A Child Heard. A Life Changed. Annual Report for 2009–10 “If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in.” Rachel Carson Dear Friends, With this report, we are pleased to update you on the activities of Voices for Children. This has been a pivotal time for our agency and we thank the thousands of volunteers, donors, and friends who have made our success possible. Voices for Children believes that every abused and neglected child deserves the highest quality advocacy. To that end, our Board of Directors is pursuing an ambitious initiative, Serve Every Child, which will more than double our operations and enable us to triple the number of children served with volunteer advocates by 2015. As part of this plan for growth, a new mission statement was developed: Voices for Children transforms the lives of abused children in San Diego County by providing them with volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs). The companion vision statement and our declaration of values and purposes are also in this report. Voices for Children’s services are unique in San Diego and we have been widely recognized as one of the finest CASA programs in the United States. The Judicial Council of California’s Center for Families, Children and the Courts, based in San Francisco, recently conducted a detailed site visit and evaluation of Voices for Children. In their praise, it was stated that Voices “…continues to be a model program exhibiting innovative practices, engaged staff and Board members, and strong relationships with your court. Your continued commitment to growing the CASA program and your consistency of leadership are invaluable to ensuring the high quality of services for California’s foster children.” This level of excellence extends to our volunteers and donors. Our volunteers are a diverse group, from retired grandfathers to college coeds; our donors range from individuals who give $5 a month to the Leichtag Family Foundation which awarded a landmark, three-year, $1,000,000 grant in late 2010. We are grateful to each volunteer and donor who believes in our cause and helps us to help foster children. Working together, we are a powerful force progressing toward our goal to ensure that every child gets what he or she deserves—a safe, permanent home and hope for a decent childhood. With your help, we can make that happen. Mission – Voices for Children transforms the lives of abused children in San Diego County by providing them with volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs). Vision – Voices for Children believes that every child deserves a safe and permanent home, and to that end, will provide a CASA to every child in the foster care system who needs one, monitor every court file in the system, and advocate to improve the lives of San Diego County’s foster children. Values and Purposes we subscribe to: • We believe that every child in Juvenile Court should have a volunteer advocating for his or her best interests and providing vital information to judges; • We provide the highest level training, supervision, and continuing education for volunteers; • We annually review and monitor the case files of every child in foster care in San Diego County; • We increase public awareness about the foster care system; and With our appreciation, Sharon M. Lawrence, Esq. President/CEO Voices for Children Voices for Children’ s Mission, Vision, Values and Purposes Pat Hughes Chair, FY2009-2010 Board of Directors Lauree Sahba Chair, FY2010-2011 Board of Directors • We advocate for legal policies and practices that enhance the quality of life for foster children. A Story About a Child Heard and a Life Changed Lance looks much older than he is, standing five feet tall at nine years old. He came in to foster care due to severe neglect—his open wounds were untended; there was no electricity, water, or food in the house; and his parents fought regularly and violently. Lance could be violent too—flipping over tables, desks, and chairs. It was the only way he knew to express his anger and frustration about being separated from his sister and parents. At the request of a judge, Lance was matched with CASA Tom from Voices for Children. At one point, Lance was placed with a guardian, but wound up back in foster care when the guardian died in a car accident. The social worker started a reunification plan with Lance’s mother, yet his behavior had grown so uncontrolled, he wasn’t going to be allowed to return home. Medications were suggested, but CASA Tom argued no, that Lance’s physical reactions were anger that needed to be managed, not masked. Tom taught Lance to fish and encouraged him to play sports at the Boys & Girls Club near his school. Lance’s mother made progress and a 60-day trial living arrangement was approved. It was very successful! With help from CASA Tom and the other influences he had at the Boys & Girls Club, Lance had learned ways to manage his emotions. He was happy to be home with his mother and sister, and the school, his therapist, and his mother all reported less aggression. Now, Lance’s case is coming up for the court’s review and he will be officially returned to his mother and their happier, healthier home. March 2011 2 3 We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time bones are being formed, blood is being made, senses are being developed. Children Served What is CASA? Voices for Children serves serves San Diego County (pop: 3.1 million) where as many as 6,000 children each year live apart from their homes and families due to abuse and neglect; for their own safety and through no fault of their own, these children are in the protective custody of the court—a system called “foster care.” Foster children are at risk, emotionally and physically, and they are in crisis. They come from every corner of San Diego County, and represent a diverse population. The most current demographics of the children served are as follows: CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates. CASA programs exist in 1,000 counties around the United States (sometimes referred to as Guardian Ad Litems, or GALs). Each group operates independently; however, the goal of CASA programs nationwide is to make a difference in the lives of children in foster care. Age of Children Served by VFC Age 6–10 24% To the child, we cannot answer “Tomorrow.” The child’s name is “Today.” Age 16–18 15% Gabriela Mistral (1899-1957) This poem is shared with our volunteers when they begin to train with us to become CASAs. Written by Chilean poet and Nobel Laureate (1945) Gabriela Mistral, it encapsulates the work of Voices for Children and the tireless efforts of our volunteers. Age 19–24 3% Age 0–5 39% Gender of Children Served by VFC Male 51% Female 49% How many San Diego children are in crisis? Enough to fill every seat on 118 school buses in a line that stretches 5.5 miles… That is how many abused children need advocacy now. Ethnicity of Children Served by VFC Native Other/ American not identified 1% 14% African-American 17% Hispanic/Latino 38% Caucasian 18% 4 Age 11–15 19% Asian-American 2% Biracial 10% Voices for Children works with San Diego children who have been taken into foster care for their own safety. Through the advocacy of our highly trained volunteer CASAs who diligently monitor cases, often in a ratio of one CASA to one child, Voices for Children ensures that judges have the most thorough, current information possible when making decisions about such issues as a foster child’s living situation, visits with siblings, medical and educational needs, and other services. By all accounts, CASAs make a huge difference in the foster care system. Voices for Children and its CASAs give San Diego’s foster children the most precious gift: the opportunity for each child to live up to his or her potential. One San Diego judge praised CASAs as her “eyes and ears,” helping her better understand the history of a case and the child’s situation. Another judge said CASAs “give her legs.” Certainly, CASAs are the voice of a child, speaking in court to be sure the child’s unique needs are understood. “All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them.” Earvin “Magic” Johnson Children with CASAs 2009–10 Voices for Children provided 1,105 children with CASAs last year. These dedicated volunteers provide crucial recommendations and reports to the judges, helping them to make the best decisions about a foster child’s future. CASAs transform lives through their advocacy in the courtroom, schools, and in the community. In 2010-11, we anticipate we will serve nearly 1,200 children with CASAs. Voices for Children is the only San Diego County organization designated to recruit, train, and supervise volunteer CASAs for foster children. With extraordinary efficiency and dedication, a small professional staff manages the work of 600+ volunteer advocates. Case Assessment 2009–10 Voices for Children reviewed and monitored the case files of 5,151 children, writing more than 7,000 assessments and, in many cases, requesting needed services prior to the child being assigned a CASA. Three teams comprise the CASA Program: CASA Case Management: CASAs provide stability and continuity to the children through regular visits and caring attention, contributing to resiliency in children. Our Program Supervisors guide CASAs through the Court’s complex bureaucracy, developing a case plan for each child, assisting with advocacy and case management, and helping find resources and services for the children. CASAs are extremely important to the entire foster care (continued on next page) 5 Every Child Deserves a Chance at a Normal Childhood (continued from previous page) process. As sworn Officers of the Court, they are given privileged access to medical, school, and court files as well as to anyone with information about a case. With their comprehensive information about the child’s situation, including education, the CASA provides crucial information to the judge, through reports and court appearances. This is key to helping the court make decisions that enable each child to be safe and successful. “Our” children often have the most complex and difficult cases. They are the foster children who, without the compassionate advocacy of a CASA, would likely spend their childhood in foster care. One example is Justin, age 5: Voices for Children’s Program Supervisors generally oversee approximately 45-50 CASA volunteers each; they monitor the CASAs’ advocacy in myriad ways, including editing court reports, accompanying CASAs in court and to case conferences as well as being available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case of a child emergency. Two recent case management focuses include: Fostering Futures – Voices for Children was chosen in spring 2010 by National CASA to pilot a new program, Fostering Futures. Funded through the Wal-Mart Foundation, this program helps prepare older teens, ages 14-21, for adult responsibilities and life after foster care. Infants & Toddlers – With the help of committed funders, Voices for Children has a new focus on infants and toddlers. By assigning CASAs to the youngest dependents, Voices hopes to expedite a permanent home, whether through reunification or adoption. We believe an early intervention will break the cycle of abuse and improve outcomes for these youngest victims. Case Assessment: Voices for Children assesses and prioritizes the case files of all children in San Diego foster care. Our staff and volunteers research referrals and prepare thousands of written reports annually – evaluating, updating, and prioritizing the children’s cases. This is a critical service for the judicial system and helps ensure the most at-risk children get swift and proper attention. Recruitment and Training: In order to maintain and increase our network of volunteer advocates and case assessors, Voices for Children finds, screens, and trains individuals from throughout San Diego County. Our rigorous training program, Advocate University, is offered eight times a year. It includes 40 hours of intense courses led by our staff and foster care professionals, on-site visits to juvenile court, and vital training on the unique problems and needs of San Diego’s foster children. Upon graduation, each CASA is carefully matched with at least one child or sibling group and, from that time forward, he or she works to advocate for the children’s well-being, safety, and protection by the Court. 6 Justin is cute, with bouncing energy and dark curly hair. He was found living in a van with his father, dirty, hungry, and without shoes or a shirt. His father was overwhelmed and his mother was nowhere to be found, so Justin was taken into foster care. Five foster homes followed in quick succession, with the boy’s increasingly extreme behaviors labeled first as autism, later as pervasive developmental disorder. A History Voices for Children was launched in 1980 when two crusading women — a law student, Kathryn Ashworth, and a social worker, Elizabeth Bacon Brainard — set up a desk in the hallway of the San Diego County Juvenile Court, recruiting friends, Junior League, and Bar Association Auxiliary members to review files of children who had been placed under court jurisdiction because of parental abuse or neglect. Their goal as volunteer advocates was to help the judges make the best decisions for children who had no one to speak up for them. The group embraced the volunteer advocate model created in Seattle in 1977, joined the National CASA Association, and began training CASAs in 1983. Now celebrating its 30th anniversary, Voices for Children has grown from an inspired idea by a few dedicated citizens to one of the oldest, largest, most-respected, and best-managed CASA organizations in the country. As a symbol of dedication of our CASA program, one of the co-founders, Kathryn Ashworth, continues her work as a CASA and recently celebrated the adoption of one of her case children. She carries on the legacy of her late co-founder, Elizabeth Bacon Brainard, and inspires our volunteers with her commitment. Justin’s social worker tracked down his mother and started reunification services while Justin was placed in an adoptive foster home, where the foster mother hoped to adopt him. With the patience of the new foster mother and the consistency of the new placement, Justin’s behaviors improved. Justin was matched with CASA Nancy. She had reservations about the social worker’s reunification plan and the mother’s lukewarm efforts. Nancy observed how Justin’s mother struggled with his acting out and responded impatiently and angrily to Justin, contributing to a spiral effect of worsening behaviors. CASA Nancy prepared court reports about her concerns, while the social worker pushed for reunification with the birth mother. Voices for Children and CASA Nancy firmly advocated for adoption by the foster mother, arguing that the birth mother could not handle Justin’s special needs and that stability in the long term would outweigh the benefits of ties to his biological family. After numerous court hearings and 13 reports, the judge ruled with the CASA’s recommendation and adoption by the foster mother went forward. The decision survived an appeal by the birth mother, and Justin is now thriving, beloved and well cared-for in a stable home with a loving adoptive mother. The Justice noted, “Were it not for the extraordinary efforts, dedication, and perseverance of Justin’s [adoptive] parent, his CASA volunteer, and La Cuña agency, the dependency system may have failed this child.” 7 Serve Every Child Financial Results for 2009-2010 While there are around 6,000 children in San Diego foster care each year, it is estimated that approximately half of these children have no one—no parent, no relatives, no family friends—to look out for the child’s best interests. They are alone in a complicated system that can rob much of the joy out of childhood. Voices for Children is primarily funded by individuals, foundations, and corporations who are solicited through a strategic plan of grants, appeals, and special events. We do not generate any program income as our services are free to the children. Fortunately, Voices for Children will serve nearly 1,200 of these children with CASAs in 2010-11, but many more children are waiting. Because of the urgency of the need, Voices for Children’s Board of Directors met in September 2010 and committed to the Serve Every Child vision and a careful five-year growth strategy with these key goals: • Provide CASAs to 3,207 foster children by 2014-2015, tripling in five years the 1,105 children served with CASAs in 2009-10; • Continue to assess, review, and triage Court files to provide basic advocacy to every foster child in the system (6,000 annually); • Increase the number of trained volunteer advocates, so that by FY2015 we have 1,414 advocates (almost three times the current group of CASAs); • Increase the effectiveness of the CASA Program by developing new pilot programs to serve infants, toddlers, and teens preparing to exit the system; • Explore more efficient modes of monitoring children not assigned to CASAs, and pilot an “Early Assignment” program that would provide a CASA to a child the moment he or she entered the foster system; and • Be a leader in the community in terms of advocating for improvements in the foster care system and raising awareness of the plight of foster children in San Diego County. At its core, this plan keeps one thing at the forefront: there are thousands of abused, abandoned, and neglected children in San Diego who are waiting for a CASA today. Voices for Children has redoubled its commitment to provide the life-transforming services of a CASA to every child who needs one. We truly want to Serve Every Child and know that we can, with the help and generosity of caring, compassionate individuals in our community. 8 To achieve the ambitious goals of Serve Every Child, Voices for Children undertook a capacity-building plan, including a major expansion of its development department in 2010. We sought and received a cornerstone grant of $1,000,000 (over three years) from the Leichtag Family Foundation in October 2010, and additional, large-scale grants have followed, including $70,000 from the Rose Foundation and a $100,000 event sponsorship by Qualcomm for our upcoming gala, Starry, Starry Night: Turn on your Heartlight! These provide a powerful underpinning for expanded individual and corporate contributions. A new emphasis on planned giving is being launched, as we look to our many friends and donors to include Voices in their estate plans. This new support will fuel careful and measured growth of our CASA program between now and 2015. We have increased our focus on donor stewardship and relationship-building that we believe will lead to repeat donors, an expanded and broadened donor base, and ultimately to sustainability. We are using technology in new and innovative ways to reach out and communicate the needs and accomplishments of Voices for Children. Our audited financial results and revenue sources are summarized below: Statement of Activities Revenues: 2009-10 2008-09 Gifts & Contributions Government Funds Special Events (net of expenses) Other Income 1,093,402 423,800 804,074 79,409 1,097,160 424,500 836,339 3,632 $2,400,685 $2,361,631 1,815,334 82,885 423,406 1,962,121 145,674 402,337 $2,321,625 $2,510,132 $79,060 1,125,844 ($148,501) 1,274,345 $1,204,904 $1,125,844 Total Revenue Expenses: Program Management & General Fundraising Total Expenses Increase in Net Assets: Net Assets at Beginning of Year: Net Assets at Year End: (continued on next page) Audit and IRS Form 990 Access our audit and tax filing online at: www.speakupnow.org. Revenues in 2009-10 Revenues increased 2% over the previous fiscal year. Voices for Children has worked diligently to maintain donation levels during the difficult economy. The results for FY2010-11 should show much stronger growth. • Gifts & Contributions This category encompasses gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations, 46% of total revenues, primarily through direct appeals and grant requests. • Government Funding The three government sources are Judicial Council, Superior Court of San Diego County, and County of San Diego Board of Supervisors. Their combined funding remained steady at $423,800 in 2009-10, 18% of our revenues. • Special Events Starry, Starry Night is Voices for Children’s primary fundraiser. Its dinner and musical concert under the stars again broke records in terms of attendance and funds raised for both September 2009 and 2010 — with net results of more than $500,000 and $600,000 respectively. Another successful Voices for Children event was the 18th annual golf tournament at Fairbanks Ranch Country Club in May 2010. Other special events benefiting our children include the Nikki St. Germain Memorial Golf Tournament and Makua’s annual dinner dance. Makua’s Rockin’ Rumba in June 2010 netted $80,000 for our children. Net of expenses, the combined special events contributed 33% of revenues. • Makua Makua, Friends of Voices for Children, supports our mission with a themed dinner dance FUNdraiser each summer, and with year-round efforts to raise awareness of the agency and the needs of foster children. www.makua.org 9 Board of Directors and Community Advisory Committee (continued from previous page) Revenue Sources Statement of Financial Position Assets: 2009-10 2008-09 Current Assets Property & Equipment Other Assets 1,222,825 217,428 29,025 $1,079,198 253,634 29,025 $1,469,278 $1,361,857 Total Assets Liabilities & Net Assets: Current Liabilities Unrestricted Net Assets Temporarily Restricted Net Assets “If the cause is right, the means will come.” Mahatma Gandhi Expenses in 2009-10 Layoffs, a hiring freeze, and pay cuts helped Voices for Children control its expenses in 2009-10. Expansion plans were put on hiatus and program goals were modest, and related expenses comprised 78% of total expenses. Program expenses include CASA management, recruitment and training, and case assessment. These are further described previously. A breakout of functional expenses follows: Functional Expenses 2009-10 264,374 983,890 221,014 236,013 1,072,938 52,906 Total Liabilities & Net Assets $1,469,278 $1,361,857 Reserves As of June 30, 2010, cash and investments totaling $830,000 are set aside as an emergency fund for operational expenses. We are honored by the quality and commitment of the many community leaders serving on our Board of Directors and Community Advisory Committee: Board of Directors 2009–2010 Board of Directors 2010-11 Pat Hughes, Chair Lauree Sahba, Vice Chair Peter Arrowsmith, Treasurer Reed Vickerman, Secretary Marina Marrelli, At Large Susan McClellan, At Large Vicky Carlson, At Large Lorena Arnold Melissa Blackburn-Joniaux Rochelle Bold Laura Boyer Karen Driscoll Tony Farwell Kevin Harris Dave Jackson Eric Jones Susan McKenna Tom Murphy Jill Skrezyna Robin Stark Alan Talbott Haeyoung Kong Tang Brad Tecca Peter Arrowsmith Rochelle Bold, Treasurer Laura Boyer Vicky Carlson Ann Parode Dynes Tony Farwell Kevin Harris Pat Hughes, Past Chair Dave Jackson, Secretary Marina Marrelli, Vice Chair Susan McClellan Beth Plavan Lauree Sahba, Chair Jill Skrezyna Robin Stark Alan Talbott Haeyoung Kong Tang Community Advisory Committee A Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was established in April 2010. It includes former Board members, supporters, and community leaders, who are dedicated to Voices for Children’s vision to expand and change the lives of more desperate children. This committee includes: Joan Waitt, Co-Chair Tom Murphy, Co-Chair David Archambault Kathryn Ashworth Joye Blount Janice Brown Kate Collier Mindy Fletcher Nathan Fletcher Craig Irving Dori Kaufman 10 David Marino Patsy Marino Ian Mausner The Honorable James Milliken Eleanor Navarra Sheryl Scarano Cecil Steppe Katie Sullivan Ilia Terrazas-Dickey Dale Yahnke Voices for Children’s Management Team Sharon Lawrence, President/CEO Martha Crowe, Vice President of Programs Anne Farrell (as of July 2010), Vice President of Philanthropy Sabrina Goosby, Vice President of Volunteers Marcia Looper, Vice President of Business Operations Kim Penny (through October 2010), Vice President of Marketing & Development Voices for Children’s Staff Ana Amiguet, Program Supervisor Lynn Basquez, Grant Writer Ian Baxter, Program Supervisor (through July 2010) Kate Butenbach (as of April 2011) Christine Cantacessi, Program Supervisor Cindy Charron, Program Manager Dianne Chatfield, Program Supervisor Katelyn Collings, Program Supervisor (July 2010 to March 2011) Events & Communications Coordinator (as of March 2011) Esther D’Anchise, Program Associate Linda DiMele, Program Assistant Angelita Ford, Program Supervisor Cailin Freeman, Program Manager Rochelle Gauthier, Program Supervisor (through June 2010) Freya Gordon, Program Supervisor (as of March 2011) Brande Hutchinson, Program Associate Lisa Jeong, Development Manager (through December 2010) Paul Kerstetter, Assistant Program Manager Ashley Kruger, Program Supervisor (as of December 2010) Kristen Pressler Kurtz, Director of Events & Communications (as of November 2010) Gina Lee, Program Manager Shyle Lyons, Program Supervisor Cindi Middleton, Executive Assistant Carmisha Moore, Program Supervisor (as of March 2011) Stephen Moore, Program Supervisor Eric Pitarresi, Database & Stewardship Coordinator (as of October 2010) Kelley Pittenger, Program Supervisor Susie Purvis, Program Manager Megan Ray, Volunteer Training Coordinator Jesus Sanchez, Program Supervisor Susan Salvia, Program Supervisor (as of July 2010) Susan Smith, Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator Jane Wehrmeister, Program Supervisor (Staff are as of March 2011) “From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” Arthur Ashe 11 Volunteer Milestones We are deeply grateful for the extraordinary devotion of each and every volunteer, including many who stayed with their case children for years. The listing below acknowledges those volunteers who have been in continual service for five years or more up until the present time. 30+ years Kathryn Ashworth 20+ years Carmela Caldera Cheryl Greaves Irene Wells Voices for Children’s Volunteers “Working with Voices for Children has been the epitome of any volunteer work I have ever engaged in… Thank you for the opportunity to work with my beautiful case family. Their love, trials, and struggles have opened my eyes and heart in so many ways. They will always be a part of my life. I will always cherish my time as a volunteer for Voices for Children.” CASA Mary 12 Nearly 800 volunteers generously gave time to Voices for Children in 200910, helping transform the lives of children by donating more than 50,000 hours of their time. The dollar equivalent of these hours is substantial! The Bureau of Labor Statistics values similar services in California at $22.79, which means these volunteer hours could be valued at approximately $1,140,000. Voices for Children’s volunteers are a special breed— CASA give an extraordinary commitment of both time and emotions. Their diverse experiences and backgrounds are highlighted below (December 2010) and contribute to the success of our programs: • Employment Status: 45% of our volunteers work full-time, 20% are retired, and 17% are students or work part-time. • Education: 86% of the volunteers have some level or college educational or more and 26% of the volunteers hold graduate or doctorate degrees. • Age: Our volunteers vary in age, from early 20s to late 70s. Approximately 52% of them are 51 or older, and have substantial life experience to draw upon—and to share—in their challenges as an advocate. 15+ years Pat Cunningham Beverly Haines Mary Limoges Judith Pruyne Bertha Schultz Kathy Velasquez 10+ years Mary Ann Beattie Eleanor Bluestein Carmina Caballes Kay Childs Leslie Constantini Ruth Ely Araceli Engbrecht Cristina Garcia Joan Gausepohl Wendy Koen Kim Lazaro Connie Leigh Elizabeth Leonard Nan Lutes Marta McCarty Betty McDonald Madeline Penner Constance Pinkus Jenna Price Sharon Province Nancy Rosenberger Patricia Santoro Eleanor Sherrell Joan Slote Suzanne Snyder Connie Unger Virginia White Bobbie Young 5+ years Varin Acevedo Nadine Allen Claire Altman Cindy Augst Linda Austin Laura Barton Elyse Boozer Sharon Bowes Karen Brainard Pat Burrascano Joe Butler Greg Byrum Diane Campion Denise Capozzi Asta Carwin Susan Cross Kristen Dalessio Joyce Dockery Holly Elwell Linda Fawkes Sheri Fisher Samuel Francisco Dale Goldman Robert Gordon Gail Granewich Alma Hadash Geiger Melissa Hall Jeanne Hancock Harriet Hartl Palma Holland Mary Hughes Carol Irwin Lyle Kalish Ellen Kane Genevieve Knych-Rohan Mickey Lester Mel Lopez Diane Ludwig Karen Lurie Cheryl MacDonald Anita Mahaffey Marin Marcus Carole Martín Mary Jo Mathis Heather McCauley Stacy McDaniel Marta Meester Diane Merlos Tonia Moore Sue Munz Jennifer Negre Kimberly Neilson Barbara Nelson Deborah Olstad Catherine Ott David Paa Jane Petering Sally Pollack Pat Preston Theron Preston Judith Radke Christie Ranney Thomas Ryan Carol Sands Sandra Sloan Beverly Smith Stacey Smith-Bacon Kate So Dennis Sullivan Brooke Swayne Mary Ann Tanner Carol Tapert Toni Tschann David Tuffy Marlee Valderhaug Jorge Valerdi Jodi Visosky Judy Wieand Marwilda Wilson Barbara Witzell Bridget Wright “The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.” DeAnn Hollis “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” John F. Kennedy 13 Stellar Supporters of Voices for Children Voices for Children truly appreciates the many individuals, companies, organizations, and foundations that have supported our work with San Diego’s foster children. Major Contributors Cumulative Donors These donors had cumulative contributions of $10,000 or more through 12/31/2010, excluding in-kind donations. List organized in descending order of cumulative contributions. $1,000,000+ Anonymous The Leichtag Family Foundation $500,000+ Qualcomm Incorporated Judicial Council of California Anonymous Makua, Friends of Voices for Children Charles E. White Anonymous $250,000+ United Way of San Diego County National CASA Association Diane M. Martin and Jim Martin* Alliance Healthcare Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation The California Endowment Rochelle and William Bold Masserini Trust Gertrude Anderson Trust $100,000+ Eleanor and Jerry Navarra Joan Waitt Family Fund (Emily Waitt, Hailey Waitt, Joan Waitt, Max Waitt, and Sophia Waitt) Helmstetter Family Foundation Karen and Glenn Doshay Shrontz Family Foundation Marilyn and David Dunn In-N-Out Burger Foundation David and Patsy Marino Nikki St. Germain Memorial Golf Tournament Sheryl and Bob Scarano Price Family Charitable Fund (combined gifts from Jennifer and Mark Freedman, Hervey Family Fund, Price Family Charitable Fund, Price-Lynn Collaborative Fund, and Weingart Foundation) Child Abuse Prevention Foundation Farrell Family Foundation Fylon Foundation Society of the Holy Child Jesus Las Patronas 14 The Rose Foundation Galinson Family Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation Sally and Jeff Busby San Diego County Bar Foundation De Falco Family Foundation The Parker Foundation Maria and Michael Herman $75,000+ Day for Change Money/Arenz Foundation, Inc. C.J. & Dot Stafford Memorial Trust Massey Charitable Trust St. Germaine Children’s Charity Laurie Mitchell and Brent Woods Phillip Mackler Trust Cox Kids Foundation Junior Seau Foundation Fieldstone Foundation Stuart Foundations Charles and Ruth Billingsley Foundation $50,000+ The Country Friends, Inc The Thomas C. Ackerman Foundation McCarthy Family Foundation Union Bank Roque and Katayoun De La Fuente Gina and Raymond Ellis Community Children’s Foundation Lee and Stuart Posnock Circle of Angels Samuel & Katherine French Fund Dowling & Yahnke, Inc. Katie and Daniel Sullivan Irving Hughes The Seth Sprague Educational & Charitable Foundation Anthony and Caroline Farwell IDANTA Partners Ltd. Debby and Wain Fishburn HD Supply Jocelyn Bauer Callaway Golf Company Foundation Sharon Lawrence and Darin Boles Sage Foundation The Charles H. Stout Foundation $25,000+ Bloomingdale’s Boys and Girls Foundation Joan and Rocco Fabiano Tecate Industries, Inc. Karen and Jim Brailean Mary and Scott Clifton Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Fund Kalpana and James Rhodes Ramona and Roland Sahm / Sahm Family Foundation Bank of the West Association of Legal Administrators San Diego Carol and Pedro Cuatrecasas Lynne and Kevin Metros Good Source Solutions Ruth Lane Charitable Foundation Sepi and Peter Arrowsmith Lorena M. Arnold Lauree and Monte Sahba Price-Lynn Collaborative Fund Annette and Daniel Bradbury Anonymous Freddie Mac Foundation Kathryn Ashworth and The Honorable Thomas Ashworth Marie Tuthill and Dennis Bradstreet Patricia and Bruce Bartlett Genentech San Diego County Board of Supervisors at the Recommendation of Supervisor Greg Cox Pat and Robert Hughes Julie and Noah Bretz Patricia and Marc Brutten Connie and Richard Unger California CASA Association Lynn and Lloyd Wells G.A.G. Charitable Corporation California Bank & Trust Greg Byrum Pacific Southwest Construction & Equipment Pamela and Martin Wygod WD-40 Company Laura and Ethan Boyer Barbara Iversen and Shaun Burnett CW Cares for Kids Fund Giorgio Armani Corporation B.I.A. Cares for Kids Dave B. Jackson Margy Schneider* Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates Stacy and Paul Jacobs Susan and Craig McClellan Toby Wells Foundation U.S. Bank Pacific Athletic Club Hervey Family Fund Deborah and Claude-Anthony Marengo Jennifer McIlvaine and Matt Landa Nancy Sackheim and Ray Sackheim* RobynAnn and Richard Nelson Olive K. McWain Goodrich Foundation Jori Potiker and Michael Brown Kim and James Peterson North American Communications, Inc. The Legler Benbough Foundation Robin Stark Family Foundation eBay Cy Pres Award Weingart-Price Fund Stefani and Allan Simon James Irvine Foundation Joseph Drown Foundation Nancy and Tony McCune Ronald McDonald House Charities Lany and Alex Zikakis $20,000+ Linnie Cooper Foundation Rebecca and Chris Twomey Kim Penny and Robert Ludwig Barbara Meserve and Ken Pickle Melissa and Jim Hoffmann San Diego Bar Auxiliary Philanthropies National Aircraft Salvage Beth and Josh Roach Virginia and Victor King Wells Fargo Foundation Meredythe Glass Jill Skrezyna and Alex Sun Nina and Jeff Detrow Carol Sullivan Emma and Brad Tecca Jennifer and Mark Freedman Nordstrom San Diego Firefighters Local 145 Kappa Alpha Theta — Zeta Rho Nice Guys of San Diego San Diego Unified School District Sempra Energy Dana and Edward Fudurich Wendy Gillespie and Martin G. Capdevilla* Schwab Charitable Fund Susan and Mark McKenna Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity — Eta Iota Chapter Jan and Richard Kahler Carmela Caldera The Hamilton-White Foundation Smith Barney Insured Investor Group Van Law Food Products, Inc. $15,000+ Marigrace and Herbert Boyer The Thursday Club Foundation San Diego Downtown Breakfast Rotary Club 102.1 KPRI Sue and Gary Weisman Ellise and Michael Coit Colleen and Thomas Lambert Morrison & Foerster Foundation Betsy Harrison Cubic Corporation Kris and Everett Barry Intuit, Inc. Jewish Community Foundation Lend A Hand ProFlowers Weingart Foundation Britton and Paul Buss City of San Diego Employee Share Program Patricia and Robert Klem La Mesa RV Center, Inc. Arthur & Rise Johnson Foundation The Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation Lynne and Steve Doyle Patricia and Patrick Crowe Kiwanis Club of La Jolla United Way of Los Angeles Aetna Giving Campaign Wendy and Peter Johnson Karen and Michael Stone Elaine and Tom Murphy Kiwanis Club of Del Mar Ray J. Kahler Trust Sarah Dolgen and Shahi Ghanem Suzanne and Frank McNeill Vicky Carlson Sarah and Kurt Livermore Mary and Gene Rumsey San Diego County Credit Union Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP Christine and David Bagley Jordana March and Michael Ishayik Northrop Grumman Employee Charity Organization (ECHO) Gale and Jim Hill Suzy and Cary Mack Stacey and Jeff Feinberg Procopio Cory Hargreaves & Savitch Delta Chi Sigma Int’l — Psi Chapter Pacific Life Foundation The TJX Foundation/The TJX Companies $10,000+ Kate and Greg Spiro San Diego National Bank Julie and Matt Warmington Trudy and Eric Nielsen Audrey S. Geisel/Dr. Seuss Foundation A Better Place Foundation Kathleen and Frank Fox Andrew Dumke Charlotte Gerry and Richard Gerry* Gigi and Ed Cramer Jeri and Bill Koltun Barbara Bry and Neil Senturia Becca and Jason Craig Karian and Tom Forsyth Karen and John Creelman Judith and Howard Ziment Steven Craig TransWorld Media Children’s Charitable Alliance J.W. Sefton Foundation The Voice of Prophecy Cynthia and Christopher Garrett Heather and Mark Scherer Charles R. Cono* Kristina and Rick Day McGrath Family Foundation Devon and William Logan La Jolla Debutante Committee Las Primeras Residential Capital, LP Dorothy and John Helm AMN Healthcare Linda and Ray Thomas Sue K. and Dr. Charles C. Edwards Showley, Archambault & Alexander Lora and Brent Heramb Grubb & Ellis BRE Commercial Rodger A. Grove San Diego Chargers Jonni and Steve Bailey Tierrasanta Junior Women’s Club McMillin Homes National Charity League, Juniors Ellen and David Dolgen Rebecca and Troy Hartmann Lisa and Murray Palmer Kiwanis Club of Tierrasanta Jennifer Burks Office Pavilion Judith and Perry Mansfield Gina and Gregory Rippel Lorna and Chris McKellar Susanne Marx and Steve Dorinson The Pratt Memorial Fund The Waitt Family Foundation Angela and Koji Fukumura Ginger and Phil Kossy Susan and Edward Sanderson Shay and Jason Hughes Muller Family Foundation Margot and Dennis Doucette Tanya and Charles Brandes Foundation Jeanne and Theodore Roth Intuit Foundation Dawn and Bill Davidson BetterWorld Together Foundation Everhealth Foundation The Hay Foundation Memec, LLC George Rhodes Rivers of Hope Foundation San Diego Social Venture Partners Gertrude Ticho *Denotes deceased Major Contributors Annual Donors President’s Council Donors who have given $5,000 or more between April 1, 2009 – December 31, 2010 Anonymous (3) Sepi and Peter Arrowsmith Association of Legal Administrators San Diego Bank of America Charitable Foundation Bank of the West Gary Barber Barney & Barney Jocelyn Bauer Bloomingdale’s 15 Rochelle and Bill Bold Laura and Ethan Boyer Marigrace and Herbert Boyer Annette and Daniel Bradbury Karen and Jim Brailean Julie and Noah Bretz Jennifer Burks Sally and Jeff Busby Britton and Paul Buss Greg Byrum Debra and Ed Capozzoli Anne Chambers Charles and Ruth Billingsley Foundation Nikoo and Jack Chitayat C.J. & Dot Stafford Memorial Trust Mary and Scott Clifton Ellise and Michael Coit The Country Friends, Inc Cox Kids Foundation Becca and Jason Craig Steven Craig Gigi and Ed Cramer Karen and John Creelman Carol and Pedro Cuatrecasas Cubic Corporation Dawn and Bill Davidson Day for Change De Falco Family Foundation, Inc. The DMK Foundation Sara and Larry Dodge Dowling & Yahnke, Inc. Lynne and Steve Doyle Mark Doyle Nancy and David Doyle Mary and Hudson Drake Andrew B Dumke Gina and Raymond Ellis Sue K. and Dr. Charles C. Edwards Facebook Fans Olivia and Peter Farrell Michael and Lisette Farrell Farrell Family Foundation Caroline and Anthony Farwell Minu and David Fenstermaker Fieldstone Foundation Cambra and Randy Finch Debby and Wain Fishburn Karian and Tom Forsyth John Fowler Francis Parker School Fuller Jenkins Charitable Fund Angela and Koji Fukumura Galinson Family Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation Cynthia and Christopher Garrett Audrey S. Geisel/Dr. Seuss Foundation Markus Gemuend Genentech Goodrich Foundation Rebecca and Troy Hartmann HD Supply Helmstetter Family Foundation Maria and Mike Herman ICW Group In-N-Out Burger Foundation Intuit Foundation 16 Barbara Iversen and Shaun Burnett Dave Jackson Stacy and Paul Jacobs Judicial Council of California Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity — Eta Iota Chapter Mia and Kevin Kim Jeri and Bill Koltun Las Patronas Sharon M. Lawrence and Darin Boles Lawyers Club of San Diego Fund for Justice Alison LeBlanc The Leichtag Family Foundation Mary Limoges and Jack Heilbron Sarah and Kurt Livermore A.J. and Carrie Long Makua, Friends of Voices for Children Deborah and Claude-Anthony Marengo David and Patsy Marino Vicki Martin Jennifer McIlvaine and Matt Landa Susan and Mark McKenna Nancy and Tony McCune Barbara Meserve and Ken Pickle Laurie Mitchell and Brent Woods McCarthy Family Foundation Margaret and Paul Meyer Money/Arenz Foundation, Inc. Andrea and Gregory Moser National CASA Association Eleanor and Jerry Navarra Trudy and Eric Nielsen Nikki St. Germain Memorial Golf Tournament Nordstrom North American Communications, Inc. Jami and Jo Palumbo The Parker Foundation Kim Penny and Bob Ludwig Kim and James Peterson Phillip Mackler Trust Lee and Stuart Posnock The Pratt Memorial Fund Price Family Charitable Fund (A combined gift from Jennifer and Mark Freedman, Hervey Family Fund, Price Family Charitable Fund, Price-Lynn Collaborative Fund, and Weingart Foundation) Price-Galinson Collaborative Fund Procopio Cory Hargreaves & Savitch ProFlowers Qualcomm Incorporated Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Fund Lisa Rehrer George Rhodes Kalpana and James Rhodes Rivers of Hope Foundation Cheryl and Mike Roberts Erna and Kevin Roberts The Rose Foundation Renee and Duane Roth Jeanne and Ted Roth Mary and Gene Rumsey Lauree and Monte Sahba Sahm Family Foundation Dorian and Bill Sailer Samuel & Katherine French Fund Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation San Diego County Bar Foundation San Diego County Board of Supervisors at the Recommendation of Supervisor Greg Cox San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Sheryl and Bob Scarano Kimberly and Tim Schnell Sempra Energy The Seth Sprague Educational & Charitable Foundation Shrontz Family Foundation Jill Skrezyna and Alex Sun Society of the Holy Child Jesus Judith Solecki Kate and Greg Spiro St. Germaine Children’s Charity Robin Stark Family Foundation Jeffrey Strauss/Pamplemousse Grille Margie and Bill Strauss Katie and Daniel Sullivan Emma and Brad Tecca Gertrude Ticho The TJX Foundation/The TJX Companies Marie Tuthill and Dennis Bradstreet Rebecca and Chris Twomey Connie and Richard Unger Union Bank U.S. Bank United Way of San Diego County UPS Foundation, Inc. Celene and Frank Varasano Vons Companies Charitable Foundation, Inc. Joan Waitt Family Fund (Emily Waitt, Hailey Waitt, Joan Waitt, Max Waitt, and Sophia Waitt) Weingart Foundation Sue and Gary Weisman Wells Fargo Foundation Qiao Wen Ann and Philip White Charles E. White Diane and Rob Zeps Lany and Alex Zikakis Judith and Howard Ziment 1980 Group Donors who have given $1,000 or more between April 1, 2009 – December 31, 2010 Maria and Eric Acker Adair Commercial Construction Aetna Giving Campaign Cyndy and Denny Aiken ALC Legal Technologies All Hallows Church Dede and Mike Alpert Joan Ames AMN Healthcare Jason Anderson Diane and David Archambault Scott Arnold Kathryn Ashworth and The Honorable Thomas Ashworth Association of Insurance Professionals AT&T AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign B.I.A. Cares for Kids Nancy and Bary Bailey Jonni and Steve Bailey Nancy and Jim Barber Stephanie and Michael Barnes Stephanie Bergsma and Dwight Hare Alice and Patrick Behan, Sr. Marie Bjeredge and Roger Lo Tara and Douglas Blackburn Melissa Blackburn-Joniaux and Rich Joniaux Susan and Robert Blanchard Garrett T. Bleakley Annika and Marty Bohl Colette and Glynn Bolitho Rocky and Alicia Booth Ginger and David Boss Boys and Girls Foundation Todd and Margaret Bradley Diana and John Brand Lauren and James Brennan Renee Bridge Broadway San Diego Liz Brolaski Janice P. Brown Steve Brownell Barbara Bry and Neil Senturia Joe Butler The Honorable Carolyn and Robert Caietti California Bank & Trust California Western School of Law Vicky Carlson Cavignac & Associates Bonita Chamberlin and Dick Long The Charitable Foundation Anne and Eric Chodorow Lee Clark and Jerry Pikolysky Debbie and Don Clauson Steve Cologne Jamie Condie Sandra and Jeryl Cordell The Corky McMillin Companies Judy and Peter Corrente Cora Corrigan Renata and Avelino Cortina Leslie Costello Kate Cronkite Leslie Crouch Phifer Crute and Clyde Hutchinson Emelie Cudal Carla DeDominicis David Demsky Rory Devine and Yanon Volcani Ilia and Scott Dickey Marc A. Doss Remley Dodge and Doug Arthur Karen and Tom Driscoll Ann and Robert Dynes E.B.D. Group, Inc. Philip Eisenberg Enterprise Informatics Sarah and Bob Esch Exotic Travel Carolyn and William Fairl Anne and John Farrell Lisette and Michael Farrell Julie and Victor Felix Heather Finlay Ranee and Paul Fisher Rocio and Michael Flynn Ted Fogliani Andrea Fohrman Kathleen and Frank Fox Fujifilm Medical Systems USA, Inc. Danny Gabriel G.A.G. Charitable Corporation G/M Business Interiors Galactic Ann and Bob Gallagher Joan Gallagher Gambucci Design, Inc. Lauren and Greg Garbacz Julie and Bryan Garrie Lori and Tony Gauthier GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program General Atomics Charlotte Gerry Wendy Gillespie Give Something Back San Diego Kristine and John Goffar Steven Goldstein Good Source Solutions Jacqui and Brad Gordon Heidi and Peter Grady William Grande Laury Graves Will Griffith Rodger Grove The Honorable Garry G. Haehnle Jackie Hailey Beverly and Roger Haines Hale Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Bonnie and Kevin Hall Keri and Paul Hardwick Harper Construction Company Joanna and Kevin Harris Gina and Steve Harvey The Hay Foundation Helen K. and James S. Copley Foundation Dorothy and John Helm Hervey Family Non-Endowment Fund Higgs, Fletcher & Mack LLP Gale and Jim Hill Kat and David Hitchcock Cathy and John Hopper Konnie and Jim Horton Brad Horwitz Greg Houck Kathleen and Roy Houck Jason Howerton Jenny and Tony Hsu Pat and Robert Hughes Carol and Henry Hunte Deanne Iacopi The Honorable Carol Isackson and Louis Terrell Issa Family Foundation Jimmy Jackson JMBP, Inc. Christine Johnson Christopher Jones Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates Anita and Thomas Kamman Kappa Alpha Theta — Zeta Rho Nettie and Tom Keck Jon Kelly Lynda Kerr Annie Kidrick Carrie and Brian Kintz Kiwanis Club of La Jolla Kiwanis Club of Tierrasanta Patricia and Robert Klem Warren Kneeshaw Ginger and Phil Kossy 102.1 KPRI Kathryn and John Kuehn La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club Larry Laks Kristy and Ari Laliotis Colleen and Thomas Lambert Dolores and Fernando Landa Peter V. Landin Adrianna Lane Linda and Tom Lang Sally and Danny Lawrence Leap Wireless International Inja and Chung Lee Jennifer and Jay Levitt Ginger and David Levy Toby and Gregory Lewis Lions Club of San Diego Devon and William Logan Caren Lund Marie and David Lynn Deborah Lyons and Marjorie Zarling Letitia MacFarlane through Price Family Charitable Fund Judith and Guy Maddox Victoria Maffei Anita and Michael Mahaffey Barbara and Edward Malone Elizabeth Manchester The Honorable Margaret Mann and Michael O’Halloran Jo and Eugene Marchese Larry Marcus Marcia and Michael Martin Lisa Mason Cari and Bassam Massaad Melaine and John McAndrews Molleen and Kenneth McCain Don McCleary Susan and Craig McClellan Betsy and Scott McClendon Alison and John McCloskey Janet and John McCulley Holly McGrath and David Bruce Linda and Don McKinney Ival McMains The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation, Inc. Kathe and Merle Miller Linda Modica Sara Montrose and Nick Ralbosky Ed Moore Sandy and Jesse Morgan Kiki and Asa Dan Morton Elaine and Tom Murphy MOS My Own Space Fifth Anniversary Beneficiary Event New Metro Design, LLC Mark C. Noonan Northrop Grumman Employee Charity Organization (ECHO) Jennifer and Tim O’Connell 17 Jeff O’Connor Tamara and Tim O’Horgan Morgan D. Oliver Jeff Ostrove Overstreet Family Foundation Pacific Cares Karla Patino Lisa and Michael Peckham Beth and Bill Penny Jennifer Perkinson Jill and Richard Peterson Maryanne and Irwin Pfister Beth and J.P. Plavan Marlese and Mel Pinney Jessie Pollock Tom Pollock Jori Potiker and Michael Brown Beth Powell Kim and Randy Prendergast Kevin Prior Quidel Corporation Pamela and Steven Quinn Jane and Joseph Rascoff Anne and Mike Rauch Jill Reichman Gina and Gregory Rippel Rex and Steve Romande Janice and John Rooney Jodyne Roseman Rotary Club of Coronado Foundation Lori and Matt Roth Sam Houston State University San Diego County Credit Union San Diego Downtown Breakfast Rotary Club San Diego Firefighters Local 145 San Diego Legal Secretaries Association San Diego National Bank San Diego Orthopaedic Spine, Inc. San Diego Unified School District Community Service Association San Diego Workforce Partnership Leslie Saris Eileen Schallhorn Margaret and Neale Schmale David Schmolke Deborah Scott Pat and John Seiber SENTRE Partners, Inc. Isobel and David Shapiro Showley, Archambault & Alexander Constance and Edward Shunk Sherry Singer Skinit Linda and John Small Lera and Steven Smith The Honorable Kenneth and Kate So Soroptimist International of Coronado Karen and Mark Spring St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church Donald St. Germain St. Helen Philoptochos Society Michelle Sterling Betty Stucky Karen Sutton Marilyn and Ronald Svalstad Brian Sweeney Systems Waterproofing Supply Ellen and Alan Talbott Lily and Richard Tan Laura and Brian Tauber Surinder and Masood Tayebi Alice and Ted Tchang Tina and David Thomas Linda and Ray Thomas Jonathan Thomas Tierrasanta Junior Women’s Club Beth and Stephen Toner Christine Trimble Karen Trimble Maxine and Tom Turner Rhonda and Mark Turvey United Eway U.S Legal Support, Inc./Advantage Law Group United Way, California Capital Region Jennifer and Reed Vickerman Pamela and Raymond Volker Michelle G. Vollrath Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program Wachovia Securities Mary Wageman Barbara Walter and Zoltan Hajnal Julie and Kenneth Warren Wells Fargo-Lomas Santa Fe Plaza Nancy and John Wilks April and Joe Winograd Ralph Wisniewski Julie Meier Wright Julie and Grant Wright Lauren and Scott Yates Diane and David Zeiger Zell Foundation Voices for Children is also grateful to the many other individuals and organizations that have supported our work in donations up to $1,000 and in-kind. Every donation is significant and, though too numerous to list, please know that your thoughtful contribution makes a difference in the life of a child in foster care. We have made every effort to ensure this list (which covers a period ending 12/31/2010) is complete and accurate. If you have found an error or omission, please contact Eric Pitarresi, Database & Stewardship Coordinator at (858) 598-2243 or ericp@voices4children.com. We would especially like to thank Milton Yi for his contribution of time and talent in the design of this report. 18 2851 Meadow Lark Drive, San Diego, CA 92123 858.569.2019 • Fax 858.569.7151 www.speakupnow.org Follow us www.twitter.com/Voices4Childrn Find us on www.facebook.com/pages/Voices-For-Children/108387196808 Watch us on www.youtube.com/Voices4ChildrenSD1
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