to Eaat Portland Teller Byrnes Co., funeral directors snd 373 Russell. Lady aaat. Phone East 1088 to abstracts real vour and Inaurance Get rstata itnm the Title Guarantee A Traat comBEAT. ESTATE TRANSFERS pany, Cbasaber of Commerce building. Stephen Vinson to Edward Jooat. lota 1, 3. BTJILDIN0 PERM ITS. 3. block 16. Eaat Portland Heights I 300 David Ilalyhurton to E. Henry Wemme, confectionery 1 August SB. R. P. Bon-arlota t. 3, 4, block 72. city house on northwest earner of Twenty-seventAnnie Maggie Brand Walker et al to E. $150 Cost atreeta. 1 Thurman and , Wemme. same August 35. Chsrlea F. Frederlcka. cottage Frederick Oeorge Brand to E. Henry Emerson sad 1 on Michigan avenue between Wemme. aanve f,. H. E. Noble and wife to T. Henry Cllne, Sumner streets. Coat $3601 Augost 35. eottsge on Eaat Sixteenth be lot 12. block 47. Sunnyslde Coat tween Powell and Frederick atreeta. City of Portlsnd to H. R. Noble, lot IS. 1 $1,000. Mook 47. SnnnysMe Angnst 28, Mr. Wooeter. repairs to houae William Foster and wife to Edwin Haffrn on Morrison between Seventh and Park atreeta. den hta 1 to B InetaarWe, blnrk 6, Menlo Park SubdMslon August 35, John Kshne. enttage on Valon Ren Hsnaen and wife to Tbnmaa llealf. feet lot 30. block 8. Alblna 1800 avenue between Beech and Failing atreeta. east 38 $500. Coat to Addle White and huahand J. Edwin August 36. F. A. Frankaoyt, cottage on WilCopeland et al. 33 fret block Mason and Skldmore 3fM. Lane's add to East Portland 3800 liams avense between streets. Cost 3650. Jtohert living and wife to Northwestern. MM rear......'...:.".. 15 10 i Res BtnE OATS Prodacera' price No. 1 white, $35 00: gray. $34.00. $4 35; Patents. FLOUB Eaatern Oregon: traigbls, $3 5003.60; valley. 38.gB4J8.86; graham, fes. $3.6608.75; 10a, $8.0604.30. MlLLSTllFTtt Bran, $10.60 per ton; mid dllt'gs, $25.00; aborts, country, $33.00; chop, $18.00. HAY . Producers' price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy. $16 00O16.00; irdlnarv. $13.00$ 18.00; eastern Oregon. $15.60010.00: mixed. $10.00013 00; clover. $ OOsilO.OO; grsla, $11.50 012.00; chest. $11.60013.00. Mama. Waal axel Hidea. HOPS Nominal. 35036c for choice; 3B036Vs for prime; cosatrsct, 1904. 34035c. Valley, coarse to medium. WOOL -- Nominal. lTsJUc: fine. IBe; eaatern Oregon. 13016c MOHAIR New, 80c. MfeapaxT Va ariiaartns 104120c: abort wool. 3tT80e: medium wool. BOOBOc; long wool. BCcBfl.OO each. TALIAIW frima. per to, sajoc; iw. a ana grease, 3Q3HC. , . per ID. dhjihi pview. Crll IT BX BASay-- M Dry hides. No. 1. 16 lbs aod an. HIDES 14U015C nor lb; dry kip. Ns. 1. 6 to IB lbs. 12H; dry calf. No. 1. under 6 lbs. 16Uc: leas than dry dry as I ted bulls and sues. dint; exited hides, steer, sound. 60 lbs or over. 708c; 60 to 80 lbs, 7c; under 60 lbs and cows. 64J7c; stags snd bulls, sound. 5c; kip, sound, 10 to 14 lbs, 8c; 15 to 30 lbs, 7V-- o; calf, sound, nndar 10 lbs. Brae; green (on- salted) 1c par lb leas; culla. lc per lb leas; none nines, salted, eacn.; ury, tin. $1.0001-60- ; colts' bldea. each. 35050c; goat aklna, common, each. 10O15c; Angora, with wool on. each. 25rO$l-00Battel, Eggs aad Poultry. BUTTER FAT Sweet, S3Wc; sour, SlUt Bt'TTER City crermrry 25c; outside, fancy. 22H3Bc; ordinary. lTUBlSOe; store. 12Hc. EGGS No 1 fresh Oregon, 22tt22Hc; 22c; bakers. 20021cNew Full, cream, twin. IOVbO CHEESE 11c: Young America. llHOlSHo POULTRY Chickena. mixed. 18e lb; hens, young, l$He per lb; roosters, old, SHc per lb; fryers, 12c per lb; broilers. 15c per lb: IBs per lb; durka. old, HHc per lb; young, 12c per lb; geeae, 7W7V..C per lb; turkeys. IBs per lb; creased, 18030c per lb. Fraxta aad Vsgetabies. POTATOES New Oregon, $1.2501.40 per buyers' price, $1.0001.15; sweets, 24030 cwt; per lb. OAUONS Walla Walla. $1.75; California. $1.7DW2.uo; garlic 10c per lb. A rotes, fancy Oregon. $1.85 FREHH FRX'ITB Ol-Bper box: cheap gradss. 3B07BC per box: oranges. $8,000 Mediterranean aweeta. 8.26 ber box; late Valenclaa. $3 350860 par lemons, choice. box; bananas. Be per lb; $8.00 per box; fancy, $3.5003.75 per box: limes, Mexican. 66c per 100: pineapples. $8.0041 8.50; plnma, Barbanka, 60060c box; peacb 4OA60C box; perches, Oregon, 30O40 tlcmaCrawfords. 50O6nc par box; pears. $1.250 per grapes, box; par 1.50 $1.0001.36 . par box; black- figs, box; black terries, fl.35. per crate; watermelons. 75085c per cwrsrr-d$1 iff1 muskmelons. wntyBl per dos: cabtaloupee, California, $1.00; Oregon. $1.36 per crate; caaabac, $2.0002,36 per dos; TBObOc per box; huckleberries, nectarines, 12Hc per lb; crabapplee, 2Hc pex lb. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.25 per each; car-vat-s, $1.38 per sack; becta, fl.25 par aack; Oregon radiance, 15c per dos; cabbage. Oregon. Sr. per In; lettuce, bead, 15c per doa: green peppers, 40c per box: celery. 75c per doa; Oregon, 80060c box; parsnips, 75c O $1.26; green peaa. 6e par lb; green onlona. 10c green per corn 1214c local dos: doa: pie plant. 2M2Wc ner lb: string besna. 4it5e; cucumbers, 50c per sack; hothouse, 12VaC $1.2001.25 par doa; butter Cr dos:Tc;cauliriower. ac lb. pumpkins, DRIED FRI'ITS TOBs Apples, . ...I . aUOII. evaporated. IK VK. ...b. lie per lb less; 7HJ0c per in; me per in: prunea, Italian. California French. SUOdHe per lb; figs. blacks: per lb; do whites. 6U7c per lb; plums, pitted. 5406c p-lb; dates, golden. 6Ue per lb; tarda, $1.80 par 15-lbox. RAISINS Seeded, fancy 66 cartoon. lib case, THc pkg; seeded. 12-Earkagee to loose Museste, 50-l- b boxes. 606Ua per lb; London layera. $1.66: clusters. $3.00; Hs. 36e; Us, 60c sdvsnce over pound cartons. cartona, chclce brand. BOc; J FIGS Ten to cartona. fancy brand. $1.00; 16 bricks. 2 crown. TBe; 10 bricka, 05c; 43 H-Ibricks, per box. $3.00: M bricka. 85 to esss, $2.00: layera. per box. 70c: loose. 50-l- b boxes, per n, 6Hc Pslisymr-ns- s b cartons, per box. $3.00; 10-l- b cartons, per bog, $1 75; 4 crown. 20-lcartons, psr box, $1 75. qroosries, Nuts. Eta. SCOAR Back he via Cube. $8.40; powdered. $4.15; dry granulated. f3.85; beet grafinlated, beet granulated. $0.05; extra C. $6 15; golden C, $5.56; l.bla. 10c; Vk bhls. 36c; boxes, 60c advanes on sack basis, leaa 26c cwt for cash. IS davsj maple. 14Q16c par lb. HONEY it HO 15c. COFFEE Oreen Mocha. 21023c: Java, fancy. 2rQ33c; Java, good. 20025c: Java, ordinary, Aosgsuc; coara Kica. fancy. lOtMOc: Costa Rlcs good, 16018c; Costs Rica, ordinary. 11013c per in; package coffee. 313.764314.76. TEAS 4o!ong. different grades, 254366c: gun powder. iMgjgggjmr: Engllab brrskfsst, dir recent grades. 1ZM, none aDlderlcg. ancolored J pan. .10 06Bc; green Japan (very acarce). BO .: u. 9Qc SALT lh Fine Bales. 2s. 8s. 4s. 8a. 10a. $1.30 421.50: table, dairy. Bna. 30.004111 60: ; imported Liverpool. 60a. $15,000 $6.150 16.60; 100a. $14.78016.00: 324a, $14.60018.60; extra fine. bhls. 2s, 3s. 5a. 10s, $4.00: balk, S2n lbs. $8.50: sacks. 50s, 65c. SALT Coarse Half ground. 100a, per ton, $r.20O6 50; 60a. per ton. $5.6507 001 Liverpool tump rock, $15.50(116 50 per ton; 50-lrock, B6.2B06.75: 100a. $5 7506.28. sack of best Granulated Sugar for IT AT LOWE QUITE WEAK WZTX PEICE8 CATTLE CM AMOED MODERATE!, Y SO. UM- - UOOTIaV-MA- OFTTOMS) BEOtM PRICES, SOT QAIMS Y DECEMBEH ABTD S X ft 4 boxes Acorn Parlor Matches, A box. 1 cans Condensed Cream; CENTS YE8TEBDAT SEPTEMBER rSOM 25 DAT BOOST 15 CENTS UP. Cloae Close Portland Union Stockyards. August 26. The Today Ana. 95 run o( hogs to market is a Sow lag aa Increase, OLTi .31.05 $1.04 each day and the indlcatlona now are that the New September.. .011 1.06 n.tier 107 arrivals will soon begin to break all escorts. H .U2 1.07 1.08 The hog market today showed considerable May weakness, bat there was no Changs In the (Special Dlanatcb to Tha Joarnal.) pries. Clsteaa-o- . Ana-sa- t There is a food tone la cattle aad a moderate 38. Tha tone of the wheat one in sheep. banged again thla morning sad prlcea market The receipts today constated of 100 hogs, opened generally lc lower. sheep. 651 50 csttle snd After the opening reporta of further1 damage Official ruling prlcea show to the crop eent nrlces upward with a alow Oattle Beat eaatern Oregon steers. $3.00: but ateady move. This waa continued moat of medium steers, the aeaalon. bast valley steers, 82.7503 $2.75; cowa, $2.26; bulls. $175: stage ea 00 Liverpool market The higher figures in Hogs Beat heavy. 6.00; block. 35.250 waa revise ted tvere ana aa the song aa treat merger, 25; Blockers snd continues to follow tha advances here we will 5.60; China fata. feeders. $3.3604.25. have a good market. wethers and lambs. Sheep Beat grain-faThe London and Parta markets ware reported $2.0002.60; mixed aheap, $1.7502.00. aa eaaier. nut tna strength in uiv than made op for them. There la reported In the United Kinrdom. CHICAGO HOGS HIGHER. On the reaction In thla market yesterday there Chicago, August 36. There wars 10,000 heed were rather, heavy buying orders and MinneTha market la apolis, Manitoba snd other northwest centers of hoga In today'a arrtvela. More activity la were in the market again today. ruther steady, 5c higher. New September opened lower at $1.09, and shown In provisions than for soma time past. "We look tar a mora after fluctuating upward fir toe major part Logan A Bryan aay: of tha day closed st $1.0614. This is an ad active market in pork. vance for tha day of 2e and a rise of rrom yesterday's highest close. e from With a lower opening by st least the close of yesterday. December wheat soon showed atrength and the price began to pick ap. The market cloaed at $1.07, aa advance of from tbe previous day. HIGH During tbe day the largest gal by May option. The market on May option (Furnished by Overback. Starr A Cooke Co.) New York, August 28. Ths Nsws Buresu says: Ths general aentlment continues very bullish on stocks. Some of the moat conaerva-tiv- e bouaee and big tradere look tor an advancing market with activity and atrength In St. Panl. tha rails, such aa Pennsylvania, TotOorrow'a Southern PaclBc and Union PaclBc. favorable. ba to expected la bank statement The crop newa la not aa bad aa expected. The official market today f Will make 57 81 BoH Amalgamated Copper Oo Atcbiaon, common , do preferred American Sugar, common Baltimore A Ohio, common Brooklyn Rapid Transit Cansdlsn Pacific, common Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul Cciuredo Fuel A Iron, common Erie, common i Illinois Central Louisville. A Nashville Metropolitan Traction Co Manhattan Elevated Missouri Pacific New York Central Norfolk A Western, common Pennsylvania Railway People'a Oaa, Light A Coke Co. 0 Reading, common Rock Island, common ' Southern Pacific Union Pacific, preferred United States Steel Co., common do preferred Wabash, preferred F R ANCIBCO SAM San Francisco, August 36 A Curry could 152H 36H 20 137 121 128 155 064 132 67 124 lo2 Sierra Nevada Union ConaoHdatad Yellow Jacket Tonopah Exoaange. u . 50 Si 88 86 26 80 24 23 88 91 Bid. MrNamara .... Belmont Midway Tonopah Gold.. Jumhri Red top Gold Field Open. New Sept $ 1.09 1.64 Old Sept. May 1.06 San Franclaco, August 96. local atocka: 10:30 a. m. Aak. Bid. 37 n 'FRISCO WHEAT UNSATISFACTORY nr 11 December. v- Open. $1.50 1. ue Cloee. $1 "txsT Extract! a REE Mltlnfti 3k roil xt of lettll w aay s i EuBxiMfJSB FKEE 7Se Silver 254t) SJ.H Crowns and Bridge Work at tow Fries a specialty. Our Patent Double Suction will hold your tseth up. HO STUDKMTS. Come In at once and take advantage) of low rates. All work done by soeclallstH without pain and guaranteed for 11 years. 354 Gold Dust. 25 good Gunpowder Coffee Geld Hulaf Colo CrowBi Boston Painless Dentists Fifth Tea. streets, entrance and Morriuou Morrison. t$ltt aUU sailing our fancy fresh roast Costa Rica; Coffee for ar We IS Cents per Pound FELLOWS 874 Washington Hew. Wholesale and Retail Grocer Third and Jeiferwoii Close. $ 1.05 1.07 ' i Street A. J. FARMER " Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK Wa traat eocosava folly all private nervous and Tou can save SO per cent by dealing ctronic diseases of men. also blood, stomach, W heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. with m. l.OBlt 08 cure 8YPHILLI8 (without mercury) to stay aauara Haaelwood Creamery CORN. We remove 90 to SO days. cured forever, in 68o Butter .62 .58 .53 .58 Sept.. KTItlL'Tlilt, without operation or pain, la it boo says. H box Crackers 51 --91 Dec... 20c OATS." oan Stall worth Coco we atop drains, tbs result of self ariose. 10o Immediately. .H2 .82 lb. can Stall worth Cocoa .82 .89 Sept.. We ran restore tbe sexual vigor Lemon Cling Peaches PORK. 2c Jeans of any man under 60 by means of local treat1 pkg. Acme Health Koffee Ido ment penlilxr to ourselves. 11.60 11.65 11.55 11.65 Sept.. $ pkgs. Princess Koyal Maccaronl ..15c 1 lb. Shilling's Baking Powder tie LIVERPOOL ORAIN MARKET. We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week 40a I lb. Royal Baking Powder are all regular Liverpool August 28. Cloee: Wheat options. 1 lb. Arm A Hammer Soda tc Tha doctors of this Institute have had many years experience, to K adnata, 1 bar Naphtha Soap ,d higher. ve Been Portland known for 15 yeara. in d Options, SSc Corn lower. 12 bars Royal Savon Soap SCo bare a reputation to maintain, and wffi under-takElephant Soap t8 bars Baby no caae uulaaa can ba afears certain ISo bars Diamond C. Soap 28c fected. 8 bars Owl Soap every guarantee We wa nader-tak- e caae to cure in so 1 can Alaska Salmon or charge no fee. Consultation free MONUMENT 40c tera confidential. 1 dos. Rex Deviled Ham BOOK FOB 14 EN Instructive 26o mslled free in nlsin wrsnoer. 2 lbs. Arbuckle's Coffee Sue 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca If yon cannot call at office, write for 12 He tlon blank. 1 lb. beat full Crexsi) Cheese Horns treatment successful. 1 lb. good English Breakfast Tea.... 15c d hams, 1 lb. lie Best sugar-cureOt OS hoars to 8. snd 1 to S. Sundays and 25c 7 cans Lye holidays. 10 to 12. 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ........25c 16c 2 cana Oregon Grape Cream teaa leading speclallata in the Nortbwsat-18c 2 cans Primrose Cream Eatsbllshed IBS. ATZOMA.Ii LINE $6.90 1 sack best D. O. Sugar Hard-whe1 sack good ,.$6o Flour.. XVQALASKA AND CANADA IS $2.00 pall best Lard & Co. $1.00 Di'.W. pall pure Deaf Lard ..'. OA TED TEE EBTABLI pall pure Leaf Lard ....50c M. M. Van Kotsl, 2 bottles Snlder's Catsup S6o Mot Oo. Third aad THROWS VALUABLE 10c 1 bottle Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing Pine Streets. TO CANADA. Deliveries on East Sid. Tuesdays omsKrosr. $ 1.05 LOT 1 b. H-l- -- It. Norton Davis 20-l- 10-l- b. b. and Fridays. ..60 Tournal Special Service. ) ..40 ..IB Victoria, B. C, Aug. 1$. The) steamer ..86 Danube has' returned after taking north ..IB ..60 Professor King of Ottawa, O. H. Tillman, head of the geodetic survey, and the United States commissioners for STOCKS. Close. Si December.... High. Tyrw. $ 1.02 1.04 1.08 ..41 SAM FRANCISCO LOCAL Wheat. Barley. WAUCAT. Beans. r r T l BRONZE 67 25 56 08 64 94 88 92 98 38 90 . . m per dosen. a Mining quotations: Bid Ask . Ssrsge MJi 12tm MINING. Caledonian Mexican HSa 80 8c In rsvtsai 25 packagns Pound lew nchonl BrDsxoial 1,500 in choice Broken Rica. 35-- f Box No. 1 Macaroni. S I order that all school children mav coma and have . their teeth cared fur during L ' P vacation. These are th only dentists In Portland having the late botanical discovery to apply to th gums for PsinUaa Extracting, Filling and Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for tan years IS bare good Laundry Soap. lc Of the ramus from Thursday's laat Bale. options May gained the quickest and at the ckatng figure, $1.00, showed a riae of 1 or xne session sno sc rrom yesiernay s close. Heptejnber corn ckaaud practically unchangi c higher from yesterday, but cloned than yesterday at 53c on the better tone la wheat With larger receipts there waa weakness it os is ana eteniemncr exoeea ago Today'a official market: pounds 7 lc SENTIMENT LOOKS MARKET FOR 25f good Whit pounds T 3$c UNTIL SETT Boston Painless Dentists $5.90 OPENING DECLINE TO INDICATIOsTB MOW tr n EXTENDED 100-l-b. and other goods in proportion. 8e raturn trip tickets to bnaoh points for $I.$0. aroorl until and including Beptamber i Pottar lasvaa Saturday at 9:30 sV m. Particulars of C. W. Btinajer, city ticket agent. Third and Wrvahlng-toatreeta. TEETH SPECIALS Sweeten Up Now is the time, M a. "saw, Liverpool Cotton Higher. Liverpool. August 98. Cotton cloaed 14 $0 IS points higher than yesterday. THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Hope the We : D. SINGLETON mining Congress boundary line Delegates The tha Portland locating the International combetween Alaska and Canada. missioners were taken up canal. At the mouth of Eagle river, on a prominent point, a bronse monument marking the exact boundary was erected. It la six feet high. Afterwards. In A cabin near by, which was found to be exactly on the boundary line, a historical banquet took place. The table was set over the line ao that A part of the party eat In Canadian territory and the sthers in Alaska. Toasts were drunk to the king and queen, the president of the United States and the governor-generof Canada. Mrs. Tillman and Miss King were present. The location of the boundary line near the Portland canal throws what la regarded as valuable mining land at the base of the mountain into Canadian territory, and which was formerly held to be Alaskan ground. al SAY SUTTON IS SWEET will 11 Demand for Fruit Sugar Not So Heavy Price Goes 10c Lower. MATERIAL INCREASE 4e: nc 1904. 26. GAINS AFTER AN RUN OF HOGS SHOWS 88 Spring Valley Water 01 61 Oaa A Electric ) 61 Powder Giant 56 B7H Hawaiian Sugar .. 14 Honokea Sugar ll 10 8 Hutchinson Sugar KUanea Sugar id" Mtikawelt Hager 14 15 Pasuhso Sugar 122 1Z1H Alaska Packera' Ass'n 87 88 Cal. Fruit fanners' Aaa'n (Above prices apply to sales of less thsn CaL Wine Aaa'n ear lota. Car Iota si special prices subject to flnctuations. F AMERICANS AT PAR. GRAIN BAGS Cslcntts. $5.75600 per 100 RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. Stic; No 3. London. August 96 American atocka at 9 p. New Orleans head. 4H04H: Adjack. m. are about at par with not much selling Creole. 4HOiVJc Bc; pressure BEAN'S Smalt white, 8H03"ac; large, white, SUc; pink. 4Hc: bayou. 8H: Umaa. TODAY'S CLEARINGS. 4Ue: Mexican reds. Slic. NUTS Peanuts. 7Hc: 1 rim boa, 8H par lb: clearing houae reports today: Portland The raw, BOlOe "per lb for rossted: cocoa nota. 850 $701,943.76 POc per doa: walnuts. M. fl 1514c per lb: pine Ckarlnga 4,tv66.09 nota. 10O12Hc per lb; hickory nota 10c per lb; Balances cheatnuta. eastern. 15val6e ner lb: Braaiv nnfa. 15c per lb: filberts. 1BQ16c per lb; fsncy pecsns. 14 ac 1 oc per in: aimonqa. lfftne per lb CONTINUED DROUGHT Meats. Flab aad Pnvistoaa. FRBJBn MEATS Inapected Beef, steers. 6c per in; coxja. ofn4c per lb; mutton, dressed. CORN DAMAGES 44100 ner In: lsmbs dressed. 5 CI Ac per lb. FRESn MEATS Front street Beef, steere per lb? pork, block. 7HT7e per lb; 4H5c packera, 7He per lb: boHa, 2He per Tb: (Journal Special Service.) eews, 3HQ4Hc per lb; mutton, rtcsi is, 405e per 10; veal, extra. 7c per in; ordlnarv. New York. Auguat 26. The Morning Commer6c per lb; poor, 8c; lamha, 6HQ8He per lb. cial eaye: HAafB. BACON. KTt . port land pack Ho "Advlcee from Bhsrpevllle, Ind.. report that hams. 10 to 14 lbs. 14c per lb: 14 to 18 lha the prospect for a nsck of corn in thst 14c per lb; IB to 20 lha, 14c per lb; cottage section is poor. The drought there baa reduced par lb; breskfsst bacon, BH the estimates on the prolsTble pack to 40 per Cool nights In some per lb; plcnlca. lie per lb: regular abort cent of the average. clears, nnem iked, BHc per lb: amoked. 10Hc aectlona of Illinois are aald to be interfering per id; clear nacne nnstnoaea, HC per lb; with the growth of corn, and in some qusrters amoked, 10c par lb: Pnlnn bntts. 10 to 18 lbs, It is feared that frosts will occur before the unamnked. Sc per lb; amoked, Oc per lb; crop reaches msturlty.- - The American Canclear bellies, qrjkmokcd. HUc par lb; smoked. ning company reporta from Ibanon, Ind., that 12Hc per lb. a good part of tha corn crop In that aectlon ConLOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s. losie per baa not had a rain for over a mouth. 50-Tper 10 lb; tins BHc per lb; ditions In the aectlon around Dexter, Iowa, 5a. He lb: steam rendered. 10s. (St per lb: 6s. per are reported unfavorable. The nlghta taming lb; 50s. OUc per lb: compound tlereea, 6He par cool, It Is said, will prevent the tips of the per 10; oia. n.,c per 10. 10. tuna. ears from filling out. The eetlmstes made here Coin mlds river. Mb telle. CANNED SALMON by the Fort Dee Moines Canning company are b tails, xz.nn; fancy 1Tb flats. $3.00: 75 per cent of a pack. S.88; fancv flats. $1.25: fsncy ovsls 89 75 An advice from Konyon. Minn., aays the out ta'l pink. 85030c; red, $1.60: seminal look there la a little better, bnt that not 2s. tall. $2. no. Aa 75 per cent of a crop la expected. over FISH Rock cod. 60 per lb; Bounders. Be rer I'rbano. Ohio, advice atataa that the long conlb: halibut 5c ner Tb: craha. $1.36 ner doa: tinued drought will shorten the crop to at 1M catflah. BtTped bass, 10iai2Hf Tc per least 75 per c ut of an average yield. Packing in; ssimon. rninnox. mc per in; aieeiheada, baa begun at Somerset, Ohio, and with a 8c per Tb; blnebacka. 8c per lb; herring, .Be per limited acreage the prospects art for a full lb; aoles. 6 per lb: abrlmra. 10c per lb; ahad, crap. C. W. Swain writes from Wilmington, dreaaed. 8Hc per Th: perch. 8c per Tb; shad Ohio, that the drought has cut the early corn toe. ISH1" Per In: roe shad. 8c per lb: blseh cod. at least one-haland that unless It rslns the 6c per lb; silver smelt. 6c per lb; lobsters. late corn crop will ba a failure. He eetlmstes 12Hc: fresh msckerel. 8c, crawfish. 30c per the prospects now aa not favorable for over dos ; nonnnera, oc per id. half a crop. Sboalwater bay. psr ral. 33.95; 0T8TER8 "Advices from sections In New York stste per aack. $3.75 ret: Olympla. per aack. $5 25. eerlmste the probe Me pack of corn at from shell, par box. $2 00; rssor 50 per cent to a full pack. A Chicago advice clams Hard 'Both packera snd buyasys of the altuatlon: clams. $1.75 ner bog. ers sppear content for the moment to rest en Paints. Ooal Oils. Eta. posted among the bear ROPE Pure Manila, 13H; standard. lBSAc. their oars. The heatmore friendly toward 10O4 element feel a little Sisal. 10H. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases. 31 He ner crop, but ths average Jobber glvea no visible gal; water white. Iron bbls 16c per gal, wooden sign that he la more inclined onto contract Packera, the other roods. par gsl: headlight, 170-decases S$Hc for additional Increasing their efforts to sail band, are not per gal. Inn bbla 17c per gal. " delivery.' for future In raw. Pore 68c LINSEED Oil bbla per gal. cases 63c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caae a 65c per gal. bbla 60e per gal; ground cake, per too. leaa tbaa ears $96.00 car lota $25.00 DULL par ton. raaea 32c per gal. Iron GASOLINE- bbla 38c per gal; atovc eaaan BiHe per gal. AND Iron bbla 18c per gal. casss B3e psr gal. Iron BBNBINE bhls lSVjr per gal on. Raw bbls 33c per gal. casss I'AI 40c per gat 3c ner ra 1: boiled, cases (Furnished by Over heck. Starr A Cooks Co, 1 TURPENTINE In esses 38e per gsl. wooden E. F. Hntton A Ban Francisco. Auguat 26 per iron bMa TBe per gal. 10-lssy: We bsd a vary dull and nntntereatlng Co. caae lota 84c per gsL were today and flurtuatloaa wheat market WHITE LK AD -- Ton lota, THe per lb. 600-lIt will take another within narrow llmlta. par lb. lota 8c per lb. leaa lots to markets eastern stltn In the day'a advance base at XX fl WIBE NAILB-rrre- ent Speculators nlate the baying In this market. spots. Wa ran sre good buyers on all weak to any In warrant conditions change are as RARE CHANCE FOR COAST. Barley change in our views SB to tbs future. retoday demsnd and In better beau baa Decemlier ceipts are showing s falling off. Trip ta,B. Oood Until and Xn- - opened at $ advsnced to Bl 00 and closed We feel vary bullish on this at $1.00. oladlxiaT Beptamber 4. N. Saturday. August 37, tha O. R. Today's official 11.80 a. m. market: 8(V per AUGUST EVENING, FRIDAY PORTLAND. JOURNAL, TODAY'S MARKETS FRUITS CANNED DAILY are Or at least tha majority of them, fed with meats from OBJITaVAXi aUB-KBWe wish this for the reason and their visit will b doubly pleasant,Portthey take home a good account of meats good Securing advantages. land's la surely one advantage to be talked T. about. KINDORF BROS. ave iso osAiro BAST 418. Patients out of th city can b cured at hom. Writ your symptom fully. 60c 40c SOc and 35c 46c AddraaM D. Singleton Chinese Medicine Co. Dairy butter 84 ST. Poui-tS dosen for sic Ranch eggs 16c hams Best sugar-cure- d 15c Breakfast bacon $1.00 10 pounds pure lard 50c E.tabllxhed 6 pounds pure lard 10c and 12Vc Full cream cheese Bwiaa cheese MAN has saved man7 He cures all dis eases of men and women, such aa neurheumatism. disralgia, kidney ease, stomach disease, etc., by th us of roots and especially herbs, prepared for each case. All disease successfully treated with powerful Chinese herb. unroot and bars that ar entirelycounknown to medical sclanc In thla try. CONSULTATION FREE Butter! Butter! and Beet creamery Good creamery Java-Moch- DESPERATE Th famous doctor live from operational a ....26c coffee tea for Remember Saturday is chicken , Spring chickena 25c each. 60c Grande Creamery, Za a 64 "If any of these sailors try any funny business on me. they will have reason to know who Sutton Is. I don't cBre If they put me in irons all the wsy over, I'll give them something to think about." The foregoing statements were made to Warrant Officer Oolts by M. J. Sutton while being rowed out to the ship Rajore In the stream for passage Co the United Kingdom, and who escaped from the vessel by beating the mate over the head with a revolver between this port iT and Astoria. "I regard Sutton as a bad man," said Oolts, "and while I was with him gave him no opportunity to get the advantage It May Concern of me. He - played the part of a sort of To Whom to th above springs on April Willie boy- here, but I think he was a $ 1 came treatment for my eye. I bad take hardened criminal. I firmly believe he a to very sever attack of catarrh at th meant he would kill any of the men or eyes, was almost blind aftr treating officers of tbe ship who interfered with with the beat specialists that could be I found, and suffering for nine year him." th Municipal Judge Ilngue wss surprised have at last found a cure her at canSPRINGS. I TUSCAN FAMOUS to read last nlgbt of the escape of Sut- not praise them too highly. I hop that ton, but says it is too lade now for him other that ar nfntctad will give them to take any action, inasmuch aa the a trial. Ksnpsct fully. W. L PALMER prisoner Is gone. Room (08. Commercial Blag.. Portland. .. Oregon. Mr. I. C Palmer, of Palmer. Or., wa SPOKANE MAN ASKS cured of rheumatism. If you ar sick write to us; we will give you th nam and addreas of aome on cured of s $157,800 DAMAGES similar complaint TUSCAN Marble Works SCHANEN mining men of this city, against James Breen, the builder and one of the principal owners of a steamer In operation In Osborne Bay, B. C. for $157,800. Three years ago Mr. Fotheringham entered into a private contract with the Lexnora-MouSicker Copper Mining company, under tha terms of which he waa to construct a 150 ton smelter and purchase 150,000 (tons qf or from the company. Thla contractwas afterwards transferred to James Breen under an agreement which provided that Mr. Breen give him a position in the amel-te- r st $110 a month; also that ha should receive a tenth Interest in the smelter, with the privilege of purchasing another tenth. The present suit is merely for damages for the failure on the part of Mr. Breen to carry out the terms of the contract. Mr. Fotheringham la giso on of ths owners ot the Spokane hotel. TUICAS, CAL. SExTD SO TOSS BOTTLB AJgD OAT 07 268 FIRST STREET Madison and Bet Jefferson Streets. PORTLAND. been left claim It at Tb Yonr Journal Or. Screened Rock Springs Coal Special mate During August for Beat Mouse Coal ' 10-to- n lots, delivered lota, delivered lota or more Order Tour Winter's Ooal Fhon th 88. (sO 88. ilB jBM.OO WOW. Main 9776. Coal Co. Vulcan 329 Street Burnside TOxC'.CH Gl TOO LATE TO CLASSI7T. VEKBTREU on Estimates Given Application. A MARION ft Jiff Marble, Granite and Stone Work sat 'Special ntapatrh to Tbe Joarnal. 1 Spokane, Wash., Aug. 26. Suit has been started by David 8. Potherlnghnm, NED. A Manufacturers of and dealer in all kinds of Mineral Springs Tuscan Mineral Springs Corp. Oregon Phone, SMS 877 188o. Portland 30c SOo day. St Bet. Couch and Buxav ruruana. Oregon. h Members lost wallet has buaiseaa office nt BACH AT ST LOUIS. STAfliT I (OH (0. Tra. Chteag Heard eg GRAIN. PROVISONS. STOCKS. BONDS and COTTON Phas, Mats Ml $2 Third St., Near Slsfl w. isnnssSsi by artvses wtr -- t artt aad Maw Legse suras. mies t Ileal Walks Jrc.. I. a. usees nrua. Ob.. Sxebsage talnbllil Celts law Tors aaBxaaaret New Or Lassv lette m k riirr.i garfcaasM fl Passat. .mm ra. (Journal Special Service. ) An aerial race for the Washington monument will be on of the big features of Liberal Arts Say at th exposition tomorrow. Georg T. Tomllnaon of Syracuse will make the first otBctal trial for th prls of $6,000 offerad by th exposition company. Tb balloon which will be used for th rao eapacltjV of is a new silk bag with c 16.000 fct. Mr. Thomllnsnn holds L Louis. Aug. 2$. cta-bl- longest amateur the record for th filght In this country mad al N. Y., last yar. n. m. txisjSa Oa.nhvw Tsrk aaat m - oow sonm MM- oowjriato. Katatllahd -
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