† Langley Free Church Now for the UPWARD Look F

† Langley Free Church
Telephone: 01753 540771
e-mail kevschaff@hotmail.com
Web-site www.langleyfree.org.uk
May 2010
Now for the UPWARD Look
Our church motto card for this year was: OUTWARD and UPWARD. At the start of the year, on the OUTWARD front we have set
hand a letter distribution to the homes of our neighbours in this part of
Langley. The purpose being to let folk know that God cares about
them and that we care too. Our intention is to include them in our
thinking and our prayers as we search for a new minister for our
church. This initiative will continue during the remainder of the year; a
quarterly letter to the neighbourhood. The last one went out in Holy
week with the Cross as the theme, with the upcoming Election in
view. Another will come their way in the summer and autumn. We want them to know we include
them in our thoughts and prayers.
As a church, we have now completed the PROFILE stage and submitted the material we
have gathered to our Regional minister, Grenville Overton. We have done all we can with a
detailed description of our fellowship here. The national Regional ministers, who meet almost monthly, will be looking at the picture they now have of us and suggesting those
who might likely fit in with our fellowship. We need now to prepare ourselves for the one
who will come our way as the Lord guides. Soon our church Selection Team will receive
the details of those who may be approached with a view to serving God here. We need to
pray for those we have asked to be on that team. We need to pray for ourselves too. We
are entering now, as a church, the UPWARD phase in a new journey together.
It has been said by a number of you, that we are open to change. The person God has for
us will not be in Simon’s mould. There was only one `Simon King’; as there is only one unique - you and me. It is by prayer now that we will best get ourselves ready for the one
who is to come. The Holy Spirit comes to us as The God of Surprise. Pentecost made that
plain to those first disciples. “Who would have thought… ” was the cry that went up on
that wondrous day. They first gave themselves to prayer in preparation for the coming of
the Spirit. Let us too; “Humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God” who will `lift us
up’ in expectation of new surprising days ahead.
In your prayers and in your heart are you really ready for this? The honest answer must surely be; No”. It is not possible to be ready for all that God plans
to do for us and in us. We need to think `outside the box’ as they say. Have our
hopes and dreams; recognise our personal preferences, but be ready for whoever it is that the Spirit of Surprise will bring to us. “That’s why we have this
text: No one has ever seen or heard anything like this, never so much imagined
anything quite like it – what God has arranged for those who love him” (1 Cor:
2:9) Jesus was that big and best surprise. Some special `Prayer Event’ times
are being are planned. Lets be together in prayer for ourselves as well as for the one who
is being prepared to join us here in Langley
Church- we need your Prayers during the new
Pastor selection process.
Following the morning service on Sunday 9th May and Sunday 30th May
1230 till 3pm
The Church will pray in two sessions with a break for lunch in between.
Please bring a packed lunch, tea and coffee will be provided.
Stay as long as you can but please make the effort to stay and pray with the Church. We
want God to guide us in the process and send us the Pastor he has chosen for us
Mat 7:7 Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be
opened to you.
Mat 7:8 For each one who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, it
shall be opened
Future Dates
9th Prayer after the service
12th Deacons meeting
15th Craft afternoon ( Bazaar)
16th Wexham Park Hospital
16th Sunday school anniversary
27th members meeting
28th Theatre Trip - Mama Mia
30th Prayer after the service
31st Trip to Swalecliffe
6th r:generation youth event
Church picnic
9th Deacons meeting
12th Deacons Retreat
19th Craft Afternoon
19th BB sports day
7th Deacons meeting
10th Langley Carnival
17th Craft Afternnon
22nd members meeting
Heavenly Father We thank and
praise you, Lord, that you are all we
need, our rock and our refuge.
Thank you too that you are Jehovah
Jireh, our provider, that you meet all
our needs. Father, we lift before you
all those who need prayer, who are
in need: those who lack food and
shelter, those who need your comfort, those who are desperate for
your healing.
We thank you that you know them
all by name and they are your dear
children. Lord, we ask you to restore
life and healing and joy and your
shalom into shattered lives.
Lord, help us to be part of the answer to our prayers. Amen.
Daytime Bible Studythis will run on
Thursdays at 10:00
in the Church
Contact Ingrid Khan for details
Tel 07939 562412
6th May
No study (local elections
held on premises)
13th May Prayer Time
Langley Community Coffee
Sunday School Anniversary
16th May
Speaker David Randall
Time passes when your having
fun..the Sunday school have lots of
fun. They will be celebrating their
anniversary again on 16th May,
Please show your support for the
teachers and the children by attending
their special day.
- Volunteers
The Coffee Shop has run well for more than
two years now, staffed by faithful volunteers,
many of whom are members of our churches.
But we are in need of fresh faces to keep the
project going. Are you free for a few hours on
a Tuesday morning, about once a month?
Would you enjoy serving refreshments and
chatting to visitors? Call Ann Portsmouth
585845 or just turn up at the Library in
Trelawney Avenue, to find out more or to
offer your help.
Prayer Requests
20th May Tackling temptation
27th May The Power and Glory
4th June
Prayer Time
the Craft ladies and
the youth group
Saturday 15th May
from 2pm until 4pm
Womens Own Dates
Meetings on Wednesday at 2:00
May 5 Alexander Devine Hospice
May 12 Rev Bruce Russell
May 19 Rev Nick Lowe
May 26 Tony Randall
LFC have an
assortment of cards for
numerous occasions at
affordable prices.The
cards can be found in the entrance
hall every Sunday. You can give
the money to Andy or any Deacon
to pass on to him.
Second hand items, Bric a
brac, Cake stall, Plant stall,
Craft items and we will be
serving refreshments.
If anyone wishes to donate items,
they are very welcome to do so and
can leave them with the youth group
on the Tuesday the 4th May, or on
the morning of the 15th. someone
will be at the Church from around
The money will be used towards the
new floor and a
youth trip being organised by Belinda.
Thank you for your
Craft and
Future dates for the
Craft/Hobby afternoons
3rd Saturday of every month, 2-5pm
Chris Wheatley is holding a series of
craft and hobby afternoon.
Langley Community
Coffee shop
The Langley Neighbourhood Forum,
together with all the churches in Langley
has a coffee shop every Tuesday from
10am to 12 noon. in theLangley library .
This is well attended. If you want to
come along for a friendly chat and hear
some useful information
join us, we would love to
see you there.
Previous afternoons have been very
enjoyable, with people showing others
how to knit and crochet, cross
stitching, card making, and gift boxes.
A very relaxing few hours, and of
course a lot of chatting. Come along
with your craft or hobby, and don't
forget to bring along anything you have
made in the past - we would love to see
All The LFC
Diane Strugeon
Rita Wymark
Amy Pope
Glenis Randall
The New Pastor ( pray during this selection process)
The Nation
Our Leaders
The Body of Christ
The people of Slough and Langley
Children everywhere
Prisoners of faith
All people in every country and especially...
Haiti-Pray for all the people and the reconstruction
Egypt- pray for all the Christians who face
Nigeria -pray for the Christians who are being
attacked, houses destroyed and subjected to sharia
India, especially pray for persecuted Christians
Democratic Republic of Congo
North Korea,
Pakistan, pray for all persecuted Christians
Eritrea, especially pray for Christians in Jail
The persecuted Church in any country
Baptist Churches everywhere
The House of Grace
Flying for Life MAF
Orphans and widows everywhere (Jam
PA &
Bible Class
Tea &Coffee
Sun 02 AM PA Daniel
May AM MM Jeanette
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
Family Service
AM Chris Wheatley&
Margaret Flashman
Diane Sturgeon
Keri Driver
Kerry Driver
Laurie Wade
Sun 09 AM PA Kevin
May AM MM Heidi
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
Chris Wheatley
Margaret Fleischman
Cliff Brown
Tina Noyce
Sun 16 AM PA Kerri
May AM MM John
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
No Bible Class
Allette Maynard
Tina Noyce
Amy Pope
Sun 23 AM PA Jenna
May AM MM David
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
(H)Rhys Evans
Amy Pope
Tess Cahalin
Kevin Schaffer
Kerry Driver
Sun 30 AM PA John
May AM MM Diane
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
(L)Paul Noyce
Ingrid Khan
Robert Jacobsen
Laurie Wade
Cliff Brown
Family Service
Kevin Schaffer
Jean Schaffer
Tina Noyce
Janette Lashbrook
Joan Preedy
Amy Pope
Kevin Schaffer
Keri Driver
Laurie Wade
Kerry Driver
Laurie Wade
Cliff Brown
Morag Brown
Cliff Brown
Tina Noyce
Sun 6th AM PA David
June AM MM Kerri
PM Chris M
AM Chris M
& Peter Wade
PMPeter Wade
AM Amy Pope
David Wild
PM Amy Pope
AM Daniel Cantore
& Heidi Johnston
PM Cliff Brown
AMJanice Clark
& Kevin Schaffer
PM Chris M
AM Ingrid & Tess
PM Peter Wade
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
(L) Chris Mallah
(H) Krutika
Sun 20th AM PA Kerri
June AM MM Jenna
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
(L) John
(H) David Wild
Sun 27th AM PA John
June AM MM Kevin
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
(L) Belinda
(H) Paul Noyce
PM PA Cliff
PM MM Morag
Birthdays in May
3rd Mark Portsmouth
6th Keri Driver
12th Monique Wade
16th Jonathan Schaffer
16th Shermil Ganippa
16th Christine Mallah
16th George Abebrese
16th Jay Rees Farr
17th Kevin Schaffer
AM Allette Maynard
& Colin Portsmouth
PM Amy Pope
AM Jean Schaffer
& Diane
PM Cliff Brown
AM Robert &
Cliff Brown
PM Chris M
February 2010
Housegroup Studies
at Cliff & Morag’s
Every Thursday evening
Please ask for directions
if you are unsure of the
location or ask for a lift if
you need transport to
attend .
Sun 13th AM PA Andrew
June AM MM Heidi
Details of services for May 2010 at Langley Free Church
May 2nd
Preacher – Stan Bevan;
Leader – Ann Portsmouth; Children’s talk – Aileen Cantore
5 pm: opportunity to go to WEC (Bulstrode) where George Verwe (OM founder) is speaking and other local churches
joining in worship
May 9th
am: Speaker & Leader – John Perry; Children’s talk – Gillian Harris
pm (Communion service): Rob Hughes
May 16th
am: Sunday School Anniversary (David Randall speaking)
May 23
pm: Sunday School Anniversary
Speaker - Jim Mitchell; Leader – Colin Hynd
6.30 pm: opportunity to go to Datchet to hear Hospital Chaplain Peter Blackshire speak on Spiritual Needs in Hospital
May 30th
Speaker: Rev Colin Hartley (Christ the Worker); Leader – Tony Randall; Children’s talk – Dawn Johnson
6 – 9 pm: United churches Youth Cluster event – r:generation
June 6th
am: Speaker and Leader – Rob Hughes
pm: Rob Hughes
Pakistan—capital: Islamabad- population:173 Million -Government: Federal Republic– Religion:
Muslim 96%, Christian 2.5% Hindu 1.3%.
Pakistan was born out of the partition of the Indian sub continent in 1947 and Muslims’ deman for
their own homeland. Its present day borders were established in 1971 when former East Pakistan, which was
mainly Bengali– speaking , broke away broke away to become Bangladesh.
Neither military nor civilian regimes have brought political stability to a country crippled by poverty and violence.
The founder of Pakistan Mohammed Ali Jinnar, promised equal rights to religious minorities. Yet, Christians are among the poorest
and most marginalised in Pakistani society.
In court, a Christian man’s testimony is worth half that of a Muslim man: A Christian women’s is worth only a quarter. So the violation
of Christian women is common– and justice for them elusive.
Pakistan’s blasphemy laws– especially the notorious Section295(c) of the Penal Code– are often used against religious minorities to
settle personal scores. So the number of Christians charged is disproportionally high .
The law offers little protection to Christians, given their low social status. So attacks on believers and their churches are not uncommon.
Theartre Trips - Whats Next:Wednesday 19th May
Lion King
a few tickets left no more available once these have gone £39.00
Wednesday 16th June
served £39.00
Phantom of the Opera only 40 tickets left no more available once these have gone 1st come 1st
Friday 7th January 2011 Peter Pan @ Wycombe swan
head inc
7pm performance coach leaves 6pm prompt £15 per
Seaside trips
Monday 31st May to Swalcliffe Optional lunch and Tea will be bookable on the coach on the way down £15 per head
Saturday 14th August Clacton on Sea details later £15 per head
Paul Noyce 07831 428013